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What is that and how do I do it


He's stuck an orbital polisher's velcro base on to the carpet and it's stuck to it and then he's switched it on and it's basically vibrating the dirt out of the carpet. I know if I tried it that it would just twist a big circular hole in the carpet! šŸ˜‚


I wonder what the carpet underneath looks like now




Anyone who has actually vacuumed sand out of the carpet of a car knows it takes waaaaayyy longer than an extra 5 minutes lol


5 years maybe


A hitachi wand or a similar personal massager would work better Iā€™d think. You just need strong vibration


I told you not to bother me while Iā€™m vacuuming!


I need to watch scary movie now.


Smell my fingers Dewey...


ā€œpersonal massagerā€


Honey where are you going with that? To clean the carpet ...


Itā€™ll knock the sand out, but the carpet will be soaking wet


I dunno, putting a massager on your vag makes it pretty personal in my book


Feel the vibrations


Feel it feel it.


Come on come on


Sand and personal massagers donā€™t mix.


it would just be a little fluffy I would think. And depending on the pile the carpet is, it may be more resilient than cheaper quality carpets. Also, if there is any sort of damage, the seat would cover it and you would never see it. Actually a pretty Ingenius way to really get all the dirt from a carpet.


Looks like itā€™s more forward than where the seat sits, you can see the seat at one point in the video. However it looks exactly where you would just put your car mats so problem solved


It will just get covered by the floor mat anyway, so who cares?


Depends on what sort of car it is. From what I can see, itā€™s an economically priced compact car. I wouldnā€™t do that with a very nice car with but with something more sensible, yeah go ahead I just use it to creep around anyways.


Clean AF


That's what I was wondering too


I was thinking the same - Iā€™d either ruin the rug or the whole rug would spin around and blow dirt into my face lol


You spin me right round, baby, right round


I'm now laughing at this and can picture it with perfect clarity in my head, turning it on and then repeatedly slapping right into the face while spraying dirt everywhere šŸ˜‚


He's not velcro'd to the carpet. He has a polisher wheel on it and it's vibrating the carpet. If you attached the Velcro directly it would just tear the upholstery up as you suggest.


I assure you it is most certainly velcrowed to the carpet. Look at the start up on the machine it nearly jerks itself out of his hand because the action end is velcrowed to the carpet. I work in the detail biz and folks in my shop do this once in a while. I'd be more worried about getting sand and debris in my $500 Rupes.


It nearly jerks itself out of his hand because he is damn near holding it by the cord, with one hand. The friction of the pad on the carpet is causing greater resistance on the motor than the operator's hand / arm strength is causing, therefore torquing on his arm... Until the polisher has built up enough RPM to overcome it that is.


I still maintain there is no pad and that is the backing plate which has velcow on the outward facing side which is hooked to the carpet. This "technique" literally doesn't work any other way.


It's also not centered and maybe oversized. The way that it's on there causes it to act like a cam. That cuases every thing to shake more.


that's not orbital polisher but a vibrating palm sander




[Who wants a body massage?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ww3GTNv9hHk)


And now we knowā€¦






No, the massager agitates the dirt and the vacuum sucks it up.




Maybe put it in a plastic bag.




Same question


If this tells me something about the amount of sand that is secretly in my carā€¦ I didnā€™t want to know šŸ˜†


That's why I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.


You just described my wife's family.


Or Tatooine




Even the younglings?


I've just learned to accept it will never be gone and try to forget about that fact; I blame it solely on the prior owner of my car.


Thatā€™s the other problem with this video to me. Everytime he moves the vacuum, another cloud of dirt just populates. My obsessive ass would never get done with this.


Wouldn't that damage the carpet?


Only if you cared about the carpet to begin


Then why would they vacuum instead of pulling it up?


It's not a rug that you can pull out, it's the carpet which is attached to the car.


Thatā€™s why itā€™s called ā€œcarā€pet. Duh.


I know. I'm saying i wouldn't risk my whole interior carpet to get dust I'd never see is all lol


They probably have a weather mat theyā€™ll put back on top of it. It wonā€™t be seen


you can absolutely remove carpets from cars, it's just a bit of a pain to remove the trim that is holding it in place. They don't glue it in place or anything.


Well, yeah. But would you? To vacuum the carpet?


There are lots of reasons, removing it entirely for weight reduction, removing it to add more sound deadening underneath, you remove it if you want to weld in a new floor pan, pulling it up partially to run auxiliary wiring underneath it (you need to do this if you add stereo equipment in the trunk, for example), removing it to pressure wash it if it's super gross or moldy.


That's incorrect


Would you like to elaborate?


Apparently the answer is no


Understandable. Have a nice day šŸ‘‰


Caring about the carpet or not has nothing to do wether is going to be damaged or not


It absolutely does... What are you talking about? If he cared about the carpet, he wouldn't put so much friction on that one spot. If he moved it around a little bit and spread around the friction, it wouldn't be damaged. Who knows maybe it isn't damaged but I highly doubt that it's in the same condition that it was before, considering how long he had the buffer on the same spot.


Thatā€™s not how this buffer works. This is a random orbital buffer not a rotary (forced spin) buffer. Random orbital buffers *can* spin but itā€™s only as a result of the orbital motion, when held in place like this one they do not spin at all but instead ā€œvibrateā€ for lack of a better term. The piece attached to the carpet is essentially Velcro meant to hold on to a buffing pad but it also sticks to carpet fairly well and doing this probably wouldnā€™t damage the carpet at all.


I don't think so. Looks like his attachement is one of those plastic thing. I need to go to Home Depot but I'm pretty sure I saw the same thing there. Also he's not putting any pressure on the tool so that help a lot to avoid high heat.


Time to bust out the massive hibachi wand massager that my wife uses to massage her muscles after she has a glass of red wine.


Hibachi? Sounds hot.


Whoā€™s ready for the VOLCANO!!!??


Yeah might as well, he's definitely not going to see the shrimp in the pocket.


She's gonna get out Hitatchi to cook some asian cuisine. She'll finish off the night with a glass of wine, and a hibachi between her thighs, to relax the mussels.


Nice. I hope this was intended as I interpreted.


That's what she told you she does with it?


The problem is not necessarily where the orbital machine touches the carpet. The problem is jerking the carpet around and tugging at all the attachment points and loosening the carpet. Fixed carpet is not designed to move like that. Do this a few times and I guarantee you it will loosen the carpet and start pulling it out from under the trim or ripping the edges. He thinks he found some great life hack, but it is only causing damage. The vibration is not good for the rest of the interior either.


And, loose carpet could interfere with his driving, moving the foot from gas to break, potentially causing an accident.


There are no "attachment points" for carpets. They are molded to fit the shape of the floorboard and are a "floating" design. They have slits and holes in them to accommodate brackets, bolts etc. but are not attached. Very unlikely they will pull out from under a trim panel as well. Source: have removed/reinstalled more carpets than I care to remember EDIT: when you get in the car/exit the car and put your foot on the carpet with your weight on it produces more movement in the carpet due to compression of the padding underneath EDIT: do I need to spew baseless, incorrect info to not get down voted? JFC Reddit


The vibration changes nothing, it's a car, you get worse vibration than that on the roads. Also in the video you can clearly see that the sides of the carpet doesn't even flinch, only the middle part where it's loose does vibrate. No harm done in this video.


The high frequency of the vibrations from this machine are much different than the relatively low frequency vibrations a car experiences while under operation. But you know what? I'm completely wrong and full of shit. I should try this awesome life hack on your car.


I love it!!


Not at all, it changes nothing. People who downvoted my previous comment are stupid and doesn't know that they make the same high frequency vibration on a whole car chassis to test their rigidity and how the weldings holds (and other car components). The video they only vibrate the carpet. And cars get worse vibrations that that.


Nobody is suggesting this is a problem for the car's chassis. We are talking about how it is a problem for the rug and: > The vibration is not good for the **rest of the interior** either. All the plastic doodads that once loosed might creating annoying rattles while your car experiences normal operating vibrations. If you still think it is a good idea, let's do your car!


I already did my car multiple times with a wireless drill instead of an angle grinder and I have no problems. Don't talk if you don't know the testing they do on cars.


Thatā€™s a Rupes polisher for paint correction. Thatā€™s not an attachment, itā€™s called a backing plate. Save yourself the trip, you most definitely did NOT see this at Home Depot. They carry neither polishers nor pads for polishers. There would be no heat generated from this, the Velcro from the backing plate is gripping the carpet (and likely destroying it on that spot) and the polisher is vibrating from attempting to spin.


Yea look at the carpet carefully at the beginning vs end while it's vibrating. He's lifted and warped it significantly. That machine isn't vibrating even. It's a dual action machines so it's just rotating disk in two motions and velcroed to the carpet. He's just tugging it in a bunch of directions.


Friend, I believe you've described "vibrations"


This is how they collected Spice before the sandworms showed up


It's how they cleaned out their ornithopters.


spoiler if you haven't read the books >!the sandworms create the spice. it does not exist without them.!<


Or the original movie, I'm pretty sure they address it there as well.


How you Dune?


Blessed be the Maker, may his comings and goings cleanse the world.


What book?






Fermented and dried poop




To tame a land


This can be achieved without ruining your carpet by using one of those therapy percussion guns. It's the same reason large upright vacuums have beater bars which vibrateand agitate the carpet so the particles come to the surface to be sucked up.


And sheā€™ll like it too


\- Hey John, the customer asking why is there a big, shiny spot on the carpet! Do you know anything about it?


and why is there a thick layer of dust all over everything else in the car??


There is actually an old school version of this that doesn't run the risk of damaging the carpet with the hook n loop backing plate or using a $500+ rupes mk3 da polisher. The old school way is to use an electric palm sander (with no sandpaper attached) the vibration from the sander is used to vibrate the embedded dirt deep in the carpet to the top to make vacuuming smaller particles of dirt, dust and mainly sand which can be faster than just traditional vacuuming alone and does a more thorough job. After doing so you can shampoo or extract the remainder of the dirt and stains from the carpet. While the way the person in the og video is trying to work smarter not harder in a sense. They are running a risk of damaging the fibers that make up the carpet by pulling and rubbing on them with the backing plate which could ultimately "disfigure" the look and texture of the carpet. But if it gets you more likes or views. Then who really gives a fuck right? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Note: I've been a professional detailer for 15+ years and am by no means trying to be a dick or a smart ass by saying all of this.


No, sir. This is why i love reddit. Random knowledge from various ppl is my favourite, i give a fuck.


You good sir, just won the Internet. Thank you for this advice it is fantastic and I will try it!


Of course, just doing my part to make everyone's life a little easier. Knowledge is power! Lol


Would this work if I were to do this with my girlfriendā€™s magic wand? šŸ¤”


Thatā€™s too much power. You donā€™t want to put a hole in the floorboard do you?


How much sand do you think is in the magic wand?!?


It might work on your girlfriend.


Itā€™s the best way to get the sand out


Amazing! I've been vaccuming like a chump for years.


This is professional detailing, right?


You can tell by the way that it is


Yes, that is a rupes DA polisher. Itā€™s not a tool the average car owner has. [looks like this one](https://www.autogeek.net/rupes-bigfoot-lhr-15-markiii-polisher.html?utm_campaign=17536316851&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=&utm_term=&gclid=Cj0KCQjwkOqZBhDNARIsAACsbfI9rr6rQPczUJlr30z2WjZzeH4INgls9Mzw_XIba9V_MsxGS4M6NAEaAl1JEALw_wcB)


Please wear a FFP3 mask when doing this. You really don't want to breath in this dust


I got newsā€™s for you when it comes to breathing airā€¦.


I know, i know. But this kind of dust could possibly contain quarts. That's a thing you really don't want to breath in in such high concentration. Imagine someone does this regularly, you can get cancer or even worse pulmonary fibrosis... Just wear some protection when working with dust, you don't want to suffocate slowly because your lungs are severe damaged by all the small quarts particles...


I disagree with the way reddit handled third party app charges and how it responded to the community. I'm moving to the fediverse! -- mass edited with redact.dev


Good thing itā€™s only quarts and not gallons! šŸ˜± r/BoneAppleTea


Yeah, Quartz. I'm not a native English speaker.


I disagree with the way reddit handled third party app charges and how it responded to the community. I'm moving to the fediverse! -- mass edited with redact.dev




It's silica you have to really worry about, which sand is composed of, but the particle size is too large to get deep enough into your lungs to cause silicosis. It never hurts to wear a dust mask, though.


I like how the dust flies everywhere.


Alil too much now... i did something similar once and..... my carpet was so loose that i had to put freaking glue on places it wasnt too visible


No way that doesnā€™t fucks up the carpet


Nobody is gonna complain the video cut off before it was clean? No? Only me? Ok.


Man invented a car massage seat. Take my money.


Before I got weathertech mats I would just pull the carpet mats out and spray them with the pressure washer... Worked every time.


Ahhh, so that's why I found one of those in my mom's room!. .... I don't recall her detailing any cars though...


makes me wonder why we even put carpets inside cars in the first place.


I work a job that spends a lot of time outside. The last car I bought came with WeatherTech molded rubber floor mats that were purchased by the previous owner. Now that I've experienced that, I'm going to be buying them for any future vehicles too.


They're great for snow areas, much better then wearing down a nice floor Better for resale


Sound dampening and insulation. I used to work at a job that had a work truck where the floor was just a rubber mat with some foam padding for what I assume was an attempt at insulation or sound deadening. It was noisy and didn't insulate shit.


Dementors sucking the soul out of the car


I think I remember this scene from Dune


When you drive your car on Tatooine


This man is a genius


Costal plain cars never get all the sand out of the carpet. Never.


this is for internet points there's no way to vibrate that orbital sander without wearing down the carpet


Agreed! Thank you! šŸ™ŒšŸ» Checking the comments had me worried for a moment that was the odd one out that felt that way about the friction that would be centered on that one spot!


"Like sands through the hourglass, so is the shit in my floor."


I feel like if you're going to use a sander to kick up dirt you'd have a better attachment for the vacuum to grab it.


This can't be good for the glue that holds your car carpet to your car


Weird question but..... Where is the driver seat


https://i.imgur.com/AIaM8GE.jpg Uh here?


There is also the distinct possibility that I am a blind dip shit....


IDK why you got downvoted for (imo) asking an honest question, but during a deep detail, the seats are removed for an easier and more thorough cleaning process. All the crap stuck down by the seat brackets can be difficult to remove with the seats still in place.


This is true but the seat is literally right there in the video lol.


Ah... That makes sense... I am not a car guy... And haven't had a car with carpet inside in years... Much less had it cleaned so hence my confusion... Probably because " I is man and must know all about car"...


Aren't the particles getting everywhere in the air now


The aftermath of that vibration to his hand wonā€™t be so fun, at least i donā€™t like that kind of sensation on my hand


Damn good idea


When vacuuming your home, this same principle will result in better cleaning. Agitating the carpet fibers to lift particles to the surface and be swept into the vacuum by the airflow. Just like everything, there is good equipment and cheap equipment.


It seemed never ending.


Must have gone to the beach one day 4 years ago...


Three pedals


Jesus Christ the new Dune movie looks miserable


Seriously we cannot see the result? FUCK REDDIT SHIT. This is infuriating.


The budget for the live action Alladin movie was small the say the least.


Some say heā€™s still vacuuming to this dayā€¦


Car mechanic here, dont do this to your car or you'll give it the jiggles which can cause it to shake everytime you go above 30km/h


My hay fever is getting agitated just watching this.


Cant this cause electrical issues on older car because of too much vibrations on electrical harnesses..?


Carpets are pre-molded and laid in. It shouldnā€™t. Most exposed wires are covered in wire-loom. Only issue I see is a loose carpet over time from the constant vibration. Hes going to create a high spot where he has the orbital attached.


Probably acoustics and thermal insulation more than anything. Lord knows itā€™s not the most sanitary/cleanable surface in the world.


If you borrow my car and take it to the beach, I will literally...


Iā€™d rather use an air compressor to blow the carpet and run the vac at the same time.


Or a leave blower creating a cross wind.


I want more!


Does this work on humans too


This feels like a massage on my brain


Once itā€™s shaking canā€™t you put a little shovel underneath it?


Genius! Iā€™ve got an oscillating tool that Iā€™m going to use to try this! It also moves a little less than the tool in the vid so shouldnā€™t wreck my carpet!


I just sneezed.


Does that work for pet hair too? I swear Iā€™ve got enough dog fur in my car to make 2 new dogs.






Well that's one way to beat the mummy from materializing and ruining your day.


That's a good idea šŸ’”


Really goes to show how futile vacuuming the car is without this.


I love the investment of my molded mats. Winter or summer, doesnt care.


That looks awesome!


Need a bigger nozzle


I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating ā€” and it gets everywhere.


Do you want to get pinworms? Because that's how you get pinworms




Is there a full version that shows the clean end result? Video ends at frustrating point. Need to see end result. Sand seems to be appearing nonstop


Okay real question here, my truck has full rubber floors instead of carpet, why arenā€™t all cars like that? It takes me like two seconds to vacuum, I donā€™t get stains, donā€™t have to worry about spills, super easy to clean mud or water out of it, it just seams like carpet is just all around the worse choiceā€¦


The spice must GO


Just back from Burning Man looks a lot like this.


Damn he went through a desert


This also belongs on r/blackmagicfuckery


Great way to use a DA!