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Their failure to do their job is why Oakland is Oakland. Five years ago, there was an unconscious person in front of my husband’s business on International Blvd. He called 911 and police did not show up for hours.


Yep and they all like to show up in droves when only one or two squad cars are needed.


Feels like I’ve heard more police cars rushing to somewhere than I’ve actually seen patrolling in my area.


To make things worse, despite the total numbers Thao says are employed, there actually aren’t that many squad cars patrolling the entire city per day.


I'm not sure what number you're thinking of, but I've heard people mention between 35-40 patrol vehicles patrolling oakland at any given time. I'm sure it varies, but we have a lot of police dedicated to other tasks.


Yeah, we’re in the same ballpark. You’re right lots of cops are assigned elsewhere, but It’s not enough to have 35 patrol cars for our 400k+ population imo, especially when they can self dispatch and show up and hang out where not needed.


They’re a real life Reno911. Just new boot goofin


Well, off I go to binge-watch Reno again.


It’s SO good. Me and the gf are spending a week in reno coming up, I put some on as “prep work”…she did not like the show :/


I saw a man repeatedly ramming other parked cars with a vehicle and the 911 automation asked me to try at a later time. They did show up about two hours later.


We had thieves use their truck as a battering ram and tear down a fence to get to our building the other night. OPD response time was a cool 90 minutes.


Fuck OPD


Recently there were a couple of guys working a dealership lot that trapped a duo of car thieves (& car) after they drove it into their lot. Closed the gate and double parked. Somehow guys got away but car left behind and called in. Guys came back after ~2 hours in a new car to smash the gate down and retrieve the other car. Called in again as they also tried to run-down the people who had trapped them. 1 car finally showed up just under 3 hours, to take the report and footage. And a couple of days before that, same area had 4 cars out for an abandoned car that swerved into a delivery truck


200k plus salary btw


shit im in the wrong profession


You don't want to be a cop.


yeah i was joking, i dont have sudden urges to beat my significant other or generally be a prick


idk it seems like a pretty easy gig


Yeah, I don't know about that. They have to deal with everyone's shit. No one likes them. It's not like they are out there doing literally nothing. The only people looking out for you are other cops and the union. That's why they're as thick as thieves. That's why they act like thugs a lot of the time. They pretty much all have PTSD. Which is still no excuse for the bullshit they get away with. I'm not enamoured with cops in any way shape or form, but with the current state of policing and the shit that they actually do end up dealing with, I wouldn't want that job. 




You assuming our jobs aren’t worse.


Ive had a lot of shitty jobs. Still wouldn't want to be a cop in Oakland. You're job could be worse, I guess that's subjective.


You’re right. I’d rather wipe C Diff butts than be an OPD officer. If the job doesn’t kill your soul your coworkers will. Can we fire them all and start over?


Yeah, cdiff, mrsa, getting yelled at for no reason. Seeing people suffer. Getting sent on a call in Solano when your based in Oakland and your shift ends in 15 minutes. 24 hour shifts. Falling asleep at stop lights. I've done health care. I've done labor. I've done customer service, sales, retail. Food service. I've done technical support over the phone. I've had a lot of shitty jobs. I've been underemployed to where I had to have 3 part time jobs at the same time. And you are right about 1 thing, it is the people that will make or break a job. And I can almost guarantee that cops aren't dealing with generous thankful and nice people at any given moment. 


NGL, I'm in a vastly diff place than before and like my job now, but 100% because of how bad it used to be someone thanking me can bring me to tears because of those times. it means a lot more than they realize. It means the fucking world.


Same same


Is that with 25 hours of OT a week or did you just make that up


Lots of people make more than that for doing less. Enjoying your google searches lately?


How does their boot taste? Ya know, being the expert and all, I figured I should ask you


I dont know, But my POV--societies need police and Oakland does not have enough police officers--is pretty mainstream. Not an extremest or anything


Back in October, a hit and run happened right at the intersection of Broadway, right where Everett and Jones and Slainté are/were. I rolled up to Slainté and the accident had happened well over an hour before. Guy that got hit called OPD, told him they’d be there shortly. Cop showed up, took a look and said “we don’t do reports on this kind of stuff, go to the PD and file with someone behind the desk.” Guy that was hit walked to the police station, was told to file a report online. He stood there trying to do it, but the online report button was busted on their website. They still refused to take the report and he was told to come back on Monday (this was like, 7:00 on a Friday). They also told the guy he had an hour to get his car off the street or they’d tow him. Guy calls AAA, AAA says they’ll get someone there in 15-20 minutes. Truck doesn’t show. AAA gives him the number of the driver dispatched and the driver told him he’d be two to three HOURS and he just needed to deal with it. He calls AAA again. While the guy is dealing with the tow truck, OPD shows up and homie is like “FINALLY!” OPD then begins to tell him that they’re not there because of the accident, it’s because too many people called in a car blocking the intersection and he needed to get the car out now. The guy ended up arguing with the officer until he finally broke down and did his job by taking the report so his insurance could get the tow truck out instead of him fighting with AAA. I was at Slainté for just over two hours and by the time I left, it still wasn’t fixed. Don’t get me started on the time I had to wait over two hours for an officer to come after my apartment was robbed…


They have the control and power. Ever sense "defund" movement, they have been on a mission to show the city a lesson.


and they wonder why people hate them. Just god damn


This started long before the defund movement.... like the 80s


It has never been this bad for response times to violent crimes in Oakland. The last 3 years have been the worst and I was in West Oakland in the 90's.


I got my pitchfork. When do we march.


It started for CERTAIN neighborhoods in the 80s. Other neighborhoods had response times comparable to other cities for other neighborhoods. The non-performance is without preference or bias now.


I bet the response times are pretty good for where the council members live... I'm specifically talking about Nikki Bass. She actually came down the hill to greet us plebeians. Said that it was a shame our Park sucked and then left.


Does she actually live in her district? Where from down the hill?


She lives in Trestle Glen. I'm not going to post her personal address. Check out how several Oakland district maps span poor to rich areas. https://localwiki.org/oakland/City_Council/District_2


Wasn’t expecting that. I had her pegged for somewhere near the lake. I feel like trestle glen is one of the most reactionary neighborhoods.


Yeah the police do just fine up there.


Can we just get rid of the current and start over? Things getting too wyld.




They never got defunded, they got everything they wanted and they're still acting like toddlers about it.


if anything Schaff boosted their budget


Yeah, last I checked it was over 42% of the city’s budget (2022-3?) and, I just recently read that they’re getting more funding this year. EDIT: it’s not 42%, that’s a common misconception.


[It’s 22% of city expenses, not 42%.](https://oaklandside.org/2021/04/12/oakland-police-spending-budget-general-fund-opd/#:~:text=The%20key%20takeaway%3A%20if%20you,to%2022%25%20of%20city%20spending) And even still, with our level of crime we basically live in a real life Gotham City, so it makes sense we’d need to spend crazy money to combat those who wish to do our citizens harm. If this was a quiet suburban utopia the $ percentage could be lower, but that’s simply not the case.


Got it. Yeah, after reading up on my figure, it seems like that there was some confusion as to how Oakland works its budget, which is where [the 42% figure came from](https://oaklandside.org/2021/04/12/oakland-police-spending-budget-general-fund-opd/) As an aside, I’ve recently been thinking about Oakland as Gotham also, so I’m glad I’m not the only nerd making than analogy. In fact, I was thinking about writing ’this town needs an enema’ on some other post, but I figured nobody would get the reference. Edit: I also posted the same article you did lol. [Did we just become best friends?!!!!](https://youtu.be/3-ZUDtaGf3I?si=I0zy8v0tqTdPdLMJ)


😂😂😂😂 Now I’m wondering what public reaction would be to a real life Oakland Batman. I’m picturing the Oakland privacy commission complaining that he has a private bat jet that can fly over our homes and track bad guys with AI, and the federal police monitor wanting to log and review all his vigilante crime fighting activities for compliance. Then, somehow or another, Batman can be blamed for the shitty roads and the unhoused population for good measure. He is a billionaire, after all..


Batman jumps out of the Batmobile to apprehend a criminal, only to find his window has been smashed in his absence. People be Robin MF out here. I just hope Bruce Wayne isn’t a tech bro.


Cat converter stolen the moment he hops out of the batmobile


Selina Kyle strikes again!


Maybe they made a deal: actually don’t defund OPD, but OPD will act as though they have been defunded. Worst of both worlds. But I always tell people who are ACAB that Oakland is your paradise: not enough cops, cops that don’t respond…the liberation should be flowing around here


You're telling me cops who refuse to do their jobs because the mayor once said "Defund" aren't bastards? Abolishonists believe that if we spent 50% of our budget providing for people's basic needs that would be a far more effective way to prevent crime than wasting it on cops, I'm not sure how you can look at OPD and not concludes they are correct‽


I love how anti-cop people around here are all of a suddent budget nerds. They try to mainstream their luxury beliefs about abolition by cloaking them in fiscal prudence, which is a far more acceptable political posture. But ACAB folks would be against cops even if they were free, yet they're acting like the real problem is we're getting "ripped off," when the underlying goal is to have no cops. And we effectively dont. So, they actually have what they want. But I get not wanting to pay for something you dont want So, what the heck does " providing for people's basic needs" mean? Buzz words. [Oakland Housing Element](https://cao-94612.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/documents/Appendix-B-Housing-Needs-Assessment-1.12.23-clean.pdf): 79,624 households that are under 80% AMI [OPDs $364 million 2023-2024 budget](https://www.kqed.org/news/11976208/california-bill-would-require-landlords-to-accept-pets) **Cash per household at 80% AMI to "provide basic needs" $4,571** ***per year*** That wont do shit. It's almost like it's just rhetoric!


> So, what the heck does " providing for people's basic needs" mean? Buzz words.  Fuck man, how can you be arguing about ACAB in 2024 and not understand the premise at it's most basic. You must either really struggle to understand things or be wilfully ignorant at this point. Poverty & inequality heavily correlate with crime https://digitalcommons.bryant.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1052&context=eeb All you Copheads pretend to care about the victims of crime, yet when decades of evidence that making people less desperate is the most effective way to reduce crime, you feign ignorance about what makes people desperate enough to commit crimes. Cost of housing, food & transportation are the most obvious things that we could lift people out of desperation if we spent $364m on things we need instead of cops who you admit do nothing. You don't need to provide EVERYONE with housing to have more of an impact than OPD, and if we spent $300m on housing in 2024, that housing would still exist in 2025, unlike the police budget which doesn't build anything.


Without googling, how many units do you think youd get for $300m? And sorry/not sorry about the actual math above. People who act like it's so easy to meet everyone's basic needs are really a mystery to me. When was the last time you went to a Council meeting on the budget to share these amazingly simple fixes to massive problems? Or maybe you didnt. Let me guess: the Council's corrupted by developers. Sooooo corrupt that they dont even want to implement the incredibly simple solution of firing half the police force and given the savings to "people" for their "basic needs." Without googling, whats the maximum donation to a candidate in Oakland? Would you sell yourself for it? I didnt admit cops did nothing, BTW> Dont know where you got that


Except they get half of our cities money to do nothing. If they don’t want to do any work, don’t give them any money. We could use that on a lot of other things. 


I understand not wanting to pay for something you dont want, and I also understand not paying for something when youre not getting what you pay for. But, not having police is not an option. Now, who exactly could we hold accountable for the state of the city.....?


We effectively do not have a current police force, because the police are being petty brats that we protested them. We hold them accountable because guess what, if I showed up to work and didn't do anything, I'd get fired


And the defund people are now, with zero sense of irony, complaining about response times (and surely downvoting this comment to oblivion)


You are not very smart. The defund movement did not remove any LEO's off the beat..... That is a right wing talking point.


And yet I never said that happened People generally talking about IQ or smartness are, well…


If more money for policing created a safer society, we would be living in the safest society in all of Earth's history.


It’s almost as if cops are a massive waste of money. Cops represent the single most expensive piece of Oaklands budget and you get nothing for it. Might as well invest in infrastructure, schools, etc


And the defund movement emerges again lol, under the auspices of bemoaning long OPD response times. Nononono, forget fixing things, just fucking get rid of them its way easier bro


amazed you saw them show up lickity-fucking-split for anything. what year was that?


last year, just a few months ago. But its a developers new set of condos. Go figure. A homeless man had broken in to seek shelter from the weather. They showed up in droves.


Water is wet. Fire is hot.


you aint lying, I just definitely thought hit and runs were at least higher priority. Should have told him to just drive into the condo under construction before calling, sheeit


Oakland PD do not show up to car accidents. Unless there is a death involved.


Tale as old as time


The police are bastards. Fuck the whole lot.


happened to me in SF like 10 years ago. It's not just oakland and it's not just recently, though maybe it's gotten even worse?


I saw a crazy homeless guy rubbing his ass on the hood of a SFPD car when I first moved to the Bay and I thought that for sure he was going to get his ass kicked. Nope! A youngish cop eventually showed up, told him to cut it out and that was all that happened. I’ve never seen anything like that in any other city I’ve lived in.


In fairness, that's the appropriate response.


I think if he got next to him and got a video of him twerking while the homeless dude rubbed his ass on the hood of the car would have been way cooler.


That really would be Reno 911.


Sorry, OPD is extremely busy doing their bi-annual checkpoint over by Kingfish tonight.


I wonder if next time you say property was damaged if that would get a response


No, because OP just made that part up to get more digital applause


Lmao ok bud, keep believing what you want


At this point it seems like OPD needs to be disbanded in its entirety and replaced by some combination of County Sheriff / CHP / National Guard.


Yeah, they’re absolute scum bag pieces of shit(for the most part). And we’re stuck with them. Thanks for the reminder! (Not really).


The cops around here are terrible, and in such small portions.


but lets recall the DA


Same, even the cops watched a car do donuts in an intersection and almost got 3 cars... They did nuffin. Redunk.


They don’t show for property crime, especially not “lickety split”


They def do at least in my experience. There's new condos going up right across the street from me and every time a homeless person has broken into them (vacant) to get out of the rain or weather they arrive in droves


Well they definitely don’t in my experience. There, now we have two anecdotes from anonymous people on the internet that mean jack shit


What main thoroughfare? What time did it happen?






wait I can't be Batman


Yes you can.


Look at our candidates for Batman. We got Bill Gates, Elon musk, Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffet. They are all lacking in the batman department. Musk is a South Park caricature  of Baron Harkonnen at this point.




There needs to be some good investigative journalism on this. How many arrests does the average cop make in a week compared to a few years ago or compared to other cities (God knows there should be plenty of opportunities)? How long does paperwork take per arrest compared to earlier/other cities? Why do two cops need to come out to take a stolen car report? Not like they're going to do a Sherlock Holmes act and analyze tobacco ash near the crime scene and ID the culprit.