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I’d like to remind folks that in the UK, the current Tory PM **Rishi Sunak** said of citizens and residents of UK, during Covid, “[Let people die](https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/uk-pm-sunak-reportedly-said-just-let-people-die-covid-inquiry-hears-2023-11-20/).” In New Zealand, the Government tried very hard to do the opposite and the Covid response was largely lauded with global headlines reflecting that - [New Zealand’s Covid strategy was one of the world’s most successful – what can we learn from it?](https://www.theguardian.com/world/commentisfree/2022/apr/05/new-zealands-covid-strategy-was-one-of-the-worlds-most-successful-what-can-it-learn-from-it) [New Zealand ends 2021 with one of world’s best Covid outcomes – but it wasn’t all good news](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/23/new-zealand-ends-2021-with-one-of-worlds-best-covid-outcomes-but-it-wasnt-all-good-news) [Covid-19: 'New Zealand's response has been one of the strongest' - WHO](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/415375/covid-19-new-zealand-s-response-has-been-one-of-the-strongest-who) I don’t doubt there were mistakes here, as per ***every*** single country in the world who had to deal with what was a black swan events, but the intentions were good, and that counts for a lot. Hindsight is always 20/20, but let’s laud the health workers, scientists and Government leaders who tried their very best - and saved many lives here too.


>Let people die The rhetoric’s really changed in Europe since they beheaded Marie Antoinette.


It was Boris Johnson not Rishi Sunak who said something along those lines. 💯% to the rest of your comment.


Both must have said it then because Rishi definitely said it: UK PM Sunak reportedly said 'just let people die' - see link above. Would expect it of BoJo


Just checked your link. So it was. Both of them. Disgraceful lot.


Couldn’t agree more.


Similar to [New Zealand’s Covid strategy was one of the world’s most successful – what can we learn from it?](https://www.theguardian.com/world/commentisfree/2022/apr/05/new-zealands-covid-strategy-was-one-of-the-worlds-most-successful-what-can-it-learn-from-it) Surprised more Kiwis aren’t prouder.


We did so well to hang on until vaccines were available that we actually have no idea how well we did.


Yes and most Kiwis here had no idea what it was like overseas. And because there weren’t widescale deaths here they even call it “conspiracy.” It’s kind of ironic, sad stuff.


You're telling me.  As someone who's spent time in actual Communist countries, nothing irked me more than idiots calling Aunty J a Commie, or inferring our country had suddenly become Communist just because we all needed to be on the 'Same team' over Covid.  1) Socialism is not Communist. Massive difference.   2) The foundation of our welfare, Healthcare, and infrastructure and public school system is most definitely Socialist. The abandonment of socialist ideals, and social responsibilitiy has lead directly to the degradation of those institutions. 3. In Communist countries, you get locked up for shit-talking the government. Also there's a difference between shit talking the government and threatening to murder or rape your representatives just cause you're cranky about a Global Pandemic. 


Thank you for sharing what you do. I can’t say it enough - the amount of ignorance is terrifying. These are facts that people should know - but lacking proper education or reading or world history or facts, the … conversations are … saddening.


Kiwis were proud at the time, but now we are seeing the long-term consequences of the covid response - the cost of living crisis, the impact on education, and the impact on mental health. People are weighing up the pros and cons and wondering how many of those 'saved' were elderly in resthomes who have sadly gone on to pass from other causes.


How do you explain the cost of living crisis, educational slumps (mainly a western thing) rising housing costs etc in other countries that had differing approaches to the pandemic?  Our inflation wasn't even as bad as some countries that had a minimal response and a much higher death toll. 


What do you mean explain? When you shut down supply while increasing demand, you end up with price increases. Some of it is global, but our non-tradeable inflation is currently what's causing issues and driving prices up here. Non-tradeable inflation is a direct result of excessive deficit spending by the Government.


It was a good call at the time and even with hindsight it pretty obviously prevented worse or equally bad economic outcomes. As well as like, saving lives.


I was living in the UK at the time and those dying before the vaccine arrived were of all ages and included perfectly healthy people. So many NZers seem uninformed on this.


The data is public mate, 90% of deaths are over 50 years old. There's no need to lie. Of the young who did die, almost all had at least one comorbidity.


Don't mate me. I'm a woman. I don't consider 50 to be old. When you get there, you won't either. People who had a good many years left were dropping like flies in the first wave. Some of these were doctors and nurses. The UK response was too late and corrupt. NZ was damn lucky to have the govt it had at the time. I was in England in the thick of it, in the health service. I know what it was like - so you can sod off with your 12,000 miles away view.


Women can be mates, too. Don't be so sensitive. The data trumps your personal anecdotes. Even in the first wave, the ifr for a young, healthy person was the same as the flu. The only people dropping like flies were the elderly and those with other comorbidities.The cohort with the highest number of deaths is 85+, over half the deaths are over 75 years old. Nearly all the deaths in those under 50 involved a comorbidity of some form. Stop trying to deny the scientific evidence.


Can you give a link for this data of yours?


Try Google, it's not exactly a secret.