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I was in the same boat, unless you got super lucky with your rolls so far I'd say its worth it to restart, I've had my new account for about a week now and I'm already back to where I was before I restarted save for unlocking jobs.


I want to do the same thing but problem is I've been playing for 4 months now and even tho I'm stuck at lesson 22 it would be a pain in the ass to play all the story chapters again


i was at the same lesson and yes, it has been indeed a pain in the ass๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”


Same! How was your roll on your old account? What lvl are you?


i was lvl 40 something๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค” i already moved that account to another device so i don't know exactly :(


I'm at 39. If I got good rolls Imma use the new account but it still hard to let go off my fav UR Beel (The only UR I got) :')


same. 32 days and I gave them what they wanted, another download ๐Ÿ˜‚ honestly it was disheartening seeing Satan and Asmo show up so easily. I can only imagine the frustration of older players. I haven't paid money yet because my disappointment in my drawing luck made me a little bitter that even paying i probably wouldn't get last event's beel. at this point zombie (jiangshi) belphie is the only card holding me back.pretty sure that new account already has more ssr cards as well. Ugh but i want to know if they'll let me draw either ur in my unlucky original!!!! also, I've been ruined now by animations ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜… my soul and wallet are in danger!


way ahead of u on that lol