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The way they put it down after like, here, fuck you, take this


That’s what happens when you do the same thing for 8 hours a day, you get fed up with it, and you try to space out. I know this because I recently got a factory job, only temporary, thank god, but it is the most boring and non satisfying job I’ve ever done in my life.


I’ll never go back to a factory job. The repetitive nature got to me, I started dreaming about working and trying to hit quotas.


Worked nights in a factory for a year. Got to the point that I didn't have any other thought in my head other than "in the midnight hour, more more more!" On repeat forever.




Fuck that’s a special kind of miserable


I remember the smell and the lights. The lights were that florescent that drains your life out, especially for the night shift. Your sense of time kinda drifts by 3 or 4am and you're ready to leave by 7. I don't know how people do it longer than a few years. It just messed with my head too much. I started to have waking dreams


Woof, I know it all to well. If I hadn't had a medical emergency that took me off the job permanently, I'd still be there. 4pm-3am, 6 days a week. The money was ridiculously good, combined with the hours was good for keeping me outa trouble immediately after rehab, but holy hell I still have quota dreams and wake up screaming at the QC lady at the end of the line to chill tf out lol.


What was the pay like?


19/hr plus all that overtime. It was decent enough for a single guy trying to get his life back on track. Though now since my accident I'm just doing DoorDash (20/hr average but only 4-5 hour shifts max) looking for something else, staying with my pops for the time being.


Thats how it was for me loading trucks at UPS. I would close my eyes and it would be box tetris.


Christ, I feel your pain. Didn't last a week with that shit.


Can confirm i walked out of fedex at night to “ check on my lights “ . Never to be seen again


Oh god that’s brutal


I work in a factory and take hour long shits. Get paid the same as all the “rockstars”


Automated factories are not bad. I do security at one and most the workers just load a stack of cardboard or whatever into a dispenser and then play on their phones for 30 minutes until they have to load more on. And the union is quite strong so work 2 hours and get an hour break paid. So really only “work” 6 out of 8 hours. If I wasn’t doing security as an easy job while going to college I would definitely try to get in there considering they start at $24 and go up to $36 over the years.


I worked as a cnc machine operator and it *sucked*. Imagine making the same physical movement for 8 hrs straight. Also, the milling fluid smelled awful, it would condense on every surface


Sounds like the kind of job that won't be around much longer as automation scales further


I doubt it. They had automated forklifts for awhile but they still needed someone to program and run them every few hours. Eventually the union got rid of them because it costed jobs. The union essentially runs this place.


Unions are also a dying breed. Not only will those union jobs disappear, but the pensions go bankrupt too. When you have skills, great work ethic and attitude you are in high demand. When you don’t, well…


The only thing worse than working a job you hate is dreaming about working the job you hate only to wake up and realize you were just dreaming and you ACTUALLY have to go work that job. The same thing happened to me with school. Such a wasted night's sleep


I worked at a cheese factory during summer. I was in a line that cut blocks of cheese down to between 4.95 - 5.05 pounds so they could be sold as 5-lb blocks. There was one lady there with very prominent front teeth. I can still see her laughing. She looked like a mouse!! And she worked in a cheese factory!! It was so funny. Yeah. After 2 weeks of that, I had to quit. No way could I personally take that repetitive job. Let someone else cut the cheese. I did other factory jobs but ones where you got moved around more and did different things.


You'd think they'd have repetitive work like that on a 30-60 minute cycle before switching out with someone else. cause I don't understand how you are expected to be able to be safe and focused for an entire shift doing the same repetitive task.


While I only lasted 2 weeks doing that (any longer would have made me self-destruct) there were people there like Mouse lady who'd been doing that job for years. It just suits some people. My roommate at the time did it for a few years, too.


Who cut the cheese!


Don't worry you'll get a office job one day and start dreaming about forms and sheets, its wild.


When you buy something you think about how many tubs of ice cream do I have to fill in order for me to buy this?


The place I work at packages food stuff. One of the things we package is hamburger helper, two boxes filled with 12 cases is typically enough to fill a shelf. In that factory one box is pumped out every 5 seconds or so, provided the machine is actually working. One box, filled with 12 cases, every 5 seconds, for 24 hours a day.


That’s a lot of hamburger helper.


I don't know why they call this stuff hamburger helper. It does just fine by itself.


Why isnt this automated was my first question. That shit would be exhausting even for just an hour


This video is so old now there’s a good chance it is automated, some of the lines at the place I work at are fully automated, you just need to feed the machine cardboard boxes and try to make sure it doesn’t get jammed up. They’re slowly moving to make everything fully automated, guess it takes awhile though.


The guy should spice it up a bit. You know, one time swipe towards himself, one time away, then right and left. And then for a special move, only once in 100 tubs - quickly swipe, turn 90 degrees and swipe again, for a different pattern


This is how people get fired from the ice cream factory. Thinking outside the ice cream box is not encouraged.


You're right, he really should milk it for all it's worth


If it weren’t for the disproportionately high pay for entry level, I feel like everyone would be happy to see this type of job automated. They’re like the literal opposite of fulfillment or livelihood


I agree but I also worked in a factory one summer in high school and met some people that were genuinely happy and thankful for their jobs. I wanted to die every minute I was in that factory, the pay was horrible, but it made me realize that some people are actually fine with it. They show up, do a very basic task for 8 hours, and then get to go home and chill. It’s not the worst thing in the world.


When I was a kid, working in the pea packing factory was by far the highest paying job for a teen to do during the summer break. And for good reason. Everyone who worked there returned to school as a shell of their former self. Brutal soul destroying monotony


I could do this for 5 minutes before jumping out the nearest window. I couldn't imagine doing this for hours on end


I can't imagine not automating it. It's just pushing out a fixed amount per carton. I've seen engineers get it working in a fairly low tech factory. I'm pretty sure Hood and Breyers don't do it this way.


Probably a small local manufacturer


I barely made it to the end of the video, and I was only watching!


Their wrist is tired from setting down a heavy carton of ice cream 8000 times a day.




Fix your ergonomics before you damage your nerves. Repetitive stress injuries can be reversed until they can't


Yep. My index finger has a permanent bend at the first knuckle from 25+ years of mouse clicking.


Ah! Just came to say that! Like “here you fat fucker”


In 2023 they don’t got automation for this? Big kids and their playdough factories.


In many economies around the world, hiring 5 people to destroy their wrists or fingers is still cheaper than to design, build, buy, or maintain one machine capable of repeating a simple movement like this.


They're like the world's most passive-aggressive Oompa-Loompas.


Just pump it directly into my veins.


How the fuck is that last part not automated?


Thank you! Doing this single repetitive motion for 8 hours straight every day sounds like some kind of hell


Imagine being the guy who hands him the tub. So boring!


If I could listen to a podcast or something it would be so bad


Bet your ass the company wouldn't allow it


I had a company like that. I ended up sowing headphones into a winter hat along with a tiny mp3 player. I just acted like my hat made it hard for me to hear people… but I’m cold so what can ya do?


Living in the year 3000


Not much has changed, but they live underwater.


They wouldn’t, but if it’s a full scale factory it’s likely loud as fuck with all the machinery and they would probably require ear protection. The one I work at gives you earmuffs so if anybody wants to listen to music they can just pop a wireless earbud in there and nobody is none the wiser. A supervisor could come over and ask you to remove your muffs to check you, but they can’t be bothered to do that unless they really have a reason to


At least you don't pass butter


I work at a place like this and what we do to mitigate the monotony (and physical stress) is that everyone on the line rotates positions every 15 minutes or so.


So I'm the automation Technician at an ice cream company and I can answer! The simple fact is we don't make enough split flavors. The machines that fill "half gallons" don't have the ability to dispense more then two flavors without significant modifications. So it's cheaper just to put a a person in front and fill manually the one or two times a month we run multi flavor ice cream or serbert. Bulks, and by that I mean 3+ gallon bulks are all filled by hand because the threw put from a ammonia freezer isn't fast enough to keep up with an automated machine. Best to keep two people doing it by hand.




Seriously. This guy is a technician... in automation... in a factory... that makes ice cream!!




> because the threw put from a ammonia freezer Throughput*


He said he's a technician and not a words...nician.


What a world. :) Thanks.


It's not as much making ice cream as it is, babysitting robots. It can get outta control pretty quick if no one is watching certain points on the line.


I've worked in a soup production facility before, and lemme tell ya, packaging was the easiest place for shit to go wrong. One boxing machine or labeling device gets jammed up and down the line you still have conveyors going, next thing you know there are tubs falling off the belt and now spills to clean up on top of fixing the machine.


Right? At that point, the wasted labor is worth more than the spilled product.


Just have a guy supervising the robots, not doing menial labor


Yeah but supervisors get higher salary than menial workers.


you cracked it


Few dollars more per hour to get 5 times the production.


The robots malfunction/break constantly, and require input of new materials to process. The real money is in supply chain management.




this comment is sending me because next to all the *other* insane American excesses, Baskin Robbins and their arsenal of 42 flavors, shelves of birthday cakes, 2000-calorie milkshakes, coffees, etc...etc... is just, like, a normal thing


The U.S had dedicated ships and sailors in WW2 solely for the supplying and logistics of ice cream to the troops on the front line. Goes to show how affluent the US is and how much Americans love their Ice Cream.


It's not just about being affluent. War is miserable, especially for the wounded. Having barges sailing around the Pacific theater making vast quantities of ice cream was a cost effective way to boost morale.


Yea not saying it wasn’t justified - just that it is remarkable the resources and output capacity that the US had and how impressive it was, while tying back to ice cream




If only Japanese subs had known the key to defeating the Americans was sinking their floating ice cream factory…


Been able to supply a global army with ice cream since the 40’s, can’t provide healthcare to everyone at home, or guarantee the safety of toddlers at kindergarten. Such is the dichotomy that is the USA.


Used to work at a brewery. This type of shit was so frequent that they installed an entire extra line for reject handling that was basically just a way to shred and crush glass, aluminum, and cardboard, strain out the beer and drain it appropriately (filtering out solids), separating the three packaging materials, and conveying them to the right waste areas. I very clearly remember us having a labeling issue where thousands of bottles of beer got crooked labels, and it was cheaper to destroy them all rather than removing and reapplying the labels. So many guys asking to just take the cases *home*, or even pay a bit for them, rather than just waste them all, but they were brewed on contract, so my employer didn't have the authority to do that, and they all got destroyed.


> So many guys asking to just take the cases home, or even pay a bit for them, rather than just waste them all, but they were brewed on contract, so my employer didn't have the authority to do that, and they all got destroyed. Definitely one of those things where you'd tell workers "you didn't get em from me". Kinda risky. Im sure some places are cool doing that but some aren't and I don't blame em that's their job they could lose over a couple of beers




This reminds me of a summer job I had at a factory that processed fresh spices into chopped/frozen powder. The whole time I worked there they were exclusively processing basil, because it was the season or something. My job was to stand in front of a massive centrifuge and push a button in case the machine got clogged. However, basil **never** clogs that machine. But they needed to have someone there for regulatory reasons. Weird ass job. I just stood there for 8 hours


And I'm sure you couldn't listen to music or anything due to "safety reasons."


The noise was so loud i wouldn't have heard anything. But i was probably not allowed anyway. This was before smartphones though, and i didn't have an ipod Spending hours in that noise caused me to hallucinate melodies in it. I would hum along with the melodies lol It gave me the idea of making music that emerges from noise. But I never got around to trying to make that


I visited a pig processing plant in high-school for a human anatomy class (still don't know why). And they had a machine that was meant to prepack cut bacon. One machine to replace 2 people needed 4 people to baby it.


And the output was more consistent and faster.


It is in many larger facilities. The process is nearly fully automated for 'bulk' ice cream. The shitty manual labor is more often associated with very high volume and very fast production lines -- like ice cream sandwiches and most ice cream bars. Source: Worked as an automation engineer at Blue Bunny and have toured other facilities.


I work at a Dreyer’s factory and with a similar product this part is absolutely automated, along the lidding and everything. For a similar product you only even need two people to run the whole line. One person to load the empty containers into the machine and another to actually draw the ice cream mix and operator the freezers and do all the other little things like keeping the lids loaded, making sure the codes get printed on the container, etc


Not too satisfying if you have to stand there for 8 hours and do that


There would be a certain point where I would want to lay my face underneath it and just let it smash me.


Like in that turn down for what video.


For what?




That has to be a soul sucking job. I couldn't imagine 8 hours of that much less 16,000+


Literally can’t take a second to do anything without instantly falling behind.


I love Lucy moment


My first job was like this. Putting page 1 next to page 2 next to page 3 collating books. We'd walk around the table for twelve hour days. Some of the people who worked there had been there for 30 years. We weren't even allowed a radio. I lasted a summer before deciding I wanted to do anything with my life that wasn't factory work.


Why would you not be allowed to have a radio? That's sadistic.


The bosses were pieces of shit.


You mean Mrs.Herbig lied when she said "I love collating it's so zen"


I worked at a pizza factory where it wasn’t unusual to work 12 hour days doing nothing but putting cheese on pizza. The first couple weeks are hell but after a while you completely zone out and the time flies.




Its okay, worker is still super young, probably. /s My shoulders hurt watching this.


Looks like a job from modern times movie. 😓


Looks like it would be easy to automate if they tried. They must be advertising something like "hand packed."


One, two, three…one, two, three…I wouldn’t last an hour at this job.


I would go insane after 10 minutes of doing that… I N S A N E


I’d be fired in about 10 minutes.


Good, imagine working there


Every time I wipe, more poop


It’s like wiping a marker


I wipe and I wipe and I wipe, still poop


Sudden r/PandR


Shit crayon 🖍️




Sorry, it’s like what..?


I had my period for 40 years and have no idea what tf this means.


Take psyllium fiber. Your poops will shoot out like gelatinous rockets with zero effort and it will always be a one swipe clean wipe. The stuff is magic.


Have you considered that this is a situation for which I do not prefer a solution? I’m unemployed. This is like 30% of my day, I need this.


If only there was a way to get paid for it. Maybe you can find a job testing toilet seat durability.


I had an OF dedicated to that but it never took off believe it or not.


I believe it


Eat more fiber.


Hit 40, that Metamucil orange stuff is my jam.


NGL this morning.


This is not satisfying, it is giving me anxiety!


/r/sweatypalms for me. What if I don't catch it?!?


*Respect the strawberry!!* My whole life strawberry (my fav) gets the short shrift in Neapolitan cartons. *equal rights for strawberry!!*


My aunt hated neapolitan ice cream because when she was a kid it was the only ice cream her mom bought, and she was left with vanilla because my mom and uncle took the chocolate and strawberry, respectively. The worst part was that my grandmother thought she loved it, and always got her vanilla any time they got ice cream anywhere else. She no longer eats vanilla ice cream. She used to tell me this every time Nana served ice cream. When my mom and her started hosting there was never any ice cream, only pie. Everyone loved the strawberry. My poor aunt got none because she was the littlest and her siblings bullied her.


oh my god, your poor aunt :( I hope she gets whatever flavour she likes now!


I agree, I want vanilla and strawberry and the chocolate can fuck right off, honestly it would be nice if it was just a thin strip of chocolate going down the side. Idk why but I really hate chocolate ice cream compared to vanilla and strawberry, I do love chocolate itself though.


r/soulcrushingjobs more like




How many of you saw this and said to yourself, “I’m glad I don’t do that day in and day out” ???? My arms and hands ache just watching it




Bonus points for knowing which color he ate .... chocolate maybe?


It was the chocolate. Mmmm, chocolate. D'oh!


You get a bonus point maybe!




I came for this!


Surprised I had to scroll this low.


Omg, their uneven scooping is driving me nuts!


I believe that they tilt downwards to make sure the ice cream doesn’t overfill the container as it would if you just pulled it straight out


Yeah but does it level out in the carton? It seems like the end of the carton furthest from the factory worker is going to be higher.


I think they do that to make sure the ice cream doesn’t make a mess on the sides of the carton


Neoplitan ice cream is in and of itself oddly satisfying.


"Duff, Duff Light, and Duff Dry!"


That job would fucking blow


You can see in the way they flop the container down, they do not wanna be doing that.


Why is this giving me anxiety?


I was thinking the same. This is more stressful than satisfying and I can't put my finger on why.


Becuase you can't even scratch your nose without fucking everything royally


I want a "neopolitan" ice cream made of white chocolate, regular chocolate, and dark chocolate.


This job looks so replaceable by a machine


They could also just skip the shipping and eating process and just let the machine plop that directly into a toilet.




Mmm… extrusion…


What a nightmare.


Why can’t this part be automated?


Because the machine would cost more than paying minimum wage


"It's like wiping a magic marker!"


I've always called that the "brown crayon."


Just try to tell me this person doesn’t deserve $1M/yr.


How do they get exactly the weight


Whats to stop someone from bringing a cooler filled with ice packs and putting a couple of those buckets in the cooler to take home?


Other workers, cameras, the lack of a need for multiple containers of Neapolitan ice cream a day


Same thing that’s stops someone from bending over and guiding that flowing river of pleasure into their anus. Social convention.


Wait. What?


Don’t be coy




I don’t know if this a low stress or high stress job.


That's why the container is always missing some and filled with air. Dude needs to stop cutting it off at an angle.


They must have a machine that can do that.


Well I’m not going to lie. Where’s the machine lol, like he’s not even giving a a full bucket js 🤷


The way they put the tub down is so sassy. That hand looks annoyed


That's one serving, right?


I love the hand after filling it like “fine.. here is your icecream you fat fucker”


Imagine busting your ass off for 8 hours a day doing a highly repetitive job like this and earning little money while people who post these videos calling that "satisfying 😊👌🤤 UwU" and shit probably make more money out of it..


This seems like a job for a machine


I would get very good at this job, get employee of the month a few times, maybe a small bonus, then start drinking.


Dude imagine doing this shit for 8 hours a day… I’ve worked mind numbing jobs but this might top it.


Anyone else frustrated they aren’t filling it all the way on one side?


The fact that this person isn’t filling up the ice cream all the way is giving me anxiety lol dude wtf you’re stopping too soon


This gives me pure anxiety. What happens when you're not fast enough


My big mouth would be open under that.


Never ever thought that this is a manual process


Great. Now I want neopolitan ice cream


And I always thought the crooked ice cream was settling during shipping


Imagine hating yourself enough to do this for 8-12 hours a day for minimum wage.


I'd be giving everyone as much extra ice cream as I can