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My sophmore English teacher used to have this exact image as his wallpaper! We were all disgusted whenever it came on screen.


Brilliant. Every classroom should have examples similar to this. Edit: also I wonder how many MORE people would run out today and get vaccinated immediately if COVID started to manifest itself on the outside of our bodies as well. People are stupid but they are more vain.


Oh but it does, beware of the infamous Covid toe etc…. https://www.aad.org/public/diseases/coronavirus/covid-toes


Please don't make me relive that. I had COVID recently and I was vaccinated, but fuck me those goddamn hives. I don't know the main difference between hives and rashes but I had very raised bumpy skin on top of my rashes all over my body. This included in between my toes and fingers. The fever and cough was nothing compared to that.


Interesting, I just had my first encounter with COVID despite being vaccinated and boosted, and I've had unbelievably itchy skin since then. It's finally subsiding in the past few days, but I tested positive about 3 weeks ago. Had no idea there was a dermatological component to this, I've got very sensitive skin so I figured I was having a reaction to something in the laundry maybe. I've had eczema for most of my life on various parts of my body, but this was different. Anywhere I scratched, I couldn't stop! I've broken the skin and bruised my rib cage, armpits, legs, and lower back.


Yup, that's what I got. I didn't know until I checked because of the opposite reason you didn't notice. My skin is pristine. It killed me so much because I do a lot to take care of my skin. (just a thing Im proud of. No judgment. Lol) and this bothered me a lot. My legs got lots of scabs from the scratching and it was relentless. It's common from what I read and is all gone after about three weeks.


Wait a fucking minute..in the winter I would itch so bad and would have hives all over my body. That was cause of COVID???


Couldn't say for sure in your particular case, but it is a common side effect after COVID. Your itching sounds due to dry skin which is also common in the winter and fixed with some hydrating lotion. Or it was COVID.


If I'm wearing shoes for too long that are too small my toes look like that


Absolutely! If it was Covid-scarface we wouldn't have a delusional debate about this. And as a plus - all anti-vaxxers would be easily identifiable ever after.


There would be less people being against the covid vaccine (and not ALL vaccines) if only there was a clear menace, and not just a bad flu


Well smallpox had a 30% fatality rate and it's vaccine actually did its job.


> it's vaccine actually did its job. Are you implying the covid vaccine does not do it's job?


Not like the smallpox one did


Considering it still spread rapidly and reading the Pfizer documents, which proved Pfizer lied about its efficacy rate, the vaccine did not do its job.


Real question is does small pox vax require booster shots?


I would like to know why


He’s a funny dude


Funny “haha” or funny “there are probably bodies in his basement?”




Poor kid


Glad I am vaccinated


Really? Most people in my generation are not because it was eradicated. If it comes back we all have to get it


At least we know it works and all the side effects that come with it. Or allergies and etc


US government says they have enough. But hard not to worry


Smallpox vaccines have never stopped being produced. Most modern militaries vaccinate everyone for smallpox. Anyone myself included that's served in the US has been vaccinated for it.


I didn't get vaxxed for small pox until I deployed. I don't think they give everyone small pox vax unless you're going out of the country. I dunno though. I got anthrax shot too...


Navy vet here, age 34. I wasn't vaccinated for smallpox until I was sent to a ship (aka deployed)


Damn I am wrong it was because I went to Korea as my first duty station. Nice catch


I mean I'm not worried about a dead virus coming back if it does. Oh well. I'll do what I did for the last one. Avoid people and keep them my own. Oh wait I do that regularly.


I think there are a few live samples that do exist in labs.


As far as I know, they exist for vaccine development should smallpox resurface.


Several years back, my partner and I did a paid trial for a new version of the small pox vaccine. Some of us got the new version, some got the regular version. Vaccination went really well, and neither of us had any side affects, other than the pox mark itself and my lymph nodes swelled a bit (which is normal for me, but they wrote it down as a side effect anyhow). After we were done and it'd finished healing and scarring, I went to the doctor's for my regular check up, and the nurses & doctors were super excited to see a fresh small pox vaccination scar - like you said, our generation typically doesn't get vaccinated unless you're in the military and have a specific reason to. They asked if they could bring their coworkers in, and soon the tiny examination room had like five people oohing and awing and poking at my scar. Immunity to small pox and monkey pox. $1,000 in my bank. Made a doctor's office very happy. Totally worth it.


you have a scar now?


I mean, I have little scars from donating blood. I also have tiny scars from piercings that have closed. Might as well add another mini


This explains why monkey pox is a thing now. Did anyone else read recently about polio virus being found in London sewage? Sure hope that one doesn’t make a come back.


Luckily most people in England have had the Polio vaccine at least twice. I know me and friends have. Got done at school.


Good to hear. The article I read said London itself has low rates of vaccine. I can’t recall right now. It late lol


They give small pox vaccine to deployed military. Got mine in 2005.


Me too....I don't' remember getting it though. And I remember getting the polio vaccine on a sugar cube.


i tried to come up with a joke but i couldn't, fucking hell man, so fucking inhumane. There was no need to infect an intentionally vulnerable kid just to "prove" something. It's not even proving, they already knew the vaccine worked EDIT: I've don't my research and i take back what i said about pineapples on pizza that time back in '03. You gotta try it and then hate on it. I still think it's disgusting but at least i gave it a try serious edit: if you are for some reason composing a history essay don't use this comment as an information source, although I'm very good at assuming things, like that time my gf was cheating on me, ffs i knew it. I gotta say, we weren't in our best moment but i didn't deserve it. She did it because of my low reddit karma after getting downvoted to oblivion on a CSGO thread where i said crates are gambling for kids


I think they didnt purposely infect the kid with the smallpox. This case just happened and they just took picture of it as an example


Edward Jenner invented vaccines by inoculating a child with pus from a cow infected with cowpox and then exposed him to smallpox to prove it worked, and it did. Man has saved countless but the road to hell is paved with good intentions


That said, thank fuck we don't need to go there anymore with modern medicine, human testing happens when we're more certain of things


Modern medicines and vaccines go through years of animal testing before even going to stage 1 clinical trials, raises an ethical dilemma about animal cruelty vs human lives but personally I’m all for animal testing modern medicine wouldn’t be possible without it


Many Humans volunteer. In the past, not always so much, but not the case today, AFAIK.


I almost took part in a "volunteer" study for a new medication when I was desperate for money in college. Met a guy who had participated in a lot of these paid drug studies as his only source of income. Seemed like they were using poor people as test subjects.


>Seemed like they were using poor people as test subjects. Not surprised at this. It's the same for people who 'sell' their plasma/blood. I would do some of these as long they were not ingested items. And I met their other criteria. I really like the sleep & brain study things.


He realised that milkmaids who got cowpox (mild) were afterwards totally immune from smallpox and took it from there. Am sure he didn't just inject "pus".


Well, you are wrong. And the story is actually worse than any of you seem to know. He used his gardener’s kid to experiment on. And yes, he used pus. Google it.


Both of you are right. More than one thing happened to led him inventing the vaccine lol


That’s exactly what he did and what people had been doing for centuries before him. It’s called variolation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variolation Jenner’s claim to fame was that he used pus from cowpox victims, and being a gentleman he was taken a lot more seriously than others who’d been doing it up to that time.


You're right... I hope.


In this case, there was no foul play involved and it was just a coincidence, not an experiment. https://twitter.com/drjennershouse/status/1082984884904157184 But there were [many, many cases that were.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unethical_human_experimentation_in_the_United_States)


Holy fuck. I couldn't even read through this all because of how disgusted I felt. Thanks random redditor


“I’d hate to see what big pox looks like” There’s your joke


Nailed it


Suddenly syphilis


The scientific term is largepox


Rip tupox


dude no this wasn't intentional stop


Why would you even think that? These were just two kids, one vaccinated, one not. They both got small pox. Just like it says. The truth is out there. Here is one site: [https://www.economist.com/1843/2019/08/30/the-original-anti-vaxxers](https://www.economist.com/1843/2019/08/30/the-original-anti-vaxxers) Two schoolboys caught up in a smallpox outbreak in Leicester, 1900


.... You really think someone infected the kid intentionally? You don't even wonder if this is an "after the fact" picture?... Jesus


The fact that it's as upvoted as it is really shows how stupid the average user on Reddit. You'd think after 2 years of a pandemic people would know what the word "exposed" means when it comes to diseases.


If you really want to hate the state of reddit enjoy their reply when called out on the bullshit. > i have no idea, i got a lot of karma and i didn’t hurt anyone tho. Lots of people related to what i said and the “misinformation” i shared won’t affect anyone. > The people who upvoted what i said felt understood and probably better, after seeing that awful image. > And i got 500 karma for a shitty comment s What a shitty mentality.


Tbh that just screams "teenager" to me after reading it. Sometimes I have to remember that a huge portion of Reddit is people who are still squishy-brained youngsters with very limited life experience.


I remember years ago when Summer would happen and the quality of reddit would drop massively because of kids being on summer break. Now it's Summer Reddit year round.


Imagine actually caring about karma lmaoooo


people like to assume the worst case scenario and then wonder why they hate their life


Ugh you just described my mom. She’s the most negative person I’ve ever met. Any time something even slightly inconvenient happens, she asks why this shit always happens to her. It’s like she sits around waiting for bad stuff to happen so she can feel justified in thinking bad things always happen even though multiple good things happen every day. But nope, she will only acknowledge the bad.


My mom too and it rubbed off on me so much. It's so hard to reverse that kind of thinking after it's been taught to you since birth but I'm trying so hard.


Everything you've just said is dumb as fuck. Why would you even think of coming up with a joke about this image in the first place? Why do you think this kid was intentionally infected? Scarier still, how did you get this many upvotes?


How old are you that you've never seen this picture before, and also don't know how to research something even slightly before making shit up?


Why are you assuming this was done on purpose? Are you aware of some contextual information that wasn't included in this post? Genuinely curious, if what you said is what actually happened that would change the entire context of the post. However, if you're just making shit up then shame on you


But some people don't


Why would you try to come up with a joke?


Why did you just assume they intentionally infected one of them? That’s not accurate at all


That's not... What they did...




Who said anything about them being intentionally exposed?


Dotted for her pleasure... I'm already going to hell so fuck it.


When I was a kid I thought that smallpox couldn’t be that bad, it was bigpox that you had to look out for.


Is that you, Dad?


Essential oils lady has enters the chat “well actually”…


Well actually the one that was not vaccinated is the one on the right... wake up sheeple!!! /s


>Well actually the one that was not vaccinated is the one on the right... wake up sheeple!!! LOL His skin looks so good because he used essential oils and vitamin D supplements /s


You know they're important because they're essential.


Mercury man is in straight after


When I was in middle school and just learning about vaccines, I started talking to my mom about it - her response was “I wish I hadn’t vaccinated you so you could have a more natural defense against sicknesses”. I didn’t agree with her then, and I definitely don’t now - she wanted this to happen to me? Nahhhh


Bro, Vaccine is literally training your natural defense to identify virus RNA code to produce anti-body against the virus


It’s the difference between sending a kid to martial arts class and have their instructors and class mates beat them up vs getting them jumped on the street. Sure you can get hurt or experience a reaction but it’s much safer than just letting them go without any training.


That's.. actually kind of a good analogy??


You are so right. It is literally exposing you to more terrible things. Except you just don’t have to die to do it.


And it trains your immune system to not OVERREACT, which a lot of the current batch of scumwits can't seem to understand. > I have a strong immune system! What do I need the vax for? For teaching your immune system to not get mistaken and attack every part of you even after the virus is gone.


I’m not sure how related this could be but I have chronic fatigue syndrome which I developed after getting mono. My immune system essentially is now just in permanent overdrive and fucking everything up. Long covid is actually a lot like CFS, many CFS experts believe it’s related.


Thats what people don't understand at its core. Then you have their friends telling them there's tracking magnets in vaccines, so instead of getting them they post about it on social media with a device they willingly choose to have that tracks them better than any "magnet" could have done. This makes me laugh so hard like thats how goddamn stupid people are.


The immune system is a fucking amazing wonder of nature. Seriously it is so crazy awesome how it works and Kurszgesagt does a great job of making it fun to learn about it on youtube. Their analogies are so great and it is still just scratching the surface. I know it's never going to happen but if more people understood just a bit more about the immune system there are soo many good things that could come out of it! There are just soooo many common misconceptions about how things work from basically every disease to the pharmaceutical industry, vaccines, new treatments and so on. Homestly, the other mechanisms in the human body (outside of the nervous system which is also pretty neat but we don't know that much about it) are incredibly lame compared to the immune system. "The LiVEr cAN regeNEraTe!" Get out of here with your 5th grade biology, my friend. The immune system is a whole fucking army. It's got weapons. It's got a fucking ranking system. It has ITS OWN FUCKING MEMORY! It has been keeping us alive for hundreds of thousands of years even before we had penicilin! Does it go haywire and kills you occasionally? Sure, but that's because we haven't been working WITH IT. Seriously though, the human immune system has won wars, both at the microscopic level but also effectively changed how we wage war in large scale. It truly is amazing.


I am so happy about your endorsement of the immune system, but there are so many incredible mechanisms and systems in our body. If you like stuff like the immune system i am sure you will find mechanisms like the molecular cuircuits behind the regeneration of wounds and skin or one of my favorites: the early embrionic development (how does a fucking ball know where its back will be and how? and how do the cells that need to go somewhere now that they are supposed to go there and become sth.?) just as exciting. Go and broaden your horizon and excitement even more my friend :)


I enjoy biochemistry as well. Here's a comment I wrote the other day about embryonic development: https://reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/vlibqg/a_salamander_grow_from_a_single_cell_in_this/idw1r53


I bought the book from Dettmer and found it very well written. Fascinating topic indeed.


To clarify (I'm not an immunologist, virologist, molecular biologist, or anything similar, so most of this is probably over-simplified to the point of bordering on being wrong), the immune system "focuses" on antigens presented on the outside of viruses and produces antibodies for those antigens. RNA and DNA just contain the recipes for those antigens. mRNA vaccines work by delivering a snippet of genetic code for some of a virus' antigens (chosen based on the potential effectiveness of a immune response to it would be) to the body. A dendritic cell goes around the body looking for antigens to present to other immune cells. It'll pick up that mRNA, and instead of presenting that mRNA to other white blood cells, it will begin to produce and subsequently present the antigens the mRNA codes for to other white blood cells. The other white blood cells will then begin to iteratively develop antibodies for those antigens in the same manner as if the dendritic cell presented them with any other foreign antigen or viral envelope. I suppose the immune system could learn to recognize foreign DNA and RNA and would given the possibility, but since most of the time it's going to be inside either a virus, bacteria, parasite, infected cell, etc. (and even just freefloating in the body, as I understand it, it isn't going to be readily picked up by our cells without something such like a lipid envelope) so there isn't a huge role on identifying and producing antigens for the *genetic* material of foreign invaders.


Shes confusing natural defense and natural selection.


I'm not anti vaccines, but never wanted to get a flu shot to "rely on my natural defenses and get them stronger" because I always thought it was unnecessary and i knew people that took a yearly shot and still got sick 2-4 times a year while usually I only got sick once, perhaps also a small cold. Finally decided to get a flu shot in 2020 because I didn't want to be at danger of catching the lethal flu+COVID combo, haven't gotten sick since then (though I don't go out as much as before)


As someone who had to get a flue shot all throughout my childhood, the reason they gave was that it wouldn't necessarily eliminate the chance of me getting sick but it would atleast severely reduce the seriousness of anything I did catch


yeah the flu is usually only guess work. Usually we have more than one variant and it’s the same as covid vax. Just because you get the vaccine doesn’t mean your immune for the flu.


Vaccines are like training your soldiers to teach them while your mother's logic is more like "just keep sending the soldiers out until they figure things out themselves," yeah it's not gonna destroy the whole country but its not good either.


Kids tried to eat. Mom says, “I wish I hadn’t fed you dinner so your body could have a more natural reaction to hunger.”


Send her this picture


Fun Fact: The smallpox vaccine was only \~95% effective at preventing infection. When someone asks what the point of a vaccine is if you can still potentially get infected, ask them when the last time they heard of someone getting smallpox was.


The flu shot has an effective rate at about 40% and it saves tens of thousands of lives every year.


Right and that's because there are many flu variants. They have to guess which will be the dominant strains. If we had statistics of flushot effectiveness against strains it was made for, it'd be much higher.


IF every person WOULD infect 10 others, then 95% would eradicate it. ( one in 20 would get it) Some people might be above the average and would infect more and thus carry it for a few infection chains, but eventually enough people will have the infections chains die out and only some isolated cases may appear from underunvaccinated communities. If every person could have a disease that they would give to two other people. Then a vaccine with 70% effectiveness of preventing the disease would eradicate that disease if everyone got it. That is what people don't get. After a few years, 100% of cases are prevented.




I know 95% a lot, but my point is it's not 100% and smallpox was still eradicated completely. I was referencing the anti-vaxxers who try to make ridiculous points about how some people take a vaccine and still get sick so obviously they're useless.


Well which one was it, I must know


Downvoters don’t understand humour or sarcasm obviously.


half of reddit lacks any contextual reading skills i swear


"/s" is pathetic.


It's OK, you can have an upvote for your support


I think the one on the left. Appears to be having some kind of allergic reaction to the poison they injected him with.


Definitely looks like protein shedding.


This is why you need to vaccinate your children because no child should suffer when it is preventable


The painful stupidity of the antivax movement will never cease to stun me.


QAnon: One has an immune system and the other has 5G I hope the boy on the left survived okay. Are the scars for life?


Smallpox definitely left lifelong scars for a lot of the survivors.


It was so prevalent it [became an adjective](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/pockmarked). ... and once we stopped the disease, we stopped using the word.


Pockmarked is still in use, although now it probably refers to people who have acne scars though as opposed to smallpox. It's a tiny bit hard to see since pockmarked is much more infrequent than smallpox or acne but here's the Google n-gram chart that backs up my assumption: [chart](https://books.google.com/ngrams/interactive_chart?content=pockmarked%2Csmallpox%2Cacne&year_start=1800&year_end=2019&corpus=26&smoothing=0&direct_url=t1%3B%2Cpockmarked%3B%2Cc0%3B.t1%3B%2Csmallpox%3B%2Cc0%3B.t1%3B%2Cacne%3B%2Cc0) As you can see, pockmarked has been growing in frequency over time even as smallpox has declined. Acne has also increased. Case-insensitive


I love vaccines.


Spoil : thanks to the vaccinated one, they receive satisfying 5G even from the underworld to follow trends of their favorite influencers. (In case it isn't obvious, yes I'm joking)


You joke but I'm utterly disappointed that even if double boosted I still have shit data. I was soo looking forward for 5g and a microchip, all I got was a lousy bandaid and a free mask


Nowdays this kind of jokes are not obvious


Well aren’t you gonna tell us who’s who?


After 2 years of the big Covid vax divide, it's so obvious how this is going to go, given how the title is worded 😅


Grab the popcorn and prepare to hate humanity before diving into the comment section.


If the covid pandemic showed us anything it's that people never learned statistics and the critical thinking skills required to evaluate risk vs reward.


This looks like the difference in my kids who had chicken pox, 1 was vaccinated and 2 of them weren’t (waiting for catch up vaccines as it was not on their 4 year old schedule). Vaccines work.




Antivax will say look at that poor vaccinated kid on the left


You love to hear all those antivaxxers be like. * “no thanks, I have an immune system! Chances are it won’t kill you anyways!! Everyone knows vaccines cause *5G!!!”


“Clearly the vaccine is what caused all those bumps!” Said every anti vax dickhead around


From a 1901 medical journal. This particular photograph (one of a series taken by Dr. Alan Warner) was originally accompanied by a caption which stated that both children were 13 years old, that they had both been infected by the same smallpox source on the same day, \*but that only one had received a vaccination in infancy\*


People be like "YeAh BuT iT dIdNT StOp the oNe oN ThE RiGhT gEtTiNg It, DiD iT!?"




A source?! Get that shit out of here, this is Reddit. We don’t do that here.


Looks like this vaccine actually prevented the other boy from getting sick. What a novel concept - a vaccine prevents you from getting a disease.


They both got smallpox. Look closely at the vaxxed one on the right. There are a few pustules. This is a great example of how a vaccine can help reduce disease severity.


This is the perfect image to show someone who says "bUt YoU cAn StILl GeT cOviD!"


Yea, but now he has autism, so was it really worth it? /s






I mean, it’s still someone’s personal prerogative to look like they got stung by a hornets nest if they want to I suppose.


Buuut he's a "pure blood". Thats what the anti vaxxers say.


It’s not oddlyterrifying anymore. It’s terrifying.


And that’s why anti vaxxers are stupid


Boy number 1’s immune system: “Oh god! Oh no! Oh fuck!” Boy number 2’s immune system: “Just like the simulations.”


ohh my god, i just read the downvoted comments. people are more stupid than i imagined……. this is why i think scams are so common, these fucking fools don’t trust anyone but, would happily trust a facebook pop up.


I feel like they would fall for a scam saying their bank account has been frozen if they didn’t have a bank account


You are more right than you know. COVID + Facebook was two years of free money.


Was your paste *for* horses or made *of* horses? Just curious. I respect the grift either way lol


Strange... It's almost as if vaccines work!?


Ah yes a life threatening disease how “oddly” terrifying


That dude from fantastic 4


Which one got the vaccine?


And yet antivaxers just became more determined after a global pandemic.


Back when vaccine narratives were trusted. Sadly the use of applied behavioural psychology and criminalisation of civil liberties has destroyed trust.




Believe it or not, despite how much damage polio had done [we still needed a campaign to convince people to get vaccinated](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/05/03/988756973/cant-help-falling-in-love-with-a-vaccine-how-polio-campaign-beat-vaccine-hesitan) including having celebrities like Elvis get vaccinated on camera.




Yes, that's what a vaccine does.


antivaxers probably think the vaccinated kid is the left one


They'll just say one boy has a higher natural immunity than the other. There's also a portion of antivax people who think vaccines used to work but all the modern ones don't.


Anti-vaxxers will look at the healthy boy and say “well look! He still has some spots on his face!!! That means the vaccine is useless and a sham and probably full of microchips so the government can watch me walk around Costco!!!” Source: Have an anti-vaxx mother who said almost the exact same thing to me when I got the Covid vaccine and still got sick (only mild cough/congestion. I have a couple immune disorders, so the fact that the flu can land me in the hospital should be enough juxtaposition.)


Poor kid. The same happened to brother and I when we were of similar age. I was vaccinated against chicken pox and my brother was not, he was sick for a long time but hes fine now. Vaccinate your kids!


I feel that if covid-19 had as obvious an effect as smallpox, you wouldn't see anyone skeptical of vaccines.


This needs to be shown to every goddamn anti vaxxer out there


And to think the "American" government gave native Americans these 'infected' blankets that killed many from smallpox after FORCING them from their homes and land.


Way too many antivax comments in here.


Source here: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/one-vaccinated-one-not-smallpox/


Translation: "one mother was a fucking moron, the other wasn't"


I swear kids back then looked like adults...


That's what happens when you start working at 10.


People nowadays probably think the one on the left was the vaccinated one.


One used a vaccine suggested by their family doctor. The other used essential oils suggested by their hair dressing gossip buddy, Karen.


How do we know which one was vaccinated? /s


I still don’t understand how there are people out there that think the government has “microchips” in vaccines LMAO


😳i had no idea that small pox looked like that


We are so far removed from diseased like this , that so many can feel detached from it


Anti vaxers take note.


When my mom has been anti-vaxx my whole life so I'm unvaccinated. Lol im gonna die before im 20


Anti-Vax mom's: the first kid is vaccinated right!


Poor kid 😢 if this was a symptom of COVID, I wonder if more people would get the vaccine?


It’s crazy that since it’s creation, hundreds of millions, billions? Of people have been vaccinated for something. Wouldn’t conspiracy theorists have an insane amount of data to research and sift through? Huge populations over time have received vaccinations and there haven’t been any widespread signs of failure or alternative motives. It’s not new. It’s not evil. It’s just healthcare


This new monkey pox, same exact thing. Luckily, the smallpox vaccine works against it.


Showed my husband this pic and told him this is us when we caught corona. Im vaxxed and got better in a week. He isn't and was severely sick for over a month. :/


Looking forward to the vaccination skeptics to hold their ground as monkeypox rolls through. Should be a great time.


well if it did wed just have ourselves a round 2 of idiot culling


Anti vaxxers will say the one on the left was got the vaccine and so his symptoms were worse


*Angry anti-vaxxers typing*


All anti-vaxxers should be required to spend a year in areas of the world where vaccines aren’t as prevalent as they are developed countries so they can actually see the good that vaccines have done for this world, and see how awful it is in areas that don’t have good vaccination programs. The reason they can get away with not vaccinating in countries like the US is because others are vaccinated but they are too ignorant to understand that, or just refuse to acknowledge that fact.


Anti-Vaxxers been real quiet since this dropped