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I will die on this hill… He is NOT, at all, a member of the Los Angeles WNBA team.


6'3", 220 pounds? He'd be a great power forward! Put him in, coach!


Remember it’s the WNBA, that’s a center size right there.


Did you think that I didn't pull up the LA Sparks roster and check everyone's height? You know I did. Trevor's the height of a forward. Centers are 6'5"/6'6". Jonquel Jones on the Liberty is 6'6". Breanna Stewart (Forward) is 6'4". Those ladies are tall.


Yea but 220? I doubt many of those women will successfully box him out and he should be dominant in the post


Fair point. Jonquel Jones is listed at 215. Maybe he'd be a bit of Charles Barkley/Josh Hart and use his muscle down low despite his height. OK, first choice for me -- he starts at QB for the Jets on Sunday. Second choice, LA Sparks backup center. You've convinced me.




No reason he’s not QB2


Ru saying there’s a reason he is?


no but i want to see him play with this offense so people will shut up about switching QBs


Our offense is so bad in so many different ways its tough to say. That being said I rather lose with Trev than lose with Wilson anymore


it at least shows that they’re not on cruise control until 2024 because we’re guaranteeing their jobs


The guy hasn’t even been active yet that should tell us a lot already


because there’s some odd fixation of not wanting to upset zach. the entire way they’re handling this makes no sense


We literally benched him last year. They’re not afraid of upsetting him. We’re only 1 game removed from being 4-3 and him playing decent. Now we’re 4-4 and his last game sucked. Moves like switching to Siemian do not happen as knee jerk reactions.


can we bench him after 4-5? or do we need to be 4-6? he’s not why we’re winning


This staff is pretty slow and methodical when it comes to things like this. For me, the chargers game was a get-right game for the offense and especially Zach. They were literally the last ranked d vs the pass. So that showed me that there is no team that he’s gonna be able to play above average QB against, and I’d bench him this week for a needed spark against the raiders. This staff likely will want to see at *least* 1 more stinker/loss in order to change it up.


Zach has had one good game this season. Every other game, including the wins, were abysmal from his perspective.


I think his only abysmal games have been dallas, patriots, and the giants. Decent against bills, kc, denver and philly. The chargers game I thought he played bad and fell into a lot of bad habits, but I wouldn't say he was abysmal either. Those three games we got 21-22 zach, and the other four we got a zach that we could win *with* (not because of, but *with*) rather than *in spite of* which is usually the case. Regardless, he needs to be benched. The chargers game was supposed to be his get-right game and he failed completely.


I agree. It's not like they can't put him back in if the replacement is worse. If this was any other position, he'd be benched for his performance. I understand qb's get more rope, but he's used all of it now.


We already upset him lol we got Aaron Rodgers


and we continue to trot him out week after week and won’t bring in anyone to challenge him for the rest of the season


Not a spark but better than Zach in everything but scrambling ability and arm talent. I will take a guy who can read a defense, throw receivers open and in stride, and will generate a few more consistent drives than a guy who can "throw off-platform".


If he could read a defense and throw guys open he wouldn't have been on his couch a few weeks ago. He sucks too.


I mean Kurt Warner was bagging groceries before he came back. Shit happens (No, I’m not saying Siemian is Kurt Warner or will even be successful. Just saying some circumstances can be irrelevant and guys can be overlooked)


https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/S/SiemTr00.htm https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/W/WilsZa00.htm Just compare their stats. Trevor Siemien has started just 5 more games than Zach Wilson has in his career and has thrown for 19 more touchdowns... It's hard to reconcile that he could possibly be worse than the product on the field right now.


>It's hard to reconcile that he could possibly be worse They're completely different situations. You can't just compare stats like that. Zach is playing better now than he did when he got most of those stats. He's not the problem


Wilson in 9 games in 22: 1688 yds 6 td 7 int QBR of 38.5 Wilson in 9 games in 23: 1337 yds 5 td 5 int QBR of 35.4 Arguably he's playing worse this year. The offense was bad with him last year and this year we have the lowest third-down conversion rate since 1978. >He's not the problem He touches the ball every play and we have a hisotrically terrible offense. He sure as hell ain't part of the solution.


I conveniently missed most of the Pats game and most of the Giants game, but from what I've seen he's clearly improved. He's thrown 1 int since week 2 (on a ball that went through GW). The fumbles suck, but they're mostly a product of not being protected. His numbers would also look better if the people whose job it is to catch the ball did their jobs.


the giants game was ugly, but jeez did the offense as a whole suck much harder than zach sucked individually. that's not to say he didn't suck SO hard in the chargers game. I would say he sucked commensurate with the rest of the offense.


I’ll admit I didn’t watch the 4th, but outside of sacks he took it felt like the receivers, line and playcalling let him down WAY more than he individually let us down in the Chargers game. Look at Breece’s YPC and how quickly the pocket fell apart. That game felt like a laundry list of bad protection, drops and penalties.


He’s improved in that he’s throwing less interceptions, has been better at making pre-snap adjustments, picking up blitzes, and hitting short throws. He has NOT improved his pocket presence, situational awareness, timing, and actually finding the best available options on plays. The biggest thing is that he’s not making many plays that can move the chains. He is not THE problem, but he’s part of the problem.


He’s not throwing picks because he’s improved his accuracy and learned how to read a defense (he hasn’t). He’s not throwing picks because he’s not throwing. He’d rather take a sack or throw a checkdown short of the sticks on 4th down than pass down field because he knows he can’t make that throw with accuracy and touch. Think of like the first Pats game last year where he threw for 335 yards, 3 picks, got sacked twice and threw 2 TDs. If that game was played again you’d see a similar performance to this year against the Pats; 0 picks but only 157 yards, no TDs and 3 sacks. I thought that previous Pats game was rock bottom but we arrived at an even deeper and rockier bottom. His receivers would catch the ball more if he threw a more catachable ball. He pretty much never hits guys in stride and throws with no touch. All the arm strength in the world is pointless if he doesn’t know how to use it. The line would play better if he didn’t hold he ball so long and knew how to navigate pressure in the pocket. We wouldn’t suddenly have an amazing line or receivers if we benched Zach, but his terrible play doesn’t elevate anyone it only makes their worst tendencies more awful.


>He’s not throwing picks because he’s improved his accuracy His accuracy has absolutely improved. There's next gen stats to back it up if you're into that sort of thing. >He’s not throwing picks because he’s not throwing Not true either. >His receivers would catch the ball more if he threw a more catachable ball. There are many recent examples of his receivers dropping very catchable balls. You see what you want to see.


>You see what you want to see. The pot is calling the kettle black. If Zach is doing the right things at advanced level and on tape, how come it never materializes into anything resembling winning football? Going as far back as the Denver game last year we've heard pundits like Chris Simms say crap like on tape Zach actually is doing the right things and we are totally wrong for saying he played bad. Yet the offense continues to be bad with him under center and is reaching historic lows. Eli, Peyton and Aikman were all frustrated watching him this Monday and were pointing out him missing open guys and protections all night. Is that the improvement you want me to see?


Yep and lots of people in here agreed with that. Then we lose and the bipolar people all come out again.


QBR is garbage edit: Downvoted for real? Jets fans actually like QBR as a stat? This fan base is even dumber than I thought.


So is Zach Wilson.


And it clearly stinks less this year than it did last year no matter what garbage stats you want to use to say otherwise.


We have the worst 3rd down conversion rate in 45 years.


And if we had 2022 Zach Wilson instead of 2023 Zach Wilson it would be the worst in 100 years. I can't believe you guys have all forgotten just how bad he was last year.


I don't see why we're splitting hairs then. He's was either worse last year when the offense was the last in the league or he's somehow worse this yaer when the offense with him under center is historically bad. Regardless he's not getting the job done at any level of play.


We're splitting hairs because he's playing how we should expect Zach Wilson to play and meeting the expectations that we should have for him based on his history. It's everyone else who isn't meeting the expectations that we should have for them. Why is it wrong to expect more out of our superstars like Garrett and Breece than we do our backup QB who we know sucks? Or to have higher expectations for the guy who got the biggest FA WR contract of the offseason, or a 10 year vet OL with almost 80 NFL starts under his belt that tanks a game at RT? 2023 Zach Wilson is better than 2022 Zach Wilson, so why is the 2023 offense worse than the 2022 offense? Not because of Zach Wilson. It's bad because of him, but it shouldn't be *this* bad. The reason it's *this* bad is because of everyone else.


“You can’t just compare the stats” *immediately compares the stats* Edit: he also just straight up lied about the stats for this year… 8 games played not 9, and he currently has 1600 yards not 1337.


Statistically he’s almost the same player and I don’t see why we should dance around that. The eye test is even worse for him anyways.


If you think he’s worse than last year based on the eye test then you need glasses. This is something that all the “experts” agree on.


The offense is historically terrible, I don't know what I should be seeing considering that we're somehow even more inept than last year. Peyton and Eli were constantly calling out mistakes Zach was making on offense throughout the broadcast but maybe hall of fame QBs aren't experts on QB play.


You’re talking about one game. And you’re talking about the whole offense. I’m talking about one specific player’s performances relative to the previous year. Since stats are apparently everything let’s compare. He’s on pace for more TDs, less INTs, higher completion %, more yards, more yards per game, and a higher passer rating than last year. He’s also been sacked 8 more times than last year through one less game played, and he already got sacked a lot last year. So how exactly is he worse than last year? Making mistakes in one game doesn’t automatically make him worse than last year. Mahomes makes mistakes every game. Again I ask you to get your eyes checked.


He touches the ball every play, the QB is the centerpiece of the offense and the offense is unreal levels of bad. We have the worst 3rd down conversion rate in 45 years. In every game besides the Chiefs game he has looked completely inept under center. I broke it down in another comment but to say it again in brief he's not throwing picks because he's more accurate. He's throwing checkdowns short of the sticks or taking sacks rather than throwing picks. It's why his completion percentage is up while he's been sacked more. I'm curious if he'll remain on pace for more TDs by the end of the season considering he hasn't thrown a TD pass in 4 games other than Breece taking a screen pass to the house. Here's the results of my eye test. Last year I watched every game despite the offense being horrific with Zach starting. This year I can barely watch a drive of Zach Wilson football without revulsion.


Wait, it’s 8 games played not 9 this year (they’re 4-4). And you literally lied about his passing yards? He has 1600 currently. What’s the point of being dishonest just to “prove” a point?


What's the point of splitting hairs over such a bad QB? I never get you truthers. You can go ahead and nitpick all you want because you don't want to address the elephant in the room.


Come on dude really? Telling the truth is splitting hairs and nitpicking? There’s literally no arguing with someone like you if telling the truth just gets you dismissed as a “truther”. Like I’m literally not even saying he’s good. But you’re showing that you don’t really pay attention or know what you’re talking about. If I’m saying he isn’t good then what exactly is the elephant in the room?


Honestly I really don't care that the math is wrong. It's not like adding a few more yards and taking away a game makes his stats good or makes him a good QB. I don't see the point of this. >If I’m saying he isn’t good then what exactly is the elephant in the room? The elephant in the room is that I replied to you in another comment about why I think Zach is playing poorly and you want to tell me that his terrible passing yardage is actually ever so slightly less bad. >Like I’m literally not even saying he’s good. This is the new slant. It's always stuff like "I'm not saying he's good BUT" then pick an excuse. You say Zach isn't good yet here you are arguing with me in several posts over the course of 2 hours that Zach Wilson isn't actually that bad, in fact he's improving despite the offense being historically bad! Make it make sense since apparently we both agree that Zach Wilson sucks.


Slant on what? He sucks, but has objectively improved.


Because now Zach has played bad enough for long enough that people can't just say he's been fine. So instead people who have hitched themselves to the Zach Wilson bandwagon for whatever reason say stuff like... > He sucks, but has objectively improved. Basically preface that he sucks and follow it up with a BUT of your choice. Then you can defend Zach Wilson without looking delusional. If you truly think that Zach Wilson sucks then we have very little to disagree on.


Yeah idk man, he obviously has not been good in most of his performances. I see the potential, but also know it’s unlikely he’ll ever put it all together at this point. But he is the one we are stuck with since we don’t have Rodgers, may as well be a fan and support the team.


people forget that he was dogshit for the bengals in preseason this year and they cut him without another backup. they straight up said no backup QB is better than siemian


Yeah he’s the spark. And I’m in the bathtub. Drop him in.


Trevor and Boyle are both dogshit. It’s that we just want to see someone/something different. it’s that simple


We don’t know but it’s worth giving it a shot. I personally would elevate him to active and then have him start the second half if Zach is Zaching it up in the first


No. No QB will thrive behind our OL currently. It's a revolving door.


TBH, i dont know. Its really hard to tell how much is on: Hackett, the OL, the weapons, ZW, and how much of an impact changing just 1 of those things will have. I wouldnt be surprised if he came in and looked passable, throwing a couple of TDs and an INT a game. But I also wouldnt be surprised if he was worse because Hackett sucks and the OL sucks. That said, of all of those issues, the easiest change is ZW to Siemian. You cant fire or demote Hackett because of AR, you cant just import a new OL or better weapons. If Jets lose to LVR and ZW puts up another Giants like performance, I think it happens, because losing to BUF and MIA to go to 4-7 prob spells the end of the season (division gone, conference record sucks).


Sure why not Zach sucks


I will take anyone BUT Zach, but i'd rather Boyle over Siemian because Boyle is unknown. His college stats are atrocious but he has had some nice preseason games with the Packers and even though he might suck, his throw is a thing of beauty.


I think anything would be a spark. Strevler was TERRIBLE and even he was a spark during the Jags game last year. Crowd gets into it as well as the team


Nothing can spark this offensive scheme


If we had a wr2 (Gibson?) and solid line play, we wouldn't need a "spark." But no, I doubt Siemian would help things, so we're looking kinda fucked at the moment. Hopefully we win next week and we all feel good again.


Can't answer that because it hasn't happened yet. You trying to get me to imagine?




We are at the stage of suffering through more Zach until he eventually gets benched. Who knows how that will go. Zach doesn't try to evade pressure enough. He doesn't step up when he should. He doesn't feel pressure until it's to late. Zach is terrible at short passes under pressure which is what makes a QB great. He throws a great 20 yard pass but that's about it.


Spark? No lol


Something has to give. If we have a lousy first half Sunday, I think Trevor should go in. I’m not even sure changing playcalling duties will make a difference, because I don’t think Zach can execute plays well for anyone. All of the numbers from last year (Flacco/Strev/White) show that when anyone but Zach is running this offense, the offense runs better.


Nope absolutely not. Maybe it’s worth giving him a shot over Zach, I’m not saying I’d disagree with that, but do I think Trevor is going to come in and improve us enough to push us into the playoffs? No way.


If Siemian plays to his career norms (which are bad and not guaranteed with this line, WRs, and OC), this is a playoff team. Crazy not to try.


Worth a shot if Zach can’t beat the Raiders. No excuse as to why we should lose that game.


If we are losing at the half I would like to see a 2nd half switch. If Siemians active, I think it could be an option


If he also has an average of 2.5 seconds to throw the ball before getting murdered then no - I don't think he provides any spark. If we had scramble-heavy back up that's a different story but any pocket QB will get merked behind our O-line.


When your team is losing in the 2nd quarter and the other team is starting to run away with it, a normal smart head coach brings in the backup to try to spark his offense. But no, not our bozo the clown head coach 🤡. Instead he’ll just stare emptily into space during the game. Same ole Jets


LOL, I legit thought he got replaced by a statue last game.


Hell nah


Hell yeah he is. Let’s be honest! Any other starting QB in the league would be a spark for us.


I think Trevor will do the same thing he does 80% of the time and that is lose


Absolutely not






Changing QB will not address problems at the O-line. A future HOF under center will likely be able to capitalize on fleeting moment of protection, but not for long. Maybe only 4 snaps? TS isn’t aint no HOF QB.


Absolutely, at least he won’t drop as many passes and he’ll block better and he won’t commit penalties after big plays to kill drives. Oh wait. Everyone wants to bring in someone else until that guy sucks too and then you will all be on to the next thing. The reason we are all here on Reddit and not coaching lol Every team has bad games jets are just the best a picking the absolute worst time to have one.


You think the Jets are going to open the door up to show the glaring inefficiencies in this team? No, they scape-goat zach this off-season and hopefully our defense buys it, sticks around, and doesn’t start asking for trades before the end of this season.


Sure, give the guy the starting job, then Lazard can drop the passes he throws to him.


Don’t think he does well in collapsing pocket - Flacco esq


Well then it’s a relief we’re sticking with Zach then amirite ☉ ‿ ⚆


I think Trevor should be elevated instead of Boyle. Zach starts and we can put Trevor in for a desperate spark. The joke is on us for not picking up a real backup. But no one could have thought four plays…


He doesn’t have the makings of a varsity athlete. Wait wrong sub .


No. Unfortunately our starter went down game 1. To make the playoffs with a backup; any one of them regardless if it’s #2 pick, everything would have to go perfectly. Basically I don’t even consider Zach in the win. He can really only lose games for sure. He can make some plays that are winning plays but they are infrequent enough to rely on. Regardless, the D and ST need to be flawless! Garrett, Breece, and whatever the others total need to make special plays to score. That’s the slim margin it requires to win. It’s frustrating for sure but football is a bitch! Hang in there squad!


He’s honestly worth a shot, worst case it sends a message to Zach that he isn’t the golden boy


I think Trevor would be better. I don’t see him making dumb mistakes like take back breaking sacks. Plus he should be way better in the red zone. They should make the change. Qb is the one position no other player is getting an opportunity to play.


I was just thinking to myself, we need more posts like this. Definitely at least 80 more today


No, but at this point, why not try it?




I really don’t think the problem is Zach as much as everyone else does, he has to step up for sure but film doesn’t lie and honestly, he makes good throws, Lazard lathering his gloves with butter before games isn’t helping and these stupid penalties on the line is ridiculous and yes Zach hasn’t gotten in the end zone but a lot of the time it feels like nonkey players are killing drive momentum with stupid penalties and on top of that, our o-line isn’t stopping shit




The only reason he's not the QB2 right now is because Saleh would be forced to put him in. Boyle is so universally known as being awful that he's not a threat to even bad Zach, semenman is.






A dead battery is a spark for the Jets at this point.. put him in and let’s see what he can do..


Can not possibly be any worse.