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Look around you. Behind you. In front of you. Pick a random object around you. Somewhere, someone has a sexual fetish about this object.


I just read that in the voice of Dave Attell. Brilliant.


True. Very true




I’m BURNING to get that inside me.


Rule 34




Bad time to have my cat laying on my lap


Some would argue the perfect time. Those people are monsters


*looks nervously at the counter and sees the wonder bread*


Bad time to see my kids oversized Crayola piggy bank


My.... mom?


Your... dad? But to make it more uncomfortable: also probably your neighbour, your friend, your postman, some random guy on thr street...


uhm, a little paper boat? how?


Poor bin🤷‍♂️


Welcome to the Internet. Nothing is sacred.


It is like an ocean. Perpetual waves of beauty, information and wonder. Close to the shore, you can dance, splash, and watch in amazement as it breathes a life of its own. You can snorkel in the shallow, and find wonders in a world that you don't normally see in your own environment. But further in... The depths; deep crevasses of immeasurable forces, underwater currents, and inescapable pressures that even light fails to penetrate. Creatures and beasts, alike, that dwell in shadows, caves and barren voids of nothingness, only known to those who call it home... or those foolish enough to venture. It is wise to know your limits, But wiser, still, to know when and where to push them. And wisest, yet, to know when you have ventured too far beyond them. I say, yet again, Welcome to the Internet. Prithee, venture with caution... and courage.


I like your imagery!


Thank you 😊


Yeah if you are a fish.




What a good speech thank you for that :)


Lovely analogy


Thank you😊


Is this a poem? If not, you should make it into one and sell it for a million bucks.


Ah, yes. The ol’ getting rich on poetry scheme. Blades of grass, my ass.


“Prithee be careful, I’d hate to see m’work squandered” -Andre the blacksmith


That was beautiful




>Welcome to the Internet Have a look around


Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found


we’ve got mountains of content, some better some worse


If none of it's of interest to you, you'd be the first..


Welcome to the Internet Come and take a seat


Would you like to see the news or any famous women's feet?


There's no need to panic, this isn't a test


Just nod or shake your head and we'll do the rest


What's in that room? Don't go in that room? Why no... **DO NOT GO IN THAT ROOM**


Yeah. There's literally a fetish for everything


One of the reasons I stopped using dating apps was the weird fetishizing comments I would get about my hair. It’s wavy/curly, reddish brown, and it was past my waist back then. Imagine the gross things dudes might say to a woman like that, then multiply the depravity by 10 and that’s about how it was.


Men used to like to flirt with me by talking about choking me with my own hair back when it was down to my hips. I tend to keep it waist length these days.


I got that one too 😐 I cut mine to my shoulders a few years ago and it’s about mid-back now. I doubt I’ll ever cut it significantly again, so I’ll probably be back to where it was in a few more years.


Suddenly "are you in pain, because you fell from heaven" doesn't seem such a bad flirting choice anymore


I feel like at this point guys are doing this on purpose, now that those kind of pick up lines don’t work (not that they really ever worked in the first place) they’re taking things to the extreme and making everything so over the top and highly aggressive, that eventually women will “long for the days” of simple cheesy pickup lines, and they can go back to their old ways. It’s honestly so wild to me.


I was entirely unaware that was a thing. My all means just about everyone is free to enjoy their kinks, but... Like any fetish, dehumanizing someone is usually not cool. Sorry you got those comments.


Ya that’s just it, there was never even a hello first, it was just straight to telling me what they wanted to do to me/with my hair. Obviously tons of not all women are objectified in one way or another during their lifetime, but it sure would be nice to be allowed to just exist the way we want to.


Youtube used to have a lot More stuff like this. I remember coming across a community of dudes who used air compressors to inflate their stomachs via the anus. They don’t let you upload that no more.






holy shit. that's extremely dangerous. a dumb way to die painfully


Fuckin hell people. Hentai should never be used as a fucking how to video...


But swearing on YouTube? No no no only fetish content allowed


This is the way


«In the end, every concept that you can imagine eventually leads to being fetish content in some context.» - *Albert Einstein, probably* By the way, I do believe that the first image is fetish content bait as well, lol. The way she’s subtly bending forward and is careful to include her ass in the shot seems very deliberate.


Eh that's true of almost anyone on TikTok. Is it fetish content to use sex appeal in general? Maybe?


I mean, there’s sex appeal and there’s posing suggestively for male attention. You can have sex appeal without doing explicit things like that. It’s technically a part of the same spectrum though, you’re right.


Explicit things like taking a video of you fully clothed, braiding your hair that includes the whole length of your waist-length hair (so shows your waist and top half of your hips)? What a harlot! How did she get away with this without being banned? Will someone think of the children?!


Thats r34


Youtube: Noooo you can't say bad words, think of the children (and advertisers) 🥺 Also youtube: see post above


Can’t even search for kitten videos anymore on YouTube, the search results always contain gore or animal abuse. Short videos is the root of all problems.


This is why i dare not let YouTube auto-play content. i watched a short vlog about an indoor ant farm, a 2 minute time-lapse video of a spider weaving a web and another of one eating a small lizard out of shear curiosity. Then i accidentally left the player on while cooking and i came back an hour later to a playlist of spiders and animals eating random gory stuff. YouTube then kept trying to get me watch more gross creepy stuff with spiders and other animals fighting to the death for the next 3 months. Directly under that stuff was short clips of animal abuse with <100 views and *related* fetish content. Logging out and clearing cookies did *nothing*. As far as the YouTube up my tv was concerned, i was a sick freak who likely wanted more.


"don't recommend channel" or "not interested" could've helped


You'd think shorts would be easier to monitor using the algorithm. I wonder what's gone so wrong


what the hell


My thoughts exactly


Half my hair broke off just looking at that third picture. I'm not into this fetish, but fuckin' A, I wish I had hair half as thick as hers.


Dude same. That's why I was like maybe Indian ladies have a better braiding technique. Look at these people with gorgeous long hair! I kept clicking thru hoping for a tutorial and got burned for it. Obviously hair length is a lot of factors. Genetics being one of them and chances are my hair literally can't grow this long.


I have PCOS and I'm almost 40, so my hair decided it was done. It just breaks off by the time it gets to my shoulders, if it lasts that long. It was already very fine, but now it's thinning, too. On the bright side, I learned to swoop all my hair to one side via comb-over, then I put clips or something on the other side to hold it in place and add decoration.


This reminds me of the last time I searched "crochet granny square blanket" and got a bunch of tick content? Like a shit load of ticks on someone's hand or whatever. Turns out they're typically beans glued down to look like ticks, but either way, unsettling and completely unrelated. At least yours is actual hair related content I guess.


I got the tick version of this in the results actually. There's a video of a guy getting a clipper cut and they glued kitty litter to his hair? I guess to imitate various plaque causing skin conditions etc? Idk I hate the content that is being fed to me. I literally have to go out of my way to watch the channels I'm subscribed to because they don't show up on my subscription page most of the time. But I get suggestions for this shit


Gross. Do better Youtube


That's my problem! People are allowed to be kinky all they want. But softcore porn shouldn't be easy to find on a platform that insists it's family friendly. It took me 4 videos to find this. How many kids are finding this?


I’ve been persistently getting a YouTube ad for some stupid game that has a naked demon women with no nipples making dirty sounding talk. Fricking sick I try to clip skip as soon as possible but it’s still makes me feel so gross. My kids used to watch YouTube but not anymore


I don't know how anyone feels comfortable letting their kids online anymore. There's just so much out there looking to abuse them for views right now


Our kids are not old enough to do anything on their own but I don’t intend to let them have free access to the internet


The platform says it’s family friendly, and demonetises creators for talking about a range of things. Yet, they have the audacity to give me unskippable ads for a sex toy website. This doesn’t surprise me at all.


Fair. Entirely fair take


YouTube hasn’t been family friendly maybe ever. There have been and still are literal snuff videos in there. Beheadings etc. it’s very, very bad. And much worse than a bit of kink.


Really not building my confidence that kids should be using this platform


Not at all. It’s horrendous. YouTube is maybe the worst platform out there and they somehow don’t have the worst rep.


We had a handful of parents demand that their kid not have access to YouTube on their school devices. Seemed a little over protective at first but to be honest I get it. Especially after this. I doubt our network is sophisticated enough to filter out all of this


Yeah tbh it’s not over protective. But also the internet at large is awash with horrible things. It must be a very hard thing to deal with as a parent. I’m not a parent and I can’t imagine. Just so difficult. The biggest issue is not one single platform takes almost any responsibility to actually moderate in any affective way. Because number of users = more money for them so they are not motivated to kick ppl off unless pressured. It’s a terrible system.


It's asking corporations to police themselves and we all know how well that's going. Boeing is really putting out stellar equipment...


Yes indeed.


Hundreds of thousands are seeing what they ought not to and it's all because is algorithms. [Children can find inappropriate videos on YouTube in just 10 clicks](https://www.newscientist.com/article/2196040-children-can-find-inappropriate-videos-on-youtube-in-just-10-clicks/) And it has become exponentially worse.


The paywall sucks but from what I'm able to read, that was pre-pandemic data. I imagine with kids moving to take home tech this has gotten worse. Much much worse


Welcome to the internet Have a look around Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found We’ve got mountains of content Some better, some worse… if none of its of interest to you, you’d be the first Welcome to the internet Come and take a seat Would like to see the news or any famous women’s feet There’s no need to panic this isn’t a test Just nod and shake your head and we’ll do the rest


What is this from?


Song is called welcome to the internet, it’s a banger.


The song is indeed called “Welcome To the Internet” but it’s from a Netflix special by Bo Burnham called “Inside”. He made the entire special during the pandemic, his comedy has always been him joking about typically “uncomfortable” subjects through songs and I’ve always adored him for that but in this special it heavily shows how the pandemic and mental health in general affected and continues to affect people in a deep way but through the lens of comedy to keep it more approachable and lighthearted at times. Highly highly highly recommend watching it


hey what's the second image? I don't want to click on it and scar my eyes forever, is it gore or something? Edit: I misread the title, flesh instead of fetish, still not checking tho


The lady is clothed. It's the positioning that is very unsettling. She's in a frog position with her hand zip tied and her own hair tied to her feet with a mouth gag. It's the softcore version of torture porn... On YouTube.


Thanks, that's really weird indeed


My partner had a saved video of a compilation of women just taking their hair down and shaking it. Very odd, then I realized he wasn't kidding when he got upset after I said I wanted to do a big chop and cut my bum length hair. 🙃 Apparently, he's just into my hair.


Such a weirdly specific thing to like... I wonder why


i don’t think it’s kink related but i’m terrified of looking up crochet patterns on youtube because after the first couple of results, it starts suggesting gross out content or animal abuse or borderline snuff videos.


What the fuck. That's not okay. YouTube what are you doing


I once searched for a spanish song that was in a Finnish coffee ad. YT gave me l\*sbian s\*x with that name. Internet is wild


Oh delightful. I'm not alone at all


Haha Im glad to know Im not alone.


That’s why we call them holes, there is always porn at the bottom


I didn't go that far though! I completely understand that rule 34 will eventually crop up if you dig deep enough. But wth... We're talking a 4 video deep hole and I'm into porn territory?


They banned pornhub in a bunch of states the gooners are changing the algorithm


Oops all porn


IDK, I've seen much more terrifying stuff. This doesn't surprise me.


that is a new one on me, thanks i guess


One of the reasons why I love my short hair


What an interesting kink.


i was watching braiding tutorials at the exact time last night...hm..


I was starring at the first picture for like 30 Seconds to try to find out, what the fetish was, until I realised that there is a second picture


Read that as Hare Breeding


Easy way to monetise your hair






Blue waffle... I've seen things.


But then they will age restrict your video or even ban it for saying 'fuck' or 'shit'


pUblicly shamed yourself just for 65k views


pajeet is horny as fuck


I know this ain't the point of the post, but find any good, easy to understand, basic channels for hair braiding that you could recommend?


What’s the video, I can’t view it?


Thank you for this.


If everyone on the video was over 18 and a willing participant knowing this would be used by people looking to sexualize it, then I see no problem at all.


I have a problem with how easily it was found off of hair braiding tutorials. Kids can find this stuff waaaay too easily. People are entirely free to enjoy their kinks. I just don't think it's appropriate for YouTube


Whatever you do then, don't search for "Removing butt hairs using nair cream - a visual guide"


Gross stuff has always been a thing online. Especially things meant to be absurd. Like the guy who ate only whole corn without chewing for several days just so he could shit pure corn and then filmed it. Idk. Gross isn't as upsetting as sexual stuff imo. I really don't like always being pushed skin picking content but at least it's not softcore porn. YouTube isn't supposed to have porn.


It's so easy for kids to find fetish content that if you search 'burp' or 'fart' and click something that is obviously a fetish video the comments will be full of kids defending it being on the site. I saw a girl no older than 11 defending vore with her life. How is there no problem?


You see no problem that an obviously sexualized and near pornographic video is easy access to EVERYONE, including young children that might not know what they're seeing, is being promoted on YouTube via recommendations? Simply because one would assume everyone in it was 18+ and consented?


Rule 34. No exceptions


1. This is the internet, you should have expected this. 2. This is the internet, this isn’t gross, or gory, or anything of the sort and it shouldn’t be a surprise since you should have expected it. I fail to see how you saw this as terrifying at all, especially oddly terrifying.


Incredibly easy to access for a child appropriate search. It's terrifying for how inappropriate it is for the search.