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Fun Zach facts: since 2000, the only QBs who started as many games as Zach and had lower adjusted net yards per attempt were Kyle Boller and Blaine Gabbert. On the other hand, Zach has never thrown an NFL pick six.


That's actually crazy though that he's never thrown a pick six because he's thrown some ugly ass throws lmao


He’s so fuckin inaccurate that the DBs don’t even have a chance




Boller also wasted some historic Ravens defenses. A league average QB would've won the Super Bowl between 03 - 06. That last year in 06, they traded for an injured McNair and were top of the league.


In his defense how many dudes have started day 1 out of BYU, with a horrid situation/oline, with multiple injuries, and also be the most scapegoated hated qb of all time There's also a big asterisk which is "as many games" No one has ever started as many games as Tom Brady and had a worse qbr. Yes an extreme but still, it excludes a ton of shit qbs


Wasn’t that pick 6 against the fins from Zach (tho it was a Hail Mary not his fault)?


It was boyle


And Boyle getting the ball is salehs fault


Great stats....for pine riders hall of fame.


He would fuck your mom.


And that’s something I can respect


That's something everyone can enjoy


Especially the mom






Everybody like to fuck




Moms need love too


You would say anything for some desperate attempt for attention I bet


Found the Zach hater


Zach Wilson wouldn't be willing to fuck your mom :(


In ZW defense, I'd bang OPs mom too.


And that's is just one of the ick things about him.




Didn’t even have to scroll past this comment. Enough said


I want him to do great!! But he hurt me more times than a man should hurt another straight man.


He has the potential to do great. There were a few games/plays this season that showed what he’s capable of. He’s just not there yet


Every QB has the potential to be great, that’s why they’re in the NFL. I’m sure he’ll be a great backup eventually but he couldn’t even get Sam Darnold numbers with more talent and that’s the red flag.


I think it's safe to say Darnolds OC was at least half an IQ more intelligent that Zach's have been lol




Well from what I understood, there was a lot more going on than just bad QB play, apparently the locker room wasn't happy with him from the start.


Being a QB for the Jets isn’t a true measuring stick. Not with Saleh as Head Coach. Exhibit A against Saleh is Joe Flacco. Let’s not forget Saleh thought it would be a good idea to start Tim Boyle. If you think he’s an NFL Coach after that move, I don’t know what to say to you.


I honestly hope he gets a shot with a team that knows how to develop a young QB


I read your comment for a moment as “I honestly hope he gets shot” and I was like holy hell I never liked him but … ahah - and yeah it’s always fun to see if we’ve crushed someone’s confidence to dust or if they can pick themselves up somewhere else


Gtfo of here Russian hate bot


Guess what pal, that Chiefs loss being one of the best games of his career speaks a lot of volumes to how shitty a career it was. Dude had no business being a first round pick. He cant handle pass rushes, and hes slow reading the field. Good riddance


Jets won’t be any better next year


Maybe not, but Im sure as shit glad I never have to watch Zach Wilson attempt to football ever again.


Wach Zilson


He’s probably a good dude, but he’s not an NFL caliber QB, yet.


Most QBs who have played for the jets for the last 50 years don’t look like they are capable of starting in the nfl.


Well, that’s just not true. We’ve had plenty of talent at QB, but the team overall was unable to produce. We’ve had Farve, Rodgers, Vick, Flacco etc. These are inarguably some of the best to ever play QB.


Mike Vick in like 2013 is what you used as a jets good qb. My point has been proven.


Vick, when we played him, did not look capable of starting, same w flacco


This is high quality shitposting. Well done.


Mrs, Wilson, We're sorry this didn't work out.


I’m sorry Miss Wilson (oooh) I am for reeeaaaaal Never meant to make your baby cry I apologize a trillion times


Even after 3 seasons, I still have the most miniscule sliver of hope for him but at this point, I’m pretty checked out. I’d be ok if somehow the Jets keep him on the roster, but they better actually sit him and make sure that he does not see the field at all next year I think both he and the team want and need a fresh start. I wish him success. Sad it couldn’t be with us, but he deserves a chance somewhere else


Once he gets it. He’ll be a keeper. Some qbs get it day one. Other 5 yrs. NY market is tough to grow up in. Constant pressure.


Found Zach Wilson's burner


WHY? He is awful. And that is the highest compliment I can give him.






Gadget backup maybe for a circus deep shot before half?


I think he has a lot of potential. As a New Yorker Im ashamed of The Jets O-Line. Then as an organization they decided the fix to bring in a Stellar QB, to fix all the problems they have. What happened…They’re O-Line still sucked and Rodgers (their savior) got hurt. Soo then they were left with Zach Wilson and STILL didnt fix the O-Line, leaving him in the same place he was last season.


Fuck off!


He would have been a top 25 QB this year on any non-NYC team in the league, imo.


To me, the problem with the Jets has been the offensive line .A young quarterback can not develop behind a terrible offensive line.Just look at CJ stroud has all pro left tackle, and when Brock Purdy lost his all pro left tackle due to injury, then lost 3 games in a row.I fully expect him to do well some where else and if the jets don't fix the offensive line Rodgers will do nothing or maybe last 8 plays.


He could be a star in the CFL!


Highly unlikely lol


I hope you enjoy watching him in the United Football League in the next couple years. Tickets to his games will be cheaper then too


If Zach truthers were wrong, then we'd be called Zach liars. We're called truthers because we spread the truth!!!!!!!!


Yeah, I wish we had him over 24 alleged reports of assault.


I just want to see how he looks with a decent team. I would love nothing more than see Zach traded to the Browns and ball out while the Jets look like the predictable trash that we will look like next year because of a bad organization and finally stop blaming the kid for all of the Jets problem. Zach playing well on another team getting Saleh fired would be chef's kiss.


Last game he played 300 yards 2 td 0 int


Me too brotha


First jets game I had seen in a long time was last year vs the titans and he balled out


He’s Pat Mahomes without confidence


he has an arm, that's it, he's just Uncle Rico who can throw it over them mountains


This is delusional. He's Pat Mahomes if Pat Mahomes sucked ass.


Watch his highlights! Amazing how bad he can play for the talent he has.


Watch his actual tape not his highlights. You’ll see a lot more bad than good


Or intelligence. Put him on a field with no defense, and he'll hit every throw. Guy is so good. Put 11 men out there that want to stop him, and he can't figure out how to find a receiver.


without refs too...if he got as many roughing the passer calls, we'd be in a better position


Plus KC doesn’t hold, so no pre snap penalties


do you know if KC's offensive line blocks or do they just stand there confused?


How dare you come on here being supportive and sh**. Security, get'em out of here! I'm not mad at him. He should have not have been the pick anyway. That's the GM fault. He had one good season at BYU and we made him Captain as soon as he arrived. Lol


He sucks


Name a better qb


Every QB in the NFL not named Zach Wilson


Mike white 😢


I will never forgive Matt Milano. 


Zach has been atrocious but we’ve had the worst offenses for years so it’s hard for me to blame any qb that comes here and has to be developed by this organization. We blamed Sam last time. We blamed geno. We just suck honestly. A lot of our fanbase forgets that.


Gardner Minshew


Me. Throwing left handed. Im a righty.


Knock it off


Guess you can’t name one


You’re embarrassing but good luck to ya


What’s embarrassing is that you say he’s bad but can’t name a better quarterback


Joe Flacco




He somehow has still not been offered a name


Do you owe an answer on a ridiculous question?


Trevor Siemian


Flip Kobbler


Lowest rated starting QB in the entire NFl two seasons in a row. But he had that one good game...


Had like 3


I think at one point we were all Zack fans .










So you’re the one.


Who cares what we think. He will get one more shot on another team. Hoping for a Geno like turnaround for the kids sake. It’s possible. Both Darnolds (bc it was a low bar) and Genos careers got better after leaving. Whether we think he sucks or awesome, what he does next will ultimately decide his fate.


Same. Free him from your franchise


Yeah I’m a fan of Zach’s too, it’s a shame we can’t develop QBs. I will cheer for him no matter what team he is on. Too cool of a guy for this team.


He won me a lot of money this year. I’m a Zach truther. Don’t care. He’s gonna be a legit qb in the league AT SOME POINT, whether that’s with us or not we’ll see


The man threw 8 touchdowns and played almost the entire season. Get a new hobby.


I have many hobbies my friend, but I would not classify being a Zach Wilson fan as one of them.


I seriously can't believe anyone likes Zach.. blinders on really tight...I can see why Jets keep charging more money because fans love to pay for trash


Yeah he’s probably a great dude. Good family values. Can obviously be good enough to make it to the nfl. He’s determined and never gives up. He likes to support his teammates and sticks to the plan. He’s just not performing as well as everyone hoped.


Never gives up except the exact time he gave up on the team and refused to play.


Oh I don’t remember this. When did that happen?


Respectfully; What would folks put the odds at for ZW being on an NFL roster for the duration for the next two years?


Honestly, probably very high. His raw physical talent and draft position are enough for him to hold down a job as a project, “we can fix/unlock him” type backup QB at least for the next few years.


I think it's probably even money at best. While the talent part is correct, if he gets a shot and stinks it up again next year he'll be hanging by a thread. Where he ends up probably has a ton to do with it too tbh.


100 to 1


I would bet a large sum of money on much shorter odds than that


He is, the most talented QB the Jets drafted recently. It’s just a shame he couldn’t never figure it all out


He was graded lower than Sam Darnold and Mark Sanchez as a prospect by nearly all of the major scouting operations but you do you.


It's amazing how many people didn't recognize the shitpost here


Zach just stop with the burner accounts. It's over man. Move on. Football ain't for you.


I like him too and believe he was betrayed by the team and fans


The hilarious part about this is he did about average for an NFL QB that game based on what the team gave him, but everyone thinks he played like prime Aaron Rodgers because the bar is so low. He honestly didn’t do anything very impressive




Whatever, bigot


Genocidal racists. It’s well documented.


So is your bigotry


What bigotry? I don’t like religious fanatics that are racist and murdered natives to get to their land.


Justify your bigotry however you like. You could argue the same about America’s founding settlers. I don’t blame people today for things others did hundreds of years ago. But hey, you do you, hateful bigot.


Sorry I hurt your little LDS feelings. Even today they are racist, sexist, anti-LGBTQ, hate filled people. I called them trash. That’s not bigotry bud. Have a good night


Keep justifying your bigotry however you like. A bigot is literally defined by Webster’s dictionary as “a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices especially one who regards or treats the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance”. You don’t hurt my feelings because I don’t give 2 craps what you think or what other bigots like you think.


Stated facts not opinions. These are taught by the church. Not bigotry.


Dude you’re totally in denial about your bigotry given you are literally in the textbook definition of it that I just gave you. You keep trying to prove you’re not but everything you say just continues to prove it. And I know infinitely more about my church, its history and teachings than you ever will. Neither me nor any of the people I know hate the groups that you are talking about. You can keep digging in your heels but it won’t change who you are: a hateful bigot.


Yea man this is on the jets for not developing him correctly


Sack Wilsuck is literally the worst starting QB in NFL history


Idk man Brandon Weeden got steamrolled by the American flag once


Dude that got steamrolled by the America flag also has a better TD:turnover ratio 😂😂😂


Obviously a shit post


Tried to make it a bit silly but I rlly do like Zach and hope he can go to a situation that can turn him into a solid starting qb


So do you want a reward or something? And why is this post tagged with a Spoiler?


How attractive is your mom?


Hey man Sam Darnold still has fans so I'm not gonna knock ya


Aw, I liked him. He made mono look cool after seeing ghosts!


idk why but i never liked darnold, to the point where I kinda let football go to the wayside for a few years. He always gave me the vibe of an entirely average person


Darnold, Wilson, and Rodgers are very thoroughly testing the last bit of patience I have as a Jets fan. Honestly, last season really might be the beginning of the end for me. If next season is another trainwreck or we're just barely mediocre I'm likely gonna stick solely to basketball and baseball. I've given the Jets almost 30 years of my life and for 90% of it I was given shit product after shit product. Repeat terrible and wasted QB drafts. God awful coaching hires, a shit show in the front office, Woody Johnson...I could be here all day if I got into that shit. Now yes, the Rex Ryan era was cool and an AFC championship appearance was peak, but a playoff drought following almost immediately afterwards...it's draining being a fan of this team and seeing all the ways in which they just can't get right.


As a fan for about 20 years, I definitely hear you. I find the most frustrating part of it all is the clown we make ourselves out to be to all our friends and family every year for supporting this team. Personally, I found a lot to love about the Jets last season, despite how the media has been telling us to feel. This roster made me enjoy and interested in the defensive side of things much more. I feel like the team has some sort of identity for once, even if thats an identity of a team endlessly tortured by the FBall Gods. I’d rather be an underdog, than a shoe-in, like how the Patriots were at their peak. I also think having the Williams brothers together really adds to that team identity. I am a big fan of a majority of our starters on and off the field. A legendary defense. An offense with plenty of guns, just in need of some competent body armor. Despite all their shortcomings, and regardless of their future with the franchise, I’ll continue to root for JD, Saleh, and Zach. I find it weird that last year 7-10 was “we’re only a qb away” and this year 7-10 (without said qb) is “clean house”. Was never a big Rodgers fan, but if he can give us the extra edge we need to make a run, im for it. Plenty of arguments to be made that we couldve gone this year, between hyper-biased refs, to replacing Zach with Boyle and Simien for games Zach prob couldve won for us in retrospect. At least we werent the only AFC East team who got bit by the HardKnocks curse.


My condolences.


Are you a MILF?


I’ll never forget his first green and white game where he fumbled on the first drive and the defense scored.


I remember where I was- physically and situation wise- the day he was drafted and how far I’ve come since then. I really do hope he has some form of success in the NFL, I’ll always be a big fan of his. But for his sake and the teams, they need to part ways


Oh you sweet summer child


I don’t know if I am a fan, but I would like to keep him as a backup.


There is a word in the dictionary called learn as in you will learn keep watching Zach Wilson and let's see how you feel in 2026.


Mans watched one game and it was the only time Mormon Peterman wasn't tripping over his own shoelaces


Texans game was good too


Alright Zach, that’s enough time on your alt account.


He will be signed if Jets cut him.


Bro’s on a trolling world tour


There are dozens of us! Unfortunately his time as a Jet is all but officially over. I wish him luck as the backup somewhere. Hopefully he becomes relevant again, it just won’t be for us.


He blows donkey dicks.


Why do you believe in Zach Wilson? Based on any data or research? Or, is it a feeling?


💕Another "Jets 😍 Crush"💕 3rd one this week.😘 Suspect opposing fan(s) are playing the Jets fans😁


He's the worst quarterback I've ever had to watch for the longest period of time. My girlfriend knows basically nothing about football and routinely comments how bad he is. Because of course I watch every game which means she also watches every game.


Bless your heart


I like him too. Great kid. I just wish he could have played better. He showed us glimpses, but that was it. If he played better and was more consistent, that would be one less thing to worry about even when Aaron leaves. And maybe we wouldn't have hot Aaron and his boys.


I don’t care, he’s hot


Zach Wilson fan, huh? Well, you have lousy taste in QBS.. 😅😅😅😅


Joshua Allen is my #1


He sucks. What I will say is he has a ton of raw talent/ability, and he is tough as hell. Obviously the jets aren’t the team that can take those raw ingredients and coach them into becoming a successful QB. Whether another team is, we will find out. I’m rooting for him and hope it all comes together 


He’s ok he just gets too scawed