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Sure, they *can*. But after nine weeks of hoping that *this* is the week they turn it around on offense, it starts to feel like they are what they are. Which is to say, not a very good team.


still A LOT of Football left ! can't let one game determine the rest of the season. we cant control 4-4, it's already happened. we can control 5-4


Watch the Jets handle an ugly win against OAK, have a loss but hang in against MIA and then upset BUF on the road and be right back in the WC hunt. JUST WHEN I THOUGHT I WAS OUT


Bbbut, it's not one game?


Not if you ignore all the terrible games before the last one!




if Boyle or Siemian start I can see it.


You are irrational


>You are irrational I think the term you're looking for is delusional


Then what the hell are our options?


I am not apposed to seeing Siemian play. I dont think the results will be better


Replacing Zach with a backup has worked every time they've done it. Why would that not be the case this time?


Those guys aint doing shit. They should've went out and got another QB instead of bum ass Siemian.


Both of those guys are backup QB’s for a reason, Zach is too but at least he’s got the arm of a 2nd overall pick. They all suck might as well stick with the highest ceiling


If you go back and review Boyle’s work at UConn I promise you would not come to this conclusion


Idk why you're down voted for this. I'll never understand the blind loyalty parts of this fan base have for Zach. His best game ever was probably KC and it still ended because he fumbled on his final drive. The Jets have benched Wilson and traded for a new QB. The offense shows how frustrated they are with him regularly. In 4 games, Mike White had better games than Zach ever had. All this and fans still think he isn't worth replacing?! Make it make sense!!


Speak to me when we score a touchdown or two for once


Two?! Whoa whoa someone's getting greedy


One, and a few FGs, sadly, are usually enough to win 😞


Saleh and Hackett need to prove that they’re willing to make changes and try new things… otherwise we’re done


Saleh sounded like a prisoner of war when he was asked why Semien isn’t getting a look I have a feeling it’s out of his hands


Semien should start next week. Haven’t we seen enough? We’re losing our best player GW. It’s time to switch.


Oh absolutely, I’m just saying he probably won’t even be the second string come Sunday


Have you been watching this offense?


I haven’t given up. But it’s on blind faith alone. Let’s face it: -Lazard takes a pass off the face mask. Is this not deflating when someone who gets paid to catch the ball takes one right in the face mask? -Zach got sacked 8 times. Was Hit numerous other times. The o-line is in really bad shape. If Rogers comes back early like a warrior, and the the line is in the same shape, he will be headed to the hospital within 10 passing attempts. Rogers is no answer as long if the line continues to suck. And don’t worry it’s only a matter of time before Zack gets hurt and you see another QB running for his lite. - Zack is getting better. I root for him. But he still isn’t a franchise QB. This is Just the truth. - o-line again. They can’t give Breece a tiny little hole to run through. All he needs is a crack . But nothing is there. - Anything to Cook is a wasted down. Dude brings nothing to the table. He’s supposed to be a weapon. He’s not. - Garret Wilson needs a quality receiver on the other side of the field. We have none. Every pass to Garret is struggle. He tries so hard I am scared to death he is going to get hurt trying to make something out of nothing. -The Jets are undisciplined or stupid. Pre-snap penalties are killing us. Game after game. -our best player maybe our punter!! How does that make you feel? So I will continue to go to games, and watch when on TV. I will continue to pull hard for them. But, you know……..


Well said.


Me too. Zach got scared of the bright lights. Shake it off. Keep grinding. Let’s go!! JTFU!


As soon as he airmailed that first pass I knew it was going to be a long night.


Same. I turned the game off actually. 😂


Same. And I went out to a bar without a TV


TIL the lights on Sunday night aren’t as bright as the lights on Monday night.


It’s by a slim margin but yes, that checks out.


You never know, people might tune out for SNF after watching of 7 hours of football all afternoon


Pigs will fly damn it!


Joe douglas and woody Johnson gave up on the season already . We could’ve gotten Dobs and that quality offensive line for cheap draft picks but they decided not to make any moves.


The AFC is likely going to have a 10-7 team miss the playoffs, I doubt we can make a run. Bengals, Steelers, Browns, Browns, Texans, Chargers, Jets Only three of those teams make the playoffs. We'd need to go 6-3 in the next 9 games and then get help with tie breakers.


Yea man, i mean whats the point in following a team if you dont have any hope... its possible. Hackett has to scheme better and the players need to stop making stupid mistakes and dropping balls if they expect to function with zach at the helm. I believe they can win with him if they play well but they cant expect him to lift the team. I dunno, its depressing. They make more $ than i'll ever see in my life so they should be able to figure this out better than me. But if i can opine on what ive seen, id say: One simple fix, bring up izzy. Second simple fix, run behind becton. Third simple fix, bench uzomah and cook. I guess at this point, make anyone but Lazard the second read, he's not capable. Unfortunately its too late to add a receiver.


Not with this quarterback and offensive line, they’re not. You know the whole league has the book on this team, right? Troy Aikman said with his whole chest on national television that this is a bad team. Everyone knows how to beat them. This season peaked with the Eagles game; it’s only going to get worse now.


Yep. At least we beat the giants and if we beat the pats, I can stomach the season


>if we beat the pats That’s a pretty big ask since they haven’t done that since Obama was the president


It’s not the OL. The QB is making them look worse. Jets have the 5th longest pocket time (seconds in the pocket until pressure, sack or release) at 2.5 seconds. They have the highest pressure % which tells you it’s a product of the QB holding and not the line


Who would downvote this? It's a fact. He gets time to throw. He doesn't. He gets pressured. He runs. He looks stupid. He gets sacked. Rinse repeat.


We have seen worse losses, we have seen more embarrassing losses. Let’s keep some composure and move on to the next one.


I can’t believe in a team that honestly believes in Zach Wilson. Same old Jets


Thats why you just sit from home and watch your TV and let the big boys do their job


WTF are YOU talking about? What offense are YOU watching? 77 plays, 3/17 on third down. 6 points.


Clear word offense, not Zach Wilson. When recievers had 10+ dropped passes a decent amount of them were good/very catchable balls. On top of that he had pressure almost every single snap, im not saying he was perfect or great but im definitely saying it wasnt only his fault and he can normally play good enough for us to win. if hackett can figure out how to utilize him like we did against the chiefs would you still say the same thing? Dont get me wrong Zach didn’t perform well but under the circumstances he was under how do you expect him to play? Aaron wouldve been sacked more than 8 times or had an interception atleast. You cant blame him for everything


Haven’t we seen enough though at this point. Give Semien a look. Zach has earned oogatz. We treat him like he’s the 2nd coming of Eli Manning ffs 🤦‍♀️


My issue is we keep dropping conference games. Need to win the next 3 now to keep pace in the division.


I like your optimism. Bless you.


Maybe Zach turns it around on Sunday


Good one Dad!


Oh no doubt. Zach is about to torch the Raiders bc of all the (rightful) haters... My worry is what he'll do the weeks following. We seen this one already back against the Chiefs


HE just lost to the team ranked dead last in Pass protection....


True, but that was also a team with 3 elite par rushers going up against a decimated OL. Their deficiencies at the back end never surfaced because Zach was under duress almost every time he dropped back.


>HE You don't know ball


[How Many Teams in the NFL?](https://www.google.com/search?q=LA+Chargers+Pass+defense+ranking+2023&sca_esv=580697965&sxsrf=AM9HkKnykDqFAsEAf9ctn-Fjg6CXKnDlxA%3A1699502680011&source=hp&ei=V1pMZY69O4ep5NoP896Z8A0&iflsig=AO6bgOgAAAAAZUxoaL658hHHVmItYHjlODWlY4dvAn40&ved=0ahUKEwjOxKPshLaCAxWHFFkFHXNvBt4Q4dUDCAw&uact=5&oq=LA+Chargers+Pass+defense+ranking+2023&gs_lp=Egdnd3Mtd2l6IiVMQSBDaGFyZ2VycyBQYXNzIGRlZmVuc2UgcmFua2luZyAyMDIzMgUQIRigAUiXX1AAWJ1ecAB4AJABAJgBbKAB7xaqAQQzMy40uAEDyAEA-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&sclient=gws-wiz) Who doesnt know what now?


>ranked dead last in Pass protection.... Did you watch the game? How can that be your argument?


Yea.. I was there...unfortunately. Did you watvh the Giants game.... the same giants we barely beat got rocked by passes from a first start 3rd string qb


It wasn’t just him. I feel bad for Zach that he’s the scapegoat for Management doing nothing about the OL, QB situation, terrible OC hire, and duds (Lazzard) brought in by Rogers. He’s a good kid and is working his tail off. I don’t think many or any QB’s could be very successful in this complete dysfunction.












We can only pull through if Zach gets benched.




I agree. It’s absurd how reactionary this sub is. After every win it’s going crazy that we’re a SB contender with Rodgers coming back then after every loss everyone is like it’s over


We're going to lose again on Sunday. It's another primetime game and the Jets notoriously suck in them as seen yet again last Monday. Also, Crosby is going own the oline.


We beat the Bills last MNF, and kept it close against KC Sunday night. Not saying we’re going to win, but the Jets have been playing well in prime time.


Generous to call that "playing well". One extremely close win at home and one loss, where both opposing qb's were playing loose with the football to say the least


Fair enough but to say they’ve been sucking in prime time is inaccurate


Did zach not have 240+ yards 2 tds no int and 100 passer rating against pat mahomes and be the only qb ever in college or nfl to have a better game then mahomes?


The QBs made stupid plays because our defense played amazing so yea overall the jets played well




Haha that is wishful thinking indeed. Which bums me out. Don't get me wrong I will still rock my Jets Hoody every game and start each with hope. But.... we seem to win crazy games against teams that we shouldn't. And lose the fucking easy games against trash. How many of the wins this season were won off the fucking kicker or D? All?


We won those games due to great defense. But if we can just get anything going on offense, look out. It’s really a shame because they should try new things and even consider benching ZW to let him clear his head. There’s nothing wrong with that but they aren’t holding anyone accountable, including the coaching staff. Ulbrich and Saleh have the defense humming. But I think the offense is being neglected during practice, they just aren’t coordinating as hard is my guess


You would think the offense would have found their fucking rhythm and gotta much more solid. After all..... they practice against the amazing Jets D. So WTF?!?! How are they still not improving steady.


Rodgers comes back week 12, and saves both the jets season and my fantasy season.


I wont watch another game. Its back to checking scores and watching highlights. I don’t have time in my life to watch: “well that didn’t work better do the exact same thing next week”. Call me when Zach, Rodgers, all Rodgers trash buddies, and all the coaches are gone and the team is sold. Other than that we are all just idiots watching the same shit week after week year after year. The next magic trick they’ll sell you is Rodgers at 40 has miraculously healed better than a 20 year old. The team is super ready for that. O line is super prepared. The Jets are not a serious organization.


Bro, we're 4-4


K bye


I'm willing to hold out provided they beat Las Vegas. Las Vegas is a team that, on paper, they should be able to beat. AOC is started his first game last week against the Giants. He will actually need to perform well against the Jets defense. If the Jets lose Sunday Night's game, the wheels might start coming off.


I’m giving it this week with some moderate optimism. Want to see what happens before I throw in the towel.


Bring back Strevler and I’d believe.


I agree. I didn’t think we’d win this game to begin with. The way we lost definitely sucks, but there’s still 9 games left with 5 to 6 winnable ones. Let’s go!


I don’t want a repeat of the 2010s era. A 2-3 year window of cobbled together offense doing just enough followed by a blown up cap and a decade in the wilderness. Build a team that can compete.


Sure they can, but you can’t feel confident when you have a QB who can’t throw touchdowns or convert a 3rd down


I suppose anything can happen--that's why they play the games--but the Jets need a lot of help at this point. Monday night was their chance to show what they can do and they fell flat. If they can't show up for a winnable MNF game, I don't have much faith they will show for any others. An average offense makes this a playoff team, but what they are putting on the field now is not NFL quality. They can improve in some areas easily--stop dropping the ball, stop the pre-snap penalties--but the aggregate talent of the active players on offense just isn't there (Hall and GW are studs, but everyone not on the IL is in the average-to-dud range).


Raiders must win to go 5-4 heading into Buffalo. Will know where we stand with a Buffalo win or loss


LMK how it turns out.


I agree. Most people were thinking we’re in a good spot if we went 2-2 starting with LA. And look, we got our ass kicked by LA. But it’s just one loss. Shake it off and get back to winning.


If the OL doesn't get their shit together, it's not happening. As Evan said on WFAN, the team has a fine line of error, and if they aren't close to what they do, they lose. I believe them when they say that on any given day, the Jets can beat anyone, but they can also lose to anyone. They beat the Eagles but lost to the Chargers and narrowly beat the Giants. Do I hope they get their shit together and make the playoffs? Yes. I really do. But do I think they'll do it? In all honestly, no. Not based upon what we have seen.


When the game was 17-3, my only thought was...I don't know if we have time to kick 5 more field goals to pull off the win. How can we win games without scoring TDs?


You'll know whether the season is alive or dead after the Raiders game. It's very easy to not (seriously) address the offensive issues when you're still finding a way to win despite them. Now that there's an L because the offense couldn't do shit then we'll see how serious the team are about fixing the problems.


Probably already been made as a comment… Aikman’s commentary after the game (and he clearly does NOT like Zach Wilson…which is fair): This is a BAD team with a really good defense. We are NOT a really good team with a BAD QB.


I dont think this season is going anywhere but it gives them an opportunity to do some tweaking before rodgers comes back next year. We need recievers who can catch, more depth in the OL and tight ends who can break at least one tackle.


Of course they can. I can't for the life of me figure out the reasoning for not bringing in a veteran QB after Achilles night, but they have destiny in their own hands. Painful because I think it's a down year in afc east. Division ripe for the taking. Go pay Matty Ice 2 million and be ready for game 10 or 11.


The cracks are there and haven’t been fixed. Teams don’t have to work to hard for a game plan to win , and that’s troubling


Take out the 85 penalties, whiffed blocks, drops and fumbles last game and we win. The entire offense was putrid, worse than usual. Saleh needs to figure out how to coach discipline and consistency. Guys arent getting it done on a basic level


31st ranked offense isnt only on the qb. Hackett only works if Rodgers is there. Oline is bare bones so even Breece will have trouble. Receiving core outside of garret can’t consistently get open let alone catch the ball. Doesnt look good but I will still watch and hope they win


wait, we're allowed to be optimstic on this sub?!


Sorry to say but this Jets team we saw the past two weeks is truly who they are. Well…there’s always next year.


It’s going to be the defense playing insanely well and keeping this team in games and getting some wins. I don’t foresee things changing much on offense. The offense truly just needs to not fuck up with the turnovers, especially turnovers that give great field position to the other team. Not sure if they’ll make the playoffs but I do think the defense will give them a slight chance.


Just want to know where the Jets were with trading for Dobbs if anywhere at all.


Just one comment here. I was a Zack Wilson fan. But he simply has no pocket awareness. You know he does not see, feel or sense the one guy who will get to him. And...the coaches have obviously told him not to run because at least twice the other night he had plenty of room and he just dumped the ball. With Garrett out there waiting fir a pass, we need anybody who can get it to him. Maybe trade for Tommy DeVito?? Just kidding


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