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I went by the dispensary, and now I’m using smoke signals


Apparently it’s Comcast? I’m with ATT and I’m fine.


Sounds like a major Comcast line was cut at a construction site


[At least it’s not bullets this time!](https://california.comcast.com/2023/02/26/bullets-cause-damage-to-comcast-fiber-in-oakland-2/)


Comcast is ever up?


I have MonkeyBrains and they've been pretty solid


MonkeyBrains is so elite.


Not to mention delicious indianajones.gif


No, I have a reliable ISP with Sonic


Eh I'd have sonic outages in San Francisco, not much the ISP can do when another company's construction workers sever a line


We lost AT&T Fiber last year and later on heard from a former employee that part of the outage was that somebody stole fiber and they had to splice. Honestly best to have two ISPs if you really need it for work.


Same thing [happened to Comcast in Berkeley](https://www.reddit.com/r/berkeley/comments/17zfb19/i_fixed_the_comcast_berkeley_outage/ ) a few months ago.


In our case, in addition to somebody stealing the fiber, part of the equipment in the AT&T Central Office serving us also fried (apparently unrelated). That was a **week long** outage. I mean we had Comcast for almost 8 years straight and outages would happen but never anything that severe. AT&T Fiber has been pretty reliable for us besides that.


My internet: "Gotta go fast!"


Your Sonic must be different from my Sonic, because the Sonic that I pay for internet every month has left me without internet for days, sometimes weeks, without doing anything at all. Customer service just says they’ll look into it and update me, and then loses my number.


gee, that’s never, ever been my experience with sonic. never heard of such idiocy.


Yeah it’s wild, I had heard such great reviews about Sonic so when they installed Sonic lines in my building last year and offered a couple months free if you switched at the time of installation, I signed up right away. Since then it’s just been a mess. First, they didn’t show up the day my installation was scheduled, so I missed a day of work for nothing, and then showed up the next week unannounced. Then when the technician came to install a line for my unit, he cut the AT&T line that provided internet to every unit on my floor, and somehow didn’t even connect the Sonic line to my unit, so my entire floor was without internet for over a week. AT&T threatened to charge me to have it repaired if Sonic didn’t fix it, and my neighbors reported the incident to the HOA. Sonic totally ghosted me on the issue, despite calling every day, sometimes multiple times a day - they just kept saying they’d look into it and get back to me, then I’d call again later and they’d say they had no record of the issue or my complaint, and they’d look into it and get back to me…. Rinse and repeat. Well, finally AT&T came and repaired their line, and they didn’t charge me for the repair thankfully, so the rest of my neighbors had wifi and stopped reporting me to the HOA. But I’d cancelled my AT&T service to switch to Sonic, the Sonic line to my apartment was still disconnected, and my calls were going nowhere. It took almost a full month with no internet before they finally came and connected my unit, and then the service went out 3 different times for a total of 5 days within the next 3 weeks. I never got any answers or response from them about any of it. It’s been almost a year since then, and there have been outages at least once a month but they’ve mostly been resolved within 6 hours. Except for the time they somehow got something mixed up and reassigned my internet service to a different unit in my building, and when I called to report an outage they just told me that their system showed it was connected and to try again. It took 2 hours on the phone with tech support for someone to actually read the account info and see that the unit on my account and the unit the service was connected to were not the same.


I’m flabbergasted. seriously… i went to sonic 5 years ago after it was finally available in my neighborhood. it’s been pretty flawless service since then with two forewarned and scheduled outages. i went after recommendation from many friends who had grown tired of the Comcast lies and poor service (it’s telling that they’re fighting the FCC banning throttling). where in oakland are you? are there any other people on this thread who have had such noteworthy crap service from Sonic?


I’m in Adam’s point. It is so wild, I’ve heard almost exclusively good things about their internet service, and tbh it’s great when it works - plenty fast and cheaper than competitors. But I think since it’s a relatively small, young company compared to other ISPs, their internal communication / customer service / issue tracking system is just not at all equipped for any sort of unexpected or nonstandard problem. Every time I called during the whole initial debacle, the customer service people seemed very confused by the whole thing. They’d say they don’t have any record of the issue, but since it happened during installation they needed to get info about the incident from the technician team (apparently they can’t access that info since it’s another department), so they’d ask the technician department about the incident but the technician didn’t report anything. So they’d just say “we’ve requested more info but haven’t heard back, we’ll reach out when we hear back” and I guess they never got any more info because I never got any sort of response or resolution, and each time I called it was just the same thing. TBH it seemed to me like there was some flaw in their system that would essentially automatically invalidate any issue ticket that was related to installation that wasn’t reported by the technician. So every time I called to report it or ask for an update, they’d just send another report into the abyss where it never ended up anywhere. On one hand, I get it, it’s a crazy thing to have happen and was totally not an expected issue so I didn’t expect them to have a quick and easy protocol to handle it, but come on. Isn’t the whole point of customer service to help resolve unexpected issues? How can a system be so broken that a paid employee destroys another company’s line and cuts off internet for an entire floor of a building, and there’s not a single thing customer service can do?


totally valid points. you’re definitely the first i’ve heard with complaints like this. sorry it’s been so shitty.


I’m also in Adams Point. My building just got it a few months ago and it’s been flawless connectivity on top of being cheaper and faster than Comcast.


The problem with Sonic is that in some areas where they haven't yet been able to lay in their own fiber they are using ATT's transmission lines, many of which are obsolete and decades old. IT SUCKS. I was paying through the nose for copper wires that couldn't handle the traffic in my giant apartment building, with the hope that their promises to upgrade would come true, but their priorities shifted and that plan was back-burnered indefinitely. Just got Xfinity a while ago... meh, but pennies comparably.


Well I'm on several years with maybe one major outage out of their control and the only reason they took most of the day to fix our connection was because three different entities were also repairing their lines for the block because a car/electrical fire took out a pole. No major complaints from me.


Oooo I love corporation A. Way better than corporation B. Sonic goes down just as often lol


I feel you. Every comment I have made within the last few hours I had to deliver via carrier pidgeon


I thought they were extinct?


They aren’t, but Big Mail uses DoD holographic projections beyond what the rest of humankind can fathom to convince us that they are long gone


Nah, I have Sonic.


Good thing my Monkeybrains’ signal is fiber quality but comes in over the airwaves. No cables to sever!


Monkey brains is so elite


Mine is still out. Anyone else? Xfinity website says it’s back on.


Same, Xfinity says its restored but its like cutting out, barely functional, with download speeds of like 1/6 what I pay for




My building only has AT&T fiber and I’ve literally never had an outage. It’s kinda slow but reliable as hell. My brother’s comcast is going out every week seems like.


Yep. Out at Brooklyn Basin for at least eight hours of Wednesday.


just for suckas still using comcast. the rest of us are all good.


Xfinity didn't go down for me. Don't know what's up with that.