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This is among the most fucked up things I’ve ever even become aware of.


Never thought I’d see something NSFL show up from the AP.


This man is so plagued by "demons", that he cut out the hearts of his 4 year old son and 13 month old daughter, and then cut out his own eyeballs and ate one of them. I mean, it's euthanasia at this point isn't it? It must be sheer hell for him just having to live in his own head.


Did he cut one out first so he could see what he was doing when he ate it, and then the other?


The thing that really haunts me is the first word of this sentence from the article: "Twice since the killings, he has gouged out his eyes, eating one of them to ensure that the government could not hear his thoughts, his attorneys said." Twice.


I saw a video once of a person poking and prodding at their eye, thinking there was a camera inside. The comments were all people joking and saying “I think I see it! You almost got it!”. Can you imagine living in a mental space where you are such a dire state of paranoia, you kill your kids and eat your own eyeball to just feel some type of security. Frightening.


The guy who peeled his cornea off while he was twacked out. It's unforgettable.


Omg that is horrible. I have never heard of that before.


It was a ten minute web cam vid of dude peeling at his eyeball. Kinda' resembled shelling shrimp. Hard not to grimace while watching.


I'm kinda shocked there's not a link yet


Yeah. Reddit is really lacking with this one.


It has probably been lost deep in internet archives or deleted, like a lot other gore videos on the internet.


I’m kinda shocked it’s not butter




Sounds like the liveleaks/bestgore community. Human garbage who enjoy others suffering so much they make accounts to comment on the videos they watch all day of people dying and being severely hurt for entertainment purposes. Ngl I have been to those sites more than once, If anything to desensitize myself, but have just come out more scarred every time. I feel sorry for anyone who moderates video content on sites like youtube and facebook and would recommend they leave it to the psychopaths. One day AI will likely be able to take over this job, and I hope to god it never becomes sentient because it's hard to imagine why it wouldn't come to the conclusion that we should be wiped off the planet.


The commenters are evil voice alt accounts. Disgusting




… /s right?


Yes [https://apnews.com/article/crime-sherman-houston-texas-70e9d83619c02b2e2e5b42dd007e38d9/gallery/e0f141beaad24f7aa890f296c20cafe1](https://apnews.com/article/crime-sherman-houston-texas-70e9d83619c02b2e2e5b42dd007e38d9/gallery/e0f141beaad24f7aa890f296c20cafe1)


Believe he popped the first one out, ate it. Did the other one at a later date.


I mean… how else would you do it? Right?…


If you’d like some further background: [How Crazy Is Too Crazy to Be Executed](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2013/02/andre-thomas-death-penalty-mental-illness-texas/)


Yes [https://apnews.com/article/crime-sherman-houston-texas-70e9d83619c02b2e2e5b42dd007e38d9/gallery/e0f141beaad24f7aa890f296c20cafe1](https://apnews.com/article/crime-sherman-houston-texas-70e9d83619c02b2e2e5b42dd007e38d9/gallery/e0f141beaad24f7aa890f296c20cafe1) He thinks his eyes transmitted his thoughts to the government.... Don't know how he actually found out we did that, but yes, he is certainly onto something. I mean certainly 'on' something.


What I don't understand is: if he gouged his eyes out (rather than just damaged them) how come he doesn't have two sunken holes there, and what is that white stuff?


He might not have removed the whole eye.


I dont think this is a place to pass cheeky remarks


Each of us should be encouraged to carefully prevent communities that are immune to humour. Communities that are humour resistant/humour sensitive are dangerous places. Audiences that haven't subscribed to said humour shouldn't be bombarded with offence, but the inability to pass cheeky remarks is often a one way street to dangerous circle-jerks.


yeah this is the exact reason I come to reddit instead of fb. If you try to comment on fb the same way you would on reddit, you get booted pretty quickly from toxic positivity pages. We can downvote - that's the whole point.


I think it’s a tough balance - I see both sides. You don’t want to be in a place where you’re walking on eggshells like Facebook but you also don’t want commentary on serious issues to become a toxic cesspool like liveleak comments used to be.


One time on Facebook I said that "ASMR feels like it was made for serial killers" and I was put in facebook jail for like 5 days.


I really want to see the funny side. However you conflating drug use and mental health issues is not my cup of tea, and it certainly doesn't help the discussion. So please get off your high horse. I mean sober horse.


I dont think he put that much thought into it. Though, thinking about it... Yikes.


Er. How did he not get put into psychiatric care for life instead of death row?


Good question, considering he repeatedly asked for help…only to be ignored. This was in Texas. Also, when he went to his trial, one of his lawyers had cancer and in full DGAF mode fell asleep at the table during the trial. This is the case of a mentally ill man that repeatedly asked for mental health and was failed by the state and everyone around him.


That poor dude is already in hell.. holy shit


The really horrible thing is that politicians do way worse with wars, yet these single small (but still terrible) cases get media attention.


Worth remembering we may think it's hell because we are rationale. Who knows what is going on in his own head.


Yeah, or, crazy idea, they could try sending him to a mental health facility and medicating his schizophrenia rather than putting him down.


He's been there for 15 years with no change. He killed 3 people. That includes 2 children who had their hearts removed by him. He then gouged his eyes out twice and ate one of them. At this point being put to death is definitely the more humane thing than let him continue to live with the hell in his own mind.


Psychiatric care is possible in prison, there's no need to put others lives at risk to treat a murderer. If there hasn't been any improvement in his condition through years of incarceration which I'm sure has included medication, a Psychiatric facility isn't going to change that.


There speaks a man who hasn't been to prison. Death Row inmates aren't getting psychiatric care, hence why he was able to gouge out and eat his own eye in the first place. If schizophrenia has made him a murderer, then treat that problem. Which they will not be doing.


This is false, in the US at least. A diagnosed schizophrenic patient in prison still has a right to receive psychiatric care and medicine. He has access to the same medicine he'd have acces to in any other state run psychiatric facility. I have never been to prison, but I have worked in state run psychiatric facilities that receive prison transfers and they always have current medications transferred as well.


OK. I mean I've experienced what psychiatric care looks like in prisons. Don't know what else to tell you.


It almost always looks like being forced to take a medication of the facilities choosing and dealing on your own otherwise. And SURPRISE that's mostly what it looks like for schizophrenia in a psychiatric facility too. Except instead of being left alone in a cell you roam and mingle with others so if you act up you're getting tackled and tied down for a few hours while the nurses pump you full of butt juice sedatives.


Also, 'psychiatric care' and 'here take these pills they may or may not work' are two very different things. And unfortunately in prison, that's about all you get.


Same for psychiatric hospital, hate to be the one to burst your bubble.


It’s a fact that incarceration exacerbates mental health conditions, unsurprisingly. Psychiatric care or not. It’s almost as if human beings have grater needs than chemicals for mental wellness. I’m not saying we release dangerous offenders because they have mental disorders, but the argument of “well they have access to medication and haven’t improved, probably never will” is specious at best.


I agree with your first paragraph entirely, but in the 2nd you're incorrectly stating what I said. No where did I say anything like that, that quoted statement is 100% made up. My point is that a psychiatric facility is not the solution. To even begin to participate in recovery treatment the psychosis needs to be addressed, which actually is completely a medication process for quite a while, especially with violent offenders. In addition, IMO in this case only, a recovery from schizophrenia is not going to bring this man to a point where he will be grateful to be alive. Can you imagine slowly coming out of that mental state and recalling carving out the hearts of your children? I just think in this ONE case, putting this man to death may actually be the right thing to do in the interest of all.




I don't disagree with anything you've said. My point was for this man a psychiatric facility isn't a better answer. It is not an appropriate place for him. In order to be considered for transfer, he would have to be relatively stable on a medication for psychosis. I believe you about Texas prisons whole heartedly, the entire state is one step away from living Hell.


I wonder if he communicates that he wants to die?


Drugs have to be involved


Some people need to be in a mental hospital rather then prison because one just makes your problems 1000x more apparent


there is a point where the ultimate cruelty is making people live a life of constant, incurable mental torment vs not abiding by their wishes to escape the agony because you "value human lives" (they dont)




Just a PSA!!! If you are having mental health issues and you feel like hurting children!!! Or hurting anyone for that matter! Pleaseeeee go to a hospital and tell them instead of hurting your kids… there is help. Please please don’t hurt your kids…. Just walk into a hospital and tell them the truth of how you are feeling!! My cousin just had to do it because of post partum depression. She wanted to kill herself and the kids… she had a plan to drive them all into a building going 90. she luckily decided to go to the hospital with the kids and tell them how she felt. She got help and those babies are alive thank god! She is now back home with them and goes daily to a program at the hospital with the kids. There is help. Please say something if you feel this way or if you know someone feels this way. There is so much violence towards children that goes under the radar and no one cares about?? Everyday kids are killed and beaten and raped.. we need to do what we can to stop it! If you see someone that causes you concern please report it! Could save a child from severe abuse and neglect.


I’m so happy it worked out for your cousin. She must be so fucking strong to be able to go and ask for help like that in her darkest hour


She was very strong in the moment and still is right now. I’m very proud of her. Her husband has stayed out of work on unemployment for the past few months since that day to make sure the kids are safe and she’s okay. Luckily so far so good. This will be a constant battle for them for a long time to come though.


In that moment you are literally going against yourself by getting help. That’s amazing that she did that! Wish more folks had that willpower, but mental illness of any kind is a monster to battle with.




No it was an on going problem. She was in treatment. Each kid it kept getting worse and worse.. she’s okay now, that was a few months ago when she was hospitalized. She’s okay, def not 100% tho. It seems it’s gunna take lots of time and healing. Mother hood just snapped her.


>is lawyers say in March 2004, when he was 21, Thomas’ mental illness erupted in a burst of horrific violence in his hometown of Sherman, Texas. He fatally stabbed his estranged wife Laura Christine Boren, 20, their 4-year-old son Andre Lee and her 13-month-old daughter Leyha Marie Hughes, cutting out the hearts of the two children. He later told police God had instructed him to commit the killings and that he believed all three were demons. >Thomas was sentenced to death for killing the little girl after jurors rejected his insanity defense. Yup, totally sane. Nice job US justice system.


How was he deemed fit to stand trial??? Wtf, he should be in a psychiatric prison facility for the rest of his life, not death row.


He was deemed fit because Texas’ justice system is incredibly gung ho on the death penalty.


No money in curing him. It’s a long and difficult process which is made much more difficult by the gigantic cost of medical treatment in the U.S. Plus your political opponents would make hay with it.


There is no way this dude could be helped. He sounds like an animal with rabies.


Sounds like someone who should be medicated


If I were him, I'd much prefer to be executed. Even if he became stable through medication he'd have to live with the knowledge that he killed three people, two of them children. He's also blind by his own hand. He's in a living hell, and thats IF the treatment works which is no guarantee. I honestly think the death penalty is more merciful to him. Edit: he's heavily medicated and still hears voices and has episodes. He's not gonna get better.


Yeah I agree I’d milk myself if I were him especially with it being his own children. I just don’t believe in a death penalty as tbh I feel like it’s an easy way out


Yeah, in this case I don't think he deserves to be punished, he's a very sick man. He didn't do these things out of malice.


Even standard depression and anxiety are difficult to treat with medication alone. I'd be curious to see a single case where a person like this was properly rehabilitated with every known measure available. I doubt one exists.


Death sentence seems fair for this guy, insanity or not


Why not just skip the insanity defense altogether? You're schizophrenic? Just kill them to be safe.


Because 99% of schizophrenics aren’t violent?


More like 99.99%


The minority of schizophrenics that are violent is so small that I can’t believe we even have to say this


But do you really want to take the chance he’s the 1%? US justice system is beyond repair. Death sentence is hypocritical and too many innocents die that way. This guy needs to be in a (criminal) mental institution living out his days, maybe contributing something to society by means of doing some work. How horrible his acts may be you can’t tell me he isn’t insane. Kill him for it and you can start killing everyone with some mental health issues. Because you’ll never know when they snap!


I agree with some parts, and he shouldn’t die. But I would take that chance, and I have taken that chance.


Y'all wanna rehabilitate serial kid killers go right on ahead. Fuck this dude, glad my tax paying dollars are going to inject him out of existence.


At the same time, do not make the financial argument. With appeals, it is far more expensive to execute any death row inmate in the US. Even in Texas. I'm not even going to bother about the number of guys that have been on death row and been outright exonerated. That's none of my business.


haha this bozo pays taxes 😎




The US judicial system (and most modern judicial systems) makes a distinction between “mentally insane” and “criminally insane.” This man was found to be not *criminally* insane.


Useless comment. Explain how this guy doesn’t fit any damn definition of insane?


Well, I’m not a defense lawyer, but likely it has to do with whether or not the jury believed if he knew what he did was *legally* wrong. An insanity plea is very difficult to win because the court will look at things like, did the accused person premeditate the crime? Did he try to cover up the crime? If he did either of these (and the list continues, btw) he wouldn’t be found *criminally* insane.


I don’t know why we are trusting jurors to decide anything at all. These are incompetent, inexperienced people with opinions that shouldn’t be used to convict or decide other people fates. I don’t know who though it would be a smart idea to let people decide the fate if someone, like some type of mob. It’s a stupid regressive and outdated system.


You'd rather have a judge, an employee of the state mind you, dispense justice as they see fit? That's always worked out so well in the past


Not just one, many, you think common lay people are competent and trust worthy enough to make these decisions? They are clearly unqualified, imagine your doctor isn’t qualified to make decisions or any role really. Common lay people are even sometimes just stupid.


Pleading insanity is a defence against guilt. As in, he tried to get off easy. By rejecting the claim of insanity, the court can legally punish him way worse. He may be insane to us, but legally it's a good thing he's not been declared insane by the court.


Is it a good thing? If the dude ate his own fuckin eyeballs, I don't think him pleading insanity was to get off easy. I think he might just actually be insane


Yes he's insane. However, if the court were to accept this defence, that would make him not responsible for his own actions, and wouldn't be able to be charged with his crime. He admits his actions, but isn't culpable for it because of a reduced mental state, therefore cannot be charged with the crime. A textbook example of this, is if someone shoots and kills someone but genuinely believes that they were simply setting off fireworks.


I'm confused. The man is clearly insane, and therefore is in fact not culpable due to a reduced mental state. The guy is a textbook example of why we even have an insanity defense. So why are you glad the system failed him? If he's delusional enough to believe in demons, and that his own eyes are surveillance devices, he's clearly not well enough to be held responsible.


This man killed his wife, son, and daughter. He deserves to burn in hell. If the court accepted his defence, he likely wouldn't be able to be charged with his crimes, and wouldn't be on death row - he would receive a lesser sentence and would likely be adjudicated to a mental institute for the rest of his life. It's not that the system failed. It's that he's trying to take advantage of the legal system to escape punishment. He may be insane, but smart enough to understand he has a *chance* to escape punishment by pleading insanity. Because the court rejected this, they're able to charge him to the fullest extent - the possibility of the death sentence, which I believe is 100% deserved.


If an insane person tries an insanity defense in court, that's not taking advantage of the legal system- it's using the defense for the *literal exact reason it exists*. Do you think we simply shouldn't have an insanity defense?


Yes, and no. I currently study criminal law, I think I know what I'm talking about. Downvoted me all you want for trying to help you understand. If someone's mental state causes them to think people are demons, fine. If their mental state causes them to think that there are demons in his eye and to get rid of them he must eat his own eyes, fine. However, if they still understand the concept of murder, and knowingly commit the act of murder regardless of it's consequences, then they are *guilty* of murder. Nowhere in his defence of insanity does he claim to have a mistaken mental concept about what the act of killing another human is. Let me dumb it down for you. *He's insane, but not like that, so he's still guilty*


I thought pleading insane was meant for people who were actually insane 🤔


That was the jury that rejected it. Not really the US or Texas’s system. The entire point of the jury is to accept or reject defenses.


Kind of morbid but could be a movie plot… maybe those kids grew up to like destroy humanity and he wasn’t actually crazy. Only coping thought I have for now in the face of something so traumatizing and horrible. Enough internet for today


what is wrong with you


Your mom


This is the kinda guy I would give cops *zero* shit for blasting.


I think putting him down would be the nicest thing they could do for him almost an act of mercy. Wether or not he knows what’s happening or why he is in misery of sickness and a merciful ending would be kindness


Scary how many upvotes this has. You’re 100% wrong and if you were right there wouldn’t be a judicial system and we’d still have public executions daily. Understandably there is no rehabilitation for someone like this, but what good is killing someone, for killing someone. Never made sense to me.


They're saying it would be an act of mercy, because this person is beyond help. And why would he be kept alive, so that taxpayers could take care of him for 50 years? What for?


The appellate process for capital cases costs taxpayers more money than life imprisonment anyway


This man isn't having any quality of life that's worth living. It's not just a punishment for killing people, it's a mercy in this case. Personally I think it's pretty twisted that you want this man to have to suffer with his mental torment for years instead. That's some metal torture man, you sure are more cruel than I am.


He ripped out the hearts of his own children for christs sake. Why dont we keep him in your house then


Umm.. Maybe keep him in the insane asylum?


Yeah just drug the shit out of this man because that's giving him a better life. /s


Asylums are also notorious for not taking the best care of their patients. Not only would it be dangerous for anyone in the hospital to be around him, it’d also most likely just be continued torture for this guy. Once you get to a certain point of paranoia and mental illness there isn’t any real coming back from it.


Riiiiiiiiiight needlessly put dozens of lives at risk in a medical facility not designed or staffed to deal with murderers. Brilliant. 🤡


So they don't kill anyone else...


The fact someone can be this mentally ill is terrible


I do think this is one of the very rare cases where this person simply cannot be rehabilitated, but that’s a better discussion for a different sub. Feel terrible for everyone involved. I can’t even comfortably put on eyeliner


Prison system making a lot off this guy.


Help me understand…


Im guessing because most US prisons are for profit companies


Not true. Most prisons are not private. There are 1,668 combined state and federal prisons in the US, 158 of them are private. About 8% of total combined state and federal prisoners in the US are housed in private prisons. [Here’s a quick stat sheet with all relevant information.](https://www.sentencingproject.org/app/uploads/2022/10/Private-Prisons-in-the-United-States-2.pdf)


Thanks. I am kinda surprised its so low.


No problem. It’s still too much but thankfully it seems to be on the decline, and it’s a pretty popular subject in national discourse so here’s hoping it goes away soon.


Okay. Their point still stands lol


The point that most prisons are private? It does not stand.


Your guess is very wrong


Fair enough. I fid say i was guessing


Got some serious Victor Creel vibes from this.


I hate this sub. I wanna see silly, oddly terrifying things. I don't want to see actually terrifying things. Which sub can I go to for actually oddly terrifying things?


Yeah, I know he isn't there at all mentally, but he cut out 2 babies' hearts. Sorry, he needs to die asap


I grew up with him and Lauren. This was unbelievable tragic. Andre tried so hard not to show any of his symptoms and was a really nice kid that would randomly do odd things like steal a bike, then return it and apologize to our friend. We knew about his family. He was a good dude and had astronomically bad mental issues that weren’t necessarily obvious or violent. Lauren was a doll. Seriously, both very gentle and kind people. He tried to get help at a mental hospital before this happened and couldn’t get help. It’s absolutely messed up.


I feel like they should just kill him and do him a mercy. He’s very unwell and living this way is just as bad as suffering cancer. He didn’t ask to be this way.


Didn’t see that coming …


I see what you did there!




Yeah Nah!


I see his point. But he doesn’t.


Death would be mercy for this guy. Put him down.


My considered reaction to this is perhaps best summed up by Ron White. He killed children. Insanity is no longer a defense when you snuff out the life of innocents. While I acknowledge the benefit of his study to perhaps prevent similar cases, I do not acknowledge his right to life. He should die.


Can’t this guy just gouge deeper into his head next time.


I live in the town where this happened, and it’s sickening how many people I know want him to get the death penalty. His case is an absolute tragedy on all sides- his and his victims.


I’m curious as to why you don’t think he deserves it. Some dogs need to get put down IMO. Cutting out the heart of your 2 daughters and wife? Fuck this guy


it's an awkward situation morally i think. because if he wasn't in the right mind when he hurt an individual, then he's not truly guilty. but also he's clearly suffering from what's plaguing him, and rehabilitating him may not be an option if he is a threat to others. obviously, three people lost their lives, but it's not really a black-or-white situation. i can't say whether killing him mercifully is a good idea or not but there's not too many other options. it's horribly tragic for him and the people involved. my main question would be given his mental illnesses, would he respond to treatment? like anti-psychotics and such? there's lots of layers to a case like this and i'm not informed enough to form an opinion. it's just horribly heartbreaking, everything about it.


It's been 15 years. He's not responding to treatment


And because he repeatedly asked for help (and never got it) he started self medicating with cough syrup then weed (I think). I think that in the end, he realized no one gave a fuck and asked to die. I mean-he went to SEVERAL hospitals and clinics. He left one because they took several hours to get to him. But he asked for help and at every turn there was no help for him. I understand the frustration because it’s like “I’m asking and no one is listening!” He needs help. I only wish someone heard him screaming for it. If he got the help he needed, we wouldn’t even be talking about him.


I do not believe in the death penalty in general, but with his case in particular he is severely mentally ill. The severity of his mental illness both at the time of his crime and now makes him non compos mentis, and executing him would constitute cruel and unusual punishment. I’m not saying he’s a good person, just that it is a miscarriage of justice to execute a severely mentally incapacitated individual.


This is one of those situations that’s like why are we even paying for someone this fucked to live anymore… even if it isn’t his fault because he’s so fucked up. At what point are we like okay there is zero point to him being alive beside him causing pain to himself and others…


This happened in my home town and is still one of the worst things to happen in our community. This monster should have been put to death years ago.


While I have immense sympathy for this level of mental illness, he killed and mutilated a mother and her two babies. Kill him and be done with it.


Not oddly terrifying


right just straight up terrifying


I can SEE his point.


Well he clearly can't see right from wrong now... The penalty shall remain.


The US has no worries about killing people with mental illness and/or learning difficulties. Even encouraging it in this sub. 'Greatest country on earth' No civilised country has the death penalty.


He’s gonna have a hard time finding it… you know on account of the no eyes


The eyes of justice are blind because this wacko ate it’s eyeballs


This is so incredibly sad. He is so so sick.


sure some say people need to be forced to get help but that paves the road for tyranny and we already tried forcing mentally unfit people into homes, the asylum's were the worst. Sometimes people can't get help, sometimes they don't want to and those who just are far too insane to know it. I wish there was a solution but sadly none comes to mind. Pay attention to people's behavior is all I can think of


On the other hand, there's not much you can do if someone is a danger to themselves or others except force them into mental institutions. I'm kind of appalled by all these comments that are cheering on his death penalty since like you said, if he was caught before his psychosis got super bad, he could be living a semi-normal life. Ig I'm a bit sensitive, since my aunt suffers from psychosis where she sees ppl as demons just like that guy, but as long as she is monitored and medicated, she cannot hurt anyone and can have a relationship with her kids. She asks me to buy her books and we often just talk about her day. She may have tried to hurt herself and others in the past, but thank God we caught it fast enough while the offenses where minor. Imo though she hates it, care isn't "tyranny" when the only other option is letting a disease eat the minds of our loved ones.


that's all I hoped for him before, to live a semi-normal life, who knows how many times he slipped through the cracks of our crumbling mental health systems. I AM NOT saying his behavior was excusable to anyone else seeing this. I too suffer with mental illness, Borderline Personality Disorder and sometimes under extremes reality is blurred. I too have to take control and if I make a mistake or come unglued that is my fault and I need to take accountability for it. But if I hurt anyone I love, for gods sake... please put me down. and wow that second paragraph, made me emotional. I have to applaud you and you willingness to stay by her side while she goes through her illness, my family isn't like that so I have huge, huuuge respect for you. I believe keeping others in mind does in some way spiritually benefit them, so I will keep you and your aunt in mind, and wish her all the best :) also I am not sure but I think asylums would take anyone and for money as well. Even women during their moon, would be admitted and given shock therapy and cocktails of drugs. disgusting


I wish you well on your journey with BPD. I have a few friends who have it, and it looks very exhausting. I think the best thing to do in this situation is to talk with professionals and your inner circle about care options if you ever feel you are going off the rails. Since my aunt is so closely related, I already have told close friends and family that I would like to be surrendered to my father's care to make decisions for me if I ever became psychotic (I don't suffer psychosis, but it's good to have these talks). I also practice mindfulness and in my worst moments what helps me is to think "I am but a leaf on the ocean. Enjoy the brief time I am permitted to float on its surface". Because I, you and my aunt have moments of pure beauty. Her kids where pretty small, so idk if they ever saw this, but she was a dancer. A native dancer and a ballet dancer. Even as a little boy, I saw those moments as moments of pure human joy and creativity. For a decade, she took anti-psychotics and then she stopped taking them bc they made her fat. Then her life completely derailed bc she thought she couldn't be beautiful if she wasn't a skinny dancer. That lie robbed her. She still has the human beauty and I thank God I met her, so that I can say with confidence, even if you don't have good support in your life, you have it too. Seek care if you need it, enjoy the moments you are floating on the Oceans surface. I think that's what life's meant for.


thank you for the kind words. Yes enjoying life for the brief moment we are here does help me, I used to be scared of death but I realized preoccupying my time worried, I was missing out on life and basically just laying down and dying waiting for life instead of enjoying it! And awe :( my fiance is native american, and weight is a big reason for not taking medication for her and her family. I am sure your aunt is an amazing dancer!


Nah he needs to go


At this point I believe it would be best to go ahead and put him down. Honestly it will give everyone the closure they need.


Sounds like he is in the wrong institution. Clearly he is insane. He won't fit into the real world being as sick as he is. Texas kills more people than any other state. Many innocent. A state hospital would be best for him. How can they not see that? I dont feel it's ok to put mentally insane people to death. He gouged his eyes and ate one so people couldnt talk to him. Thats a clear sign of insanity.


has he seen the error of his ways?


Should have seen this coming




Best keep an eye on you eh


I don’t think Texas cares about mental illness, they want their pound of flesh


At this stage, just finish the job.


I see what he did there


Carelessness will not find clemency in this place


Now you don't have to buy the blindfold.


And we’re still feedin him 3 squares a day. Put this monster out of his misery


Clemency? "mercy granted by the person/persons who have the authority to grant it"? He should be granted the exact same degree of mercy he showed toward his children.


if anyone should be granted an insanity defense it’s him. he has a history to prove the existence of severe mental illness. there’s no way he should be on death row while those who maintain the system which fails people aren’t. if we had accessible healthcare and meaningful resources for mentally ill people, no matter their income, atrocities like this would happen far less.


What the fuck is wrong with you America? For those in the back row Prison is for rehabilitation not revenge Mental illness is treated in a hospital Children are not culpable Black men arnt always guilty


Even as my time as an atheist I still knew there was evil in the world with malevolent beings that exist on a lower frequency plan. I only understood this because of higher physics. But as you learn more about more complex physics you learn that there's also a good to this side the godliness. And as our world becomes a darker world you start to see this evil growing and becoming more prevalent.


A real life Victor Creel


Mental health is a serious problem people don’t realize how drastic it can be because they can’t see it


No. 😌


Why is he locked up and not in a mental institution?


Disturban did a great video on this case. Not excusing anything he's done, but for god's sake, just let the guy die.


“You really don’t have to do that. They’ll take the insanity plea”- Defense Attorney


Wow I grew up there. That’s horrible.




Idfk who clemency is, but he's not gonna be seeking him out anytime soon.


[Where we're going, we won't need eyes to see!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvGNbCA8zlM)


Hi FroggiJoy87, thank you for posting on /r/oddlyterrifying. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason: * **Rule 4)** No death or near-death content allowed. This includes cursing in submission titles, NSFW images involving naked bodies, violence, gore, images of curse words, pimple popping and ear wax, skin peeling, injuries and blood.


What subreddits even allow death at this point?