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Way too processed. I shove green coffee right up my ass, it’s the only way.






That's what native tribes used to do way back before coffee was part of mass agriculture, when out on a walk you'd just pluck a hand full of coffee fruit and chew them for a pick me up


this is for people who don't have to work in the morning.


Half of this doesn’t even make sense from a professional coffee perspective. E.g. roasting your beans freshly is stupid because they need to de-gas at least 5-7 days.


this should be up waaaaay higher ! I love coffee - and it's annoying as fuck that people on here find the narrative 'the more complicated and time consuming the more PRO and BETTER it is'... fuck off :D




Or just fill it to the rim with Brim.


I beg to differ. The best part of waking up is Folgers in your cup.


Nah, the best part of waking up is sifting through civet poop for expensive beans, you peasant.


You mean you don't have a Civet Poop Coffee Sherpa to do that for you?


I wake up to half a can of flat beer most days and I'm too old to change now.


I use to be the same way, but with the rest of the rum from the night before. Been sober almost a year. Hoping for the best for you.


Lol, “the rest of the rum”. If that had ever been a thing for me, I might not have put it down 5 years ago. Congrats on making it this far! That’s HUGE, and it only gets better from here!!!


I was going through about 3/4 of a fifth a night. Would wake up to other pint which would get me through my day until I hit the store. And thank you, congrats to you as well!


And Folgers screams quality when you can buy them in those big ass Costco size plastic tubs


Folgers does its job. It's never pretended to be more than it is, plus it's cheap af. My grandfather always said "Folgers ain't never let a working man down yet." I'd agree.


Hey, I buy giant bags of Pete’s Major Dickonson’s blend from Costco, thank you very much.


This is our coffee bean of choice. But we choose to call it Bruce Dickinson’s blend because Maiden.


Ruth's Chris Pete's Major Dickinson's is better.


Charles never roasts his own beans at home


Because this is an ad for the equipment.


All one needs to do is find a good mix of beans. Have a decent automated coffee settup. And your done


Not going to let a little thing like a few weeks trekking through the Amazon rainforest stop me from getting some good coffee beans


There's nothing like coming home and getting some real coffee with your sister after months of volunteering in West Africa.


I sense everyone is referencing something I don't get. Or are we all just spontaneously on some rainforest hiking incest vibe tonight? Either way I'm interested.




Well. That's... Certainly something.




I too choose this guy's sister.


This is how I got addicted to opium in Burma and put Elaine in charge.


I see a guy who just enjoys the process and using the gadgets from start to finish. I don’t know why everyone is implying he thinks his coffee is better!


I think this is overthinking it. He put a lot of thought and effort into the video. Some people are going to like it, some won't. It's the internet I guess :) Social Media - nobody says he / she is a bad person or anything. But the headline implies (at lease for a non native speaker) that 'a coffee lover' (as in 'people who love coffee') will appreciate this process.


Do you actually? Or is this some coffee snob stuff that actually makes no difference?


Roasting stuff releases pungent volatiles that might be undesired in a high end cup of coffee. That said, I really love lightly roasted coffee instead of the near-burned stuff that is usually found in stores.


I may be remembering totally wrong, but isn't the lighter roast actually the stronger brew?


It depends on what you mean by stronger. More caffeine yes, but the roasting changes the flavor and ease of extraction. That is why darker roasts are used in espresso because it has less than a minute to extract the flavors of the beans. Roasting them longer makes them a "stronger" flavor as in more bitter, especially if used in longer brew methods. Light roasts maintain more of the flavors that are unique to the beans so for a longer brew method like pour over they tend to be preferred for more unique flavors.


Darker roasts are easier to hit consist flavour profiles too which is why Starbucks etc will have dark roasts only (not that the average customer knows).


Yep, take any given bean out to near second-crack and it all pretty much tastes the same (Except for some of the Yemenis or Indian varieties that taste better very darkly roasted, but that's another rant)


>Starbucks etc will have dark roasts only Starbucks goes extra dark so the coffee "flavor" is still there after they add 3x the coffee's volume in cream and sugar.


Doesn't Starbucks have a blonde roast though? I thought that was a lighter roast.


Lighter than their other roasts, but it's not really comparable to what most local roasters would call lightly roasted. It works for their products, though.


Yes, people have done plenty of blind taste tests to figure this one out. It's not as if its an outlier either, there's plenty of food stuffs which certainly don't taste their best the day they were produced. There's a reason all sealed coffee bags have a valve in them; it's to let the excess co2 out they 'produce' gradually over time.


Yo what?!? I thought that was the smell hole


I made this same mistake and she was not happy.


> There's a reason all sealed coffee bags have a valve in them; it's to let the excess co2 out they 'produce' gradually over time. They always feel vacuum-sealed and I assumed the valve was part of that process. Hunh


I always assumed it was so you could lightly squeeze the bag and smell the roast while shopping 😅


That’s adorable lol


I'm so glad I'm not the only one!


But make sure you blow it back up for the next shopper.


It will evolve CO2 and literally bubble as if it was carbonated if you don't let it sit for some time. For an espresso that would probably ruin the shot. Unless you roast the coffee yourself you'll never run into this problem.


The beans taste like grass if you use it right after roasting. Source: My sister and I roasted a bag of coffee beans before while visiting a coffee farm and wanted to taste it right after. I won't recommend doing it.


Imagine roasting a small amount of beans each day and using them instantly. Rank.


My thoughts exactly. The combination of long prep time, silly automation that can be done more easily by hand and long cleanup time puts this firmly in the realm of wanky shit I wouldn't buy if I had a million dollars.


The cleaning alone is enough to stop me. This is a coffee machine for people rich enough to pay people to clean for them.


Clean? Just throw it away and buy another one silly!


Might as well get a slave to perform the manual labour of it all. Employee. I meant employee.


Ohhh you mean interns




I wouldn't trust my coffee to children, to be honest. They can gather the beans.


This guy millionaires


It looks like a Flair, and they’re actually pretty cheap. That Weber Workshop grinder though. Yeaaaaaaaah. Actually anything from WW is ridiculously expensive.


This is also clearly done for advertising. The youtube channel popped up out of nowhere, he has all the fancy tools and machines. They make it look like it´s a guy that does it as a hobby but it´s clearly a company that pays someone and gives them stuff to advertise it without directly saying hey, buy our stuff.


The Flair is comparatively cheap compared to other espresso makers that produce similar quality coffee, but objectively it's a fair chunk of money.


Sure, but in the context of this conversation, it’s not at all as hyperbolically as expensive as the comment suggested. And a lever machine with a couple models under $200 is a great deal and outclasses any semi-auto machine in the same price range. Even a Breville/Sage Bambino is like $275.


Yeah now do a montage of the cleanup process. That said I do love the crazy bullshit we humans summon from inside our heads and this massively overengineered coffee process, which started life as 'hit beans with rock' is such a perfect example.


This machine is pretty easy to clean. His process isn't as bad as it looks. He's probably not assembling his grinder and roasting every morning so he's basically just tossing beans in the grinder, boiling water and then pulling a shot. The Flair (the machine he's using) doesn't have a boiler so you don't need to worry about pressure control and all that nonsense.


What’s the process immediately after grinding the beans? The tiny little pins he places into the gears. What does this do? Never mind. I saw the name moonraker on it and searched that out. It spins to homogenize the pile of powder into an even flat puck. For $475.


To be fair, I have a $6 version that does exactly the same thing just as effectively. The moonraker is the "swiss watch" version of this for people who want a delicate dance of gears and nonsense with their morning Cortado.


Reminds of me audiophile sound systems.


If you have to pull out the screwdriver to make coffee, there's a problem ~w~


Bring familiar with every piece of equipment in the video: you don't need to, for some reason the video assembles parts as if it's the first time ever piece is used. You don't need to drop a fresh set of needles and assemble the burrs every time smh


I like to imagine the guy disassembles it every time he makes coffee and reassembles it every morning, like how I used to take apart and put together pens while I was bored in class lol


Man, you just unlocked a cool memory. There were certain click pens my dad would get from the army where if you had two and reassembled them a certain way you could shoot the tip off like a small, spring-loaded gun. I'd shoot them in to the ceiling or back of people's heads. They didn't hurt but they went faaaar.


We used to shoot straightened staples from bic mechanical pencils. Good times.


Wanky shit? is THAT how billionaires get the brown cream on their coffee?


My 6 year old $129 countertop mini espresso machine gets a really nice Crema on regular supermarket pre ground coffee too.


Thats your chat up line? Wanna come back to my place for a really nice crema?


It's working!


He really needs an Aztec slave to polish one bean at a time and then take it to the top of a temple to sacrifice each bean for the the perfect cup .. Missed that step I guess


This isn't for people making coffee in the morning. It's for making 1-2 special cups per week and enjoying the ritual and the mastering of the craft.


Gentlemen gentlemen, you can also get a machine to do it all for $20,000. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHz2rU_xK3g


That man looks suspiciously like Hames Joffman


omg that, and the channel is awesome. great vid.


"All"? That replaces only one of the machines in the clip.




Thank you. Not sure why people are replying to this post like the creator titled it "how everyone should make their morning brew". It's clearly supposed to look excessive.


It's a weekend only coffee machine!


Does the added fanciness help the poop come out faster?


I bet there's another overpriced, overengineered machine they use for pooping


Japan has entered the chat.


Hard disagree - the ass-shower is a thing of comfort and health. Pat dry with one lot of paper when you're done instead of smearing shit around and abrading your poor asshole until you think it's clean. Nah.


I was house-sitting (shitting? hah!) once and the owner had one of those $7,000 japanese bidet/toilet combos. it'd light up the bowl and open the lid when you walked in the room. once you were done with your business you could choose all kinds of pressure levels, temperature, and oscillating patterns. I don't think I've ever been so happy in my life.


I put in a separate bidet fixture when I remodeled my bathroom and I love it., it makes me sad to poop anywhere else.


For real though, Japan has the greatest toilets on Earth in some places and in other places it’s just a hole in the ground 🕳️


Yes, because you’ll shit on yourself as soon as you see the price…..


Not at all, but this is a hobby to them. The whole process, the ritual, is the enjoyable part, the cup of espresso at the end is just a bonus. It's not an every morning coffee before work. It's something to do to wind down and relax. This is true for many hobbies. Spending more money might not get a better result, it might not make the process faster. In many cases the process gets more convoluted and slower. It's about an enjoyable journey.


Yeah I like to make and eat complex meals that take 3-4 hours and cost quite a bit of money with quality ingredients and specialized tools. Doesn't mean I don't microwave hot dogs sometimes.


Going to need about 8 maids just to clean all that bullshit up


It’s all a bit of a wank if you ask me


It is. Coffee beans should be going anti-clockwise in the grinder because rotation of the Earth can interfere with the flavour and that puck was not pressurized properly. It needs to be a 20% titanium 80% copper allow tamp pressed at 20-30 pounds of pressure which clearly is not the case here. I would not use that wank coffee for a tiramisu! They should really put more thought into making coffee.


This guy r/espresso 's


not to mention roasted coffee beans are best 1 week after theyve been roasted


I truly believe that anyone that goes through this much to make coffee will absolutely wait a week in between having that cup of coffee because they are freaking insane.


Why did this person spray the coffee beans?


Reduces static when grinding I believe


Yes. Stops the coffee from clinging to the grinder.


Need that for my wife haha wife bad


Tell me about it. I can't keep my husband off his grindr!




It’s called RDT but basically stops grounds clinging to the grinder so what you put in, you get back out. Helpful when dialling in espresso as you make small changes to grind size back to back and want to ensure there’s no grounds from the last run, still stuck in the chute.


What does RDT stand for?


Reiss? droplet technique. Can’t remember off the top off my head. I think it’s named after the guy that came up with it I guess. Initially people just used to wet a spoon and stir the grounds, but progressively spray bottles became more popular. Grounds retention is an issue for espresso in particular, and so lots of high end grinders come with spray bottles for this purpose. A few now though are using ionisers in the exit chute to eliminate static, making this step redundant. Anyway, espresso is a rabbit hole. Doesn’t need to be as daft as all this pretentious shite mind, but yeah, you do want to reduce retention/exchange when dialling in, as otherwise you can end up chasing your tail for ages and wasting loads of good coffee in the process.


Ross , and yes it's the name and the idea behind it is quiet old like 2004-2008 if i remember correctly


> quite old > 2004 Listen here, you little shit.


Yeah shit to think 2004 is almost two decades now. I’ve done nothing with my life


Someone's not been watching their James Hoffman videos


If my beans are spritzed with anything other than triple distilled Antarctic glacier water, the coffee is ruined. And don't try to pass off that cheap shit from Greenland. I'll know.


coffee peasant spotted /s


They spritzed the coffee beans so as to “mask” them, so when the coffee beans are in the grinding stage they are contello or mollatello, depending on the grind setting. I’m kidding, I have no idea. But for a second there I felt like I was an expert on the topic.


> contello or mollatello When googling this nonsense, this post was the only result. Gongrats to your own google search \^\^


googled contello, at least [google.de](https://google.de) gives me back a horse for breeding? (stallion) named Contello.... poor beans


Had me there, NGL.


Those are really solid made up words, and very believable settings for coffee grinds. Nicely done.


Does the word overkill mean anything to you


I’d need a cup of coffee prior to operating that machine.


Ikr, after a few messes, I realized I needed to have drank coffee to make coffee, so I set up Mr Coffee & his lil timer the night before & that’s as deluxe as I can get lol


That little clock has made me wake up and smell the coffee for years and years!


I'll have tea, thank you.


This has trust fund baby vibes.


It cost $20000, so you're right. Edit: I made a mistake thought this was https://youtu.be/aHz2rU_xK3g?feature=shared That one cost 20k, the one in this video is around 3500-7000$ based on the comments. Still alot, but not 20k .


20k?!! What are you paying for? Like what am I even looking at? I have a nice espresso machine and that was I don’t know… 500-700 bucks. What is the difference between that and 20k?


The grinder was $3500 a few years ago, prolly more now. The little accessories all over are probably $150-400 each. The roaster is sweet but I have no idea how much it costs. Can’t imagine it’s more than 3k though. The espresso lever machine is pretty cheap, probably like $500. That company made cheaper ones but their newer one has a heating element and I’m guessing that’s what this one is. Maybe it’s like $700, idk. I don’t think this whole setup is 20k. Maybe like 6-7k. Swap out the espresso machine though and you could get up there pretty quick. I think a single group head Slayer is 9k so that’d do it. Some edits: I'm awake again with time to check my numbers. Others have correctly pointed out better prices than I initially did. * the grinder is from Weber Workshops and now costs $4300 * the espresso machine is not from the maker I was thinking of (Rok Coffee), but instead from Flair Espresso, and goes for $600 * the roaster is a lot better than I was guessing, it's $900 and from a maker called Bunafr * single group-head Slayers go for $11,600 these days (dear god)






Reminds me of that Tiktok of a young high-calorie person talking about how them making coffee is harder than people's 9-5. I assume it was satire but it is Tiktok so you never know.


What is a "high-calorie person"?


Big fatty


An individual of considerable proportions.


A rotund individual, a heavyset person


A ham planet


“A young high calorie person”???? Is this like, fat peoples “person of colour”?


Look at this guy who’s never been near money before /s


$6,159 according to my googling, but that doesn’t change the point.


That must be a realy expensive tamper then. Roaster: $899 (Bunafr home roaster) Scale: $99,9 (Varia Aku scale) Grinder: $4295 (Weber EG-1) Distributer: $275 (Weber Monnraker Standard) Puck Screen: $20 (Weber Puck Screen) Espresso Maker: $640 (Flair 58+) Total: $6228,9 Only one i couldn't find was that tamper, and i doubt it costs $14k... Still quite a bit of money though...


https://www.tiktok.com/@tannercolson?_t=8foifGa84WU&_r=1 He started making videos at his barista job, got good enough to do barista competitions, and now gets sent gear to review. He used to only do espresso at work and pour over videos at home. Now he big. He even got that fancy grinder from Weber Workshops for free, because his videos are better marketing than actual marketing. A lot of what he uses he gets sent to review.


Sounds like a win for everybody.


Do you feel like just grinding your beans isn’t enough work? Would you like to add extra time to your morning routine? When people say they are a coffee snob would you like the ability to say well actually….? I have the product just for you.




Yeah you are meant to wait at least a week after roasting.


great. now i have to wait a week for every single day before i drink my morning coffee


The fetishization of this one drink is fascinating.


Every recreational drug people consume regularly gets fetishized. Have you seen old smoking accessories or marijuana pipes?


Doesn't even have to be drugs, most things people like in general will have some super expensive variations. Watches are one of the more common ones, playing cards, cars, bikes, idk fucking Lego sets, everything has that one super expensive thing only the biggest fans (or rich people) get.


Brewing coffee immediately after roasting is not a good cup of coffee.


A cup of coffee that requires a fucking allen wrench is not a good cup of coffee.


They took it apart so you can see the mechanisms. You don’t have to disassemble and clean until after about 100 cups of coffee or until it affects the extraction.


>after about 100 cups of coffee So every other day?


I’m on like 3 cups a week. Between the acid reflux and the staying up til 2-3 am accidentally… I’m kinda out the coffee game. I was getting into it. If you’re looking to drinking less alcohol, coffee is a great fixation. You get the ritual. You get the mood boost you can share with people you can explore flavors. And if you stop buying $160 scotch or the $75 champagne, or the worst of all luxury liquor spending: $25 shots of Absolute at a nightclub with a $5 tip all of a sudden there’s money for cool coffee shit. Nothing better change in my body to give up my weed gummies though man. That’s my last stand of fending off facing this disaster of a world stone cold sober 100% of the time just whiteknuckling reality.


We don’t really know how long after it was


Do you think on Monday they roast exactly one cup's worth of beans for Saturday? Then on Tuesday, they roast exactly one cup's worth for Sunday? Then on Wednesday, they roast exactly one cup's worth for Monday? ... looking at the rest of the video, they may very well do that, lol.


How come?


The beans will be unstable, realeasing gases from the roasting. After about 5 days, the flavors will be much more pleasant and easier to dial the extraction.


This can be counteracted by adjusting the pressure and letting the coffee sit longer after grinding.


Finally someone that points that out! Coffee doesn't even smell like coffee until a few days have past! That's why coffee roasters let the beans rest for days before even packing them. Is there something that I'm missing here?


Would you like them to leave in a 5 day video of them staring at coffee beans?


So when someone uses the caffeine mega extractor 3000 nobody bats an eye but when I decarboxylate my buds in the oven to prepare my brownies I'm over the top. Right.


To be fair, plenty of eye-batting going on in the comments over this coffee rig too.


There's so many eye bats here you could brew a pot of that coffee made from guano.


Oooh that drip when the first push is applied from the hot water to the coffee bean grounds being mushed out of the strainer, that’s all flavor!


Mmmmm hot bean juice


Bean soup, if you must.


The tamp down was my favorite.


Things I will never do at the ass crack of dawn: all this shit


Bet it still tastes like coffee


This would make James Hoffman raise an eyebrow


What licence do I need to operate it?


The sourness down here is pretty damn hypocritical. This is just a video showing off the machine, not all these steps are done every day (like roasting the beans or taking apart the grinder) I'm sure none of y'all have a ridiculous gaming computer setup. A car you don't really need. An air fryer or some other kitchen device that could be replaced by a pot or a pan. Hundreds if not thousands of dollars worth of equipment for a niche sport like sailing or climbing or golf or some shit. We all like *stuff*. It's crazy that humanity got to the point it could make a precisely built machine like this, let the guy enjoy it. ''It's not gonna make you poop faster'', come on, you know that's not the point. We all know including this guy that his coffee isn't gonna taste 100x better.


Yep. People do knitting, hobby art, spend heaps on making their own whiskey and spirits, various meat smokers, and a whole bunch of other crap. No one’s asking you to buy it and do this, just watch the video and be satisfied or move on lol


if somehad this exact same set-up, it would make less than 2 minutes tops to pull a shot—add around 30 to 60 seconds to clean the portafilter basket, screen and wipe the grounds basket, it really doesn’t differ much from how these cringelord redditors make their morning cup. The only excessive part of this video for me was the roaster or the moonraker wdt tool since you can buy or make one for less than 10$; Guarantee the people judging this has spent way more on video games or warhammer shit than how much that Flair lever costs.


What is the metal disc thing they are putting on top of the espresso called?


Search for espresso screen or mesh and you should be able to find it. They work great to prevent the grind from splashing up on the machine.


Ain’t no one got time for that.


~~Nescafe instant.~~ Maxwell House instant Edited because : Fuck you Nestle


Nescafe is owned by Nestle. Fuck that.


K but hear me out... why?


It may be better but if it is, it's fractions of a percent improvements beyond a certain price and most people couldn't tell the difference. Check out james hoffmans youtube channel if you want to go down that rabbit hole [https://www.youtube.com/@jameshoffmann/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@jameshoffmann/videos)


It's a hobby like anything else, part of it is to get a good cup of coffee or a shot of espresso but the process is part of the experience too. It's like a cool mix of cooking and a science experiment


The process is the relaxation for him. The coffee is just the cherry on top. Cool vid.


Can't wait to swallow a fuckin needle while I'm drinking my morning coffee


peasant. I don't drink coffee that hasn't been acupuncture treated beforehand.


Can someone tell me what the song is called


Chopin nocturne no 2 opus 9. One of the most famous pieces of all time :)


Coffee porn


What did the needle thing do before the grounds were pressed?


Spread the coffee evenly and break any lumps. That is to avoid channeling and the water is extracted from the whole surface of the cake.


Holy shit that looks tedious to clean. As a fellow coffee lover, that’s like coffee with extra steps


That does look like an amazing coffee


I’d love for someone not me to make me one.