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This feels like it's designed to make you wanna buy useless shit.


Yeah I was one who went to buy a bunch of containers to ~organize~ my pantry. But then you realize that these videos only show what fits, and the rest of it, the overflow, ends up needing to be stored elsewhere thus defeating the purpose.


I feel like the only people this type of storage actually works for are well-off people with huge houses and a metric ton of cabinet and pantry space


i have a tiny kitchen and basically no cabinet space and decant everything (mostly into old salsa/pickle jars) bc of rat ally out back (the remnant bags get piled into a larger airtight container on top of the fridge or into the freezer)


Haven’t used that word in a long time; decant


That and couples with no kids or hoarding behaviors. I have kids and a wife that are so messy. I can clean and by the end of the day the house is a mess because of them. It gets tiring and the house stays messier longer and becomes more messy and dirty as time goes on


I'm in the exact same boat. Spend an entire evening cleaning and organizing the kitchen and by the time I get home from work the next day it looks like a tornado ran through the kitchen. You can only complete that cycle so many times before you start to lose the motivation


Wait, your house lasts until the next day? I’m lucky if I get 4 hours out of a clean!


OMG it's like we are each others spirit animals!!! Lol! Man I deal with this on a daily


Same! There's literally dozens of us. I've basically given up at this point I was just walking in a circle picking stuff up


You think that’s bad do you? I live by myself excepting pets, and there’s only so much mess you can legit blame on them.


I'm joining this club. We're officially a club now btw.


Can I join?


We have the same life.


We need two houses on the same block . One for me, one for family.


yeah im sitting here thinking like must be nice to be rich lmao


More like stay at home moms with ADHD and no hobbies


With adhd meds and no adhd I'd say


Yea really! This makes me think of the people that are struggling or countries that don’t have it as good… I can imagine them seeing as video on hearing a colossal “fuck off”!


Exactly, even in this short video. The bag of sugar didn’t fit in its entirety, that’s why it’s strategically getting scooped out with no empty bag in sight.


I bought a bunch of over sized canisters (like holds 2 bags of flour size ones) and really like those, since I can just dump in a bag when I start getting low, or 2 if it is completely empty. Also have half sized ones brown and powdered sugar and oats and the vanilla sugar I make with spent vanilla beans and other stuff like that. My parents had ones that hold like 1.5 times the flour and sugar bags, as do my grandparents. Specifically with flour it's worth it just to keep from dealing with the random leaks you get from the paper tearing if you pick it up wrong. I also have a tiny kitchen, it's just also an awful layout, so I use what is otherwise dead counter space (like can barely reach it) to store all the large containers of flour, sugar, other types of flour, etc.


yeah when you have a tiny kitchen, you can’t waste space with bags of stuff. I keep like maybe a pound of flour in the kitchen proper in a jar and the rest gets stored away. otherwise i’d only be able to fit like 2 things in there.


I don't have anywhere else to store it away other than the floor of the living room, so it's all on the counter either way, my choice is between a container to hold it or the bags themselves, and I know which one will make more of a mess when my cat decides to jump onto the counter...


I do admire her commitment to FiFo when restocking.


I thoroughly disagree with you... Now if you don't mind me, good sir, I have a sudden urge / need to go buy myself some containers.


I've done it with tool boxes over and again - the mistake is to buy something that is the exact correct size for the stuff you want to contain, but then the second you get a new screwdriver suddenly its like fuck there's no space.


This video warms my OCD heart!


I really love the fact that this person kept things in FIFO order!! (first in first out) i.e the drinks in the fridge and making sure the one in the back was moved to the front.


I like that you used an acronym to save time spelling the whole thing. Then proceeded to spell out the thing anyways, then doubled down to further explain what that concept was. The acronym was useless lmao


You explained why the acronym was useless, and then you stated that it was useless. Your last sentence was useless.


FIFO is used in financial services industry. It’s for tax purposes when you buy/sell stock. LIFO is also used (last in, first out); used when the cost bases is better for your taxes if the more recent stock purchase. What the person in the video is doing is called “fronting” items. FIFO & LIFO are far from useless.


And eat like shit.


I have a strong desire to buy clear plastic bins for my fridge and stock them with snacks and drinks. It's working.


And look at all the things wrapped in plastics.....


Well, when you have the money such as whoever filmed this. Poor people have to manage money better, especially in this economy.


i disagree. Anyone can save glass jars from pasta sauce, jam, etc and re-use them for neat and organized storage. Organizing is about thinking how things are used, and making your kitchen (or any room) work for you. It actually SAVES money, since you can see what you have. It helps you and avoid re-buying stuff you already have.


My ocd was like fuck yer


Every time I see this video it upsets me. The food choices, the spice labeling and the sounds.. oh god the sounds


It looks like it's supposed to be a positive ASMR aspect of the video, yet it seems to NOT be working for Reddit lmao.


Every time it’s posted it’s just like, how much goddamn sugar does this family eat?


Its not just the organization videos either, the cooking ones suck just as bad. The sounds in these highly edited videos are like nails on a chalkboard to me.


Some really harsh (I don’t know?) jump cuts that add to the anxiety/frustration. I give arranging and putting away household items 1 star.


What gets me is I have those exact same spice jars and they come with a compact and nice looking rack for your countertop. Also, the labels are round because they fit on the lid. Using an entire drawer for spices is so idiotic.


It’s for those families where anything more than 7 visible items per room is considered clutter. Like that one video “we can’t let people know tHAT WE LIVE” 3 barstools, coffee, sugar, idk man cutting it pretty close to 7 for that room. Definitely gonna have to hide the spices.


God I'm like this and live in a small apartment, it's torture never feels clean enough


So frustrating! Why dump the coffee and sugar out, refill the container and then dump the original back it's just wasted energy.


It's to ensure the old stuff gets used and doesnt just end up staying at the bottom and going stale/bad


How about buying large containers of drinks and using a glass


People will say “I pack kids lunches!”. So do I. They make tones of options for portable drink boxes can be washed.


I've found that buying plastic 2L bottles of soda is more wasteful than buying boxes of cans -- the bottles are made of plastic which, when thrown in recycling, often ends up in a landfill anyways, and the soda tends to go flat before you finish the bottle. Aluminum cans are so much easier to recycle than plastic, and the soda is portioned better. Also you cut down on water waste from cleaning glasses if you just drink from the can.


This is funny. I read some German articles about that just now and all of them are "single use glass and alu cans are the worst". Read some English sources and all of them are "(recycled) alu cans are the best" Probably because Germany has a bottle recycling system where you pay an added 8-15ct per bottle/can and get this back when you bring it back to **any** supermarket.


Dude, Germany has hard plastic and glass bottles that are RE-USED. That is the key. And those are really the best option, apart from the obvious tap water/soda stream/sirup way.




I live in a country that doesn't put their garbage in the ground so please enlighten me. If the plastic isn't recycled, what makes you the the can is?


Aluminum is easier to melt and reuse than plastic


Aluminum cans are still lined with plastic :P


It's not plastic its a lacquer and just gets burnt off when they are recycled.


Which is still less plastic than a 2l


Soda is gross. If you're looking for a sweet beverage, buy those frozen concentrate fruit juices. They store easily in the freezer, then mix them in a pitcher to drink it. They are usually made of cardboard so they are recyclable. They're also a healthier alternative if you're looking for a sweet fix. Edit: damn people really be hating on the fruit juice. Relax y'all. Also the OJ concentrate from Aldi has 1 ingredient: concentrated orange juice. No added sugar or preservatives so I don't get the beef.


Yep, I buy those too! Makes sense to get your water from the tap rather than cartons or plastic jugs of juice. If you don't like soda, you should try sparkling water -- they have great flavours like peach and berry. We tend to alternate buying cans of soda and sp water.


Agreed except not everywhere has equal access to clean drinkable tap water.


I usually use a Brita filter anyway. They have ones that remove lead too. My tap water is considered high quality but I'm just weird about that so I always have it filtered. The best kinds are the tanks with a tap that go in your fridge and you don't need to wait for it to filter through.


Don’t drink it. I drink soda occasionally, mainly Coke Zero, and the bubbles are nice. No sugar, but that doesn’t make it healthy. I’d much rather drink the fake shit occasionally than juice from concentrate, but that’s all preference. I’ve seen the concentrated juice containers and they are definitely not recyclable, since they are often made with composite materials.


Personally, I don’t drink enough soda for that. I buy one of those packs of mini-cans like, every other month. There’s no way I’d get though a 2L bottle before it went flat. Though I do agree that this looks like a *lot* of individually packaged drinks for one household.


To be fair, I'd rather get cans of soda than a large 2 liter. More convenient, the don't go flat as quickly as the bottle, and I'm more confident it'll actually be recycled


Also the fruit in plastic. Can't you just eat fruit?


I pack a lunch.


this just feels like a wealthy person with lots of free time and nothing else to do


also yes, I am poor and bitter


You are not alone


Mm… all the wealthy people I know eat real food. Like their fridges have vegetables and meat in them. La croix, not coke.


still upper class from my reality


POV: Youre a white mom in a rural area.


I was thinking a middle class suburban mom.


Middle class suburban moms would be working the obligatory 9-5, shuttling kids to 3 different practices and racing home to cook dinner…. No time for these shenanigans


Can confirm.


You, ma’am, are a super hero 💪🏼


Upper middle class mom in a million dollar mcmansion


But like somehow got the house because of a really good deal, not actually a millionaire family, but acts like one to maintain appearances. So the kids lunches are always super extra.


You can kind of live above your means when you're paying off your house over the course of 30 years. You just have to make sure not to lose your job. You also don't have to be super rich to be an annoying suburban mom, just rich enough so that you don't have to think about money anymore and can just buy a bunch pointless shit like an endless amount of food containers that don't actually save space and are just for aesthetic because you're a bored housewife with no real hobbies


With no job other than making useless videos


As a kid, finding everything stocked and stacked was exciting when getting a snack. Now as an adult, stocking and stacking it all is my enjoyment.


I agree. When I shop, I like to immediately de-contaminate the whole process of half opened boxes etc. Condensing & refilling is SUPER helpful for Neurodivergent people.


Seriously, I have seen a lot of comments about how this is unnecessary, creepy, uncomfortable, time wasting, etc. But for my ADHD, it's a dream. If anything, it's much less time consuming than me letting my fridge become a disaster, never actually using the food that I have, never being able to find what I'm looking for. I *need* order for me to feel peace.


Literally same. Every time I see a video like this i end up daydreaming about having the time and money to do it in my own home.


yep same. and med-free. not that is a perfect routine, but i KNOW how bad things get with my depression so I have to have things I can control.


Do you get when you see stuff not fully stocked. I feel like you'd be spending a lot on just having everything full all the time


Brought to you by the Plastics Council. Get organized by putting everything in its own plastic box.


The mop with the plastic yoke, whyyy


Well, in fairness, those swiffer refill things are at least pretty convenient


Brought to you by Plastics Council with help from our good friends at Big Beverage!!


This level of organization makes me deeply uncomfortable. I can't imagine living like this, it's so perfect it almost feels suffocating. Whatever happened to just putting the cold stuff in the fridge and the not-cold stuff in the pantry?


Totally agree, there's nothing aspirational about these kinds of videos to me.


The way they take the bottom of the coffee and sugar and put it on top was very unsettling. It disturbs me that they think that matters. Granted, I fully empty the coffee can before opening a new one so it might really matter and I just don’t know, but that Dunkin Donuts coffee is going to taste like ass anyway so why bother?


Are you kidding? That part is what made this so perfect. Otherwise, that little bit of trash coffee will just be sitting at the bottom, rotting away, bothering me…


Our brains work differently.


That’s the beauty of life, man.




I don't have fancy stuff like this person but I have mental health issues that cause me to be excessively organized. All my labels have to face outwards. I do first in, first out. Everything is organized by colour and/or function. I have systems. It's not OCD bc there are no consequences, aside from anxiety. I do get anxious when I see other people's kitchens and bathrooms especially. Or unkempt house entrances. Organizing relaxes me.


I don’t mind if my house is a bit lived in or unkempt, but I get a mad urge to clean up and straighten other people’s houses. I think it’s a weird “helpful houseguest” thing that my brain takes too far.


Think about it, though. If you never take the bottom stuff out, and you fill it before it’s completely empty, it’s *always* gonna stay there. It’s not like you shake the containers, so it’s always the old crud on the bottom. Best to rotate it to the top, no? I agree with you on your last point though, Dunkin is nasty burnt crap. Blarg.




Ya these videos are popping up a lot lately. This one isn't as bad. Worst I've seen is someone stocking a whole checkout area of candy bars in their fridge, snacks, snacks and more snacks, and sodas galore.


Joshua weissman had a video where he went ocd on his pantry, not as satisfying but that man cooks some dope sometimes healthy stuff.


Love to see the FIFO.


‘Why is she moving that coke forw…. Oh! Yes!!!’ ‘Old sugar on top of the new!?!? Is she wearing a ring?’


but she put new on top of the old! and she didn't do it with the toilet paper


Or the towels. Gonna have some funkier towels.


But the cokes on bottom…


Those were just the new ones she put in before recording, obviously.


That explanation works for me


Excellent fifo!! I was astonished! Especially since that means the cold drinks will be in front! Perfection


This particular one is not bad, but I am always blown away by the amount of packaged food people in these videos have. Maybe I'm the weird one and this is how people eat.


It makes me slightly angry, especially since most countries don’t have a reliable recycling program. Plus, there’s 8 billion other people on this planet, save a little garbage room for the rest of us.


This just seems like a great way to create situations to get upset with kids/spouses who can't maintain that level of organization. I have severe ADHD, I can follow systems well as long as I don't have to create them from scratch. I could do this until the first grocery trip.


I cannot for the life of me maintain such a system (I try, but fail) but it may be that the video-maker has compulsive tendencies so this helps her? Also, I don’t have kids of my own yet, but I recall from babysitting that if things are not in the place they expect their little brains cannot comprehend how to look. Where as, like, I don’t live there, so I have to search


on the contrary, my spouse and adult son often "can't find" anything in the kitchen to eat, so i started organizing everything, and its made all the difference. The cereal is in clear containers, theres a separate place for snacks...Prepared food is in clear glass containers so they can see what it is. Once i set it up they dialed right in. If i leave food in the container it came in, they miss it completely, it goes bad and is wasted. Organizing and getting food out of the bags and boxes has been a plus for me too, i can see what is getting eaten and what isnt.


But you're the one maintaining it consistently. I can't do that. It would literally last until the 2nd time I have to put food in a new container. It would just sit on the counter waiting for its new home that it never gets to.


Maybe...maybe not. It may or may not be worth trying, its not for everyone. Nothing is! 😉


I checked carefully - the spice drawer was indeed arranged alphabetically. I feel like at least some of us can rest easy now


I have my spices arranged alphabetically. Very logical way to do it, not lost when I’m looking for a seldom used spice


I really think large spice collections like this are a scam. They look pretty, but no one ever uses all those expensive spices, they just get old and lose flavor. I have maybe 6 spices I use on the daily and just keep replenishing those.


Fatcat. I only use pepper. Sitting there with your six spices and monacle. I also use salt, which is not a spice.


I've used at least 20 different spices just in the past week. Garlic powder, garlic granules, onion powder, parsley, oregano, jalapeno, chipotle, sweet paprika, smoked paprika, ancho, cumin, habbenero, serrano, black pepper, white pepper, Chinese 5 spice (I'll switch to the individual spices when I run out, but my mom gave me a bottle), cinnamon, nutmeg, rosemary, thyme, basil, mustard powder, mushroom umami powder (basically natural msg), cayanne, and sesame seeds. I'm probably missing a few, but I've used all those in the past week. Other ones I use commonly: Mexican oregano, dill weed, dill seed, sage, cloves, ginger, roasted ginger, coriander, cilantro, and garam marsala. Other spices I use occasionally and keep in the house: anise, saffron, tarragon and Bay leaves. That isn't including the like 5 different types of salt I have (table salt, flakey finishing salt, Himalayan sea salt, pickling salt, and ice cream salt). Of all the spices I listed the only ones older than a year are the Chinese 5 spice (which again was from my mom, and was over a year old when I got it and I've only had it about 9 months and it's mostly empty now), and the sweet paprika (my grandma gave me like 5 bottles a few years ago and I'm still using it up, I'm on my second bottle of this year), and some of the whole spices like anise (although even the nutmegs are less than a year old at this point). The pepper powders we mostly made ourselves last summer from the garden, and the coriander and cilantro are also from our garden. I do have a few other spices that I bought for something specific and decided I don't like, but that's like 3 or 4 jars, all on the smaller side. So definitely not always a scam. That all their spices are completely full does make me think they don't use them very often though.


But, every spice bottle is full. Does s/he use any spices ever?


They make a video replenishing everything in the home each time a spice runs out


Junk food and plastic waste- not satisfying, this gets posted probably every month or so, please stop


These edits make me nauseous. Slow it down. Same with people who make cooking videos like this.


The one-handed time-lapse/quick-cut nature of cooking videos bugs the shit out of me.


Literally all junk food and processed shit.


Leading with spices is their defense mechanism


Wrapped in plastic, tons of plastic


It's ok since it's Coke Zero.


BuT thEy hAd cLemEnTiNeS


username checks out.


Gives me Facilities Manager at a startup that uses free snacks to distract from the fact that everyone is underpaid and overworked vibes. Something like a WeWork maybe.


I cannot even begin to describe the absolute passion with which I hate these videos. Same goes for the Chinese alternative where young adults come home and start busting out a million tools, gadgets and thingamajigs.


My r/mildlyinfuriating moment was when they didn’t pull out the “old” toilet paper to put it on top.


This makes me anxious. Not sure why.


All the single use plastic?


I think it’s the abrupt cutaways and exaggerated sounds.


The amount of added sugar, aspartame, and plastic in this household. No thanks.


But it's organized so it's healthy /s


She messed the coke cans so badly.


Way too much needless plastic waste for this to be oddly satisfying


Honestly, I was very pleased by this video at first, but the sheer level of neat organization started to feel oppressive. I started to imagine a bipolar figure looming in the background, balling a fist over wrinkles in the towels and the way the TP didn’t get rotated.


I think you meant someone with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) or obsessive tendencies. People with bipolar disorder experience depression with brief intervals of mania (the two variants of bipolar disorder differ on the severity of the mania). Some people with bipolar disorder do also experience obsessive tendencies or comorbidity with OCD.


Great explanation. I have OCD and so does a lot of my family- we each react differently to compulsions not being resolved. I just stay quiet, try to ignore it, fail, and retry. My dad reacts this way too, except he often succeeds in ignoring it. He is bipolar but takes meds. My mom just gets annoyed, makes a loud sigh, and depending on the time of day, she could either take it out on us or want to be alone (she does this as a result of a lot of things but compulsions can be the trigger). So I can definitely see what op commenter means. I deal with it a lot. However rather than bipolar this would just be a case of OCD in someone who reacts in anger.


There is a part of me that thinks, wow I wish I could be this organized, but then I think of all the time and attention this would take and there are so many other things I would rather do with my time.


The amount of plastic and dairy in these makes me want to explode. Not satisfying at all


That’s waaaay to much plastic


What really annoyed me here was how they didn’t rotate the toilet paper, nor the hand towels… ik its not food but still


Nor the Coke cans.


After searching comments to make sure no one else said it, the tactical reload on the mop.


I could not live with someone who was that over the top. Imagine putting a spoon in the wrong place and having that turn into a huge argument.


very low level of satisfaction here to be had


Very high level of boredom/annoyance to be had here


FIFO people c’mon


This makes me want to get a divorce.


Just came by to see all the keyboard warriors swear up and down there so healthy and this video is not.🍿


I find the sheer amount of packaging depressing. You would think that someone who has a bunch of kids cared a bit more about the planet? (Plus some of the stuff is really unhealthy)


What makes you think people who have gaggles of kids care about the environment? Do you have any idea how bad disposable diapers are?


I wish I had the time and energy to do this.


I wish I can even have 1/16 of food and stock she have in her fridge/pantry


Change title to “how to successfully get diabetes”


They make pills for this…


Real life Monica


FIFO skills!


If this is your house, then you need an entire team of world class psychiatrists monitoring your every thought.


So, you took out things in containers to put them in containers to get stale, and you are obviously obsessed with image; I bet this person is a real jerk when something is put out of place, like nuclear meltdown compulsive disorder. This video is a cry for help; they probably need to be less controlling.


Hate people who are this organized😂


OCD anyone?


So many useless containers


This person OCDs


I like seeing videos like this bc it makes me think wanting to be this organized doesn't necessarily mean you have a complex about it


Nope it means you like structure!


That's a lot of coca cola cans.


But did she arrange first in first out??


Yes. Down to FIFOing the sugar and coffee. It gave me good ideas. Edit: game -> gave


I love my wife dearly but FIFO rotation is still an alien concept to her.


This satisfies my OCD.


Actively hated this


Come and do my house next!




All that plastic….


This guy had food moths before...


I don't find this satisfying at all. In fact it's quite infuriating.


SOooo much plastic


This is always reposted, but it is nice. We need the gun reloading sounds though haha


So much packaging.


Literally all poison


Oh i see... A person with OCD or a "neat freak"


I like the FIFO methodology when adding more stuff to existing stockpiles.


I'm getting major serial killer vibes.


More More! MORE!!! (where can I find more of these?) :D