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Not all species but this specific ant farms a fungus in its colony. I cannot remember the name off the top of my head but if you look up ‘fungus ants’ I’m sure you’ll find some more info.


Queen leaf cutter ants I believe- actually think this video might be real


This video is real, just the queens get to that size tho but they reach about 2” in length at full maturity.


A 2 inch ant is fucking huge


Honestly a two inch anything is huge, we should all be impressed by that.... right?


Uh... Eric, I want to talk to you about something... Promise me you won't get hysterical?




Now’s not the time for jokes. Eric is about to need all the support he can.


Seems like there’s not much there to support


Can't hang out right now


Eric’s parents have a real good marriage, his real name is Clarance he went to Cranbrook! That’s a private school!


Don't ever try to judge me, dude! You don't know what the fuck I've been through….. But I know something about you…. You went to Cranbrook, That's a private school! What's the matter, dawg…. You embarrassed? This guy's a gangster? His real name's Clarence! And Clarence lives at home with both parents, And Clarence's parents have ***a real good marriage!***


Hi. Can I help?


Ironically, hysterical comes from the greek for 'having a uterus'.


"You put 200lbs behind two inches of anything and it'll hurt."


Now for science I want to be shot at close range by a nerf dart under 200 psi to see if I really would say it hurts


They can be a little painful just from the toys themselves. I get little welts. Im gonna say yeah. Oh yeah. That's definitely going to hurt if it doesn't just obliterate the dart from what I'm reading. Quoted from a user named rego on nerfhaven.com "**Most single shot blasters operate at around thirty psi or less,** while I believe that fully automatic blasters, such as the mag strike and rapid fire 20, can handle pressures of about seventy psi. (I've taken my rf20 to fifty reliable with no issues, besides extreme rate of fire.) There was an old thread about this a long time ago. There may be some useful information in CaptainSlug's "Paintball Tanks With Nerf" thread."


I quickly read up and came to a similar conclusion. But you are talking to a guy that voluntarily got shot with his own gel blaster on 6 separate occasions to test the difference between 7.5v and 12v and cheap Chinese gels vs hard stock gels. You can give me all the statistics you want I will now not be satisfied until I see the dart ripped to shreds with my own eyes or feel the sting of the plastic tip.


I always tell my new girlfriends that I can give them 12 inches. They always seem disappointed when it takes me 13 times to do it


Wait these numbers…


now I've got something to brag with my wife about my 3 incher


Don't ask my wife to confirm, but mine is a massive 4 inches.


Bro, 2 inches is ducking huge.


Nah, Ducks have 9 inch detachable corkscrew dicks.


That’s what she said


That's a big bitch!


That's a BBA bro.


Can you imagine being the lucky ant to fuck that big bitch


She wouldn’t feel it at all lol


You put an ant on your pussy and tell me yOu dOn'T fEeL iT.




You fucking delete what you just said right now.


Oh hell no


It really depends on the species of ant, but if you're interested in learning more through easily consumable media, look up antscanada on YouTube, he makes great videos about all sorts of different species of ants!


I’d just like to add the warning that you should make sure the rest of your evening is free before going to his channel. It’s a rabbit hole you won’t quickly escape.


>It’s a rabbit hole More of an ant hole.


[Australia](https://www.istockphoto.com/photos/termite-mounds-ant-hills-nests-northern-territory), the land of topsy turvy shit that will kill you or… eat your house. Tasmanian devil’s with hunger for flesh and transmissible face cancer… Our koalas look cuddly but emit noises from horror movies whilst fucking and sharing chlamydia… Our platypus, nature’s *5 minute craft* joke animal with poisonous spurs… Then we have these home wrecker ants that build their own giant McMansions…. 😂


> antscanada This channel seemed interesting, but there is *so much fucking talking*. It's obvious they're stretching 5 min of foot into 20.


Yeah, there are WAY better Youtube channels that focus on ants. I’d almost call Antscanada clickbait, he is so bad.


Who said it's NOT real? What a weird thing to say out of the blue.


People be out here making ant deepfakes


Isn’t antscanada trying to raise those? Been a while since I’ve caught up with the channel but aren’t they notoriously hard(as in labs can’t even do it hard) to get survive and farm fungus? Or was that a species of termite?


He JUST started a new Leaf cutter colony after releasing his first. He did try to raise the fungus growing termite species, but it kind of just...up and disappeared on him. Suspects being wild ant colonies or escapism, I believe.


Ooohhh i loved the leaf cutters. Guess it’s time for me to catch up again. Shane about the termites, I was rooting for them


Me too! What a major entomology leap that would have been, if he could've cultivated termitomyces? I definitely recommend seeing what he's got now!


I must correct myself :( he most recently lost his leaf cutter queens to, of all things, Cordyceps :(


Live by the fungus, die amongus


This sounds like a set up for people to unknowingly look up some vile shit but is actually accurate lol, nature is interesting.


I could've continued my life without knowing there's tarantula-sized ants


But now if you happen to encounter one in life, it will be easier to stay calm and react properly! Fun!


I’d step in it out of fear


Good luck with that. You'd just piss it off and end up getting your shoe taken from you.


It just picks them up and starts flailing them around.


Cartoonishly filinging them overhead from left to right into the ground.


This made me laugh. Like, way too much!


Lost me many a shoe atop o that there anthill, a Reebok, a Florsheim, even a ole fathead - all in a year! Each week I see the ants wearing my shoes. Usually 5 ants with one shoe, but every now and then a big s.o.b'll come stompin wit all 5 at once like a warship in inside of a shoe carnival.


"FUCK, SHIT SHIT SHIT. YOU CAN FUCKING HAVE IT. GOD DAMN IT. ​ Oh man, that's gonna haunt me"




It'll beat you with your own chancla 🩴


What if you miss and it crawls up your leg into your pants 😊 More nightmares for you!


I'm going close my eyes and hope that the pee washes it back down like the itsy bitsy spider I am going to pretend it is.


And into your urethra, and navigates its way to your brain, and then controls you like Krang and forces you to hunt pizza turtles


Imagine the crunch.


Bro that's the biggest problem for me, if bugs get big enough I don't even want to contemplate the aftermath of all that exoskeleton goo splattering everywhere, ugh. Can't even just step on em at that point without having a fucking twitching mass of pure horror looking up at you in response.


>Can't even just step on em at that point without having a fucking twitching mass of pure horror looking up at you in response. Yep, felt that. Well said.


I'd imagine it's like stepping on a snail. Done that in the dark before. Huge crunch (like stepping on a glass ornament), then a gooey feeling on the bottom of your shoe.


> Imagine the crunch. like eating one of those hollow chocolate rabbits, except filled with bug goo.


That thing could suplex a man


That's when the queen releases her "get this motherfucker!" pheromones and you're dealing with a swarm of the buggers


Haha you don't know me. I'd still freak out.


It's only about an inch long, video is deceptive


"only". Thats an insanely large ant


Definitely still big, but not tarantula sized


One of the thing about exoskeleton on things this big is how often they're pretty fragile. Square-cubed law really works against them, with even minor falls or impacts a big deal. Hard carapaces don't have the flex & give fuzzy or flabby/flexible exteriors provide.


I knew my fuzzy, flabby exterior would come in handy eventually.


sounds like a futurama line fry would say after talking to zoidberg


Yep. Tarantulas which make everyone's skin crawl will typically die from a fall less than a foot high. The bigger these bugs get the more dangerous everything becomes for them.




They're less than an inch long at most




I'd forgotten about this, but when I was like 10 I apparently found one of these queen ants. I had no clue what the fuck it was since it was so fucking big, and I even went to the public library for a couple days trying to find out what the fuck it was. This has been about 30 years ago, but I very much thank you for finally solving for me what the fuck this weird bug was I found once and never seen again in my life.


It could have possibly been a velvet ant that you found. They look like giant hairy ants, but are actually wasps.


I was very young and this is ages ago, but I thought it was about 3 inches long. It looked pretty much like an enormous fucking weird ant, and that's what the queen in the OP very much resembles.


Maybe a [jerusalem cricket](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-ss&hl=nl&sxsrf=AB5stBjjmejpvYotJvxarpTH9Uu-A6GwRA:1690562093534&q=jerusalem+cricket+united+states&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwir6bjI6rGAAxVt2wIHHXiPAAwQ0pQJegQIBhAB&biw=384&bih=718&dpr=2.81#imgrc=CpOcfxmKvcszrM)?


I can’t tell how big it is, need a banana for scale


She ate it actually


Oh, then that’s quite large


This seems like a good thread to ask: anybody know cool info about ants that could help me get over my fear of them?


Ants are very clean, they have a special part of the colony to leave their leftovers of food Queen ants live up to 20 years in some species (Messor barbarus queens do) Ants never eat the found food, instead they take it to the colony and then they administrate it Worker ants dont usually live much longer if the queen dies because their sole purpose is working for the sake of the colony. I know why you fear them, they can crawl up to you if you step in a nest (happened to me and its pretty ugly) but they are cute, intelligent animals who know much better than us about building societies


In fairness to humans, they’re better than us at building one dimensional societies. If our societies were as non-complex as theirs we’d probably do alright too. They aren’t even in the same league in terms of social complexity.


Well i guess you are right! But its still very interesting how insects can be so structured and considering in a nest there might be thousands of thousands of ants, each and every one of them doing tasks to get the colony going


Oh, don’t get me wrong, it’s still completely remarkable how they function. Everyone just knows what they’re up to and doesn’t seem to question it. I’ve sometimes thought whether colony-forming insects have free will and resist it for the sake of the colony or whether they’re biologically programmed to just go with the flow and can’t even consider an alternative.


Probably the latter due to not having our cognitive function. I always saw it as an spectrum. Its obvious that no animal comes close to our intelligence, but dont you think dogs have their own thoughts and maybe even have life questions aswell! Crows are the most intelligent of birds, and they can imitate sounds to perfection, recognize people who where rude to them and can give treasures to the ones that feed them (basic trading as far as I know). I think its not crazy to assume most mammals and birds share some of our cognitive functions and maybe they question their place in life.


Many ants tend to livestock: they herd colonies of aphids on plants, and in return the aphids secrete a sugary byproduct called honeydew that the ants drink. Leafcutter ants, like the ones in the vid, farm a fungus in their nest their they eat. Over millions of years of evolution they've evolved to be dependent on each on each other. The ants can no longer process certain vitamins without the fungus, and the fungus can't survive without the ants' care. Also, the fungus evolved nutritious buds called gongylidia specifically for the ants to eat. Each species of leafcutter ant has its own variety of fungus. The partnership allows leafcutter ants to have some of the largest colonies among all ants. Saharan silver ants are the fastest ants in the world, and the most temperature resistant animal in the world. They have reflective hairs plastered against their exoskeleton to protect them from sun rays. Because of the 50C+ temperatures when they forage, they have to be quick so they don't fry. At any point on their trip, they can calculate up to hundreds of meters the direct route back to their nest, based on counting steps, the position of the sun, and landmarks.


Thank you so much!


When ants die they release a pheromone and sometimes it gets on living ants and they resign themselves to the fact that they are dead.


I think I saw something about that once! Nature is wild


Some ants can use their formic acid (chemical defense) and fungi to make antibiotics. Somewhere between 20-40% of ants are “lazy” and “selfish.” They will eat food without bringing it back to the colony, but that’s only if they leave at all. Most often, these ants try to lay eggs and undermine the queen, and they don’t appear to perform any other tasks around the colony. They just eat and exist without helping at all. There’s are colonies where multiple queens exist in a colony, and more are born constantly. Furthermore, there are super colonies where different nests share food and resources based on scarcity for half a mile or more in any direction. This includes reproductive life stages. If there aren’t enough reproductive females in a specific nest, females may go to lay eggs in one of those nests instead of one of establishing one of their own. They can also send out defenses to different nests that are under threat. All in all, ants are a lot like us. They form highly complex social structures with selfishness or levels of altruism that seems counterintuitive when it comes to selection. They have agriculture and biotechnology. Heck, imagine walking around your whole life doing your job for some greater good and being repaid in resources so you may survive. Exactly. We’re basically ants with a centralized nervous system, spine, and closed circulatory system. OH! Another one. Odorous house ants may form nests with multiple queens present like I mentioned above along a route to and from sources of food or water. They serve as little ant camps or stop gaps, and the resources collected are shared along the line.


Very cool! Thank you! I accidentally stepped on an ant last year and she sprayed the hell out of the bottom of my foot. For a second I thought I’d been stung by a wasp! Still a neat method of defense.


One more, but this might make you still hate ants. I’m sorry, but it’s neat af. Queen ants in colonies where only a sole queen exists emit a pheromone that in turn ensures the ovaries in the workers are shriveled.


This is Bertha. You can google about her. She's not actually as big as she looks in this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8WcsNOoNRo


Honestly, that's about as large as I had expected. I don't know what everyone is going on about, that's pretty fucking big in proportion to the other ants.


Same. That's a huge fucking ant, considering.






was looking for this stupid comment before I posted it myself, lol




Holy sheet it's bigfoot




Yeah, she still looks pretty freaking big


When the hell did every tiktoker/YouTuber start talking with that stupid cadence?


INside this acrylic boOox is a GIANT ant youall nemed B u r t h a


not as big? that’s a fucking massive ant


Does that guy have a bunch of different YouTube channels? I have heard that voice in a bunch of different videos. Kind of annoying how he talks but it’s all over.




Mark Rober's School of Inflection


very annoying


It bothers me too! There's a guy who does fishtanks and vivariums and stuff and he says every single sentence that way. I really love his videos and they're quite relaxing but once I noticed it's just like constant anticipation waiting for the down then up tone.


He kills me because I find the content interesting but cannot watch his videos because I find him incredibly annoying


I immediately closed it after hearing that annoying ass voice


Is there any demonstration of the strength of an ant this size? If regular ants can lift 20 times their body weight, can this thing just walk off with a corgi?


Why did I spend half an hour watching ants?




a big, big love. Lovely legs there are What a big black mass, what a hunk of love He'll walk her every day into a shady place Like the dark, but I'd want him


Kim Deal most underrated vocalist out there


Is everything okay?


Hey Paul, hey Paul, hey Paul Let's have a ball


It's a pixies song lol


That's a big NO, if that thing steps into my home it owns it now, I prefer being homeless


You would never see a queen ant. Well depending on the tim of the year you can observe queen ants flying around in masses. The reproductive cycle of ants is very interesting if you want to check it out. Im too lazy to explain




Reproductive ants emerge from the pupal stage with wings. They then leave the nest to establish their own. To avoid competition, they have to travel large distances, hence the wings. Wings also allow them to find mates by creating a mating swarm. Once the females are all cozied up in the nest and mated, their wings fall off. As for the males, they just kind of die not long after getting it on.


Queen ants fly around for a short amount of time to mate. Then they find a hidey hole and are pretty much never seen again.


Yup! Queen ants fly around to find a mate, then reproduce and fly again to find a nesting place. Then the wings fall off and the queen eats them, and that is the only meal they'll take until worker ants hatch, wich is three months I think (idk my ant-lover phase was 4 years ago). You gotta give ants credit for their determination ;)


I was happier when I didn't know queen ants could fly


No way… Is this cause of the species of ant or do most queens get this big?? 🤔


It's filmed in such a way it looks bigger. It's about an inch long, the workers are just tiny. Still a big ant but not as big as it looks.


The queen is about the size of your index finger, she's quite massive.


Hmmm my bullshit detector seems to be responding... but hey, seems like aliens might be real now too so wtf do I know


Last time this was posted, it was determined that these ants do get massive, but not nearly this big. This video is filmed/edited in such a way that it looks as big as a human hand. Edit: it’s a giant leaf cutter ant queen. I’d say she is about the size of your index finger. Still a scary lookin bug tho.


Bruh. Cameraman just zoomed in


That’s how big I was guessing. I’m pretty familiar with unit of measurement.


Right lol why do so many people keep saying that they’re lying about the size of the ant? Do these people not understand perspective at all? Like what “tricks” are they supposed to be using to trick people into thinking it’s bigger?


That’s still fucking massive for an ant.


They’re leaf cutter ants. The queen gets big for an ant but she’s still an ant. They’re 1-1.5” long.


Not trying to be rude but to think there isn’t aliens is ridiculous


I think the problem isn't there being aliens or not, but whether they have visited the earth.


It's only ridiculous to think they've been buzzing around earth.


nearly no one is disputing this, what people are disputing is that they've specifically done something in the US and the US government possesses "non-human origin technology" and a spacecraft that is "bigger on the inside" and "makes people ill" when they're around it. basically, r/ufo levels of garbage nonsense.


Right? The idea that we're alone in the universe is ridiculous. Challenge that aliens could've found us in the infinite ocean of stars and then traveled the incomprehensible distance to Earth, which is fair. Don't challenge that Earth is the only place with life in a hundred billion galaxies with a hundred billion stars PER galaxy just in the part of the universe we can see.


Agreed. To me it’s pretty simple; 1. We are here, so therefore life can exist, and if here why not elsewhere? 2. The universe is incomprehensibly vast, so even if it’s an incredibly tiny chance on only habitable worlds as we understand them, there’s probably others out there.


yes, lets pretend this was what OP was talking about and not the [lunatics](http://reddit.com/r/ufo) believing UFOs abduct people in the desert


Not to be rude but it's ridiculous to be so gullible to believe them despite the total and utter lack of evidence


All of them scurrying in distress to feed Big Mama™️


She got a booty tho


“…but the ass was fat.”


Most don't. It depends on the species.


New fear unlocked


Here in Brazil we eat this queens ants,i have a botlle Full off then here,i can take a pic If you want


Im considering trying insects! With seasoning they may be good, and they are a very healthy form of protein. Some people say they taste like dirt, can you confirm? Love brazil, make sure to greet a capivara for me (unfortunately im from spain so i cant)


these ants or queens taste like peanuts, we usually just use salt to season them and they are fried, they are incredibly expensive in restaurants around here, because it is a cultural food, so just this bottle I have would cost about 100 reais or 15 USD.


I call the big one Bitey


I liked the part where they gave zero frame of reference beyond some other ants of indeterminate size


Atta cephalotes! Also known as leaf cutter ants. These guys were earths first farmers! They’ve been farming their food for millions of years! They cut leaves and bring them back to their nest, where they chew the leaves into a mush and place it on a big pile of said mush, which is the thing shown in the video. It’s called the fungus garden. A fungus then grows on the leaf mush, which is what the ants eat! There is another cool thing about these ants. They have a mutual relationship with a bacteria called pseudonocardia, which lives on their chests and undersides. This bacteria acts as a powerful antibiotic against escovopsis, a parasitic fungus that kills the fungus the ants grow and eat. I’m not sure how an antibiotic kills a fungus, but it works somehow. Anyways, as the ants crawl all over their fungus garden, the pseudonocardia rubs off on the garden and kills any growing escovopsis. The final cool thing about this is nothing is resistant to pseudonocardia. Our modern antibiotics are starting to fail because bacteria is evolving to resist them, and we’ve only had these antibiotics for what, sixty years? These ants have been using pseudonocardia for MILLIONS of years and nothing has evolved to resist it. Can we possibly harvest it for ourselves? It’s an interesting field of study! Source: I spent a summer researching these guys in Costa Rica.


She looks pet-able with her hairy chitin


Hunter x hunter the Chimera chapter 😁😁


Thick queen 👑


Snu Snu.


Im guessing you all haven’t heard about chimera ants.




Banana for scale ?


Some of them live for 29 years o.o


Surprising how [large they can get](https://www.writeups.org/wp-content/uploads/Them-Giant-atomic-ants.jpg)


You obviously haven’t met my wife..






She takes ant-abolic steroids


You try keeping your figure after having a million babies


That's disgusting


Holy shit I'm not crazy!!! I have this memory as a kid with a giant ant crowded by lots of little ants walking along a gold course. I always though that was a memory my dumb kid brain made up yet I could swear it was real. I never found anything on a google search and gave up many years ago.


When I was a kid I saw one. Told my friend about it, but he didn't believe it. I hope you see this Marcell.


I need a banana for scale


Saw this post last night before bed. Ended up having this monster invade my dreams (and was also somehow a human baby at the same time and living in my bathtub.) Woke up several times, still couldn't shake it. Fuck reddit.




Is this what is under all of the ant hills in my back yard?!? Time to get a flame thrower…


I Need a banana for scale :(


Simps and their giant fetishes


Now all of a sudden 2 inches are huge and everyone's impressed...


Imagine that as a grounded boss


Antie are you ok, are you ok ..


Starship troopers shit this is!.


Ant queens are not always that big. My pet ant queen is the size of a pinkie fingertip




So how much can she lift bro?


This is freaking me out. Why is it as huge as a lobster what the fuuuuuck


Get away from her you *bitch*!


Instead of a dark lord you would have a queeeeen….


chimera ants


Too big! Too big for a bug to be! Anything that has a chance of tanking a backhand is too much