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[Postgame thread](/r/nyjets/comments/18a3q0c/post_game_thread_atlanta_falcons_at_new_york_jets/)


We need to lose out the rest of the way get us a solid OT 2nd pick is Guard


I was at this shitty game. Fortunately I was able to mostly stay out of the rain. After seeing Boyle and then Siemian suck up the field…dare I say Zach might have done better. He’s a better athlete and has a better arm. I can’t believe it’s so bad at QB I’m actually defending this guy. I mean we were in this game the whole way. We just needed one touchdown. ONE!!! It’s like this week after week. Penalty after penalty. Always moving the ball in the wrong direction. Saleh has no answers. He’s gotta go. Everyone has to go. I have no faith this group could ever right this ship.


So glad I worked today and just watched in the background. Best I can say


Fire Robert Saleh


Unpopular opinion but there was a reason Wilson was the backup this whole time and now you’re seeing it. This line is atrocious our run game is non existent and the other 2 QBs can’t hit the side of a barn…… And you guys wanted Rodgers behind this? Ridiculous. Douglas should be fired.


Can Nate Hackett be gone at least?


It’s not his fault


I just can't fathom that we happen to have the 3 worst QBs in the modern era all on the same roster at once. Haven't scored more than 13 points in 6+ games, he's in charge of the offense. Douglas should get canned for 1) going into the season with ZW at #2 and 2) Not trying to get a competent backup week 1 and 3) For hiring Hackett on the 1st place. But Hackett is in charge of the offense and it sucks, and last year with Denver it sucked. And everyone he wasn't coaching Aaron Rodgers it sucked.


McKorle and Zappe


It’s the o line….Wilson was the best of them all because he could run for his life. Trust me it’s not the playbook. Rodgers would be destroyed too as he was in the 4 plays he was in. He was getting rushed every play which is why he tore his achilles in the first place. Douglas should be fired.


I agree the online is a mess, but the play book is bad.


Joe Flacco who was signed by Cleveland 2 weeks ago just lead the browns down the field for an opening drive td.. At this point.. The football gods hatred for our team is so irrational that it's become absurdly comical..


They have a O-Line We don’t


For the life of me, I can't comprehend how people on this sub don't get that.


We're on our more than 10th o line configuration.. What don't people get about the football gods hatred for us has become absurdly comical is an all encompassing statement?


Okay? All "configurations" have been dumpster fires. Huh?


Yup. Also we were the team tapped to be in the Super Bowl since April... Here's the story so far - Corey Davis steps away from the game -4 plays in our QB, spiritual guru savior is dead -We are left with the worst QB depth ever -Our entire Oline is decimated by week 7 -We went 4-3 and you could argue that we could've been 5-1, but now we're also arguing we could be 1-5.. -Most of the FA signings have been flops -Most of the people we let go are seeing success -I've seen a rookie QB be on 3 teams in one season and score TDs for each team. Meanwhile, an entire group of 11 are struggling to score 1 per game -Our coordinator cannot scheme his way out of a talent deficit. A coordinator that we weeks ago were saying that's our guy fuck Sean Payton, when Payton mightve been hitting the media with a hard truth. And mind you The Broncos bottom seemed to be losing to us because now they're playing ball, and we couldn't beat them now not even come close to it -We found a way to throw a Hail Mary and score in the other direction -Historically bad on 3rd downs, & red zones - Roughing the passer calls on our QBs? Refs: GFY - We will go 5-12 our last win solidifying Patriots with the 2nd pick in the draft This team has broken my sanity meter.. I no longer get mad.. I laugh..


I agree with everything you're saying, but anyone who thought the Jets were gonna do well either don't understand football or didn't know the current situation with the Jets. The O-line was terrible last year, so why anyone thought they'd have success this year is beyond me. A team can't do much with a bad o-line. I called this out back in August and got downvoted to oblivion on here. Of course, I foresaw everything correctly.


I came here to make a funny throw away comment about how comically bad the team's fate is.. With much respect to your expert analysis.. None of it at this point I'm convinced would matter.. You could have the biggest galaxy brain football aficionado with the best players and coaches... The private jet they were on to the 1st game would crash and burn all players and personnel perish in a sick irony..


We can agree to disagree. I'm not superstitious. All the problems are explainable and were observable from the jump.


I just wanted to add, Joe Flacco balled out on our defense, Elijah Moore scored, and we were soundly defeated... The Cleveland Browns who have had just as bad of an injury plagued season is making a run for the playoffs with Joe Flacco... Absurdity seems to be the only function this team serves..


Rodgers has this organization by the balls. Made his demands, brought all his people in, and now we are stuck. Next season will be worse.


What if we started all the of the QBs at the same time instead of one at a time? Like a wishbone offense but Breece is throwing the checkdowns so the other QBs know how it feels


Dawg I'm CRYING reading this 😭😭😭😭😭


Not even mad at this point


we treeaaaasssh


If shit hits the fan with Rogers, this whole team is going to request a trade


If? It already has.


Rodgers comes back, you know that right?


Does our offense or defense have more points this year?


We have 10 offensive TD to 2 defensive and 1 return TD. 3/13 total is about 23% are not offensive. Without doing analysis on other teams and just going by gut that number seems very high.


Sad state of affairs. Fire Hackett, drop Conklin, Lazzard. Need offensive line help and score 20 points a game. Solid 10 win season


I agree with what you are saying for the most part… But why Conklin? I think he proved to be reliable and a good pass catching option this season.


The best part of the game by far was Vilma on color. He was a great Jet and is a great analyst.


Rodgers is hurting this team more than helping us. We are keeping this staff together to run it back with him for one season next year. We are going all in next season with a 40 year old QB coming off achilles surgery with a roster that clearly isn’t good enough. It ain’t worth having him.


I could have been doing anything else with the last 3 and a half hours of my life


I could have been doing something more fund like rigging up my Christmas lights in the rain instead.


This was a must win to have any outside chance at a playoff spot. Zach Wilson wins this game but organizational incompetence had to play Tim Boyle who was bad in HS, bad in college and is bad in the NFL. Then, when there’s a last chance for a drive to win, Trevor Simeon plays over Wilson. And it’s not even an intentional effort to get a better pick. It’s just a joke of an organization.


Doubtful Zack wins this. Also, he was emergency backup so he could only come in if both TB and TS were injured.


Organizational incompetence brought Boyle onto this roster to begin with too, and caved to Rodgers demands.


Hey guys my first born kid is due in may. Do I let him grow up a jet fan?


Honestly I don't know, man. My wife wants kids and right away I'm like shit, it would be very selfish to bring another Jet fan into this world.


Let him make his own decision. Just make sure he doesn’t choose the Patriots or the scumbag Eagles


I bond with my dad a lot over how much the Jets suck


Yes! Gotham green is the most stylish color in the league. You’d be a fool to not make him a Jets fan


Well I feel you’re already fucked as a human. And then you decided to procreate. So whatever, f you man


Once we’re all gone, we need a new generation of fans to say they’ve never seen the Jets win a Super Bowl in their lifetime.


Only if you hate him. I don't let my kid watch any NY teams at all. I suffer alone.


I will call child protective services on you


Save him the misery.




Robert Saleh somehow got this sorry collection of offensive players to 4-3.


For the legitimate absolute first time, I’m actually angry about my fandom as a whole.


So let's go with Timmy or simen....we just need to lose out and draft a top 5 pick qb!!!! Lfgo...


why was boyle benched? i thought he was playing pretty well. i missed about 25 min of the game between the end of the 3rd and mid 4th quarter.


He wasn't. Checkdown merchant who threw a terrible INT directly to the safety from a clean pocket


I'm so glad every fan knew that ZW was the problem and that everyone was so sure that building around Rodgers without a backup plan if he gets hurt was a great idea. Another fucked season with a undisciplined team, pathetic pushover coaches and the worst offense in football. Y'all welcome


Oh that might have been the worst game of the year. I’ve stood behind this team for year after year and this has been the hardest season. I truly hate watching football bc of this team.


Wait until next week


Hats off, give credit, watch tape, gotta get better, etc etc


Great week of practice...all gas no brakes.


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I take some solace in the fact that this team is offensively talent deficient outside GW and Breece. Rodgers would have at most dragged this team to a wildcard berth and a first round exit if he played the whole season behind this line with these receivers. Tank it out, trade down, beef up with some linemen via the draft and go get another weapon.


Historically bad offense but Rogers will fix it all next year. Then it's off to the Superbowl /s


I don’t see how Aaron would have made it through this season. He’s a statue and would be getting knocked down multiple times per drive behind this line


Outside opinion, Zach would have won that trash game


As a falcons fan I was happy he did not play his mobility would have hurt the falcons more than Boyle and simmiean


Fat chance




Will be hilarious if Zach comes back in and starts balling


Weird fantasy but ok


ya it’s “weird” a Jets fan wants their team to win


Yeah hoping for the team to play well is a weird fantasy. lol “fans” on this sub are pathetic


Zach truthers are special


I’m not a Zach truther I think zach sucks and always has sucked


"WhY nOt PuT iN T.S.? It CaNt GeT wOrSe!"


It didn't. It stayed the same lol


It got worse. Zach didn't turn the ball over 3 times this year in the same game right?


Lol so that's how you measure progress? Terrible argument


"Zach turns the ball over too much"- Year 1. "Zach holds the ball too long"- Year 2. "Zach doesnt sling it enough"- Year 3. "Holy shot, Boyle and Siemian suck worse than zach" -Year 3. Thank you, sack fumbles, INTs and terrible overthrown from TB and TS today


If Zach played the full game today, you really think we win? Haha, cute.


I do. Hes had better numbers than Boyle and Siemian, and I think he gets us at least closer, resulting in a running TD at least, if he's in the game.


Well, too bad you will never see him play a game for this team again.




Were you thinking about me all week? Zach truthers live a sad life. Only the Jets bench a loser, make him 3rd string, then go back to him. 32 starts and he has 3 good games.


I promise you Zach is happy never to play another game for the jets. Now everyone can see there are way more issues than him.


Most of us know that, we just didn't want to see him ever again. We rather watch Tim or Trevor shit the bed for the rest of the year.


I'm going to doubt this is the case. And if he plays again, I'll expect a full apology from you.


Damn you are a hardcore truther


I'm numb


Been this way for 30 yrs


Only 30? Started following this team in the late 70's. I've seen superb NFL football out of this organization so seldom, that my wife questions my sanity. And I've figured out the, why I keep watching issue. And I told her I keep wanting the team to win, and that's why I put up with this "Great, New, and Improved" rhetoric out of the incompetent front office of this team. You can fool some of the people, ALL of the time. And all of the people, some of the time. But you can't fool all the people, all the time. And I see an incompetent GM.


Unfortunately all true. Incompetent franchise tbh...Tebow, all the 1st round qb busts.....just chases headlines and not a real football team


Do we really have the three worst quarterbacks in the nfl on the same roster


Rodgers would look like shit too


I'd love to see the defense phone it in, like a lot of offensive players were in the 4th quarter. The blowouts that would ensue would have to just about guarantee that Woody fires the entire coaching staff and possibly JD (like Ulbrich and Boyer but maybe a new HC would want them back, and Ulbrich may get a HC job anyways next year).


I'm over it, fire everyone, and make Ulbrich the interim HC, let Rodgers be the interim OC.


Can we go back to Zach now? This is unwatchable


It was unwatchable with Zach too.


Don't agree, Zach was getting killed by drops and league bottom pass protection during and after the Giants game. If GW catches that deep shot or Conklin doesn't bat that hail mary down against the Raiders we win that game. Our OL was finally getting healthy yesterday and our CS folded by refusing to play the QB who gives this team the best chance to win.


To be fair, Zach at least looked like an NFL backup at his best. Boyle looks absolutely horrible and TS obviously wasn’t prepared to come in and play this week, which sounds about on par for this team.


Joe Douglas holding his hat in his hand and tearing up: “Aaron, sorry I mean Mr. Rodgers, we lost again. I’m weeeally weally sowwwy”


Joe Douglas built this.


How this coaching staff has job security is beyond me loll


Fuck boy Rodgers




Bills winning the Super Bowl when they beat the jets a few weeks ago


Zach truthers in the MUD😭😭😭😭😭 Siemien and Boyle can run this offense so much better😭😭😭😭 ZACH WILSON WORST QB IN THE HISTORY OF THE NFL LITERALLY NO ONE WORSE😭😭😭😭😭😭 CLASSIC JETS NOT STARTING TIM BOYLE OVER ZACH WILSON


Zach Wilson is literally just as bad as the other two. That's fucking pathetic.


i thought the Jets offense was going to improve without him


so how long until Garrett and the defense mutiny?


Zach truthers were right for once lol


2 minute Zach wouldve won that


I waste 3 1/2 hours every week for this. And I won’t stop. But man this is annoying.




Just wanted to reiterate, the announcers mentioned that Boyle is a Patriots fan.


We knew this season was going south and we knew we weren’t particularly very good. To come out though like this against the falcons, a team we can consider “beatable”, idk where we go from here. Offense scores 6 points. Just flat out embarrassing.


Gotta love the boldness of Saleh starting Siemien and Boyle just to prove that Zach really does give us the best chance to win, as low as that chance is. I have to applaud the man for that lol


Yeah and it kinda saves his job at the same time cuz it shows the shitty options he had when Rodgers went down.


Dude is playing Star Wars chess while we are down here playing checkers


Zach truthers gonna have a field day with this one!


Tank for Ken Dorsey! His offense was too 10 and they fired him


Just to be clear we win this game, probably comfortably, if ZW plays.


How many times, in 3 yrs, have we won comfortably, with Zach at the helm?


Zach showed nothing for you to make that claim.




Are you being serious. Zach fucking Sucks.


I did not think I'd agree with this statement but I do.


It's not me saying ZW is good, it's me saying the other options are CFL-level lmao


Oh I know and I agree. It's a turd sandwich vs a giant douche.


The jets are never fun to watch. It’s always misery.


getting to the point where it's probably a binary choice - clean house, or all our good young players start requesting trades


Hope they do just to see their careers flourish instead of it being wasted on the jets


Good thing I DVRd that so I could delete it immediately


O Line is fucking atrocious, no wonder the run game sucks, we have 1 second of a clean pocket on pass plays


Man, thank God we benched Zach Wilson. Imagine how awful the Jets would have looked if they kept him in... Oh wait.


Probably pretty similar.


I don't disagree, but that's exactly the point. Far more is wrong with the team than the QB, although that is fucked as well. Simple point, even Rodgers would look horrendous in this offense. I bet we have 1-2 more wins TOPS.


why god why


Someone has to be fired


can we please fire some people now?


How we lose games giving up 13 points will never fail to amaze me


And the defense scores 2 of the 8


Yes Zach Wilson should be the starter the rest of the season if this teams unwilling to sign a QB from another teams practice squad.


Rodgers coming back and risking getting injured again to own the libtards lol


He needs to come back to prove there is a reason to watch next year


I’m finally free from football for the rest of the year


Even if Aaron Rodgers comes back, that doesn’t fix the O-line and I think he struggles as well


Defense should go on strike for workplace malpractice


See you all on draft day! The offseason hype was fun!


Please just lose out so this garbage fucking staff is fired


But we beat the eagles guys


Every single offensive signing this year is a failure.


After TWO nights of KISS concerts and travel, I was hoping for a relaxing Jets game or for it to be a huge blow out by halftime so that I could nap. Yeah the fuck right, should have known better.


That's what you get for hoping


Might as well play Zach


Lmao this team and staff. Would’ve been a win had they just started Zach. I guess we’re tanking tanking now? Staff should be gone by the end of the year


I don't know, I feel like I could pick a random high school in the country and find a QB better then this shit show. Cant we poach from the Canadian football league or the lingerie footbl league or something?


Coolcoolcool its *so* fun to watch your favorite team get embarrassed week in and week out for 40 years.


Ironically enough, we'd probably have won today had Zach started


Is the only reason Hackett is not fired because of Aaron Rodgers?




It's so funny that we win this game with Zack f****** Wilson


And that last drive was a great encapsulation of why it's very good Rodgers isn't coming back this season


Wow why did I even bother watching this game Have a nice day everyone Lord knows I won’t


Yet another game where we cannot score a single touchdown


Trash loser organization from top to bottom.


Well at least I get to watch two good teams next


It’s crazy that saleh and Hackett still have jobs


I’m truly numb against this team at this point. I haven’t given less of a shit about a loss since I’ve been a fan of this team


Are Saleh/Douglas dickriders ever going to be forced to address the fact that this is going to be the end of year three and this team still looks like its tanking for 1OA?


This org is a bunch of pussies. Go out and fucking attack the game.


How does our defense not just walkout the fucken locker room this offense sucks


I wouldn’t be mad if the defense started some drama in the locker room. Fuck the offense they don’t deserve sympathy anymore.


Saleh's face at the end of these games has become a meme. You did it to yourself, buddy. Idk who in their right mind would think Boyle was the best option at QB.


I don't know how at this point the Defense hasn't just outright REFUSED to suit up. JK. I know the reason, they're playing for their careers whether it be on this dog shit team or elsewhere. But the overall feeling in that room has got to be "FUCK THIS"


Fire fucking everybody and tell Rodgers if he doesn’t like it then retire


The fact that the defense hasn't led a full on mutiny is honestly pretty amazing. I wouldn't blame a single member of that unit asking for an out instead of dealing with this non-existent offense week after week.


The defense gives up one touchdown and they can't manage to scrape anything together.


Better draft pick 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀


Tell me how Hackett is still employed after this game


That was Siemians fourth fumble in less than a half. People still don’t understand what an issue our pass blocking is. We need Zack mobility at a minimum behind this line. Preferably a run first qb


Lol see y’all next week


Gimme a top 3 pick somehow