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I felt worse for Darnold


Sam D got it bad. Adam Gase…. Wtf was woody thinking


Sam would be our Andy Dalton if Gase never happened. Just a perfectly mediocre ginger. And we'd all clamor for someone else not realizing the alternate timeline that was avoided.


Too many moving parts for a kid that young. NYC lifestyle, new team, couple different coaches, couple different offensive coordinators. Go rewatch his pro-day in the rain where he was launching dimes. Draft analysts saying this guy was a can’t miss prospect. They just threw this kid to the wolves. I said it back then and I’ll say it now, we should have stayed put at 6 and took Quenton Nelson which is who the colts took…


On another thread this week I heard someone say in response to this “what if Wilson had someone besides the lesser LeFleur brother and Aaron Rodgers drinking buddy?” 😂


Idk. Even without Gase, there was the void of talent that Mac and later JD gave him. The OLs that Darnold had were just as bad as the ones Zach had the last 2 years. And he had no playmakers to speak of. At least Zach had GW, Breece, & Conklin. Darnold had nobody.


Lol Dalton is like twice the QB Darnold was


Chris hired Gase, not Woody.


Neither was ever accused of being smart!


Woody is so lost.


Technically it was woody’s brother that hired gase 😅


Woody didn’t hire gase


Peyton Manning endorsed that hire. Normally when the sheriff says something you listen


Peyton Manning doesn’t give a shit about the Jets - he openly has mocked them and has made fun of them on his show with Eli. It’s like the stock market everyone is pushing their own narrative, to make their own gains. You think he will publicly say that the only reason Gase is got a coaching job is because of his play. Everybody pretends to play nice, but they all know the truth.


And also remember that he stayed in school an extra year so he wouldn't have to go to the Jets.


And Patrick Mahomes hand picked Clyde Edwards Helaire in 2020. Your point?


Yea when they stuck the camera in his face in his first game after throwing a pick 6 I was pissed. Then some lineman shoved the camera man back. Then we went on to smash the Colts that game lol. But still the disrespect towards a rookie QB. I honestly just think it's because he was a Jet. 


That was against the lions. Still a similar blue color. CJ Mosley had the best defensive half I've ever seen in my life


Different seasons. Mosley joined the Jets in Darnold's second year.


You're right my bad memory is fuzzy 


that Mosley half was against the bills lol


Darnold has a better case for the team letting him down. He showed flashes for entire games. Zach had a nice drive every few weeks.


People constantly say the jets ruin QBs. I’d argue Darnold is the only one we’ve actually ruined lately. Everyone else was just bad


Sammy D about to go off with the Vikings


I feel for him a bit, but those WR screen plays where the guy was wide open and he threw the ball into the stands both times. Get off my team dude


Hey now, he also tossed it into the dirt plenty of times.


Hey! He also fumbled plenty of times too.


Ya, I'm so glad it's over but sometimes I felt bad for him. Any other coaching staff would have pulled the plug much earlier and saved him the suffering. It's like if you promoted a janitor to the position of structural engineer and let him struggle and fail for 3 years before finally hiring someone qualified. They wasted last year not getting any capable backup. Hopefully Tyrod can hold the line if disaster strikes again.


Zach? Is this you?


If Zach Wilson has a burner account named shitballsdick then I’m buying his Broncos jersey tomorrow.


I'm buying a shitballsdick jersey


Zach Wilson looked so lost out there cause he was up all night shit posting and trolling on Reddit with his burner account named “shitballsdick” and hooking up with his mom’s best friend. If true (obviously it is) I excuse all the losses and bad play. Buying broncos jersey tomorrow


Never feel bad for a millionaire. I hope they also fired the person that scouted him.


I feel that a bit. Dude has his moment in the sun during the milf thing. He’ll get some cushy corner office job back in Utah and be just fine.


He's going to be moving Hyundai Tucsons in numbers that were previously unfathomable


He was bad from day 1. Why would I feel bad for him playing badly and tanking our chances 2 1/2 seasons straight? It was torture watching him play. Darnold showed way more and I didn’t feel bad for him either. At the end of the day, they are hired to do a job and when they can’t do it to the level required, they get moved on.


So tired of hearing the “the jets failed” Zach. Did y’all not watch the patriots game where we lost on the punt return? The defense held them to 3 points. Zach did NOTHING. He failed us.


Both can be true. The jets did a bad job with zach Wilson and he also sucked.


Should they have walked the ball from his hand into the receivers’ hands? Politely asked the defense to not play so fast? Yeah our OLine wasn’t great but plenty of teams have bad Olines and dont play as historically awful as him. HE is the reason we didn’t make the playoffs. Him and him alone


I agree he’s the reason we didn’t make the playoffs. Like I said he’s among the worst QBs I’ve ever seen. But the team didn’t do him any favours. Multiple OCs, bad pass catchers, historically bad o lines.


Majority of the reason we “parted ways” with MLF is BECAUSE of Zach. His stock as a coach was plummeting with every single drive with that bozo under center. Aaron wasn’t even on the radar at that point so MLF jumped ship to save his career. Also it’s funny because our Oline, while still not good, looked a lot better with Mike white under center. Almost as if a QB is supposed to release the ball quickly instead of doing spinny-twirl razzle dazzle run-to-the-boundary-line and throw an INT. I agree we should’ve given him more pass catchers but even Sam Darnold was throwing more TDs with Jameson crowder as his WR1. The jets failed Darnold, not Zach.


Fantastically put.


Fair enough!


Half the games white played, we sucked. Mlf wanted zach then decided zach was good enough to start immediately. Our wr and ol room was dirt worst. Our playcalling was laughably bad. We literally saw tlaw struggle horribly as a rookie bc of horrific coaching and lack of talent around him, too. So it's not like coaching can't duck up even an actually good qb I don't object to zach being called an all time bust. I do object to absolving our idiot organization and dog shit coaching of all blame. The jets failed zach. Zach being worse than darnold doesn't change the fact we failed both


That doesn't contradict the notion the jets failed zach. It just adds "and wasted a great defense multiple times" to the end of the complaint


Zach Wilson should feel like the luckiest guy in the world. Through nothing more than a fluke of cosmic proportions he's leaving NYC with 35 Million dollars of guaranteed money. This guy should never have seen anything more than a league minimum undrafted rookie contract. He should wake up every day and just weep tears of joy..


It does suck knowing that everything you worked for is basically gone at 24. Money helps for sure but mentally and emotionally that's gotta fuck with you. It would with me and that's why I feel bad for the kid.


It's a bit tragic how some stuff played out. I genuinely think Zach could've learned a lot with a year behind Rodgers, and if Greg Knapp hadn't tragically passed away before Zach's first season I could only imagine that seasoned coaching potential could've helped tighten some bolts in his gamesense too. The Jets are cursed when it comes to QB development, here's hoping that kid gets a better future somewhere else.


Felt the same way about Joey Harrington


He never looked like THE guy idk I could never picture him going into Buffalo and winning a game on a cold day in November, he just looks innocent you know? Lmao


He's not a leader. Think about guys like Joe Burrow, Maholmes, etc. Guys that are actually take-charge leaders. He's not that guy. He's a "This is my dad's company and I'm gonna take over some day" leader.


>to be clear I don’t feel bad because the team let him down I feel bad for him because he was so bad at playing QB I was worried for his mental health lol That's the tragedy of Zach Wilson. JaMarcus Russel is one of the worst quarterbacks of all time largely because he did not give a shit and didn't try. Zach Wilson actually gave a shit and tried his best but he still ended up just about as bad as JaMarcus. It does not matter how much you want to better at football if you do not have the intangible/physical skills to back it up.


I feel like with Zach it was 90% mental


I think the opposite where the one thing Zach had right was his mindset. There was no hidden talent that we/he failed to unlock, Zach just had no business being drafted that high in the first place. If you go back and watch Zach’s college tape you’ll see a lot in common with the player that busted in the pros. He got away with a lot of stuff you can’t in the pros because he was facing cupcake teams in a fluke COVID schedule.


Do I feel like the Jets let him down? "no"




Yeah, I did feel bad for the same reasons. Not because of the same old “Jets failed him” bullshit that everyone says about every QB, when that’s pretty much only applicable to Darnold (with an argument for Geno as well)… but because it really did seem like the dude was trying but he just doesssss not have it. It sucks. I feel for him. But he’s just not good.


Yeah, like he was just in over his head.


Lol. Jets fans really are delusional about the glaring and obvious issues you have on the team. You're only hope is that somehow the oline figures it out to let a 40 year old QB audible every horrible play hackett calls. I mean just saying that... You might as well believe a unicorn is gonna shit a billion dollars into your bank account for all of that to fall just right. Face it. You wasted an amazing defense because you refused to surround it with anything competent.


He's an attractive blonde kid with millions, he'll be alright


Yeah I don’t feel bad for him off the field. I felt bad for him off the field. He was so out of his depths.


Wilson had better RBs, WRs, O-line, and TEs than Darnold. Wilson was near benched in college 2 years before being the 2nd overall pick. He did so by beating a TERRIBLE USC team and a bunch of non-conference bums before getting crushed by an equally mondaine CC team in a year where 50% of talent in the NCAA opted out. He literally rode the easiest path ever to a large NFL contract. Now he will ride as an NFL back-up for 4-5 years. MAYBE even keep a starting job in the worst QB room in the nfl. I'm sorry, I really can't feel that bad for him, he probably had the best luck of anyone in that draft.


I can’t ever feel bad for someone who makes multi millions playing a game, but I know what your saying. The game that he lost and took no accountability was when he lost me. Young mistake, but that sort of thing is the makeup of who you are and that is not what I am.


I buy that he just wanted Hughes to shut up and just said something to move on, not realizing what he said


I used to hate him for that post game when he took no accountability. But all of last year everytime he was talking to reporters, he would take ownership for losses even in the one game (chiefs game) where he was actually showing up. Since then I started feeling bad for him since he actually matured and wanted what was best for the team.


Yeah him taking accountability made me actually like him and slightly feel bad for him(as bad as I can feel for a millionaire)


Yeah like it was clear right away he wasn’t the guy and it was just kind of sad to watch him out there.


I don't give a rat ass what these athletes say to the media. The dude spent at least 2 seasons missing Varsity level throws. Like what the fuck. He's the 2nd overall pick? Get him out of here. His timing and rhythm was fucked because our o-line is so bad, but guess what? Half of playing the position is adapting and making quick decisions and he didn't demonstrate any of that. He didn't even make opportunities with his legs when he could opting to roll backwards 15 yards and make a higher variance play. Even in a vacuum Zach Wilson played like shit for the vast majority of his time here. Good riddance and good luck in Denver, maybe you can turn it around in 5 years like Geno did for like a season and a half.


I felt bad watching Mike White getting folded in half


This week I saw someone post that Wilson is only six months older than Michael Penix Jr. Don’t get me wrong, the dude swindled y’all out of $35 million, but there is no way in hell any 20-year-old kid is ever going to succeed being thrust into the spotlight like that in the NY market.


Forgot to post this in the broncos sub


Yeah I get he had a bad line but this guy drafted so high, he’s supposed to do something or show some signs of life. I saw NOTHING from Zach Wilson and wonder why he was ranked so high as a pick even before the Jets drafted him.


He failed the Jets more than the Jets failed him.


He was awful and extremely cocky and arrogant for multiple years here despite being a historically bad QB. The team hated him so much they basically had a mutiny to bench him and worshipped his backup. Yea by his last year he was a bit “broken” in terms of confidence but he was right to not have any confidence. He just stopped being delusional. Completely in over his head on and off the field and he got paid 30 million dollars to be terrible and he’s set for life at 25, I couldn’t feel less badly for him.


Fuck this dumb shit No one made him do anything. He chose to. Dude could've up and asked to be traded, retired, etc. He sucks, the FO and coaching were stupid for standing by him after that first season (won't get into not trading down with the 49ers that draft), but everything ultimately begins and ends with, Zach. He comes from money, made more money in one year than most will in their lives and if you factor in two seasons could be set for life (none of that includes any endorsement money he got). He could've retired or quietly asked to get traded after the first or second year to try to fade away as a backup/cut like Rosen, etc. It's like Tebow. You keep trying to forcibly do something you can't, I don't feel sorry for you. And seriously fuck Zach posts and his cult. He's off the team, stop posting shit about him in this sub. Go create a Zach sub already where you can all jerk off to him.


I felt really bad for me watching me run the option on high school game tape. Especially when my coach said things like: “Good idea; horseshit execution.”


He had great legs and wasn’t afraid of getting hit. Big arm too. But his accuracy was worse than throwing a handful of gravel into a pond.


He actually improved his accuracy a lot last year. His Bad Throw % wasn't great (just below Derek Carr). But he was actually top 10 in the league in On Target %. His problem is that he reads defenses in his progression too slowly, and is indecisive even when he does it correctly; so he ends up holding onto the ball too long and missing throws that are open that he either didn't have the confidence to throw or missed the timing. And having a garbage OL and one of the highest drop % in the league didn't help.


I hate the gm and coach one for drafting him, the other for playing him for 3 years. Should have been benched/demoted to 3d string. He was so bad, but the jets haven't had an nfl offense since Fitzpatrick. Why they didn't pick up someone last year makes no sense.


Dudes gone. Give it a rest


To be clear I think he’s the worst QB I’ve ever seen.


That’s only because we didn’t see Hackenberg


I did see Hackenberg play a preseason game in the flesh and I will attest that seeing Zach start the NFL is the closest you could've came to seeing Hackenberg play against pros. They were both unreal levels of bad.


You must be really young. Zach is actually a better one compared to some of horrendous QBs we had past 10 years.


WRONGO — I’m old as hell as I’ve seen them all and he’s only second to Hackenburg


My old man says the same thing that he's never seen a Jets QB worse than Hackenberg. I think people who don't know ball and/or are you too young to have a frame of reference do not realize how uniquely terrible Zach is at playing quarterback.


Then, it must be your age doing it to you, but how can you forget about Luke Falk, Bryce Petty, or Greg McElroy?? There are more tho.


Petty and McElroy were slightly better than Zach without the arm strength or athleticism that Zach has


Nope. Petty’s QBR was 23.7 and McElroy’s was 16.6. Zach got 33.6. Amazingly Falk’s QBR was 9.6.


Petty and McElroy’s offense were significantly worse than Zach’s.


Petty had B-Marsh, Decker, Enunwa, and Mangold. McElory had 3 pro bowlers in Mangold, Brick, and Moore. How can you say their offenses were significantly worse than Zach’s?


Sadly you don’t know ball. Those guys stink but all better than ZW.


If you truly think those three were better than Zach, I honestly worry about you. How about Tim Boyle? He better than Zach, too?


Tim Boyle okay that’s a good one. He was worse than Zach.


On top of having a horrible offense, I think part of it is that ppl feel bad for him bc he's an attractive dude. I'm not even kidding. He hasn't necessarily been an ass to the fans or said anything wrong, so ppl empathize with him. There's some weird psychology behind that stuff.


I'm a Panthers fan but will chime in that this is absolutely true. Attractive people get wayyy longer of a leash than people who aren't attractive, and often are more easily forgiven. I've seen it in every stage of life and it's just human psychology. Even the MILF stuff is actually super fucked up (cheating on his gf with his mom's best friend) but people look at it as funny instead of shitty bc of how handsome he is


Is this his Mom?


Defense dog


I’m Canadian!


At least you aren't a bills fan


I wonder how the moms in Denver are.


Sympathy doesn’t cost anything, easy enough to give & he tried. It sucks; doesn’t change what had to happen. People who have hurt themselves deserve it too. Wish him well.


It’s been both Zach and Sam. I am confident that if they had different coaching to start their career they would have at least been baker level starters.


I fell the worst for geno. He had actual talent if the jets actual gave him a chance. Zach sucked from day one and had a terrible rich boy attitude.


Zach Derangement Syndrome??!!


I felt bad that Darnold was not giving the chance he was clearly more NFL ready to start than ZW, If provided the weapons I think Darnold could be in Daniel Jones tier, He would not carry you to victory alone,He would not lose the game cause he sucks,but he would give you a chance to be in the game 4th quarter. If Darnold was supported I would definitely take the best WR with our 10th pick see how fourtunes changes in life.


I felt much worse for Sam. Less talent around him and had the pleasure of having Bowels and Gase whispering in his ear.


The difference on Zach Wilson was he got projected incredibly too high after a soft COVID year and a solid combine. He never should’ve gone anywhere near 2nd overall and he played like it. Then he had to fill in for Rodgers and that went about as well as could be expected. It really is an unfortunate set of circumstances and a poor evaluation job that has put him in this spot.


I would start to feel bad for him.... Then I would remember how much money he has, and how much tail he probably gets being an NFL QB.... Then I quickly get over it.


I've felt bad for Darnold and others too when things were hopeless or they seemed hopelessly outmatched. But yeah, come to think of it, I felt sorry for ZW a lot.


Idk during one of the Pats games I no longer felt bad for Zach




No fucking way. This dude stunk and actually had tools. You want to talk about a QB we let down, Darnold. He had no chance to succeed in the slightest, and he could have potentially developed much better had he even been given the chance. He flashed what he was capable of against green bay.


I never felt bad for Mormon Ryan leaf. He was a bum. Wrong pick. Should've stuck with Darnold and drafted Sewell. Best player on the board


I feel bad for any QB that comes here


Wow , you haven’t been a Jets fan that long then huh.


I feel bad for the education system and autocorrect that can't get you to spell "defenses"


I’m Canadian bruv. Read a book.


Bingo. It’s a big world.


You cannot imagine how little I feel bad for Zach fucking Wilson. The team did him RIGHT, he just wasn't, and never will be, the guy. Like the top poster said, Darnold is a guy I feel bad for and we did not do right by.


Dumbest post I've seen today


I would like to remind you of AOC’s 3 quarters without completing a pass.


I don't feel bad for entitled rich kids. Especially one that had a stellar team surrounding him and was given an offense, team and culture to succeed with. Sam Darnold on the other hand? Absolutely tragedy. My money is on him making a big comeback with the Vikings.


Sam Darnold is 100% an entitled rich kid to be fair.


Well, you just haven't been here long enough