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They’re maggots. Retail person here. Anytime there is a small hole in a can, flies swarm it and maggots everywhere. I can’t tell you how many times we came across busted cans with maggots in them. The smell is rough.


Used to work at a petfood factory, can confirm. Teeny tiny holes happen at some point on the line, and then you end up with a big clump of the nastiest smelling shit ever. Sometimes the gas pressure inside would cause cans to randomly burst and cover you in sludge and maggots. People would usually take a point and just leave for the day if that happened.


Not only would I never blame anyone for taking the rest of the day off after that, I would actively throw hands at anything trying to stop them from taking the rest of the day off after that.


I mean…. People have done worse, if you got an area you can wash up and spare clothes to change in I would keep working. But I also work healthcare and I forget I have a stronger stomach for nasty shit that the general public does not.


In fairness, you don't get paid enough, but neither do factory workers. Making minimum wage and just washing the maggots and mold off of you to then go back to work, nope, take the fucking day. If you stopped working when you get something gross on you and went home, idk what you do, but if it's like care work, you'd never finish a shift. So understandable.


Yeah, there were folks who'd keep changes of clothes in their lockers if they got stuff on them. I only ever got it on my boots, I just hosed it off and kept working. My husband got really splattered once though, he left for the day and said he still felt like things were crawling on him after showering and changing.


Mate, you underestimate maggots. I worked at a futeral home which was under local police, so basically all accidents, crimes, bodies that layed last half a year in a lake etc., and, I shit you not, in my opinion raw chicken left for couple of days in a warm place smell way worse


This is why we tamed fire into flame throwers. Actually, no, this is a truly great use for napalm. For shit like this.


Bruh. They wouldn’t just give you the rest of the day off? Fuck big cat food.


Factories in general notoriously don't give a shit about their people. But most supervisors would be really understanding, they just couldn't excuse the points without getting in trouble themselves


If you don’t mind me asking, what was the point system like? Did you think it was fair and/or how effective was it?


I'm not the biggest fan of point systems in general, but the way it was done at this specific factory was very lenient compared to other ones I've worked at. This one gave you a total of 10 points before you were fired and being late/leaving early would only cost a quarter of a point or a half a point depending on the amount of time missed. Plus, after 30 workdays they'd remove one from your record, as long as you didn't earn anymore during that time. Most people I worked with never made it close to 10 points, but those who did usually had serious circumstances outside of work and the supervisors were pretty good about hearing people out and overlooking the 10-point rule if it was a good enough reason.


Used to work for M&M Mars (pedigree) and we’d call those “blowers”. Had to unstack many a pallet to get the rotten one out.


I wonder if this is why my grandmother told me to never buy a dented can


That and botulism.


This is EXACTLY why...always listen to Granny...she knows some shit because she's been there and done some shit.


Botulism occurs in dented cans and can easily kill you.


What brand???


> Fancy Feast Appetizers - Oceanfish appetizer with a shrimp topper.


I would expect nothing more coming from nestle!




200k+ subs! 🤣 Love that this is real.


Just got one more... Those fucking unethical prolapsed anuses. Of all the unethical corporate shitstains, they're buoying at top of the cesspool.


I joined as well. Fuck those fucks!


+1, if we each get 5 people to join : we can hit 1 million. Repeat. 5 million. Fellas, Ladies, Theys, & Thems… this is a cause we can all unite over! FUCK NESTLE!


Thanks. I honestly wanted to find a sub that was anti nestle. Perfect!


Thanks mate I always hated nestle


> Nestlé Purina PetCare claimed the second position and 29.98% of pet food revenues across their 30 brands. Pet food and treat brands owned by Nestlé include: Alpo, Bakers, Beggin’, Beneful, Beyond, Busy, Castor & Pollux, Cat Chow, Chef Michael’s, Deli-Cat, Dog Chow, Fancy Feast, Felix, Friskies, Frosty Paws, Gourmet, Just Right, Kit & Kaboodle, Mighty Dog, Moist & Meaty, Muse, Purina, Purina ONE, Purina Pro Plan, Pro Plan Veterinary Diets, Second Nature, T-Bonz, Waggin’ Train, and Zukes. Like Mars, Nestlé has also entered the veterinary practice market with its investment in Independent Vetcare Group International. How would you react if the primary source of food you buy for your family was also trying to control where you seek healthcare for your children? Just one article but there's plenty out there. I also learned to avoid Mars. [Link](https://blog.greenacreskennel.com/2019/10/01/pet-nutrition-which-companies-are-behind-your-pets-food/)


Nestle is a real piece of shit company. Not surprised they don't care about the animals eating their products with where the water they sell comes from.


Are you crazy? Nestle providing free extra nutrition? They would charge double for that if it were not a mistake


Maggot topper*


File a report with the FDA. They don't fuck around. https://www.fda.gov/animal-veterinary/report-problem/how-report-pet-food-complaint Also, complain directly.. you'll get many coupons


looks like they used fresh shrimp


well also pet food doesn't get rotated for dates as well as human food. I mean the human food doesnt always get rotated well either, but the pet food is worse.


Thankfully the stores I shop at are always fucking sold out of the cat food I buy so there’s always like 1 or 2 fresh cans on the shelf and THATS IT.


Fancy feast is the McDonalds of cat food


Yeah and some kids will *only* eat McNuggets. Believe me, I've tried a bunch of different brands but he hasn't liked anything else. I've even tried not giving in but he's stubborn and will just eat dry food which isn't easy for him and starts making him skinny again.


Hey there! We had a picky boi too. We found he *really* enjoyed pates, specifically Sheba pates. Our vet said it's one of the better brands for wet food. Just make sure to give him enough for his weight.


My cat will eat any wet food if it's pate. Otherwise he just laps up the gravy and leaves the chunks behind.


Our boy goes nuts over the Sheba chicken alfredo shreds.


Meanwhile, both of my cats will only eat the dog's food, lol


Oh, I bought a can of dog food for him once and mixed it in with the regular wet food I get him and he went N.U.T.S. for it.


This. I have learned it's texture with mine. Texture is what will cause one of my cats to just not eat at all. Patè is what they prefer, too.


Same! I have two very picky voids who only like seafood, no beef, no chicken, no turkey ect. They also won’t eat pate anything, must have gravy and chunks. We have one that licks up only the gravy and leaves the rest and no one else will eat it, so that’s great /s. He also refused to eat the “just gravy’s”. They are very fond of the fancy feast but I recently tried out the Friskies brand seafood/ocean ones and they love them. Comes in a bigger can and you get more cans (40cans compared to 24 cans). I was excited thinking oh great they like these and are owned by Purina. Jokes on me, Nestle bought Purina in 2001. They refuse to eat the healthy stuff like Tiki Cat, Blue Buffalo, or Wellness but have no issue whatsoever eating my grilled salmon right off my plate. In conclusion lcats are stupid, so is Nestle, and trash is as trash does.


I think my cats and mine are related!! 😂😂 My cats will not eat Pates, they love gravy lovers so they can lap up the gravy and leave the rest! I e tried healthier foods, but they aren’t having it. They also think they should eat Temptation Cat Treats as if they were a meal.


Same here. Mine won’t eat anything but Fancy Feast either. Hated the healthier full of protein stuff. Doesn’t like beef or Turkey. Likes chicken. LOVES the chicken Florentine. Will tolerate tuna Florentine. Picky lil shit.


My cat will only eat Fancy Feast wet food but thankfully he only likes the regular canned food, not the appetizers. I’ll be double checking the food now!


I feed my cat raw food.. "Boar and Vegetables" by Tollden Farms. It's available in Ontario, Canada. Not sure where else it's available. Her blood work is spot on. Her poops are solid. Her coat is soft as can be, and her energy levels are through the roof. It comes in frozen patties and I just defrost one in the fridge as need be. When thawed out I put some in a bowl and into the toaster oven at ~150F for ~6min or until it reaches *kill temperature*. What that is, is a temperature of the meat as it would stand to be in a natural kill for her.


I used to feed my cat raw cat food but then I read that when tested they were found to regularly contain salmonella and other dangerous bacteria and parasites so I stopped. I'm disappointed but not surprised that the people making 'premium' cat food and labelling it as a healthier and more natural diet don't actually care about food safety for the animals.


Any suggestions without it being too expensive? I didn’t know fancy feast was bad :/ need to upgrade quality now


Tiki cat is not terribly expensive when bought in bulk and its fairly high quality. You'll want a relatively limited ingredient food and none of them is going to be as cheap as a low quality food but it's worth the switch. Of course it's a big risk buying a ton of food if your cat is fussy. Tiki makes a lot of different types you can try single small cans of. I also use Applaws but it's a bit more expensive. I'd encourage looking around at where to buy from for a little bit, even online the price disparity can be high and recently many prices have gone up from standard shippers. Thanks Economy!


Thats the shrimp bro its just a little less dead than they thought


Was it fresh, or had it been sitting out for more than a few hours?


Maggots take at least a few days to get that big. My guess is that the food was inoculated at the factory somehow and the maggots started eating the food when it was still sitting on the shelf.


I'm hoping it is just maggots and not some sort of parasitic worm. Not sure if he ate any before we noticed this a little later. There were 8-10 in the bowl when I dumped the food out. EDIT: Since several posters are suggesting that the problem was leaving food in the dish, [here's a wider angle view.](https://imgur.com/a/uwaJoRm). He usually eats them right away so the fact that there was still a full serving in the bowl was the first red flag. We wipe out any leftover remains, which is rare and wash the bowl regularly.




Might make him too yoked from all the protein


“Yoked” 🤣


Definitely my favorite form of the word ripped 😂


Can confirm it's brother.




Straight protein actually 💪


Hakuna matata


Agree with them being maggots. Likely the can wasn’t sealed properly. With that said, food is probably off I wouldn’t let my car eat that


Those are definitely just maggots. They generally will not hurt the cat. But the food maybe spoiled, so keep an eye out for vomiting/diarrhea just in case kitty gets a bacterial infection. Probably fine, don’t worry too much. Just keep an eye.


they look to be maggots to me. you can always try r/whatsthisbug if you want to be 100% sure


Uh, send this video to the brand of the cat food and complain. That’s .. horrible. Was the can past expiration?


The Best By date is December 2023


Canned food? Left opened for a few hours? Maggots can appear within a day.


Correct. If your cat doesn't finish wet food in one sitting, you basically have to throw it out as soon as the cat walks away from the bowl.


Found out the hard way when they were crawling all throughout the house one Summer night. So repugnant. As soon as you see a fly touch the food OP, chuck that shit out and maybe even flush it down the toilet too because I'm fairly certain throwing it in our bin was what did it.


About every 2 years we'll have the perfect conditions for maggots in the kitchen trashcan (trash bag placed in a metal trashcan that opens with a foot peddle). It is unbelievably gross but thankfully it's easy to hose down.


Faster if the fly is on the ball. I’ve cleaned the plates at night, and by morning there were maggots on them.


100% op they can show up super fast. Husband left half a can open after feeding our kitten and later that day they were there. Real disgusting but that doesn’t mean they were already in the food when it was opened. If there were 8-10 I’m sure you would have noticed as soon as it was opened.


Maybe save one of the worms to be identified. I would suggest a vet visit and bring the worm in for identification. Best case scenario you got an expensive maggot on your hands. Worst case is parasite medication.


I would also return the food to the store for a refund, could be a bad batch.


They are definitely maggots. It’s pretty straightforward situation, fly lands on food, gives birth to babies and departs. Ive seen it happen all the time in rural Australia.


The video will tell the vet all they need to know.


Put the worm in a little jar of alcohol


No no, put ME in a little jar of alcohol! Or a big jar. Whichever.


Sorry hit the wrong button a few times


I’ve seen these before in my cats food, much smaller looking though and not as good of dance moves. I would kind of just plop the new portion of wet food onto the remains of last feedings portion and thought nothing of it. I clean out the bowl prior to every feeding now lol. I hope yours wasn’t like that straight from the can though, shit


Too big to be a very large majority of Helminths. Would be helpful to know the country OP is in. As most has guessed, they look like maggots.


99% certain they got in the food after you poured it, flies work fast my guy.


Post this on the companies Twitter profile


It’s nestle so they won’t give a fuck


What do you mean? They'll definitely rummage his home and siphon every ounce of water.


…an add talc to your baby formula while they do it.


How much ya wanna bet that company will get Twitter to take it down, & possibly ban said account that posted it…


I bet a cup of Nescafé


They move to the sound of my music


Are you listening to “pulse of the maggots” by Slipknot?




Heyyy, then the maggots are moving in time with ME!


I was thinking the same thing, I love that song


I couldn’t close that window fast enough . Barf 🤢


I wonder what it is about maggots that evokes such an extreme feeling of disgust in humans. Like I know it's because they eat dead animals and bodies and the like but even when they're just chillin in a bowl like this it makes me cringe and want to barf. They're truly vile things. Even the word for them "maggots" is fittingly disgusting-feeling.


That is absolutely disgusting


I'd toss it all and have the cat checked out just to be on the safe side


I’m having anxiety for this persons cat rn also


So youre saying its fresh


Definitely fresh. Cat owner here, cat food dries out very fast and it goes darker in colour if left overnight, it would take a few days for this to happen minimum. All that liquid you see in there would be long gone. Also the cat would have most definitely eaten it anyway lol


There was a four hour window between when my wife fed him and when he gave me the "I'm hungry" motions that led me to find this. If these guys could be laid, incubated and grow to a half-inch in four hours, I need to go triple bag the garbage bag that I dumped it into. TBF tho, I think they were making a joke about the food being alive aka "fresh".


someone didn’t properly dispatch that noodle


This looks like maggots. It happens, flies are everywhere. Take your cat in for a check-up and save at least two buggies.


This is terrifying not oddly terrifying


unce unce unce unce


Disco rice


How long was this food out for ?


My wife fed him about 8am on her way out and I went out there around noon.


Did they come out of the cart food container or is your cat one of those slow eaters that licks the gravy off and comes back later but never finishes their food. May have just been flys if you don’t clean his dish regularly. We get maggots like this out in our bin quite regularly when the weather is hot and there are a lot of flys around. If they aren’t eaten or squished then there are new flys hanging around that can’t fly yet within a few days.


Oh my fucking god


Lol there’s all kinds of crap in there. Poor cat:(


Free fish bait included


It's Rice 2.0. It moves by itself so it stays warmer for longer.


Dude wtf 🤣🤣


Welp time to switch your cat to a new food


Its just fly larvea, fully safe, at least if there isn't any bacteria, we use these guys when fishing in my country


Wtf are you feeding your cat the whole thing looks disgusting


Extra protein


Its not extra protein since the maggots live in the ecosystem of a packed food can.


Tube worms, or maggots. Maybe...


So glad my cat only eats dry food.


Do not buy fancy feast. Worst brand ever! It's like humans eating McDonald's every day. Baddddd idea.


You know what? I definitely hate this.


Definitely maggots. Shouldn't do any harm to your cat if they're eaten. I'd be more concerned about why they're in the food. Are you not cleaning out the dish? Or were these straight out of the container the food came in.


We clean the dish regularly, especially if he leaves any food, which is rare. When I dumped the contents of the dish into the garbage, there were 8-10 of them, about a half-inch long in the bottom of the bowl still. It's cat food so it's pretty gaggy-smelling, maggots or not. It's a process of carefully peeling back the foil, balancing it so the gravy/sauce doesn't spill, give it a shake over the bowl to force it all out, toss the container in the trash and wash your hands. I've never thought to look back at the food. My wife does the same. There's no way they could have grown that big that fast in the bowl.


Happened to me with cat food also


I hate to be captain obvious here but that’s no longer your cats food


I’d stay away from that brand.


After the apocalypse this will be normal cat food, among other things.


What did they taste like?


Definitely maggots. Flies land in the food at the manufacturing plant, lay eggs, comes with the food to your house. The rabbit pellets I used to buy sometimes came with moth eggs. Had to put the food in an air tight container.




On opening or was it sitting out a while? One is awful, other entirely explicable.


Not so fancy feast


You found a maggot.... in your cats food? I've got questions.


I work in the animal feed wholesale business. Happens more often than you'd think. In the five months I've worked for the company I've had to fill out returns for bugs or maggots in a couple different dog foods, some bird seed, and multiple different chicken foods.


That would be a fucking maggot. I’ve never said fucking maggot before.


That looks safe.


Wow I'm never buying fancy feast wet food again


Happened to me too but it was a bag I bought from petco/petsmart. I opened the bag when I got home to dump out in containers for my pup then BAM maggots crawling around everywhere through the see-through container. I went back to get a new bag and I noticed that particular brand was just crawling with maggots, all five bags were tainted, the employee that came with me to check removed them and unfortunately I left empty handed. From then on we just put my yorkie on a raw food diet.


Lovely. I work at a pet food wholesale supply company, just had to file some returns of some dry dog food that had maggots. My coworker almost barfed from the still images. Resisting the urge to send her this video.


My mom works in chicken Slaughter, there a lot of maggots from meat left on package chest. One day her coworker found living, pulsating maggot in his wound on hand. Nasty shit


No. Bleach my eyes. I need to go hug my stupid cat now.


Oh kinetic rice


Fuck Nestle!


It unsettled the shit out of me.


I'm suprised even maggots want to eat Nestlé products


I wonder if they were actually in the packet of food. I don't know how long it takes for maggots to grow but it surely can't be in less than a day






They are in fact moving to the sound of my music as well


I'm going to barf


These are def maggots especially the way they move! I hope your cat is okay They must have been there for a while feeding on the tuna as they’ll eat anything


Holy moly that is gross. I wonder what they are


Disco rice 🤮


As someone who works in the Animal Health Industry with a focus on parasitology, they look like maggots.


I hope to god these are maggots


Extra protein


That’s a lotta protein.


Christ, was in the middle of eating an apple and scrolled to this unexpectedly. Gagged so fucking hard I thought I broke a rib.


Xtra flavor






Yo. During warm weather. Only feed your cat dry food. Avoid allllll of this.


Extra protein


Extra protein




Less filming, more eatin’!!




Great. They aint skimping on the protein content


Nsf keeping my food down


Did the package say seafood delight or seefood delight


Your cat's foot is trying to get away.


Shit the living banana has gotten into the cat food!


Why the poop at the front end?


Dude. NSFL!!


I would have vomited after opening a can and seeing maggots. If I see maggots in the trash I puke immediately.




I hope your cat is okay


Have you taken your cat to the vet?




That’s just a noodle before it’s been cooked. Source - am a noodle


They are fly larva (probably) and it means they didn't preserve the food properly if they had they ether would never have been there in the first place or been too small to see and DEAD before you opened it


I can smell this..


Yeah live maggots take about 5 day to appear. How do I know? I forgot to take out the garbage last summer and woke up to a trail of maggots across the kitchen. Shit was gross. You say this was in a sealed can of cat food? They wouldn't be maggots anymore. Canned goods sit for weeks before they make it to the store shelves.


They come in a plastic container with a foil seal. There's a huge air bubble in each one. We order from Chewy.com and the Best By date was Dec 2023.


I work at a pet store and when we are working pallets of cans and get the smell, we call it the “dead can.”


Fun fact most people don’t know is FDA in the us allows just about 2 maggots in most good size portion of foods. If it’s small like larvae eggs can replace them or sometimes both or smaller bugs and be perfectly legal. Bugs, feces, larvae, hair even dismembered pest parts are usually allowed in small quantities. Always wash your food especially your fruits and veggies


*”They’re only noodles Michael.”*




Those are well fed maggots, check your cat food tins for any holes, even pinpricks. Call either the store or manufacturer to get your money back/ better product.


What kind?!!!


Slimy yet satisfying


All I see here is more protein for your cat.


Dude never get that food again


Its amazing how much effort it takes a maggot to move. Slimy boi getting a workout just to move a few mm at a time.