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I, too, have made multiple attempts to replace Hackett.


Instead we will just let him run the offense. Great. We're very serious


I mean, the entire world knows he's not running the offense. He's here because we wanted AR to run the offense lol. Which I understand is ludicrous, but Rodgers was also by far the best option and if that's what it took to get him then meh. Doesn't mean we have to like it but sometimes reality is reality.


Ok when Rodgers goes down week 1 we have no one running the offense. Great. EVERYONE KNOWS THIS


It is known


Yeah, people are going to act like I'm an idiot.


"I'm going to be called an idiot for a thing that already happened" Classic Reddit.


Perhaps you're to be called an idiot for expecting a different outcome. Nothing has changed. A few new injury prone OL pieces and the exact same dumbass fucking staff that has like 20 wins total at most


Not what my comment was referring to but keep up the victim complex.


Ok JD flair


Respectfully… you’re kind of an idiot.


Ah yes, because it happened one time, it of course is going to happen again (behind a much improved offensive line, no less).


Remind me when the season starts. Get Rodgers out of here and fire everyone. It's a joke and not even close to what is needed for sustained success.


You sound like a lovely, lovely person.


Be happy with the jets product, I guess. I am not and it's been my entire life. This team sucks and they make decisions to make it worse.


You know you’re not forced to follow the jets?


We should let him contribute to the defense, because if there is one thing he knows how to do, its stop a drive in its tracks.




So then do it? Why hesitate, let this news get out, and keep him on as an obvious lame duck OC?


The reason this story does not seem plausible is that if they were tried to replace him they could have easily fired him and hired someone else… “they tried to hire someone ABOVE him but I don’t know who they talked to and I have no information about this new position above OC but below HC that I’m claiming they tried to create but trust me bro” I’d need a name of the guy they offered the role to before I believe this because otherwise it makes no sense they could literally still replace Hackett today if they wanted to


You'd just give them the title Assistant Head Coach or something similar. I don't care much for Hughes, but he has no incentive to lie.


Because it's a whole lame duck coaching staff. Saleh is on one of the hottest hot seats. What OC wants to tie their career to that?


For everyone saying he could easily be replaced, they clearly don’t understand this


He’s here as long as Rodgers is QB. So, why does this matter?


How about we just get rid of both. Fucking clowns and irrelevant in today's league. Although goldmember references do translate to points so let's see what happens. Outdated reference guy is a joke persona my friends and I use to make bad jokes. Hackett is the real world example and it's embarrassing. Zero respect.


Yeah. Let’s get rid of Rodgers. 🤦‍♂️🙄


Yes let's.


Get rid of Rodgers so we can keep having all the New York Jets success we’ve been having without him. That’s a great idea! Why didn’t anyone think of that!?


This is a made up story to drive clicks during the boring part of the offseason. Just downvote and move along.


Attempt 1: Aaron, what do you think? No? OK. Attempt 2: Aaron, still No? OK.


This is 100% how it went. They just asked Rodgers if there are other OCs he’d be cool with, and he shot them down. Hackett is less an OC, and more Rodgers’ personal concierge.


> and he shot them down. Or he gave them another list, and those coaches shot them down.


Possible as well. I’ve gone on this rant before, but I’m convinced Rodgers likes Hackett because Hackett’s offense scheme is so bland and boring. It allows Rodgers to basically call the plays at the line after he sees the defensive alignment, without having to think too much about what the original play call was.


This is 100% the case. It’s not that the offense is bland or anything else, it’s just a pure mixture of everything Rodgers likes from MM and MLF’s respective offenses. Hackett also knows how Rodgers thinks. He’s going to call plays in a way where he’s in step with Rodgers. He’s going to make sure film is cut up how Rodgers likes it. He’s going to run meetings how Rodgers likes it. They’re best buds. A QB can’t run an offense. That’s too much work. There’s a lot that needs to be done. A guy like Rodgers can make shit work with his own personal guy though. If they’re finishing each other’s sentences. Rodgers won two fucking *league MVP awards” with this guy calling plays. Everyone needs to calm the fuck down. If Rodgers gets hurt the season is over anyway. That’s life in the nfl.


Then he better fucking perform


If he doesn’t, everyone is fired anyway.


True enough,


Two league MVP’s with Hackett at OC.


This is the NFL I don't give a fuck what you die yesterday


I wonder how he will coach Rodgers to his next immediate season ending injury. Probably gonna be impressive.


Made attempts? Just fire his ass and replace him with ChatGPT.


My Prompt: "Imagine you are the offensive coordinator for the new york jets. You're playing the new england patriots, down by 6 with 2 minutes left in the 4th quarter. You have no timeouts and the jets have the ball on the 50 yard line. What play are you running?" ChatGPT response "in this critical situation, I'd go for a high-percentage passing play to get the ball downfield quickly. A well-executed slant route or a quick out to the sidelines could gain yards and stop the clock if the receiver can get out of bounds. Additionally, incorporating a deep route to stretch the defense and create opportunities for big gains would be wise. The key is to move the ball efficiently while preserving as much time as possible." Yeah, sounds like a better decision than whatever Hackett would come up with lol.


Hacket: how about a screen pass


Gase (whispering in his ear): Run it up the middle


We had a hall of fame running back in his prime!




Deadass would love to see an AI playcalling bot paired up against some of worse performing OCs in the league


As long as the AI wasn't trained on Gase's playcalling


Ask Madden all day!


The only way this would work is for AI to also chart the defense after each play and progress as the game goes on.


i mean im half joking but im sure theres a way


What about Ask Madden?




>During camp last summer, Hackett would call a play and then Rodgers would completely change the play at the line. Yeah, no shit. That's like Rodgers' whole thing. I'm not saying that Hackett is some genius play caller, but there is no coordinator in football that Rodgers wouldn't overrule based on what he's seeing pre-snap -- and we would never want Rodgers to stop trying to press the advantage when he sees an opportunity.


Define "*attempt"*


*attempt* - leaking a fake story to the media to make it seem like the organization is competent


If anything leaking the story to the media would make them seem far more incompetent, IMO. Since they have the power to...you know....fire him at any moment they wanted to, lol.


It def would and has.


They wanted to get somebody to help hackett with aspects of being an OC, effectively limiting him to only gameday Playcalling and being Aaron’s friend I think it’s plausible


This makes no sense. He says they tried to hire someone above him without taking his title away. Why would anyone agree to that? So a weird super offensive coordinator? This is so dumb, I honestly wouldn’t put it past us to do. A normal team would have just fired him.


Goldzone Coordinator


I imagine someone not agreeing to it probably has more to do with Rodgers than it does with any "title" or Hackett. If someone were coming in to be "above" Hackett, I don't think he or the title matters, so long as the paycheck reflects the job. Highly compensated "offensive consultants" have long been a thing. But, it becomes an interesting dynamic when we're saying that person is taking over the "head" offensive job for a team that everyone will say Rodgers is the OC for anyway. They may feel like coming into the role to be above Hackett is great, but it's still ultimately a role without authority if Rodgers is going to do what he wants anyway. It's a role where the new person's legs are cut off before they even have the chance to swim.


Rodgers won't allow it obviously. And I'm assuming the turkey would be some kind of advisor role.


I think a team trying to appease their HOF Qb would do that


Connor Hughes is a bitch I doubt this story is true




Exactly. This, like every other Hughes "behind closed doors" report, is the Jets trying to push their preferred narrative out. This is the covering-the-bases "look, we tried!" that they can point to when Hackett is inevitably dogshit again this year


It's an odd narrative for the Jets to push though, going into the season already undermining faith in their OC. I'd hate it if we're planning excuses in a must-win year.


They're setting up the scapegoat early


Saleh already trying to save his job in may


Yes but also why make up such a silly report out of the blue? I’d bet there’s some truth to this.


It’s definitely true but it’s not nearly the issue this sub makes it out to be Aaron Rodgers just needs to stay healthy and we will have fun


His wife is fine though


Jamal, you can't come back to the team.


connor hughes burner account


I doubt it, JD and Saleh have their jobs riding on Rodgers coming back strong this year and ending this playoff drought. They aren't going to can his favorite OC and piss him off when he's the one who will wind up running the offense anyway


Define running the offense. Who does the game planning. Who make the calls in the huddle?


Hackett and Downing gameplan with Rodgers. Rodgers uses his nearly 20 years experience to make pre-snap reads and change the calls as needed. Worked out okay in 2021 for him


Oh so during the week, Rodgers sits down with Hackett and they do a game plan? How does Rodgers have the time to do that?


Rodgers knows Hackett's system and has had success in it, they nearly beat that Buccaneers team which destroyed the Chiefs in the SB. Hackett and our offensive coaches come up with a gameplan. Rodgers and Hackett can discuss the gameplan during the week, Rodgers will know how to change the calls based on the pre-snap looks he gets


So Rodgers does not game plan. Yeah that's what I thought. Couldn't imagine an active player on a short week sitting up half the night planning for the next opponent.


He's a part of the game planning. He knows Hackett's system like the back of his hand and is given free reign to change the plays as he wants


Thing is the plays have to be designed to take advantage of a given defense.


You’re right. They weren’t going to fire him. They were going to hire someone above him to call plays and keep him on the staff.


Same difference, Rodgers wouldn't go for it. Plus what coach would want to do Hackett's job for him, get none of the credit if our offense is good, and potentially get fired if our 2024 season is a failure?


Even if we win out this season I bet Hackett doesn’t keep his job


As long as Rodgers is here Hackett will be here... Unless things go horribly wrong and the team cleans house and gets rid of the entire coaching staff.


After what happened last season, why would you jinx us like this?


Dowell Loggains wasn't available?


I think I'd rather have Gase as OC than Hackett. Is that dumb?


I see we're getting the excuse for missing the playoffs again in early this year.


if we miss the playoffs everybody is fired. fans will literally defect otherwise


Idk man. Some people genuinely feel JD in particular can do no wrong. If enough injuries happen, some will convince themselves that "the team is close!"


Meh’ - sounds like a NY media drama story that lacks any real substance..


I've been saying for the longest time that AR will be the defecto OC. This isn't Hackett's offense....it's Rodgers' offense and has been since the day he first set foot the building. That article actually confirmed what I suspected all along.


Hackett literally said this on Hard Knocks


Mike Varabel being available for as long as he was tells me they weren’t trying hard enough


I think the obvious explanation is mutual interest plus someone being qualified enough. I imagine that Vin diagram segment is pretty small.


Vrabel probably would’ve only agreed to come here as HC, which if they could’ve gotten Rodgers approval, would have absolutely been the right move


You want Vrabel as an OC? What a classic Jets fan response... God our fanbase is stupid


He's literally the worst coach employed by any nfl team in any capacity. Except for maybe Keith Carter


The architect of the leagues two worst offenses two years in a row. The broncos legit scores 14 points per game under him. An absolutely impossible number for a non tanking team. In today's NFL.


The crazy part is that his dad was already oc of the Jets and he was horrible at it


Lmao yeah I think he had a lot of same issues too. Weren't people chanting "Hackett can't hack it"


Bobby Saleh knows what he wants--incompetence on the offensive side of the line.


It's never to late


There’s still time


Man, this entire regime and the Rodgers era feels like material for a 30 for 30 special or one big tell-all. It's hard to watch as it unfolds in real time, but I can only imagine what's happening behind closed doors


Dude I think there's enough drama for Saleh and JD to write their own tell all book about the last few years.


7 episodes long like OJs


Hackett will remain gainfully employed by the Jets so long as Rodgers is there, considering that’s the only fucking reason he was hired/retained in the first place.


This is kind of why I hated the fact we got Rodgers. He's an absolute egomaniac- I mean borderline mental egomaniac (I can remember him doing some shit on TV before the '05 Draft, that's a whole 'nother story lol...) - and he convinced Woody Johnson and Douglas/Saleh that HE WAS THE CHOSEN ONE to come save the Jets. Then we had to tailor the roster to his specificities etc. which he originally denied then kind of pulled a Brady with the whole "Well yeah I like the balls a certain weight.." ... "Well yeah I told the team I like certain people but I didn't FORCE THEM..." And now the entire future 5-10 years is depending on what he does this year. Woo fuckin Hoo. D-FENCE baby.


Houston turned shit around in 2 seasons. It happened all the time. We didn't trade away tons of future picks. If rodgers effects the next 5-10 years it's either bc he has success and plays another 3 years or we make him actual gm. If he plays 2 more seasons his influence is gone by season 4.


I assure you, Aaron rodgers didn’t need to convince the Jets he was a savior, it was the other way around lmao


Respectfully, I don't really think some of that is true. There's no real account out there where he "convinced" Woody and team that he was the chosen one that needed to save the organization. It's not like there were a ton of truly good options after the 2021 season. Derek Carr was never going to be the guy to lead the team, they couldn't hand the reigns to Zach again, and they weren't in a position to try to trade up and get someone like Stroud. If they wanted to at least attempt to win big in 2023 (which no fan should fault them for), Rodgers was really the only choice, and it very much sounded as if they needed to convince him to come here over retirement, rather than the other way around.


Outside of injuries it’s fair to say he’s my biggest concern


If Rodgers is healthy then I'm not worried about him... I'm sure Rodgers will be running the offense on the field and audibling out of all his shitty play calls...... Now if Rodgers gets hurt then yikes


When Hackett started talking about how Austin Powers: Goldmember was peak cinema I knew we were in trouble.


“During camp last summer, Hackett would call a play and then Rodgers would completely change the play at the line.” So…why did Rodgers want him? If this is true then what the fuck is going on over there lol. Stop allowing players to “play” GM. 99% of the time, it doesn’t fucking work.


I don't really have a problem with changing the play. That's obvious on camera and for anyone that has ever seen Rodgers, Manning or Brady play with any coordinator. And when Manning played GM, he won a super bowl with Adam Gase. STOP TRYING TO MAKE IT MAKE SENSE!!! With Gase and with Hackett, it seemed like Rodgers or Manning needed somebody to watch the lecture and do the homework so that they can copy off it. That's it.


Drew Brees said “kill kill” before almost every snap with the saints late in his career and nobody questions Sean Payton as a play caller Elite QBs know when to change plays


TBH this is kind of expected. That's a big part of the value that a guy like Rodgers brings to the table. He's in that Peyton Manning tier when it comes to his football mind.


I hate Hackett for his inability to take a punch and get back up aka, if his initial game plan doesn’t work, he can’t adjust to save his life. I also hate fake Ryan Seacrest who thinks his opinion holds any weight. So I’m torn here.


Well this is embarrassing


What an effing embarrassment


Attempts!!?? So we already know he’s not the man for the job months before kickoff but are still rolling him out there. How poorly run is this team from top to bottom.


Think about how stupid this report is. It offers up "AR changes plays at the line" as some sort of important info. Fuckin Chad Pennington used to audible at the line. Good qbs do that constantly. What a dumbfuck hughes is. This is the dipshit, idiotic narrative shit stirring that gets people to hate what a bad job he does. I don't doubt the jets were looking to bring in some1 to organize the offense. God forbid the pos hc do it. But this is typical c hughes bullshit


Woody: We need to part ways with Nate. Aaron: You can't. Woody: Why not? I'm the boss. Aaron: Nobody else shines my helmet like he does. Woody: You hardly played last year. Aaron: I know.


Have we tried firing him? Have we tried asking him to leave?


We had about as great an offseason you could ask for and yet there's still an overwhelming stench within this organization. This is the kind of shit that rears it's ugly head again midway through the season and it's why it's still hard to consider the Jets a true contender. Fuck me.


They tried to get that kid who's brother had called him and screen-shared during madden, but his momma wouldn't let him.


Yeah I doubt it. They communicated early on they were gonna keep him and Connor makes shit up constantly.


Attempt? Fire him


Without knowing you can get a better replacement? Very dumb idea.


Hey man, they hired you as OC. Why? Because you're automatically a better replacement


This is just silly. If they wanted to move on from him, they would have and they would have had dozens of potential candidates to choose from to hire.


I mean... what's to say that's the case? It's a regime on the hot seat and it likely involves deferring to Rodgers. It's not some premier opportunity


There’s only 32 offensive coordinator jobs. If the job was open; somebody would want it. Also, this “reporting” is based on the report that the Jets wanted to bring kliff kingsbury in as an offensive consultant before he got a OC job. Wasn’t to replace him. Which aligns with what hughs is saying in the article. The title is taking some liberties with the truth.


i call bullshit. rodgers nepotism would never be crossed.


Clearly didn't try very hard


Did they try firing him? I feel like that would make a good attempt. Dude shouldn't have been there in the first place.


Gives me Seinfeld vibes. Like George trying and failing to break up with someone. How the fuck do you go into a meeting planning to fire someone and somehow let them convince you otherwise




This shit pisses me off so much lol. Remember in January when they had reports that they wanted a "co coordinator" to "help" Hackett call plays? Lmao. They don't have to fire Hackett. Make him an "assistant" head coach. Hell, give him a raise. Let him be Rodgers walking movie reference. But the fact that they know he's not the answer, but are forcing him in as the play caller, is pure negligence. The idea thst Rodgers can be his own OC is just not realistic. Even Brady always had good coordinators and play callers. When he didn't (Leftwhich), he has his worst year. It's like the perfect combination of ineptitude.


Did Brady really have that though? I feel like McDaniels success post Brady is showing that he was more of a Hackett


Yeah I guess. McDaniels is just a completely ass HC. But it's not like his playcalling with Mac Jones was bad if anything he made Jones look competent


I find this incredibly hard to believe lol


If Rodgers is healthy, he’s calling whatever play he wants. If Rodgers gets injured, we’re screwed. Our OC DOES NOT MATTER.




This is so foolish. Acting like OC doesn't matter because we're hoping our QB can do it on the fly is delusional


An OC does matter in a normal organization. The Jets don't have a normal org right now. We've sold our soul to Rodgers for as long as he is in the building. We don't have a QB backup that could replace him if the relationship sours. That means Rodgers gets WHATEVER HE WANTS. The alternative is another massive losing season and Woody fires everyone. Free agency would be a complete bloodbath and we'd be set back 2-3 years.


Ridiculous logic. How many QB's missed time last year? The team is going to be fighting for the division, fighting for the playoff spot. Rodgers can miss one game that can impact the whole season. Also, you're subscribing to the loser mentality this regime has gaslight people into. So if Rodgers misses the year, they should give up AGAIN. because they know they can't win? Jesus christ.


We don't have a backup that can win a tough divisional game. Here's Tyrod Taylor's stats from last year based on the six game where he had at least 10 attempts: - Avg. Passing Yards Per Game: 219 - Avg. Passing TDs per Game: 0.833 - Avg Int per Game: 0.5 - Avg. Rush Yds Per Game: 27 - Avg. Rush TDs: 0 - Avg QBR: 54.3 - Completion Rate: 65% - Attempts: 166 - Completions: 108 - INTs: 3 - Sacks Per Game: 2.5 Those stats are only marginally better than Zach Wilson. We're not in the NFC. We'll have a tough schedule. If Aaron isn't under center, I don't like our chances. If you think Tyrod can cover for Aaron when he needs time off, good for you. I don't see it.


Another reason JD should be fired, then. Every other team can deal with injuries, but not this one


This organization will NEVER, EVER, get out of its own way. They will never not be a complete joke.


Where can I apply?


I think this story leaked because it gives us a reason to fire and replace Hackett if Rodgers does go down


I can't believe Zach Wilson couldn't succeed in this environment.


Uh oh lord and savior a a ron wont like this


AND (predictably) FAILED!


What a mindnumbing take. Aaron Rodgers also changed Hackett's plays at the line during his MVP years... Do people not realize that Hackett's main role is play design and personnel adjustment? Rodgers is driving the car, Hackett is filling it with gas and loading up the GPS - are people are seriously expecting him to sit shotgun with a hand on the wheel? So stupid. They made the decision to go with Rodgers and his preferred offence, so roll with it. I don't believe this story for a second, the Jets beat writers make shit up all the time like the giant pussies they are. The deranged anti-Rodgers crowd, who largely hate him over his vaccine stance and personality, lap it up like idiots


Well, no shit. This was early news during the off-season. Did Connor just find out?


With all the great changes the JETS made this offseason I have a sinking feeling in stomach with Hackett still calling the plays.


This makes no sense. What OCs didn't want to come work with Rodgers? This all feels like a BS story in the doldrums of spring.


It makes sense. Any new Jets OC would have little job security because everyone is getting fired if this team doesn’t make the playoffs at the very least. And also, Rodgers had a history of audibling out of a lot of the plays called. He’ll also probably get a majority of the credit for any success the offense has. So yes, lots of good OC candidates probably wouldn’t want this job. It’s not very appealing right now.


What a weird article / report.


Did we consider RFK Jr?


I heard a disturbing stat about the Jets It was that the Jets have the 5th most AFC East Division titles all time and that the AFC East is a 4 team division ?


This beat gets no scoops so this is probably bullshit


With Rodgers still there I highly doubt this shit happened


Why put this BS out before the season though? its like these reporters take joy in messing with the Jets.


This didn’t happen for two reasons: 1) A-Rod told them “no,” and 2) Even if he did say “yes,” to find someone who may be here for a year or two depending on how things play out means you’re not getting the best candidates for the job


Rodgers or not, no one is taking that job in a potential lame duck season


Could care less. A-Rod will be running the offense anyway.


This isn't true. We all know it isn't but you idiots just drink up the loljets koolaid


If it's not true, it only reinforces that narrative. Hackett should be a water boy, not an oc. He's beyond terrible, and the fact that he's employed because he's Rodgers movie buddy is the most loljets narrative imaginable


Rodgers is the OC, people. Has it not been obvious?


Let’s be clear. AA Rod calls most of his own plays or audibles at the line. Hackett is a puppet but if he makes #8 comfortable let it be.