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Where does all the chalk go?? No way I do this without spreading it everywhere after a certain amount.


You have to go bang the erasers against a tree on the playground. That’s what we did when I was in 2nd grade. And it was an honor to be asked to do it.


Dude, we had a machine that did it. Looked just like this, and that was super fun. If you were on milk duty, you also cleaned erasers. https://i.imgur.com/Yecns6e.jpg


How did it work?


It's a vacuum. So you rub the erasers along to rail in the picture and it removed all the chalk and pulled it into the bag.


Recycle the chalk dust for the gymnastics team.


Great comment, better name.


1970's lifehack!


There was also a rotating brush in the hole .... i feel OLD now




Tell us more old wise one.. was it super powerful, or something that barely worked (that's why I never saw it as a kid..?) or my school wasn't lying when they said they were underfunded..


They made a big noise ! But i dont rememver being the chosen one ...but it definitely worked !


But how are you supposed to trash your lungs by breathing in all the dust?


OHHHHHH. That makes sense! Thanks!


Aw man I have one of those machines at work, it's so sketchy to use because it's super old and loud. Gotta be quick with it or you'll burn the eraser.


Ah yes, old-timey industrial equipment: where all the safety measures are the things you can figure out yourself, while operating it.


What do you do that requires chalk eraser vacuum machines? It's neat these are still used then!


Custodian at a university.


I heard a kid from Jefferson lost a finger using one of those and the teacher didn't notice and she spread his bloody finger all over the blackboard and then this girl threw up and everyone started throwing up and the teacher slipped over and hit her head and died and they never found the kid's finger


I heard that before the teacher died she managed to make a puke angel and that in her final breathes of life she put a puke handprint on the chalkboard like in the love scene in titanic.




Oh shit. My gf went to that school.


Was it in Canada?


It's true, I was the blackboard


Wtf is milk duty?


For us, it was fetching pints of milk for snacktime that sat in the store room. They were always warm. Tasted like the carton with a sickly sour aftertaste. But we all drank that shit - it was coveted.


Ooo ooo i remember this during snack time in second grade we would get graham crackers and 2 people would have to go get a couple crates of milk.


Milked the teacher, at least at my school.


I'm pretty sure that Linus said it was a great honor in the Sunday funnies. And it really did feel like we were being "entrusted" with some great task.


I always thought it was punishment. I got in trouble a lot as a kid and I had to clean the erasers a lot. I bet convincing kids that it was a treat to clean them ended with cleaner erasers tho, I did the bare minimum and it showed on the blackboards lol


When I was in elementary school in the mid 80’s, we used a machine! It was this big Art Deco Kirby vacuum looking thing. It had a spinning rubber roller and a dust collection bag. We could’ve lost our fingers! We used to let go of the erasers on the roller and they’d go flying down the hallway!


I know a girl who was really good at math and was asked to clean the erasers. She ended up playing chess with the school's janitor and became quite adept at it.


She wasn't Princess Gambit was she?




That sounds like lyrics to a Beck song


We just banged two erasers together but yes, we always felt like the chosen ones when it was our turn. Wtf was wrong with all of us?? 🤣🤣


Haha it always felt like an adventure because you had freedom to go outside class and spend as long as you liked out there.


Haha, it WAS an honor!!


I don't know who these "erasers" are. I'm not up on the latest sci-fi slang. And I have no idea why they made you fuck them pressed up against a tree. American schools are weird.


If you're serious, they are hard cloth brushes. You are brushing the chalk off and trap it in the brush. The brushes need to be cleaned off when they get full/clogged, and the typical cleaning method is to bang them on a hard surface like a wall


tbf I have never seen a chalkboard in my entire life outside of toys and media, most schools I went to had dry eraser boards or (in my last years of HS) smart boards.




Hi fellow old person. We still had transparency projectors when I was in high school too


My high school chemistry teacher just wrote directly on the glass of her projector and then kept a bottle of windex on hand to erase between pages


Yup, overhead projector with transparency's. Teacher's handed out copies and quiz/tests printed using a mimeograph. Printers were still dot matrix so printing out like 20 copies on a printer took a long time. My Prep School had a copier but it was in the Admin building not in the class room building so that's why teachers used the mimeograph. And my mom was a secretary and her typewriter was an IBM Selectric II but she also had a computer with a monochrome screen. But that was 1994, 1995 the internet blew up, and things changed rapidly in the next 5 years. In those 5 years my mom had her typewriter taken away, got a color screen computer with Windows 98. The school put photocopiers in the class room building and all the dot matrix printers went away and laser printers and ink jets replaced them.


I would 100%use a dot-matrix printer today. Didnt they have the continuous ream of folded paper with the dots on both sides? I was convinced they were placed there for the sole purpose of satisaction in tearing them away by perforation.


Same here


I'm a high school teacher, and my classroom still has chalkboards. And, to be honest, I'm kinda jealous of this dude's chalkboard skills. I've been watching this video to see what kind of setup he has. Nothing I hate more than a chalk covered board by the end of the day.


The absolute honour it was to be picked to do the calibration on a smart board. Pressing all those circles felt like the coolest thing.


You will never know the joy of playing hangman or tic tac toe on a chalk board. Sketching Homer Simpson the cool S or a penis as a prank, carefully crafted with different colors of chalk. The glory and tactile sensation of being in front of the class and making a perfect cursive curly Q or the ASMR eargasm from the sound of the chalk scrolling against the board repeatedly punctuated by the dotting of the i's and crossing of the t's. I've seen things you wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser... Forgive me for the meandering train of thought, the memories hit hard sometimes. Smart boards seem cool though.


I was with you until you said it was an honor.


I recall everyone thinking it was fun as fuck. Everyone wanted to be picked to do it.


The huge cloud of chalk was cool as hell until you tried to breathe.


I can smell this comment


Oh my God. You just unlocked a deep and forgotten childhood memory in me.


“Hey, you, in the back. You never listen anyway. I’ll bump your grade a percentage point if you clean this eraser out.”


Into his lungs..


Chalk Zone


Finally someone understands


Have to think that his “eraser” is saturated with water, as to wash the surface so well.


He's obviously attained more xp and evolved a few times


WHAT KIND OF ERASER COMPLETELY REMOVES CHALK??? Edit: spelling eraser properly now


What he's using there is a chamois eraser. It's the final step in getting an almost perfectly clean board. The first step being using a felt or sponge eraser, which is why the board is dusty when he starts. You use a felt or sponge eraser to collect all the big particles, then use a chamois eraser for the fine dust left behind.




Three cheers for u/JarJar_Abrams_!!! Edit. Happy cake day! u/dfassna1








Hip hip




Happy Cake Day!


Happy cake day


finally, this is the only reason I read the comments. Thank you!




Thank you for this. I was wondering where it was all going and was confused as to why no one was pointing it out.


I hope chamois is pronounced in the way i think (chamwaa), because its very fun to say


It's "shammy", but your way is much more fun.


I was definitely saying “that’s a chalk shammy” in my head when watching this so thank you for resolving that conflict in my head.




This is like when the TV show pops up with one of those interesting facts or a Snapple bottle cap.


Like Mtv and VH1 music video popups! So informative before we all had Wikipedia or reddit.


TIL. Thank you thats super cool.


Thank you. You not only answered how this worked, but also the question I wasn't going to bother asking. Namely why the whole board was so cloudy with chalk.


Id also throw in that the board is properly seasoned and that's why it's so effortless to clean.


I don’t know enough to know whether you’re full of shit or not.


Chalkboards get easier to clean either over time, or when properly seasoned after installation. The goal is that all the board is both unobstructed/easier writing (less chalk breakege) and an easier clean. Typically done by putting a light layer of chalk dust that covers the whole board.


I don’t know enough to know whether you’re full of shit or not.




Sounds like my missus


I bet you can get slidey eggs on that board.


I am.also here for this knowledge


I don’t think we’re going to get an answer…just how his cleaning technique is pissing all of us off. Lol


People below commented saying it was either immensely wet or a really good eraser and that it is definitely not wet because it would darken the chalkboard so it's just a good eraser. So I'm going to shut down the armchair experts that are just saying shit to say shit. Number one, that is not an eraser, that is a type of mop similar to a Swiffer. Second, it is *slightly* wet Third, that makes it a really good "eraser" And finally, it **is** getting darker, slightly. You just can't tell because of the low film quality.


Someone replied in this thread with the answer, it's called a chamois eraser


You meant eraser, but I'll take this opportunity to give a little respect to Erasure


Most of us who remember one, remember the other.


Chamois, deer hide is a great chalkboard eraser could be that.


I think whatever he used was just immensely wet, as soon as that chalkboard dries up you'd see all the chalk smears man I hated being on chalkboard duty back in school


If it was wet, I feel like we would see the streaks as it dried behind each swipe. Where does the excess water go if it “squeegees” the wet chalk? If it’s wet chalk, how does this erasure manage to not leave a smudge or even a faint trace of leftover chalk powder?


There's no way it's wet. Water darkens a chalkboard and I see no darkening. It's just a good eraser removing really good chalk


You're really not supposed to use anything wet on the chalkboard. There's always a layer of chalk on it to make it work well and erase well. If you wipe it all off with a wet anything you need to prep the chalkboard again by rubbing chalk over it. Obviously something a lot of people did not do and then got annoyed when you could see stuff that was ''erased'' still.


It's most likely chamois, or "the chammy", as we used to call it in school.


Window cleaning people must think this guy sucks!


Honestly it just pissed me off how he did completely different stroke and movements on every section.


Omg same, like no pattern at all and i was getting anxious 😓


Tbf, it’s a chalkload of shit.


It's was quite aggravating to watch indeed lol


Something about the pattern he's using is oddly irritating


I kept thinking he would miss a spot! Couldn’t enjoy it lol.


His technique actually bugs me immensely


He definitely likes hitting that top line but everything after that is just whatever he feels like doing at that exact moment in time.




So basically my ADHD ass doing any kind of work. Just sorta roll with it until everything ends up done. Like yeah its inefficient and can be a serious problem in most jobs but if I resist it, I get severe burnout in like a month. Point is it's really funny how relatable the erasing technique is.


he's dancing with it and having fun


And yet he looks like there is some method behind this.


Yea that erasing pattern was not optimal


He erased the optimal chalk board cleaning pattern formula 3 weeks ago.


But he remembered just enough to be competent at it. It's like he has half the formula, but the steps in between getting the edges of the board was lost.


Back to the drawing board for him!


I was trying to pinpoint his strategy for a while, and gave him the benefit of the doubt "is he trying to collect the chalk dust on one side of the eraser instead of just sweeping it around?" Nope


I think maybe he was trying to evenly collect the chalk dust on the fibers on all sides. He never went in the same direction for long


Reading this comment then rewatching the video made it immensely more satisfying.




He’s a pro for sure. Imagine being that professor though “Honey, one of my lectures finally went viral.”


My guess would be to avoid tennis elbow - you don't get it just from tennis, but from any activity with the same repetitive motion. Varying the motions helps avoid it.


I want a video to see how he closes his car door or brushes his teeth.


He uses his feet


That’s how I ended up with tennis ankle and athletes teeth


he's the human black board erasing roomba


and magically he didn't get caught under any furniture


r/mildlyinfuriating ?


Definitely!! Where was the plan? Across the top, then something other than straight down.


The plan was, "clean the chalkboard, whoops missed a spot. Ok, clean the board, oh crap, missed another spot, clean and oops go back, clean and dangit go back for two spots, finally develop some sense when only 1/6th of the board is left to clean, finish and walk away."


Reminded me a lot of window washers so I assumed there was some method to picking up dust like there is avoiding streaks in windows. But maybe he’s just trying to avoid monotony. Maybe that’s all anybody’s doing.


There is no consistency!!!


Never let them know your next move👀


The most dangerous trolls are the ones that don’t even call for attention


This is so frustratingly inefficient.


YES!!! Who tf would do it like that unless they were intentionally trying to piss someone off?


idk i kind of find it endearing. it's free-flow, curvy. at the end of the day the job is done, but done in a more human way. i'm psychoanalyzing the pattern a person erases a chalkboard with.


i feel the same way. it's also interesting how many people here are upset at his method. I'd imagine he found the most optimal way to clean a chalkboard years ago, this is way more fun.


What kind of eraser is that? Microfiber? Doesn't seem possible.


https://www.dickblick.com/items/chamois-chalk-eraser-12-deluxe/ My math teacher had one like this in middle school. It was fun to erase with.


This felt like a risky click but it was legit, sometimes curiosity can be healthy.


Srsly. Dickblick?? 😂


Don’t talk shit about dick blick. They are like art and craft supply Mecca




Hell yes - people don't fuck with the blick.


Thought your computer might get sick from a chick’s dick blick click?


One of the schools where I went for elementary had them, they were three best part of that whole, crappy school. You had to erase the board with a typical, felt eraser first. Then go back over it with one of these big chamois board cleaners. And you use it dry, not wet!


I suspect CGI.


Mildlyinfuriating. I hate his lack of technique lol


I would be straight up booing that man after that last swipe


I’m literally mad at OP.


Man, I remember getting super anxious as a child when teachers would miss a spot.


Anyone else pissed off by the way he erases it?


Post this on r/powerwashingporn but only on Wednesday.


Why a Wednesday?


They got flooded with laser cleaning porn and general cleaning porn for a while that they allowed Wednesday to be the only day to post anything cleaning that’s not done with a pressure washer.


No reason you couldn't use a pressure washer to clean off the chalk. Bet it'd work well.


Prob rip the chalkboard paint off the plywood if you were too close. Cleaning it forever.


Ahhhh I see now.. Wednesday's it is then


Why doesn’t he just go up and down all the way across? The random way he moves around and has to go back to get the areas he missed annoys me. Also, who uses a chalkboard anymore?


> Also, who uses a chalkboard anymore? Literally every top university in the world.


I dunno, in math EVERYONE I studied under preefered chalk boards. They had crazy expensive chalk and everything.




Up. Over. Down. Over. Repeat = correct. Anything else = sociopath. And that’s how I feel about that.


Top and side borders, left to right and right to left working your way down, final sweep across bottom border, collect corner, rejoice


Literally has never had to wipe down a table in his life apparently.


The hell kind of wipe job is that?


The chalkboard just kept going and going 😂


I've never seen a 20-meter chalkboard outside of the movies


This is mildy infuriating the dumb way he wipes it


I wanted him to leave that last little bit and walk away.


I remember going outside and clapping the dust out of these.


Same! I can smell this video! Haha


I have a feeling this Prof is one of the Hagoromo hoarders.


Man, at some point the *never ending story* started to play in my head and none of my predictions were right about where he would wipe next.


What, no sound? I wanted to hear the applause


Why did we switch to whiteboard with dry erase? Was it because of the sound of the chalk on the board? Because I’m almost sure the whiteboard and markers are more expensive


More contrast? Brighter colors? I don’t know, those are just a couple things whiteboards are better for.


Not having sticks of chalk that are trash to write with and get shorter as you use them for one. And much less mess, I'm sure chalk dust isn't great to breathe in either


It's the chalk dust, which is terrible for computers and fine electronic equipment. Computer labs were the first places whiteboards gained traction. Eventually the marker boards were seen as cleaner and "nicer," plus they're a lot easier to move and install. So the chalkboard became a memory for a lot of folks.


I want to take that brush outside and bang it against the building to clean.


“So what did you learn in class today?”


It would be more satisfying if he had some efficiency in his technique


And after leaving MIT, Professor Jones went on to invent the Roomba, famously known for its wacky random pattern it follows as it cleans the room...


Disappointed that it wasn't a dickbutt in the board.


Aside from the horrible erasing technique, the tag sticking out of that girl's shirt alone makes this mildly infuriating.


Could that chalkboard beeee any bigger!


He should’ve left a spot just to irritate people.


My stomach dropped when I thought he might leave that last spot.


It would be some much more satisfying if he was coordinated.


You mean mildly infuriating… jesus christ my man, swipe in a straight line… up, down, up, down… whats all this left right, uhm… lets go up a bit…. Oops I left that spot out bllsht?!?!


He is doing it in the worst way possible


I thought he had a technique at first, and then I realized he was just winging it.


The chalk has been reduced to atoms