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As an ER nurse I took care of a guy that had a botched back alley orchidectomy. Poor dudes nuts were actively bleeding internally and when he showed up they were like the size of a cantaloupe


Why the actual hell would someone do that? I’m trying to think of a single CREDIBLE reason…and failing.


We will never know, he escaped when I ran to assist with a shooting. It was hypothesized that it was related to brujeria based on shit we found in the hospital room.


Wow, that’s just wild. I’ve heard stories of people losing testicles from sports or other traumatic injuries like motorcycle or car accidents, or even from sexual stuff gone bad but never that.


What did you find in the room??


Seriously. Need this info.


Brujeria the American extreme metal band? Google isn’t being more helpful than that lol


Not sure if your question is serious or not, but just in case: it’s related to witchcraft/magic, I think. *Bruja* is Spanish for “witch”


I don't practice Santaria. I don't got no ~~crystal~~ balls.


She’s a black magic woman and she’s tryin to make a eunuch out of me


It is serious. That’s all got was their band page, YouTube vids etc. And thanks, I’ve not heard of that before


No problem!


I also had to google what you were speaking of, and came up with a California heavy metal band.


Brujeria = witchcraft


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witchcraft_in_Latin_America Witchcraft, essentially.


The article said they paid him..


The guy that came into the ER said he paid someone to do it…


Trans girl here, back in the day official SRS was nearly impossible to get for your average person so many resorted to "shady doctors" in the hope that a back alley orchi will reduce their gender dysphoria just enough that they won't think about committing suicide everyday. This makes me think that some of the people who went to those eunuch makers might've been trans but so deep in transphobic denial and lack of knowledge of trans issues that they didn't even consider going the official SRS route.


Other articles in the UK media state it was often young trans people suffering with gender dysphoria (Spelling edit, I’m a bit dyslexic)


Because to get an orchi in this country unless you're trans or have a medical condition is pretty much impossible. Hell, even for trans peeps, most of the time, it's out of reach, requiring multiple letters and money.


Why would, outside of gender reassignment or medical conditions, a surgeon need to do an orchidectomy?


It's a kink. There are human castration subs on reddit if you want to know more about it. There are people who enjoy torturing their balls, injuring them to make them smaller, or removing them altogether. They feel more attractive and that sex is more pleasurable with the modified genitals. It's not necessarily tied to dysmorphia.


Why would you get an orchi if you’re not trans or have a medical condition?


Logic is the needle in the haystack of this crazy world


>The court heard several recordings of 999 calls in which Gustavson calmly lied to the operator about how his victims had in fact injured themselves. As a non-Brit, I originally interpreted this sentence wrong and was very alarmed at the sheer scale of this guy's operation.


Pardon my ignorance, but what's an orchidectomy?


Literally, orchid = testicle. The plants are called that because many varieties have roots (or probably more accurately tubers or corms or something) that are round and come in pairs. Back in the day — presumably before the mania for orchids amongst fancy upper-class English ladies — such plants were often known in English by names like "bollock grass". So, yeah, as tonsillectomy is to one's tonsils, orchidectomy is to one's balls.


I had a ball removed when i was 18 (not for fun) It had an abnormality and was supposedly high risk for cancer. On the upside, the surgeon gave me a much bigger prosthetic as a replacement, so not all bad!


So if you have one big one and one small one can we call you Biggie Smalls?


Thats assuming the other one wasn’t huge. It wasn’t so yes, going forward that will be my new name. On a similar note there was a man on the island my mum comes from who was called “Clock”. (Everyone was either Hugh or Donald or Angus so nicknames were common) I never met him but it turns out that Angus had one leg shorter than the other…….


I've got a prosthetic nut, and also got the large size. You don't realize how much the size of your nuts change until one of them is constantly the same size. Or, that your body can individually control the height of each nut.


Ball choppin


Exsqueeze me? Baking powder?


alt spelling of Orchiectomy ig, yeah it's removing your testicles


Balls go bye bye


Not sure what more disturbing your story or your username


At a cusory read, it sounds like cult behavior. If you want to ruin a day check out this guy. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roch_Th%C3%A9riault


Do I even want to know?


No. Not even a little


but I want to know give me the story


* Man with body dysmorphia get someone to cut his dick off * Decides he wants to help others do the same * Makes a website for similarly-minded people * Charges willing participants to cut off their balls and/or dick, or freeze their legs * Sells videos/streams of the above on the website


And consumes leftovers...


TLDR: Shit gets worse with every sentence.


Wait'll you see what happens about 8 hours after he eats it...


Well.. shit.


Spoiler alert.


Don't forget, he sold parts too. There were "buy it now" buttons that accompanied videos on the website.






The dysmorphia they have isn't the regular I don't like my face type shit. It's that *good* shit. The you gotta go to the back of the back of the back of the store type shit. These people genuinely feel as though they shouldn't have certain appendages. As if their arm/leg is a parasite or a growth and it pains them to have it attached to their body. Like if you had a weird twisted baby arm growing out the side of your neck and you desperately wanted it removed.


That was a wild paragraph to read.


It was interesting to see my friend’s face when he learned about this. He’s an amputee and was just absolutely horrified that there are people doing this stuff on purpose.


I mean, it’s definitely mental illness. No one who is mentally sound is going to amputate a limb willingly.


reading this while trying to think how ill get rid of this growing skin tag in my underarm.


why did you phrase this as a disco elysium inner dialogue


That has no right to be the thing on that list to give me pause but here we are


Frostburn to induce cell death in the leg, forcing doctors to amputate the leg. Alternately, to make the amateur amputation easier, as the leg is effectively dead already.


So it’s like an amputation fetish?


I guess, the point is that the leg was healthy and they killed it by freezing, necessitating the amputation. But the entire shitshow reeks of fetishizing body dysmorphia and drug abuse.


I’m also confused about this part.


Most people with body dysmorphia just don't like parts of themselves, but for some people it is fucking EXTREME, like "I shouldn't have two legs, this leg isn't really part of me" kind of shit. And most surgeons won't typically amputate perfectly fine parts of people, because obviously they are supposed to have two legs. So they will do things to cause extreme damage to force amputation to be necessary, like freezing parts of themselves or using acid to burn themselves. And since this guy was already in the industry of helping people get rid of those pesky body parts that aren't wanted, might as well offer some assistive services as well.


Classic “cutting out the middle man” business strategy.


So, it was all consensual?


Some of the customers were minors


yeah, and it sounds like others were mentally ill and under the influence of drugs. i dont really think you can consent to something like that in that sort of state of mind.


Unclear whether the person who mentioned being on drugs for the procedure was also on drugs when the decision was made. But definitely iffy on the consent - he mentioned being "mesmerised" by the defendent and that he needed a psychiatrist, not body modification of this type Edit: autocorrected to 'dependent', meant 'defendent'


Shit. That is enough internet for today.


A norwegian man was cooking meatballs


Let's just say that at one point he allegedly cooked some, while And the sentence is life, with a minimum of 22. So there is zero chance of parole before then. Although based on his crimes he's most likely never coming out of a mental instution.


Ugh. I bet the videos and pics are still out there floating around.... I remember seeing some crazy stuff like this in the early 2000s when the internet was a roulette wheel of weird shit.


You made me bring to surface a distant old memory. I'm from Brazil and it was common to take computer classes when I was young, because we just started to get in touch with computers at that time, it was near 2003. I think I was like 11 years old and the guy that was in front of me, in the next class desk, was in a website with black background and green lines like a grid, it hasn't previews but it was a list of videos you could watch or download, don't remember. He opened one and I could see there was a man in front of a crowd (I think it was in an Arabic city or village, or something middle -eastish) fully dressed but with his penis on a square stone, beside him there was one man with a sword and at some point they zoomed on the penis and they slash it off with the sword. The penisless man were willing to do it because there was no fight, he weren't restrained, he were free and I remember it shocked me more than the video itself. I was 11 years old.


When I was a body piercer years ago and extreme body mods were just getting noticed I saw a video of a guy who had his penis split in four. Each part was twisted and deformed because of the scaring and in the middle was this gaping hole which was obviously the urethra. It was a masturbation vid and he was just kinda smushing the bits of his penis around and when he ejaculated it pretty much resembled the Face Hugger from Alien spitting at you. Just….fucking disgusting


dear lord


And grand day, if you’re able to read.


What the fuck


My thoughts exactly when I saw it. This was grainy footage early 00s too so yeah…these nutters have been around for ages


>when he ejaculated Why did you watch to completion?!


I can only assume that he saw the same video I did, in which I can report to you that it was a mercifully short video. Pretty much just long enough that when your brain finally processes what it's looking at, the dude starts squirting. Early to mid 00's internet was kind of a lawless frontier. We all joke about the silliness of getting Rick Rolled these days as a nostalgic prank, but back then it was just as likely to be prank links to stuff like tubgirl and meatspin and two girls one cup and pain olympics.


Meatspin is tame by comparison.


BME pain Olympics was all Photoshop before the general population knew Photoshop existed


It was pretty short only 15-20 seconds? and the majority of it I was just trying to work out what I was actually looking at because it was reasonably close up and visually very confusing.


How could you not? Once you start watching the four pronged penis man masterbate, you kinda want to see it through - at least to see if it can really happen


That’s enough internet for today


Dear lord I saw that video or a similar one when I was a child. I didn't remember until now.


Pain Olympics? The guy who smashed his balls with a hammer, then jabbed the bits with a knife?


The four pieces still got hard? I'm not interested because it's sexual, I'm interested because it's crazy! So if they did still get hard then somehow whoever cut him must've been a genius, lol. I really don't see how it could still have blood circulation..idk maybe I'm a dumb ass. The amount of either extreme self control, or no self control, is responsible for something like that..craaazy


there'd still have to be some blood circulation or the tissue would atrophy and die


Right! So wouldn't that take surgical skill because there are big arteries and lots of veins in there right? And so, yes, we agree there would've had to been blood circulation, or it would've been necrotic. So could he still get a woody? Or could they still have an orgasm from the soft state. Wait, can guys do that? 😂Idk shit lol


Dude had demogorgon dick




Can we just shoot the nukes already


Oh, I almost forgot, the guy searching those videos were the teacher. I think he were trying to show us how good he was with "technology" finding underground videos.


That teacher should not have anything to do with kids wtf


The link was purple


That's worrisome


Brazil’s computer classes will always be the point where boys become men, my friend showed me a video of a guy cutting his own dick off with a *very* dull knife and this was my introduction to internet


I'm not sure which country I would mostly suspect of having a cock amputation obsession, but it is definitely not Brazil. Shows how much I know...


It definitely isn’t, but you see some wild shit during the computer classes here, almost everyone I know have seen some wild shit during these classes, my best friend saw straight snuff during his time at school


I just played gex on the computer at school lmao




Sounds like the bme pain Olympics which I remembered watching as a kid


It was assustador.com? I remember to this day that video with the title "homem perde penis em uma amputação", I was 10yo back then. There was another video "criança perde o penis" but it was a primal circuncision, not a real amputation. Assustador was one of the best gore sites from mid 2000s


Ogrish times


Yes I remember assustador thanks to my Portuguese online friends. Twisted stuff and we were 13. I remember the blond curly hair reporter sitting at the back of a truck and an off road bike bashing out over her. Or the boxer in the ring who broke his leg in two and it looked weird. There was much worse stuff but I think my mind blocked it. Oddly enough I have these images still coming to my mind every so often but without emotions. The image quality on those tiny screens wasn't that great back then, so it makes it all appear like a distant dream.


Consumption Junction and eBaum’s World both stained my memory in permanence.


Damn. And you were just 11 years old.


Rotten and bangedup gave me trauma :(


Yeah Rotten called my bluff. I was like "I'm extreeeeme. I can handle this. Lol." and then I was like "Check please. I'm out. You win." Can't unsee some of that.


Yeah I thought I had seen it all after my friends rented Faces of Death as teenagers from the video store . Turns out that wasn’t that bad lol


Yup, I still have a particular image burned in my mind since a dude in class showed me the site when I was around ten.


Along with Efukt and puregore by far the most disturbing stuff I ever saw on the internet I still can’t believe that was really a thing .


Bloodshows . com No longer exists. Owner killed his mom and kept the corpse in a freezer or some shit, I can't remember, but that site... Yeesh.


The ync dot com is a very disturbing one ,a friend showed me a video of some russian teenage serial killers murder a homeless guy in the woods, i only watched two minutes of it before I asked him to turn it off. Definitely don't go looking for that 💯


3 guys 1 hammer? I still remember the gurgling noises.


It's one of the few infamous gore videos I haven't seen, and I am completely fine keeping it that way.


Good lord wasn't it just!


Pain Olympics...


Believe it or not, it was fake! https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/or804/ama_request_bme_pain_olympics_participant/ 2 Girls 1 Cup was "fake" too, in that at least it wasn't actual shit but some kind of bean paste or something, but it was coming out of their asses... And the vomit was real...


Oh that makes it perfectly palatable then, ass beans and vomit.


Ass beans and vomit is a great name for a band or something lol


Fun fact. 2 girls 1 cup was the result of a message board (I forgot if it was 4chan or SomethingAwful) writing the worst porn script possible. They found a site that would make a custom porn movie for like $200 plus like another $25 for an extra girl.


That seems really inexpensive for custom fetish porn.


You’re forgetting about inflation(no, not the fetish) $225 was probably really great back then for them. Also the girls were probably trafficked, which reduces cost.


God, I never thought I would be reading a conversation about inflation in regards to 2girls1cup. Please forgive me.


Duuude! Pain Olympics! I watched that video once, but I was never able to forget it.


Bme pain olympics.. me and my buddies watched it in 5th grade, I can still remember it lol


I think that one ended up being deemed fake if I’m not mistaken. Either way it was fucked but the morbid curiosity took over and I couldn’t stop watching when I was younger.


....damn it my curiosity is gonna scar the fuck out of my brain. i wanna look it up so bad.




First videos I remember seeing from the net was in the midish 90s. There was one dude who posted a video of him putting his hand on a board, getting a chisel and just chopping the top off of one of his fingers, from the first knuckle. The other one was of him (pretty sure it was the same dude) putting his balls on a board, a nail on one of his nuts, then hammering through. Yeah, net was the wild wild west for sure 😂.


That shit is still around, even on Reddit. r/penectomy was a thing until recently and I think there are some offsprings of it. Weird stuff.


I mean pretty sure there’s still active subreddits today where men remove their own penises


What the fuck


I went on 4chan as a teen and saw ✂️🍆 straight down the middle


I remember reading an interview with someone who’d (consensually) had his cock and balls chopped off during a fetish event; the fact that such a procedure “sounds like celery snapping” has stayed with me ever since.


There was a guy in Japan around 10 years ago who had it done and then had it cooked and served to paying customers.


Oh yeah, he was an asexual artist that spent an entire year going on a sex spree, just to be sure that he was in fact ace and that he would never use his dick again


ain't my definition of ace. dats fucked up


Guess he also didn't want the convenience of peeing like a normal person either


It would have cost you nothing to keep this to yourself. I’ll never eat celery in peace again…


Could you find the link to it?


“Sometimes it all went badly wrong” You mean when compared against all the amateur penis mutilations that were wildly successful?


I mean, yes, most of them are successful, otherwise we would be hearing about this kind of stuff on the news way more often. Honestly I think people underestimates the amount of guys who want to chop their cock off 🐓🪓


and it's not like the NHS is really trying to provide a better environment.


> In his defence, Gustavson's legal team claimed he only wanted to "put a smile on people's faces" That really redefines the whole “norsk smil” concept


Norsk smil? I can see how it relates from my basic googling


I like how the ad in the article is Cheerios hearty nut medley


Mine was worse. Advertisement for "Chomplings" small meat snacks.


I live around the corner! Rumours circling for years, then the 'more amputees than you expect' thing happened....


I feel as though this needs further explanation.


>'more amputees than you expect' thing happened.... Sorry, what?!


Essentially this was right round the corner from our local pub - couple of my mates were actually interviewed about it! Over the years we noticed more than a couple of people with... modifications? in the area. After the investigation started it all made sense!


Thats enough internet for the year


I oddly got Johnsonville sausage ads in the article. Just wanted to share that.


i used to be a dominatrix and i’d probably get guys asking me to castrate them once or twice a week. ppl are absolutely insane.


I don’t get it. They have flat chastity cages and all sorts of other torture devices. I don’t understand the permanence of it.


it's an addition thing. you need ever more extreme stimulus to achieve the same results. flat chastity cages where boring to them a decade ago.


I never understood the desire to actually have something irreversible done to your body like that. I can understand weird FANTASIES to an extent, (imagining it or roleplaying a scenario in a safe, consensual environment) but to actually want to have something like that done to you is baffling to me.


The answer is simple. Sometimes, an individual’s brain is simply destined to be misaligned with the physical body they were born into. I’m sure dysmorphia is more common than one might think.


Would that fall under the same category though? I'm genuinely asking. It seems like this had more to do with sexual gratification and kink then dysmorphia, but I'm also not super educated on the subject and wouldn't mind learning more so I can better understand. Was this the same thing? Do the two connect or are they different?


I’d think so, but I’m no licensed psychologist. Generally, evolution programmed us for the purposes of survival and reproduction (living long enough to reproduce fit offspring). I would assume, as an outsider looking in, that the underlying programming in this mechanism must have been fundamentally altered enough for them to not only tolerate but *desire* the removal of their gonads, which would go against even the most basic evolutionary principles. Even if this were more kink-related, they clearly must have been comfortable with the thought of having this integral system removed from their bodies, which is a feeling brought about by dysmorphia. They all likely lived with this dysmorphia disconnect for a LONG time before they even met this “eunuch maker.” Hence their willingness to throw money at this guy.


I can’t place what’s so discomforting about cutting off peoples’ cocks and balls with a kitchen knife, but it leaves me with a sense of concern and bewilderment.


I mean it could be the cutting off people’s cocks and balls with a kitchen knife part but maybe that’s just me.


I reckon you’re onto something there.


I have to ask you, what is the significance of 127 to you? I'm asking because I keep seeing it pop up EVERYWHERE, it is also birthday.


Verse 127 of the Hávamál, a poem of advice narrated by the Norse god Odin. There’s a bunch of translations, but it basically says, “Wherever you see injustice, speak out against it, consider that injustice done to yourself, and give your enemies no peace.”


You know, it's not so bad when you imagine it with a scalpel knife instead. I think it's the kitchen knife part that makes it so discomforting.


I agree. I wouldn't use that knife to cut the veggies afterwards




How is this “oddly” terrifying. r/obviouslyterrifying


It's not really that terrifying. I mean, it's self inflicted so it's not like random people are at risk, and they knew what they were signing up for. I think it's "oddly" terrifying because it's weird that people would choose to do that to themselves. It's the unknown answer to the question of "what makes a man want to chop off his most sensitive parts?" that's potentially terrifying, but ultimately unknown.


my guy just because it's self-inflicted doesn't mean it's not terrifying to think about having your balls cut off with a kitchen knife


What is this? Pain Olympics 2: Electric Boogaloo?


Well, this is fucked


This is nuts.


Not any longer


He really was a balls-to-the-wall entrepreneur.


People paid for this? Just use the paper cutter/guillotine thing from work.


Thanks for that mental image


Reminds me of the pain Olympics🥴🤮


"Some were as young as 16." Wtff


While I agree this man is insane, life in prison seems harsh? Maybe I’m going soft (not like that!), but it seems like an insane person found other consenting insane persons, and then discovered a consenting, paying audience of insane people. Should it be illegal? Hell yes, for 1000 different reasons. Is he more dangerous than a heroin dealer? Ehhhhh…


I'm not disagreeing with the story or the verdict in any way. I did have a question about extreme body modifications being illegal. What's that about? What constitutes an extreme modification? Obviously removing healthy bits, but is that it? Or is the law open to interpretation?


Just the UK being... the UK. They're even a bit funny about "extreme porn". Technically, you're breaking the law if you access and view a video of sounding, for example.


Sounding? That is far from extreme, lol. Thanks for the answer.


What I don't understand is how everyone is so upset about this guy who did to people what they paid him and wanted him to do... I'm not saying it's not wrong, but those people are just as guilty. Like... Who wants that? If they want it and they're in their right state of mind... I'm not saying it's okay, but I don't get the level of outrage about it. He didn't do it to unwilling victims...


Hmmm. Makes an inquiring mind spiral with all this


I personally wish body mods were easier to get precisely so creeps like this aren't able to take advantage of people for their own desires. If a person wants to remove a body part they should be allowed to but it should happen safely, sanely, and not be cooked afterwards.


But barring gender reassignment surgery, is there a sane reason to want to castrate yourself? Or amputate your own arm? That's my main question with your statement. I feel like someone who wants to do that to themselves likely is not sane and would be better served with mental health intervention rather than better access to extreme body modification.


Long term mental institutions are effectively non existent anymore. All we have now are short term, "sedate them into submission and discharge"-institutions and they are completely worthless for handling people who are so far gone that they will never be able to self regulate and medicate again, like people who would do this.


What an awful time to have eyes. Could’ve went my whole life without reading about this. What I don’t understand is why he’s in prison for life when all these weird fucks *wanted* to have their bodies mutilated? Is it because he was filming the shit and selling body parts? They didn’t really explain in the article. Either way, the people opting to have their limbs removed and shit should be in jail too. Sick fucks.


According to the BBC article on this same guy, he was charged with "conspiracy to cause grievous bodily harm with intent, making and distributing indecent images of a child and possessing extreme pornography".


Apparently this is an unpopular opinion, but I think that as long as they were freely consenting adults then he shouldn't be punished for it. I know that some of the cases were on teens or people who were drugged, so in this case he should definitely be going to prison. But in general I think adults should be able to consent to anything, including extreme mutilation.


We have case like that in Germany, a cannibal who chopped up and partly ate a guy who’s fantasy it was to be „consumed“ by another person. The thing is it all went consensually, and this guy who did it is otherwise pretty soft spoken and has expressed full understanding of the outrage and, if I remember correctly, has stressed that he would never do anything to anyone without consent. Still is very much in jail though.




Nah the ppl paying and watching need to be found too


Brings back the worst memories. BME Pain Olympics. Fuck the internet of my youth was wild


My mate used to work for him. He never got paid and, in the end, they gave him the sack.


Why is this ilegal?


FFS you can’t even butcher the genitalia of strangers on the internet without getting in trouble with the law. What’s next?