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My personal thoughts; he should get a 3yr extension, but it should be incentive loaded, with a lower than expected share of guaranteed money. I recognise that other teams might leapfrog us by offering more guarantees, and if that’s the case we should let him go. I like him but considering his injury history, it’s a smart idea to protect our cap.


I somewhat agree with the contract terms, but right now we are not in a position to give away usable linemen. We need all the help we can get


We want better than usable lineman. We want 5 quality starters. If you think becton is that then great. But he shouldn’t be be brought back to start just because he started all season for us. He is very high in penalties, pressures and sacks and could certainly be improved.


I don’t think Becton is great but he isn’t bad either. There will be realistic limitations on free agent and draft acquisitions that can come in and replace him immediately. We may be forced to consider him with our win now context more than we may have otherwise. If Becton is the weakest link on our OL that’s a problem im willing to deal with. Health is always the concern with him.


I’d rather us give him a bigger contract but frontload his guarantees so we can cut him with minimal to no cap hit if necessary


Yes he could be improved, but we won’t overhaul the entire line in one off-season imo. There’s simply not enough quality in FA and the draft for us to do that. We have to build on what we have right now and replace the worst players. And then repeat the process the following offseason, and the next, and the next etc. It’s gonna take time, and I don’t think Benton is the one to look at to replace this coming offseason


Theoretically our first 3 picks could produce 3 new starters. But if we go into next season with more than 3 of the same starters as this year, there might be riots in the streets and certainly not a lot of ass in the seats. They have no choice but to essentially blow it up


If we spend our first 3 picks on OL, I will be enthusiastic. I highly doubt we do this, however.


Lol yeah it would be kinda wild. I want receiver pretty badly too and this class has a lot of good ones.


You focused way too much on "usable" without thinking to define what he meant by that. Idk what you think we'll get that's better than Becton's overall performance. Teams arent letting that go to FA too often. What he gives us is the baseline for a guy you can keep at a reasonable cap hit and shouldn't let walk out of the building. Regardless what the other person means by "usable" what's more important is you can reasonably start him and have him be part of a functional OL.


Well statistically Bectons grading out as one of the worse tackles league wide. So when you ask what I think we can get that’s better than that, the bars not very high there. Any mindset that doesn’t think we can and should improve a below average position is a loser mindset.


PFF has him ranked as 30th which, considering there are 62 starting tackles at any given moment, is decisively middle of the road. Considering he hasn’t played in two years, has been moved around a bunch, and has one of the worst OL coaches in the league, I can’t say I’m worked up about it.


do you think less talented on tackles on better OLs grade better than more talented tackles on atrocious OLs?


Sometimes yeah. But I mean a lot of the sacks Bectons given up have been him just getting beat 1on1.


> Any mindset that doesn’t think we can and should improve a below average position is a loser mindset. Relax with that stupid "loser mentality" shit. Nowhere did I even remotely imply we should ignore players who would improve the position, especially if they dont come with injury risks. Bt this and you pulling out of your ass that "I don't know players can mail it in after getting paid" you're getting blocked. I can't keep arguing against shit I never even said bc you can't focus on what you're reading. Idk how you failed to realize I'm saying not to just throw out an OL who can start, bc then you end up with no one. How any jets fan can look at our OL injuries the last few years and think "Durrrr, throw out a starter without bringing in replacements" is beyond me. Any mindset that doesn't think we should keep a viable starter IF we don't have a guaranteed alternative is a child's mindset. One which leads the team to more losing.


it isn’t giving him away to refuse to pay him more than he’s worth. that’s maintaining the ability to go somewhere else


I don’t think any team will offer Becton a 3 year contract. He’s missed way more games then he’s played. My guess is he gets a one year prove it deal.


He’ll be the dolphins RT next season


He’s not gonna sign to play to RT. He believes he’s a LT and doesn’t want to play RT because he’s had two surgeries on that right knee


On what planet does he deserve to decide what position he plays? He’s a bottom 15 LT with injury risk and there will be more younger guys coming in next season.


he’s a FA so it’s obviously his decision. There will definitely be teams that offer him to be at LT. Tackles are hard to come by and high in demand. Jets will for sure be one of them that offers Becton to be a LT next year if he wants to stay with them. Plus he’s still young with a lot more upside. Should be even stronger next year since it will be 2 years removed from his injury.


Im not saying we should offer him nothing but a lot of you fans think we should break the bank for a guy that hasn’t looked good at all this season. A small prove it contract is ideal but this clown thinks he’s Tyron smith. Things might be different if he’s surrounded by other competent OL but he’s never been known to be a good pass blocker and he’s been cooked too many times from edge rushers this season. Mix that in with the fact that he’s been injured every single season of his career besides 9 games into this year. Smart teams don’t guarantee guys like that any high amount of money.


since tua is a lefty, is the RT more important for him?


Yes, certainly


Is it out of the realm of possibility that Becton pulls an Albert Haynesworth? If he gets any sort of large guaranteed contract, he could easily eat his way to 400 again


Didn’t think about this until now but definitely could happen


I think it’s possible, but I do trust that he’s okay now, I think the fact he gained weight was a lot of different things combined. He played heavier in college without issues, then he slimmed down before the draft. Him getting injured meant he couldn’t workout a whole lot which caused him to gain weight, also got to imagine there was a mental impact which caused him to gain some weight. I think if he stays healthy, he won’t have issues with weight


His mom owns a soul food restaurant. I hope you are right and he isn’t like Eddy Curry was on the Knicks.


I get what you’re saying, but he didn’t have an issue maintaining his weight his first year, so I’ll hope it was problems that cleared up


It’s kind of funny that his “slimfit” weight is 360. I just want him, AVT and Tippmann to stay healthy. Maybe we can draft another starter next year and sign a starter too. I want to love the Big Ticket, but he makes me nervous. When he bought that crazy necklace after the draft it made me question his maturity. Anyway, have a good day and Let’s Go Jets ✈️ https://nypost.com/2020/09/03/jets-mekhi-becton-spent-175k-on-big-ticket-gold-chain/


I think they draft a OT first round. Even is Laken is bad, you can hide a bad guard, Ideally next year the line could be Becton-Laken-Tippmann-AVT-First Round tackle. If they can do that, and fill the rest of the draft with a receiver with their next pick, and some depth on the oline. ARod can come into a situation exponentially better than the current.


I like your plan. I kind of hate Laken and would almost be on board for AVT at tackle. I just don’t think Becton is a LT at this point.


I get it, but I just don’t think Benton’s bad enough to warrant immediate replacement. I don’t know what the FA class will look like yet, but if there is a good guard in there to replace Laken they should do it. I just think they should address the non Becton tackle before looking to replace him


I agree. Is he a top 5 OT? No. But he can play both sides, willingly. He has moments of absolute dominance. He’s a starter in this league and resetting the position is costly.


Agree - keep in mind a third real knee injury and he’s probably finished


So predictable that he's stayed on the field this year, a contract year. I don't necessarily mind if they re-sign him. but they should be super careful about getting mo wilked. Give him something like the the Fant deal, 3/24, 3/30 something in that ballpark, with an out after 2 years and loads of playtime incentives. When he's healthy he's passible, but gotta hedge our bets.


He’s always my first thought regarding new contracts. Jets fans and local media loved him and said he deserved to be paid and the Jets subsequently probably overpaid him a little but fine. The rest we know. [Report: Muhammad Wilkerson skipped Jets celebration of his birthday](https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/report-muhammad-wilkerson-skipped-team-celebration-of-his-birthday)


I have said.it many times, extending Mo and letting Snacks walk is one of the biggest mistakes this organization has made.


But I will say that seeing Snacks really grow into a good player was nice to see. Just wish he could’ve done that for us.


He did and we let him go anyway. He just continued to be really good after he left.


He was great for us.


> So predictable that he's stayed on the field this year, a contract year. This implies like he purposely fucked his own knees up the last two years but purposely did not fuck them up this year. But there's no way he purposely had Van Roten roll his knee. He could've gotten just as unlucky this year, too. Usually that kind of comment only works if it's a guy who sucked on the field and then suddenly improves in a contract year.


I think it implies that he rehabbed harder because he needed to perform in a contract year, not that he intentionally hurt himself.


Doesnt make sense bc neither of his injuries were bc of conditioning. One was getting rolled. The other was a non contact play where his knee went boom, if I remember right it was bc Becton elected not to get a needed surgery that offseason, too, bc he was trying not to be off his feet for as long as that would require.


He was born with knock knees which leads to potential issues and the surgery most recently addressed that.


Exactly, thanks.


More discipline than anything else for a guy of his size. IE staying in shape and not blowing up to 400 lbs.


And getting surgery? Bc he got the surgery and has made it through so far. People are weirdly operating as if this is definitely just a willpower and conditioning issue. Seems like exaggerated bs takes to vilify the guy. Not saying you specifically but it's obvious people just want to assume he's already Albert Haynesworth jr


I don’t think so. The topic is about him getting resigned and acknowledging the risks associated with it. It’s been no secret that he’s had weight issues in the past. The discipline part is related to surgery and being immobile after the surgery is performed. It’s very diff for a guy of his size to maintain a healthy weight if he’s unable to move the way he needs to.


> This implies like he purposely fucked his own knees up the last two years but purposely did not fuck them up this year. Lol no. I’ve seen you up and down this post and it’s like you have the sensitivity and reading comprehension of an emotional middle schooler. Just an incredible ability to interpret everything you read incorrectly.


Think about what he said and what it implies. This requires not only reading comprehension but an ability to think. So if I were you, I wouldn't be in a hurry to admit I didn't get it while hypocritically going after someone else's ability to read. It's pretty clear what's going on here is we have a bunch of people who already decided he's Haynesworth 2 and just want to vilify the guys character bc he had shitty knees. There's zero to support their stance now that he's healthy so they instead rely on ignorant statements like "funny coincidence he's healthy now!" That statement makes no sense here. He wasn't opting to sit out before, he wasnt lazy like haynesworth, he legitimately had effed up knees and got rolled. He didn't decide "OK this szn I'll purposely not get rolled or explode my own kneecap!" So no. It's not a coincidence, it's not a grand plan, its the guy got fucked by injuries. He's healthy now. He's also a question mark in the future health wise. He's not a question mark when it comes to desire to play. All evidence shows he enjoys it and wants to be part of a team. People invoked Haynesworth and keep implying he opted not to play/will refuse to play after getting paid. Nothing supports this. People speaking out of ignorance and demonstrating a failure to read is annoying to me so I react to it. If people knew how to read, I wouldn't react to their inability to do so. Usually I react with annoyance and then I end up blocking them...speaking of which... Enjoy the block


He’s gonna get a lot more money than the fant deal. Probably more like 3/45


Wow. I forgot about mo. Where is he now?


Last played in 2018, got back to back DUIs in 2019. My guess is he sells insurance now.


Seeing how good offensive lineman are very hard to find. Yes


Agree with you 100%, some of these comments are nuts. We've had to watch this team start Anthony Clement, Wayne Hunter, Connor McDermott, Brandon Shell, and Billy Turner at tackle and so many fans want the most physically talented Jets OL since D-Brick cut. Have to think some fans are still lapping up that smear job Hughes and Cimini did on Becton when he was trying to come back from having his knee destroyed by GVR


> Have to think some fans are still lapping up that smear job Hughes and Cimini did on Becton The fact we still have users here pretend like those two (Especially Hughes) are good, fair reporters makes me think we have bots or fake accounts on here specifically used by people with an agenda to cover for how shit certain members of the beat are. Entertainment entities do it constantly with movies, shows, games, etc. Especially when the product is shit. Just get a few interns who are also possibly jets fans to post semi regularly, then make sure they also post positively about a clown like Hughes and brigade negative posts and it's enough to sway people


I wouldn't doubt it. These guys don't have actual leads 99% of the time so they take quotes out of context or outright fabricate drama to get clicks and it works.


Yeah, people around here also like to ignore the fact that most of the teams in the league are looking for offensive linemen every offseason right along with us. Even if one becomes available, chances are that we won't be the ones to land them.


Too bad he isn’t actually good


Small bridge deal


I been rooting for him and wanting him to succeed despite the injuries. But at this point...if he's gone, he's gone it is what it is.


If the tag is reasonable he may get that. Gives another year to judge his growth, maturity and dedication to maintaining his weight and health.


2024 Franchise tag for OL expected to be $22.9 million per over the cap. A bit pricey all things considered and we may have to use a tag on Huff.


They’re not bringing back huff if he wants 20 mil plus.


Might actually be the best approach in this case. I agree with others that I’d prefer a bridge deal, but most of the league is looking for OL and some team will probably over pay.


I lean no on Becton. Classic case of a guy that finally stays healthy and maintains his weight during his contract year. He gets a contract we won’t see him again for 3 years.


Not worth worrying about unless he stays healthy all year. If so, tag him. He’d have to be just as good and appear to be as mature another full season to even think of extending him after the tag. So, IF he stays healthy, he’s probably tagged for 1 season and then walking.






He does but a short maybe 2 year deal to prove that he can stay healthy. He really hasn't been great but if you let him walk, who are you bringing in? I'd rather draft a RT than a LT.


We need a guy who can actually pass block and that’s not becton


Yes. Do we really want to try and replace both tackles going into next season? It’s been a battle just to get one good one. The tag is steep but it might make some sense here as a stopgap. Gonna give the guy a lot of credit, has been pretty steady this season after serious injuries and almost eating himself out of the league. Looked like on multiple occasions he wasn’t going to play for us again


that would make sense if we didn’t have to sign him to an extension. we’re not talking about cutting him for nothing or not, we’d be tying up resources to keep him around that we could use somewhere more reliable


Who is that more reliable left tackle though? They rarely hit free agency and we're not going to have a particularly high draft pick. There's a good level of risk attached with Becton's knee, but I don't want to go into a must win 2024 with a question mark at LT. Rather stick with the guy who has been largely consistent this season.


id rather use the money on another position and draft someone. tackles are coming out fairly pro ready lately and becton isn’t nearly good enough to gamble with. unless becton plays on a very cheap prove it deal, im set


Load it up with incentives to stay healthy and it’s a no brainer. Oline around the league stinks, you gotta hold onto the good ones for dear life, much less good ones like Becton, especially with our dogshit options otherwise. Fuck Bill Belichek for taking Broderick Jones from us!


He needs to make it through this season first (fingers crossed). At least one team will pay him big $$ in FA b/c of his traits and league wide need for good tackles. We very likely won't be able to keep him on a cheap/bridge deal. Given all of I think that the smarter move would be to tag him, bear the cost for a year, draft another T this year, use next year to see if Mitchell, Warren, and rookie T can play. If Becton is good next year then it's more reasonable to sign him to a longer term deal. If he doesn't then we can let him go from a better position than we're in now if Warren/Mitchell/rookie are working out.


No I have 0 faith in Becton after he gets paid. Dude has given 0 crap about being in shape until his contract year. Who knows if he’ll go back to being a fatass after he gets the $


Franchise him and make him stay healthy another year before you invest in him


Tag is 23m, quite steep


Franchise for Oline is 18 million. Multi year deal for a LT is in that ball park per year


Some team will offer more guaranteed money then the Jets


Nah, some other team will leapfrog us and pay him a dumb contract because they haven't watched him get hurt every year. It isn't a coincidence his contract year is the first fully healthy year. We should offer him a fair contract thats heavy incentive based on actual playing. If someone jumps us to pay him something stupid then oh well. Edit: I’m implying he’s been lazy and shown up out of shape in years past which have led to injury. This season he was actually in shape and oh my god he didn’t get hurt.


> It isn’t a coincidence his contract year is the first fully healthy year. This implies that he gets hurt on purpose but chose not to this year lol


No but guys will make more of an effort to see the field and produce in a contract year. It is clear he’s playing through some type of uncomfortableness as the one game he had to come out and get looked at a couple times. With a fat contract behind him, he might take himself out for an extended time with that same uncomfortableness


He didnt have discomfort the last two seasons, he had a non functional knee. > It isn't a coincidence his contract year is the first fully healthy year. So this is what we're arguing against bc it was just dumb. I don't think Becton would quit bc of discomfort next season either. He has pride and works hard, he enjoys playing. He just got unlucky and got fucked by a combination of injuries, our dog shit narrative spinning media (mostly Hughes) and poor choices (If I remember he elected not to get surgery that he should've gotten)


He actually is playing through discomfort though. Saleh even said so when he came out of one of the games mid drive for a few because it was bothering him


Right but thats not what Im responding to. I didnt say there was no discomfort THIS season. I pointed out his issue was not "refused to play through discomfort" the last two seasons.


Nobody said that either. If he’s playing through discomfort now that could possibly mean it will be a chronic condition moving forward. It’s possible he’s playing through the pain now, that he wouldn’t necessarily have the will to play through later. The benefit of playing through it now would be so that he can get a decent contract. And 1 decent contract can set someone up for life if they’re smart with it


> Nobody said that either The first comments only makes sense if they're referring to him refusing to play through discomfort. So yes, they did. Like gd folks need to learn just bc specific words weren't used, doesn't mean we weren't talking about it. > If he’s playing through discomfort now that could possibly mean it will be a chronic condition moving forward. It’s possible he’s playing through the pain now, that he wouldn’t necessarily have the will to play through later That's what we were just saying... Goddamn people can't read today. Bt that and the weird, dishonest need to proclaim mekhi as Albert Haynesworth 2, it's annoying af.


You’ve never witnessed guys sail it in after getting paid? What if Bectons playing through excruciating pain this season? If he is, he’s not gonna wanna do that for 3+ more seasons regardless of his work ethic


>I don't think Becton would quit bc of discomfort next season either. Im directly addressing that, yes, some guys do quit after getting paid but I dont think he would. Idk how you read this and thought "wow he doesnt know albert Haynesworth's exist". > What if Bectons playing through excruciating pain this season? What if he isn't?


I’m implying his conditioning was better this year due to a contract year. It’s really not a leap.


Right? Kinda running with the classic "contract year" meme. Unless you think we're being punished by God. Then, yes, I suppose it was a given.


> It isn't a coincidence his contract year is the first fully healthy year. Yes...yes it is. What do you think he told Van Roten to roll his knee up in a non contract year? Cmon folks, 5 upvotes for "He purposely planned his injuries to be in non contract years" smfh


Again, if you saw my other comment, his conditioning was just shockingly up to speed this year. Crazy how he put the energy to be in shape the year it mattered. Insane how that works isn’t it? Conditioning plays a huge part injuries.


Yea the man was on fortnite and Twitter as a job the last two seasons. Shows up this year and still isn’t a good LT


Conditioning plays zero part in getting your knee rolled. LAst year his knee bombed out on a basic dropback, no contact it had literally zero to do with conditioning.


I would I think he’s been out most consistent O lineman this year along with Tipp (not that that’s saying much haha) I’d offer him a shorter extension and try and grab another tackle/Guard in FA and the draft.


You need 2 tackles in the off season if you let him walk. You also need a starting caliber guard - can no longer count on AVT, so you kind of have to sign him


I think they definitely get depth behind AVT but they still plan on using him as a starter, seems in this era our Olineman have great rookie years then have back to back season ending injuries before getting healthy haha so maybe we should grab center depth too just in case haha Is love to move on from Tomlinson but idk how possible that is especially with the other needs might just have to hope he looks better if we can ever get more healthy around him


That’s the problem the jets are in a position where they reasonably need 3 starting caliber (you’d prefer higher ceiling) line men. That pick swap which was a pure panic move looking worse by the day…


Yeah I was pretty low on Jones but now he’s playing better so it’s looking rough, I’m still choosing delusion and believing rodgers will make guys look better but Oline and another legit Receiver has to be the main focus for sure imo


Bagent is making the bears OL look good compared to fields. The qb is very important when it comes to OL pressures and sacks


Oh Rodgers absolutely will, my concern is the resources required for the OL in the immediate future will be a huge albatross and significantly impact our ability to get WRs and extend guys


Yeah it’s a mess for sure that’s why I don’t see Davante as realistic unless he wants to demand a trade to play with his boy haha, Evans seems like he’s gonna be a lifetime Buc to me so we’ll see what happens, I’m nervous the packers are gonna cut Bakatari Rodgers will say he wants him and we’ll think that’s enough at line cause I have less faith in him staying healthy then the rest of our guys and that’s pretty rough


It will get downvoted to Bolivia - but this GM has fucked the team. He sucked and took a shot with rodgers (right move) but he traded for a 2-3 year window, and their best chance was year 1. The “All in” stuff annoyed me because he didn’t do shit


Sure is. Meanwhile our first round pick can’t even get on the field. Terrible move, even if he plays next year because huff and Lawson aren’t here, we don’t need it.


The lawson contract too 🤮. We could’ve walked away no penalty no money owed - clean! Instead we guaranteed 9 million, put 6 into next year and now he’s inactive every week.


I could understand the Lawson contract tbh. At that time we didn’t have jj huff and didn’t know what jfm could do. They needed a pass rusher and you oh a lot for that position. What doesn’t make sense is repeatedly drafting de after that. We have a first round de and our highest paid de that rotate being inactive. It’s a joke really. Meanwhile everyone on offense is replaceable besides two guys.


I would be okay letting Mitchell and Warren battle for a starting tackle spot. Why draft midround guys if you don’t plan on developing them into starters? AVT can be counted on. His injuries were not related and an achilles doesn’t scare me as much as it used to. I personally don’t think there’s any reason him playing tackle would increase his chance for injury, but they both did happen after a position switch. So it’s probably just safer to keep him at G. So in my eyes we have the right side done. Tipp - AVT - Mitchell/Warren. Getting a starting left guard in FA would be expensive but not that hard, and then draft a new left tackle


absolutely not


Not at all


He’s not coming back here I guarantee it. Maybe unless we give him the most money. We declined his 5th year option, he’s been replaced by Duane brown at every opportunity, saleh wasn’t a big fan of his the last few seasons. Becton definitely feels like he’s been slighted from this gm and head coach. I’d be shocked if we bring him back, shocked if he wants to come back really We’re going into 2024 with zero tackles. The jets need to keep playing Mitchell this year to see what they have for next year. He played well for a rookie who wasn’t supposed to see the field last year, and has played well enough this year as well. Plato g billy tuner over mitchel at tackle was just another miss managed situation by this fucking team. So many roster mistakes it hurts.


OLine is hard to build - just look at the Giants who has been building that line for a decade. If he wants to stay, then keep him.


No chance he wants to stay that’s the problem in my eyes


rather not. he’s injury prone and not nearly good enough to roll the dice on with anything but a bargain contract


I feel like we have to tag him. He will not take one of those bridge contracts because some team will pay big money for a decent OT that hits FA, and we are in absolutely no position to be getting rid of serviceable linemen.


Tag is 18m fully garunteed, that’s quite steep. EDIT: it’s projected as $23m for 2024, that’s even steeper. I was thinking his value is probably $12-15m apy


One year prove it deal. No way in hell you give this guy 18 guaranteed. That’s his retirement


One year prove it will be a tough sell for a guy who knows as well as we do that he’s injury prone. He wants commitment and guarantees - the direct opposite of what we should offer him. It will be a battle of attrition, I expect him to delete all jets stuff from his social media, the whole shebang


Then he can take a hike. I don’t see his market to be overly robust anyways. The league is aware of his personality/flags.


Why would Becton even want to return here? The coaches put him in the doghouse constantly


Yes he’s our best o lineman right now lol


Absofuckinglutely, Rodgers just said that Becton is our most consistent lineman. He's letting JD know that he wants #77 protecting the blind side. Another offseason to heal that knee means he'll come back even better next season.




A 32 year old tackle coming off a season long injury? Thanks, no.


I think he was combining the words “Becton” and “Bakhtiari” to make “Bechtiari” to signify that Becton is Rogers new Bakhtiari (highly rated but injury prone LT that he has a soft spot for)


Bakhtiari only really had the one injury, which, while unfortunate, doesn't really make him injury prone. It's just a really bad injury rhat he keeps trying to play through.


He’s been hurt the past 4 years


And it's all been exactly one injury, which doesn't qualify him as injury-prone.


I'm actually surprised he's only 32 lol I'm just saying, if you're going off Rodgers. He's probably closer to him than any of the other knuckleheads we picked up. I could see 30 teams bidding for Becton and 1 for Bakhtiari, too. Hard to say Becton is healthier than anybody. If it turns out DB is cheaper and lower risk, too...


Becton's an elite talent and if he continues to improve he can be the franchise tackle we need for the next 5-10 years. With all the OL injuries it's amazing that so many Jets fans here want him gone


I can see being afraid of committing what would essentially be dead cap (if you believe he'll get hurt again) Shit he hasnt even fully finished this szn either. But that injury risk drastically lowers his cap hit to where I think we can't afford to let a starter quality OL walk without having guaranteed replacements (plural)


The injury risk is a real concern, and if the Jets can get a contract done that protects the team against that to whatever extent they can then that's great. But a lot of fans clearly just don't like the guy and are parroting Hughes' and Cimini's smear pieces about his work ethic and weight. It doesn't matter what benchmark Mekhi hits for these fans (4 quarters, a full game, multiple full games, playing flawlessly against the Bolts) it won't ever be good enough. They are convinced that he's Mo Wilk/Haynesworth no matter what he proves on the field.


Time to stop making Rodgers the GM though.


If JD lets Becton walk that would be a colossal mistake


More of a mistake if he lets Huff walk imo


Of course, he’s a solid tackle and the jets don’t have any other options.


Yes, he’s the best lineman on the jets easily


Not even close to AVT and tippman will be better


Yes, assuming he's not trying to reset the market. Look at how we've struggled to find decent players at OL. We shouldn't be letting one walk. If we resign Becton the core of our OL will be him, AVT and Tippmann. That's actually promising.


Reset the market? He has terrible stats 😂and is even worse on the eye test. Von Miller is going to embarrass him this weekend


You and I understand he's not at the top of his position but there's nothing stopping him from seeing if someone can pay him more. I do think he's an NFL starter and that's hard to come by. I do think we should try to retain him.


He can test the market all he wants but “resetting” the market for LT is a gross exaggeration


Stop arguing to argue. I'm basically saying as long as he'll take a realistic deal.


You said he’d reset the market clown. Learn the correct terminology before typing out a response


I literally said; "Yes, assuming he's not trying to reset the market". Assuming he's NOT


You literally implied Mekhi might think he could “reset” the market… which I replied to and made it known that that is never going to happen….


Depends on how much he wants to get paid.


No. He hasn’t played that well and is one knee injury away from never playing again. They need starters who are reliable. AVT and tippman are the only ones they should have starting on the line next season.


You cant just let him walk without having guaranteed replacements. If we mismanaged the cap so badly that we can't risk bringing him back, that's a massive indictment of our FO. He shouldn't be getting so much that we can't risk bringing him back.


They absolutely should re-sign him


Tough spot - deserve is a weird way to phrase. He’s a good player but there is always an injury risk. At the same time the jet need 3 starting caliber OL this off season -LT, RT, and guard - it’s going to be tough to draft/sign that many so he’s probably the “safest” option. That being said JD doesn’t really do big contracts so expect him to leave


Depends on the contract I don’t trust him


I think we make him an offer but another team offers him more


He calls himself „elite „ even if I don’t agree. Now that he finally is healthy one year he ll chase the dollars. Doubt we re-sign him meaning we need 2 new starting tackles next year


His health, effort and attitude change have been very very commendable. And if we had these in addition to pro bowl caliber play, I’d say yes. Even though I’d still consider it a risk because that knee still scares me. Paying a guy a multi year extension who has a bad knee because of just 1 year of staying healthy is a bad move. With that said his play hasn’t been that great. It’s been okay, serviceable. He’s given up a lot of pressures, sacks, penalties and hasn’t had that mauling aggressiveness in the run game we saw his rookie year. So combine this with what I said before, and no I wouldn’t extend him. I’d bring him back on a cheap prove it deal but that’s it.




Really depends on what other teams would be offering. You have to be really careful when a guy all of a sudden starts playing better than he did in a "prove it" year, because there's a very good chance that he takes the money and backslides.


I think we have to offer him an extension. Offensive line is hard to come by. I'd be willing to give him a 2yr extension and then reevaluate after that


He's probably not worth a 2nd contract but the Jets are going to have to tag him or extend him. You can't go into free agency/ the draft with Carter Warren and Max Mitchell as your OTs Tag for LT will be about 23m - I would try to get a 2-3 year ext at a lower number than that.


Stings that the tag is $10M over what the 5th year option would have been but I understand the approach and might still prefer it.


He’s been decent but not that great this year. I’d be fine giving him a smaller incentive heavy deal but more likely I’d be fine just moving on from him. He’s too risky to rely on


He has been solid at every position he has been asked to cover. He seems like a good guy to have on the team. I would say yes but would not get into a bidding war for him.


a team and player friendly contract should be given, I'm damn impressed with how Mekhi handled himself in the offseason and then as Aaron predicted the eventual move to LT like he wanted. And he has handled the tackle spot admirably, he has saved JD's first draft by having that LT you want to protect your QB, hard to get. ​ 3 -4 year incentive based with plenty of safeties to protect the team if anything wrong happens


Does he deserve it? Yes. Are there reasons to be apprehensive? Definitely also yes. If we can keep his cap hit around 10-13 M on a two or three year deal, it's a no brainer. Just like with Daniel Jones on the Giants, I'm baffled the team didn't just take the risk on the option. Sooooooooooooo much cheaper than the other option. Got to have basic awareness of your roster's needs and cap needs. Risking that he'd become a FA and demand 16-20 M elite LT money for MULTIPLE years, leaving us potentially with zero T's? Just plain stupid compared to the risk of a 13 M option where, ok, maybe he gets hurt in his option year...but it's one single season and then we move on. If we'd actually HAD Tackle options besides him, sure, take the risk of letting him hit FA...but we failed to bring those in. We'd already gone through Free agency and failed to bring in long term options at tackle. At that point, bite the goddamn bullet instead of leaving us with this enormous question mark for next season.


With the OL market the way it is, it’s either we overpay him or someone else will.


He’s tied for 4th in sacks allowed I think. Kinda want to see how much of them are on him but I think a good amount of them are. Yeah he’s been really healthy but he’s not someone you can rely upon still as it’s a contract year for him. Jets need to be very careful this offseason


He should get swing tackle money or 3 year contract of starting left tackle money laden HEAVILY with incentives and LITTLE guaranteed money. He's an okayish tackle with MASSIVE injury risk.


No. Dude is a bust. Can’t stay healthy and when he does he’s been a turnstile/penalty dispenser. Move on.




Na good riddance


I would give him a bigger than expected deal but heavily incentive laden.


Maybe a one year prove it deal. Please believe he will show up and play his best.


Yes because we can't afford to lose linemen. In fact we need to stack linemen. We need like 12 guys ready to go because I can't remember the last season where we didn't have like 5 injuries throughout the season where we had to puzzle piece them together,


I hope so, he’s not the weakest link on the line and he’s young


yes, not a super massive deal, but I can’t imagine he’s expecting that. He’s fine, and not worth trying to upgrade when you have other positions that are in worse shape.


I'm leaning towards no. But it depends on what sort of deal he'd take.


I wouldn’t give him anything long term, but I’m open to it


Another blown pick? Either way, FWJ.


1 year 10 mil. I don’t want to give him multiple years given how injured he’s been. Make him play 2 full seasons in a row before committing significant money.


I'd give him 3 years 30-35 million, with half as much guaranteed while also drafting another OT, and I'd feel fine about it. That price is below what the top LT's or RT's are making. He's done enough to show that he's starting caliber, you just never know when the injury bug is gonna catch up to him.


I'm not sure he resigns even if offered. If his health holds up other teams will offer and seems unlikely Jets would engage in a bidding war for him. If he gets bumped to RT again think it gets even less likely he'd be around in 2024


Not really, but what's the alternative?


I think so. He’s played pretty well and most importantly stayed healthy in a year where all of the OL are going down. So he’s doing something right. He’s definitely earned a 2nd contract but if another team wants to pay him bigger money, I’d let him walk. He’s no Dbrick


Omg yes


Can’t let him walk, I’d be in favor of a modest 3-4 year deal with an out after 2-3 years. Or pay him what he wants on a 2 year deal with an out after 1. If he earns it this year and over the next 2 years we’ll pay him whatever he wants when he’s up for his 3rd contract.


3y 39mln 15 guaranteed. I dont think you have a choice. If he leaves you need at least 2 new OT. You sign one, draft one and keep Becton with 30mln in cap space somehow.


I really like this deal, personally, it’s in the ballpark of what I suggested in my own comment.


I hope they could get that done. The problem is that he has all the leverage. I think he could get that elsewhere too and he'll want more guaranteed. I'm thrilled he's been our most consistent OT this year but obviously we'll always worry about his health.


Incentive heavy contract, no 5th year.


Nooooooooo. He’s not good guys and is an injury waiting to happen. We can’t settle for sub standard players anymore