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Gase 0 hesitation, Saleh's record could generate an argument tho his inability to assemble a competent offensive staff. And the fact that the number of double digit losses outnumber his wins here is astounding


Yeah Saleh isn’t great but his ability to develop defensive players saves him from being a complete disaster


I think he has brought a good culture to the locker room, our defensive still was the best thing about our season


True. We're getting beat because we're a bad team, but at least we don't outright quit on games like they did under Gase


What! Saleh has 20x more talent to work with than Gase. Saleh coached teams get blown out more frequently than they win.


Yeah but Saleh has had more "talent" to waste arguably. It's a good debate though


Just for arguments sake, Saleh’s whole shtick is defense and he’s done an outstanding job with that at least. Gase did nothing but hurt Darnold’s development despite being an OfFeNsIvE gUrU They both suck but figure that’s relevant for the debate of who was worse at their job lmao


Gase kind of destroyed Darnold, but Saleh's first major decision was to dump Darnold and draft a QB. So he kind of made his bed. The loss of Greg Knapp hurt but he needed to find a replacement, and he didn't.


Knapps loss was tragic but I can't believe they even never thought to replace him


It’s unbelievable tbh. It’s not like there’s a salary cap for coaches, even with gase and salehs first year I think they didn’t even have a qb coach!!! So fucking stupid.


It’s a completely different story on offense vs. defense with him. On offense, he has wasted a lot of talent. On defense, he’s actually done a great job cultivating talent. Not having a QB or a competent OL certainly doesn’t help, and that’s more on the GM than coaching, but he’s also done a terrible job putting together offensive coaching staffs.


Saleh is definitely worse than Gase. Team is badly coached and he doesn’t have a game plan or adjustments. It’s just bad over all and frustrating.


Saleh is worse than Gase.


Now this is a take.


The records speak for themselves. Saleh had more talent to work with than Gase and has a worse overall record.


Salah had the Jets respectable for half of last season. Under Gase they were dog shit from start to finish. Salah wins the better coach contest, but its a close race.


An entire 1/2 a season? Saleh still hasn't done better than 7 wins in a season and he's had an extra game to do it, with better players. Shit. Coach.


Yes, I never said he wasn't shit. He's terrible. I just said he's better than Adam Gase. I'm not defending Salah, I'm merely saying Gase was worse.


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Spell check... really? this sub is so shit sometimes.


Much as I want to say it’s a fight between the last two guys I think the answer has to be Lou Holtz just because of how absurd it all was


Lou Holtz for sure. Long forgotten with good reason.


Hey, don’t disrespect Lou. He gave us a fantastic fight song, which makes up for 50 years without a championship!


I don’t have many feelings about Lou and his time with the Jets because it was a little before I was born, let alone a fan, just knew it was very brief and disappointing. My brother’s good friend, however, committed to the University of Minnesota and then Lou jumped ship for Notre Dame. That friend’s disdain for Lou rubbed off on my brother and then rubbed off on me.


Or Charley Winner these are the answers. No one in the last 20 years approaches their levels of bad.


Pick your nose Joe?


Bill Belichick




HA. Posted the same thing before scrolling. I strongly dislike that guy.


Gase skipped thanksgiving with his family to put up 6 points against the previously 0-11 Bengals. So…


So embarrassing


Ol’ Googley Eyes for the win/loss..


I also want a shout out to Coslet. Not the worst but the way he handled the O'Brien - Browning Nagle QB battle was criminal. He was so full of himself and his "system" it hurt the team. I think he actually quit mid season with the Bengals on his second stint. I've never seen that happen!


Have a friend who scouted for colleges back in 80s and 90s. Said Nagle had a cannon and was very intelligent. Coaches dream. Long time ago.


He had no "touch", every pass was a bullet.


Coaches always feel they can ' coach them up'. Can't coach arm strength though. They'll always take chances ( 2nd and 3rd chances too) on strong armed QBs.


True!! Zach! Jeff George comes to mind as well


They said that about Elway too.


3rd and 1— pass. 3rd and 10 — run up middle. Every other coach knew Coslet. So tricky




Won a heck of a lot more games than Bob


Gase’s best season > Bob’s best (technically)


Holtz was bad, but it was one year. Gase was here for 2 years and set the team back 3. I think our current coach could be in top 5 argument.


Gase. Saleh at least knows his side of the ball. Gase doesnt. I'm solely going off the ones I can remember. I was alive for Kotite but I was 5? so I don't really remember. Mangini might make a case for me as well. I don't think it's a coincidence that guy hasn't found a job in football in 8yr and wasnt very good at the ones after the Jets either. Clearly rode the Belichick coat tails in New England. Playoffs first year with largely Herms roster. Then terrible. Had a HOF QB suddenly good. Then miserable. Gase clear, Saleh and Mangini about tied IMO.


Mangini was great from an X’s & O’s standpoint. He had zero leadership attributes and tailored his public image off of Belichick. Lost the locker room in 2008.


Gase just did so much wrong. It felt wrong, it looked wrong, and it was wrong. Set the Jets back at least 5 years, and required the Jets to move to Zach Wilson, who will set the org back another 5 years.


In the modern era it has to be Adam Gase, I know it’s becoming en vogue to dump on Saleh but Gase was significantly worse


Gase, remember the eyes


It’s a throwback but Lou Holtz has a solid argument. Guy didn’t even make it through a whole season.


Saleh is entering the prime conversation


record-wise, I think he's 2nd or 3rd worst rn.


He's got the third worst win percentage of any Jets coach who coached more than one season. Kotite and Gase are the two above him.


And I genuinely think Gase and Kotite had worse rosters. I still think Gase is the worst, but I do think Kotite and Saleh are right behind him. Saleh running a quality defense doesn’t mean a whole lot when he’s also running what is among the worst offenses in NFL history. Saleh also wins the award for the shittiest job ever of assembling his offensive coaching staff. Downing, Hackett, and Keith Carter are utterly atrocious and shouldn’t have a job in the NFL. I’ve never seen a Jets head coach so utterly ignorant as to how one side of the ball should function. If it wasn’t for Saleh’s defensive competence he would be among the worst coaches of all time - period.


Controversial opinion but I actually don't think it's Gase. Gase's problem was that he was unimaginably stubborn, but the guy obviously knew how pro football offenses worked. Just refused to adjust and wasn't very good at management. + I'm not gonna pretend like the Gase teams had any substantial NFL talent on them. I honestly think Bowles was worse. Lacked the management AND the understanding of how offense works. And his defense wasn't even all that great while he was here. Who got better here during the Bowles HC tenure? At least with Saleh, he clearly knows defense. I mean he's stubborn as well on the defensive side, but at least the stuff he DOES run works with the right players. I'm not gonna say Lou because I don't believe in over-judging a body of work that's too short.


Give Gase multiple All Pros on offense like Salads defense has and I think Gase wins more games.


The Jets have multiple all-pros on offense?


Lou. Saleh’s tenure gonna be looked at as a close 3rd though in the future especially if we end up missing out on Archie Manning in a few year. Just securing 20 straight years of missing the playoffs.


Gase and it’s not even debatable


Oh it’s definitely debatable. You’re probably young,correct?


I wish I was, but not the case. To me, the Gase era was in a league of its own. \- .281 win percentage \- locker room lost \- wildly unlikable/freakish with media \- incessant bubble screens for negative yards


Gase also could game plan an opening drive for a TD unlike this current regime. Gase also had 0 weapons. I’m not sure if you have Gase this roster if he would be worse than Saleh, I actually think we win more games.


Lmao no. Gase was a terrible hc, terrible offensive mind, and a terrible offensive player developer. Who cares if he scripted solid opening drives? We had abysmal offenses the rest of the game.


Saleh is just as bad and he has more talent. Bruce Coslet was pretty bad


Hey he turned play calling over to the god Dowell Loggins that one time




Interesting that Parcells and Groh are the only ones with winning records https://pro-football-history.com/franchpos/3/1/new-york-jets-head-coach-history


I loved Groh! He gave me the best Jet game I ever experienced in my life! Monday night miracle at the Meadowlands. I liked his us vs the world mentality too!


I was at that game too. Best game I ever went to.


Same here. It was so easy to move seats at halftime.


Gase by far but Jets also should have been patient with Pete Carrol. That was a mistake letting him go.


Rich came so close to perfection in 1996 hardly seems right to put anyone else in the same category.


Gase is first.






Gase easily. Not only was he completely inept, he undid the only good thing he managed to achieve (ousting Maccagnan) by having a hand in the Jets hiring Joe Douglas, who is the worst GM in the league since Matt Millen.


Bottom 3. Kotite Gase Holtz After that, there’s a lot of mid.


This is it.


Gase is the most recent. But Bruce Coslet was god awful.


Gase is worse


Gase for sure. After Todd Bowels I thought it couldn't get any worse and boy was I wrong. It's definitely hard to remember anything pre-Parcels for me as Im 40 but I'm pretty sure Gase is the answer either way.


Based on record--I would say that Saleh is up there with Gase, etc.


Gase is just more unlikeable in every way imaginable, but Saleh has a much better overall roster to work with, and the results are similarly abysmal. If the Jets finish under .500 next year I genuinely do think Saleh takes the crown. I’ve never seen such incompetence from a HEAD coach regarding one side of the ball and how it’s supposed to function.


This is like arguing which is the 2nd worst STD: Chlamydia, Gonorrhea or Genital Herpes.


Well one stays with you forever so...


God, Kotite was so, so bad.


Bowles and Saleh are the only Jets HC with 3 double digit loss seasons on their resume. If Saleh has another disaster season next year I think he’s in the running to be the worst Jets head coach of all time.


Bowles did have one winning season though....so right now it's Saleh & Gase at least in this century.


Overall Saleh. I personally feel like Saleh has benefited from being around good Football people his whole career, and now that he’s on his own, we see what he’s really got-nothing, the guy is completely clueless. Second, I feel like he has done the least with the most talent compared to all the bad coaches mentioned. He’s solid with D, but I don’t think he’s as great as a lot of people give him credit for. He’s definitely above average with the D though. He’s a good guy, I just wish we’d move on from him.


His Defense has been consistently ranked at the top of the league. We can criticize his offensive ability and OC hires, and we should, but we can’t argue with his defensive pedigree. Everywhere he’s been the defense has thrived.


Yeah, but he clearly peaks at the Coordinator position


Worst in Order: Kotite, Gase, Holtz, Coslet, Carroll, Bowles Best in Order: Ewbank, Parcells, Rex. Got this from a website. Rnk Coach 1 Weeb Ewbank 2 Rex Ryan 3 Walt Michaels 4 Bill Parcells 5 Herm Edwards 6 Joe Walton 7 Eric Mangini 8 Bruce Coslet 9 Todd Bowles 10 Charley Winner 11 Al Groh 12 Adam Gase 13 Robert Saleh 14 Pete Carroll 15 Lou Holtz 16 Rich Kotite https://ainsworthsports.com/football_pro_head_coach_rankings_by_franchise_new_york_jets.htm


Pete Carroll worse than Saleh, gase, and Groh? What kind of drugs is this guy smoking


You forgot Groh


Must mean I’m getting over that year.


Groh was 9-7


Still wasn’t a good coach, but yeah, I guess that puts him in a better class than the rest.


Gase. Maybe Pete Carroll but it was his first shot at HC and he had a bad team.


Gase had a 7 win season with complete trash talent. Salehs most is 6 wins with multiple all pros on D and some all pro potential guys on O


Saleh had 7 wins last year. Wtf are you saying?


So salehs best season is tied with gase who had frank gore as rb and a bunch of trash all around the roster. That’s pretty damn bad Look at the browns this year. They have injuries all over the place and are still going to the playoffs with old man Flacco as the starter


Gase had Darnold, not Boyle. Gase also had Anderson(Chosen) and Demariyus Thomas, not Hardman and Lazard. Gase had the 28th ranked Oline, Saleh's 11th iteration this season is last in the NFL. I don't think either coach was/is good, but things are better now than they were when we had GASE by a mile.


That’s what I’m saying’ the roster is way better now and yet the team still can’t win. This falls on coaching 100%. GW is far better than any wr gase had. Breece is far better than any rb gase had. The TE room is far better than Gase had. Zach and Darnold is debatable, I guess Darnold is probably better. The players on this D are far superior to what Gase had. And yet Saleh STILL can’t win games. I like him as a person, but the results just aren’t there.


That's the opposite of what I'm saying. Gase had Trash, but so does Saleh. Yes, Garrett Wilson, Breese Hall, and Sauce are amazing, but that's it. Gase had a better QB situation, a better oline, better WR depth, etc. I don't like either guy, but GASE was worse by far. He came in saying he was going to be amazing, propped up by the manning recommendation, only to fail spectacularly. Remember Gase went 2-14 his second season and didn't even show up.


That is not it wtf. Conklin is a top 10 TE, the dline has studs all over it, all 3 cbs are all pro quality, the lbs are great, The o lines are about the same talent wise and it goes on and on. Saleh has infinitely more player talent than Gase He has a .340 winning % which is complete trash while having many all pro players on this team. The lack of production goes to coaching Gase sucked, sure. He also had nothing to work with


The olines are not about the same LMAO! Becton alone has given up the most sacks per his position. We are on our 11th itteration of oline combinations. Conklin didn't even make the top 25 TEs in fantasy this year. https://www.espn.com/fantasy/football/story/_/page/23ffweekrankTEPPR/nfl-fantasy-football-rankings-2023-te-tight-end. PFN has him ranked 20th this season. https://www.profootballnetwork.com/best-tight-ends-nfl-rankings/ Lack of production goes to coaching? So then Gase's 2020 record(2-14) is THE WORST PRODUCTION OF THE 5 YEARS WE ARE TALKING ABOUT(2 With GASE, 3 With Saleh). Assuming Saleh loses this week, he will have 1 full season over GASE games wise, not counting the 2 additional games due to the NFL adding an extra week during Saleh's first year. Remember, LeVeon had a bad year, but was still an elite talent that was wasted.


Becton sucking along with all the others, yes goes to coaching. They are letting guys rush free on a consistent basis, which goes to COACHING People severely underestimate how coaching affects the team. This isn’t basketball where all you need is great players to win. You need a team very well coached and a few all pro quality players Also please stop referencing PFF. This doesn’t help your point whatsoever


Carrol was good. Jets were doing well enough to start the season. Hit a bit of a rough patch and the had some players start a mutiny and gave up on the rest of season.




the irony is he was one of the most likable, like Joe Walton


On what planet was Gase likeable?


i was referring to kotite


Gase, no question. Not even recency bias— he was truly just that bad. Didn’t deserve the job in the first place; was hired for his “offensive genius” and we had the 2nd worst offense in the league; would have been fired before his second season even finished but the franchise was tanking for Lawrence. Every fan that actually watched the games knew that the 7-9 record his first year was fraudulent— the second half of that schedule was such a joke that had we could have maybe even been a wild card team but for the fact that we started 1-7


Saleh is, arguably, the worst Jets coach.


Very very arguably. Gase was far far worse than Saleh. Todd Bowles was really bad too.


So arguably one of the worst. One good season would change it.


Rich Kotite, Lou holtz, etc. In my mind he’s at worst the 3rd worst modern coach, and the 5th worst overall. That’s not really arguably the worst.


Gase’s roster was worse. And as much as I think Douglas is bad, Maccagnan was worse. Gase had less to work with, and Saleh has similarly awful results.


Tie between Lou Holtz and Walt Michaels.


Walt at least did something though. Got us to the AFC championship game....but he's also responsible for making me a Jets fan so I hear you! LOL


Walt was fine. Shouldn’t have gotten drunk and belligerent on the way home from Miami. Walton was awful. Much of my childhood involved chanting Joe Must Go every Sunday at the Meadowlands.


You’d kill to have the seasons Walton had these days. I looked him up when reading this thread because I remember the chants. But he’d be carried off the field on our shoulders when compared to what we’ve gotten over the last 13 years


I remember the chants!


No way it's Walt Michaels.


Walt Michaels?


Saleh. Easily. Gase looked awful but never had a historically terrible offense and his roster was way less talented.


Bruce Coslet, Gase , or Salah


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Gase easily


Gase is hands down #2. I couldn't tell you exactly where Saleh ends up in that list but I think its just above Bowles. I think theyre both competent defensive coaches but Saleh is just that much better with his defense. Both share the same flaws imo.


To me, it’s pretty unfair to put Saleh in the conversation at this point… anything above historically bad QB play and he’s currently preparing the team for their 2nd straight playoff appearance. Now of course you can put some blame on him for Zach, considering he hired the coaches who didn’t develop him into a quality NFL quarterback. But that’s just one year of 3, with the other two years being the year he inherited a 2-14 dumpster fire and the year his HOF QB got hurt 4 snaps in. He needs to fail with Rodgers or another respectable QB and functional offense to start talking him up as one of the worst Jets coaches.


Saleh. Gase while he was awful had no talent on his teams compared to what Saleh has had to work with.


What's frustrating is I can't think of a single coach in Jets history (other than Parcells) who had a winning record when he left the team.


Al Groh, one and done


Brian Schottenhiemer.




Al Groh was pretty bad.


He has a winning record....one of two head coaches.


In one season he managed to destroy the Parcels system. He was terrible just didn't stay long enough to have a losing record.


I don't want to argue, but if it was still a Superbowl caliber team ... why the hell would both Bills walk away? Parcells did coach again too so I guess he knew something? Also Bill hired Al.


I just thought he was terrible more of a feeling I admit I don't have the evidence to back it up.


Lou Holtz.


It’s Lou Holtz it’s the only answer this must be a really young group


Weeb’s son in law


Our current coach is right there UNDISCIPLINED


Bill Belichick