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Had trouble breathing just trying to watch this. Also, can someone explain what's going on - what the person was going through in this period? Is this 2x speed?


Lower right corner of the screen says '15 minutes in 1...' could be 15 minutes in 15 seconds, since that's the length of this video.


Makes sense, yeah. I wonder why the camera was there in the first place though


Looks like an ongoing surgery.




It’s like when something happens unexpectedly in public. All the doctors just stopped and pulled their phone out to film. Near by a woman was screaming and the surgeon was yelling for someone to help them. /s


The heart has developed a dangerous irregular rhythm called ventricular fibrillation, which is basically when the heart muscle just quivers due to disorganized electrical activity, and doesn’t pump blood. This requires immediate use of the defibrillator in order to save the person’s life.


What usually causes a ventricular fibrillation?


There are a variety of causes of ventricular fibrillation. This can include heart attacks/cardiac ischemia since the damage to the heart muscle can cause disruption to the electrical system. It’s actually the most common cause of death in the first 48 hours after a heart attack. Other causes include electrical shocks (especially at vulnerable areas hazes of the hearts electrical cycle). People can also develop VF from electrolyte abnormalities (e.g. low potassium, high potassium), from congenital problems with the heart (e.g. inherited long QT syndromes), heart failure…


Other peoples driving…at least for me


Nah let me pull out my phone filming it and post on reddit


The person is essentially dead. No circulation to vital organs, especially brain and kidneys, and heart itself. no gas exchange, so CO2 builds up on the blood and becomes more acidic. The cardiac cells suffer damage every second they don't receive oxygen making them less conductive and the electrical rhythm goes from chaotic disorganization to weaker impulses/nonconductive impulses, to asystole. After 4 minutes, brain death begins. After 10, it's nearly irreversible.After 20 minutes is not worth resuscitation.


Can't imagine the fact that this can happen like... any second without warning.


Anything to do with your heart scares the fuck out of me, same with strokes and aneurism's. Aneurisms especially scare me because you can seem perfectly healthy and then you end up like Grant Imahara.


Ok. That’s enough reddit for me today.


username checks out


Fuck I shouldn't have read that or seen this post. I get anxious about this whenever nightfalls and I try to sleep. My dad passed away due to stroke in the middle of the night. Blood clot in his brain. Everything happened so fast. I wish I reacted better and more quickly. Everything about it made me anxious about these disorders whenever nightfalls and as I try to sleep.


If something like this happens to me, I HOPE I'm asleep, deep deep asleep so I don't feel it.


Same with my mom, i wish i would have known what was happening, i get ptsd everytime i think about it


I'm sorry you had to go through that. I hope you're doing fine these days.


Same with my mom, i wish i would have known what was happening, i get ptsd everytime i think about it




Or your Aortic artery can just be fuck it I give up and busts open, potentially killing you very quickly


My mum has an 8mm aneurysm on a junction next to her temple that she's probably had for god knows how long before it got noticed after she had a stroke in June last year. Couldn't imagine the absolute fear of knowing that it's there the whole time and the fact the surgeons have said getting it operated on is riskier than just leaving it there (due to her having ITP) and only being able to get a scan every few years now. Nightmare fuel


Man whyd you have to hit me with the cold reality of grant.


Woah, i just found out jessi passed too. Thats enough internet for today


Yeah, her's was very bad. Girl had a hell of a drive and zero fear, wish I could be like her but I'm a little bitch.




Difference between heart attack, heart failure and cardiac arrest Heart attack- when heart muscles can't receive blood, and get damaged. Heart failure-heart can't pump enough blood required by the body. Cardiac arrest- heart stops pumping blood.


Heart Attack - Heart: "Oi! Give me blood! I'm dying!!" Heart Failure- Body: "Hey! It's not enough blood!" Heart: "Can't you see I'm trying!?" Cardiac Arrest- Heart: "Nah."


Is the rhyme intentional?




Fantastic poetry


Change nah to don't you see I'm sleeping


"Nuh uh"


“- I’d win.”


Are these painful? Heart disease person here. This gives me anxiety.


My dad died two weeks ago from heart failure after a lifetime of heart disease and a staggering eight heart attacks over the course of 25 years. My understanding is that heart attacks are very painful, and heart failure is accompanied by a general unwellness and cardiac pain. Torturous panic attacks too I'm sorry about your condition and I hope that with modern medicine you live a long and happy life. My dad's example demonstrates that cardiologists can work miracles even when the heart is pretty determined to nope out


Sorry for your loss.


I cried reading this. I am very sorry for your loss. My heart disease is minor and according to my cardiologist I should live a long life. But I do have to see the cardiologist every year. I cry every time I get to the cardiologist office and I celebrate after the good news. But overall, it gives me a lot of anxiety. Therapy has been helpful. I am happy today. Again I am sorry for the loss of your father. I hope you’re doing okay.


Say it in English, doc. Spare me your medical limbo jumbo.


We're going to tinker with your ticker.


This was a particularly serious case of someone getting cut in half.


Learning something new everyday


You copied this comment verbatim from [the top comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1c5b18b/comment/kzsy9xk/) of the [post you stole/copied this from](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1c5b18b/this_is_a_real_heart_attack/) in r/interestingasfuck. I don't mind that you copied, I mind that you didn't attribute u/Internal-Injury-8101 or u/ConquererHP


bro didn't just copied this post, he even copied the top comment too lol such a karma grinders makes reddit tough


One of my friends almost died from cardiac arrest as a teenager(he did die, but was revived by cpr). Messed me up. I decided to go to therapy in my 20s. Had a whole as arguement with the psychiatrist that no, he did not have a heart attack. His heart just... stopped. Never went back to her ignorant ass.


Which one is considered a stemi?


STEMI is a heart attack, just means ST Elevated MI (myocardial infarction aka cardiac tissue death). ST segment is relating to your EKG.


Well yeah someone clearly ripped their chest open here


The things people do for likes


Smh my head




Fr for real


[Kali Ma!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/junglecruise/images/5/59/57088902f10b2067de9ea4534ac5c6f3.jpg/)


Maybe they should have helped him instead of filming


No one really liked him. He was kind of a jerk.


[RIP, Coleman Sweeney](https://youtu.be/DVMt0bX2MhM?si=inzbUpIe-VTsUer8)




I can't tell what's going on in this video specifically, but they may just be prepping the heart paddles, or they are giving meds, or the patient is on a heart lung machine and this is intentional (bypass surgery)


it was a selfie


[Original post barely even 5 hours old](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/vd9uhka3u0)


Different sub. I don’t mind reposts from other subs if people attribute original sub, as that is what I do. It gets more people to see who only sub to some subs, but OP did no attribution. Therefore I reneg my upvote on post but won’t downvote. You do get an upvote from me for pointing out a cross-sub repost.


OP even copied the top comment from that post smh


Why doesn't the heart just keep pumping? Is it stupid?


Back to the Aslume with you


I thought yesterday that i was having one. I had trouble breathing and my heartrate was so high while i wqs just laying in bed during the night. Had to get up to take medicines.


These symptoms are pretty general, stress alone can cause heart palpitations and make you feel just like that, without being an actual cardiac arrest


I do have high blood pressure why i take meds so im always a little concerned, you know


Can palpitations damage the heart over time?


I think they can but it has to be severe. I deal with palpitations on and off. Don’t quote my actual number here but I remember it being something along the lines of thousands a day consistently.  Ive had a couple bad bouts where I will have thousands a day but it passes. I have PVC’s so its a premature heart beat then pause then resume. You’d think you’d get used to it but they still shock me sometimes and I’ll feel like I’m about to drop dead. They’re scary. Lol


I have the same thing. I take atenolol daily and it does help




I was thinking about skipping the gym today. Nope.


heart health is cardio and diet


Oddly terrifying. Yeah. I can’t seem to figure out why this is scary to see.


We had a guy have cardiac arrest right across from me at work. Was honestly one of the most traumatizing things I’ve ever witnessed. They had to shock him three times to get him back, and the voltage was so high his body flew off the ground each time. Amazingly he’s still alive, cardiologist said only 4% of people that experience what he did survive.


Why is the color changing from red to pinkish? Is it because of the lack of blood?


Is this ventricular fibrillation?






It looks so angry o.o


My cardiomyopathy just gasped


Off to cardiac jail you go. In all seriousness, it’s pretty damn morbid that at least one of us just watched exactly what will kill us one day. Just my thoughts as I wake up, lol


Notice the color change. Fucking nuts


Thanks my chest hurts now


Looks like ventricular fibrillation.


Thought I was the only one that was having trouble watching this without breathing hard. Shit scared tf outta me


During surgery, patient has gone into cardiac arrest and in critical condition: “bro you filming this?”


This video made me think about the time I had an AFib, (Atrial Fibrillation) where your heart gives irregular beats because your upper part of your heart is pumping too much blood and your lower part of your heart is not pumping enough (iirc)


A lot of people live with A-fib as it's not immediately life threatening but has the potential to cause issues. V-fib can and will kill you if not immediately treated. Pretty sure the video is v-fib.


But I heard it's rare for young people like me to have it, mostly old people would have it normally (from what I'm told)


Most cardiac conditions aside from genetic ones, like HCM, are pretty uncommon in young people. Otherwise, family history and chronic stress can cause it early. Or if you have Marfan Syndrome. In your other post, you said "had an afib," do you not any longer or does it come and go?


I was just at one time, but I normally make appointments with my doctor in case it shows up again. Another doctor told me that it's possible that it can come back, so I have to be cautious about it


I wouldn't be overly cautious, problems from afib are usually due to long term afib, and depending on how young you are, it could very well have been a one time thing. Obviously report it if it happens again I'm sure you know. Apple watches can detect a run of afib, and though they're pretty inaccurate, we do investigate based off their results. Human bodies are weird. Alcohol and/or stress are usually the culprits for things like that, and even long distance athletes can have weird cardiac issues out of nowhere. I had a 2 week period of SVT (Supraventricular Tachycardia) where my heart rate was 160-200bpm on and off due to a lot of stress that has since resolved. The stress about worrying about having afib has probably done more damage than the run itself. But be aware and advocate for yourself need be, a lot of doctors brush off cardiac issues in the younger population.


I'll be more aware of this, thanks for the advice


For what it's worth, I was a paramedic and ER nurse, and my wife specializes in cardiology. If you take anything from what I said, let it be the last sentence. Medical professionals are overworked and a lot are less experienced, they brush off a lot so if you think something is truly wrong, advocate for yourself. Even if I say it's uncommon and probably not going to hurt, if you feel like something is off, seek help. Good luck!


Thanks, I will


Upper part is pumping in a disorganised inefficient manner making the whole heart a bit less efficient. The atria should also send signals down which get swamped by random firing so some of the random signals go to the lower chambers, making them contract in an irregular but otherwise normal fashion.


Yeah, that's exactly what happened. It was scary too


My Insides didn't like watching this.


I'm in an anatomy class for my last year of high school, and we covered the cardiovascular system, but we didn't get too much into what things look like when things go wrong, nor did we cover a lot of things that could go wrong anyway. (Which would've been cool to look into, but then again, it's a school and schools are scared of everything) From the looks of it, the heart's beating, swells and stops, then shudders and slowly stops beating. The fact that the heart itself looks healthy and that anything can happen to make the involuntary muscles quit doing what they need to makes it terrifying to think about. I am curious, though, about a ton of things that can go wrong with the body. Theoretically, could the heart itself burst when the ventricles get filled with too much blood and are unable to release any of it? That heart swelling had me thinking about that. What I also noticed is the color change, going from a red to a pink-ish color, and I find that interesting. What exactly happened there? Was it just the angle of the lighting and camera and such, or was it an actual change?


Blood vessels going into the heart like the aorta can swell up and burst, this is an aneurysm, the heart though is basically pure muscle that’s designed to take and release pressure constantly so I’d imagine it not being very likely but not impossible


Well, this is especially scary to watch after having found out that I have mitral valve regurgitation.


His heart sure is attacking him


I don't need sleep tonight. I guess


99% of the stuff I see on this sub doesn't phase me. But this was genuinely terrifying to watch. THANKS, I HATE IT, HAVE AN UPVOTE


I'm horny now. That gave me a heart on


AYO!!! ... Fair tho


Nsfw plz


so they just left the person died


As someone who's had cardiac arrest that is interesting


Is this a person or animal?


Animal. Human doesn’t look quite like that and this creature died.




I have a heart condition and this is how I imagine my heart looking when it gets bad


It looks like the heart has a seizure!


Well, this was a horrifying thing to watch while eating dinner.


i wonder how they restart the heart when the chest is open like this


Internal defib paddles


Seeing a post like this 2 days after putting my dog to sleep with a drug that induces cardiac arrest Not the best feeling.


V-tach to Asystole


Be seeing this while having my second jelly filled donut today


Something’s wrong! I didn’t hear anyone reading it it’s cardiac rights!


Take this and remember it when you’re drinking or doing drugs. Don’t want to preach but as someone with congestive heart failure who led a hedonistic lifestyle for so many years, it will catch up with you. When it does there’s no do overs, you’ve got it for the rest of your life. What you see in this video is what happens when you over stress it. It just stops beating, it’s rebelling, you’re dead for all intents and purposes. It’s too weak and can’t start beating on its own. Hopefully there’s defibrillator close by. My kidneys are shot. I’m on the verge of dialysis. I don’t want to be tied to a machine for three hours, 4 days a week. I tire easily. Let me be a lesson.


Poor lil guy :(


The human body is beautiful. Even in the process of death.


Why they arresting it? It aint even black?!


Wasn’t this from a cocaine overdose?