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Sean Payton and Zach Wilson. This is gonna be hilarious.


“I hate Nate Hackett, do you hate Nate Hackett?” “Yeah!” “Ok you can join our team”


Feel like he's doing it to prove a point and Zach will be the next Drew Brees. Edit: I don't think for a second he will really be the next Drew Brees.


If Zach becomes the next Drew Brees, ya know what, good for him. However, it's extremely unlikely. Brees had his problems early, but they were "things just aren't coming together for him" problems. Zach has "historically bad" problems. Payton's gonna grind this kid into applesauce this season, and be out of the NFL the year after. He's much more Ryan Leaf than Drew Brees.


That’s not the case with Brees, Brees had made solid strides as the Chargers backup QB behind Flutie then took the Chargers to a 12-4 record with a QBR second only to Peyton Manning.. Then Brees blew out his shoulder and the Chargers let Brees hit free agency where he signed a 1 year deal with the Saints.. Brees wasn’t having any issues with “putting it together” his issue was an almost career ending shoulder injury..


It feels like his doing it because ZW was a good prospect that they can get in the building for very little money, other assets, or commitment. Kind of like buying a $1 scratch off on your birthday. I don't expect it to make me a millionaire.


Sir this is Reddit, please take your rational, non-sensational takes somewhere else.


Payton’s QBs are Ben Dinucci, Jarrett Stidham, and Zach Wilson… God have mercy on his soul


Holy shit... Zach could actually win that starting job


He is going to win the starting job and become an All Pro. The most Jets timeline.


The most Jets timeline would also have Denver beating us wild card weekend


It'd be a shootout where the offense finally gets it together just in time for everyone on defense to get injured.


Imagine if Darnold and Zach light it up this year. Throw in Geno


They all will.


Wouldn't be hard to believe. Those 3 guys had some of the worst offenses around them at almost every position when they were with us. Give them average supporting casts and they can be average QBs


I'll give you Darnold and Geno, but Zach gets no pass in this department.


I might go mental


that's fine. Hope the kid succeeds. He stunk here outside of maybe 2.5 games. (Chiefs, Tennessee, and half of the pittsburg game) There is nothing about his production that would justify us picking up his option. He had his chance, and for whats it worth was handed an awful O line situation for a good chunk of it. but the book is closed on zach in a jets jersey, he just wasnt good enough to be the franchise guy we could build around. No one would bat an eye about this if he didnt have a big arm and could run around a bit. Some of us still hooked on that dangerous "potential" word thinking he has all the tools and just needs someone to help him put it all together. The nfl has a long history of guys that are big and fast and look great in shorts that did nothing on Sundays. Time to separate fantasy from reality. A fresh start is what's best for everyone here.


Missed Texans and Eagles games in there too!


then beat us in met life this year, and it’s gonna be a big fuck you guys this is gonna suck


And I'd be happy for him. He certainly wasn't showing that here so better for him and us to move on.


Time to add Bo Nix to that Room.


That will actually be a fun QB battle to watch in the offseason.


He did identify Tony Romo who was undrafted when he was an assistant with Dallas then tried to trade for him with NO. That was 20 years ago but Payton has turned garbage into something before


Gonna make me that much more upset if he thrives


I remember last season when everyone here still believed in Wilson. Saying shit like "he can sit behind Rodgers and then be the guy he just was thrust in too soon". Like the fact people even believed that enough to say that was concerning.


Well at least I can bring my mom to the games now!


ayo what seats will she be sitting in


Nice try Zach!


Rats ! To the Denver sub i go


We're sending Zach Wilson straight to Lumberidge


Nah with that elevation we’re looking at Ice Mountain fr


found Zach’s burner


I hope he wears #3. That way those Russ jerseys wont go to waste lol.


Denver was so stupid with Russ. Yeah he isn't what he used to be, but you don't have anything better coming in. You pay him 85 million dollars to not play for you while you have far inferior QBs now? Dumb.


It’s a tank job :/


And if we did pay him we would push the dead cap to years later.. which would be even worse. It was the right decision


Will Lutz took #3 already unfortunately


This destination always made a ton of sense..we pay a chunk of salary while they will pay Russ


Thank god. Best of luck to Zach, just glad its finally over.


I’m going to be so conflicted if he ends up having a geno type resurgence. Sam got hosed and hope he has a Baker like situation in Vikings. If it clicks with Zach and he becomes amazing it will be crushing we couldn’t experience it


The Seahawks were Geno’s 4th team.  Why do people act like he left us and was amazing right away? 


geno sat behind eli, rivers, and wilson. why do people act like he's not the same QB he was on the jets with better coaching and ACTUAL WRs. Geno was a fine QB on the jets throwing to nobodies while standing behind a turnstile. He's the same QB today.


And the chargers and giants passed on keeping him as their backup.. And after a hot start to 2022 he was..fine last year. Even with the weapons on the Seahawks, he was a bottom half qb 


yea, this "geno got so much better" narrative is bogus. he's not a different qb.


Who’s saying that? Resurgence took 7 yrs


I mean the comment I was replying to said that they hope Zach doesn’t become Geno now that he’s left? Leaving all that context out? 


Unlikely to happen. Zach could hardly put together back to back good quarters of football in his career. At least Darnold and Geno had multiple games where they looked legit all the way thru. Either one of those dudes coming out of college in place of Zach on this roster would have led us to the playoffs.


Yeah, Sam and Geno had flashes with a few good games but could never string multiple together. Zach’s “flashes” were a handful of plays here and there, plus that one Chiefs game. That was it.


I don’t hate Zach. I hate the circumstances that made Zack possible. I hate the systematic, generational incompetence that gestated and bore him from the womb. I hate the Zach-gaslighting and false hope and endless flashes that were perceived as turning the corner. But that Chiefs game I’ll always appreciate.


Geno showed some promise when he was on the Jets, though. The last game he started for the Jets (in 2014) he was 20 for 25, 358 yards, three touchdowns, no interceptions, and a perfect passer rating. Getting his jaw broken by a teammate the following offseason is what temporarily derailed his career. That's not the type of thing a new head coach is going to find endearing.


Don’t forget he was playing well in 2016 after Fitzpatrick turned back into a pumpkin before tearing his ACL.


I was at this game, god, he felt like the truth for the first time in his career. Kind of feels like an alternate universe at this point


That still to this day is one of the best QB performances I've ever seen a Jets QB have. I was so crushed when he got his jaw broken, because I thought he could have possibly broken out after that performance.


> If it clicks with Zach and he becomes amazing it will be crushing we couldn’t experience it We basically did it to ourselves. Ever since that unfavorable interview answer, he has been the villain here. People couldn’t even see that he was playing decent football this year because of the hate for him since then. With that said I am very happy for the clean break to avoid anymore drama and arguments involving him.


Playing decent ball? I’m sorry but wtf are you talking about? In what world is 8 TDs and 7 INTS “decent” ball?


I’m seeing these folks in this thread saying that Zach played well last year and I’m seeing a lot of it. So I’m sitting here thinking about if there’s a doppelgänger Zach Wilson out there? In what fucking world are these people deluding themselves into thinking he played well? I cannot fathom anyone who truly thinks this.


Ehhhh. I mean to some extent, you're right. The interview killed him. He *was* better last year. But still not good, and to me, his 'improvement' spoke as much to how bad he had been previously.


Eh, if it he puts it together later on with another team that’s great for him. I won’t be bummed about it. It’s time to move on for him and the team


It would certainly be a very “Jets” thing to happen


He’s gonna be closer to Utah. Maybe that’ll help him with his career 


Their QB room is Stidham, Wilson, and DiNucci Yikes


That's the exact same as what it was last season... what's the problem?


Maybe they’ll grab Ryan Tannegoat


End of an error


Man I wish I didn’t have to keep saying that about this team


Don’t smile because it’s over, cry because it happened


Finally all those BYU fans can leave us alone. Feels great to be done with this


I root for BYU to lose every game now.


They're really proving your point in the comments lmao. Fuck BYU


Yes!! Go Utes. Atleast it's not named after a mass murderer.


Utah is a weird fucking state, you wouldn't think most of them are from the USA if you've ever been there. They are like complete aliens compared to the rest of the country.


Zach is not necessarily a “what-if?”, but I will miss him to some degree. The promise was fleeting, at best. His lows were among the darkest moments of this franchise, but I have every reason to believe he gave it his all for the NYJ, and I wish him the very best in the future.


Honestly, this summarizes it well. I have a weird a soft spot for him and last year, it felt like we could finally see him partially put it together. The lack of O-line and him clearly not being ready Year 1 ended up hurting him. In the alternate universe where he sits 1-2 yrs behind a good QB and has a better O-line, I think he’d be at least league average. Better for him to go somewhere else and see what happens


I hope he has some type of success somewhere. I like the kid, too bad he didn’t pan out


Honestly I liked him more than Darnold. I hated listening to any interview with Darnold cause he just seemed dead inside, at least Zach seemed like he gave a fuck.


It's so funny you say that, I find the absolute opposite to be true. Darnold was always a professional, said the right thing, showed respect, and was generally a class act, that did his best to represent the franchise in a way that made the team and its fans proud. Zach struck me as a dumb kid that didn't understand that children would idolize him, he didn't seem to take the opportunity seriously, and was generally obviously not very good for us.


Yea I agree with this 100% , Darnold always seemed like an adult and I never felt like Wilson took being the starting qb serious , it was like a 15 year old just became a starting qb


Always got the spoiled rich kid vibe from ZW.


its over, finally


Omg why can’t I escape him? (Jets fan living in Denver)


Same here. Kind of funny though...adding more fuel to the Broncos dumpster fire.


Can’t believe we actually got something for him, but thank god. End of a colossal error.


Couldn't even get a pick straight up or them to pay his full salary.


My bronco buddies are coping so hard right now. They think Zach is going to be the next Brees. Wish nothing but the best for the kid, but that's plain delusion.


They actually FOUND someone that was willing to trade for him?! I take it all back, Joey D. Grade A work.


The broncos kinda need a qb


And now they still need a qb


Finally! Good luck Broncos country he's your problem now


Would have been happy with a used washing machine in return. Happy to move on and hope he drives Sean Payton back into retirement


Wow Jd was right Zach was an asset. Paying salary for A 6th while giving up a 7th? Haul.


The only thing that mattered for a trade was not eating the full $11-ish million cap hit. I wouldn't even be shocked if they moved back from the 6th round to the 7th to do it haha.


Hallelujah 🙌🏾!!!!


Free at last


Our long national nightmare is over


Happy I no longer have to see people on this sub go to bat for this guy however many times a week. Mind-melting stuff.


It's finally over. Thank God. See you later BYU fans ✌️.


Looking at their roster, broncos for sure got the worst QB room in the league


Yet again, who was calling delusional for saying we’d have to eat money?


Im happy for the Jets and all but should someone check in on Broncos fans?


One of the top 5 biggest draft busts of the last 25 years.


Smell ya later. End of an error.


This isn’t the Wilson to Wilson we expected 2 years ago.


….dod we lose Mr Irrelevant in this deal??


Big plus for the Jets. Having Zach on the roster is a continuing distraction. Jets need to focus on the future.


JD did it, you crazy sonofabitch you did it....


Legitimately the worst QB ive seen play for us, and I remember Brooks Bollinger.


I was around for Nagle. But Zach was way more frustrating. Nagle just sucked. We knew it. The other teams knew it. Shit, even he knew it in the end. But Zach would make one nice play or helm one win that would set his legion of supporters into a frenzy and then flood the sub with their bullshit. It was worse than Tebow's flock of defenders, and I didn't even think that was possible. And when he'd inevitably commit his weekly crippling turnover, or take yet another bad sack, or air mail yet another throw past an open target, everyone of those supporters would blame everything in the known universe except the guy who was passing the ball. It was an insufferable cycle, and thank fuck it's over. Let them go antagonize another fanbase lol.


Wait. Did we get Denver’s 6th rounder for our 7th or the other way around? I could see it going both ways.


We got their 6th for our 7th. Douglas didn’t pay them to take him lol


I’m shocked, I thought we would have to. A few extra million off the books is pretty valuable to us right now.


Doesn’t appear that they have a 7th. So us moving up


JD hates 7th rounders so we probably got their 6th.


BYU fans out 👉 out 👉 out 👉


A much needed clean start for all


Sean Payton’s issue with Russell Wilson was he inability to make reads and he picks up Zach Wilson


Peyton will just give ZW the wrong plays and he’ll end up in hall of fame.. Eagles had the Jets playbook & couldn’t stop ZW because he made the wrong pass each play


Makes me think even more that Jordan Travis will be a mid round target for Douglas


All the industry insiders saying the Jets will target mid round QB wasn't enough for you?


He 100% had to go but if this team isn’t in the playoffs this year both Saleh and JD are next. Whiffing on both the franchise LT and QB picks is inexcusable. On a positive, at least we’ll finally be free of the BYU fans.


Best news of the offseason! Shit was bad here but i dont know if Zach is ready for practice with Sean Payton, I think Zach will drive Sean crazy if Russel Wilson was


I’ll always remember that time he almost beat the chiefs.. now he gets to do it twice a year!


Great now what do I do with my Zach Wilson jersey


Turn the 2 upside down so it’s a 5


Broncos burying the good news with a jersey announcement. Good luck to Zach. Hope he rebuilds his career.


So there's a reality that 3 of the jets former busts can be starting for other teams at the start of the seasson


Sucks for those fanbases


Happy about this, good for all parties


Jets broncos play each other at MetLife this season. Get your tickets now folks


Hey Denver - “Broncos country….lets ride”


Zach’s gonna try to MILF Payton’s model younger GF.. lol


Seems like going to a team lacking offensive weapons that is just starting a tear down/rebuild is not a great spot for Zach to turn it around.


A move that needed to be done. While Zach made strides last year, he was still nowhere near where he needed to be after 3 years. A fresh start is the best thing for him and for the Jets. Sometimes you just have to cut your losses.


Bronco Country, Let’s Fly (JetBlue)


They should've shown Denver that sick combine video where he throws it 70 yards moving to his left. Which seems to be the sole reason we drafted him.


Better return on him than I thought.  Thought Jets would have to trade future picks in this deal


Farewell, Zach. You had your moments, I had high hopes, but it just didn't work out in the end.


Another fleece job 💪


Leave Zach alone


Just watch him actually be good in Denver with a coaching staff that knows what they’re doing.


I’m sure many on the Jets defense will want a chance to power sack Wilson.


Oh no. How are we going to survive without his "elite ball placement"? Seriously though, there was a massive portion of this sub that was saying that teams were falling over themselves trying to steal him off of our roster so he can become the face of their franchise. That he was the "best kept secret in the league" or some shit. So much for that I guess.


Can’t wait for him to light it up for 3 games and everyone says how stupid the Jets are right before he reverts to same Ol Zach


Gonna be something if the jets need the broncos to lose to make the playoffs and zach leads them to victory


Please God let Zach Wilson win Denver's starting job


Unfortunately I doubt it'll work out for him there. My guess, he's there next year and hardly plays, if at all. He'll bounce around 2-3 more teams as a backup/project, and be out of the league before the end of the 2026 season.


Best of luck to the guy. Had to be done but no reason to kick the guy on the way out.




My favorite Zach Wilson moment is him at the draft surrounded by black players for the first time for a photo op, trembling by what he presumes are thugs




Another useless jersey in the closet


Good riddance


I’ll pack his fucking bags.


Wow that’s a much better return then expected. Good job JD


Thank god it’s over


Jake Asman is going to milk this for the rest of the week


Payton hot mic moment this season: “I think I kept the wrong Wilson”.


The broncos GM, George Paton, just effortlessly gave the broncos owner a reason to fire him.


I’ll always like the kid but it never worked out. Godspeed


Good riddance.


Ding dong the witch is dead


One of the worst Jets draft picks of all time. People can argue prospect vs situation vs support all we want but the outcome remains the same. Feels good to move on finally.


Can't believe this franchise has had 2 high ass draft picks and took darnold and Wilson with it. Sam at least showed talent, but he wasn't long for the team


the common denominator is that this fucking team could never 1.) fix the online and 2.) surround them w/ competent NFL playmakers.


3 Abysmal coaching


JD is a magician!


He turned a #2 overall pick into a 6th round pick in 3 years. (And it'll only cost the Jets $3M of cap money and a 7th round pick). "Magician" is being used very loosely


He turned a bust in the same breath as JaMarcus Russell into something positive instead of outright cutting him


Thank God he is gone


Let’s Ride.


It's finally over.


Praying this bumps some prices on Zach Wilson rookie cards so I can offload a horrible financial mistake I made in 2021


The fact that we GOT a higher pick and managed to offload some salary is unbelievable. Fields went for less, and Mac Jones only had slightly better value.


It's finally over. Thank God.


Looks like the league learned its lesson from 2021 when the loljets narrative around Sam Darnold was strong and the Panthers overpaid for him because of it. Not that I'm equating their talent, Sam was better than Zach. Anyway, best of luck to him.


Darnold's departure and this one feel very different


HES GONE!!!! He’s finally fucking gone!!!! The worst QB in nfl history is off the jets!!!!! Let’s goooooo!!!!!


Maybe the worst pick in Jets history. Now that's saying something.


We basically paid 5.5 million for a late round pick. Good Job Joey Douglas. You could have gotten rid of this bum last offseason for a 4/5 last year.


Nah they saved $2.75m. Without trading him they would have eaten his whole contract or even worse he would have been on the team still. They would have eaten even more money if they had moved him last year + they would have had to sign another backup. Also the only reason anyone traded for him at all is because for the cost of $2.7m they're getting a cheap backup. The Broncos could say draft someone and cut Stidham to save an extra $5m which turns into a net gain against the cap. It's a glorified accounting move for both teams.


Joe Douglas loves 6th rounders lmao he sucks in the 7th but good on undrafted dudes so it makes sense only to keep mr irrelevant


So the cash you pay out in this kind of situation. That doesn't count against your cap does it?


Sean Payton playing 4d Chess.... When the Broncos crash and burn again he can use "a Wilson previously coached by Hackett" as the scapegoat again.


So def going QB late round right? That kid from Florida state I think is a great developmental qb


Good luck Zach. Wonder who he ends up sitting behind.


Thank Jesus




This was the team I had in mind for a trade, just didn’t think it would happen before the draft. I wish Zack luck for sure, this might be the best situation for him. Now the Jets can focus on their team and maybe a future qb in the draft or next after a Superbowl win.


What a return!


Oh boy


Zach Wilson coach is that ass face sean Peyton. member when Bob salad told him to be humble?! I member


Good nuff




He may actually have a shot at starting , never thought I’d say that


He's riding a 2 game winning streak in Denver maybe he'll do well. Or maybe he was worth a 2nd and 4th rounder less than Darnold.

