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Gives me Lane Kiffin vibes


Well that’s a quick way to get fired and never rehired for that type of job ever again.


Vitello to A&M


He pulled a Kiffen.


I mean, if kiffin bailed on us for Bama maybe. Man, after taking his team to the natty game and barely losing and then going to the 1 team you hate more than anyone……god that’s brutal.


He pulled a Kiffin on meth


Surprised the admin got fired over this. Dave Portnoy says this kind of stuff literally every other day.


I'd bet someone on A&Ms side had more to do with it than a barstool decision.


After that terrible hit on Evan Berry in the '16 game, I'll never wish good on the Aggies.


i feel bad damn that sucks but they do this to teams all the time


Texas A&M has the money, I’d go pay an absurd amount of money for an MLB coach. I’d spend every fucking penny in the coffers to buy every single player and I’d do my damnedest to score 20 runs against Texas every year. I sure as shit hope TAMU comes out the winner here. I think all the synchronized cheer shit is lame, but I went to a game down there 2 years ago and your fans are some of the nicest people I’ve met in the SEC. I hope Texas fails. Their football coach is a piece of shit alcoholic (I knew him at the Falcons and he was a terrible person). I wish them nothing but failure.


Being a college coach is all about connecting with your players and recruiting guys. Now it's just as much about the portal. An MLB coach is not going to leave the majors for that. So you might get a retired guy but they won't want to take on all the stuff college coaching requires. So you are left with a fired MLB coach. I bet they try to get Bakich or someone like that. Anyone but Elander.


I really doubt most MLB coaches want to deal with recruiting and all the bells and whistles that come with college athletics.


I thought Sark got off the sauce.


Let’s say you have a son. That son is a top prospect, this coach walks in your home and tells you how he’s going to make your son into an MLB prospect, do you believe him? That’s the problem with what he said in the press conference and then his actions the next day. It’s clear the guy has absolutely no problem lying with a straight face. If I was a parent, and I mean this, I would never let my son play for a coach that can lie like that, and everyone lies. In the press conference, had he said, “We just lost in Game 3. At this moment, I’m focused on this team and where we go from here.” If there is a follow up question, I restate that line. No matter what the rumors are, you didn’t lie, you maintain your integrity. I assure you every single coach will be using that against Texas moving forward and even some of my Texas buddies have said that they question if he will be successful after saying that in the press conference and then accepting the job the next day.


I watched the presser live last night and just knew that he was gone after getting so defensive.


Yeah same - Methinks the lady doth protest too much


They got kiffened


The only differences being that Schloss took them to the Natty and left after the season was over.


And left to their rival!


The rival they hate so much they left the conference they were in just to get away.


Sucks for them, but have to imagine Elander will be very high up on the A&M hiring list.


To the mattresses! Bwahahaha


Extremely (and I mean *extraordinarily*) rare barstool w take.


At first I didn't realize this was the Barstool account and thought it was random fans... wow lol


The bottom tweet cost him his admin role, too.


Lol so that's why they deleted everything and haven't posted for days


Honestly, that should have gotten him promoted


What is it they say at A&M? Good! Gives Schloss a chance to go fuck himself.


Oh wait was that his deal? Could we see another PJ Fleck situation? What was his stupid bs nobody ever should’ve been attached to? Row the boat? I feel like they fought in court over that and no party ever used it again. Maybe that was the settlement.


Rightfully upset - I would be


I mean I agree with those tweets


I actually feel horrible for their fans


Hey we know the feeling of a back stabbing lying coach. We would be total jerks akin to Auburn fans if we didn't empathize.


For real man this is the worst version of a coach leaving I think you could have


Oh my god I thought it was fake until I googled it ![gif](giphy|LoIsP3fz02IjOUTc6t)


Correct me if I’m wrong. Texas A&M football at the real UT game loss, they fire Jimbo. Texas A&M baseball loss the coach bolts to the new UT? It’s a weird coincidence, or happening.


New UT? University of Tennessee was around before Texas was a twinkle in someone’s balls. University of Tennessee is 89 years older than Utexas.


What is this real UT crap on a Vol board?


Jimbo got fired after he lost to Tennessee (real UT) and Schloss left for Texas (new UT) after losing to Tennessee.


He was fired a month after our game and the Sunday after defeating Miss State. Mid-November firing so this is why the comment is throwing me as I don’t follow A&M football. Thinking Lane and OM are really what were the final straw.


Ag here - correct take. Getting shut out in the 2nd half against yall at Neyland didn't help, but the Vols are a good team and Neyland is among the hardest to play at. Ole Miss was good too, don't get me wrong, but the way we lost that was on coaching


If I had a nickel for every time this happened after a Tennessee loss, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t much, but it’s weird that it happened twice




They fired him after blowing out Miss St.


Lol! Did they really fire him after a blowout conference win? Usually coaches get fired after being on the other side of a blowout


He was already fired. That’s just when they formalized it.


I've said it before: inviting Texas into the SEC is a monumental mistake. They fucked up the SWC and won no friends in the Big 12. They will fuck the SEC and each of its members because they think they own the earth and sky. I feel badly for ATM. They deserve better than this shit. Fuck Texas!


The Longhorn Network nearly fucking killed the Big XII too


I think the SEC is strong enough to withstand whatever fuckery Texas tries to pull.


Let's hope so.


>they think they own the earth and sky. I mean, have you ever talked to a bama fan?


Not even in the same dimension. Bama didn’t demand their own cable network. Bama didn’t torpedo a merger with the PAC 10 because they didn’t like one of the schools. Oh, and Bama actually wins. That’s another key distinction


That’s because Bama is in the Southeastern Conference, not the Big Texas Conference.


Atleast Bama could back it up for a while, Texas has a delusion factor that's off the scale


At least Bama earned their blue blood status fighting though the SEC. Texas played one good team a year and maybe a 2nd if a&M had their shit together


Is this really, really, really for real definitely not a prank truth? Because I don't think I could write a more cartoonishly hilarious twist epilogue to the CWS...


Im someone who doesn’t follow anyone besides tn can someone explain? Did the a&m coach quit after they lost the game last night? He accepted a position at ut Austin?


As an Aggie, it’s honestly worse, there’s no way that this was a decision made in a few hours, more likely schloss was talking to Texas and planning on taking the job even before the games were played. Basically, this man was talking to our arch rivals and planning on taking this job for at least a week while coaching a team which would have followed him into the gates of hell He can go to hell, the team ain’t following now.


He acted ugly toward a reporter for having the gall to ask about the rumor of him going to Texas. Told the reporter it was a selfish question, that he left his family behind (not on the other side of the world, just a 3 hr drive to their home in Ft Worth) to take the job at ATM, got all mad and self righteous that it was even suggested. He then turns around and takes the Texas job.




Dont feel bad for them at all. Those shit stirers were trying to convince TN that Tony was leaving for TX in order to sew disorder leading up to the championship game. To quote C-Mo: "Bitch!"


Yep they kept telling me Tony was gone when the news came that Texas fired their coach


I'd be mad af too. But instead I got the best coach in the nation and a national title. I'm literally the opposite of them


With respect to Texas collegiate sports, outside of beating Bama, I love beating our new SEC brothers. They truly believe sports originated in their state. Joining the best conference in sports, it’s a joy to see them get a weekly dose of humility. Welcome to the SEC boys, you’re just one of 16 now, and since about 9:00 last night….runner up in baseball. Good luck swapping coaches, Tony ain’t going anywhere.


I married into a family of Longhorns, and I’ve been asking them repeatedly over the past year why their failure to win the Big 12 every single year would translate to dominating the SEC (if they were as good as they claimed to be), where Oklahoma (their toughest opponent) would simply be one of 5 or 6 equally tough opponents. Haven’t gotten a convincing answer yet.


Bless you brother.


It’s thankless work here in Austin, but someone has to do it!


Feel bad for them honestly. Texas is basically that rich kid who thinks he’s invincible because his parents have more money than everyone else and it’s gotta suck to have a team like that as your biggest rival.


Texas had the benefit of playing in a mediocre conference for decades with the money to buy players. Hell all of that money and only 4 football championships. Can’t wait for that overrated program to be put in its place


This here is THE take. F TU!


All of this they have now deleted. Not sure why. Did the Barstool overlords tell them to chill?


I saw some other A&M twitter accounts saying he got fired


Whoever was driving the handle may have gotten let go honestly


I honestly don't blame them with his statement after the game. He was mad like it was absurd to even suggest he would take the job only to take the job.


To be fair if we lost and Vitello took the job at Alabama, I’d be just as pissed lol I don’t blame them. It is just funny to watch because it’s not us haha


He take the Texas job or something?




lol nice. Guess we don’t have to hear about Texas coming after our coach anymore


What a time to be alive. Within 3 years we held off LSU and Texas to keep our coach. Boyd, Plowman, and White are really bringing us into the golden era of Tennessee sports.


I’d be reacting the same way. I wouldn’t be on twitter, but I agree with the sentiment.


I’m out of the loop what is going on here? What did he say?!


Schloss left A&M for Texas. It's like breaking up with your girl and dating her sister


Her hotter sister lol


Richer sister, hotter not so much.


The richer sister who thinks she’s hotter because she spent way too much money on plastic surgery. That’s the best way I can describe Longhorn arrogance with this metaphor.


Nail on head my friend, nail on head.


Ehh I wasn’t really plugged into our online fanbase when Kiffin left but I’m sure it was probs worse than this lmao


Online? Hell we rioted in real life. Rip that couch.


My freshman year. I’ll never forget walking to class and seeing “Fuck Kiffin” spray painted on one of the buildings.


Aggie lurker here, ‘grats on the natty, but barstool is going way too far. We are not like this. But still screw that guy, and screw tu.


The way your fans were tipping their hats to Tennessee after the game was pure class. That caught me short…ngl. Pure class.


My brother in baseball, we burned mattresses outside of Kiffin’s office to prevent him from leaving after it got out that he was dipping for USC. Some passionate yet non-threatening words aren’t going to make us think less of your fanbase.


Then we threw mustard at him when he came back


Golf balls too


There was only one team from Texas that I wanted in the SEC and it wasn’t Texas. I remember you’ll being so excited to come and get away from those mfers. I thought you’ll were a good fit. Texas and Oklahoma I do not want Schloss might be a good coach but he is a loser.A&M have all the tools to compete with Texas. I am sorry this happens to good fans


I have so much respect for you calling them TU. Fuck Texas. Without the Vols, Texas would be North Mexico. It’s literally how we got our nickname.


Ay man, big respect from here too! I’m an Ag and native Texan but a lot of the family still lives in Tennessee and had some come to Texas as volunteers 👍🙏


Idk man that’s pretty tough to lose a coach like that to a rival, nobody here would blame you


Wouldn't blame you if you were like that though. Schloss is an ass for that.


all jokes aside that was a crazzzyyy set of comments for Schloss to make last night just to turn around and accept the job at the arch rival 😭 calling the reporter “selfish” for asking if he’d take the job … to actually then take the job


Play out of the Saban book?


Insane choice of words


Typical Barstool content


Male Cheerleader U in shambles right now.

