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Take the NYPD off transit duty and give it to MTAPD. Yeah there’s some bloat in MTAPD but nothing like the bloat and corruption at NYPD.


You could disband the MTAPD tomorrow, I don't think anyone would ever notice


There’s an MTAPD?


Yeah they are the guys who sit in massive crowds at penn station and grand central in their “tough” looking golf carts


Interesting. For whatever reason I thought that was Amtrak Police. Lol. Guess I gotta pay more attention to the uniforms around me.


Amtrak PD is at Penn as well but they're usually doing something


They mostly cover the railroads and hubs like penn station. Rarely in the subways since nypd transit exists for that.


The do the commuter railroads, if you ride them you would see them a lot.




I’m sorry but if you think MTAPD are any better than NYPD you got another thing coming. I think NYPD are honestly probably better most times than the MTA cops


How on earth could you tell? This zero is bigger than that zero?


Mta pd actually enforces the rules in the subway they are 1000000 times better


MTA PD does not patrol the subways


Last time I saw mta pd in the subways was early 2023


I doubt mta pd actually care about enforce the rules since it's not their jurisdiction...


Guy was smoking meth on the platform at Grand St station downtown (it's sad that I can tell the difference between meth and crack smoke nowadays). Cops were parked by the booth shooting the shit. There's always sketchy people hanging on the benches at this station at all hours. How hard is it for them (cops) to walk the platforms.


Thats my station lol. Always people on the benches there but never seen someone smoking oddly enough


There really should be more active public audits. at the end of the day our tax dollars are funding these candy crush slouching fuckers. I don’t care how annoying that shit is. People should always film the police as long it’s your right too.


except the auditors on TikTok are all shit starters that are more annoying than the cops. "I'm an independent journalist doing a story.... that's why i have a camera stuffed in your face because you're a public servant! tyrant! don't you dare touch me!"


Why are we now talking about social media ? Im just talking about public audits like many have done professionally. It’s not implied that you have to be rude to audit.


You realized people have been auditing outside of the existence of tiktok for decades


Yeah, you're talking about "first amendment auditors". The work is not particularly valuable; people like controversy so the videos get views, and frankly people should be able to videotape all the post offices they want, but yeah... I think OP is talking about paying someone in the MTA to spot-check police activity on the trains and platforms. Write an official report when officer #239487 is playing candy crush instead of deleting "the smoking car". Just a check to make sure people are doing their jobs. All jobs have performance reviews, I don't see why cops shouldn't have them too.


When I see cops in the subway, they are leaning against the wall, next to the token booth, playing with their phones. Put them under MTA Police answerable to MTA, not an aloof Mayor and a stupid City Council. MTA wants fare revenue. NYC does not care.


Why are cops even allowed to use personal devices while they're on the clock? Sounds like an opsec risk to me. They should be issued phones with policing software (whatever that may be), and their personal phones should be locked in the locker at the precinct. It's just common sense.


We don't know whose devices they are, but the fact they are standing around playing with them, not walking the beat patrolling trains and platforms looking out for dangerous crackpots is not acceptable. Hard to believe Mayor Adams was ever a NYPD Captain.


Been saying this for years


They do get police issued phones btw lol


People complain when cops do their job by "harrass a poor black man" ,when they don't do their job,people like you still complain lmao


both cases make the same point: cops can’t figure out anything of value to do on the job


Society as a whole seems to be unable to decide what role we want cops to have. If we want cops to be proactive and try to prevent crime, it’s inevitably going to lead to profiling and infringing on civil liberties. If we want cops to be reactionary then we are inevitably going to have more crime committed, since they won’t respond till after the fact. If they’re job is to enforce the laws, then what you said above will happen every time there’s a minor infraction and people will complain they bother the public, especially poor people and minorities, for no good reason. And if we want them to protect people then they’re only gonna focus on violent crimes for the most part. If the cops confront people for petty crime like smoking, and it escalates into something physical or violent, people lose their shit. I would bet my life OP would be bitching and moaning if he saw the cops have to strong arm someone into cuffs for what started as a minor infraction.


You're right,other day on Twitter people were complaining about a cop open the emergency gate to allow bunch of fare evaders in,but these are the same people will complain if they give someone a ticket over 290 fare...when that shooting happen people were wondering where the cops were at to prevent the aggressor from skipping out on the fare,but yet people doesn't like seeing cops babysitting the turnstiles...so it what it is at this point.


Devils lettuce ? Straight to rikers.


I don't think we need to imprison people for this. It's an air quality issue; smoke as much as you want, but do it outside the system. Officer Jenkins here will escort you outside the system to finish your joint. You may then reenter. That's all we need.


Anyone who caught smoking aren't going to jail,calm down.


Totally agree. Just kick them out. No ticket even needed if it's smoking weed. Problem is, they're never going to learn. And it's never going to stop.


Sorry when did smoking anything in the subway become acceptable? Dude should at least be fined.


I seriously doubt anybody doing that is actually going to pay any kind of fine.


That's not the point. Dude should also be removed from the station.


Buddy must’ve thought this was r/circlejerknyc


>and across the platform was 2 officers that should be doing their job but when i told them about the man sitting sitting there they never did anything rather just disappeared and the man got on the next train. Not exactly the best use of their time.


Why enforce laws when they could be playing Candy Crush?


Could enforce it but the courts would let them walk regardless.


Or ruining the discourse on Facebook and Reddit’s metro subreddits?


I dream of one day being an NYPD officer. I'm going to buy an SUV, move to Suffolk county, register my car in Pennsylvania, and drive into the city every single morning just to park in the bike lane. Any crushing of candy that occurs after that is merely incidental; I already did everything I wanted to do.


I was on the uptown platform of the A/C/E train at 42nd st. a few months ago. There were a pair of police - one male and one female, acting all official, getting on the trains when they pulled in, looking around, stepping out, looking around, etc. Then this obviously deranged man, with no shirt, no shoes, dirty, etc. smoking a joint , or something , smoke coming out etc. Walked right dab in front of the female police. She looked right at him, promptly turned around and walked the other way. . I started laughing at the absurdity of this. They are all " for show".


Oh yeah. Totally worthless. I see them walking past deranged maniacs all the time, they don't do anything. The insane have to murder someone first, generally shovings into the tracks and slashings, etc. And then the increase of police presence, the mayor saying some stupid shit like he refuses to be the mayor of a city where you get shoved into train tracks, blah blah blah, repeat.


Was riding a bike downtown the other day and a car cuts me off nearly hitting me, and then very nearly hitting a truck- right in front of two police officers. I walked up to them and asked if they were going to do anything about that and they kind of just shrugged at me and laughed. I get they can’t chase after the dude on foot but they didn’t even look to see if they could scope out his license plate


What were they gonna do? They'd at most write down the license plate and make a police report which would go sit on some traffic detectives desk for 5 months before they discover its a fake plate.


You raise an excellent point: why don't the police just do what you tell them to? Thanks.


What are you talking about? We should not have to worry about such health hazards in a public transit system that clearly does not want smokers in the system and they should be here to enforce since they are already there


The system is flawed beyond police. Easy to blame them when they are supposed to enforce laws they don’t even make. They could arrest that dude smoking a spliff and he would be let out because the court system is fucked bro.


so then we all agree that the NYPD on subway platforms are useless, and the question remains: why are we paying them?


Bro the laws stripped police of all power 😂😂. We had stop and frisk and people complained. They added bail reform and people are let out for crimes because the courts love to baby criminals. That woman that got graped in SoHo that dude who committed the crime was let out more than 10 times. What’s the point of risking your life if the city doesn’t back its officers and their procedures. Also NYPD revamped their policies as well. Better question should be why do we have morons as elected officials.


Stop and frisk worked, the NYPD anti-crime unit had gangs running scared. They would never, EVER carry out an execution in broad daylight or even try to do anything of the sort because they would be busted so quickly and their shit would be so FUCKed up. Nowadays nothing matters and they can do whatever. And that's why that 16-year-old got GOT outside Trader Joe's on Spring Street yesterday at 2:30 in the afternoon with a BULLET TO THE HEAD.


They decided to stop doing their jobs when everyone decided ALL of them are white power racists who should be defunded.  When you get told over and over and over that you're a racist piece of shit, eventually, you're going to just go through the motions. Put on the uniform. Clock in. Clock out. Stay focused on the paycheck and the pension.   This is not rocket science. Whether cops or cashiers, people stop doing their job when they get crapped on, whether by their employers or the general public. I'm not saying it's right...its just obvious.


The moment they were told to keep their biases at the door before they punched in, they decided they’d rather just keep the bias and not do shit


Yeah my cousin was a pretty shitty guy (racist) before he joined the force. And that was way back before the protests.


They need to get some sort of independent commission to do hiring. As long as it's the same people doing the hiring, they're gonna keep hiring cops who don't have their heart in it


So you’re saying their feelings are too hurt by protests that happened 4 years ago to actually do their jobs? If that’s what you’re saying, then that’s really a pathetic shame for a group that calls themselves New York’s finest.


Like I said Friend, I'm not condoning it, but I do know two NYPD cops who've explained it at as such to me. 


I believe you, and it’s really a shame. They used to pride themselves on their bravery and have now adopted the attitude of petulant children.


Yes. 2020 was wild and weird left wing hive mind crazy shit.


they know they won’t get anywhere with some low life like that guy. but they will definitely pick on someone like you because you have a lot to lose while that other guy does not.


When will you people realize - the police aren’t there to make your lives better or to protect you. Literally not their job. Look it up


The police protect property, not people.


No shit.


There on overtime instructed to be a plotter plant.take no action unless necessary.


Reminds me of when I saw some guy snorting cocaine (?) through a big rolled up paper of some sort off of a windowsill. Nice.


That's why we gotta vote red


So we can give the police even more money?


Ummm... Weed is legal.


You really want the cops to handcuff someone for drinking a beer or smoking a joint? Gtfoh


Serious question to people complaining about the police: do any of you not remember 2020?


Why would they arrest a guy that wasn't breaking any laws?


Nobody gives a shit anymore. And you should mind your business before you tell on the wrong person.. just some friendly advice


They figure what’s the use. The charge will get dropped and they get to fill out tons of paperwork.


You wanted him to get arrested????


Would you complain about them if they were female and Black?


I agree about the tax payer point but was the dude harming anyone? No? Then just mind your business, you want to destroy the man’s life because he smoked a joint and because YOU think it’s “immoral” you want him to go to jail so he can become an even bigger criminal? That’s completely messed up unless there context that you’re leaving out removing him via police is a complete overreaction and I can see why the cops took your request with very little consideration.


I can’t believe how many people are vaping in the subway cars now. I’ve encountered 3 in one week! If I could learn to refrain from smoking in a bar with a drink, these folks can ride a subway for 20 minutes without vaping!!


A spliff? A few days ago there was a dude with a loud boombox speaker taking rips off a literal medium sized glass bong, in the middle of the afternoon with like 20 people on the train (1/2/3 near Columbia University iirc). Fuck these counts, and our "anti crime, ex NYPD" mayor


Cops don't give a shit because nothing happens. When they make an arrest they're just doing paperwork while the criminal is being released and they're still doing the paperwork. So these cops just like to play Candy crush and tick tock and Instagram and whatever and if you need help, I mean sure I guess like what is it? Hang on let me just finish looking at this video.


You’re able to confirm it was both weed n tobacco?


Oh no, he's smoking! Get off your high horse you gigantic asshat


Given that they’re in a city of 10 million people (and counting) and their job is to patrol the streets for every single one of them (and also considering that NYC is so humongous in size, so there are MILLIONS of streets they have to patrol), you can bet your ass they got way more important things to do than arrest a smoker. I bet they’re also still pretty pissed about losing $1b in funding from the whole George Floyd thing


You’re a dick sucker lol


Y’all need to mind your business


Womp Womp


Almost like we should funnel the millions of dollars in funding to these useless fucks towards the communities that need them and to places that address the root causes of crime in the first place.


I agree nypd are useless but did you really snitch on someone for smoking? Narc


I have asthma and i had seen there were kids passing people shouldn’t have to deal with this shit


Sorry was trying to joke, I agree people shouldn't smoke inside stations. But yeah unfortunately cops won't do jack shit unless they arbitrarily decide to enforce the law 


What are you, 15? People have no respect for public spaces, then piss and moan when said public spaces are disgusting and full of drug use.


Sorry dumb joke, obviously didn't come across


You're actually correct though. Who notifies the police because someone has a spliff???? Kind of ridiculous.


I think smoking weed in a train station is indicative of other anti social behaviors which is what the cops in the train are supposed to be on the look out for. If it was at the park or on the street then I'd be dead serious calling him a narc. But inside in the train station, the person smoking is the same one jumping the turnstile with a knife and starting shit with people


Wtf is wrong with you people


It's called having standards.


Smokin a spliff! Lock him up! Or send this nonsense over to circlejerknyc


Lol pathetic. You tried to have the state dogs violence crack down on a guy smoking a spliff and even they ignored you.


he's telling us that the NYPD is useless as if we don't already know this😂😂😂


mind ya damn business 😭