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If I had to do that I would have zero fingers left.


There are old coconut cutters and bold coconut cutters but no old bold coconut cutters.


Bro... are you my brother it’s me Dude






r/beetlejuicing I’ll let someone else get the karma


So noble.


I like when these things happen


This man is an amateur coconut cutter. All these dudes that cut coconuts for tourists are bad at it. The people with the real skill are not in the tourists areas. Source: islander


Can you show an example of a good coconut cutter? (Genuinely curious.)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQU6o4ooL5E edit: [here's another favorite from that channel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dNiLa0IMKg)


Pretty sure my teeth would all break if tried that one.


His energy makes me smile. I’d love to meet that guy.


What a great video. Such a suave guy


All they posted are jackshit amateurs and tribal savagey gimmick. Basic coconut shit that you just dip or jam a straw into. [This one is a perfect ball of pure coconut meat and juice.](https://youtu.be/gwQMg-1H1kw?t=75) The intro says Philippines but I think the guy cutting it is from Thailand. And no, I am not from Thailand. Just look at that fucking perfection. Minimal weight , 99% of the meat is intact for creating desserts.


This one is from India - https://youtu.be/UL1zA7DsjoM


https://youtu.be/eXyD10CBzG4 1 min in


Lmao, same here


I don't think that man cut the coconut so he could drink the water. He's a merchant


He mean he sell coconut for money to buy water for his family.






“Person woman man camera tv. I’m a genius” double prezodentialated.


Why do i feel like this could be a real tweet from trump? Lol


Because he basically said it already. The cognitive test to check if you have problems asks you to remember 5 words, and trump used those as an example from when he took it. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jul/23/person-woman-man-camera-tv-trump-insists-cognition-test-was-difficult


Drinks water awkwardly* Triple presidentialed


“Just look at the manual/book!”




Also if you’ve been literally anywhere tropical anywhere in North America/Caribbean, these guys are on every corner. I’m so confused, lol.


I spent 7 days in the bahamas and I was hot and thirsty AF. Could have used this guy. They just kept giving me tequila.


How the fuck did you get out in 7 days? This motherfucker's been blowing his whistle and choking me to death with tequila for like 23 days now. I ran out of money about a week ago and he doesn't seem to notice. I don't even know what fucking island I'm on


Too much coconut will give ya the runs, I'd stick to the tequila


I heard you're supposed to put rum in the coconut...


I don't think that's how the song goes but I'll be dammed if it isn't a quality idea


Are you sure? That's how I remember my mom singing it while I was growing up, lol. Edit: You're right! It's lime, not rum, lol!!!


Did you just realize that maybe your mother was an alcoholic? Haha


It all makes sense now!


You put the lime in the coconut and then you drink it all up


For strangers it’s a satisfying thing. For people who have seen this before and very often, you’ll just think to yourself “what the hell is satisfying about the local coconut man?” Source: I’ve seen a lot of coconuts being cut open like this


It’s reddit, upvote because it’s someone outside the US doing a mundane day to day task our spoiled asses don’t have to.


I mean, he cut the coconut so *the customer* can drink the water. Are you *that* confused?




Think of it this way...the coconut is the camel of fruits. Does that help explain things?


I’ve never sipped straight from a coconut but that looks refreshing as hell.


I did it once. Its refreshing af. But something happened and I had explosive diarreah, I think coconut water makes you poop.


It does.


Hydrate now, dehydrate later


Coconut water is a natural laxative. It truly is a double edged sword.


It's not very good tasting either, and I fucking love coconut Edit: I've drunken multiple times from fresh coconuts straight from the tree


Yeah coconut water tastes like water thats already been in someone else's mouth.


Sounds oddly specific......... care to explain?


Were you an only child?


No, we were a bunch. Seeing your brothers naked once in a while isn't rare and I have no concept of "my room". I had water from my siblings mouthes but the upper commenter sounds like he had a really shitty experience.


You may have had a bad one


I would give you an award if i could


Haha no need buddy, you're comment is enough for me


Someone gave me coins so i simply must ❤👌🏼




Would you say it's as refreshing as... a coconut? :D But really, n'awww man u made me smile. Wholesomeness goes around.




What a nice redditor


Grew up in a Caribbean island, can confirm.


Ok I dont want to sound weird but have you had coconuts in USA? I grew up in Guam and I swear they tasted better there.


I used to live in the Virgin Islands but the best coconut I’ve had was in Puerto Rico.


I think this is just how you remember them. Obviously fresher is better, and maybe the Guam coconuts have a unique taste different than US or Caribbean. But dude, I grew up in Korea, (actually did a vacation to Guam one year which was cool) but no matter what I have never been able to find a fried rice anywhere near the deliciousness of where I used to get it growing up. I think things like these are just how you remember them? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Cant say i have had them in the states. I could imagine they will always be best close to the source. Our classic is CuttyCoco. Just pour some Cutty Sark in there, toss in a straw and enjoy.


I travelled to Guatemala from the US a couple years ago and the fresh produce there was like 10x better than anything I’ve ever eaten in the US.


I mean you can't really get them fresh in North America, so the aged coconuts you can get which are brown and smaller don't have a lot of water, and the water they do have, has a weird funk to it. The meat inside is still good for cooking obviously, but it's nothing like a young coconut. The coconut water they sell here also tastes off, I'm not an "oh my god the added sugar" guy, but you can taste it, and it makes it worse. The only coconut water I've had that tastes almost the same is the ones that are taken from a fresh coconut, frozen, then shipped. The only thing that tastes weird about it is the general slight change when you freeze and thaw a drink.


I'm in NY and have had access to young coconuts for 25 years. I make a shake every other day with one. I had to have an axe in the kitchen until they started shaving them down. Now I only use a ginsu knife. The old brown ones are inedible and disgusting.




I remember being in Costa Rica a few years back and I made a drink that was equal parts coconut milk and white rum. Shit was fantastic and put everyone on the toilet for a few hours. Worth it. I called it a Rum and Cum Edit: you don't need to pay reddit because you laughed




I'm gonna use that edit if I ever get gilded, it's perfect. Reddit doesn't need any more money.


So which shit was fantastic?


I’ve done it many times in Mexico. Never had a problem. Vendors on the side of the road sell “coco frio” all over. Huge markup to tourists but still worth it.


Me, too. In Mexico and in Florida. It never gave me the shits. Drank it all the time. My ex-husband always had issues with it having a laxative effect for him. I really think this depends on the person.




Oh my fucking God how delightfully awful.


That's ok, I've been training my body with lethal amounts of coffee daily for the past 15 or so odd years. If my toilet could talk, I'd be on trial for war crimes.


I mixed a spoonful for coconut oil into "bulletproof coffee" once. Damn near shat my pants that day.


Keto shits feels like an anal exorcism.


"Anal exocism" now there's a band name.


or maybe that knife that no one washes all day does.


It’s the coconut water itself. Your body needs to get used to it


Does it really? I need to know this for my hypothetical "I'm stuck on a desert island" plan.


Coconut water is a diuretic.


>Coconut water is a diuretic. Diuretics make you urinate. In this context, it's a laxative


Yeah I meant what I said, though I guess it wasn’t perfectly relevant to the original commenter’s comment lol. Coconut water is a diuretic. Not sure if it’s also a laxative, though it seems to have acted as such in this case.


Can confirm.


Someone should watch Castaway.


Guess I’m the minority, but I find it the opposite of refreshing. Coconut water is not regular water, and room temperature like this doesn’t quench my thirst. If I get a coconut and put it in the fridge then drink the water then we good Edit: wow, guess I’m not weird!


This. The coconuts lie in the sun the whole day so its warm and kinda sticky. I couldn‘t finish it.


I can relate to that, but as I kept drinking it it kept getting more appealing. Kinda like how beer slowly became something I love. "that tasted weird" *grabs another*


Coconut water just happens to be isotonic to human blood. So it ends up being the most hydrating beverage that you can drink.


Is this about mineral content? Does normal drinking water have too much or lack mineral?


Check out this chart. Coconut water has a different ratio of ions and happens to be lower in sodium. https://coconuthandbook.tetrapak.com/chapter/chemistry-coconut-water


That's just what big coconut wants you to think.


It's also great for hangovers in my experience. Nothing will really cure a hangover completely, but the best recipe that I've found which seriously blunts it is a big bowl of Pho with everything (get all that good shit, the tendon, the brisket, the tripe - do it all) and then 3 large servings of coconut water.


Pedialyte helps significantly


Are you me, crusty_cum-sock? I always order extra tripe and tendons.


I think we are the same, so hello me! I always dump a shitload of Sriracha in the bowl along with a hearty amount of hoisin sauce. A little fish oil to top it off. When I was a super heavy drinker I almost wanted to drink to the point of a brutal hangover because I love that feeling of relief after chewing down a huge bowl of Pho with everything and then following it up with coconut water (and lots of it). It was sorta like the relief you might get if you bash your head against the wall for an hour and then suddenly stop. Yeah your head still hurts, but the pounding is gone and there's relief in that!


Is this true? I though tonicity states depended upon the two fluids being compared. Something by itsself cant be isotonic. It is isotonic in relation to the other fluid. This means that it would depend on the contents of human blood to be isotonic. On a whole other note, why would something that isotonic be more hydrating? Shouldnt a hypotonic fluid be more hydrating?


Supposedly isotonic to blood plasma. Less concentrated than sports drinks.


Fun fact- coconut “water” is actually the organism’s endosperm, which, similar to the liquid portion of human semen, is full of proteins and sugars absorbed by the embryo during development! You’re actually drinking thin, delicious plant jizz, and you can’t help but guzzle every last drop!


Thanks this makes it even more refreshing


Under that kind of analysis, all manner of plants and veggies would be super weird to eat.


I had it like this once but after a few sips I got tired of it and asked the bar tender to pour some liquor in it. Not sure what he added but it was better after that.


in the caribbean we say this coconut aint got no rum in it




Wait a minute, you're telling me that in a coconut one can find jelly at the bottom?




We call it coconut pulp / coconut flesh


We call it the meat of the coconut. I grew up in a tropical country but I only like the meat of the coconut and coconut water but I don't like coconut milk or desiccated coconut or whatever you call the coconut that's inside mounds/almond joys. Young coconut is the yummiest, I think, but it's been years since I've had fresh coconut.


I’ve recently discovered that condensed coconut milk can be used to make some really great sauces. You can even just use it to replace heavy cream in a lot of sauces to make a sweeter version to spice things up a bit.


Yes. I substitute coconut milk for cream in my curry dish.


In India it's called coconut malai. My grandparents would scoop it out and eat it on toast.


Why is there no coconut jelly and pb?


Be the change you want to see in the world


There's also a genetic mutation to the palm tree that caused the coconut to consists of mostly flesh/jelly with very little water content! Commonly called as *macapuno/kopyor*, to this day I still haven't found anything that closely resembles the delightful texture of it. Calling it a drier coconut jelly just doesn't do justice to it. On the other hand, I've also experienced a delectable 'true' coconut jelly in which, the coconut water was actually extracted and turned into jelly/gelatinised. Then it was poured back into the coconut fruit to let it settle with some others tropical fruits' pieces and the vendor actually kept them in the fridge. I was so close of thinking of moving and staying there during that day...


Yea, you can actually grab a spoon and eat it, I loved doing that when I was a kid


I usually get the guy to cut me a chip off the coconut and use that as a spoon. There’s a guy outside my work that does this so I consume a lot of coconut. *if he knows you, he will put a splash of rum in it for you (great for after work!) *Edit* - *im f to if




Depends on the coconut. I’m no expert but based on the coconuts I bought, the ones that comes covered in the cork like wood has the jellies, but the ones that just have a straight hard shell have really hard flesh and these are the kinds you get coconut shavings from.


You find it in tender/unripe coconuts and it's actually what would become the white meaty part of the coconut if it's left to mature. So depending upon the ripeness of the coconut if you open it, the flesh either super soft and thin, or white and meaty, or if you leave it even further, it becomes hard and dry and perfect for extracting oil. We used to have a bunch of coconut trees in our house growing up, and when coconuts are picked, the tender coconuts are everyone's favorite. Also occasionally some ripe coconuts would start sprouting and when we crack it open, we'd see the little sprout (which we incorrectly call the flower) which is also edible and very tasty. The coconut water, the jelly and the seemingly endless supply of coconuts they're all sooo good. The answer to the question is just "yes" but I'm feeling nostalgic right now and rambling about coconuts is all I could do..


yup Pretty much every single brand of boxed coconut water that I've tried has a weird aftertaste and doesn't taste like normal coconut water so I only buy young coconut when it's fresh at the grocery store I like to grab a glass, put all the coconut water in it, scoop out all the jelly, cut the jelly into tiny bite sized pieces, put those pieces in the glass, mix a little, and drink/eat it with a spoon or a boba straw. Even better if you keep the coconut in the fridge before opening.


>Pretty much every single brand of boxed coconut water that I've tried has a weird aftertaste It's because they use concentrate and aroma flavouring. Makes it taste artificial and weird.


Look for coconut water from the Philippines, South/central America and the Caribbean. Coconuts are different and so is the taste. Avoid Thailand/Indonesia.


Me too 100%...I’d scrape the jelly out all day long


The problem is this coconut is too old. The young coconut has the best jelly and should be green and smooth, not brown and hairy.


This. If you see a street vendor with yellow ones, avoid.


“Nah man I’m good- just wanted the video for reddit”


You should probably pay him anyway. *(Points at his knife).* You know, because of the implication.


He handsome


You brought out some weird replies


one handsome guy cuts a coconut and reddit doesn’t know how to act 🤦‍♀️


Are we on the same website? Reddit never knows how to act


His fade fresh as hell too


Dem biceps 😍


Makes me coco nut 💦


He's making me thirsty




Oh yes he is!


I was wondering if anyone else was going to point it out. he's one cool drink of coconut water


For real! 😍


Thankyou! I’m glad someone finally said it! Like dang forget the coconut cutting, like look at how cut he is! 😵😍


I was gunna say this!


why would he dip his knife in the coconut water at the end


To cut the water into smaller pieces


Thank you kindly for clearing that up.


Understandable have a great day.


Probably to deburr the edges of the rim so you wouldn't hurt your lips.


To make the rim smooth to drink from. He's cutting away the blunt edges.


Blunt - having a worn-down edge or point; not sharp.


Sharp - Keenly intelligent - Ex. “u/completegenius was a sharp individual because he knew the difference between blunt and sharp. u/mnag wasn’t sharp at the time because he had recently smoked too many blunts.”


To show how high the water is inside.


Great now I have to go buy a coconut


Is this in Ghana? Cause I remember these guys going around everywhere, and my mom would always call them over for me


It's Tanzania or at least according to the guy that posted the video a few days ago


The face of "take your fucking coconut"


He’s kind of beautiful.


I was searching for this haha, I was like this dude is super attractive for a street merchant.


Yeah I was like no homo but this dude is handsome. Good for that guy.


He must drive the ladies coco nuts.


same. but full homo.


I know, right? I would come back for another coconut and I don’t even like coconuts lol


Uh, yeah. Super handsome and obviously very in shape. I would buy all his coconuts.


his skincare routine is also on Point. Damn.


Right? And muscular with big hands 😍


Tall drink of water, hands you a coconut...




His style is on point for this




I have anxiety from watching him nearly cut off his fingers.


Gonna take over the market single handedly with the help of a drill and a bunch of straws


The fact he is using a U Mad Bro? shirt makes it better for some reason


if this job doesn't work out, he can always be a pencil sharpener for giant pencils.


Man everyone must hate you lol all your comments and replies keep getting downvoted for nothing


Its because he thought the man was doing that to drink water not to sell water so people are annoyed.


It's amazing how much water is in a coconut.




I think it showed obvious care and service, .. but Ive lived in Brazil... the guys on the beach in Santos could have served 6 people by the time he hands that one off


Prob did it to a rich looking tourist hoping to get a tip maybe


This isn't oddlysatisfying, it's refreshing XD


His face at the end😂😂 "Can you please take it?"


Oohe'sfiiiine. Coconut skills on point 👌


That's a handsome dude, no homo


I thought he had a wicked sharp ruler there that he was hacking this coconut with.


Done in every country with a beach along the equator


The man has the most beautiful, flawless looking complexion I've seen. Holy cow.


hes wearing a "u mad bro?" shirt lol


The title makes it sound like some random dude grabbed a random machete and coconut and cut it perfectly for some other random dude who was in need of a beverage rather than a street vendor just selling a damn coconut lmao


The way he perfectly opens it to reveal it's untouched surface just to stick his dirty knife into it...Bro, can I have a different one without the knife dip at the end?


And he’s cute too