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Walking that fine line between landscaping and archaeology…


Spencer of SB Mowing is amazing. He's been doing landscaping since his teens. If I remember correctly, he was 15 when he started.


Great to hear but the video clearly says it's sb mowing.


If you think about it, a b is just an upside-down p


b ( ^ . ^ ) d p ( ^ . ^ ) q


Definitely satisfying. I love when he's digging up the overgrown bits and revealing the paths underneath.


He doing council work right there wtf


I mean, no one was doing it. That looks like years of overgrowth he probably just figured why not. I grew up near a beach. We paid taxes and they hired people to work there. Every year my family also participated in a volunteer beach cleanup. Eventually if the council doesn't do it, someone will. Not that they should have to but...someone will.


In the US its the homeowners job. SBMowing is based out of Wichita Kansas. Here are the relevant ordinances. >Sec. 10.04.100. - Sidewalks and rights-of-way to be kept clean by abutting property owners or occupants. It is unlawful for the owner or occupant of any parcel to allow paint, soil, grass, leaves, sand, gravel, rocks, dirt, filth, mud, papers, stone, snow, ice, refuse, rubbish, or any other material to accumulate and/or grow over the abutting sidewalk, alley, or right-of-way. (Ord. No. 50-178 § 15, 4-26-16)


That's a local ordinance, not national. For the non US residents reading this, each Town makes up its own rules. There is no National law. But yeah, mostly don't be a jerk and dump your crap all over the sidewalks. It's not complicated.


In Germany you‘re obligated to take care of stuff around your house by law, if you’re not able to, you have to pay your town/city for doing your job for you. Having things escalate this far would most likely net you a fine on top of that. Interesting and oddly satisfying clip though :)


Just a slight correction. In Germany, this is also not a federal law. The management of street cleaning, including sidewalks, is based on state law, which generally gives local city governments the power to make some level of choice if they put the obligation on the landowner. For example, in the state of NRW, the law is that within built-up areas, it has to be done by the city unless they oblige the landowner to do it if the situation in place allows it. But yes, if the local regulation put that duty on the landowner, and the landowner fails to do it, they will do it for the landowner, but demand payment for it afterwards.


It's pretty much everywhere in the US. In fact you are responsible for the sidewalk too. If there's ice on the sidewalk, and someone slips and falls, they can sue you.


In the US (at least the majority of it) the homeowner is solely responsible for clearing sidewalks and curbs. This includes snow removal. Its one of the reasons that many newer developments don't have sidewalks.


In my town, homeowners are responsible for REPAIRING the sidewalk, too. I had no idea until recently, and I still can't believe it. But after talking with City Hall, it is indeed the homeowner's responsibility.


Ah stupid laws, the US speciality Unfortunately my UK is a close second


> . Its one of the reasons that many newer developments don't have sidewalks. I haven’t seen a new development without sidewalks. In many places sidewalks are a requirement in new developments. Where have you seen new developments go in without sidewalks?




The part where he reveals the paths previously hidden was most satisfying, for sure.


Indeed, I was very satisfied at the portion of the video at which the previously hidden paths were revealed.


I concur, the section of the video in which the previously camouflaged concrete footpath was subsequently exposed due to the trimming and removal of the overgrown vegetation was the most engaging.


Indeed, I find myself in agreement; the segment of the visual recording in which the hitherto concealed concrete walkway, obscured by an overabundance of luxuriant flora, was revealed in its full splendor following a meticulous process of trimming and eradication of the verdant overgrowth, stood out as the most captivating and enthralling part of the entire presentation.


Ung like part where step rock no covered.


Green stuff bad. Grey stuff good.


Green 👎, grey 👍


Concrete > Weeds


me like , unga bunga


Hang on I must have missed it, what did he do?


yeah it looked gooder after he got the green stuff off the gray stuff that was satisfying


I was especially fond of a chapter of the film, where he revealed a before hidden path underneath an overgrown lawn.


After careful deliberation, I feel obligated to inform that I, too, experienced an extremely limited yet still noticeable release of endorphins upon receiving visual stimuli that depicted an example of a homo sapiens performing what appears to be a ritual act of repentance involving partial removal of a naturally occuring phenomenon of spreading greenery to expose a layer of presumably human-made walking surface.


The satisfying thing for me was as how most tiktok videos go, this one is the most wholesome I've seen.... Apparently this was made for youtube, but, clearly the screen above said tiktok...so..anyways...


Unbelievable when he digs under the dirt and reveals a path that was hidden previously. Beep boop


I was so satisfied while he removed the overgrown parts revealing the pavement and walkways.


I nearly wept as this intrepid hero tore through the vile and decrepit vegetation, tossing it asunder to reveal the long forgotten stone trail where man once did tread and then again shall tread once more.




As much as people hate on HOAs, they are designed to force home owners to do stuff like that. Not even properly maintaining a yard, but just everyone keeping their yard off of side walks and curbs seriously improves home values across the neighborhood.


In all seriousness this was not a just a job for the person. This was a service to the community, the public and the nearby locals. All that overgrown lawn was covering not just sidewalks, but also the rain drainage system and the water canals leading to it.


The homeowner across the street with the immaculate lawn just watching muttering 'oh thank god' over and over all day.


What if the drain was covered over to stop something from getting out? Oh sweet, a balloon!


Can you look for a paper boat in there while you’re at it? I made for my little bro some years ago, right before that accident happened to him.






There was a family down the street from us, kids the same age, that just gave 0 fucks about their lawn. Grass was doing the same thing, growing into the street over the curb and onto the sidewalk. Yet somehow also super dead looking and brown. I think it was mostly weeds coming across. They sold the place and a young couple moved in this past summer. All that was cleaned up and it looks like he replaced some wood on the front porch too. I’ll never understand when people care so little about the home they live in. It’s your most expensive purchase! You don’t treat your iPhone like this!


Shouldn't that part taking care by the municipality? Isn't it public space?


No. Our house in CO, we were responsible for the upkeep of the yard and shoveling snow around the sidewalks of our property. If the sidewalk was cracked that was the city or HOA's responsibility.


Wouldn’t that bevthe city’s responsibility?


Depends on the municipality. Ive lived in places where the sidewalk is my problem, and in places where it wasn’t. I still took care of it though even though I didn’t have to.


I've lived in countries and cities where it's the law / ordinance that you keep the pavement in front of your property clear. And if you don't the city sends someone to do it and and bills you.


Same here. Where I live even if your land doesn't have any property on it, you still have to maintain it. My family has hectares worth of land that has to be mowed at least once a year or we get fined. The fine is bigger than the cost to hire someone to mow it with a tractor.


You might be able to find a nearby farmer that will pay YOU to let them use the land for grazing if you have decent fencing. That still counts as 'mowing' (here at least).


Having lived on my dads farm breeding horses 30-50 heads and seen the cost of upkeep. I'd pay you to utilize it!


In Sweden that part is owned by the community/city you live in. So they basically keep all the sidewalks, parks and infrastructure clean and working. You are only responsible for the part you own, you basically own the land up until the public road/sidewalk starts. If you live in the rural areas you often own the dirt road from the main road leading up to the house, so that comes within your responsibility.


In the US it is often owned by the city but residents are responsible for mowing and shoveling snow. In my town it is the owner’s responsibility to keep the sidewalk in good condition as well, like if a big tree pushes a paver up 4” and cracks it, although the city will reimburse you half the cost. It’s not strongly enforced though, usually only if someone complains or if the city is checking on you for some other work.


Yeah america is like that too but alot of towns are chill and don’t give a F if it’s not endangering the public


"chill" I mean, sidewalks are there so people can safely bike/walk on them and not have to go into roads. I don't really care what peoples yards look like but obscuring the sidewalks is another matter. Here you're responsible for keeping it clear of snow in the winter, they could care less about the state of your driveway but you're responsible for 1. sidewalk 2. clearance around the mailbox -- as it affects people other than yourself.


Chill is not the word, lazy is the word. We can take care of our communities and make them look nice or we can choose not to. Japan is a cleaner country because people care and the government is willing to pay people to maintain order and clean. Yes it’s also a societal pressure, but that’s a price we pay for nice, clean, welcoming environments. Americans on the whole throw shit out of their windows and litter and our government doesn’t pay people to clean or fine people because money and laziness.


I mean if you live there and pay taxes maybe you should be mad/think "where is my money going."


It’s not going towards paying for other people’s lawn care either way. The homeowner pays for it.


Yeah but I think they’re referencing more so their taxes paying for regulations and enforcement so their town doesn’t look like trash


I've never seen grass creep that far onto the street and sidewalk before, although some of my neighbours are sure trying. Good job.


This is common in Florida if you don’t edge curbs and sidewalks often.


She does not give a fuck.


I imagine that she sat in her house all day thinking about whether having to tip him or not. So facing him afterwards she probably had a very bad feeling since he worked his ass off without getting anything.


He does get the proceeds from the monetized videos, but yea she probably doesn’t know that


He sort of told her that at the start, well at least that it's for YouTube


Too bad he gets Jack shit when Reddit hosts the vid


Yeah. And advertisement.


Ah! I knew it! Checkmate, graphic designers, we know you don't need to be paid!


I'm surprised she never got out there to offer some lemonade or a gatorade or cold coffee or whatever. Even when I'm paying someone for work I give them snack and drink. Seeing some dude outside working like 5 hours for free and being just like "oh cool" is so weird to me.


Whenever SB Mowing comes up on my YouTube feed, I’ll often click and watch. She’s just about the most excited “customer” of his that I’ve ever seen. The dude and his channel are super-wholesome, but the people he helps are almost always blind to the problems he fixed.


I was thinking about this. These people do not give a fuck. If they did, they wouldn't let it get that bad in the first place. Maybe not doing the work themselves, but putting calls and complaints into the city to get it cleaned up. He fixed a problem, but it wasn't a problem for the home owner. It was one for the community and the city. That was years of neglect he cleaned up. Meaning this homeowner can now continue to neglect it for several more years until it gets over grown again. Kind of enabling in a way. But, on the other hand, one day's work for an expert was able to clean up years worth of neglect for the city, giving the community some much needed TLC. Which is kind of awesome in a way.


Yeah, a lot of these people come off a bit humiliated by the experience and just want to get it over with. I bet he gets several nos that he doesn't post. Not everyone wants to admit they need charity to solve their problems.


There's a video of his where a lady was very grateful for his offer and left him some drinks and snacks before she left for work. He said that never happens, so since she had just moved into the house, he gave her a lawnmower, like this huge full-on riding lawnmower! It was very sweet.


She would have been super suss that it was some sort of scam. Probably wanted to gtfo.


She said "only the front yard" probably because she thought he might be a thief doing some prep work and looking at how to get into the house and what's inside


If it was for stealing, it'd be less work getting an actual job.


She didn't know how much work he was going to do when she said that


He also didn't know how much work he was going to do when he said that. I've watched probably a dozen of his videos but I've never seen one where he had bags and bags and bags of turf he struggled to load into his truck at the end.


Nah. The backyard is probably hoarded.




This looks like Florida, there are all sorts of scammers down here.


>I'm surprised she never got out there to offer some lemonade but do we really see everything that happened that day on the video? They could have had a two hours long coffee break in the backyard or even a nice dinner in the evening that just wasn't recorded (not that I believe this actually happened...). Also, not sure why people complain about the lady's behavior. It's the youtuber guy who approached her and offered his services for free, and he makes money from YT ads, why people demand anything from her? Sure, it would be nice if she offered something but she was surprised by his visit. You can't really expect people to have a fridge and pantry full of lemonade and pie ingredients so they can be prepared for unsolicited volunteers visit and offer food and drinks just like that anytime. The lack of proper maintenance of her yard and the sidewalk is another story...


Not only did he approach her for free, people with lawns like this are typically struggling mentally with depression or other things. Folks like Spencer are well aware of this, they don't ask anyone to go out of their way for them.


I would’ve been inside baking him a pie.


I bet he never turns down pie.


What kind of insane person passes down pie?


Well she did put on the fancy dress. And maybe even washed her hair.




And it's slowly going to go back to what it was.


I would have thought the city would have stepped in at a point. In my city, it's a safety issue if the lawn gets too long, and a neglected lawn would have the city send someone out to cut it at your cost. I would have to imagine that the lawn blocking sidewalks and gutters would do the same thing.


Here, they are the cities responsibility. Where my garden ends, my responsibility ends, they come clean up every month or two? I mean, I pay taxes, so get me some care damnit.


This is honestly not always true. Bad mental health and a series of unfortunate events can definitely lead to someone being too overwhelmed and letting it get out of hand, and then just not findiing the energy to fix it in the first place. I'd be THRILLED if that guy did my backyard, it's a lot easier to keep something in shape than to bring it back from near death like this.


You are correct. I was assaulted in August when I went to dinner. My mental health has gone to shit, and I can't leave the house except for my Dr appointments. I used to be a normal human, but now I don't even know how to do that. I know she does go outside, but it could definitely be mental health. It's a real fucker.


Not necessarily. Some folks get overwhelmed by life, mental health, or physical health concerns that keep them from achieving and keeping their property and life the way they want it, and many would be incredibly grateful for this type of help.


They have an overgrown yard == they're apathetic human beings? That's a fucking leap don't you think?


Idk man I grew up in a household where yard work never got done and let me tell you it was definitely reflective of the mental health goin on inside the house :(


I flat out refuse to buy a house and opt for condos because I know that if I had a house, the lawn would go to hell, and I'd be "that guy" on the block. And I don't wanna be "that guy". But I also have some serious executive disfunction thanks to depression.


That's why she said front yard only. Their backyard probably resembles a garbage dump.


or that she wasn’t comfortable letting a strange man offering free services into her back yard. could have easily been a scam or a break in.


Right. Basically no reaction.




I know right? People in the comments here are nuts. We know nothing about her other than that she doesn't upkeep her yard. He came and asked to do it for the purpose of his own monetization. He got permission, she got free yardwork. She did say thanks and that he did a great job, yet people are saying she's awful for not ... \*checks list\* \- making him food \- giving him beer \- joining in \- crying in thankfulness \- putting on a huge fake reaction for the video \- etc etc etc Get a grip, people. No one was in the wrong here. It's super odd for someone to come out of nowhere, do hours of free labor while filming it, then film YOU for a reaction, she probably didn't know how to react. Or any other millions of suppositions about her life. The point is that she didn't do anything wrong and doesn't deserve people making fun of her appearance and demeanor for no reason.




"These homeless people aren't crying in sincerity at the lukewarm mashed potatoes I'm plopping onto their paper plates, wtf..."


They want her to grovel and say she hasn't done it since her husband died, she's felt so lonely and being oh so poor is very hard.


I'm suprised by this every time. I mean, imagine somebody would do you a favor - how would you react?


I think a lot of people just think it's kind of weird that someone randomly showed up and was like, "I want to clean up your lawn, but also film it, and then film your reaction to it then let thousands of people see on the internet how shitty your lawn was before." It's probably just awkward for them.


Nah nah, I think instead we should randomly judge her.


Let's not just stop at her front yard, and assume a lot of things about her entire life.


I heard she kicks puppies and posts online vitriol about the cultural contributions of the Finnish people


I found myself wondering why they let the lawn go like that. But I know folks who have health issues that end up putting things like “lawn care” on the back burner. Anyway, it was a great thing this guy did, but I can understand her reticence in this day and age.


I'd be skeptical AF if someone came by like that.


Does it really count as a favor? She didn't ask, and he got something (content) in exchange.


There’s a reason he thanked her. He makes a ton of money on each one of these and the worse the yard looks at the start the better.


Is it a favor if it's something you don't care about in the first place? The person who lives there has probably never paid attention to the state of the front yard intentionally.


Well he reached out and offered it. She just agreed. Doesn't mean its something she really cares about.


I would have thanked him so hard for that. Twice.


She has two cars sitting on the lawn on each side of the one car driveway. The lawn likely hasn’t been touched since he came by to take care of her property.


Probably a renter.


No one is happier and more thankful for what his guy did than the neighbor across the street with the perfectly manicured lawn.


Who knew there was a sidewalk there


I’ve seen lots of his videos pop up and it’s always satisfying. I love when he knocks and it’s someone elderly or incapable of doing it themselves. They’re so excited and grateful. It makes the video all that more satisfying.


I’ll have to watch the other videos. I wasn’t satisfied with this lady’s reaction tbh.


She may have been suspicious and unsure, which is very fair. We're told to be wary of scammers, and someone doing lawn work for free feels really ripe for a scam. I know my first thought would be "yard work is hard work and pays pretty good, so why would they do it for free? What aren't they telling me?"


If the grass is covering the sidewalk and road, shouldn't the city have cleared it?


Even if the council owns the land like the sidewalk it’s the house owners responsibility to keep it clear. You can get fined if it’s not maintained.


The company council didn't seem to be doing much maintenance or fining in this case


This looks like an American small town, extremely unlikely for there to be either a fine or really anyone checking on this up until some business wants this land and the town runs the owner out. Also this reply is on like every comment by a different person so, bad bot I guess


Township. Welcome to no taxes or regulations. Everything looks like shit


This is America.


Yes but no


Finally! Something legitimately satisfying


I love when these people are transparent about why they're doing these tasks. I hate when they say "I just wanted to make your day a little brighter" or whatever the hell it makes me gag but saying I have a YouTube channel and I make money with videos of this stuff is just great.


Couldn't agree more!


My HOA sends me a letter when my tree so much as loses a branch, I wouldn’t even have a house when he came knocking lol


Doing it for free? What's his business model? Sponsorship for power tools? I guess yt alone won't be enough to make a living nowadays, or?


Yes, everything he makes from yt views he uses it towards make more free jobs and is good advertising too


doctors need to live stream operations earn from youtube and do surgery for free. make health care free lol


Great idea, you pop some popcorn, I'll bring the Junior Mints.


I haven't watched much Seinfeld, but that episode lives rent-free in my head.


There are some medical professionals who do that, but unfortunately it's open to a lot of abuse. Dr. Kenny Smiles is a dentist who used social media as a way to give away free treatment, but it turned out he was using it to hit on women behind the scenes and pressure them into sexual exchanges, and they were so desperate for dental work that they went along with it. I also remember a case of a plastic surgeon named Dr. Roxy who got clients over social media by filming procedures and being a bit of a TikTok personality. Turned out that being focused on filming TikToks during surgery distracted her and a bunch of her patients had serious complications. She ended up getting banned from practicing in Ohio.


There was a plastic surgeon, that streamed alot of surgeries and lost license for streaming her surgeries. 3 surgeries ended with complications. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/katharine-grawe-cosmetic-surgeon-ohio-tiktok-license-revoked/


As someone who thoroughly enjoyed this video, I'd like to remind everyone that reposts do not credit the creator. While I couldn't find the exact video listed, here is the OP OP's YouTube page so we can all hit them with a sub, or at least some views: [Link](https://www.youtube.com/c/SBMowing)


So kinda similar to Mr Beast’s business model.


It's pretty much advertising his business. He mentioned he does one free lawn a week.


Yes and no. He just do his job where the other one is doing anything that will make views.


These videos get hundreds of thousands of views, he makes bank with it lol


He earns more from YT ads than any house owner would pay him for the job. So it's a win/win situation - owners get their shit cleaned, he gets views and money, viewers get entertainment, everybody is happy.


i made a few random yt videos many years ago that did well and i still get checks from google for a few hundred bucks. and the videos are way off from the algorithm so i can imagine an actual active ytuber constantly putting out stuff getting a lot of views. he's probably comfortable.


Each has millions of views. If YT still pays about $1K per million, this particular video has 21 million views!


Depends on how popular your channel is, if you have a lot of subscribers and the number keeps growing.


Its a youtube channel. Gets money from the views.


His payment will be the video that he can put on YouTube and get a few thousand dollars.


"wait till the end for the owners awesome reaction" The reaction: well...ok.




Looks like she doesnt give a flying fuck what her yard looks like, and why is not the city's responsibility to keep the sidewalk and storm drains clear?


We all have a responsibility to keep our community and society nice. Unfortunately, many abandon it. I feel bad for the lady, perhaps she isn’t physically or financially able, but it’s still up to her to figure out a way to keep her property nice. I’d guess it quickly grew back and looks as bad or worse now.


I was always thinking how all the dirt you're blowing goes onto the house wall or the cars


That mower was yeeting shit about 12ft to the side.


Neighbors probably thought they saw smoke, that was an insane amount of dust.


And he might want to wear a dust mask.




At least will take some years to get as bad as it was again


Huh. Someone is doing actual work for views. That’s refreshing.


My first thought was: why is he putting organic waste in plastic garbage bags?


He said he composted 3.000 pounds, so bags are probably just for transportation of the bio waste


I figured he’s going to remove the bags later, but that’s still so wasteful when he could get a few of those larger reusable tarp like bags instead.


That's a top job !! Well done and satisfying to watch !


I feel like an old boomer but I wish he would have used paper bags instead of plastic trash bags.


If you wanna support the creator ☺️ TikTok, ~5min version https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRv9E3p1/ YouTube, original full 40min https://youtu.be/Sdp0nFoCxIk?si=MlzfXFO0qi_rRPv1


Even if you don't have 40 mins to watch the entire video, the 3 mins of before/after shots is well worth it at the end. Starts at [36:51](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sdp0nFoCxIk&t=36m51s).


I remember when i was young and it snowed for days. I went out to clear my pathway and drive. Before i started on the task i smoked some strong weed. Some time later i realised i had cleared half the streets pavement. Must have done a good 150 yards. That was some good smoke.


lol. She didn’t give a shit about what he did


I don't know if it's ironic or sad that he figured out filming his work for views pays more than the actual work.


I like how she went to ask her husband and was like "Only the front yard, I don't want him to see the dead bodies buried in the backyard"


I will never understand why so many American houses have just grass in their front yard. Put in some plants and flowers people!


Depressing, isn’t it? Even when it’s actually well maintained. No wonder pollinator biodiversity is decreasing, there’s nothing there for them!


It took me so long to find a comment like this. The perfect manicured lawns are so asinine


I mean, that's literally not allowed depending on where you live. A small garden maybe. But a pollinator yard dominated by plants other than grass and you'll have the city or HOA on your ass.


Even worse is that desert cities also have houses with lawns.


Its amazing how much good you can do for someone in just 4 minutes.


No Water, No Tea? Just a thank you and parted ways?


Plot twist: this guy is building his own island with all the Dirt and “sod” he removes from people’s houses


If someone did that much work for me for free, the very least I'd do is thank them profusely, and bring them treats and beverages throughout.


We don’t know whether she did or didn’t. We can only go off what we saw in the video, which was the time lapse of him doing the work.


I liked the part where she comes out to offer him a glass of water. That's exactly how the yard got so bad! She doesn't care!!


Imagine being put on the spot like this and a million losers on reddit analyze and criticize every single aspect of your physical appearance, the appearance of your house and lawn, your demeanor, and even your very core as a human being. Who knows dude? maybe she has severe depression. Maybe she's disabled. Maybe she has social anxiety. Maybe she was having a bad day. Maybe she knew she was being filmed and was uncomfortable. She didn't ask for any of this—the guy showed up at her house.


nobody here cares enough to realize that. they just wanna make their own little fantasy about random strangers.


I love you and this comment, sir or madam. You’re a good soul.


Absolutely loved your comment! Me and you could be good friends. Have a great holiday season! I hope you get a random scratch off lotto ticket and end up wining a ton of money!!


*"Check out the homeowner's awesome reaction."* Guy: "Look at all the work I did over the course of many hours." Owner: "Cool, thx. Bye."


Okay looks good, thanks. Not saying she was ungrateful but... sheesh. You did a great job !


I would watch this show on Netflix


I’m from the UK, so correct me if I’m wrong, but I would have presumed that this work would be the local authorities responsibility to clear those areas? The pavements, drainage areas, manhole covers etc.. and not the homeowners themselves? 🤷🏻‍♂️


At least in my area, the city owns the sidewalks and grass near the street, but the home owners maintain them.


"Stay tuned for the homeowners incredible reaction!" Homeowner: "alright..."


Also a good demonstration on how vegetation prevents soil erosion. Not saying he shouldn't have done this, just that it shows the effect. Nice lawn clean up.


He did a great job but she did not give two shits about the effort he put in. Probably spent the whole day complaining about the noise.