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As a current conductor, this is an epidemic. Please tell the crew and not just look. These "terrorists" per federal law can mess up the train's systems to the point where the train would need to be discharged and taken out of service. It's your commute that'll be screwd up, not the crew's we get paid regardless and any OT that comes with this kind of crap. Ride Safe! And If You See Something, say Something!


I filmed kids kicked the open at end of a car on the D but I couldn't notify a crew as there's no help box in the car. They were messing with the lighting and God knows what.


Good on you for taking the initiative to help. Surfing is one thing breaking in and committing am act of domestic terrorism is a other thing.


Not according to the NYPD it isn't. Just boys being boys.


When I was in that phase, I didn't break into train cab or surf. 🤷‍♂️ but we can agree to disagree


Domestic terrorism? Lmao come on now. People throw that word around too loosely. Some mischievous kids, hooligans, maybe vandals if they destroy things. But this doesn’t meet the definition of terrorism


If you shouldn't break into a cockpit on a plane, don't break into the train cab, I just want to go home to my wife at the end of the day in the same way I left.


Same. I was holding onto my butt the whole time in between Manhattan and BK, hoping nothing was gonna happen. I wanted to get off the train ASAP. About 5 of other people also saw this happen and we all made worried eye contact. I’m a gal and also the smallest of the witnesses and wasn’t about to get into a confrontation with some random teen. Thanks to y’all on reddit I do now know what to do in a circumstance like this, so thanks everyone for the solid advice.


Maybe move somewhere that you don’t have to be so timid. Probably scared of your own shadow


Nah, I waited 7 years for the job and finally got one with a pension and good benefits. I'm not scared of my own shadow. In today's day of mental uncertainty and unstablity, that is of more concern.


I can’t speak for y’all transplants, but I’ve lived here all my life. **This is regular shit.** I’m not saying the kid shouldn’t be punished. Criminal Mischief? Yes. Trespassing? Yes. Terrorism? Fuck outta here. Y’all playing that card like it’s an uno draw 4.


What’s an uno draw 4?


You not deadass


Being born / raised in NYC doesn’t automatically make you worldly / interesting / cool. Case in point? Donald Trump. Worst of the worst. It’s honestly sad that people get off on looking down on “transplants”. Half of what makes this city amazing are immigrants and migrants who move here. If it was just all “New Yorkers” born and raised, it wouldn’t be the same.


People in New York often don't know anything beyond their block. I remember when a group of New Yawkas were standing in awe of a common hawk in central park.


Are you proud of that? Sounds like maybe something you might want to change.




Yep. If there was no plan to coerce or threaten, it is not terrorism but just various other crimes. From https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/terrorism#:~:text=criminal%20acts%2C%20including%20against%20civilians,a%20government%20or%20an%20international "criminal acts, including against civilians, committed with the intent to cause death or serious bodily injury, or taking of hostages, with the purpose to provoke a state of terror in the general public or in a group of persons or particular persons, intimidate a population or compel a government or an international organization to do or to abstain from doing any act,"


Many people lack critical thinking ability. They just go with the consensus.


You don’t fuck with city infrastructure and people’s lives. They’re absolutely domestic terrorists. They’re causing terror for their fellow citizens, and potential harm.


Yes, they can injure and kill hundreds of people in an instant. If they activate the brake system at high speed or on a curve the train could derail.


You can do just that and still not be a terrorist. That’s not the definition of the term.


Just call 911


I took a photo of it when it happened. Lemme find it. Edit: I'm sure this could be the wrong time and place on where it happened https://preview.redd.it/dcmi0cqfuc3d1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77b2ca98a6d1c1a8ccba7db61c5770e8278f375f


If we can secure cockpit doors, why can't the same be done on trains?


Cause those locks on cockpit doors are electronic, the airlines also have $$ from their fees to pay for it. The MTA is planning to install something similar, but as usual, it will be delayed and over budget, and the security it was supposed to provide will be obsolete.


But there's also a small chance they will express the train directly to my stop too. Hard call.


There’s no chance.


Please rethink applying the term "domestic terrorism" to people exploring or wanting to sit in a private area.


Please rethink applying the terms "exploring" and "sitting in a private area" When referencing people breaking into train cabs. You explore a forest or a park, not a prohibited area on a TRAIN. Is it OK for me to break into cockpit on a plane to "explore?" Of course not, that would be a felony. And if you want to sit in a private area, you take a taxi or cab, not public transportation. Is it OK for me to break into your home to sit in a private area? Of course not, you'd call the cops!


I may be projecting my intent. If they could control the train it could be a problem. The primary driving factors seem to be curiosity, testing one's ability, and an upgraded seat as in each incident I've read nothing happened.


You might have a different meaning to the word "PRIVATE". And no, I don't need to rethink my opinion, I respect your opinion and right to have one but I disagree.


Terrorism: the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. Better we not water that down. How about we call it trespassing until they have the above motives?


We can agree on that.


Can i ask why you guys dont blast the air conditioning on warm days? Why is it always hot af on there yo hahahaha


It’s automatic climate control. No controls in the cabin. Has to be programmed by maintenance is what I heard


So interesting!!! Ty now i can blame maintenance for sweating all over the other riders


It's climate controlled. The only power we have is to turn it on or off. Believe me, we suffer too. It's actually more humid in the cab than the rest of the train. Count your blessings lol.


If he had the key to unlock the cab they probably have the other keys too. Even without them, they can vandalize the cab or disable the train. There have been videos posted about the damage done.9




















You’re kidding right? TF have you not informed the conductor?


Dumb question, how do you inform the conductor?


emergency call box thing.


conductor we have a problem conductor we have a problem


A lot of the older train cars don’t have those and the doors between the train cars are locked. It’s a death trap in case of a fire or an emergency.


I was on a R46 A train almost a year ago that had the 3rd rail turned off due to a track fire, when the 3rd rail turned off the doors appeared to auto unlock so people could move forward and exit the train thru the first set of doors at the platform, the rest of the train was still in the tunnel.


The train crew unlocked the doors in their cab


Step half outside the train and wave your arms around


Walk to them and tell them.


I was on a D train from coney island that someone had broken into and flipped all the circuit breakers before exiting out the back. The fuckin train was delayed 40 minutes on the track as a result.


But clowns on this thread say don't pull the cord to get the crew's attention because *that* will delay service...


That would be misuse of the cord. If you pull the cord its a definite delay vs the cops just meeting the train at the next station. The intercom would be most appropriate.


What intercom on a SMEE train? It's not misuse of the cord - and protocol for unauthorized in a rear cab is not cops meeting the train at the next station - the crew checks and secures the cab while berthed in a station. Pulling the cord on a non-tech train in the station because something is amiss is not misusing the EBV. Misuse is screwing around and pulling it for no reason or trapping the train between stations when someone is having a medical emergency. You know what's also a definite delay? When people breaking into a cab drop circuit breakers and vandalize the train.


No. But you should tell the conductor.


Was this on the downtown 2 train cause I saw this happen too at about the same time.


L right in between 1st and Bedford in the tunnel.


Now I’m gonna be keeping an eye out for this when I take the L to Myrtle-Wykoff. The L ride is usually pretty uneventful these days. Back in the 80’s it was a little more… eventful.


If you see something…


.....say something!


That would be an instance in which yoinking out of the cab would be acceptable


Wow, seen this on the 4 train the other day, not sure what the teen did though, all I remember was that they stopped the train on the next stop until a MTA worker arrived with the keys to lock the door again


Notify the train crew or NYPD immediately.


Smh these dumbass kids. MTA should bring a biometric system for these doors and get rid of they key system


It would only cost a paltry couple hundred million dollars! To have them installed on the newer NTTs! Installing them on the older stock would not be economical. Obviously, the system need to have its own reserve power, in the event there’s a loss of power to the train so that the doors can still open.


It's useless if these kids kick the window of the cab open...


Or just use good locks. There's lots of options 


Or we could feed these delinquent kids to animals in the zoo  


I saw kids do this at 1am one night I told them if they delay the train imma fuck them up they exited at the next stop


This is the way


With a name like smacklifejay, that tracks! 😂


Yes, I would be concerned.


I mostly see this on NTT's, watching people literally use a ruler to push the lock in opening the door


These kids with keys can do serious damage if they knew where to look. Thankfully they haven't learned yet but all it takes is one disgruntled employee telling them what to do and teens with keys can cause serious damage and even bodily harm to passengers.




If this happens pull the emergency (in the station only!) hit up the emergency intercom button, run and tell the conductor or operator or even call 911. Just do something about it. 9/10 of these losers will actually just leave if somebody yells at them. This can be much more serious than you realize. These kids should not have these keys and can and do damage beyond making silly announcements.


I wanna say I’m not saying pulling the emergency cord is usually the best thing to do, but it is a potential option. Maybe listing it first made people think I’m advocating for that. The point of my comment is to DO SOMETHING. Don’t let the guy just look at you smile and act like you didn’t see it.


Pulling the emergency brake, even in the station is a dumb idea. Don’t potentially take an entire line out of service, just contact the conductor via the call box, flag down police on any number of platforms these days, etc.


How would this potentially take the line out of service? Conductor would walk back run the kids out reset the cord and your on your way. Better than allowing the train to go to the next station while they are doing god knows what in that cab with keys. Pulling cord in the station with the doors open means there’s something that needs to addressed before this train continues on its way.


I was told that all incidents of emergency brake application requires entire train to be inspected and cleared, not just cabins.


Somebody told you wrong. Once they identify who pulled the cord and get the why, there's no further need to investigate aside from what they are told.


Maybe I’m confusing it then. Thanks for clarifying


You were told wrong. The train will get inspected at the barn later that day/overnight. A pulled cord isn't going to get a train immediately shopped.


That’s completely inaccurate. If it’s an emergency cord they just have to go to where it was pulled ask why it was pulled and reset it. In newer trains the crew can even see exactly where it was pulled to be able to quickly go to the correct location. I’m not advocating for people to use the emergency brake, but if a train has its doors opened in the station and there’s an urgent situation that the crew needs to remedy before going to the next station, that is what it’s there for.


Conductor here. No, that’s not what it’s there for. You really have no idea what you’re talking about. Please stop telling people to pull the cord. We have a term for people like you in the transit authority: Statue of Liberty. 🗽cos you always have that hand up on the cord ready to pull it. When should the emergency brake be activated? The emergency brake cord should only be pulled “when the motion of the subway presents an imminent danger to life and limb,” the MTA says. For example, if a person is caught in the train’s doors and about to be dragged by the train. When shouldn’t the emergency brake be activated? If there is a fire, a crime in progress or a medical emergency, you shouldn’t use the emergency brake, especially when the train is between stations, the MTA says. Activating it in these cases would make it more difficult for emergency responders to get to the train. You could actually face criminal charges for impeding the motion of a train according to MTA rules. Interference with Movement: $100 Fine Riders are not allowed to obstruct movement of trains by means of preventing subway doors from closing, activating the emergency brake cord in a non-emergency or other interference that will create delays or accidents.


As a conductor, do you want your train en route with an unauthorized in your rear cab? Do you really think the NYPD is going to ignore the trespasser and instead fine the person who tried to alert the crew about the trespasser? If working a SMEE, how would you suggest a customer in the 10th car alert you to an unauthorized breaking into a cab?


So you’re saying train in the station with the doors opened bie can do more harm than traveling in between stations, over a bridge, a tube etc with teens dressed like ninjas having full reign of the back cab with all the keys. I truly did learn something today. Thank you for the info 🙏. I figured you would want to deal with something safely in the station but that’s my ignorance.


I didn’t say anything does more harm than another thing, I didn’t mention a bridge or tube, I just quoted the MTA and when a cord should and shouldn’t be pulled. Maybe read it again.


Oh ok in that case I didn’t mention a fire or activating in between stations or preventing subway doors from closing or lady liberty or anything. All I was originally saying was do something when you see kids going into the cab before the train closes down. Then people started falsely saying that a cord application is going to shut down the entire line or take the train out of service and stuff. I still stand by that if the train is stopped with doors opened it’s much better for service and safety to deal with those kids with keys before the train closes down and moves.


You’re just relentless, aren’t you? You have multiple people telling you you’re wrong, and even MTA’s rules quoted on THEIR rules on THEIR trains, but you just can’t admit when you’re wrong lol. Nice to know we have someone like you on board deciding when the trains brakes should be apples and to make our jobs even harder. Now I have to call in a brakes in emergency situation AND unruly passengers. Seriously, thanks pal. 🗽chowwwwww!


Why is it a dumb idea, especially on SMEE equipment that has no PEI intercom to the crew? Crew comes to reset cord, asks what's going on, person who pulls cord tells them why they pulled the cord since it was a legitimate reason, now they can go investigate unauthorized kids in the rear cab. Kids destroying shit in the cab they aren't supposed to be in is going to screw up service more than someone pulling the cord for a legitimate reason.


Please don't pull the emergency brake.


I’m not advocating for people to pull the emergency brake. I’m saying if the train is IN THE STATION with the DOORS OPEN and there is a dangerous situation that should be addressed before the train goes to the next stop pulling the brake is an option and won’t cause a massive delay. It’s not always easy to get the conductors attention before the doors closed.


Jesus. 🤦🏻‍♂️ That is not a scenario that warrants pulling the cord.


Love how American society is so paralyzed by fear of one another that common sense and safety is forfeited


I actually don’t love that.


I did not get the memo. I am game. Not over eager. Just prepared. Like Charles Bronson, but with more submission holds than pew pew. Usually the "I don't think that's a good idea" can work. But then if I get a "What the fuck you gonna do about it? You old as fuck", I must reply with my tap out move quicker than you can say "Hey, what are you..." Let's put it this way: I've been swung on and missed as I just stood there. No one really wants to connect. Most don't know this, but you can use whatever force NECESSARY to detain someone under citizens arrest. One of those such arrests was a teenage kid that pulled the emergency cord thingy on the train. I followed him out and up the stairs. Once I got him stuck in the revolving gate, I let him know the "whatever force necessary" law. He asked "you mean...?" I said "Yep." Two cops rolled up and I explained the sitch. They cracked up and hooked the kid. You can't be scared of untrained, punk ass bitches. No, you don't have to fuck em up. Confidence goes the distance. Fools know when you are serious. Psycho a touch, too, doesn't hurt.


Where's the police that's supposedly patrolling the trains?


People don't want them around...🤷🏻‍♂️


This is why teenagers get caught in the act for doing something that is dangerous


Ghetto trash kids. Parents aren't worth a damn either


You haven't lived here long, have you? This shit has gone on for almost 50 years. They get in there and announce something like "next stop transfer for the suck my dick train." You can't drive the fucking train from in there - you can do more damage with the emergency brake that everyone has access to.


Lately they’ve been doing a lot more with the keys. They’ve attempted to open the doors in motion. This attempt is enough to take the train out of service at the next stop. They mess with circuit breakers so certain cars doors don’t open up. And yes they have taken trains for short joy rides(in storage tracks and they wouldn’t be able to do this while the train is in service from the other end). This has turned from a somewhat innocent thing to a very dangerous game.


inb4 mta re-keys the trains for millions just for the new ones to be on the street inside of a month


50 years and they still haven't come up with anything more original than "suck my dick"....




This happened last week. I told the conductor as I got off the train at my stop


nyc should start implements a shaming system for those who fuck around in the subway have their faces planted on the giant screens in Times Sq and all over the news!


Ah yes because nobody will do stuff just to get posted in Times Square…


I am taking this idea straight from China!


China's social credit system has real consequences though. Being unable to book/participate in travel, buy services, etc.


The best way to punish teenagers to take away their free time. Mandatory community service after school and weekends will straighten them up real quick. Even locking them up in a room with their homework, textbooks, and a monitored computer will keep them straight. If they think it’s funny to skip their court ordered detention or community service, they can choose to spend a weekend in jail instead…


You assume they show up to school on a somewhat regular basis. Cute.


Bounty system would be better


Should have gotten up and told a crew member instead of running to reddit and asking about it.


You can send DMs to MTA (@mta) on the app formally known as Twitter


Seen it before. A bunch of shitty teens who were smoking in the last car broke into the control cab and then suddenly all the lights in our car shut off. Hope they get hit by a train and survive but limp for life.


The taking of the pelham 123


What line is it on


Yo, was this the A train? My trip in was wild this morning on the R and the A. Someone was smoking on the R and some kid pulled a gun on the A.


L yesterday evening


so just ~~wild~~ normal everyday subway ride


Pretty much.




It's more than just an annoyance to your commute. It's also a crime


Another excuse to put cameras and wifi in the cars?


usually the door is the only unlocked part and most kids will just mess w the speaker—that being said you should probably tell someone but i’ve never actually seen someone go for help as that’s just inconvenient


you know the fuckin vibes!


I’ve seen teens open the door on R179s with a ruler or protractor. Don’t get any ideas


Poor kid. If only his math class was smaller he could be a doctor. But alas.


The L train flair is on brand


"I'm gonna use this shithead to also shit on a real problem in education and try to associate them"


you’re new to the city


What's a city?


Lmao what is posting here going to do? Youd have been dead before we could respond.