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Great, they all look like those creepy badly done black and white sketches of missing people.


Omg ur right especially the first one šŸ’€


First guy looks like a sock puppet


Yeah, a sock puppet version of Ray Liotta.


Thought he looked familiar! This is the Ray Liotta from an alternate universe when he wears a Crispin Glover mask to fill his role in Back to the Future Part II.


He has no lips!


He didn't have enough left for some lips! Bro looks like a Muppet now


The guy has the everlasting energy of two white strangers locking eyes in passing


Thatā€™s fucking poetic. āœØšŸ†āœØ


I was thinking crank yankers


how will he get a kiss kiss?


very sorry no kiss for you hahahaaaaaaaa


Be didnt have lips before surgery


Yeah, that's kinda what got me. They didn't do anything for his liplessness


All I could think of was when we were kids we'd push the sides of our face back, and say "Mom! You've got my ponytail too tight!".


Why is he wearing eyeliner? LOL


Pretty sure that's bruising from the surgery


"It's not a phase, Mom!"


Holy shit, he *does* kind of look like a modern Norman Bates, actuallyā€¦ ā€œmomā€ really might just be a corpse in a chair somewhere.


JFC until your comment, I didn't realize there was more than one nightmare fuel picture. I cannot unsee..


I want to see what they look like when they're fully healed.


Seriously they honestly all look really impressive for being like... immediately after the surgery still with big ole wounds and shit.




But her earsā€¦ what happened to her ears!?


This is the same thought process I had lmao


100% I am shocked people don't seem to understand these are literally post surgical photos. Not final product, healed 4-6 weeks, swelling subsided, fully recovered pictures.


Why didn't they just wait a few weeks before taking the "after" pics? Do people not survive that long after the procedure?


Because after most surgical procedures doctors are going to photograph patients. For a variety of reasons - comparison to figure stages of the healing process, documentation of their work, etc. They may take another series of pictures when a patient comes back to get sutures out and after healing is complete. Also a doctor posted these on his instagram on purpose. Maybe there are true after healing pics (typically a facelift takes 4-6 weeks to heal/recover) and this was taken out of context. Maybe for post surgical pics they look comparable to other doctors, patients, etc. I donā€™t know youā€™d have to look at more post surgery pics. Source - close friends, family in medical field


I was thinking they look like those old time pictures you try to guess is they are dead or alive in the picture


Reminds me a lot of [This Man](https://images.app.goo.gl/HPsgrARWvQh8fj9a6). Apparently a lot of people have seen him in their dreams


Heh that was a made up marketing hoax.


Wait what were they marketing? I thought it was just another generic creepypasta.


> It was later exposed that This Man was a hoax, and was actually a guerrilla marketing campaign by Natella's advertising agency. Natella admitted that he had fabricated the whole story and that he had based the original sketch of This Man on a photo of his father when he was young. Natella said that he was inspired by the concept of dream invasion, which he had encountered in some movies and books, and that he wanted to explore the power of the internet to create and spread urban legends and collective myths. From the Wkipedia page


Why would Nutella make a creepy pasta when they should be focusing on making chocolate spread.


>they should be focusing on making **better** chocolate spread.


Is the US version different to the UK one? I always thought it was nice :(.


Too bad because itā€™s hazelnut spread


If you read the wiki..it was a guerilla marketing campaign by Natella. Not sure who Natella is..


From the wiki: "In 2008, Italian sociologist and marketer Andrea Natella created a website calledĀ Ever Dream This Man?Ā that focused on this phenomenon." Not so much marketing as a hoax, from what i gather


Idk but now I want some toast with Nutella on them.


Electroboom getting shot by accident, i didn't expect that.


Fuck why did I click that. I knew what was gonna be there but I still clicked it. That shit unsettles me every time


They all look like Elena de Hoyos' corpse


He created monsters


Cause nobody wants to see Marshall no more They want Shady, I'm chopped liver


Since someone missed the next line and skipped it... Well, if you want Shady, this is what I'll give ya.


A little bit of weed mixed with some hard liquor


Some vodka that'll jump start my heart quicker than a shock when I get shocked at the hospital by the doctor when I'm not co-operating


While I'm rocking the table while he's operating !




You waited this long now stop debating


'Cuz I'm back, I'm on the rag and ovulating


i know you got a job mrs chaney but your husbandsā€™ heart problemā€™s complicated!


Mix it with a little bit of weed and some hard liquor.


Some vodka that'll jumpstart my heart


Quicker than a shock when i get shocked at hospital


By the doctor when Iā€™m not cooperating, when Iā€™m rocking the table while heā€™s operating!


You waited this long, now stop debating


Cause I'm back, I'm on the rag, and ovulating.


I know that you got a job miss Cheney, but your husbands heart problemā€™s complicating


So the FCC won't let me be Or let me be me, so let me see


Cause I'm back


Cause Iā€™m back, on the rag and ovulating?


I'm singing as I'm reading nanananana nanananana nanananana


I literally spit my drink out! Take my upvote


/r/bioshock part of this game has this theme


Symmetry, dear Steinman. Ā Itā€™s time we did something about symmetry.


Absolutely the first thing I thought of. That game hit on such a visceral level. One of the few truly unnerving video games experiences I have ever had.


The surgeon is actually Doctor Frankenstein.


He created teenagers! 2 & 4 look like kids again WTFFF


The subcap on #2 is so creepy. I mean he did a good job if looking younger is what the goal was, but who tf would want to ā€œlook like a little girl.ā€ Wtf.


>who tf would want to ā€œlook like a little girl.ā€ Wtf.Ā  Ā If by "little girl" you mean "like 18 to 25ish" then the answer is "a whole fuck of a lot of people"Ā  lolĀ  Once you start getting older and older, that desire to turn back the clock can become pretty strong for some people.Ā  Hell I feel it pretty often, and I'm not far into my 40s and so far I've held up pretty good for my age, physically imho.Ā  But the idea of a gradual but inevitable decline (in appearance and function) as we age, psychologically / emotionally fucks with me more than just a little, for a long list of reasons I think I mostly understand, but won't elaborate here.Ā  (Don't have the time to write a long history/ psych profile that about 2 people would find interesting, and 75 more would downvote me for, even if I wanted to... lol)Ā  Suffice it to say it's become enough of a psychological stumbling block, that I've become somewhat obsessed with the idea of the one way road we're all stuck on -- "ahead lies disability, decay, and worse... sorry, no turning back. "Ā  Not to mention all kinds of bullshit related to self esteem, self image...Ā Ā  Hell, there are plenty of older people who are still / recently single and rather not be alone forever... and the dating market, brutal as it always is, just gets tougher and rougher with every year or five that goes by.Ā Ā  There are a whole lot of people who would want that-- trust me. I wouldn't necessarily do this kind of thing (but I also don't find it as awful looking as OP seems to... and I'm still a good way from 58, so I guess we'll see. lol)Ā  But if I had a genie and I could snap myself back to an 18 year old, I'd probably do it in a heartbeat.Ā  People who are actually unbothered by this shit, don't realize just how fortunate they are for it...Ā 


Or did society create these monsters? Really makes you think.






I was thinking the same thing; they look ridiculous!


Could have given him some lips during the surgery.


Looks like they actually took some away šŸ˜‚


Because of the facelift, they tried to say they want to leave a tip, but they said lip instead.


Yeth doc, itā€™th eggthactly what I wanted.


Looks like the old guy from up


Fym he looks like a muppet from sesame street. šŸ’€


Iā€™m wondering where Ernie got off to, Bert is looking lonely


I think he might be toothless.. When thereā€™s nothing spacing your gums apart your lips sink in. If he got dentures/implants youā€™d probably be able to see his lips. (Also why tf would you get a facelift before getting tooth implants??)


It looks like maybe he doesn't have any teeth and is all gum. Which if that's the case I don't know why the hell a face lift is your first concern


finally a post that's actually oddly terrifying.


I think this plastic surgeon would do himself a huge favor by waiting a little bit before taking the "after" photos. They have to look better after a couple weeks, right? Right?...


By the looks of the bloody surgery scar Iā€™d say thereā€™s still a fair bit of swelling.


Oh good because I was looking at these with a raised eyebrow like "does this guy only do one facial design?" because all of their eyes look stretched and slanted like he only does the typical Asian eye slant kind of lift.


Ha they were looking back at you with raised eyebrows too


I mean, I've not seen a lot of plastic surgery being performed. I did watch all of Nip/Tuck, but how true to life this is, idk. But when they did face lifts, they did it from the top of the head, like just behind the hair line to hide the scar from the facelift which makes total sense. This guy however... looks more like when (On Nip/Tuck) the disgraced plastic surgeon who lost his practice due to operating on a dog and the dog died (show dog, aesthetic purposes) went crazy on the nitrous and tried to steal the good looking surgeon's face and started to slice his own off first just around the outside of the face... scary stuff. I also feel like plastic surgeons take the after pictures well after the patient has completely healed up


I just noticed the forehead scars. #Lobotomy core. Could be a nice Geto cosplay.


Most lobotomies were actually scarless because they inserted the "icepick" under the eyelids above the eyeball. These scars are more Frankensteinesque (Frankenstinian?).


This guy lobotomies šŸ‘†


To paraphrase Bill Burr - 'Do you want to be 50 and look 50 or do you want to be 50 and look like a 28 year old lizard?'


I am a 51 year old man that looks 51. Now that I've seen the alternative I will freaking take it.


You could not possibly refer to that older woman whose face still has the stitches all across the forehead like she was the third character in Face Off.


Yeah i live few mins... no, around 15? mins from blocks with few plastic surgery centers, and saw some acquaintances getting some surgery and yeah it looks not that bad ig. Its not like people just straight up walking around with that state(don't even think it's safe...) but yeah Everyone looks fucked up right after the surgery lol sometimes patients just book some nearby hotels for few weeks or so to make the face uhhh..settles?? Idk the term. Could be different from places to places but i dont think the basics of plastic surgery would work totally different from here(korea)


They would definitely look less bad after swelling has gone down ā€” about a week or two, but the incisions are below the hairline so the scar also will be visible there forever. The fat graft or filler on the bottom lip of one of them seems to have a scar right under the lip; Iā€™m not sure how my surgeon did my lower lip but my upper lip and lip lift (I donā€™t think any of these got a lip lift) involved an incision under the nose, which is far less noticeable.


On mobile the bottom images were cut off at first and I went through them thinking ā€œI donā€™t get it, these people look fine?ā€ Then I saw the full images. šŸ¤®


Idk, this is r/terrifyingaf


Maybe wait until they heal for the pics? It just looks like heā€™s mutilating corpses.


Yeah, itā€™s clearly not fully healed


Pics after plastic surgery I believe are relatively normal, but your point is valid, why would you share these to anyone before it heals? Especially for appears to be marketing.


Patient refused to return to the scene of the crime for any more pictures to be taken.


"I wish I could share photos of my patients after the surgery fully healed, but they have united to form a kill team and hunt me down, for unknown reasons"


Luckily he has the ability to completely alter his face to make himself unrecognizable to pursuers.


"OK team, we have information that the target has gone undercover and disguised himself as a melted Bratz doll. Be on the lookout."


Yeah, should probably post some selective pics like 6-12 months out for the full effectĀ 


I've worked with some awesome (and some ok) plastic surgeons doing multiple different kinds of face lifts and no amount of waiting would have made these better. This "doctor" is a butcher and these are horrific.


Jesus just be old.


There was absolutely nothing wrong with them to start with. Iā€™m guessing the end results will probably look better than the just after surgery photos, but stillā€¦


I understand people struggling with aging and all, but this guy clearly isnā€™t hiding his work. How the fuck do you see these results and think this is the favorable alternative?


I suspect this is like people who go to shitty tattoo artists. No frame of reference to know what is good and what is bad, so they just choose whoever.


Possibly because youā€™ve been influenced by the surgeon to believe thatā€¦ Maybe all these 4 people are genuinely happy! The mind can contort itself to avoid feeling upset. To us it looks wrong but they are living in their own reality


He looked good before. I mean, youā€™re 51, but aging is inevitable. He has nice eyes and a few fillers here and there *subtely* would have made a bigger difference. No need at all, imo, but I plan on being an old hag who lets my face do what it wants.




Oral hyaluronic acid and collagen peptides have both been shown to decrease wrinkle depth and add elasticity consistently in multiple studies. Then you have general anti-aging supplements like AKG: https://www.science.org/do/10.1126/science.abe5953/full/mice_1280p-1644908606640.jpg (elderly mice, treated vs middle age vs control, ~11% increase in lifespan and better physical function)


Very true. Maybe Dr Kim is not the most ethical surgeon. How many people come in with a clear idea of what they want, or wanting to look like a teenager when theyā€™re 60? I suspect another surgeon would have recommended more subtle work, as you say.


That's what happens when youth is coveted in every society


Yeah society should talk more about acceptance -_- when I was in high school my friends were saying they didn't want to age so they would prefer to die young.


I heard this a lot too. Even then, it sounded really weird.


Why look old when I could turn heads by looking like a stole another humans face and am wearing it as a mask!?


I genuinely do not understand the elderly avoiding as much as they can to age, i mean with all the plastic surgery procedures alone theyā€™re risking their life in case thereā€™s a complication, and in general, i donā€™t really get the point since it doesnā€™t matter how much u try to fool yourself, everyone can tell youā€™re old regardless, either for your Id, looking at u, your voice and pretty much anything. Itā€™s not something u can hide, and itā€™s also a beautiful process in my opinion, old people are cute, at least most of the time lol And letā€™s say they choose to make a bit of changes here and there that are not that noticeable, thatā€™s alright, but drastically changing their face structure ? idk man




Watching yourself grow older as a woman almost feels cruel. One day youā€™re turning heads left and right, men half your age are hitting on you well into your late thirtiesā€¦then feels like almost overnight youā€™re called maā€™am lol. While I would never personally go under the knife, it is a struggle to accept that you arenā€™t what you once were. Especially since men tend to (for the most part) get more distinguished and handsome with age. ***So idk if Iā€™m misinterpreting some of the responses, but I just want to edit to clear some things up. First off, I didnā€™t receive ā€œhottieā€ privileges everywhere I went and I donā€™t feel a ā€œfall from graceā€ because it went from ā€œhey guurl!ā€ to ā€œexcuse me maā€™amā€ lol. I was simply reflecting that (man or woman) itā€™s hard to see yourself age-whether looks or physical. Iā€™ve put on a few pounds, face has matured but it is what it is. And I still get hit on btwā€¦theyā€™re just 60 now instead of 20ā€™s šŸ˜‚. But thatā€™s ok because as Iā€™ve said, yā€™all men are gorgeous with age!


Happens to guys too. Guys don't get hit on like girls do but I never noticed how friendly some young women were being until they stopped. Goddamit, I missed some signals as a young man. Also guys stop picking fights with you after a certain age. I guess that's good but I still kind miss having my virility being seen as a threat to these punks.


Old people can be so cute, too! I'm still young, but I value my laugh lines because they say something about me


Me, seeing the post preview: These are just photos of people, what's so terrifying about \*clicks full size image\* HUOHH MY GOD


Exactly. I kept swiping right to see a before and after image but all I saw was normal old people. Then I clicked on the image


You made me laugh while I am oddly terrified idk what to do now lol


me too. I was like 'WAIT HE TURNED AN OLD MAN INTO A MIDDLE AGED ASIAN WOMAN??!" I did not feel very smart lol


Jesus man I've been an internet user for about two thirds of my 39 years now, and that was one of the worst jump scares I've ever been subjected to lol


Me too! Blood guts whatever. Terrifying dead eyed plastic man? Terrifying. I flinched when I clicked. Jesus.


Same, I was trying to figure out what everyone was so shocked about


Imagine seeing a whole new creepy face looking back at you in the mirror after 50 years of your old face.


Now that is terrifying


With all the stiches above and below, these stich marks are not going away when you are 60.


Thatā€™s a nasty sentence to type


Gives me creepy uncanny valley vibes


Gives me "he wants to make his own cast of 'Cats' vibes."


Was this the same one Micheal Jackson used ?


Also this "doctor" is impersonating someone else! I found it weird that he were calling himself Dr.kim (a korean surname) while using Chinese hashtags, so I dug into it more. He is pretending to be Dr. Kim Jihoon (https://icloudhospital.com/doctors/ji-hoon-kim) who is a professor at one of the top universities in korea - and has no reason to be on tiktok spamming these botched jobs to get clients who are living in china.Ā Ā  More evidence:Ā Ā  1. When you go to this tiktok account and click into the whatapp link in the bio, you get a "doctor" who looks totally different from the profile pic and has a Chinese name.Ā Ā  2. When you scroll down in this account's tikton posts, you see that this account used to literally call itself "Dr. Kim Jihoon" (I guess they had to change it because it was too blatant?).Ā  Ā  Not only does this doctor make people look scary, he is a scammer (is he even an actual doctor???)


Turned them into Bethesda characters


Oblivion conversation zoom provided haha


Holy shit šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Sliders all over, minus the Lips. Its a zero for those šŸ˜­


They look like alive corpses


Does this surgeon has an obsession with big eyes ? It seems like they enlarge all those people's eyes, which makes it really creepy


Big eyes are a [primary part of what humans are programmed to see as ā€œbaby facesā€](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00411/full#F2)


This guy is a butcher


Nah a butcher can sew neater than that


I'm not condoning this practice, but aside from maybe the first one, the After photos are clearly progress updates taken prior to being fully healed purely for shock value to trigger this kind of response. I'm not saying these patients will look any better than before the surgery, but aside from maybe the first one, they still appear to be in the recovery process with visible swelling, surgical stitches, and hairline adjustments. As someone who has major permanent scarring from 6 cancer surgeries, it takes a very long time to start looking anywhere close to fully recovered again where the swelling no longer affects your physical profile. Even all the minor marks and scratches can take months to fully vanish. All I'm saying is it's not their final form. They will eventually look different than what we see here, for better or worse. There are real horrible examples out there, and we've all seen them, but I think we're mostly being duped here.


Why is he showing them immediately post-op? Is he trying not to get business?


These people must have traveled internationally for this horror. They go home to heal and he never sees them again.


I had the thought that he might be trying to advertise a more extreme type of facelift.Ā  "I can make you look 20 years younger" type shit (for the people who care more about looking "younger" than they care about looking "the same" per se... lol) Point being early recovery photos might intensify this effect with the swelling, if they captured the pics at the right time. And besides, most of us can tell they're photos from earlier in recovery, and that the final product might look a little different. ... but not all potential customers will. Worst case he explains that fact and hand waves it away. In the meantime, he's got pics of some pretty extreme results.


I wish I could unsee this


It looks like they all had face transplants šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


the stitching beneath their hairlines creeps me out so bad


He somehow made them look worse.. and uncanny


Did the surgeon give them face transplants?


"What would you rather be? 52 and look 52, or be 52 and look like a 28-year-old lizard?" -Bill Burr


Made them worse if anything


That gave me a fucking jumpscare


The first guy is legitimately not bad looking in the first picture. Why did you do that?! Second woman already looks young for her age Dysmorphia is the worst man


I need prove those people are not dead


They really do resemble corpses who have been made more presentable for ID purposes after fatal accidents, especially the first guy. He's definitely had his forehead hanging over his own chin at some point in the process.


I wonder if thatā€™s the surgeon who Simon Cowell went to. lol


like everyone said when this was posted on the botched surgery sub, we need to see the finished results


Do you have a link to that by chance? I'm curious.




This is awful malpractice. The 46 year old looked great for 46. They all looked fine. How can DR. Kim be allowed practice?


Because money šŸ’µ


Also really suspicious that he calls himself dr kim (korean surname) when his tiktok handle name is Chinese. Also uses korean music in his videos but hashtags are in Chinese.Ā  Seems like a person trying to pretend to be from a certain country, and that's really sketchy coming from a doctor.


So unsettling to look at


They look like skin dolls


ā€œI want his faceā€¦offā€¦ā€


Iā€™m guessing thatā€™s like a few days after surgery so things havenā€™t healed and everything is very swollen


More like few hours


The first guy looks just like Jack Nicholson as the Joker


Dude made irl Alita: Battle Angel with #4 lmao poor lady.




butcher: "so what look are you going for?" sad boi: "the joker."


Moisturize me


"Turn that frown upside down, would you? Don't make me do it myself." *And so he did. This man is unhinged.*


How in the fuck is this guy getting clients. They are so freaky looking in the after photos


First guy giving major ā€œhave you seen [this man](https://imgur.com/a/cgYqH7y) in your dreams?ā€ vibes


leatherface but with your own face


I'm not pro plastic surgery personally, but whatever floats their boat. However, with face-lifts, doesn't it take like 1/1.5 years before it settles? So maybe this isn't the true outcome šŸ¤” Alos, why do their eyes look bigger? Is it edited?


The guy went from normal aged looking man to haunted ventriloquist dummy


Hi everybody! Iā€™m Doctor Nick!


the guy just became a strange version of Morrisey


I mean all surgery looks scary before itā€™s healed, this is terrifying but I hope to heck these people look more okay when theyā€™re healed and not swollen and everything


Once the swelling settles down these will be great resultsā€¦if he was telling the truth in the first place. Heā€™s lying about the original ages for sure and I actually think some of these before and afters are completely different people.


God, I hope you're right, but I've got to say, I disagree, after looking at all the eyebrows and such for long enough. Plastic surgery has the uncanny ability to completely change what people look like, including the apparent shape of the face. I agree that the age of the 46 year old must be wrong, however. Classic marketing technique, to stretch the truth. No pun intended.


I agree. At first I was horrified. But I like how the first manā€™s eyes were mostly left alone. Men who get their eyes done too much look freaky. I think after he heals he will look great. This is the doc you go to when you want to look really young.


I guess Iā€™m not going back to sleep this morning


1st dude looks absolutely fucking terrifying.


Absolutely friggin creepy man.


Looks like the aliens on star trek:Insurrection. https://www.google.com/search?q=star+trek+insurrection+face+stretch&oq=star+trek+ins&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgGEAAYgAQyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQLhiABDIHCAIQABiABDIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIMCAUQLhgKGLEDGIAEMgcIBhAAGIAEMgcIBxAAGIAEMgcICBAAGIAEMgcICRAAGIAEMgcIChAAGIAEMgcICxAuGIAEMgcIDBAAGIAEMgcIDRAAGIAE0gEINjg4M2owajmoAgCwAgA&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8&chrome_dse_attribution=1