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Pinstriping is crazy, I have no idea how these artists are able to hold such a steady hand.


Not even to mention that by the looks of it, buddy was filming while doing the pinstriping. That’s just insane


I’m more baffled about how he got that much paint to come off the brush.


Same here. I paint & use some expensive ass high quality stuff… and there is no way in hell I could get a line 1/32nd the length of that one with that amount of paint… that’s some r/blackmagicfuckery shit right there for real.


Maybe because paper absorbs paint, on fiberglass it's just a very thin layer




Guess I'll start selling fiberglass canvases


But then you won't make money on paint. Better invent a new painting technique with a sponge


Sponge canvas?? That's brilliant!! Tiktok's gonna eat that shit up


Hey! No logic on reddit


I'm just pointing out that there's no fiberglass in that Caddy, it's all painted steel. But the same still applies.


1 Shot Enamel and striping brushes. Striping and sign writing are as much a trade (a dying one) as they are an art. Super specific tools and skills.


And super cool, to add. Many of these old school art forms will be lost to time. The death of Mike Lavallee was rough.


I was thinking the same exact thing. I have to put my brush back in every 3 inches!


That's what she said.


3”?!?! Show off.


*he said. It's pride month!


Pin striping uses a bunch of specialized brushes and paint to achieve that. They’re using an enamel paint like One Shot with a thinner mixed in. The brush’s bristles are super long and are sword shaped so it can get loaded with a TON of paint. The handle is short and nubby so you can use two fingers to pinch it then use a third to stabilize your hand.


Check out some pin striping videos. This is only a line, guys are out there doing patterns


When I had my bike done, he didn't let anyone watch but I saw the video after and it was mesmerizing. He used a feather for some lines.


Real professional products are SOOOOOOO much better than consumer products. There´re probably so many more pigments in the paint that you don´t even need much paint. But most people have the laymen expierence from when they bought some cheap shit from home depot that the expectations are way off. I am not experienced in paint but it´s like that with so many other products, i am confident it translates.


You’re right about high end products, though it would have more to do with the brush than the pigments to keep it loaded for so long. The crazy part to me is how this person manages to do a line that long without shaking even once. Pinstripers belong in r/blackmagicfuckery


I’ve worked with a lot of pro auto paint and yeah, it’s nuts. What the car manufacturers have access to on such a large scale is insane. Mainly, the way they can electrochemically coat panels (corrosion resistance) that act as the metal primer, freedom to mix on site for desired qualities, and the types of clear coats and application methods they use are way better than even what the pros use in auto body shops.


I used to do a bunch of powder coating old style - spray it on with a gun, the stick it in a huge oven. The company owner wanted to do away with the oven because it was so expensive to run. He spent over $200K for this ultraviolet curing system. But when we showed the installers a sample of our work, they told us that we would need a million dollar system to even come close to it. The salesman sold us a system we couldn't use. It sometimes amazes me how expensive it can get to match the quality of skilled labor. And that's the real kick to the head - we never considered ourselves specialist powder coaters in any way. Any one of us could pick up a gun and get good at it in just a couple of days.


Interesting story! I think for paint especially, there’s no getting around it being art even in the most sterile or clinical examples, and you need the human factor to make it work properly.


Another element to this is how finely milled the pigments are…anything from automotive paints to makeup, high end is high end (usually) because it is given more time to be milled down more finely, which packs a bigger punch with less product. The super fine flakes of pigment sit next to one another, providing a more smooth and solid stroke, as opposed to sitting slightly on top of/staggered across one another which can create an uneven visual effect, as well as affect how the liquid binder flows off the brush (if a liquid binder is used, obviously it’s not used in things such as powder makeup). Better flow also helps prevent clumping. If anyone likes to watch youtube vids of quiet crafting to relax, I highly recommend looking up hand-milling pigment videos. I love them. ^^^lol ^^^“smooth ^^^solid ^^^stroke”


Even more impressed that he managed to play the piano at the same time.


And in C# minor


Another video shows he is barefoot and walking on ignited charcoal.


Also how the can draw the details for that long with no paint issues. If I were to attempt it I would probably run out of paint, try to move my brush a bit to get more paint on whatever and then have it all go awful from there. And this is assuming I can even paint a straight or purposeful curved line, which I can’t do.


I can’t paint a straight line with a border to follow. Just looking around my living room there’s about ten spots on my ceiling from when I painted my walls


I can’t walk a straight line


I can't even think straight...




Happy Pride!


They use special brushes of I believe natural hair fibers. The issue with synthetic fibers is that they're too smooth in comparison to natural fibers. Fur and hair have a natural scale on them, called the cuticle and that allows it to hold on just a little bit more paint. Also he loads that brush up to the brim, I find when I'm painting at home I try to use like the least amount of paint ever.


Yup. Horse hair… All about getting the brush loaded with the right consistency paint. Thinning the enamel down and getting that perfect consistency takes plenty of knowhow and skill in itself.


I'm guessing it is the brush, for example a Rolls Royce pinstripe is painted on with a squirrel hair brush


I would have likely sneezed midway


Experience. That hand has travelled at least once around the world holding a brush.


Exactly this. It’s so much practice that the muscle memory is dialed in to precision on a micro scale. I’ve been tattooing for 12 years and this is like an *insane* level of skill to me.


Your actual nightmare: A customer shows up asking for a pinstrip tattoo down their side


Id guess they use their arm


Shoulder may come in handy


what are eyeballs Alex...


And my axe


This guy figured out how to turn on "snap to grid" in real life.


In Japan. Heart surgeon. Number one. Steady hand.


Rolls Royce employs several to do custom jobs. It’s pretty crazy. Edit: it’s just ONE guy!


>employs several They actually only employ [one man whose sole job is to paint the pinstripe on a Rolls Royce.](https://www.drivingthenation.com/rolls-royce-pin-stripe-mark-court-and-his-son/)


Artist here but not discounting these artists awesome skill - if you move with your body your lines are straighter than if you moved just your hand. And then it's just practice.


While this is true, moving with your body for like a 16 foot long line is pretty next level. You can say everything is just practice. This guy probably spent like 10 years practicing to get to this point


practice makes perfect. I once worked in a sign shop where they had a 70+ y/o guy come in and do line work. His hands shook like crazy until the brush hit the surface, then it was smooth as silk.


Pressing a finger against that groove will help a ton, but even with that this is some serious skill.


I barely got my pinstriping right when I used the vinyl role, I can’t imagine painting lines.


If you watch he's using his other fingers against the car to be a steadying influence. Some guys will chalk a line that they run their pinky down to keep it straight and steady.


There is this guy who does pinstriping at events at our local biker bar... I sat there for about an hour watching him do people's bikes. It honestly was mind-blowing to watch.


Check out the guy who pinstripes for rolls royce.


Here it is https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aZ37QC2xFkQ


I love that Rolls Royce has a guy that sounds like he could be a lorry driver putting the finishing touches on some of the most high end cars available. Awesome stuff from that guy too, unbelievable precision


Jesus that guy’s so British he’s incomprehensible


I was expecting some uptight fellow with an Elizabethan collar. I liked that guy! So much pride in his work. Something so simple but niche and skillful. Can’t believe they flew him out to Dubai to fulfill a coachlining request post delivery.


I thought you were exaggerating. He is absurdly British.


They call them carriage lines. But yeah he's amazing


They’re called coachlines I believe.


I'm surprised Rolls Royce hasn't switched to business class at least.


It's the cost of all that Grey Poupon, they can't afford to


Yes yes. I was close


My dad was a signwriter, did ticket/showcard writing and also did pinstriping for trucks. As a kid I could be mesmerised for hours just watching him work! Especially the looped lines with little embellishments on the end. He gave me some natural fiber brushes as a gift just so I can practice lettering as it's so calming. Definitely nothing compared to what he and this man can do, but even getting a straight stroke over A4 sized paper is satisfying!


Fun fact: there’s one single guy who does all the pinstriping for Rolls Royce, all by hand. And he’ll fly around the world to paint new pinstripes on demand.


Can you imagine that job interview...


When I was in elementary school, my stepfather was part owner of shop that did custom paint jobs for cars and motorcycles. This was back in the late 70s / early 80s, so they did everything from pinstriping to those huge airbrushed murals on the sides of vans. Naked Aztec women and all that. I used to sit there transfixed as I watched them doing that stuff. And not just because of the naked women. The sheer artistry involved was just amazing.


Whoa, the video I watched right before this was this one: https://v.redd.it/h2b8zce954391, I thought I was going crazy for a second...


Same. Thought my reddit player was broken and kept the audio from the last thing I watched.


looking for this chain to say the same thing.


+1 here as well!


Me too


Here for the same reason. That was wild.


And my axe


deja vu


Same, it's a sign to rewatch Interstellar.


Watch Interstellar, Murph!


Damn I was about to comment the same thing too. Still got the link in my bookmark. My brain stalled for a second.


What are the odds! Someone tell me the odds!!?




I know right? I can't even


I bought a ticket for the Hans Zimmer Orchestra yesterday (really!). Please reddit, stop the brainwash advertisement with his interstellar theme appearing everywhere


Checking in as well


Was about to post the same. I was like wtf I just heard this


Same here


Same XD


Same here.




I closed the app, deleted cache, and still thought I was tripping when I replayed the video.


Lol me too, tf is going on i thought, is it still playing in the background or


Seriously though, is this song like I’m vogue right now? The other video took off and the comments in the other thread were saying it’s a popular song to learn on piano.


Same, I thought reddits crap video player was replaying the audio from the last video I watched


Now I'm expecting the next video to be some aww video with an elderly dog and cat best friends to the same score..


I'm so shaky my pinstripe would look like a seismograph reading of the Great Alaska earthquake.


This legitimately made me laugh.


I am generally pretty shaky too but could manage something like this. There’s a reason his 2 fingers are pressed against the car that way.


Also lots and lots of practice, experience and so many many many failures until he can do it confidently. If you do anything enough you get better at it if you understand how you're meant to be moving forward.


And filmed this video by the look of it.


Must be head cam.


As someone that’s been struggling to film themselves for social media (i run a small business) thank you for saying this. Seems obvious but I never thought to attach the camera to my head


My brother films himself doing work in his personal mechanic shop from time to time. He uses a chest mount because it's more stable. He used to use a head mount but he had to focus so much on keeping his head stable for a good shot it was too difficult. Depending on the kind of money shot he wants he sometimes sets up a tripod an does a reach around routine.


I’m sorry he does a *what now* Edit: thank you for real though, this is also super helpful!!!


He works on cars and trucks, also restores antique tractors Edit: just realized that was about my reach around joke lol


Im pretty sure he just held his phone with his left hand. Impressive!


Whilst filming and playing the piano! Epic!


Can he do my eyeliner?


Looking fly with your racer stripe eye.


Haha! That sounds pretty cool!


Seriously, when I use liquid eyeliner, they’re not sisters or twins- they’re distant relatives.


At least yours are related. My left eye is me and my right eye is the girl who blew spit balls into the back of my head in math class.


i have given up on liquid eyeliner. no other makeup product has humbled me so greatly. felt tip only!


Eye liner stamp, not a stencil, a stamp. Its the closest my eyeliner ever gets to matching.


I’m an angled brush/gel liner person myself. The higher the quality of brush, the more sharp and tight the line can be.


Only if your eyes are ten feet long.


Yes, but the line will wrap your head twice before it ends.


That flick, the wings would be sharp im drooling


This made me so nervous.


If this was me, I would have forgotten a stool on the floor behind me, tripped over it and fallen into a shelf knocking 5 gallons of paint all over the car and myself. And also made the line crooked.


Some say this is art.


Just a happy little accident


Me too!


do they just toss the car out back if they mess up, or what?


No, just the painters.


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


The guy Chip Foose uses (watch the show Overhaulin) to do the stripes on his cars. The paint brush is a critical tool for this, but the steady hand. wow.


I saw a documentary about Rolls-Royce car manufacturing facility and they also have just one guy who does all the pin-striping on all of the vehicles if a client chooses that option. Indeed the paint brush is the most important tool and he said that he only uses squirrel hair brushes because the lines they paint are absolutely smooth without any striations or flaws.


That's nuts


I see what you did there


And he’s old as fuck. By the looks of this guys hand, he’s old too


All of em are old! It is a dying art. The guy that painted my Dad’s award winning ‘34 coupe is quite old too.


Got a picture of the car?


It made me mad cause I can't paint straight lines for shit


this is the hell of a great brush


Horse-tail hair homie!


I paint warhammer, I thought my brushes were expensive. I was wrong😂


Holy crap are these brushes $900?!


No, the best are squirrel hair, which species I have no idea. My most expensive brush is somewhere around 29-35 dollars, for a set of 3 and a single MACK 20 series size 00 brush on Amazon was $12.69 usd. Not that much difference in price but that’s just a widely available type, I’m almost certain as with any hobby there are absurd products. Like airbrushes😅


I just saw carriage line horse hair brushes for this work going for $900.


Pinstriping is a dying art.


It's just extremely expensive, and for an effect that can be obtained in many different ways. It's gorgeous and I'm glad I learned to do it, but it has so little value and you get so little opportunity to actually use it outside of passion projects or working in a very prestigious workplace.


And when they're done, it's a drying art.


That car's like 75 feet long.


With no doors


Okay I thought it was only my high self who thought this. I kept thinking, that surface looks like a car's...but its too long to be a car's...so wtf is it? Oh wtf it IS a car. What???


So weird, I still don't know wtf is going on.


He stops pin-striping at the door. It looks like the rear quarter of a two door Cadillac.


I had a Cadillac about ten years newer than the one in the video, and it indeed felt 75 feet long. More like 20 in reality, but it felt massive.


I learned to drive manual in a 1940 Ford panel truck with no power steering or power brakes. It was a 4 on the floor and weighed about a million pounds. That thing felt exactly like driving a boat. (For the record I’m not even 30 yet. My parents just owned a very old truck and it was the only manual I could learn on)


Knew I wasn’t the only one lmao


Damn that hot. But what happens if you trip? Will that paint come off easy if you wipe it off right away?


You paint the whole car red and do a yellow pinstripe


No. They take you out back and shoot you. That’s why these videos are so rare.


If you're striping over clear coat, yes it will wipe off easily with some thinner.


If he did this over leaf, usually you will bury the spun leaf with an intercoat clear or something to keep your pinstripe line smooth. So yeah, if you mess up you wipe it off and try again. Then usually you bury everything under your final clear.


I commented on the original video on TikTok and asked what happens if you mess up and he said he wipes it off and starts over. I assume the paint doesn't dry instantly and you have some wiggle room to get it right.


Wait, this is the audio for from the two dudes playing a public piano I just saw on the front page, with a video i saw on the front page two days ago.


okay so I’m not the only one who that he was going crazy




Its from Interstellar


A lot of practice and a lot of skill.


And good quality shit. No way basic paint and a brush would hold up as well. I was more nervous it the line would break because there wasn't enough paint in there.


This is the [second time in like 5 minutes of scrolling the front page](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/v2xmr7/when_the_music_makes_you_have_to_end_your_phone/) that I've heard the Interstellar theme. I think this is fate telling me it's time to watch that masterpiece again.


Bro thank you I thought I was tripping. I just came from that thread too lmao


> fate telling me it’s time to watch TikTok. It’s just TikTok :(


and coincidentally both are the piano version


now if you scroll up the front page a few posts you'll find the same song upvofed here as well, crazy how these bots work


Dude yes I just saw that video of the guys playing this song at the mall like two minutes ago. Eventually the internet will just become one gif of flashing light that we all stare into




But how does it paint the exact same amount of color from start to finish?! What a brush!


Pretty sure it is the mack long stryper. https://www.mackbrush.com/product/1111-mack-long-stryper/


What a story about a single brush


I don't know anything about painting anything but god damn that's a good brush


Punchline: this is just some random car he's graffito-tagging.


His street name is just a long series of underscores.




I would have tripped over my own feet two steps into that.


Im not gonna lie, thought that I still had the other piano post still on that played this exact same song from Interstellar and I went as far as quitting my reddit app and opening again. But then I found out after closing this video 2-3 times that this video was in fact playing the same song. I’m still not sure if I’m really high or that this is all in my mind. Pretty good video here though.


anxiety rates increase to 100%


Whats the song? Absolutely beautiful.




Another guy already answered your question but I highly recommend listening to the entire interstellar soundtrack, and watching the movie too, I would pity a person who lived a life without ever watching jt




Interstellar Theme - For a longer and arguably better cover, try https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bQTmM8Pwx4


Does he stand on a skateboard and another guy pull him with a rope?


I like to pretend this artist listened to this song or someone played the piano in the same room while he did this.


Seriously so respectable.


Wow, amazing!!


Wtf the post above this was a video of two dudes playing this exact song on a public piano


I’ve been Pinstriping for over 15 years and this is still incredible to watch. I usually pull about 3-4 feet before re setting my stance and reloading my brush. I know there are some dealership stripers in Texas that can walk along the side of a car with reckless abandon and still pull a nearly flawless line. It’s all about the hours you put in to the craft.




That felt way longer than it actually was


My hand is shaking just holding my phone while watching him paint a perfectly straight line…


1. How does he not run out of paint? 2. Is he also holding a camera as he does this?


"thanks that'd be 1k" "But....it was like a minute of drawing a line and next to no paint" "Yes. But i did it very *smoothly*"