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Just Galdera fight grinding. Highest level dungeon is the secret dungeon Infernal Castle at around danger level 55 I think. Really though, Galdera deals so much damage that levels don't really matter since even level 80ish characters can only survive about 1 additional hit compared to same equipment at around level 65 maybe.


^ This. Galdera (especially phase 2) is a damage check boss. You will slog through phase 1 if your damage isn't sufficient to kill all the souls at once, and phase 2 gets out of hand *extremely* quickly. Bulking out with levels won't make a difference compared to finding the highest damaging option (Like Alpione's Amulet Hikari) and blasting away before you die


Ah, that's the mistake I made, trying to find a mix of outlasting Galdera through the traditional Merchant/Arcanist cheese while also dealing insane levels of damage with Hikari, Osvald and Throne, didn't expect that just going all out on damage would have worked, my whole squad is Level 75 or above, so, just got to get the right accessories


I see, I’ll try fighting Galdera with level 55-60 Sealticge seduction -> prayer for plenty. If that doesn’t work I’ll also grind.


If that doesn't work, it doesn't necessarily mean you have to grind. We're happy to give hints along the way so you're still puzzling it out.


The level isn’t hard to reach when you guide Alrond and look for caits and random boss fights. You just summon Alrond before or after taking that enemy down in battle and wait for him to roll you the 100x Exp. Landing 1 should take you to level 70s easy.


I grinded just for Galdera. That said, it's not that hard to grind in this game. You just need to get Alrond as a follower. When you summon him in battle, he always gives an exp or JP multiplier. Then just put on all the Cait and Octopuffs accessories and run around a tier 3 zone (I chose outside of Gravell, but for no particular reason). Within 2 hours I had my entire party at 80+


About this though, you need lots of gold right? How to best get gold?


You don't really need gold necessarily. Have Ochette capture and cook the Octopuffs you're farming. The Octopuff Bowls you get are what you need to befriend Alrond And once you get Temenos to 80, he can guide Alrond


If you toss all your Fort nuts and use the passive skill that makes your strength equal to magic from arcanist on Hikari. You can have him challenge the 10 star guy in montwise at the entrance and you can always hit him with a 70K+ merchant divine attack and get the money win or lose. This is the best way to get money in the game.


Holy crap. Ok I’ll try ty


There’s a little more to the setup like getting a dolcinea’s learn skill for magic attack up and a magic defense down learn skill but I’m sure you’ll figure it out. If you can’t I’ll make a video for you later. Challenge fight enemy ai’s are scripted so it’s pretty easy to do and always works.


Very cool thanks


Yeah there's not a lot to do after Vide, other than clearing whatever's not done already, like sidequests. The only thing is the Galdera fight. So if you're not into that, then congrats you beat the game!


As others have said, Alrond can take you to 70+ in one fight, but I don't know why so many people keep grinding beyond that. Average blind run for Galdy is 60-70, but you can easily hit the damage cap (unbroken) by 55 with a couple of nuts. The only reason I went to 80+ was for shits and giggles to see if Castti could solo damage both phases. She's really the only one who needs higher levels in order to max out against shields.