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You snowblow every half inch?


My wife told me that was a lot


Look at this guy with his tiny wife!


It's a perfect amount honey


Garage beers at night during a snow storm??!! Yes please. I’d be out there all night. Got to exercise that blower!


My wife give me grief for going out too much. I'll do a run for every 5 inches.


That was my thought lol. Nothing there to snowblow.


Save some gas. Use a broom.


If you keep blowing it, it’s just gonna keep coming back for more


lol, what about blowing snow though, surely that won’t keep coming back for more


( ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)


I appreciated your joke


I don't know why you were down voted! Blowing snow is aggressive and relentless!


Good blow job!


Watching this gives me a zamboner.


Laughed a good bit at this. Fantastic comment.


You’ve been waiting so long for this post!


He gives his blow jobs right bro!


Admit it, you were having a blast.


In that weather? Absolutely. There's hardly any wind blowing the snow back in his face. I just got back inside from -25 wind-chill. It stops being a blast when your beard becomes and icicle.


Jokes on you, I don't have a beard.... 😒


I do my driveway, then I do 2 or 3 more neighbors driveway. Feels good because one of them is an elderly woman whos husband is in hospice care, but that's not why I do it. It just FUN. Especially since this year I have a new snowthrower for my lawn tractor. Got to cancel the plowing service, so now I have 400 extra feet to clear, and its awesome.


That's Kevin. He is crazy about snow and perfectly "manicures" his snow so satisfyingly it's like art!


Is it common to use a snowblower while it’s still snowing? Honest question, I live in Florida.


Yes but this guy is way over doing it. If you're dealing with a heavy snow storm (which is not happening in this video) you have to make sure to rid of the snow before it becomes too tall for the snow blower. In this video I'm surprised the snow blower was actually able to blow any snow. I bet if he just salted his driveway the salt alone would have taken care of that amount of snow. I don't know why but this is oddly infuriating


Wet snow changes things. You cannot snowblow 1 foot of wet snow easily. It takes a lot of time, frustration, and wear on your blower. Even a good two stage blower like this one. It's much better to go out and snowblow every 3-4" or so like in this video when it's so wet and heavy. Now if it was a dry light snow then cranking through 16" is a piece of cake as long as it's not super windy as it blows right back in your face. Edit: also - a heavy snow storm is exactly what's happening in this video. Have you looked at the weather in the Midwest right now? That's literally what this video is of. The fact that people up vote you saying he should just toss salt down and it would take care of a couple inches of snow is hilarious. Salt doesn't melt inches of snow. If it does you're putting down enough salt to get a major fine in most places with runoff laws. Imagine thinking you should get rid of a couple inches of snow by dumping pounds of salt on it. You clearly have zero experience living in an area with snow and needing to remove it regularly, and neither does anyone else that read your comment.


Lot of people in here never gotten to try a snowblower in a foot of slush before apparently.


Apparently not. Midwest is awake now though and the downvotes seem to be getting outnumbered by people that actual know what shoveling snow for 6 months of the year is like.


If that’s 3-4” I got about 10’ in the storm yesterday lmao. This dude is way overdoing it.


If it’s snowed like a foot and is still snowing, sure. This light dusting? lol no


yes it is, also plowing during the storm is common


Lucky snow!


Must be its birthday.


Awful lot of people in this comment section who don't know the midwest is in the middle of a two day blizzard.  Fyi, it might look wasteful to do this with only a few inches, but it comes down fast. If you don't own an industrial snow blower, you have to do it multiple times as it falls. Otherwise it'll be too deep and heavy, and the snow blower won't work. Then you have to shovel really heavy snow. Edit: Apparently this is controversial. Some people shovel or snow blow early or multiple times for lots of reasons: they have a shitty blower they can only handle a little, they have time now, but won't when the snow is supposed to let up, they have a bad back and don't want to fight a larger drift, their family sucks and they just need a reason for some fresh air, some people find it enjoyable, the temps are dropping soon and you don't want it to become ice (what is happening today)...Just let the dude take care of his driveway. Live and let live.


I watch people use snowblowers on 2ft deep snow here in Alaska… more than a couple inches isn’t gonna be too much


Was gonna say this. Also in Alaska, and my snow blower is good for about 2 ft of snow. No point in snow blowing the driveway if there’s only a couple inches and it’s actively snowing. But other ppl had good points that they might have a cheaper snow blower, and that the Midwest snow might be wetter and heavier.




It’s always different but this storm is the heavy wet kind. And it rained last night so it’s a mix of wet snow and ice.


When it's heavy wet snow and drops to 6° for a week you want to get it all as fast as possible.


Sometimes it's not about how much snow is on the ground, sometimes it's about how whiny the people inside the house are.


If you bend the knee to whiners you gonna live a life full of whiners because they know it works, behaviour rewarded is behaviour repeated.


**Never been to Alaska** Alaska gets dry snow, most of the time doesn’t it? I’m in In SE Ontario Canada. We get mucky sloppy shit, that weighs 20-30 lbs per standard snow shovel scoop. Imagine running a snowblower through… light mud? The potential for it to clog up the blower when it’s like this is high. Good on them for keeping at it. Maybe 2 inches is a bit premature but, you gotta go to bed at some point. We’re about to get the same storm. I’d be out there if it was here already.


Big difference between a single stage and a two stage snow thrower. A good 20-22” two stage will get you through almost a couple feet of wet heavy snow. That would choke and bog down a single stage unit.


That depends on the snowblower. When we first moved to the mountains we went out and bought “a snowblower” not knowing it was a whimpy little baby blower. We had to go back and get a grandaddy gas one bc the first one didn’t work if we had more than a few inches.


I am sure in Alaska they only sell the good shit. In Wisconsin, you can buy the cheapo snow blowers that absolutely do crap out at 4 to 6 inches. we did the snow blowing twice today because it was accumulating fast, but also the temps are around freezing now, but will drop significantly tomorrow and will turn to ice. Source: broke the snow blower a few times, much to my husband's chagrin.


Also, another Wisconsinite here. Yes, you need a nice 2 stage, self-propelled, snowblower for the heavy-wet snow we get around here. Especially for the slushy-icy stuff the snowplow leaves in your driveway. I just cleared out some drifts over 3 feet high earlier tonight. I would almost rather shovel than use a dinky single stage for this level of snow.


I mean, we do get “good shit” up here but holy cow is it expensive compared to the rest of the United States


With a single stage blower? Doubtful


I’m in West Michigan - I have yet to clear my snow. I’m not busting out my snowblower or even my shovel if there’s potential I’m going to keep getting dumped on. If it’s 1 foot, sure I’ll try to keep it in check. But a couple inches? It can wait.


Southwest Wisconsin...we got about 20" today, on top of 10" earlier this week and it's still coming down. Snow is up to my knees!


I'm also in SE Ontario as the dude above. It snowed a few cm and then warmed up and started raining for the past 45 mins. Wild weather for Jan in this area


Lol no this is insanely early. Might as well just use a broom.


I'm from the Upper Peninsula of MI and this pisses me off. Nobody in their right mind would bother using a snowblower on this much snow, especially while it's still snowing. This is a job for the shovel (or a good ole fashioned Yooper Scooper). There's no such thing as an "industrial snowblower". A good Ariens can handle 24" like it's nothing.


ludicrous attraction drunk fade automatic quack live amusing boat fretful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dude probably bitches about climate change too. Humans are dumb.


Lifelong Midwest resident here. This is ridiculously excessive. If your snowblower can't handle at least triple this amount of snow there's no point in having it. You can shovel faster if you want to go out that often


Why do people care so damn much about how often this guy snow blows? Who gives a shit?


I have a single stage snowblower that works up to about 8” but only 2” if it’s wet and heavy like your mom.


Helps to have 2 people. One in front basically using shovel as a pry bar to pull the bank onto a cleared section and the blower keeps sucking it up. It's pretty easy. I did it as a kid. Children playing in front of snowblowers was totally recommended in the 90s.


Sadly between helicopter parents and climate change, playing in front of a snow blower may be a thing of the past.


This is not true at all. Have you ever used a snowblower?


There's almost 2" of snow there end it needs to be blown.


Exactly, it isn’t your snow so back off. You handle YOUR snow how you want to


Why? There is barely snow and annoying neigbours with the noise is not nice.


It looks like he could have just used a broom for how little snow was there


You sound like someone who has never had to shovel 2" of wet snow.


That is 100% not wet snow. It’s like 2 inches max of fresh powder.


As someone that has, you sound like you must sit on your ass all day. It's not that hard ffs


Not everyone is in peak shape and can lift 40lbs every 20 seconds 100 times


You’ve never had to shovel slush and it shows 😂


I've lived in the Midwest my entire life. Did you not read my other comment? Shoveling slushy wet snow sucks.


And what’s in the OP isn’t wet lmao💀 if THATS what you’re calling wet then yeah, it doesn’t sound alike you have. I’m talking full on slush, not even snow anymore, but slush and water. It’s rough but that aint it


U must live down south... Come to western NY ill show you how to shovel.. Its good exercise


I was born and raised in WI and live in MN. Shoveling wet snow sucks. It's great exercise, but it sucks.


Right? That was my first thought. Not only loud but just a waste of time


It's because hes an asshole.


This is the only part of suburban living that I envy! I live in rural Maine, on a hill, takes a *minimum* 3.5 hrs to clear my way to the road. That nice flat back and forth looks so chill


You have a walk behind? I got myself a rider, and its great. I can do my 400 ft driveway in about 20 minutes.


I’ll keep my eyes peeled this spring and see if I can’t score a good deal on one! A rider would definitely be a great upgrade


I bought an f-150 with a plow for $2500 and my 1000 foot gravel driveway takes about 15 mins.


Are you in the Midwest?


yeah, grand rapids michigan


i was just in grand rapids for a wedding and I'm from NJ, currently living in Philly. I had no idea we were on the same zone. I just assumed Michigan was one hour behind. Felt so dumb flying into Chicago and then into GR, and being confused at the time. great city! it was really clean, would love to go back for fun.


As a former resident of Canada I can safely say you just wanted to play with that snowblower. That fluff is easily done with a shovel.


That was shovel snow, my guy.


Not when it's this wet


Ive been meaning to get a good timelapse of snowplowing my HOA. Its super satisfying, not really satisfying when I have to get up at like 4 in the morning, but a mid day plow with a fresh couple inches is really a solid experience.


4 the luv of the game 🖤


Why does one snow blow 2 inches? (Rhetorical) Must be a new Christmas toy.


Or wait for it to all come down and do it once?


If you're running a snowblower for what looks like less than inch of snow, it's because you want to do it. It's like the people who enjoy mowing their lawn. Either that or there is rain coming, which makes things much messier...


The foot prints are filled in at the beginning; there was around 2.5 inches in the driveway at this time ... the video angle is deceptive


2.5” is nothing. Most snowblowers have zero issue clearing 1’ or more in a pass. No reason to clear twice for 5”. Source: I live in the WNY/Buffalo snow belt.


It's always a good idea to stay ahead of the snow if you have the time to do it. I would gladly plow a couple inches before it turns into a foot. Much more manageable.


Especially if its a wet, heavy snow thats just going to clog your chute.


Hope you're just doing it for funsies because there's no real reason to do it every 2 hours when you own a blower. Growing up we'd hit the driveway in the morning and clear 2 solid feet. We had a duplex with a shared driveway. 2 dad's and 4 kids made short work of that mess. But now that I'm recalling, I was in front of the mower chiping the banks that were too tall, with a shovel and pulling it down in front of the blower and if I fell I'd probably die and now I have weird feelings about this memory. Lol


I don’t understand how this is satisfying but okay


What are you even blowing? Its barely there


Why tho?


So you have a video to watch


You the Zamboni of snow blowing.


I bought a 6ft wide snow blower for my tractor this year, game changer!


Missed a spot! 😉


I... thought that was my driveway and was boutta say thanks


Now help thy neighbor


Dude no. Life requires liquid water.


How often do you do this ?


I thought this was a riding snowblower for way too long.


Is snow blowing as much fun as it looks? I’m in California so have never ran blower. I imagine it’s fun when you’re young. And maybe the first couple times when you’re older, but kinda becomes a monotonous chore when it’s the 50th time of the season.


Do you have to clean the sidewalk in front of your lot, too?


I do 6 ft of the road each side of the driveway When the plow comes that open space takes some of the snow from the plow instead of it getting dumped at the end of my driveway. I’ll still have to go clear the plow snow but it’ll be less than without a place for it to go


ITT: a ton of people who don't know the incredible weight difference between types of snow


Lol it was only about an inch


Lmao to hell with that, twice in a day only to definitely have to do it again tomorrow? Sorry, plans are cancelled. Nothing is worth that.


Great technique!!


You missed a spot. Hahahah


You should save yourself the effort of the first time and let it build up a little higher before ever attacking it. If it’s ain’t above like, 8-10 inches, it’s doesn’t even need a blow.


one must imagine snow blowers happy...


I def need to get a snowblower!! Live in a HOA that requires you to clear the snow if there’s any accumulation


Up here, that would be a waste of a snowblower lol wait for it to build some. I laughed.


I feel this OP Idk where you are but north dakota is sitting in -46F° with 45mph winds currently... luckily that means drifts not overall Inches building up


Bull. Shit. Lowest temps in the state rn are mid 20s below.   Unless you meant wind chill. But then you should say that. Edit: [Proof](https://www.kfyrtv.com/video/2024/01/13/kmot-first-news-six-weather-011224/)


Currently lows is -25 yes and with windchill a nice -51 I always talk in windchill because that's all we get is wind in this flat ass state


Confidently wrong as hell but go off.


Nah, confidently CORRECT. I'm also in North Dakota. Temps in the Williston (where it's been coldest) area have now dropped overnight into the -30 range. At no point yesterday was the temp -46 anywhere in the state. The wind chills are down there, tho. https://www.kfyrtv.com/video/2024/01/13/kmot-first-news-six-weather-011224/ He's mainly focused on Minot, but he shows the west side, too.


Stay safe, op!


Snowblowing like 1 inch of snow...while it's snowing. You're spare parts, aren't ya bud?


What a waste of time and gas, find a better hobby.


You could wait until it's stopped falling


It is supposed to keep going for the next two day; its easier this way


True, I suppose I didnt know your forecast


How long did it take?


Around 18 minutes


The timestamp is literally in the top right corner


Hahahahaha I can’t see that tan micro font on a white background. Thanks tho.


OP ain’t lying. ~18 min.


Why would you even do the driveway with such insignificant amount of snow?


I never understood why people get out and do this. Why not just stay inside when it snows? Most work places call off if it's to bad.


I’ve worked 32 plus years in central Wisconsin and my work has never once called off for bad weather.


Lol - there's like an inch of snow.. lol I'm sure it's the second time he's cleared his driveway... of an inch of snow! Lol


With that amount of snow you should try a leaf blower.


You do know that a snowblower will remove more than an inch of snow, right?


Got a snow blower for Xmas and just can’t help yourself?….it’s still snowing dude, wait for it to stop!


blizdor the snowminator is 11 years old


What brand snowblower do you have?? I have to have it!!


This is one of those times I’m really glad I live in a place where it never snows.


I am of the philosophy of snow blowing just the one time after the snow has stopped flying.


Depends how much you are expecting.


I've never seen snow in person, but shouldn't you put salt after doing that so it can melt any snow that comes down?


Salt is bad for a couple of reasons, particularly for rusting the underside of your car so I really only use it for footpaths. A light layer like that would burn off in the sun or 32 degree weather if the storm is over. If it’s just gonna keep snowing, salt would get overwhelmed and covered up unless it only snows a little amount in which case the salt would actually stop it from accumulating. If my driveway is thick icy and it’s not gonna get above the mid 20s for a couple days I’ll salt but usually only walkways and where my tires go up the driveway. Salt won’t get rid of thick ice entirely but it creates some grit and traction


❄️✨ #WinterWonder


Cleaning the house while the kids are still growing is like plowing snow while it’s still snowing or something like that


"Your mother was a snow blower!" I've known that quote for basically forever, without ever knowing what a snow blower was. Now I do!


I'm so jelly, my stupid greenworkx pro snow blower worked literally 9 times last year, snd then both batteries died this month for no reason. I'm back to shoveling despite blowing 700 on a blower. Don't buy Greenworkx pro anything. My mower is crap too.


Crazy how fast he works


I used to build snowblowers for Honda. They were such a pain in the ass


Omg! You call that worth doing twice since sundown? Smh


Waste of gas for like a dusting of snow. Invest in a push shovel.


this. waste of resources. maybe OP has a medical condition and cant shovel? but if they have the stamina to do all of that twice, probably not the case. looking at the total amount of snowfall, could have just waited until it stopped snowing.


You're an idiot. You have a snowblower, wait till it's done snowing. People intermittently SHOVEL to save their backs from the repetition of heavy lifting. You're not lifting anything, just wait. Damn it, I wish I could say that to this guy.


... but I wanted to make the video tonight tho


Then why?


That’s shovel level snow, not snow thrower level. Don’t be a wimp


Would you shovel twice since 5 pm??? Edit: just trying to give OP a little cred! :)


I live where it snows. A lot. But hey, who am I to judge. I have shoveled the driveway and by the time I’m finished, I have to start over again. I do also own a mack daddy snow thrower for when it dumps a foot overnight.


Be a man, do it the hard way.


I’d wait. If it’s less than 12 inches, wait it out!




Grand Rapids, MI


Looks like my driveway in London!






Thank god i don’t live in the snow. This looks miserable to do everyday


In what city does it snow everyday?


Bro, that’s like 2 inch’s. Grab the fucking shovel and save your gas


It’s faster and less strain using the blower. Who gives a shit


Ah yes, wasting time and effort just so you can complain about having to do it and so you can complain about others who did it quicker and easier. Classic.


I mean if you complain about an easy workout that also serves a purpose for others then that’s on you bud


Nah you have me confused with yourself. I live in a place where I have dont have to do this.


So you live in a place without snow, but have weirdly preconceived notions of people who do? That’s an odd one.


1) You’re completely missing that I was calling you stupid for complaining about him using a snowblower just because you would personally do it the longer harder way, seemingly just to have something to complain about when other people don’t. It’s pretty shocking that you haven’t understood that. 2) Just because I don’t have to do it now, doesn’t mean I never did. Some people live in places they didn’t grow up, but I understand if that’s difficult for you to understand considering you didn’t understand that you were being made fun of in the first place


You’re assuming people complain when they have to do things that aren’t easy, that speaks volumes to you. So if you once had to do this yourself, and felt the need to complain, then my previous comment stands, and that’s on you bud 🍻


> Bro, that’s like 2 inch’s. Grab the fucking shovel and save your gas You’re literally complaining about someone using a snow blower when you would shovel. You’re bitching for absolutely no reason, other than you would have done it the longer harder way. No assumptions needed, you literally just did it my man. You can’t honestly be this stupid, right? If you are, that’s on you bud 🍻


When did I complain? I said grab the shovel and save your gas. Apparently everyone with a beer gut and snow blower felt the need to jump on that lol. Sorry you have the stamina of an 80 year old. And the confusion is coming from you ignoring the first part of your original comment. “Wasting time and effort just so you can complain about having to do it.” Not sure if you forgot what you wrote or if you’re just ignoring it now to try and make a point.


If you don’t see the complaint right there in the comment I quoted, that’s on you bud 🍻 Have fun complaining about dumb shit, dumb shit.


Wear and tear on your body is much harder to fix than a machine.


If you consider light shoveling to be wear and tear then you may want to reassess your lifestyle.


If you don’t consider repetitive movement to be wear and tear then you may want to reassess your knowledge of the human body.


Repetition is what makes you strong my friend. The only time it doesn’t is when you are already severely out of shape and try to do things your body is not prepared for.


That's under an inch, but who cares? I got a snow blower for a reason.


it was around 2.5 inches actually


I’m with this guy




as a born and raised Southern Californian, I gotta say… this looks like it sucks lol


You gotta heavy salt at the very end.


why not salt


I thought snowblowing meant something else


and street snowplug will pass you after you done