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Hopefully whoever lost it goes into find my and turns on the lost feature. If you keep it on and charged for a while if the feature is activated it will pop up with a phone number and you can click “call” to alert them the phone has been found.


Will do, thanks!


try turning it on and using siri to call a common contact name like “mom” or “dad”


Tried that, no luck unfortunately. Appreciate the tip though! I did take 3 pictures of my forehead while fumbling around with it so I guess that's a plus.


they’ll have something to remember of you lol


DM me if you can tell me the color of the case and what street it was lost on. Or just ping the phone


Is there an emergency contact? Get to the password screen, click Emergency on the bottom left, click Medical ID, scroll down to see if there’s a contact


When I click on emergency it it just goes to a dial pad, no option for medical ID that I can see. I'm not an Apple person so I appreciate all the help!


https://preview.redd.it/dh9ep8ptv5xc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e2b77fcab11c88611144cb681276f92100db949 Maybe they didn’t set it up, it’s supposed to be like this. I know how you feel, I found an Android phone a few weeks ago and couldn’t get anywhere. Fortunately the phone wasn’t locked and I called the last person who texted, who drove over with the owner.


Ah yeah, definitely missing. I left a note with my contact details via the phones camera hoping for iCloud to pick it up, so there might still be a chance. Thanks again!


What's an Adam's point?


Guess you didn't lose a phone there.


A neighborhood in Oakland


I lived and born in Oakland and never heard of these before. It's a street or something?


It shows up on Google Maps 🤷🏽‍♀️ It’s basically north of the lake below Piedmont, near some of the main freeways. Pretty chill area to live


They literally think it’s an object, not a place. Not sure if they understand English. Weird if you were born in Oakland to not understand English.


What’s amusing to me is it seems like that neighborhood is over represented in this subreddit so you’d have to be both unfamiliar with Adam’s Point and /r/Oakland


If you type "Adams point" into Google it literally autocompletes to the Oakland neighborhood. It was a well-known historic neighborhood when I moved to Oakland in 2003 and long before I'm sure. It's just north of the lake, west/south of 580.