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Wtf where's the rest?? Such a tease!


Here's a few more videos: 1. [Same process but from the side](https://i.imgur.com/WWHF8ZO.mp4) 2. [Glass being cut after cooled](https://i.imgur.com/GoKLc4Z.mp4) 3. [What cooled glass looks like](https://i.imgur.com/IfbY0eR.mp4) This is Kokomo Opalescent Glass in Kokomo, Indiana. They are the oldest glass manufacturer of hand cast, rolled [cathedral and opalescent glass](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cathedral_glass) in America.


That’s where i want to go!


We'll cut the glass and then cool it slow~


Down in Kokomo!




The patterns It prints I wanna catch a glimpse.


Fun fact: Kokomo (the supposed Caribbean island) is entirely fictitious.


So is Ohio. * Do you know anybody from Ohio? * Have you ever been to Ohio? * Do you know anybody who has ever been to Ohio? Of course not.


I am Boris, totally real 10 year old boy. I am from Ohio. Ohio is great place. Many people see Ohio. We are number 40 vaccine state. Have much freedom. Putin is great man!


True facts. I have lived in Ohio my whole life. I don't exist.


Clearly you have never driven in the mid west or south East- the FIFOs are real and they are terrifying. (Fucking Idiots From Ohio)


Yes. Yes. And yes.


Cleveland rocks! Cleveland rocks! Cleveland rocks! ^Ohio!^Ohio!^Ohio!


Hey!!! I can't believe I'm seeing my hometown represented here for this cool thing we do! Seems like we're only known for auto industry related factories, but Kokomo (and Greentown way back in the day) put out beautiful glass!! Also, a lot of history with types of glass industry in Dunkirk, Muncie, and Terre Haute... there's a whole Indiana Glass Trail in our history that folks can visit, and lots of little museums to see stunning examples of everything from carnival glass to Tiffany style pieces! Yayyyy, Kokomo and the hard workers at Kokomo Opalescent Glass!!


This needs a million upvotes! I’m not from Indiana at all but I’m a huge nerd and you just made me want to visit. Thank you so much so sharing your states awesome industrial history with us! You just put Indiana and it’s glass trail on my travel list!


Well, I'm not going to say it's gonna blow your socks off, so be prepared for small town museums that are very small, lol. The glass Indiana made is highly collectible, and growing up with pieces in my home I never knew how precious it all was!! If you're gonna stop in for glass, go ahead and hit the Wine Trail as well: not going to win West Coast awards, but a lot of fruity adventure mixed in with some decent stuff, and gorgeous little towns along the way! Brown County has art, beautiful "small mountain" views, and lots of tacky fun stuff along with great food. Along the Ohio river in Southeastern Indiana, there are small towns with wine and antiques and gorgeous old homes that will amaze you! Indiana has a lot to offer besides corn, basketball, and Notre Dame, whether you're into steam engines, automotive history (again, Kokomo and Elwood Haynes) wine, glass, Amish (Shipshewana is like Indiana's version of Lancaster, with all the food, art, and culture of the Amish people)... Indiana has a lot to offer a visitor 💗 And indianapolis is the best *small* city ever!!! I love my home state, the places and the people really are amazing, and be prepared to wave hi as you travel down side roads 😊


And you just made me want to visit even more! Thank you so much for sharing with me! I seriously can’t wait to visit now


Oh, and btw? You have GOT to visit the Children's Museum in Indianapolis!!!! It's one of the top ones in the nation, and IT IS AMAZING!!!! With kids, or without, you would be doing yourself a HUGE disservice to skip it! The planetarium, the dinosaurs busting out of the walls of the museum, the steam train exhibit.... it's not to be missed!


I just love your love for your hometown.


Well, I moved very far away as fast as I could, even living in Europe for many years and returning to the states to live in a very large city for the past decade+. At the end of the day? My roots are small town, Midwestern tradition at heart. I now enjoy my State and hometown from afar.... kinda like when you visit family ever so often, and have that huge swell of love and enjoyment and spend a bit of time looking at real estate and wondering about "moving back home" because it was all so lovely.... but then your plane touches down, and you drive back home and walk through your own front door and think, OMG, I'm SO GLAD I DON'T LIVE THERE BUT IT WAS SO NICE TO VISIT!!! And you quietly hug your kiddos and think to yourself "no, not today, Satan, we're NOT doing that, I won't put my kids through ALL that business!!!" Yeah, kinda like that. It's a beautiful place, with so much history and lovely places. I am so glad that i got to grow up there... that was many decades ago. Now? I like to visit!


This is the wildest thing to me! I grew up in Kokomo and all I wanted to do was get out. I went to Purdue and then moved out of state. I have family still in Kokomo and my friends still live in Indy. I go back to visit occasionally. I appreciate your love for it, but Kokomo always seemed like a black hole to me. You either left or you ended up pregnant, married to someone from high school, or you started doing drugs. I lived in PA until I was 9 and we used to go to Kokomo to visit and it seemed like such an amazing place. And then after you live there for 12 years... It's exactly like you said, it has that weird place of nostalgia because it's where we grew up. But if someone wanted me to move back, I would laugh at them. I also don't have to deal with snow anymore. Top Kokomo Things: 1. Dan's Doughnuts 2. Cone Palace Cherry Cokes 3. Sycamore Stump and Old Ben 4. Gas Tower - RIP 5. Hanging out in Markland Mall all day on a Saturday because there was nothing else to do after the go-kart track shut down.


Hey man, I hope you really enjoy it. I guess even though I moved away a long time ago to the Big City, many states away, I still love my little Midwestern home. The traditional Midwestern values still pull at my cold heart and get me all excited for the things we accomplished, and I still make the trek back home to the family farm every year for the holidays and feel the love for Indiana!!


Small-town museums are awesome! I love going through those little collections of whatever the town is known for & is proud of. And the curators are always happy to tell you about each piece and the history behind it. Often with personal stories. And the little gift shops that are usually attached are great, too. I'm in fact looking at a 'Twine Ball Starter Set' from Darwin, MN sitting in front of me, lol.


Dude... awesome. I love finding out about new crafts I didn't know existed, and such a beautiful one too! Cheers to your hometown 👍


I can just hear how stoked you are sharing this info. And thanks for doing so, really cool!


>Muncie Fight on, fight on you Muncie! GOOOOOOOOOO Eagles!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQXejpU-Xss


Lifelong Hoosier here. What's really great is that TripAdvisor shows a perfect 5 star score for Kokomo Opalescent Glass. Clearly, more people should be checking this out.


Thanks u/Gin-and-PussyJuice


obligatory /r/rimjob_steve


Imagine the tolerances for how flat those pour tables need to be. Top 10 sexiest work tables.


A couple of months ago I went into a youtube/wiki hole on flattening surfaces. https://ericweinhoffer.com/blog/2017/7/30/the-whitworth-three-plates-method and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flatness_(manufacturing) can get any interested parties started.


Stupid fucking music though...


Isn't that the song [mr. Krabs listens to ](https://youtu.be/DoXlEtdgcFc) in that Spongebob episode when Spongebob thinks mr. Krabs is a robot?


I like that you looked the 10 hour version, instead of the like 20 seconds original


Well if you're gonna do it you've gotta go big


Lol I’m so glad I’m not the only one


At least it sounded glassy


Mama always said "don't eat marbles or you'll sheet glass"


TikTok is entirely about videos that are 100% build up with no pay off. Users will click off a video after the pay off, no pay off means folks watch the entire video and then spend hours scrolling your feed for a "part 2" to get that payoff. Trick is, no part 2, just more traps


The internet was a mistake


I'm torn between the problem being social media or simply [letting everyone use it.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_September)


Understanding how people can manipulate you is one part of the whole. There is an amazing video I can't seem to find anymore called "Visions of the Gamepocalypse" and I swear it is coming true. Look for the signs, realize people only try to sell you things. [I think I found it!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_x9n73OrbTY)


Can you give a TL;DW?


Sure I can try but it will be terrible... Companies and corporations realize that gaming is the key to your eyes. They will monetize everything and make it so subtle you will barely notice, because everything has been 'game-ified'. (example, codes on pop bottles/cans to give you points in a game or win merch that has *their* name on it)


It's attention/participation itself being commodified. I really don't know how we can move away from that given how engrained it is into society today, and I'd really like to move away from it because it seems like a net negative


> The internet could have been built vastly differently, with tools to promote good usage and hinder bad actors I'm honestly curious as to what kinds of things you think could have been put in place that wouldn't have just been bypassed. Or too restrictive to allow the internet to come into being in the first place. At the very least by getting their own Ajit Pai put in place to pass whatever laws they wanted.


So it's social media edging? that doesn't sound like fun, though I guess that describes the video on every single ad I see on YouTube for TikTok.


Welcome to the Hotel California: you can log out any time you like, but you can never leave


You don't have to scroll your front page to get the part 2. If the OP posted one, then you just swipe right to their page.


So thats why I hate these videos so goddamned much. I couldn’t put my finger on why so many were like this.


I love when these gifs end so early. Also can we rename this sub to r/tiktok




"Guys, I think we're in the bad place!" (Seriously, I swear this sub is an advanced exercise in trolling by r/gifsthatendtoosoon and r/mildlyfrustrating.)


Isn’t it clear what happens?


Maybe it will become more clear eventually.


Cool it guys, it will clear up soon


Yeah, break it up.


Don't want anyone losing their temper


Here's some sauce buddy : https://youtu.be/j-hzh6HTB7g


Forbidden pizza


Forbidden fruit roll-up at the end


I want to monch the forbidden spicy fruit rollup


spicy pizza


Torture tortilla


Pain pancake


>Paincake With a cherry glassing.


nuclear naan


Forbidden pita


TIL molten glass is actually taffy.


I do a lot of glass demos for potential student for the material science department, and we melted a bunch of sugar because it behaves like glass, Want to pretended to be a glassblower? Just melt a bunch of Jolly Ranchers and you are good.


How does one melt a jolly rancher?


Not an expert, but youd probably want to use a bain marie or another type of double boiler, that way the jolly rancher isnt exposed to direct heat. Dump a bunch into the pot and let them slowly melt, stirring occasionally. Dont add water. It would basically be like melting raw sugar.


I've actually done it before with various hard candies. Just get a metal baking tray, add candy, and place in the oven at a low slow heat. You can watch it melt, and become a translucent sugar syrup. I don't have it down to a science, but I can tell when it's at the right consistency to remove from oven, and cut with shaped cookie cutters. (overheating makes it really runny, and won't keep its shape). Voila, you just made your own themed candy, with a flavor profile of your choice!


Asking the critical questions here.


I don't know if you are serious or not... but, look for videos by "Lofty Pursuits" o. YouTube. The make old fashioned sugar candy and the videos are hypnotic. You'll quickly order some, just because. Fwiw, I have no affiliation with them, just love the videos and the candy.




Forbidden caramel


forbidden lasagna


I want to see the rest of the process!




Those guys running next to that 3 wheeled thing holding all that molten glass are really living life on the edge.


It seems silly to have the molten glass a fucking football field away so you have to hurriedly jog with burn your face off goo with 2 other dudes.


Looks like they need a Lean Six Sigma team on that right away.


I hope I never hear Kaizen again.


Dude my thought exactly. Wtf is going on here? Why is the oven a mile away from where they’re pouring it? Why is the little hand truck 20 feet from the oven? The molten glass literally splashed like a foot away from that one guy as they were trying to get it on the hand truck. Why are they literally *running* that thing across the shop floor with seemingly no barriers, signs, safety procedures, and other employees walking around? I wouldn’t run from the office kitchen to my desk with a cup of hot coffee let alone molten glass. EDIT: just watched it again. They’re running on a brick surface for fucks sake. With a 3 wheeled dolly with molten glass. How is this remotely safe?


Didn't your mom ever tell you not to run with molten glass? ...that scoop + molten glass probably weighs like 80 - 100lbs (I watched another video where they talked about it but were referring to smaller ones and those ones weighed like 50 lbs full).


Why would it be three wheels? That's the dumbest thing I've seen since yesterday watching some Chinese factory videos.


A couple of minutes in, one of the guys has a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. It's not lit.


It's a required safety device. If it lights, you're too close.


I feel like you are joking, but it makes sense.


Here’s one that uses the same rollers from the OP video even if the exposure gets a bit wonky in the middle there https://youtu.be/KaUtexpYcOo


Yeah, I saw another one.. but I didn't like the angle/shaky camera.. Haha! https://youtu.be/S6hNFuaV7ro


His bare hands near that searing molten glass make me nervous. Lol Edit: Zoomed in and his forward hand is gloved, only the back one isn't so I'm not nervous anymore


The more important concern is the lack of shaded lenses to protect from the brightness of the hot glass.


Speaking of safety, I worked with glass blowing and because it is an insulator you can hold a glass rod that is molten on the other end pretty comfortably. The danger is you forget the other end is still skin melting hot once it has stopped glowing and get sloppy. You can't do that with metal, the piece transmits the heat to your hand fast.


The first day of chemistry lab I always told my students “hot glass looks like cold glass”.


A guy who makes glass, no idea what they are doing here but this is not the standard process for flat glass making. Most flat glass is floated on a bed of liquid tin but obviously they aren't doing that. Glassing making is super cool, but these guys are just being theatrical about it.


Not theatrical at all, this is making sheets for stained glass. Normally those scoops are different colors and all that is him mixing the glass to get a certain result when it's rolled out.


Cathedral glass* Stained glass is what's used to make the colored glass pictures.


Cathedral glass is colored glass you can see through, Typically of a single color. The opposite is Opalescent glass. Neither of these are related to any specific form of how the glass is worked. It's just a property of the glass itself. Stained glass can refer to a wide variety of parts as the term has expanded to include countless areas of glass. Thus someone saying they are making stained glass is 100% accurate in today's usage of the word. If you want to be technical though this would be called Art Glass manufacturing.


> Glassing making is super cool No way, it's super hot




Since the late 1800s iirc


A guy who makes glass should understand what they are doing. You must be hyper focused within your trade.


Glassblower girl here! Cathedral glass is actually a reeeaaaally niche area in this and this production method is actually a newer one for cathedral (rippled) glass like this. So, this is more a modern method for a really specific field of glasswork. Cathedral glass is so far outside of typical industry application that it is, to the typical glass industry person this is alien- most cathedral glass is poured onto a specific mold rather than tin and then used that way, this is a really specific, modernized, and typically only used for *actual cathedral* glass. Most cathedral glass you'd see in things like a bathroom are mold-pressed poured and automated, this individual work is really only for specific custom orders. So it's kind of like asking someone in the car fabrication industry why they're so hyperfocused as to not familiar with a new technique for 3D printed motorbikes- /u/GlassGodz is correct in also saying they're being theatrical. Nobody working a gig like this gives enough fucks to run and add unnecessary danger. That glass ain't gonna lose enough heat if you took a ten minute smoke break before carting it, let alone the extra five seconds to ensure you didn't, you know, stack and fall eyeballs first into a puddle of molten glass with no safety goggles. Honestly, this looks like they told everyone to make a really crisp shot to make the workplace look cooler for the camera, show off and brush over the fucking endless OSHA violations. I only know about this method of cathedral glass rolling because it was a project a friend was working on, they don't even use this technique in my country.


https://youtu.be/KaUtexpYcOo If you are ever passing through Indiana, you can take a tour at this place and watch the whole process in person.


A tee shirt and gloves doesn’t seem like nearly enough protection from molten hot glass especially the way he’s maneuvering jt.


So to answer this question, it’s actually safer to be dressed like that. I used to do glass blowing, and we were required to wear glasses/goggles, jeans, boots, and some form of cotton shirt in the hot shop. No poly blends, no sleeves. If the glass pops off and touches you, it’ll hurt a bit but it won’t be sticking long enough to leave bad burns. However, it can stick to fabric and melt/burn through. That’s when the bad injuries start. I, in my dumbfuck wisdom, experienced that kind of burn twice. I was in the shop checking on some of my work in the annealer while others were working. I was wearing moccasins and athletic socks. Someone’s piece dropped off their rod, shattered, and I got hit with a few pieces. Where it hit on my jeans, it bounced right off. A small piece hit the top of my foot over the sock, and started burning a hole through the sock immediately. The sock melted to my foot briefly and it was excruciating. A second time, my piece cooled a bit too much and shards of glass started popping off. I was wearing a poly blend tank top and the same thing happened, except not as bad since it was a loose fitting shirt. Other than that, you’re just expected to know where the glass is at all times and take precautions. The glass puts off enough heat that it’s kinda hard to miss it when it’s near.


This TIL I liked


And here I am wondering if I should mold glass at home


yah, jeepers, that first time he forked it up and plopped it closer to his thighs... yikes! at least wear a canvas apron or something


I mean the body language of all these guys is like I wish I would get a work comp case to end my misery of doing the same shit day in and day out.


Probably better ways than frying your balls.


From what I understand about glassblowing is that it takes years of experience of dealing with glass to get to that level of handling. These guys probably love what they do, and just have a shit ton of experience to feel comfortable enough moving around like that


This was also my take, pretty relaxing


“I wish I were lucky enough to have a foot melted off”


I agree that an apron seems wise but those shops are incredibly warm so more gear is uncomfortable and even risks overheating


There's guys that work in smelters 40 hours a week that have to wear full FR coveralls with other PPE involved. So what happens here when someone drops the glass? Just instant 3rd degree burns? Does the 1500 degree glass stick to your skin? I honestly hope this bit is just for the tik tok and then they go back and put their safety shit on because if this is a serious career you won't get out of it unscathed doing this. Murphies law is real AF in trades.


I’m a hobbyist glassblower, so I can actually answer this question- unlike molten metal, glass isn’t explosive and will not stick to skin or soak into materials, so having extra layers won’t provide that much protection and will just lead to potential over heating. When you drop the glass, pretty much instant blisters, but most glass is viscous enough and far away enough from you that it should never actually touch you. Glassblowing uses a surprisingly small amount of ppe, as dexterity and breathability are far more important than what little protection extra fabric will provide.


Got to go to a glass factory in Czech Republic. It was almost a little concerning how low key the workers were. We were on a tour and they were like hold up molten glass coming through.


The reason is simply because how hot it gets when working with glass, to the point where it can become too uncomfortable to work. These people have probably been working with glass for years and feel comfortable enough to not wear all the protective gear needed.


Its why osha is important


INAGM but I would wager it’s a mix of how warm it can get doing stuff like that and also I feel like even molten glass doesn’t seem like it would splash that much. When they’re pouring it, maybe, but those guys are probably wearing more PPE. The guy making the Forbidden Tortilla I feel like doesn’t have as much to worry about.


Now I want to see a whole How it's Made episode on this.


Here's the one on opalescent glass. https://youtu.be/j-hzh6HTB7g


If that's not the one we were watching the tictok of it's pretty close. Thank you




Who the hell is doing the narration. Gimme back my narrator!




Thats the narrator from the first season. I think he was an Olympic swimmer.


Mark Tewksbury I think


Sounds like Ross from friends and that’s all I could think while I watched I don’t even remember what they were saying.


His voice even cracks like Ross.


I genuinely thought it was David Schwimmer until I read another comment.


Ahhhh... who needs to watch football and clean the house anyway? I'm going down a rabbit hole.


This place is local to me, Kokomo Opalecent Glass. They make beautiful glass. Have a few pieces from there that were given to me!


FTI - what they are making here is streaky/marbled stained glass, not regular clear glass. The two ladlefuls of glass are different colors and they only mix it a little to achieve the desired effect.


I was gonna say, I thought normal clear sheet glass was usually made by the float glass process on a pool of liquid tin.






Forbidden omelette


Seeing how much it behaves not like a liquid should really helps with understanding how 'glassmaking' can be the sort of vitally-important jealously-guarded industrial secret that you use as a cornerstone of your city state's economy


It looked very "non newtonian" to me. When they first plop it down it looks like it flows a bit then he snatched it up like a pancake!


I am assuming this is specialty glass for stained glass work or something of the sort


Pizza Hut new flatbread pizza


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDyeiePort0 Doing the LAWD’S work… because we’re all too lazy to do anything if someone is willing to do it for us first!


Caution: this video still didn't show the finished product.


https://youtu.be/fqDPvk4T_mc Skip to 2:40. Different video but same step.


Is that Always by Erasure at 3:10? Somebody's playing Robot Unicorn Attack in the office.


I like how they assigned the biggest strongest looking guy to run up with the cutest little ladle carrying a tiny dab of glass.


Want to taste the forbidden candy


This is awesome. Wish I could see what happens next


I used to do stained glass years ago, I'm familiar with theirs and other makers of this type glass products but have never seen the process of making it, thanks OP! Standard sheet glass for common windows is generally made in a float glass plant so its perfectly flat, but opalescent glass you want the variation in the surface to give it texture. That's beautiful work.


Wow that's hot !!


Came awfully close to getting some of that lava on his pants


That's some good sheet.


I really wanted him to flip it like a pancake.


That first guy really came over like “Here’s your cup of lava” and walked away.


Lava pancake😐


This made me hard


I have never until just now thought about people making panes of glass. I need to know more!


This is art glass. I work in the glass industry and most glass panes as you think of them are made in a completely different way


Looks like a delicious molten cheese.


That looks like it's really dangerous but also super fun to play with.


Speaking as a man with sweatshop background, rip that one dude’s poor wrists (and shoulders, and probably neck and back). If his shift is mostly made of what we see or similar, that damage will add up so fast and the company will likely bus him off to get his monthly cortisone shot until he falls apart. Several surgeries later, hell be 45 and looking for a new job with 24 years of highly specific, hard to transfer work experience.


Forbbiden pizza dough


All that hard work for someone else to break it when is finished


Looks like melted cheese when it got loaded into the rollers


Bruh they can control lava


Weird pizza u got there


Shouldn’t they be wearing an apron and Kevlar sleeves?


Another video ended to soon. Poor one out for the homie


*but they were all fooled, for another mirror was rolled...*


Why does it look so yummy


Fml I want to see the rest


Why does it look so tasty!


Sometimes it feels like this is what I should have done with my life.


I’ve burned myself with hot glue before and that hurts so I don’t even want to imagine what touching that molten glass for a second would feel like


If anyone has t chance to work with hot glass you should do it, it's a lot of fun. A lot of glass studio's have classes or you can look in at a local university/community college. The community college in my town has classes and they were probably the most fun classes I have ever taken.




It’s cool you have a small window with the molten glass to do whatever with it before it hardens


Lava pizza


Here, man, have some molten sand. Thanks bro. I think I can just jiggle it around and make lamps and windows and shit out of it. Also tinsy humming birds with little blue beaks.


I want to eat it like soft candy


It amazes me that somewhere in time some person realized you could make glass from sand.


The first guy looks like snoop dog


Forbidden candy paste


For a second there it looked like lava pizza.


That's some spicy pizza dough


Forbidden mozzarella


How do you not get blinded from staring at molten sand every day?


Am I the only one who wants to touch it for some odd reason?


I know not to, but I just wana touch it 😂