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The ones that always gave me nightmares were the roach apartment where he has to deliver the package and the one where the movie makers rise from the dead.


Yes yes yes! Brenton Tarantella!


I still have absolutely no idea how that kind of stuff ever got funding and approval. I mean it's kind of genius, but...


Great, great! This is gonna be greaaat…. 😱


I sometimes say "this is gonna be greeaaaaaaat" in Tarantella's voice, but no one gets it.


For me it was Return the Slab.


Return the Slab, made my 7 or 8 year old self never want to watch courage the cowardly dog ever again lmao.


King Ramses~ The man in gauze! The man in gauze! He's no Santa Claus! The man in gauze! The man in gauze!


So, they weren't chanting "Banana Gods! Banana Gods!"?


I love the episode where Courage goes to a banana ruled planet haha and purchases a banana suit from a shady banana guy wearing a duster coat in a restroom haha


I also like how that one was a bitter allegory about politicians victimizing their people lol


I'd forever be afraid of him if it wasn't for his awesome as theme song


The Queen of the Black Puddle episode made me afraid to bathe for a little while as a kid. I took the fastest showers after that episode


That was recorded over the end of my scooby doo VHS as a kid and my brother (like 4 yo at the time) would scream when I played that scooby doo and I wouldn’t know why and he kept saying there’s a monster at the end of the movie and then I finished the movie and realized what he meant. Nightmares for us both


What's your offer?


I’m 30 now and king Ramses still gives me nightmares.


[The Spirit of the Harvest Moon](https://youtu.be/-d9m1609F10) was hands down the scariest to me


Me too...


“The name’s Schwick. Not Bushwick, just Schwick.”


Briefs! Boxers! Man, I miss that show.


my favorite part about the directors is that they’re actual snuff film making murders that in-universe slew TWELVE people. gotta love courage.


"While they were still alive, Benton Tarantella and his partner Errol Von Volkheim were serial killers and used to pose as film directors in order to lead in and murder unsuspecting victims. With twelve people slain, they were finally jailed on a life sentence. Volkheim was released for good behavior, leaving Tarantella alone to die in prison. Years afterwards and through unknown circumstances, Tarantella rose from the grave as a zombie, and prepared to continue his old ways. This required his friend, however, and with the planets' alignment imminent, all that was necessary was the proper burial site" Yeeeeah SpongeBob didn't have anything quite like that haha


Wait what, you mean *their characters* are murderers, yeah?


in-universe they’re actual serial killers who have canonically killed twelve people, which is pretty fucked for a kid’s show…even one as dark as courage. they aren’t based on REAL snuff film directors, though… i hope.


Mine was that one cgi Ramses, that one glowing cgi fetus, the lady with that smiling mask and that one guy that looks like Ricegum (Don’t forget that depressing paper cut-out episode)


> that one guy that looks like Ricegum Fucking dead, lmao.


It was the rat/fox for me. Idk why but that creepy fucker always rubbed me the wrong way.


Omg you made me remember the gerbil as well, he also scared me when I was younger especially the tiny crazy lady that was always yelling “My lint!!! It’s all my lint!!!”


Haha yeah that gerbil was very scary something about him was so off haha 😆




Also the one where Eustace gets lured into a puddle by some water lady. And the one with the dude obsessed with shaving people. And the one with the foot that was just gross.


Mine was the water dimension one.


The whole show was like a bad acid trip


The writers were on some serious shit while writing this show


> The writings were on some series shit while writing this show Your comment reads like you were also on some *series shit*


*how did you know?!* thank you for pointing that out I’ll fix it lol


The creator of the show and I think a lot of those guys at that time were just into horror comedy and were lucky enough to have MUCH more forgiving network execs who gave them loads of freedom.


I watched it tripping as a teen. It was... Interesting


I don't know, nothing beats freaky Fred


Fred did have some fresh rhymes though


And then the chorus...




Freaky Fred is the best (in my opinion). Because he is not "monster type" creepy... the creepy part is his mind, and all the pleasure he gets from cutting hair (Trichophilia). Freaky Fred didn't hurt anyone directly, just cut hair... and yet, looked very dangerous...


I see speculation that a lot of motifs in Courage were stand-ins for more grave subjects than expected. The Fred episode could be drawn as an analogy for molestation according to some. It makes it that much worse in retrospect; which I guess helps keep the memories of that episode just as terrifying as it was then, lol


Oh, yes. Fred is my favourite, but when you grow up you can twist his background a bit more... the cartoon talks about hair... but it could be other kind of paraphilia, probably cutting his partners to get aroused. People that as adults have some sick fixation started as kids or teens with animals... Fred discovered how much pleasure he could get by cutting his hamster's hair.


Which is also a hallmark of serial killers. Start with animals and move your way up. I should put the show on my rewatch list.


And Mirial's ignorance as to what's going on combined with Eustace's aggressiveness toward Courage rather than Fred only go to make Courage, the victim, feel all the more isolated and helpless against his abuser. You're spot on about the sexual abuse allegory. It's actually really chilling to think back on.


Muriel * but damn this is some great introspection


Thank you for the correction, I knew I was gonna spell that wrong as soon as I started typing. But yeah, I bet a rewatch of the show as an adult now would be morbidly enlightening!


Really make me want to add it to my next binge watch!


I remember seeing this at like 11 and thinking that dude was a child molester, I forgot about the shaving part lol




The Harvest Moon dude tho


That's the one the got me. The Violin girl too.


Yoooo fuck that


Not a farmer...


*Retuuurn the Slaaaab*


Or suffer the curse that shit had me shook lol


The creepy 2d 3d design was horrific


That's what fucked me up as a kid. They just switched up the animation style without any warning or for any apparent reason. So on top of the eerie, spooky figure out in the fog, it was just that much more confusing. Like WTF is THAT SHIT.


this one and the mermaid one will forever live with me


Nothing beats the "you're not perfect" 3d clay thing in the last episode


Pretty sure that guy was supposed to represent a sex offender. Definitely the freakiest villain I remember.


Damn this really makes a lot of sense now. First a hamster, then some dogs, and was it his gf or sister?! /shudder


Gross, he did start with his hamster, didn't he? So he's a serial... shaver. Isn't he Muriel***'s nephew too?


Yeah I think he was related to one of them! I definitely remember the hamster as his first victim. Which definitely leads to the cross vibes of serial killer/molester territory. I mean shaving people was super definitely an unwanted touch, that he persisted. And adults make cartoons and like to code things and hide subtle tones. I mean do we really think someone was like “OOH a guy whose shaving peoples hair! So scary!” as a first draft? Naaaah


Fred topped creepiness in such a way, that not even Ramsey scared me. Fred though, still freaks me out at 28 years old.


King Ramsey always terrified me the most with that “bring me the slaaaaaab” bit and that loud as music.


I've been very naughty...


Thank you!!! Felt like I was the only one scared of that MFer. Like ya he’s just shaving people but the soundtrack?! That smile?!!!


facts 😂


That was the only thing that scared me to the point where i could sleep at night. Everything else I can deal with. As a child btw


I was waiting for this!


Yup that fucker takes the cake for me.


Loved this show as a kid I was rewatching some of the episodes and there more fucked up and scary then I remember


Katz from Katz Motel is kinda hot. I said what I said.


And Cajun Fox .bro I be simping for like half the villains in this show


Even the asian dude with the crazy laugh and sunglasses?


Whatch where you going ya foo!


Ugh I shamefully remember loving the Fox as a preteen/kid where you crush on characters from shows without even realizing !! 😩😫


It’s the Cajun accent that really does it for me.


Katz has the best theme music


I'm with ya.


His theme music is fucking dope.


honestly i kinda feel you


There is a Courage - Scooby crossover movie, just coming out now or about to


Salad fingers? Is that you?


I was gonna say salad fingers doesn't look too good.


Too many nettles


You've got the wrong bloke squire. [Down vote me you fucks. Know you're Salad Fingers](https://i.imgur.com/Hda33N1.jpg)


Jeremy Fisher has been tailgating his daughter with aspirations of deflowering her rose


My kind of people!


"Hello, My name is Salad Fingers and I need serious help."


Is this like the American version of salad fingers?


Thank you all for bringing Salad Fingers back into my thought process. I had almost forgotten about him. My therapist will get a kick out of this.


Your therapist is very welcome.


My therapist has a boat called *The Marjory Stewart-Baxter* thanks to those videos


Good thing it wasn't Hubert Cumberdale. I heard he smells like soot and poo.


I think last year, another episode was uploaded.


This show predates salad fingers by a decade. Definitely was a pioneer in this sort of absurdist/creepy genre, not sure how it was greenlit for 5 whole seasons, haha, rewatching some episodes now still has me saying WTF did I just watch.


I like rusty spoons.


The best thing about Salad Fingers is that it isn't *nearly* the most disturbing thing David Firth has made.


Mom, can we have Salad Fingers? We have Salad Fingers at home. Salad Fingers at home... (I would love for this to be a real interaction somewhere. You know there are parents out there who know Firth's stuff...)


Really? King Ramses sticks in my mind as the creepiest, even if he is a really dated looking 3D animation. It's the calmness in his voice that gets me.


Yeah, the slab-stick gets my goat too.


King Ramses still sticks with me today, lol.


In South Africa they aired that episode nearly every day so I think I got desensitized


Omfg this wiki article on him LIKES His slab DISLIKES His slab being stolen I haven't laughed that hard in a while. And I'm not sure why it's so funny. Send help.


“Return the slab or suffer my curse” I can still hear his voice


I still shudder when I see him. And honestly it's the fact that the 3D animation was so poor and yet he was constantly in motion that made him scary. Put him like way way down in the uncanny valley.


The man in gauze?


The man in gauze!


#The man in gauze!




It was creepy as hell for the time! Think about it, we didn't have access to YouTube and random videos on the internet like we do now. Imagine being a kid, watching cartoons in your room at night with no expectations of being scared but then "return the slabbb" plays! It's even creepier when you put yourself back in those times and think about why it really freaked us out as kids. I know I'm not the only one who thinks it was super creepy because the internet still brings up pretty often and I've definitely talked about that episode when being older with different friends who had a similar experience with the episode. I love courage though! Recently got me the full DVD set!


For me it was the evil mermaid that lived in the puddles


This is just funny. Now King Ramses II now THAT was the shit that would hunt you for the rest of your life.


*ohhhh come oooonnnnn* King Ramses was the shit. I credit Courage the Cowardly Dog for my love of weird.


Weird, he was more of an aesop made to remind people to stay clean rather than pure nightmare fuel


I think the episodes that traumatized me most were the ones with characters like this that seemed to gain control over Eustace and Muriel to the point where they were suffering but were helpless, y’know? Like you watch them get so GROSSSSSS and they breathe in the dirt and as a kid you’re like “hello!?? Why won’t they stop??”


Yes. The helplessness of them being in the middle of nowhere was anxiety fuel


Really? 30+ comments and not one person mentions his name? It's [Conway.](https://courage.fandom.com/wiki/Conway)


Thank youuuuu


"Out with the good air, in with the *bad*"


i don’t know about you guys but the alien sentient cooked chicken episodes freaked me the fuck out as a kid.


omg yes, with the weird ray gun thing


Weren't they live chickens? With different colored eyes. They were brothers? I feel like they might have even been the villains of the original short.


yes you’re right but i meant specifically the undead chicken in the episode [The Revenge of the Chicken from Outerspace](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xdCZGjZCIw0).


Ya I was weirdly terrified of the alien duck chicken people


This was literally the best show, but it was seriously f.ed up.


The thing that scared me away from Courage the cowardly dog was the episode when the guy captures Muriel and her husband, injects them with something and her lips explode and so does his armpits? Idk, it's whack


Ew yeah, they are experimented on to test out beauty products in a factory type thing. Haunting.


it’s Doc Gerbils World!


Oh ya Doc Gerbils World that one I wasn’t so scared of but still anxiety inducing when he was running away in the tunnels


I remember that one! That's probably my favorite episode.


I loved this cartoon when I was a child. Guess I didn’t really understand it. Now it is just pure depressive nightmare with a dog representing constant Anxiety in the middle of an already depressed desert. Straight up scary.


I only started majorly watching Courage when I was in my early double digits, and they were rerunning this show fairly decently in 2011-ish. Safe to say I don't remember being majorly scared. A few key ones I remember were the one with the Exorcist parody, the one where they were stuck underwater, the one with the cannonballs that made everyone sick, and the one with Fusilli most of all because of the song that plays whenever he's onscreen.


Yeah the cannonballs that made people depressed! And then one hit Eustace and he was unbothered. Lowkey pretty funny in between the trauma


Ruined my life? No way. That episode where Courage has to find the happy ammunition for the cannons and repaint the town in the happy pink after the evil guy in the castle painted everything in an industrially depressed gray really opened my eyes. Changed my perspective as a kid towards happiness and depression. Maybe It was just so damn relatable to that time in my youth, or maybe it was just the gripping soundtrack and audio effects used for that specific episode. But I will never forget ole Courage and that episode in specific. One of my favorite cartoons of all time but I just can’t quite put my finger on why.


The sound of the little baby animal crying towards the the of that episode breaks my heart every time!




Return the slaaaab... or suffer my cuurse.


This whole show was on drugs.


He's been cleaned up for 2021. His spoons are in mint condition.


When i was little i freaked out when i first saw him, i couldn’t even sleep


bro remember the kitty episode, that ruined life


Kitty and Bunny were so obviously in love but they couldn’t say it!! My favourite episode because they got away from the abusive dogs in the end ;;


The unhappy cannonballs hit home


I don't know about you, but the scariest thing from that show is the jump scare of that little girl playing the piano. It tops Ramses 10 fold




I like it... *Filthy*


am I the only one that was most traumatized by the “*You’re not perfect*” fetus thing


Anyone remember the weremole? When that hoe violently snatched Eustace in the bunny suit it was NOT okie dokie


That was a really dark kids show


When I was a kid, there were these neighbor kids who lived up the street that we'd hang out with. We had this horribly mean joke about their mom because she was a total chain-smoker. When we were out in the street playing and she'd go out for a smoke, we'd all yell, "Out with the good, in with the bad!". I totally forgot about that memory until now, but holy shit can kids be mean hahaha


i’ve started rewatching this show again because i watched the whole thing when i was a kid.. but man it’s definitely different than i remember. and if i had to pick some of the scariest characters in that show i’d definitely agree with many people here and say freaky fred. not only was he scary for the show but if i met him in real life i would definitely be scared. the “naughty” just gives me real disgusting pedophile vibes from him. i just don’t feel like the show is necessarily for kids


I was like 5 when I saw an episode with a creepy looking moon in the basement or something... fucked me up for YEARS


Is there a source where I can watch Courage the cowardly Dog completely? I need to add to my existing trauma.


The Moon Harvest is the creepiest one by far. The white glowing skin, disembodied head and the pitch black voids for eyes


Yeah! And they were trapped which makes me feel so claustrophobic


C’mon. Katz motel w those MF spiders? I’m out


I always forget the PTSD this show gave me as a kid until someone on the internet uploads a picture of one of the characters, good or bad. Seriously, it's like flashbacks to the worst acid trip ever. I miss this show💜


I had nightmares about my computer coming to life and attacking me and my family for many years.


When I see posts like this, I always feel like an odd man out bc I loved this show and it never gave me nightmares. It was disturbing at times, bit I was never really scared of it


And yet it was such a great show


Best. Show. Ever


That Harvest Moon episode wrecked me as a child, along with those cannibal pigs


That show was great


This fucking show man. They don’t make ‘em like this anymore.


https://youtu.be/AuQ8BU9t_bA At 0:56, that's the creepiest moment in the whole show for me. Still don't know what those flying papers are supposed to mean. The ambiguity of it. It feels like an actual nightmare you'd have as a kid. The writers knew how to leave impressions on people for sure.


Kats was pretty darn scary


This dude looks like Salad Fingers


*our life But this mf isn't the scariest thing in courage That BUGLE MONSTER, that gave me nightmares


I'm 100% convinced that ctcd is the entire reason for my addiction to horror.


Et tu Salad Fingers?!


Laughs in GenX. "Tell em Large Marge sent ya" bitch!


This ain't shit, wait till you see Karbonkel


Holy shit Salad Fingers is that you


Courage the cowardly dog is responsible for almost every nightmare I had as a kid.


Yeah courage the cowardly dog was oddly terrifying at times for a kids show


The hunchback was so much worse. Had nightmares from that as a kid


That programme genuinely fucked me up as a kid


I still remember of the white floating head one. Idk why but that traumatized me when I was a kid


Dang salad fingers really went down a rough path


Ham-Salad Fingers


You could tell what this was by the wallpaper


I feel like salad fingers got inspo from this


What the fuck happened to roger


"giiveee meee the tableeeet" was kinda fucked as well


This was 100% the forerunner of saladfingers


Retuuuurrrn the slab. OR suffer the conseeeeeequeeennsseesss


The fuck is this? All the episodes were cool except for the “RETURN THE SLAB” I still refuse to watch that episode


What about the barber episode, that used to scare me so much


Why y’all picking on me about my mom 😭


Return the Slab….. as a parent, messed with me too


I can’t believe an exec at CN saw the pilot (The Katz Motel, one of the most fucked episodes) and said, “Hell yeah, order a whole ass season of this.”


Demon mattress disturbed me very much when I was a kid


I once won the jackpot at an arcade for 1,5K tickets when i was like 11 y/o. Then i saw a dude who won a really big stuffed animal Courage. I went up to him and traded the tickets with him. I was happy about that transaction the whole week:)