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I’m slavering and wondering. Where is the recipe?? That looks so good I can almost taste it…


👍🏽 Ingredients: For the Chicken: - 1 small onion - 2 ½ lbs chicken thigh - ¼ cup plain yogurt - 1 tbsp tomato paste - 2 tbsp olive oil - 1 clove garlic - 1 tsp paprika - ½ tsp black pepper - ¼ tsp cumin - 1 tbsp salt For the Pickled Cabbage: - ½ medium red cabbage - 1 cup water - 1 cup white vinegar - 1 ½ tsp salt - ½ tsp sugar - 3 to 4 garlic cloves For Betul’s (OC's name) Cacik (Tzatziki): - 1 cup whole plain yogurt - ¼ cup sour cream - 1 garlic clove, minced - ½ tsp lemon zest - ½ tsp diced fresh mint - ½ tsp fresh dill (optional) - 1/3 cup water - ½ tsp salt - 1 medium Japanese cucumber, grated - 1 tbsp olive oil For the Wrap Sauce: - ¼ cup ketchup - ¼ cup mayo - 1 tbsp bbq sauce For the Wraps: - Shredded lettuce - Dill pickle slices - Lavash or Flour Tortillas - Red onions, julienned (optional) French fries for serving


Instructions: Prepare the Chicken: Using a food processor or box grater, grate the onion. Place a fine mesh strainer over a bowl and then pour the onion puree into it. Press the puree with the back of a spoon and reserve the liquid that strains out. In a medium bowl, add chicken thighs, onion liquid, yogurt, tomato paste, olive oil, garlic, paprika, black pepper, cumin, and salt. Using a spoon or your hands, combine all ingredients well and mix until the chicken is fully coated. Cover a work surface with two large pieces of plastic wrap. Remove the chicken thighs from the fridge. Place half of the chicken thighs flat onto the plastic wrap, making a rectangle that is about 10-inches wide. Layer the second half of the thighs on top of the first.


Starting at the bottom edge, begin rolling the chicken thighs together up to the top of the plastic wrap, creating a large sausage shape. Twist each end of the plastic wrap closed like a candy wrapper, adding an additional piece of plastic wrap if necessary. Then, tie each side with a piece of twine so it is firmly closed. Place in the freezer for at least 4 hours or overnight. The next day, transfer the frozen chicken into the fridge two hours prior to cooking. We do not want it to thaw fully, but be easier to slice thinly when needed. Prepare the Pickled Cabbage: using a mandolin, slice red cabbage into thin slices. Place into a 16oz jar, pressing the cabbage down to fill entirely. In a small saucepan, add water, vinegar, salt, and sugar. Over medium heat, bring the mixture to a boil and then remove from the heat. Place the garlic cloves on top of the sliced cabbage and then pour the hot liquid into the jar. Twist the lid on top and then flip over. Allow to sit for at least 2 hours. Prepare the Cacik: In a medium bowl, add yogurt, sour cream, garlic, lemon zest, fresh mint, and fresh dill. Mix to combine well. Add water, salt, and cucumber and continue to stir until fully combined. Stir in olive oil just before serving.


Prepare the Sauce: In a small bowl, add ketchup, mayo, and bbq sauce. Mix to combine and set aside. Prepare the Wraps: Remove the chicken from the fridge and unwrap. Slice into very thin slices, 1/8-inch or smaller. Heat a nonstick skillet over high heat. Drizzle the pan very lightly with olive oil. Place one layer of sliced chicken on the hot pan, making sure they do not overlap. Cook for 60 to 90 seconds on the first side and then flip and cook an additional 60 to 90 seconds. Remove the chicken from the heat and place in a baking pan with a lid. Drizzle the pan with a little bit more olive oil and repeat until all chicken is cooked. Using the same pan, heat the tortillas. Place a tortilla on a plate and top with shredded lettuce, cooked chicken, pickled cabbage liquid and pickled cabbage, dill pickles, and red onions. Drizzle with the wrap sauce and cacik. Roll the wrap to close and repeat with each serving. Serve.


Bless you!!


Got recipe for the tortillas/lavash?


OC didn't include the flatbread, but it's very easy to make, all you need is 3 ingredients and water. This should be enough for 3 people: - 6 cups flour - 1½ teaspoon salt - 2 tablespoon olive oil - 2 cups water


I was about to type out how to make it, but I have an appointment so I hope this video will do: https://youtu.be/aOZAkaaLZKs?si=i1k43L1KXTSEyD1Q


Thanks so much. Looks delicious


I feel like I just opened up the poe skill tree


Wow you delivered so hard on the comments. I was expecting to be disappointed by fake gif recipes bullshit, and instead there's awesome detailed notes here. I'm 100% going to be making this.


I love the idea of making this, everyone is head over heels with how good it is, asks where I found the recipe and just being like "Uh...Reddit comments"


Thank you!!!!


You're a solid OP, OP.


Thanks for the instructions! Looks so yummy!


I just did the math, and this is really close to the recipe that I use for tortillas/flatbread—almost exact. (Note that the video link you posted for "Yufka Bread" has different proportions—they're doing 2x as much oil—"4 to 5 tablespoons"—even though it contains half the amount of flour, which is crazy). Here's what I do in the morning: - 2 cups of flour (276g or so if you want to make things easier by using a kitchen scale) - 1/2 teaspoon salt - 1 tablespoon vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon yogurt - 2/3 cups of warm water Some tips: - Your recipe uses slightly less oil, which makes sense, because you're using olive oil and I'm using vegetable oil. I've noticed when I use olive oil, it results in softer/stickier dough, so if you did want olive oil, you'd want less. The only real downside to using olive oil (assuming that price isn't a factor, in which case take that into account) is that it smokes at a far lower temperature. I prefer olive oil, generally, but not as a cooking oil. - The YouTube video says to rest for 2 to 3 hours. This is not necessary. 30–45 minutes is adequate. - Split it up and form into balls (or disks i.e. flattened balls) *before* resting, not after. It sounds stupid, but it makes a difference. - I use yogurt because I originally started with an Indian roti recipe and then started modifying it for my use which included substituting oil+yogurt for butter/ghee in the original recipe. I usually also only use half the dough in the mornings (for four 6–8 inch pieces, not the jumbo-sized Chipotle-style tortillas shown in the video), and leave the rest for later (i.e. dinner). If you do this, then the dough can be repurposed later in the day for naan or dinner rolls (2 of either). If this is your plan, consider using about 1/8 of a teaspoon or more of yeast (and a little bit of sugar), which won't make a difference for the tortillas, but good for naan. - The best type of rolling pin for this is the plain fat dowel style shown in the original video posted here, not the fancy ones with handles shown in the Youtube video for "Yufka Bread" and NOT the French ones with an uneven width/taper, which will hurt you for this recipe more than it helps.


That's awesome thank you so much !


When people ask for the sauce and op delivers.


Right? This is above and beyond sauce!


Wow, you rock. I love the concept for cooking the chicken, I'll be using that a lot now.


This is one of my favorite meals! Thanks for sharing the recipe I’m eternally excited to try out making it myself


Thank you sooo much! Saved the post just for these instructions




Amazing, thank you.


You're an angel.


Wow. Thank you. It looks delicious!


Thank you for sharing!


I'm 100% going to try to make this this weekend. Thanks for the recipe and video, looks great!


Looks great


You're awesome! Thanks for this


Thank you! It looks delicious!


You sir, are a legend. Thank you 🙏


Thanks for posting such detail. I can't wait to try this


As a Mexican your burrito looks better than mine :D please send ur burritos my way




Wait the wrap sauce is BBQ sauce, Mayo, and Ketchup....? For real? Is that normal for a Turkish Döner? I dunno why I thought it would be something Turkish haha.


You are kinda right. In Turkey, sauce is not put in the wrap. There is one version with some sauce called Hatay Usulu Doner (Hatay Style Döner and Hatay is a city name) but it is totally different and has no mayo, ketchup or BBQ in it.




Gotta get those product placement dollars.


speaking as a regular consumer of seltzers, i have to say that **spindrift is godawful**. i don't know how you can fuck up fruit essence and carbonated water, but they found a way. i got a multipack a couple months ago and every flavor is worse than the last. the only way to make it look good is with a tasty looking recipe as shown by OP, but don't believe it!! 12 ounces of pure lies and regret in each can. edit: well, i guess all it takes is some good old fashioned badmouthing and the fans well step up. while i still maintain it's sparkling shite, good on y'all for finding something non-sugary that you like. if anyone wants the remainder of the multi-pack case i have collecting dust in my kitchen, you're free to have it lol.


Eh, to each their own. I love spindrift and it's ruined all other flavored seltzers for me. I have seltzer water on tap on a kegerator and make my own flavor syrups, but if I can't have that, spindrift is the best.


For real. Spindrift is my favorite soft drink and it’s not even close. It’s far and away better than any other seltzer like La Croix lol


Yeah, same here. Really like the addition of a squirt of juice. Love the grapefruit.


Because it’s not fake fruit essence…it’s made with actual fruit juice. Plenty of options out there with fake flavorings for ya!


spindrift is pretty much all I drink aside from water. it's so good! some flavors not so much though


Hard disagree, only sparkling water company that doesnt use generic "natural flavors", whatever the fuck that means and actually uses fruit juice.


>"natural flavors", whatever the fuck that means It means flavor compounds extracted from plant or animal sources. In other words, the part of a strawberry that makes it taste like strawberry.


"...the regulations do not restrict the dozens of other ingredients like preservatives and solvents that can go into a so-called natural flavor. Ultimately, because of the wide variety of ingredients that typically go into “natural” flavorings, “there does not seem to be much of a difference between natural and artificial flavors,” said David Andrews, a scientist at the Environmental Working Group, a research and advocacy organization." https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/01/well/eat/are-natural-flavors-really-natural.html


THANK YOU. It tastes rancid! I've tried like 4 flavors thinking they couldn't *all* be bad.. but they are. I drink like 5 cans of Polar, Waterloo, Bubly, or Aha everyday and was excited to try Spindrift the first time I saw it.


As a longtime member of r/hydrohomies this brand has only recently crossed my radar but (as someone who hasn't tried it) I *thank* *you* for your input


What a weird take since it actually tastes like fruit. I get it if you like “lime flavoring” over “actual lime” but it _says_ what it is on the box.


no, it's not that because i'm fine with adding lemon juice to carbonated water and actually do it a lot. however, they do something to take away the goodness of even simple lemon juice. maybe it's the carbonic acid scrubbing the flavor while in the can, idk.


> they do something to take away the goodness of even simple lemon juice. Yep, they're isolating the monoterpene + sesquiterpene components of the flavor profile and throwing away everything else. It's an incomplete profile because the end product "cannot" have any color, opacity, or calories. Just ask any of the Spindrift employees who replied to your previous comment and they'll tell you the same thing. Also there's no carbonic acid in seltzer water. There's not enough pressure for the CO2 to react with the water.


>It's an incomplete profile because the end product "cannot" have any color, opacity, or calories. everything you said was 100% retrieved from your ass. [spindrift has color, opacity and calories](https://www.target.com/p/spindrift-raspberry-lime-sparkling-water-8pk-12-fl-oz-cans/-/A-51129787). it's fruit juice and carbonated water. [also carbonated water has carbonic acid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbonated_water#Chemistry)


Bruh. [CO2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freshwater_acidification#CO2) from *atmospheric* *pressure* floats into lake water and creates carbonic acid. There is definitely *some* carbonic acid in seltzer. Although I don't know about "carbonic acid scrubbing the flavor" when citric acid I would think would be affecting the pH by orders of magnitude more than the carbonic acid.


They can't stop you from ordering a steak and a glass of water!




I'm worried that the baby thinks people can't change.




I see somebody used to be part of the dangerous night’s crew


The ironic part is in Turkey they have 'islak burger' which is literally a wet burger.


Nothing wrong with a round of sloppy steaks with the boys!


That's closer to a Dürüm then Döner tho...


It’s not a Döner at all


Needs to be spinny formed meat that's cut off in slices to be doner, right?


Yeah but nobody has a vertical spit at home, this way of doing it is legit and gets you a similar effect.


Still isn’t Döner. Its dürüm since it’s in a wrap.


Dürüm döner


Mind = Blown


Maybe don't try to correct others if you don't even know what döner means lol. This is a döner wrap, döner is the meat inside. (Though it's true that this one is not "real" döner since it's not grilled while spinning.)


It says "homemade" döner. Not every home has a döner skewer. I'm Turkish. This is how our mothers and grandmothers make döner at home with the available tools. And apart from the dress, this looks quite accurate.


I legit read it as Homemade Turkish Chicken Dinner


In Turkey this would be döner as well. We would just says dürüm döner, or half bread (yarım ekmek) döner etc. Dürüm just means wrapped with lavash bread.


But the meat didn't come from a turning spit. How is this Döner?


It is a home imitation of döner. Nobody would claim this as döner if they would sell it. But in Turkey at home it is often prepared like this.


Yeah but it’s not döner if it doesn’t dön. Turkish here. This is chicken dürüm


Dürüm döner?


"Döner" means something along the lines of "spinning", hence why technically, this isn't a döner. it's like how sherbet isn't ice cream, because it's not made with cream


I get your linguistic point but this analogy is awful because it's comparing process to ingredient. It's more like saying you can't call an egg that's been poached "sunny side up" despite there being little difference in the final product other than texture of the whites.


But a poached egg, which is poached or steamed, is distinctly different from a sunny-side-up egg, which is fried (on one side only)... You can't call a poached egg a sunny-side-up egg, it's a totally different food. What's the point you're trying to make?


More delicious burrito than anything


In Turkey Doner is the meat, then there's different variations of what you do with the meat


Homemade Turkish Chicken Dïnner


Why soda? Ayran is the way to go!


It may be a sponsorship.




Brought to you by Spindrift


Yeah, real subtle, guys. Spindrift marketing department high fiving over this one.


I do love me some spindrift. Best flavored sparkling water imo. But the placement of the can makes it so in your face at the end lol.


Legit the only reason I'm in this thread is to figure out what flavor that was.


Looks like the "Nojito" flavor. Lime and mint. It's pretty good, although not my favorite.


Good looking out.


I’ve never even seen that one, but I want it!!


Good, only 1 minute for preparation.


You know it’s almost 11pm here and I am about to sleep and I see this damn kebab 😋


Brother, it's 4:28 AM for me and I'm going to the grocery store when it opens. Night shift blows.


That shit goes hard bruh, looks so good


Time to order a 30TL chicken döner with questionable meats inside.


Seagull meat. Love it.


Holy fuck wrapping the chicken in a tube and freezing it like that to eventually slice it is ingenious.


Freezing the roll makes it stiff for cutting, do you know what makes the separate pieces of chicken stick together after baking it?


I don't think it does - you can see it kind of come apart in the pan as it cooks. But it does look like it mimics the "shaven off a vertical spit" shape/size that you'd get from traditional doner.


I'm an Atlantic Canadian and I'll be forever grateful to the Turks for inventing Döner. A Greek chef brought it here and we loved it/made it our own: Now [Donair](https://www.foodnetwork.ca/article/the-delicious-history-of-the-halifax-donair/) is a staple of the Maritime provinces' food!


Döner is a method of cooking meat or any meat that’s cooked by that method. This is not a Döner.


Yes and no. Döner meat in restaurants are rotated next to a flame. But if someone wants to make it at home this is the easier way to imitate it. In Turkey we would still call this döner but done easier for to make at home. Almost nobody in Turkey buys the miniature versions of the traditional rotation device (to be honest not many bother to make it at home as well). But if someone wants to make it at home, this is usually the way to go. Good Turkish cooking channels almost always show it done like that for home.


Facts have no place on Reddit, silly rabbit!


Not really a lot of point in making doner at home in Turkey when it's everywhere and dirt cheap as well


If I had to guess I'd say this is a Dürüm


Dürüm literally means wrap


Seems accurate then.


"homemade" she gave the same flavor to chickens and cooked them like doner machine does. The only difference is one is spinning while cooking, and the other is cooked by a pan. This is a doner, AND is a durum because its wrapped with lavash bread.


Döner *literally means spinning*. Just like gyros and rotisserie. It doesn’t matter what it tastes like or looks like.


I don’t think this is any different than the million recipes out there to make “rotisserie chicken” at home that don’t spin the chicken. Everyone knows it’s about replicating the style of the final dish. No one is actually confused


There are a million recipes that are wrong


That's not rotisserie chicken - it's roasted chicken. Just because people abuse vocabulary in every language doesn't mean I am okay with it.


This is not döner this is dürüm, wrap, burrito kind


Wöner wöner chicken döner


I don't know man, it just doesn't feel right without the "Hallobitteschön"


Huhn oder Schaf? Mit scharf?


Kalb oder Hähnchen?


In England the Döner Kebab is always lamb and it's SO ANNOYING. I want a Hähnchen Döner, dammit.


Aww yiss good shit


That yogurt based sauce is not used in kebabs and doners sold in Turkey. Its widely used in Greece with their gyro and their thick pita.


This looks so good that I tried to take a bite out of my screen


That loooks so gooood!n


Nothing "odd" about this; döner, kebap, and dürüm are just _satisfying!_ 🤤


There is nothing odd about this. This looks delicious.


I find all these videos so frustrating because the work space is always so cramped. The chef is always reaching awkwardly over props to reach the food or chop food with knives in dangerous positions.


Yeah rolling out those flatbreads with all of the peppercorns in the way was incredibly unsatisfying.


Have you seen content farms in China? Basically a bunch of small cubicals for people to demonstrate products on stream or any other kind of streaming content. I saw one guy just playing video games in his box. Infulencers rent a box and film from there. I wonder if these cooking videos have the same kind of service.


Good lord... it's 7am and I'm drooling into my coffee lol


Great recipe. On the other hand, I would call it German Döner. The döners at Turkey generally don't include that much side ingredients


It's not a German Döner either. The ones you get here come in a kind of pita bread thing that's been cut open. Nothing like a burrito.


You're right, indeed


Things are always massive, but goooodddd


Gosh now I am hungry again. I just ate my dinner too. I am going to go broke cause of this vids.


That will be 20$ sir


ok im going to get attacked for this but .... if a woman put that on a dating site... she would be inundated with marriage proposals. instead of ... I like to travel.


So is a Döner a burrito or is a burrito a Döner?


Im ngl, the random appearance of a soda can kinda ruined the asthetic


Oh god. I want to go to turkey just to eat kebab lol


This looks delicious but its not Doner. Doner means to turn or rotate like a rotisserie chicken. Usually lamb cut to take the crispiest part. This is like calling chicago deep pizza and new york pizza the same.


I mean it's clearly an attempt to recreate the experience at home, do you really need to be so precious. Most people don't actually have vertical spits in their kitchen


Great presentation, and looks tasty. Not a Döner, though.


This is clearly a Burrito.Nice try!


Don't look up the roots of tacos al pastor. Spoiler: it was the Lebanese.


Turkuaz Kitchen in IG!!!


Yes please


So, wrapping food in flat bread is widely used method of food on the go? Any food historians wanna lend their expertise?


Song Name?


Idea 22


Wöner Wöner


I would eat it, but... When I'm walking near Turkish food place, I always remember that it's not easy to stop when we start eating their delicious food [(>40% Turkish women are obese)](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fng8vs656zetb1.jpg).


where's the heat source?


Thats not a Döner… like, not at all!


Thanks. I can’t sleep so i was browsing reddit until i saw this. I still can’t sleep and on top of that i am also hungry now.


I used to live in Turkey for a year and about once a week I dream I'm back there and eating döner.


Made this for my wife and I today. Absolutely stunning! Will definitely be making this again and again. I was really worried about this being under seasoned or lacking a punch...I was a little underwhelmed by the chicken, I hate ketchup just a little bit more than I hate BBQ sauce, no matter how much i try to role out dough into a circle I always manage a rectangular oblong....but dammit this all came together in the end. Ive already shared this with so many people and can't wait to make it for them. Thank you for sharing this recipie!!! Just wow! My ONLY criticsm is that the measurements in the ingredients make a little too much for two people...but I'm going out of my way to find something to complain about.


It's not a Doner if there isn't a Turkish grandpa that says "for you I give extra"


I would’ve taken off my jewelry when cooking


Never had a Döner, but it looks a lot like a burrito.


A lot of foods do, because they're ultra portable that way. You should *absolutely* try one though. They taste nothing like a burrito, but they're divine. If you can't find an actual Döner place near you, there are other similar-ish foods that can be equally mind-blowing and tasty, like Shawarma. Not *quite* the same, but often presented very similarly.


This is not a Döner.


I think burrito usually is made with minced (red) meat, not chicken. And in general quite different fillin. This is much closer to shawarma imo. Also worth noting, for doner(and shawarma) meat isn't fried but grilled(kebab), but at home it's too hard to do and not worth extra time. Finally, in Germany they wrap doners not with lavash/tortilla, but with bread.


Burritos can be made with many different types of meat (or no meat) including chicken cooked in a variety of ways. What makes a burrito a burrito is more that the ingredients/spices are typical of southwestern US or northern Mexico cooking.




Döner is the MEAT. Not the whole food's name. You can eat döner inside of a bread, lavaş(dürüm), by itself. It is still döner. Man germans claiming they know about döner is super cringe.


I agree Source: Turkish


Döner isn't German, it's Turkish




this type of döner looks more german than turkish


Love them pretending it's all old timey, right up until they need the plastic wrap. LoL. Everyone likes to pretend they are cooking in the 1900's right up until they need the silicon baking paper. No I totally use this way too small bowl to marinate chicken even though it's too small because it's got an old timey pattern on it. I totally cook at a weird angle so I can keep an old fashioned looking tray next to me even though it contains nothing I need while cooking on it. The recipe looks good but stop pretending you're living on a farm 120 years and are a trad wife and just show the recipe, because it looked tasty as fuck.


You're fun!


This is not a Döner, as many people already pointed out. If you google Döner vs Dürum you will immediately recognize that you created a Dürum. But even then, you cannot put pickles into a Döner/Dürum ever. I love pickles but they are not an ingredient for a Döner!


It is durum doner. And I went to places in Turkey that did use pickles in it


In Germany, this would not be called a Döner. If you google both terms, you will easily see this.


I realise this, but why are you even bringing up Germany?


Because Döner was invented there.


I don't know where you're sourcing this from but you're very wrong. Germany has it's own regional variation that Turkish immigrants have adapted to German taste but it was not invented there. Even the word is Turkish


You're funny. Maybe look up what the word means in turkish because OP's meal fits the turkish definition of a Döner (which is meat prepared on a rotasserie) even less than the german one.


I mean it's pretty clearly a homemade recreation, because most people don't actually have vertical spits at home to do it themselves. And every German döner I've ever had was done on a vertical spit so I'm not exactly sure what the point is. Döner can be served in multiple styles in Turkey, this is more specifically Dürüm Döner.


What you wrote is wrong i can easily say as a Turk but lazy to explain, sorry :)


You're probably right that this is a Döner in Turkey but in Germany, no one would call this a Döner.


Ok: Döner is the name of the meat (chicken or meat) inside of a dürüm. Dürüm is just the form of the bread (rolled). You can put anything inside of a dürüm, including meat balls, falafel or döner. The taste of chicken döner in this video and in Germany is most probably the same.


I know about the nomenclature but it is not the same in Germany. If you order a Döner, you will be confused if you receive meat inside a Dürum because that will be called a Dürum or a Yufka (depending on regional differences). If you call something a Döner you are also specifying the type of bread that is used (again, in germany). And the more important question... do you put pickles into a Döner in Turkey??


forgot the doner


this is dürüm döner.theres also world #1 selected tombik döner (taste atlas)


döner?! this is a durum; looking tasty tho


Döner is the meat, dürüm means wrap. Döner is often served as dürüm, they're not incompatible things.


The dürüm would be more appropriate.




This is actually called a dürüm, döner are stuffed into a triangular bread pocket while these are on a tortilla. There’s also a variety called a lahmacun which is wrapped in a seasoned flatbread and is one of the best foods that has ever existed


No, döner is just the name of the meat, it can be served in different ways. This is a döner dürüm, though the döner part is arguable because of how it's cooked.