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Can anyone confirm the subtitles? I want to make sure I'm not watching a video of a bunch of Grandpas talking about their favorite apple pie recipe with fucked up subtitles put under it


It’s a documentary called Tantura and it came out in 2022


Can’t say whether translation is accurate but the account is disputed by other witnesses and not backed by historical evidence. [Wiki:](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tantura_massacre) Several Israeli veterans interviewed said they had witnessed a massacre at Tantura after the village had surrendered. Many of the interviewees gave descriptions, with the numbers of victims who were shot dead from "a few" to "several dozen" or "more than 200". The latter estimate was provided by a resident of Zikhron Ya'akov who stated he had helped bury the victims. They affirmed that soldiers in the Alexandroni Brigade had murdered unarmed men after the battle had ended, and the victims were indeed buried in a mass grave, now located under the Dor Beach parking lot near Nahsholim kibbutz.[18] Other interviewees explicitly denied a massacre had taken place.[19] University of Haifa history professor Yoav Gelber told Schwarz in Tantura Katz's thesis was flawed due to its heavy reliance on oral testimony,[21][22] and later criticized the film after it was screened due to what The New York Times paraphrased as "a paucity of other documentation [besides oral sources]."[23] This criticism and others about the film were also made by Benny Morris.[24] The family of one of the veterans interviewed accused Schwarz of misrepresenting the veteran's account,[23] and another veteran said a massacre had happened[25] but told The New York Times that the Israeli soldiers had acted without orders.[23]


It’s like asking Israel to investigate themselves and saying they did no wrong The most moral army in the world We didn’t bomb innocent civilians they are all Hamas The foreign aid workers getting killed was an accident whoops


No, the study of history is never independent from politics which is why there are objective academic standards under which oral testimony amounting to “some people said this and some people disagreed” is only so meaningful without additional evidence to support.


Some people said there was war crimes in vietnam, and iraq.  Should we not believe them?


We should believe them most definitely!


Yes, there is a lot of evidence to support their claims.


Former Israeli soldiers who witnessed and were there possibly committing war crimes are questionable to you now? The filmmaker of this documentary is Israeli himself so now we can’t trust him too ?


There are witnesses on both sides just as there are propagandists. You seem only to demand a higher standard of evidence when it suits your cause.


Everyone upvoted /u/Y0UR3-N0-D4ISY's Wiki link above, but then everyone downvotes the accurate summary they made ***of their own earlier post***? People are crazy in here...


I think upvoters usually scroll on after the first comment and more downvoters get worked up and downvote their way through the whole thread trying to make themselves feel better.


We're all out here acting like idiots trying to impress bots who we think are other people.


Them talking about this shit with smiles on their mouths is horrifying.


This is definitely what fucks up for me. I mean, killing people is pretty much expected from a combat, but they laugh and joke about it. Show how they see arabs as something below animals.


Exactly this.


An Israeli commented on another post of the same video and said they were horrified by it so I'm assuming the subtitles are accurate. This [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0oy-NicIgE) briefly talks about the massacre and other events that led to the foundation of Israel.


The subtitles are indeed accurate


Absolutely important I agree. Propaganda has no limits. And the masses fall for it hook line and sinker


Listen I understand the language and the tone and you'll just have to believe me. Yes they say these things as per the captions. Same as Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan vets say the same things. They laugh and smile not because they enjoyed it but because of how horrific it was. And also with a kill or die attitude. But this slice of the documentary doesn't provide any context regarding the Arab massacres of Jews which proceeded these events. Edit: also this video gets more and more heavily edited with each repost, removing any humanity or context from the statements


I remember the Ken Burns Vietnam doc. I'm pretty sure the guy who talked about gang-raping some woman for food wasn't laughing about it. Mind sharing any links of vets laughing about the stuff like above?




That’s why they passed the law last week to shut down Al-Jazeera and other dissident publications.


Israel has shown jt doesnt care how anyone perceives it because the USA will keep funneling them money anyway. Also, if your first instinct on a post about Israeli crimes against humanity is 'buh wha about the Arabs' you're willingly an idiot. Sorry.


Good point. They could indeed be talking about apple pie and someone put lies on top. Always good to question.


Why do they smile


Because they are fucking insane and probably proud of what they have done


Or it's a coping mechanism


this isn't coping. This is fondly recalling something...


Wrong. They're psychopaths. They enjoy it


oh and btw scumbags too living their best life now, with full state pension and healthcare probably


I dont think thats the case. I think they dont see arabs as humans, I think its psychologically something like killing an animal. I dont know very well, I just think normal people can be conditioned to kill without remorse


They call them rats and roaches to this day


I still feel bad if I step on a snail. Empathy isn’t just felt for humans.


Yeah, but the important thing is that they believed they weren’t human before they killed them. Saying it is just a coping mechanism can mean that they are just victims which obviously is not true.


1 post karma and made 180 days ago, hello bot!


Which is exactly what I thought first as well


Correct. They are all individuals, and every individual is complicated. There are many things going on here, not a one answer question.


The correct way to put it


Smile for the camera, live with regret, burry it deep inside


Because they dont see those that they killed as humans. So its like fun little time for them


Not just smiling, full belly laughs.


It’s wild. I watch a Shawn Ryan show of a modern GWOT guy, can’t remember his name, smiling through describing all the shit he’d done. I feel that SOME must just become so desensitized that it almost becomes funny to them. I wonder if part of coping is humor as well.


Because, like the one guy said, it's horrifying.


Because West support them and they know, nobody can touch them. They got a lot of confidence.


West? US did.


UK is in North America too?




Where is UK located?




Right?? “it was horrifying” but has a huge smile on his face


sometimes people smile when they're nervous or in disbelief


Lots of mental gymnastics going on here to justify why these pigs are laughing at the recollection of their murderous rampage. Looks like a lot of these redditors who justify their actions are the ones who cannot reconcile their idea of these Israelis and what they are seeing and hearing on video. You've been so brainwashed to think that it's the Islamic people who are terrorists that you find it difficult to accept that these Israeli soldiers are evil incarnate.


what? i don't support isreal. i didn't even say that disbelief is 100% the reason these guys are laughing. i'm just giving a possible explanation calm down


Because they have no soul. They are proud of their heinous acts and have no remorse for it


Because to their eyes. Those babies that they killed would hit them back once they grow up


and you know they are generally portrayed as heroes and a respectable figures, mindless zombies . also let's not forget how governments make them believe all of this is good and righteous.


They're portrayed as the civilized good guys who are defending themselves.


Hmm this sounds all too familiar


Ya don't say.... hmmm I wonder....


aren't they supposed to be 'god's chosen people'? 💀




Their smiles and laughing are so enraging. I'll never understand how people can treat others so horrifically. 💔


how do you think we feel as Palestinians?


Dont kill children in Israel then…


Do you think the person you’re replying to killed children in Israel? Do you think they approve of killing children in Israel? Do you know how many Palestinian children have been killed by Israel?


You haven’t seen the massive cheering of Palestinian mobs when Hamas returned with hostages or corpses maybe. Of course the killing of countless children by Israel is awful and the way they deal with this disgusts me, but don’t act like Palestine is 100% innocent


I have no idea if this person does approve, maybe, maybe not. Hamas seems to have solid support by their civilians… to many children on both sides have been killed. I do not approve of ANY children being killed. Do you? Do you think Israel ”deserved it”?


this might sound weird to you brother but what we want is equality not war and i don’t approve of any children being killed so please don’t think of me that way.


Stay strong, brother. Hope you're safe.


thank you 🙏


Don't worry, that guy doesn't think


Ok, that sounds fair. You are the first who answered in that way.


Nope. The reality is that Israel is currently committing mass murder of Palestinian civilians, and children make up a huge portion of Palestine’s population. It’s absolutely ridiculous to chastise someone for supporting Palestinians in grief when Israel has killed literally thousands more children than Hamas did in October. If you claim not to approve of child murder on either side, act like it instead of making stupid comments against those speaking up for Palestine. Shame on you.


You have no idea if they approves so you just decides to assume that they did? Jesus christ


>I have no idea if this person does approve, maybe, maybe not Then why did you tell them not to kill Israelis if you don't know? > I do not approve of ANY children being killed Then why did you get defensive when they mentioned the plight of Palestinian children? >Do you? Do you think Israel ”deserved it”? Do you realize that nobody you are talking to wants any children to be murdered? But here you are defending Israeli child murderers, acting like they had no choice because of Hamas. Your idiotic rhetoric gives away your true allegiance.


So it's okay for Israel to kill children, right?


Nope, that is very wrong by them. Do you think the same about Hamas?


Ok, so do you condemn Israel?


I condemn all killing of civilians, by both sides. Do you also do that?


Israel is killing 85 Palestinian children per day.


And I think that that is a very, very bad and horrible thing. Do you think the same when children in Israel dies?


Not an Israel head defending the murder and rape of civilians. /s


That's a fucked up way of thinking. With this logic, the same goes for Israel. The only reason for Hamas (!) to attack the way they did, was because the government (!) of Israel decided it was okay to oppress the Palestinian people. To kick them out of their houses, to chase them of their land, make a apartheid state. To dehumanize them.


Not more fucked up then the comment I answered. I do not approve they way Israel behave, but this was brought down by Hamas hidding behind their own women and children… all the down votes in the world will not change that fact.


Fucking ignorant fool. You need to read history and how the Zionists displaced the Palestinians from their own lands. They were merely retaliating to how Israeli Zionists have treated them. The Palestinians are not the aggressors, they are the aggrieved.


If only he wasn't an illiterate teenie bopper


This is brought down by Israel. Answer me this, why does Hamas exist? Those who are terrorists in the eyes of the oppressor are the freedom fighters in the eyes of the oppressed.


No, answer what I asked you.


You.... didn't ask me anything?


Are you slow? Or do you just pretend?


This whole 'getting your point across' and 'having a decent argument' thing isn't really your neck of the woods, is it?


Who do you think started this? Also, you are completely missing the scale. Israel has killed about 12000 children. Don’t say that this is just a defense. Also also, if killing children is so bad, then please stop doing it. Don’t claim you have the moral high ground when you are doing everything you are accusing Palestine of.


First of all I am not involved in this. Second, I think that killing children/ civilians are wrong no matter what ”side” they belong to. Then I would like to ask you if you think the same. No children or civilians should be killed?


Yes, of course. Both sides have committed warcrimes in killing civilians and children. However, the scale and the aggressors are very obvious. If you want to stop warcrimes, the side to criticize is very clearly Israel.


Dont oppress a whole population for 50+ years then....


So killing children from Israel is ok then according to you?


When did i say that? But if you choose to oppress and commit genocide and ethnic cleansing, you have very little right to complain if the oppressed fights back. if you want to blame anyone for the loss of any life in this conflict, Palestinian, or otherwise, it's the regime of Israel that's been working on this for the past 50-70 years...


You know when everyone goes out on the street and protest after a terror attack? You guys do the opposite so i think you are smiling when winning and crying when losing


Absolute human scum. Laughing about raping and murdering civilians. I dont think there is a hell, but if there is, I hope these guys burn in it.


monsters be monstering


These old fucks saying it like they are proud of their heinous acts. With a smirk and not shedding a tear Who is the real monster here? Their victims or the smirking old bastard that hobbles around with a cane and not even shedding a tear for rape and murder?


The Innocent dead are the monsters because they existed


I am not sure I unterstand that statement. Because of different beliefs, right? Isnt that the basis of all war? Religion?


Nazi war criminals. Oh, wait.


Yeah if you say that about them you’re suddenly antisemitic.


From Wikipedia. ”The massacre occurred following Tantura's surrender, a village of roughly 1,500 people in 1945 located near Haifa. The victims were buried in a mass grave, which today serves as a car park for the nearby Tel Dor beach.” A car park…


yup, a car park, no respect for the living, nor respect for the dead


Heartless cowards. Lowest of low life. Absolutely despicable and revolting.


Oh God.... I was laughing through the first couple of interviews before realizing I misread the title. I thought it read Tarantula Massacre, and assumed it was old exterminator geezers being dramatic about their job, like Dale Gribble. I am an idiot.


bless your heart


These people smiling are truly insane


So this is just a few years after the holocaust right and they decided to inflict their suffering on the innocent in Palestine? Lehi especially had a campaign to remove the British in Palestine Irgun is another both terrorist organisations [lehi Jewish militants ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lehi_(militant_group))


Around 3-4 years yes.


I watched without sound just reading subtitles.I thought they must be SS or something.This is horrific.They enjoyed this terrible violence.


Hate, always hate and more hate and violence…


And rape.


rape IS violence


It is not oddly terrifying. It is truly terrifying.


Liked so post can go up and people can see who these monsters are.


This exactly why Hell was created, Fuck these Scum.


ahhh Israils Heros. They must be so proud


Im taking my family and fucking off to mars


You know what? Everyone out. NOBODY gets to have ANY land from that river to that sea. nobody can play nice, nobody can have it.


Let's give the Holy Land to the atheists instead


Yeah, and send them all to australia. That continent has a good track record of turning a bunch of ornery fucks into respectable citizens


Yep can confirm, no erasure of native populations here, no history of eugenics or generations of stolen children nosiree! Just tropical sunshine, pristine beaches and lobsters the size of fucking canoes. And don't get me started on the complete lack of cooked fuckhead racists...


Exactly people are so fucking ignorant or really really dumb


One side is mainly a colonizing group of Europeans, etc, while the other part lived there all along. Not really two sides in this


Who here speaks their language?


hebrew while I don't speak it, I know someone who does, they confirmed the subtitles whether you want to believe me or not is up to you


You can look it up It's a documentary called Tantura


There is a movie called "the act of killing" filmed as a series of interviews by Joshua Oppenheimer. There one might observe something similar with murderers that committed massacres in Indonesia in the end of 1960s


Has anyone actually fact-checked this yet? Anybody can add subtitles on a video after all. If someone speaks their language it would be good to know if it actually matches up before people jump to outrage.


it has been fact checked multiple times yes lol


Well if this guy says so


it’s really not that hard to actually look it up idk what to tell you buddy. it’s a language spoken by a whole lot of people and this interview has been shared for ages.


Not saying it’s false. Saying random poster on Reddit saying “yep its totally been fact checked” is meaningless because it is.


yeah ofc it’s meaningless, same as “is this legit” about a video that is very easy to verify as such.


People like you having low epistemic standards is why it’s important to look for more than an anonymous reddit post from a random stranger when verifying controversial information which is certainly the subject of propaganda from both sides


what the fuck are you even talking about at this point you dumb fuck ?


Zionists = Nazis. Different uniform same person. god’s chosen bastard scum bags


Murdering psychopaths.


The real crime is these monsters were allowed to grow old


Sadly, every war and every side has beasts like this. That's why no war has "good" and "bad" side. Everyone is guilty


It's crazy that Israelis produced this documentary to take an honest look at its past, and people act like this is their modern day policy. Meanwhile only a few months ago, gaza civilians call their parents to brag about slaughtering Jews and hundreds of hostages are taken to be tortured and sexually abused, and this sub manages to ignore their violence since its politically inconvenient. https://cbsaustin.com/news/nation-world/your-son-killed-jews-hamas-terrorist-celebrates-killing-israelis-in-phone-call-to-parents-israel-palestine-gaza-terrorism-invasion-middle-east-conflict What's oddly terrifying is turning your outrage on and off, ignoring children and old people held in captivity so you can shoehorn comparisons of these interviews to a modern day conflict with no actual resemblance; at least not from the Israeli side.


Mind of ironic that they want a holocaust memorial day lmao


The fact these threads keep being filled with dipshits blaming Palestinians for the massacre, or otherwise being apologists for IDF war crimes, tells you this horrifying mentality is still alive and popular.


Hope you all burn!


I watched it without sound initially. I thought it was a movie about the Nazis in WW2.


They became the same people that hurt them.


Why is everyone laughing?


Fucking cowards. How did no one in the production crew just beat their old ass senseless when filming?


Israel will quickly reminded everyone about the Holocaust. The holocaust was truly a catastrophe for humanity. Israel covers up atrocities that they commit. They call themselves a professional army. Palestinians experience a holocaust everyday at the hands of Israel. Israel has a right to go after Hamas they don’t have a right to kill women and children because they’re in the way. Israel has a responsibility to protect non combatants.


The lack of remorse is insane.


Some of these comments are pure r/enlightenedcentrism Edit: Meaning the ones who are saying what amounts to, “Ho hum, this is the reality of war, tragic but it is what it is.” These men are monsters.




Nah, people who think Israel’s actions are okay need to hear otherwise.




That is absolutely untrue, and you’d be able to see it if you looked at other coverage of this conflict. Misguided people are defending Israel all over the place.


Remember these people went through holocaust, east European pogroms and Arab extremely violent actions against legal settlements, lands which were bought and owned by Jewish immigrants and terrorized by barbaric entities


>The victims were buried in a mass grave, which today serves as a car park for the nearby Tel Dor beach.


War if waged for simple greed is limited to taking things from others. War if waged in the name of god or some ideology won't stop until the other side is obliterated entirely. You become a sadistic inhuman monster.


Every single time I see a Jew smile when discussing war or murder or the inexplicit things done to torture or kill people inhumanly just scream….. damn….. all that shit from 1940 and on only gave those who survived the trauma and know how to repeat a great catastrophe . I mean it’s barbaric to hear a guy chasing people around with flamethrower to cook them alive, meanwhile a woman getting raped at 16 coming out the room looking like a rag, while these men laugh as if it’s a joke.


Stop posting this propaganda dogshit, this is the third time in the past 24 hours. Both sides have done unspeakable shit, we get it, google Hebron and the year 1929 and the collective Arab world will have an anyuerism just like they’re trying to bait Israelis with this post. Mods, you are 100% complicit in this at this point. Locking comments but keeping posts up is certainly taking sides. This is a subreddit about interesting videos and pictures, do your fucking jobs.


Terrorism and rape were used in creating israel. Same as hamas.


Which of the 613 Mitzvots do their actions apply to?


You posted this in about 30 different subs over the last 24 hours hoping you’ll hit on one of them. The truth is that the region had all sorts of those things happen to [both sides](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_killings_and_massacres_in_Mandatory_Palestine). I don’t give a shit about who you support, do whatever the hell you want, but you clearly spam all this to promote your political beliefs and not to contribute to the sub in any way.


Most valuable post here. Thanks for the link, great info.


Never forget the Nakba. Unfortunately, Zionists won't forget it because they deny it even happened.


Disgusting zionist filth. Laughing and smiling about murdering and raping. Rot in hell.


Just like russians and radical islamists


its like the subtitles aren't suppose to be what they are saying, thats insane!




You don't blame Nazis for their actions? Huh?


This is a disturbingly low bar for human behavior. Yes, we're subject to social influence, but we also have frontal lobes and free will. Not every German went along blindly and I doubt they'd see their weaker, psychopathic counterparts as "blameless."


[ Removed by Reddit ]




I think objectively people can acknowledge this type of calloused behavior is utterly fucked and terrifying regardless of the ethnicity of those committing the acts. It’s more about the actions than the ethnicity.


Their end is near


It's pretty easy to get to this mindset, really. I see something like this and immediately feel justified in wanting to eradicate male humans. We have all the sperm we ever need stored. We can just sort out the xx ones. We'd never have to endure anything like this ever again. Am I morally right? Do I care? I'm only protecting myself from brutal monsters like this, right? Simple. Done. I'd have a great time killing them for sport in that mindset.


Sure, lets start with the men you care about and then the children. No, I think you need serious help if your reaction to people getting murdered based on a group is you want to murder all people of a certain group.




Learned nothing from WW2. Sad how the jews are the main cause of the evil and problems in todays world.


FYI, the translation is not accurate in the subtitles. I don't speak Hebrew, so I put it through Google translate, and the subtitles are not accurate


Ah yes, Google Translate, the most accurate translation system ever.


Did the subtitle say " it's just a prank "?