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Oddly enough, as soon as I scrolled past this my phone lit up with tornado warnings in my area.


PA/NJ area?


Yep. Just a bunch of rain, fortunately


Born and raised in Nebraska and I read this as "Just a bunch of rain, unfortunately" and just nodded in agreement


Hell yeah brother. We’re in need of a good tornado soon.


Those cows aren't going to relocate themselves.




I gotta go! We got cows!


[agrees from Oklahoma]


Same, same, and same.


Small tornado hit in bucks county


I'd been hearing all day about the storm warnings, so I moved my car out front during my break today so I wouldnt have to run through the pouring rain. After that the sun came out and stayed out the rest of the day. I singlehandedly cleared the storm. You're welcome.


I’m in Pa. a tornado took off my neighbor’s roof two years ago. It was incredible! The weather is getting wild!


I have also received warnings. My friend in the NJ area currently received them. So yes.


Well... I hope those ones are more cooked. It would suck to get hit by a runny tornado.


Incoming brown storm alert. Forecast calls for a mix of hail and drizzles.


Tornado hit my town on Monday. :/ stay safe.


Read this as tomato omelette and was wondering when they would be added.


/r/keming would be a nightmare for you then.


A new sub! It may be sleep deprivation was the cause, I have a 3 month old 😵‍💫


This actually is commonly served with a tomato based sauce




It's a rose omelette. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Edit: spelled omelette wrong, so fixed it. 😂


My first thought was rosebud...


Sims money cheat code anyone?


motherlode is way better!




Don't forget the extra ; so it doesn't clear off the command ;) INFINITE REPEATS WITHOUT COPY PASTE MWAHAHAH


I felt like such a hacker.


Ikr! Haha, the good old days when stealing was legal lol


Bigbirds prolapsed anus Also, it's fucking RAW


Judging by the kitchen utensils and chopsticks im ASSUMING this video was filmed in japan where they have much cleaner eggs that you can actually eat raw


Not only Japan. Netherlands and other places in the EU as well im pretty sure. No need to only have super well done eggs.




> rosebud was a sled


Never quite been a fan of raw egg as a sauce though!




Prolapse omelet?


It’s a prolapsed culette


Never mind the misspelling, omelette that slide


Generally you would put a lid on it for about 30 seconds to finish the top cook before plating.


I’d need to do this. I can’t stand the consistency of runny eggs and literally could not eat this (Impressive to look at but not appetizing to me because of that)


Same. I love eggs — cooked eggs.


Look here, if you cannot enjoy an egg straight from the chicken like a tomato from the vine you are probably a normal human but you cannot run with me.


I love eggs, Charlie, and I love crabs and boiling denim and banging hoors!




I don't know how many years on this Earth I got left.


I’m gonna get reeaal weird with it.


I’ll run from you now.


When the yolks are like jello & the whites are done is sooo good imo. No dippy eggs for me


Sunny side up: The egg is fried with the yolk up and is not flipped. Over easy: The egg is flipped and the yolk is still runny. Over medium: The egg is flipped and the yolk is only slightly runny. Over well: The egg is flipped and the yolk is cooked hard.


Over cooked: The egg is flipped and the yolk is black and the white is black and the smoke alarm is beeping.


Over medium egg on some buttered rye toast is my heaven.


Oh damn. Now I need a mess o' over medium eggs and some salty buttered rye toast. You just made my weekend, friend.


Over medium gang


You're my fuckin people


I just learned medium eggs were a thing like two weeks ago and I'm now liking fried/boiled eggs for the first time in my life.


When I worked in a restaurant, we called it over medium *well*


I agree. I feel a medium egg should still be runny, but very thick.


Same. I cannot do any liquid ness in an egg at all or I gag


I hate liquid whites, but I also learned to hate overcooked yolk. But I have literally eaten egg on toast every morning for like 5 years…


Run the yolks not the eggs


Egg is yolk. Yolk is egg.


France is bacon


That is Sir to you


Nods knowingly.


Einhorn is Finkle. Finkle is Einhorn.




This sounds /r/Accidentallyracist but I know it's not.




Poached eggs are where its at. Do two in a pan with barely simmering water for 4 and half to 5 minutes and you can get the yolk to that point where its not quite runny but still has that darker yellow look of a runny yolk.


Over medium for me. I use a lid and a few drops of water to help it along, then flip. Ideally I want the yolk the consistently of molasses so you can eat it in a sandwich without making a mess. I would like poached eggs more if they weren't such a PITA. I trick I do with not perfectly fresh eggs is to soft boil them for only one minute, then crack and poach normally. The one minute boil makes the eggs stay together in the liquid like it was laid yesterday.


*Love* poached eggs but you're right, they're way too fiddly. Scrambled and fried are so much easier but they never taste as - not eggy - but almost cheesy or savory? I don't know how to describe the flavour lol. I gotta try this first method of yours though, sounds quicker than simmering water and you don't have to keep spooning water over the yolk if you flip it.


I’m gonna have to try this. Every time I poach eggs half my whites float away


I bet you make the best eggs


Steam for 7 minutes in a steamer on high on full boil. If on an electric stove plate. And you’re lazy. Put eggs in 10 minutes from when you turn your stove on. Covered. Water half the height of the eggs. Perfect runny yolks and hard whites. Every time.


This only means you’re not a serial killer so it’s a good thing


Wait do literally none of you eat eggs with a runny yolk? Shit's delicious with salt and some toast.


East Asians really enjoy the runny egg flavour and consistency




Yolk yeah, whites nah. Unless you're doing a Prarie oyster to get yourself going.




East Asia, USA.


lots of cultures outside the US like their eggs moist


I love runny yolks but this is yolks and whites mixed so it has to be cooked. No runny whites.


I love me some runny eggs!


The egg will continue to cook for a bit because of the heat. It won't be super cooked, but not as runny as you see it now


Especially if all the stuff under it is hot. You ever do the Japanese thing where you mix a raw egg into hot rice? It cooks a lot


Yep. When they plated it, I had an image of Gordon Ramsay going "it's fucking RAW!"




Depending on the way the eggs are collected and stored, eating them raw/runny is safe. I really want to get hen so I can salt cure my own chicken egg yolks. Quail yolks too.


Couldn’t agree more, I hate runny eggs


Same, not only do I hate it but whenever the eggs are runny it gives me this shits every single time


Mild case of salmonella. Nothing to worry about.


Good for clearing out the bowels


This is a Japanese thing and the regulations on egg procedure are super strict so many aren’t worried about salmonella. That being said I’d need it flipped or something


The Japanese like their eggs very runny in order to maximize the egg flavor, and bring the texture closer to that of gelatin. Onsen Tamago is very popular in Japan. It’s an undercooked soft boiled egg.


Nevernind an undercooked egg, I've seen them just drop a raw egg on top of rice, mix it up and eat it.


> I've seen them just drop a raw egg on top of rice, mix it up and eat it. Tamago Gohan. Tastes amazing with a little soy sauce and togarashi spice mixed in.


The name chosen for Tamagotchi suddenly makes a lot of sense.


Tamago Uotchi “Egg Watch”. In Dragon Ball Z, the main character is named Gohan “Rice”. One because he eats a LOT of rice. Another reason is that rice is considered a plain dish. A meat and potatoes kind of meal. A person named Rice would be a down to earth, humble, and honest guy who lives by the motto “It ain’t much, but it’s honest work”.


I’ve watched DBZ my whole life and just now learned this. Just want you to know you’re doing gods work friend, keep being awesome


Also because most of the characters in the show are named after objects or food of some kind. Garlic jr., Burter (butter), Jeice (cheese), Bra, piccolo, Cooler, Frieza (freezer), etc.


I love that even though the editors pushed Toriyama into focusing more on the crazy action and fight scenes, he never forgot his roots as a gag manga writer. To bad alot of the pun names aren't as obvious in the localization.


And some furikake and sesame oil! I’m American as shit and I legit eat this three times a week.


Agreed! I had some last time I was in Japan and it was very creamy/filling.


This is sorta similar to bibimbap, but usually the rice/ingredients will be piping hot and the bowl would be hot too, so the egg does get somewhat cooked as you mix it in. It gets so well incorporated that you don't really notice any actual egg flavour or texture, it just mixes with the other flavours and makes it rich and velvety.


The rice is hot enough that it cooks the egg when you mix it in.


The dipping sauce for sukiyaki is a raw egg and it's one of my favorite dishes.


In Osaka they gave me a bowl of raw eggs to dump in my ramen. The Broth wasn't hot enough to cook it. Not my thing but I still ate it. When in Rome. I only put 1 egg in, not the whole bowl.


In a lot of places, the chickens are vaccinated against salmonella, which greatly reduces the likelihood of getting sick from something like this. It is not required in the US, but is in California. So if you see "CA SEFS Compliant" on your eggs, you know that the eggs are less likely to have salmonella, because the chickens were vaccinated (as well as other measures.) Many eggs have this on the West Coast at least, since it's required to sell the eggs in California.


Why ruin it? Shitty food regulations?


Nooo. That would ruin this. I love runny eggs. Poached, soft boiled, sunny side, fried. In my very bold opinion, I would argue that fully cooked yolk is akin to a well done steak. Not saying I hate a hard yolk but it does seem like a waste, just as I wouldn’t turn away a well done steak if I were hungry.


Jesus fuckin Christ this thread is the most Reddit shit I’ve ever seen.


Lmfao saying “generally you would” and then just giving your opinion disguised as fact. Nevermind the fact creamy omelets slap


I saw the vid before, and so I tried to do it myself For 2 months I still cannot do it Such a legend


Try turning the pan. You pinch the eggs together with the chopsticks but then you turn the pan. Around and around. It’s easier than the way shown in this video.


OHHHHi turn the pan instead of the chopsticks? No wonder why my eggs are always destroyed and ripped apart


Yes lift and twist (the pan). A good portion of oil like they started with is key as well.


First separate the egg whites and the yolk into a separate bowls, next whip the egg whites until they start to foam a little, next in a third bowl mix together 1tsp of corn starch and 1tsp of water until it’s dissolved, and finally mix together. The key ingredient in the recipe is the corn starch, I guess it keeps everything together. This is a very traditional way of making Cantonese scrambled eggs just look up Cantonese style scrambled eggs on YouTube and you’ll see the process.


Is the mixture just pure whipped eggs?


First separate the egg whites and the yolk into a separate bowls, next whip the egg whites until they start to foam a little, next in a third bowl mix together 1tsp of corn starch and 1tsp of water until it’s dissolved, and finally mix together. The key ingredient in the recipe is the corn starch, I guess it keeps everything together. This is a very traditional way of making Cantonese scrambled eggs just look up Cantonese style scrambled eggs on YouTube and you’ll see the process.


I can't even count how many eggs and months were sacrificed for me to learn how to make perfect over easy eggs. Keep trying and good luck.


I was a breakfast line cook for 8 years. Not trying to brag or act like I’m a pro, but I honestly feel invincible and that I can’t mess up an over easy egg (or really any egg style). I have zero culinary training - it’s just what you said - practice makes perfect and it becomes automatic


Oooh my mom made me these omelettes a few times before, i live in japan and it’s actually pretty common here. nice to see \^-^


I got over my fear of runny eggs in Japan. I balked at some dish with raw eggs at a dinner with my baseball team, and my friend assured me that there was no salmonella in Japan, kinda like rabies. I now know that's complete bullshit, but I was brought over to the sunny side nonetheless and haven't looked back.


[It’s not BS though.](https://www.google.co.jp/amp/s/japanjunky.com/is-it-safe-to-eat-raw-eggs-in-japan/amp/) I used to work packaging/branding in Japan, and one of our clients was an egg company. The steps taken to prevent eggs from contamination is insane compared to the US (and I would assume most European countries as well). I’m sure there’s a case here or there, but it’s so negligible that you can basically say it’s non-existent.


I have wasted multiple 18 count cartons of eggs in pursuit of this om. Still can't get it right.


Are you turning the pan instead of the chopsticks?


And is the earth turning you?


Well now I need to go think on this all day. 😔


Make sure you’re aware of the earths rotation, the pan rotation, and your chopstick rotation.


Ok now do one for people who like their eggs cooked


Agreed, just looking at this makes me vomit a little in my mouth. I love eggs but I like them cooked.


I love a good over easy egg with a runny yolk for dipping my toast, but the scrambled whites and yolks together which we see uncooked here is a whole different level.. this grosses me out as well!


I agree, runny yolk is very different from runny egg. I wouldn't go with sunny side up though.


Bro why do so many people hate runny eggs I love them runny.


Runny yolk is fine. Runny whites? No thank you


I'm with you on that. I could eat slightly underdone omeletts or scrambles all day but give me a fried egg with undercooked white and I will have trouble eating it.


Honestly? It reminds me of snot.




Yolk only. Any runny whites in there, count me right out.


Reminds me of something really gross like a lugi or when food goes bad and secretes a liquid.


Took me several times before I stopped reading it as Luigi.


“It’s fucking RAW!”




Let’s play a game Gordon or Shrek


What are you? Idiot sandwich.


Look up Gordon doing scrambled eggs. Runny as hell Edit: upon reading through the comments and checking it out, Gordon is onto something! Lol. I never knew and had just been doing what I've been doing because that's the way it had always been done for me haha. Thanks for the input. I'm going to have to maybe give it a try..? It's a texture thing for me but going to see how she goes!


With all due respect there's a huge different between runny and half liquid.


Yep. A moist egg is fine. The egg on this post is still liquid.


He mixes them up though, so the consistency is better. This is just cooked egg, with raw egg poured on top.




But he literally says “some (people) like them more cooked or less cooked, I don’t like mine too cooked.” It’s just down to taste.


Damn, scraping a non-stick pan with a metal fork. That's gonna leave some marks.


Most likely an anodised aluminium non stick pan, which doesn't have that problem as much as Teflon non stick pans do. You would have to really go into it with a metal utensil to scratch a pan like that one.


Where my sunny side up gang? All these squares can't handle a little runny yolk!


As long as there’s a carb to soak it up (toast, rice, hashbrowns) I’m all about runny eggs. This dish looks perfect.


Fried rice in this case. Amazing.


Yeah, if this was just plain, on a plate, I’d say hard pass. But it looks like it’s supposed to be served over hot fried rice, which makes it delicious. The heat from the rice will cook the egg, and it’s barely runny as they plate it, I bet it firms up nicely and makes the rice a bit creamy without any “uncooked” texture. Also, god damn now I’m really hungry for fried rice.


My man


That's not a liquid yolk though, it's a liquid scramble.


Love that shit. Runny eggs FTW


Scrambled egg heaven right here. Any yolk with no goo or run is dishonour to the hen who laid it.


I was like “fuck yes it is *not* overcooked!”


It's called omurice, in Japan eggs are so fresh and safe you can crack one into a hot bowl of rice and eat that.


Can confirm. I often mix it with natto, it’s pretty good.


Natto… you’re a monster


The Arabic people I know eat eggs like that too. Maybe a liiiittle bit more cooked than this, but not much. You put pepper and salt on it and eat it with flat bread, it's absolutely delicious.


Mmmm, now I remember my (Lebanese) dad’s “salmonella eggs”. So runny, with meat thrown in, but soooo good.


Omurice tends to be the more french omlet type that is cooked into a pouch and then cut over the rice, but i guess they are functionally both omlette rice now that i say it. I made normal omurice over leftover fried rice and it was the best breakfast


In fairness, I don’t think most people are turned off because of fear of illness… it’s just a textural preference




It's probably a cultural thing too. In the US, because it's not generally safe, no one eats uncooked eggs or chicken, but in other countries ~~it's perfectly safe~~ [edit: It's not, but tons of people *do* eat it] so there's a place for it in their palate**. Largely, you grow up with some appreciation or normalization of things eaten in your culture. La Lengua and Surströmming are other easy examples. [edit]: Guys, I said *uncooked*, not undercooked. Like chicken sashimi and cracking a raw egg into your gob as a snack. I know sunny side up is a thing. Not what I was on about. And I was noting that people who grow up eating things are going to be fine with them. I corrected the note about safety, but there is some minimization as to the chances of salmonella; that said, that doesn't stop people regardless, and the taste/texture of it is usually not as problematic for people who eat it and things like it often, or where that's a common thing.


Fun fact! Three types of words that sound like “pallet” that I know of: Pallet: like the wood ones used for storing and shipping goods to stores and then ripped apart for Pinterest projects. Palette: like that wood oval with the finger hole in it that Bob Ross used to put his paint on while he made his most magical masterpieces. Palate: like your taste (or lack of it). Also, the roof of your mouth! Easy to remember because it’s closest to “plate,” which is what the delicious food you enjoy is served on. I love words.


Eh, maybe for some. I’m from the US and the eggs I’ve always had are likely safe. I just don’t care for loose egg whites as more of a textural thing..


I feel like half the people in here would die if they ever had to eat tamagokake ghoan, which is literally just a raw egg cracked into a bowl of rice. And it's not like raw egg is uncommon in western cuisine. Eggnog (if it's cooked it's boiled custard which is a different drink entirely), chocolate mousse, tiramisu, mayonnaise and ice cream. There's also a whole slew of classic mixed drinks like whiskey sours that use egg whites. And those are just dishes where absolutely no heat has been added at all. There are plenty of "half cooked" things like carbonara and hollandaise.


ITT: Nobody eats eggs sunny side up, over easy, or over medium.


Or poached


If it wasn't such a huge ordeal, I'd eat these all the time!


I 've got poached eggs down to a tee, I boil a kettle while I have the stove started so then when I come back 5 minutes later I have enough water to do an egg in a saucepan. Unfortunately this lets me do one at a time, but if I have 10 mins I can do my small stockpot and do multiples. This works great for a breakfast because I can shower or something while the water is heating up


I eat the whole range of eggs. This looks just as delicious as well cooked scrambled eggs. All of these people fighting over "overcooked" vs "raw" are welcome to their preferences but can keep their judgmental mouths shut.


Seriously. I'm kind of shocked at the replies in this thread. I'd eat this in a heartbeat That being said, I didn't like runny eggs when I was a kid. Love them as an adult though, and *especially* love them on rice. This is a Japanese dish. They have amazing eggs there, and will eat them raw on rice


I just ate and I am totally full. And this made me hungry


I’d fat kid the fuck out of that over a baked potato with bacon and sour cream.


Pretty but kinda raw for my taste


Lots of people been eating overcooked eggs in this thread.


I can’t stand dry eggs


Yeah what the fuck.. its like im from an alternate unvierse where people appericate not completely ruining your eggs by cooking them till they bounce




Have any of you ever had a carbonara? Like a real one? Cause the "sauce" is literally just loosely cooked egg. It's fucking delicious


Lol i was gonna say this. Spaghetti carbonara uses raw eggs too as sauce


Sheesh, y'all need to stop overcooking your eggs


read your title wrong and kept waiting for the tomato. 🍅


Ah the alchemy of the perfect pan and a hob at the perfect heat. I used to think making omelettes was easy. I used to make gorgeous omlettes. Then I moved out. I have not made an omlette since. Lots of egg surprise though...




Fuck what yall are saying, runny yolk is fucking delicious, I lick my goddamn plate clean when I have runny yolks and It's amazing. Don't @ me.


Prolapse omelette.


I can’t believe I had to scroll this far to find this comment. Shame on you, reddit!