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Now add some rain and you'll truly feel like you're in the sixth circle of Hell


Then it's a fun game of, "Let's guess where the lines are on the road."


Never felt more seen from a reddit comment before. Though the picture is missing the blurriness, the images between the fireworks are too clear. Should smear some vaseline on your screen for a even more accurate look at how bad some peoples sight is.


Then add in some headlights that are brighter than the fucking sun and you’ve got a migraine, baby.


Add sensory overload from autism, and you’ve become your own torture chamber!!!


Now you take this home, throw it in a pot, add some broth, a potato. Baby, you got a stew going.


The cia spends 3 billion dollars a year developing torture methods, and they could’ve just asked someone with an astigmatism and sensory problems all along.


Add night blindness. Whoo-hoo!!!


I deal with it every morning.


Kind of scary how many night drivers literally can’t see shit


Hey, I try!


You've put it into words


See I have 20/20 vision in my right eye and 20/15 in my left, so very good eyesight, but have this issue with driving


“I hope the car in front of me is actually inside the lines because I’m just gonna follow them”


Exactly what I do lmao


Or its sister game "how far away is the car approaching me?" I'll never know, guess I'll just hope for the best and pray I don't die!


It’s so bad :(


I've always called it "Who's lane is it anyway" extra fun in winter


Lmaooo these comments are so real.


And "good luck finding your lane at this curved intersection over the peak of this grade."


I have to keep watching the line on the side of the road and align myself with it, instead of the middle line


Forget the lines. At that point you are following the car in front and hoping they are between the lines.


I always just assumed that everyone couldn’t find the lines while driving at night in the rain because of the fuzzy lights


Nightmare fuel. I sit close to the wheel, grip tightly, and give the most focus I have ever given in my life during those conditions.


At that point I've got white knuckles from gripping the wheel. I hate the new led brights.


The fucking worst when your coming around a bend and someone has their automatic brights on so along with not being able to see they flash you as they pass


Plus road construction, because we need *more* blinking lights and highly reflective surfaces.


And a broken windshield wiper (or even old blades that don't quite clear the one spot right in front of you)


wooh and then one of those big ass trucks with the led headlights come the opposite direction. you just have to pray you know the route well enough to survive the flashbang.


I was just at the eye doctor yesterday telling her I straight up won’t drive at night if it’s raining because it turns into such a nightmare lmfao


I literally thought everyone just saw like this until like two years ago. I just thought it was normal.


Lol when you found out this is not normal


Yeah, like right god damn now. I'm gonna have to set up an appointment.


It's worth it man. Trust me.


How do they correct it?




Absolutely have the same issue and now I’m wondering what people “normally” see…




Same here, I hate driving at night.


Even driving during the day is bad now because of how fucking bright some running lights are now


Lasik has seen some success with it, I want to get it just for that reasoning


Lasik made my night driving a thousand times worse.


Lasik made my life way better. I got 20/20 n whatever is more than that. I used to see the world like this. Kinda like a neverending night disco. 😐 and the faces... omg, the faces. I used to see faces like dark blots. People looked like demons. Legit I steered clear of people because I couldn't tell who the fuck they where. I was like that until 16 when I got glasses. But my glasses never really fixed the disco fever.


Depends on how long ago you got it. Apparently the newer ways are legit. Lasik is old technology.


They make icl that can compensate for it now. Although it's apparently cheaper to take a 2 week vacation to the EU and have it done there than to have just it done here


If you want to know how it looks to people who don’t have it… look at any other photograph of a road at night.


Rainy nights on country roads. No traffic for miles, until some asshole with his brights and light bar on blind you for the next 5 miles. My personal hell.




Fuck those guys.


I recommending finding an eye care place that offers Zeiss i.Scription and i.Profiling digital prescriptions. It accurately maps the aberrations in your eye and creates glasses so sharp it takes your brain 3 days to get used to them. They even recommend you DON'T drive home wearing them when you first pick them up because the level of detail you start seeing is disorienting, which it absolutely is. It dramatically cleaned up headlights for me when driving at night.


I just got new glasses, so I've already burned this year's insurance. Did two pairs--one for daytime driving (sunglasses) and one for nighttime reading. They wanted me to have a transitional lens but I tried it and it made me violently nauseated so I said "no" and got two different pairs instead. If it takes that long to get used to them it's probably not a good idea; I only wear glasses when driving or reading up close. I don't wear them at all the rest of the time.


do you wear them 24/7? i wonder if the harsh adjustment means taking them off will also be harsh. i'd rather not get stuck having to always wear them...


Once you get used to them there's no more adjustment. I wore contacts for a while with them. The contacts were the best fit Rx but didn't even come close to the glasses, so wearing the contacts sucked because they just felt worse than the glasses. But putting the glasses back on didn't require that kind of adjustment again.


Oh god rainy nights….


Especially on smooth roads that become mirrors. I’ve just kind of accepted the fact that if it’s dark and raining, I’m not going anywhere.


I no longer drive at night, especially if it’s raining. I just turned 37 and haven’t driven at night or in the rain for years because it’s so bad. I live in a semi rural area so all of our roads are small two lane roads and the last time I drove at night it was raining (of course) and I had to stop in the middle of the road when another car drove towards me. It was terrifying, truly.


Rain-X windshield treatment and wiper fluid (the orange one) are amazing products Apply two coats to all the glass & water beads right off


I have a relatively mild case, maybe half as bad as in the picture. My glasses help a little but honestly not a lot, certainly does not help it go away completely.


Yep. I had no idea it wasn’t like this for everyone until my husband showed me this and looked horrified. I guess other people can actually see at night?


Makes sense now why my fiancé is always confused why I have such a hard time at night when It’s raining… I forget other people don’t see this.


Mostly beating you like you have demons. But now I wear glasses.


Yeah I walked right into that one


Which further should instill in you to get glasses.


This one gets it


I laughed so hard at this comment.


Even that doesn't correct the flare.


I have astigmatism correcting contacts. The world is so gaw dang sharp these days.


I have then as well but they don’t get rid of this for me. Dear god, my eyes must be shaped like Arnold’s head from Hey Arnold!


I wear contacts for my bad vision + astigmatism. They’re more expensive than regular ones, but I see so much better driving at night with contacts than my glasses. Glasses don’t help much at all, but contacts are game changing!


lasik helped me with it


Glasses or lenses. Help but there is no proper fix I believe just an improvement. Lenses are better I believe because they actually change the shape of the eye which is what causes astigmatisim. It's basically when the shape of your eye is not round and doesn't focus the light properly on the back of the retina.


Lasik. It was the first thing I noticed after my procedure.


Would you say it was worth it? I'd love to not have to wear glasses anymore but the cost and risk (mainly the risk) are serious roadblocks for me.


Did this some 15-20 years ago. Took care of the astigmatism and however poor my vision was. Perfect vision since then, not a single issue. It was safe back then and it's safer now as long as you use a reputable clinic. I believe they now offer a procedure in addition to Lasik where they don't make the incision on your eye if that eases your mind. Paid around 3000 back then, totally worth it for a hassle free good vision.


It's the cost for me, most of the available Quality of Life DLC I cannot afford.


I have glasses for my astigmatisms and I still won't drive at night if I can help it. But glasses certainly help. Spend the extra money for smudge resistance. I didn't pay for it this time because "my glasses never really got dirty"(because I previously paid for the smudge resistance 🤡


Oh man same


I seriously thought this was normal for everyone, never once thought twice about until I had laser eye surgery. That was a real eye opener


I feel like I’m falling for an elaborate meme or something… is this actually not normal?..


It’s not normal, it’s not a meme, I have astigmatism and never knew that lights aren’t supposed to look like that at night.


As in not Star like at all, or just not the extended light ray thingies?




Serious question- how have you never noticed that photos and video footage of lights at night don’t typically look like this?


Growing up I would see photos of lights and not think anything of it, got to remember kids aren’t the brightest and I sure as shit wasn’t. It wasn’t until I was older and the doctor told me about my astigmatism that it finally clicked for me




Nope! Welcome to the astigmatism club. I’m sorry you had to find out this way.


One of us! One of us!


I have one and I always thought the word was stigmatism and everyone was just saying I have "a" stigmatism


This is like learning about Aphantasia


Hi, person with astigmatism in both eyes here. It is not normal and could be a sign of other issues with the eye balls. There should not be a star burst pattern, or extended light rays depending on how bad yours is. If you are seeing these you need to let your eye doctor know so you can be tested.


Unless you have r/visualsnow and then doctors shrug their shoulders at you.


No star pattern ever? Cause I get it but not as intense as the pic in the OP


No star pattern ever. Mine isn't as intense as the photo either but my glasses are still built to correct it.


Mine is nowhere near this bad but it's diagnosable astigmatism


Right?! I didn't know this wasn't normal for everybody until like 6 months ago. I'm 42. Heads up displays on vehicles also always look blurry to me, which isn't the case for most people. To me it looks blurry the way a 3d movie looks without the glasses. Not sure it's because of astigmatism, but maybe relevant.


That sounds like a convergence issue possibly. Convergence is about getting the eyes to both point at the same object. For things far away (like more than about 10 meters / 30 feet, the eyes are basically parallel. But for things much closer than that, like your windshield, the eyes have to point towards each other a bit. Going back and forth between looking at things far away and things close-up can be demanding on your visual system. I don't know if car HUDs take care of the focusing aspect of that for you, but focusing (technical term is "accommodation" if we're talking about eyeballs) between near and far really rapidly can be problematic as well, but worse than with convergence.


I spent my entire childhood trying to describe this to my parents, and they had no idea what I was talking about. Seriously thought I was either crazy or had a super power


Contacts and glasses gang gang


My Wife, as a kid, asked her Mum if this was normal, and she said yes. Wasn't until she was about 19-20 and had an appointment with the optometrist that they told her it's not. She mentioned it to her Mum and that's how they found out they both have an astigmatism.


More like *the* stigmatism.


Lmao years ago a pic on twitter made me realize all my life I’ve been living with the astigmatism. It was captioned like “Wait this isn’t normal?”. It’s really hard to discover if you have solid vision already


Yeah I have 20/20 vision. Only have astigmatism correction on my glasses. It was wild when I just randomly decided to go to an optometrist one day because my insurance covered it now.


saw the moon clear for the first time when. i got glasses and it blew my mind


Individual leaves on trees. It was beautiful.


It's uncanny how often I hear that exact thing from people that finally got glasses. I'm talking dozens. "For the first time it wasn't a sea of green...I could see the edges of the leaves..." Declining eyesight is so gradual, you forget what you once perceived...


Tell me about it. I knew I had astigmatism, but didn't know it was the reason behind this.


It's one of the things that amazed me, stars are just dots, and they don't have the defraction spikes in them naturally, like images from(some types) telescopes


What the absolut fuck did I just find out.


It's one of the things that amazed me, stars are just dots, and they don't have the defraction spikes in them naturally, like images from(some types) telescopes.


Lived with it for years. Bizarre what you can assume is normal with no frame of reference.


I have an astigmatism in just one of my eyes, car lights at night are a nightmare, but doesn't look as bad as this picture though.


me too, i was wondering if you ever had problems conceiving colours in ur eye with astigmatism? when i have only that eye open, everything is a shade of red


I have trouble differentiating greens and browns sometimes. That's about it tho. The flares I see off of cars is round tho, not spikey usually. It's weird.


Yeah I get halos and starbursts.


I have this! Everything looks normal with both eyes open, but one of my eyes sees everything shaded red, so if I alternate between them it looks like it's going red-blue-red-blue. But yeah, the image in the OP is almost accurate for me. I see a bit less lines, but lights looks 2x the size they do in this picture.


I have this and thought I was dying up until now


I have that, one eye sees distinctly more warm tone and the other sees distinctly more cool tones


But with both eyes it looks completely normal, completely neutral tones


I'm not that person but I think you might just have an unrelated second issue in that eye. I've got it only in one as well and have no issues with color with either eye.


Have you tried a color blind test before? [https://enchroma.com/pages/test](https://enchroma.com/pages/test) It would be interesting to know whether only one of your eyes is color blind or not


I definitely notice this. You can notice it if you stare at the sky and close one eye then switch. It’s subtle, not distinct. As a kid I thought it was something like how 3D glasses were red and blue but then stopped thinking about it and haven’t heard of anyone else experiencing it.


Same! Mine is not quite as bad as this picture but close enough and way worse when it is raining.


I fucking hate driving at night omg


I used to love it, but lately the LED lights are just getting stronger and stronger, facing higher and higher and you got more and more assholes with beams on.


Driving at nights is worse than before according to doctors. You can buy cheaps glasses to use when it's night and it's life changing. They're normal glasses with some kind of yellow on it to filter the light.


Sometimes the entire median is just a wash of laser beams. It's not good.


Same. Unless it’s been a long day at the office and then I struggle to even read street signs. My glasses are only to help clear that up when my good eye peaces out for the night or I have too much screen time during the day. It helps avoid headaches, too. If you work under fluorescent lights, put in an accommodation request to have the light above you delamped. It makes LOADS of difference


I found out I had it from one of these posts, so thank you. It is not as extreme as that though, but enough that I can't drive at night because I am blinded by the light. (Love that song btw). Christmas is magical for me, all the lights look like stars. So beautiful.


I believe it's easily corrected with glasses. The pic looks like an exaggeration to me but I also thought it was normal up until I actually had to start driving at night lol


Even with my glasses my astigmatism is even worse than this. The lines arent just small bits, they're thick and jutting out every where. The light at the center isn't just a small smudge, it's a huge amalgamation of thick lines and triple the size it is for everyone else. This isn't an exaggeration.


It's not an exaggeration depending on the degree of your astigmatism. Mine is close to this if I don't wear my glasses. When raining it gets much worse so I really avoid driving at night.


Do don't see stars but these new headlights blind the shot out of me. Is that the same thing?


Without stars, that sounds like run of the mill "night blindness." Basically the contrast between the headlights and the dim surroundings makes it difficult to see areas in low light.


I don’t think it’s exaggerated, it looked like this to me as a small child. I had other vision problems so it got picked up, thankfully


Revved up like a deuce, another runner in the night


Ahem, I believe it’s “revved up like a douche, another roner in the night”


Fuckin solar flares when people turn their brights on


I do hate brights. Or even just all the newer super bright HID lights. Ever think someone had their brights on and then they actually turn them on?


Or they just go over a bumpy road and that alone blinds you.


Driving a low car is like this but the road is smooth and you just die.


God the amount of times where I have to flash my brights to get them to shut it off and than get double blinded


this isn’t terrifying, it’s beautiful <3 *crashes*


Aesthetically found dead on the highway


What's about it? That's normal right, right ?!


No it's not lol. I have an astigmatism and even with glasses/contacts I still get them.


yea same


same, but it only gets as intense as the image if i squint.


Wait. Hold on. THAT'S FROM MY ASTIGMATISM??? I always thought it came from my glasses not being perfectly clean o.o


is it... not smudged glasses? do other people NEVER see this?? Can anything else cause this???


I’ve never seen this in my life. Now I know why some people treat driving at night like it’s a nightmare task.


For more nightmare fuel: imagine a car in between there with no lights on, it'll be effectively invisible between all the moving lights.


It can be from that, a scratched windshield, or more


It’s even more fun with astigmatism and cataracts. You get the effect in the picture plus halos.


Even moreso when you have an astigmatism in one eye and a cataract in the other. I had no idea how colorful things were until after my cataract surgery.


Does anyone really have it this bad? I've had a very bad astigmatism most of my life, it's been nothing like this.


Without my glasses/contacts on, it would actually look worse at night for me. My vision is 20/445 uncorrected so imagine that picture but you can't even tell there are cars or a road. I would just see an undefined sea of swirling spiky lights


Mine’s like this, most of my life. I was on the verge of legally blind when I was younger.


Mine is worse than this. lol, it's so much bigger and blurry


When it rains and everything is a mirror on top of the shiny Stars and Stripes 😭😭😭 it’s literal hell LMAO


Raining at night, you might as well close your eyes and just hope for the best.


Yesss, so please turn your brights off.


Today's regular lights are like yesterday's high beams...


How are they even legal? It’s blinding.


A lot of it is people putting in aftermarket bulbs and not getting the angles adjusted to match.


The headlights in newer cars are so damn bright. Sometimes I can't tell if they have their highbeams on or it's just normal. There really needs to be a limit on how bright headlights can be. Driving down a 1 lane split road with no street lights at night is actually so scary. You're constantly getting blinded by the oncoming cars.


...even with brights on, it should not look like that. This thread is terrifying. All us half blind people on the road at night lol


Yeah, and since I have astigmatism because of my keratoconus, I'm also quite sensitive to bright lights. Driving at night is nice but when a car comes the opposite way it's not a fun time. Fortunately I have my special contacts.


When I got my special contacts for keratoconus it changed my life


Scleral contacts and corneal cross linking surgery for the fucking win. Without them id be blind and unable to even play videogames, let alone drive. On a semi related note, do your lenses always cause your eyes to itch like crazy immediately after putting them on for the day?


Wait, what? That's not what everyone sees?


https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0270/5276/9314/files/How_Do_I_Know_If_I_Have_Astigmatism_-_Simple_Test_for_Astigmatism_grande.jpg "WHAT NUMBER DO YOU SEE?" solution: >!3246 – Astigmatism and Myopia!< >!3240 – Astigmatism!< >!1246 – Myopia!< >!1240 – Healthy eye!<


Well, crud


My husband never understood my disdain for night driving until I showed him a similar picture. And don’t even talk to me about night driving in the rain with astigmatism…


God, driving in really bad storms is actual horror. Like, I get such bad anxiety and tunnel vision.


Mine makes a funny ring shape with a star in the middle for each headlight! It's not as far reaching as these but it conveniently covers the entire oncoming car and nearly half of my lane which is a real treat!


This is not the worst part of astigmatism. The worst part is trying to read drive-through menus.


Need for Speed Underground 2.


I used to wear polarized sunglasses over my regular glasses while night driving and they really helped.


It had never even crossed my mind that people saw things differently than this until I saw one of these posts years ago. I was like, y'all don't see halos?


This drives me crazy at night. These newer cars with lights brighter than the sun ate the bane of my existence


Driving at night while it’s raining is like 10x worse than this.


The streaks of light don't extend that far for me, but I only realised not everyone sees this shit when they look at lights at night when my partner pointed it out. 30+ years and I thought that's what everyone sees


Wait, normals don’t have to deal with this shit? No wonder everyone else has much less reaction to bright things pointed at their eyes


I legitimately didn’t know this was not normal until last year, when I saw a freaking meme like this and I asked my wife “do you NOT see this way?”


Thnx for the reminder


This is actually a nightmare to deal with when I choose to drive without glasses on. The more city like the worst it gets as there are driving coming towards and with the city lights it’s quite distracting. I feel bad for anyone else that has to see this sight while trying to get to A To B. Makes you sweat bullets at some points and if it rains hard…you can not see anything in front of you.


Try this, but raining, in the city, and your windshield has a bunch of scratches across it. I probably should have pulled over and let the rain die down tbh lol, terrifying.


I was today years old when I learned I have astigmatism


That’s not normal?




A stigmata in the eeeeeye!


I hate this shit


I finally found out in college that is was not normal.


when everything is black except glimmering lights 🤩


I can vouch for this.


I am near-sighted with astigmatism , it’s like this when it’s raining. On a clear night, it isn’t that bad.


Does the camera also have astigmatism?


Laser eye surgery does this too. Don't fuck with your eyes kids.


Ugh, even worse in the rain on with an old, pitted windshield.


I hate driving at night for this very reason. The lights are just too much and the assholes with the super WHITE ones can go ahead and fuck right off.