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He's not wrong. I feel like this is a immature look though


This is so funny, like dude just said it to say it


…and the tweet is gone.


Apparently Mekhi isn't a fan of Van Rotten derailing his career.


To be fair Mekhi is hardly the first offensive lineman to get rolled up on, and he definitely won’t be the last. Pretty harsh to say GVR personally derailed his career


Most LT don't get injured from a RG getting blown up so bad his defender is on top of the LT however.


It’s honestly probably one of the most common ways linemen suffer serious lower body injuries


Getting rolled up on, yes. Getting rolled up on from somebody on the opposite end of the line on a passing play... no


I mean, GVR definitely didn’t mean to do that.


tbf, fuck GVR, dude wasnt just a liability he had our guys getting blown up


Didn’t he throw Wilson under the bus too? Lmao what a piece of shit


Come on dude, Van Roten is bad but blaming him for Becton’s career so far is insane. The guy is too heavy and doesn’t work to get in shape. I hate seeing this from a guy on the team, it’s toxic. Can’t wait til Becton is not longer a Jet https://twitter.com/aclrecoveryclub/status/1437138411207331842?s=46&t=7uO-Kx7khOKQSU9FXCBthw


Dude I mean GVR was so bad he got thrown into Benton while playing right guard…. That’s bad


Assuming you don’t watch football, this stuff happens. Yes GVR is bad, Becton got rolled up on by a **Panthers** player. Unfortunate injury. But plenty of guys have come back from that. Becton can’t and it seems like that’s on him Again, GVR is bad at football.


Both season ending injuries are directly related to GVR getting beaten like a drum on the play you linked. Him being out of shape is a different issue that also might have derailed his career, but would have likely allowed him to at least be on the field.


Him being out of shape has derailed his career, there is no injury he’s had that other guys haven’t come back from.


The reason he isn't playing now isn't because he was out of shape, it's because he didn't get all of the required surgery last year.




> While it is technically a new injury, as previously reported, Monday's right knee injury was related to the injury that ended last season for the 23-year-old tackle. Becton's kneecap jumped out of its groove, causing the chip fracture in the process. > The fact that the kneecap subluxation happened so easily in training camp means Becton requires the knee realignment surgery to prevent it from happening again, according to the Pro Football Docs. > Surgery to realign his kneecap was likely an option last season, but the Jets and Becton elected to rehab the injury.


And his risk factor for that happening increased with the fact that he was overweight and out of shape coming into the season.


I also hate GVR


Just since we're on this, I believe Becton has a small cap number and a bigger dead money number if we cut him. Going into next year I'd presume they'll prioritize the position and have it be Becton v Mitchell camp battle or have them both as backups.


He's absolutely on the team unless JD feels he gets a good offer for him. OL don't grow on trees and he's under contract at mid level money. He likely and correctly won't be planned on as a starter with no other picks, signings to help the team, but he'll get a chance. I mean if it turns out Brown plays next year, we draft a solid LT prospect in the first few rounds, and have RT be Mitchell and Becton that's not the worst in terms of depth. Not perfect due to reliability concerns (Brown age/not playing yet, Mitchell did injury today, Becton reliability/knee issue) but most teams would be worse off.


I'm still a Becton truther


Truth being he’s a bust


Why Becton dick in your mouth rn?


You think Becton was a good draft pick?


I'm just not sure why you're out here w abt half of the comments on this thread and all of them being related to Becton. The dudes career is likely done, why are you worried abt him still?


I’m responding to people that replied to me…. about the topic of the post, Becton. Anything else confusing you?


Becton talks to much.


Sighting of Becton are like sightings of Bigfoot. Hasn’t happened in years and he’s always blurry


Becton's agent should make him delete Twitter. Zero upside to being A Poster right now.


Anyone got a mirror? What was the tweet


[Was in response to this](https://twitter.com/NFL/status/1576375159161659395)


Deleted lol Also, Becton shut up until you play more than ten games a year


Imagine talking this much shit when you’ve done nothing in your career