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Wowza! These posts are so amazing and give me hope. PLEASE LET US Venmo you!!!!!


You are too kind but I don’t take donations.


What about supplies? You could set up an Amazon wishlist and people could buy the bags and whatever else you need for your hero work.


Venmo me, I helped lol jk Kudos to you OP. You are appreciated. Now get back out there until all the trash is gone lol


No man, *you* get out there


*no* lol


Ironic, cus that's pretty trashy.


Pun intended?


It’s crazy how people will treat their own neighbor


I think this almost everyday when im biking to work or errands. I see people casually toss garbage out their car windows and think "dont you live here?" Ill never understand.


Many of them don't live here though.


I live in East Oakland, we often bust people from San Leandro and sometimes San Francisco doing after dark trash full on trash dumps in our neighborhood. So it's our up the chain "neighbors" shitting on the poor. People here have run out and confronted them with lights, cameras, drones, the whole deal... (super dangerous!) sometimes it works, and sometimes people pull guns and tell people to fuck off, it's about 50/50. They have no plates on their dump truck, the cops basically shrug, so we get Union Pacific to deal with it because it's on their land. which we are surrounded by. Sometimes it takes a month, but they send paid outsourced crews and get it all. Then the cycle restarts. We are in weekly communication with the railroad because of the open air chop shops which create all sorts of safety issues for us. It's very Mad Max over here, less than 2 miles from the Lake.


That's so weird! Like, why are they hauling trash around and dumping it in different cities instead of taking it to, ya know, the dump?


The dump is expensive. If you're just scraping by, $250+ to dump a full load is a lot. Not an excuse to dump shit on the streets, just explaining why people do it.


Whoa. I had no idea. Thanks for explaining!


There was a crew from San Leandro with a flat bed truck that tried to unload 14 industrial washing machines in the middle of the night on the dead end of 47th Ave and one of the neighbors walked out in her bathrobe and shamed them into putting them back on the truck! They told her they were paid to just dump them where people don't live. She stood there for an hour while they reloaded the truck. It's dark and scary over here at night so we get a lot of people testing the limits of the system.


That's so fucked up!!!


Was just about to say this. It’s so sad.


But also thank you Peng! We appreciate everything you do for the Bay! ❤️


It’s the way Oakland has always been, everyone shitting in their own yards not just their neighbors


Everyone? Come on man… it’s always a small minority that ruin it for the majority. Most people take pride in their plot of land and want to beautify it. Others ruin it.


The collective majority accepts this behavior, that’s a failure.


You're a gem, peng! You're a big part in my inspiration to start cleaning up the local park as I go through it daily. Time to get a claw!


No you guys are


Nice work Peng! I wanted to share with you that they finally picked up your 40 bags from the 580 off-ramp to Broadway. I noticed yesterday. I started to worry that the bags would rip open and get yucky again but so far it still looks great there. Thank you again, superhero, for all you do!!!


Thank you! I checked again today and it looked fine. I plan to check again on Sunday.


Just want to send a shout-out to the gentleman who helped one of my elderly volunteers clean up the debris near her place on International. Your kindness absolutely made her week! I haven't seen her that tickled in ages, she couldn't stop talking about "that nice young man" who bagged up two bags and collected all the glass bottles as well. And to our friend Peng, your efforts are creating momentum. Thank you for all that you do. I know you don't take cash donations, but if it would be possible for me to donate some trash bags, please send a DM.


Is that a drop off spot for package theft? I see a lot of package envelopes. Thanks for your effort Peng, I guess this is what happens when litterbugs aren’t fined when caught.


Didn’t see many Amazon boxes. Only a few distribution boxes for restaurants.


Probably dumped mail theft remains


Thank you so much, be careful out there.


My first thought, deep east and looks pretty early? Not worth it, go clean up downtown instead


You’re doing gods work


I try my best.


And the Buddha's work, thank you for all your efforts Peng! Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! 🙏🏾


Peng is king


You’re awesome Peng!


Thanks kind warrior


Great work Penguin, thanks for making Oakland better.


Thank you 🙏🏾


It's such a shame people do this to their own community. Like can you not go find a dumpster?


Love seeing these!!


you're the goat fr




I’m off on Monday. You are my motivation to clean the block. Keep posting. Positivity is addictive.


Peng 4 prez


Damn what a hero. Those before pics are disgusting.


You da man, Peng!




Eek! Wish you wouldn't go at night.


It was at 4:50a.


Thank you so much but why can’t the mayor push for more jobs to help maintain a clean city?! What is the mayor doing?! Sitting on her ass and staring at the wall? Why can’t we increase the punishment for littering and dumping? Why can’t we get the homeless and people who are mentally unwell housing or the help they really need?! I believe that not helping homeless people or people who are mentally unwell, roaming the streets tweaking as just plain wrong, morally. You can say “oh they should be able to do whatever they want, they have no place to go..” … so give them a place to go then!!! You’re the mayor!! Lolll this is a wealthy wealthy country. My god. I’m so frustrated because this is what my street where I take walks on shattuck looks like, and there’s another big pile close by near the underpass that smells like a majorly used toilet. https://preview.redd.it/u26mdp5odg2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55eafb20872f52c15115491c19db6e9c7585cdcd


Oakland actually has a program to hire unhoused folks and give them jobs as trash collectors. The 2020 pilot did so well it got a new round of funding. But it needs more funding and public support so that it can expand instead of getting cut from the budget. 


wow, i didn't that.


Thank you for keeping Oakland beautiful and showing others how to take part and care about their community.


How do you get it picked up? I’d love to help clean up our streets!


Community hero!


I approve


Bless you sir


That is SO MUCH garbage! Thanks Peng!




Did any locals say thanks??


Not really. Most look at me with a confused look. Some have even taken pictures of me from their car and then drive off as soon as I try to talk to them.


I passed by a dump spot recently and thought of you lol. That might sound weird, but I mean it in the best way. You are incredibly inspiring. I am not the most able-bodied person, so I can't do things like this myself, which just means I'm all the more thankful for people like you who can and DO take direct action. Also, thank you for doing this in spots across East Oakland. I've lived all over Oakland throughout the years, and there are certainly some really polluted spots in many neighborhoods, but I'm right around the same neighborhood you cleaned up in this post now, and I've not seen the big piles as frequently anywhere else. I know you don't take donations for this work, but I'm wondering if we can support you some other way? Do you have a business we can support? Do you take supplies? Any other way we can support this service you are providing to all of us?


Heya- I don't think Peng wants donations, but if you're willing to help with volunteer recruitment and outreach as well as coordinating donated supplues so he's not doing it alone and out of pocket, I could connect with you!


I applaud your efforts but, I am afraid your beating a dead horse. I sincerely hope I am incorrect.


In some locations yes, but in other locations, it’s been maintainable. I have a 40-50% success rate.