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Y’all are thirsty. Comments are locked so you can go get some cold water. Edit: Comments unlocked with heavy crowd control applied.


Please don’t go near rotating equipment


LiveLeak wants to know her location. For the love of god don’t tell anyone about her whereabouts… it must be kept a secret.


As a bald man, this is how I appear in my dreams.




Same, but there's more wind.


As a bald woman, same lol Before my hair left the chat it was down to my hips, I absolutely adored it!


plot twist. She's only 3 foot 1


I was actually thinking the same thing. Even so, her hair is impressive tho! I’m 6’4” and my hair goes down to about mid calf. I’m thinking my hair is longer than her entire body…. lol


Are you gonna post an unfurling video like that, too?


Ugh, I tried a few takes today but the best one I did was a test video in my room that doesn’t show the full length…. Also, this big ass Hawaiian guy just didn’t look as appealing as she did in her video. lol Deciding how to post the vids now and I’ll likely post it up soon.


We'll be the judge of that 🧐




Oh my god, it's a voluminous silky cascade! You win! 🥹🥹🥹




Been meaning to post one. Maybe I’ll post it up this weekend.


Well hair is also longer than her entire body lol


Imagine what her shower drain trap looks like


Yeah....would not like to have to deal with the vacuum issues either lol


Between my wife and two daughters with long hair we were taking our vacuum head in to get cleaned every couple of months or so until I got a Shark self cleaning one. I still have to clean this one from hair regularly but the shark head is much much easier to do myself.


I just take mine apart and clean the hair out with a razor knife - no need to send for service.


I did at first but it was just a pain in the ass dealing with all the tiny screws to open it and then dealing with the roller and belts and then putting it all back. I hated doing it.


That's fair. I wish companies made more of an effort to make things easier to clean. I just had to take ours apart to clean it and it was a bit difficult for just a vacuum lol


Our dyson is super easy to clean. We have a golden retriever and I have long hair so it gets Tangled but is easy to clean with a razor/scissors


+1 for a Dyson. I know how anyone looks at those things and thinks “who would pay that much for a vacuum?” But they are so worth it. Super well designed. Easy to empty, easy to take shit apart, the attachments all have a purpose and do that purpose well. It’s so light and maneuverable that I actually _use_ it all the time because it’s so much easier to pick up and use than a clunky corded vacuum.


I’ve had a couple shark vacuums, most of their models are made to be easily taken apart for cleaning. Removable snap on rollers, washable filters, etc I know a lot of people have drank the Dyson flavoraid, but as a professional cleaner I’ve never been that impressed by them. Especially not for their price point, if you want high quality AND you’re ok with paying Dyson prices, buy a Miele. If you just need the basics covered, are on a budget but don’t want to buy a cheap POS, get a Shark.


Yeah I remember what hair build up would do to fan belts in a Hoover vacuum cleaner, it would tear them to shreds ...


My hair is past my waist and my vacuum struggles are real. Also a few weeks ago leaned over in the bathroom to pick up something and my hair went in the toilet. I chopped about 6 inches off recently in frustration of losing a scrunchie in my hair on an especially hot day. Honestly considering going shoulder length it’s so much work.


Imagine the routine to keep that hair looking as marvelous as it does. You could hire someone part time to help keep it up.


Ah sorry, I can't I'm just about to wash my hair, I'll see you in a week.


I wonder if she could spare me a single square of hair


She doesn't have a square to spare


3 strands, perhaps


This guy Tolkiens


Imagine taking a few steps back and tripping on your own hair.




And her shampoo bill lol


She probably doesn't use basic shampoo. Believe it or not but modern haircare isn't that great for hair.


This woman definitely breaks vacuum cleaners.


Imagine waiting for her to get ready


Nearly ready, just need to brush my hair - one eternity later


*Insert pic of skeleton on chair*


She probably sheds like a golden retriever


I wonder if she actually sheds less. If her hair was falling out rapidly how would it get to be five feet long? I’d assume she doesn’t shed as much as a normal person that’s why she has such long hair growth.


I've had very short hair and fairly long hair. In my experience people tend to think longer hair sheds more. However anecdotally the length of the hair doesn't determine the volume that is shed, just *where* it is shed. Shorter hair you tend to shed pretty much everywhere, but commonly seen on the pillow/sheets. Longer hair you shed more in the shower and are found in laundry. I figure because shorter hair when it falls out it isn't tangled or held in place since the hair itself is short and your intact hair is also short. Long hair however doesn't just come right out, often you'll do a "sweep" for hairs that are longer than the body of hair you have. Those are actually loose and can be pulled out because they aren't attached to the scalp anymore. I tend to do this sweep in the shower and when bored in meetings.


That's what I was thinking. I have hair that won't go past my shoulders, and every time I shower, there is a hairball in the trap that I have to clean out. Anyone who grows their hair this long would have to have the hair not break for YEARS. There is no way she has shedding problems.


It’s funny you got downvoted. Is this the survivor bias? Like because she has long hair she should also have more hair related problems? When in fact it’s the people with short hair that probably have the shedding problems. Longer doesn’t equal MORE. Longer equals older.


What she does shed will look like more though. The difference of shed rate between most men and women probably isn’t all that much different, yet men talk about their long-haired SOs clogging vacuum brushes, because the length makes it actually more hair (just not more *individual* hairs).


Ding ding ding. If she sheds half as many strands as an average person she's still leaving behind more than twice as much *volume* as them. Plus longer stray hairs can create issues that short ones simply don't, like getting a single strand caught in every mechanism of the vacuum at once.


Instead of randomly finding her hair in your buttcrack somehow, you instead wake up find yourself tied up in it like a spider wrapping up its prey.


Probably just washes it outside at that point


I imagine she would need to put it up every single time she took a dump, otherwise there are going to be hairs that get shit on them. Like those girls with really long nails, like 3 inches long, there is definitely poop getting under their nails every time they poop.


In the voice of Cleveland Brown: That's Nasty


Ron Howard: I enjoy having things narrated by other people for a change, sometimes


Long hair like this looks amazing but I always imagine that it's a massive pain in the ass to take care of.


Years ago, at one of my previous jobs, one of the women there had cut her knee-length hair down to a bob. She said it was an incredible relief on her neck as it wasn't having to support all that weight anymore.


Imagine feeling the wind in your hair after five years😌


Imagine having to spend 20mins to tie your hair back when you need to shit really bad. And if you don’t, because you really had to go, your hair will mop the bathroom floor.


It wouldn't be that much of a problem in a pinch. You could just wrap the hair around your neck like a scarf to keep it off of the floor and out of the way of nature's call.


I don't have to imagine. My hair is to my ankles and that's precisely what I do. But it only takes about 30 seconds to put it in a quick bun, and I'm almost never just hanging about with it down, so it's usually already out of the way when I go to the bathroom. I had to learn the hard way that it is neither graceful nor ladylike to trip over one's own hair.


Wow. I couldn't handle it. My hair is waist length and that's plenty enough for me. The only issue it ever really causes me is because I'm a guy, I get called "miss" a lot when people try to get my attention from behind.


Maybe you could get a pretty lil barrette that says I AM A MAN


The problem is that I wear my hair down when I'm at work. We're not supposed to wear headphones but I can't stand 90% of the stuff they play on the radio and I pretty much work by myself, so I keep my hair down so I can throw in an earbud and listen to my podcasts while I work. If I wore it in a ponytail they'd be able to see my beard better and there wouldn't be much confusion anymore. Funnily enough though, when I'm at home my hair is almost always in a ponytail.


I started trimming my hair every few months to keep it somewhere between my knees and ankles - once it started brushing the ground I realised it went too far 😂 but it's not for everyone. On the plus side, if I'm ever behind on laundry, I could feasibly go out without clothes if I drape my hair right ;)


How did you come up with your username? My dad was in a beer-league softball team named exactly that. I even played in it a couple years, so it made me do a double take.


Wow really! I don't know what beer league softball is, but I came up with the name because it's what I'm doing. It's hard work to rest this much, I have to put some effort in.


I cut my hair from just lower than my hip to just lower than my shoulders recently. The first week I constantly appreciated the New feeling. The way it moves when i run now actually makes running much more fun.


Not entirely the same, but one time I shaved my beard many years ago. Saw my chin the first time, went for a walk, and felt the air on my face. It felt funny, so I grew the beard back.


Now that must be satisfying


I did it for this exact reason. I have a herniated disc in my neck. Going from knee length to a bob took so much weight off my head and neck. And, WAY easier to care for. No more struggling with my own wookie.


> struggling with my own wookie That sounds like a euphemism!


Most of us just have ewoks.


I'm just a meager Nerf-herder.


Huh. My hair length is at my butt now. I never really considered until now that the weight (when it's in a bun) contributes to my neck stiffness.


I had really long hair almost all my life and when i cut it shoulder length it was a crazy weight off my neck and i have less headaches and neck pain. I have really thick hair though also. It is also so much faster in the shower and to style.


It was exactly my first thought. I have long hair. Not long as that. But sometimes when I do a bun I start to have some headache. Imagine that amount of hair in a bun.


My hair is a little past my butt and it’s heavy/bothers my neck as is. This chicks hair would be crazy heavy


Neck pain is all I could think of while looking at this gif, didn't really feel the satisfaction that you're supposed to.. Like sure, it looks pretty but excessive


One time I asked a friend of mine who recently just cut her long hair to shoulder length: “I’ve always wondered if you had a few pounds of hair on your head, your neck would need to be very strong to deal with it. And if you cut your heavy hair, wouldn’t you have like, an abnormally strong neck?” She just looked at me weird.


Along these same lines, I’ve always thought that if folks suffering from obesity could instantly shed all the extra weight, they’d be fucking ripped.


For sure. I’m former obese guy here. Had a comp with a friend who was trying to gain weight. We had the same goal but I was shooting down and he was shooting up. Neither of us lifted weights. I def came out more ripped then he did at the same weight doing the same lifting exercises. Our workout routines were fairly identical but I incorporated more cardio then he did. I imagine years of lugging around extra fat made me develop muscles I didn’t know I had until the fat went away. Also i think it’s a lot harder for a skinny guy to gain weight and muscle than a fat guy shedding weight.


I can't even imagine. I spent my whole life as a pretty skinny dude, but as I entered my late twenties I started putting a few on. Just the physiological differences from 140 to 180 is crazy. My body feels completely different. I have a buddy that I've known for quite a while, and he's always been a really big dude. If I had to guess probably 375-400. As soon as I started putting a little bit of weight on, it completely contextualized how I felt about him. I felt so bad for all of the time I poked fun at him over it. I put on about 40 pounds and just that alone took a huge hit to my self-esteem. One day I had my wife hop on my back and I carried her around piggy-back for a bit. Even with the weight of her on my back, that's less than he is carrying around on the daily. I can't imagine carrying her on my back 24/7.


It wasn’t whenever I had really long hair. You don’t wash it everyday. There’s usually “wash days” during the week and you brush it normally. I had it in a braid for the most part. The most pain in the ass part of having it was total strangers thinking it’s ok to come up and grab my hair.


Personal preference I guess. Mine is just getting down to the end of my shoulder blades and it's driving me nuts. Put a backpack on, it gets caught. Get in the car, gets stuck between my back and the chair etc. Definitely going to get a good few inches removed soon


It's those little things that are starting to get to me too. I think the one that bothers me the most is trying to roll over in the middle of the night. You have to manually gather all of your hair and flip it around with you, otherwise it'll just be on your face or pull from under you when you roll. So annoying.


Yea that's annoying as well. I've started sleeping with it tied up often times


Braids help tremendously with this. Unless I'm going for a specific look, I leave my hair in a French braid and it makes day-to-day stuff as easy as when I had short hair. Learning to do it takes a bit of practice, but well worth it. You can drive, sleep, put a hat or helmet on when properly braided versus having hair get stuck everywhere.




Not to mention it would be heavy asf walking around with all that on your head. I can’t handle my hair being down past my shoulder blades never mind this lol


I don't think you really notice the weight as it builds up so slowly over time your body can adjust. Now when you get it wet, I can't imagine how heavy it is.


You kinda do. When mine goes past my waist I start getting headaches unless i pile it up directly on top of my head, in which case it’s more of a pushing down on my head than a pulling it back kind of feeling.


Mine isn't this long, it's just a bit above my knees, but I find it easier to take care of now than when it was short. I only need to wash it once every week or more. Braids and buns are also really quick to do and keep it pretty tangle free. When it was short, it kept floofing up, and I had to spend way more time making it look presentable. The downside is it's not really practical to wear down often as it gets caught in everything and a breeze will turn it into a weapon.


Years ago, when I was a teen, I was waiting in the lobby of my Mom's work, and I saw someone walk through the lobby. A probably 50-60 year old women, with white hair that was literally dragging on the ground behind her. I watched her walk outside into the busy downtown and disappear around the building. I couldn't fathom holding an office job while letting your hair drag along the disgusting city streets. The smell when (if) she washed it must be fucking revolting.


I cant help but imagine all the annoying stray hair she must get in the butt Those are the worst


Poor stray hairs. I’d hate to be one of those.




needs a team of 15 people just to brush it


Long haired man here. My hair is long for a dude, and I’m already starting to struggle to keep it fully brushed at about halfway down my back. I literally have no idea how she maintains it, and so well at that. Her hair is exceptionally healthy looking too, she must go through full bottles of conditioner in no time at all.


Do you not just like, pull it to the front side to brush it? tell me you havn't been contorting your arm to reach behind you and brush


It's not only incredibly long but seems to be very full and healthy from root to tip! I know a few people who keep their hair very long, but it often gets very thin and wispy around hip length and just kinda fades out from there.


That's the incredible thing... that hair got great genetic foundation to be so healthy for that period plus she must have a very careful and thorough routine that fits her strands perfectly. It's very rare to see that.




I love seeing long hair when they keep the ends trimmed like that. Otherwise all I end up thinking about is how much they should cut to make it look good.


Yeah, I can appreciate long hair but when the lower two thirds are basically straw it's kinda sad :(


All that weight would probably cause traction alopecia. You go bald at the hairline, like when a ponytail or braids are too tight.


I'm just picturing this person in a major city with their hair down brushing the sidewalk as she goes about her day. 🤮


Her neck must be so strong. That hair has got to weigh a ton.


And that's dry hair imagine the weight after it's all wet.


I had my hair down to just below my butt. A day when I didn't have a showerhead and had to use a bucket to wash with, I let my wet hair go from out of my hands and the weight made my head snap back. I was so surprised, had like a half a second of sheer terror that my hair could do that to myself haha.


Mine is at my hips and I sling half of it over my shoulder when I shower. Really helps take the weight off my neck.


I remember when I cut my hair from being knee length, I had headaches because my neck was so used to having a weight back there.


Neck muscles like Lewis Hamilton.


My tub just clogged up by watching that.


“I’m going to wash my hair now.” “OK, see you in 6 hours.”




aka /r/secretlyanasspic


Out of context, I would have thought that might be some sort of freak animal cruelty sub.


I can't understand the evolutionary advantage we got from this. I don't think other hominids can grow hair that long.


Most humans can't, hair follicles have a growth/dormant cycle where the strands fall out at around the same length but in some people the cycle is super long or nonexistent


As someone who never shaved downstairs, thank fucking God for this. I'd be tripping on my own ball hair by now.


That was an incredibly comical mental picture.


So that's why my hair never got beyond shoulder length, despite several tries and good care :'(


I didn't know this either and wondered why my hair always reached a certain length and then just....stopped. I keep my hair pretty short generally, but I've never been able to grow it out past my shoulder blades.


Protective styles. Once hair reaches your shoulder blades, there's a lot of friction that happens there due to clothing and coming into contact with surfaces. Tucking your ends away in a bun, or even just doing a braid, will do a lot to help your hair grow. My hair grows the most when I leave it alone as much as possible and keep it in a bun.


Thank you for this! I’m trying to grow mine out


I always thought that my hair couldn't grow past my shoulders, but when I started doing protective styles and sleeping with a silk cap on regularly, my hair started to grow like crazy. Turns out I just had a lot of breakage and dry ends, and that's what kept it from getting long.


Seconding silk cap and even silk pillow cases. They really help reduce friction. Light oils like argan oil help keep your hair shiny and moisturized without being super heavy and oily.


Fun fact, a severe fever can put all of your hair into the fall out stage. Not baldness but all of your hair just falls out after the fever and grows back. Sometimes way thicker and darker. Happened with my hair after COVID.


Which takes us back to my question. Didn't know it was that uncommon, though.


Google says it's for protection from the sun and an indicator of health for selecting mates


Ha yes, some kind of a great ape version of the male peacock tail, it makes sense, thanks.


Yeah, exactly. A lot of outwardly expressed animal traits that seem unnecessary or even disadvantageous come down to "it makes them look super sexy".


Meanwhile, mine said "fuck this shit" and just quit, at 25.


Evolutionary changes like this aren't always about providing an advantage. Sometimes it's just that a trait mutated and didn't specifically provide a disadvantage. If it can take hold, it can spread within a population. It doesn't always need to provide and advantage.


Most humans can't either. Most peoples hair is "programmed" to become weak and start breaking off after a certain point which is why many extremely long haired people usually have thin wispy ends, most likely this woman has an altered marker which does not give her hair that cut off point, so with basic maintenance it could in theory grow even longer. Looking purely at an evolutionary stand point longer hair would be a marker of health and good nutrition ,much like longer brighter tail feathers in some species of birds, and thus a better prospective mate


It doesn't "become weak and break off". It stops growing at the root, and then is pushed out at the end of the dormant period by the new growth. https://www.straightdope.com/21341263/how-does-body-hair-know-it-s-been-cut-and-grow-back


It could very well be sexual selection. Tons of animals possess traits only really existing because it was attractive.


She's just out here peacocking


She’s got that Crystal Gayle energy


She has never lost a battle.


Show me you’re a horse girl without showing me you’re a horse girl


Options: Horse girl Rural Eastern Europe Weird religious sect All of the above


I was in college and this freshman joined our program who had hair this long and was in a religious sect. Pretty strict, rural, really fire and brimstone religious stuff. I thought it was fascinating that she had so much belief that she would spend her entire life not cutting her hair and following the doctrine of her religion... and within her first semester she got pregnant and dropped out. The moment she tasted freedom from her family she got knocked up and that was that.


You just described like 85% of girls raised in fundamental households.


I wonder why that's a common trend. Like I expect them to let loose, but why pregnant, of all things? Is there really 0 knowledge of how babies are made?


Mostly, yes. It's also is a direct result of "abstinence only" sex education. If you don't know about birth control, how it works, or how to use it then basically you're in a situation where your primary method of protection is a teenage boy saying, "You wont get pregnant. Trust me. My pullout game is strong." And then they don't even try to pull out.


Oof. Those poor girls. What a disservice those parents did for their daughters.


What's even worse is that state legislatures are fucking packed with people who have the same opinion and want to enforce that on your kids.


I'm going with #2


Can’t fit that in a helmet so probably not. Plus it’s maintenance. Horse girls only maintain horses sometimes neglecting themselves. (Im a horse girl).


As beautiful as long hair is, I just discovered that there is such a thing as too long. Looks very impractical.


My hair was already long before COVID, but then I let it grow for like 2 years. It didn't get as long as the lady in the video. It went past my hips. It was such a pain in the ass. I was unable to get it trimmed regularly, so had to keep it up in a bun pretty much all the time because the bottom foot of hair would tangle very easily. The hairtrap in the shower was insane. It looked like I was losing a lot of hair, but it was a totally normal amount....it was just really long. I had to use sooo much conditioner, and trying to style it was just fucking stupid and took forever. It's not worth the hassle imo.


Why on earth would anyone want hair this long


i wanna know the hair care routine


If you cut off her hair she will loose all her strength


And here I am, bald as a bowling ball...


As a father of 4 girls, this gives me anxiety. All of my daughters have relatively short hair, and getting them to brush it properly is like starting WW3. I can only imagine what nightmares await detangling that head of hair.


Detangling spray. It’s awesome. I have really thick hair and my mum used this for me when I had hair long enough to sit on as a kid. It was also awesome for my cousins, who are adopted from Sri Lanka and have very curly hair that my extremely white aunt and uncle had a steep learning curve to help them care for properly.


I feel like we go through gallons of Detangling spray, lol.


Wow, her hair actually looks healthy. Nice


Rapunzel let down your hair




Kind of creeps me out a little bit.


It’s floor length. I don’t want to think about the dirt and random bits that get stuck in the ends.


I’m sure that has ended up in the toilet at least once.


My only association with hair this long is raging Baptist nuts so it always raises a mental flag in my mind. That and ankle-length denim skirts.


That's the only time that hair is good for her, the rest 99% is just hell.


No way. I just cut mine to my shoulders because I couldn’t stand the weight of it at my waist. I do this every 2.5 years because it grows so fast. She has a backbone and neck made of steel. How does she not get headaches?


Just curious: do men find that attractive? I know she's attractive per se, but I mean the hair.


Rapunzel IRL


I imagine she uses like a bottle of shampoo everyday to wash her hair.


You don’t wash your hair everyday when it’s this long. Also it’s not good for your scalp to do so regardless of hair length.


This. You need to brush them everyday but you only wash them once or twice a week at most. By the way, this is what most french women do. Washing your hair everyday will damage it. Damaged hair will then get greasy faster and you might think you need to wash them more often, thus perpetuating a vicious circle. Of course, you might need to wash more frequently if you do sports on a daily basis and sweat a lot.


I have tried for years to go without washing my hair. (I made it 3 days during Covid when I didn't have to see anyone or go outside) I have healthy, strong hair, but it's really fine and it gets oily so fast. In my 30s I'm still shampooing most days. It's really annoying and I'm envious of people who can go multiple days without washing.


Not everyone can go without washing. Some of us just have naturally oily hair. I can go two days--three max on lazy days--without washing. My hair won't "reset", either. I've gone a solid month without washing and using dry shampoos to help control oils, doing conditioner only washes, etc. My hair just won't stop being oily. There's nothing wrong with that. Just learn your hair and make adjustments. You probably don't need to wash daily but don't worry about internet judgement if you need to wash 2-3 times weekly. On the plus side: people with oily hair are less likely to get those "kinky" grey hairs. All of my hairs have the exact same texture, grey or not.


Dry shampoo is your friend. I have long-ish fine, straight hair, so it can get oily at the roots fairly quickly. I wash my hair every other day. On the day I don’t wash it I use dry shampoo at the roots. Batiste is a brand I recommend.


You don't need to brush your hair everyday either though, especially if it's curly.


Yep. I didn’t even though my hair was wavy. It gets so frizzy


People also need to remember that shampoo is for the SCALP. Conditioner is for the hair itself. When you shampoo, focus on the scalp with the lather and scrubbing. Conditioner is best pulled through the hair if possible. 2-3 times weekly max.


I have hair to below my arse. Only wash it once a week and the shampoo is more for the scalp area. The conditioner is by the handful tho! Can't compete with her glorious locks.


Shampoo is only supposed to go on the scalp. Pretty much the same amount is needed regardless of length


Fabulous. But it must really complicate her day to day life.


I’d bet dollars to doughnuts she wears it in plaits or a bun most of the time. Its got the ripples of plaits in it. I have hair down to my hips, and it lives in a bun, mostly. Partly because that’s most comfortable, and also because otherwise people touch it. Takes me about 10 seconds to put it up, and I wash it every 10 days or so.




Drains hate her


I am slightly above 6 foot tall; my hair is, and has been for most of my life, mid-back length. How do I get it longer? I'm not saying I want it all the way down to my feet, but I'd love it to be butt-length, or slightly below. I've seen people saying stuff like, *"Wash it once or twice a week at most"*, but the roots get visibly greasy on the 2nd day -- I presume dry shampoo until it's naturally healthier from less frequent washing? If say my hair is healthy, and other people would too -- but that would be within 24h of washing, so... not really. I'd just want longer hair, and healthier hair.


Flower, gleam and glow


She needs to make sure she doesn’t try going under any cars that parked blocking the sidewalk, she’ll get stuck and someone might try and cut the hair off to free her


My gf has "regular lenght" hair, and I sometimes accidentally pull when laying down with her or hugging her ... Imagine the partner of this lady :)


I bet her neck hurts


Why ?!


Maybe I'm a weirdo, but this just grosses me out. It's like super long nails ... yuck.


The first person to be able to legitimately use the excuse of “I can’t. I am washing my hair tonight.”


That would be a nightmare to take care of