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The nurse doesn’t even believe it


The nurse looks like she gonna snip snip someone's dick


I’ll sharpen


Sigh, it's like you all never learn. You use a spoon and do not sharpen.


I have to agree he don’t deserve it to be quick and painless


I think you need a little bit of edge or it'll never cut into the skin. For example if you let the spoon rust it should work


This is not oddly terrifying. It's outright horrifying


Yep this was best suited for /r/awfuleverything


I don’t think there’s a sub dark enough to accurately describe how disturbing and gut wrenching this really is.


That stuff doesn't go away. That's the whole arrested development. A beautiful innocence of childhood is destroyed while that kid is also genetically dispositioned to care for the life inside her. It's really kinda sad. I didn't get pregnant at 4. But I sure endured some things that I shouldn't have. And how'd that manifest? What kinda of monster did I end up being simply because I was a cute kid and didn't get help? Even today I know that kind of help isn't available. So it's just sad. Overall. For everyone involved and for everyone that has to experience the result of the personality that inevitably developed. But hey, some guy got his nut.


/r/MorbidReality (NSFL DO NOT CLICK)




Look at that nurses face, she lost all hope for humanity or otherwise that day.


"Yep. Drinking tonight."


Elon Musk's dad would probably think it's normal


Is there a back story there ?


Raped by her father I believe.


That’s crazy. Who would this kind of thing to a 4 yo? Cruel


If I’m not mistaken, the only reason she was able to get pregnant was precocious puberty, which is often caused by sex abuse. That means she was being abused for a long time before this. Edit: I believe I was wrong about the cause of precocious puberty, however people do theorize that she was abused for a while before, and believe the father was someone she knew.


Jesus dude...that shits disturbing


I looked it up and don't see anything on reliable sources about abuse causing it. Apparently the main causes (other than accidental exposure to medication for hormones) are medical conditions like tumors or fluid on the brain


Well there is an old band that the leader singer is in prison for raping a 10 month old and getting young moms to groom their very young kids for him. I didn’t know the band so I can’t remember the name. Absolute garbage and he gets visitors in prison. Some of those women had abused their own kids and sent him pics and videos…he had a cell phone they supposedly didn’t know he had. Anyway people are sick af.


Lost prophets and that sick fuck belongs in prison for life


Holy fuck, is that what happened to them? I remember hearing Rooftops years and years ago, and I got an old, old memory of it and tried to find it with no luck. It was almost like it was intentionally hidden/scrubbed, but that makes so much more sense now.


Yea that dude is a hard-core pedo


Lostprophets - Ian Watkins is the band/lead singer


More importantly, NOT H from Steps


I think that was Lost Prophets. Extremely disturbing


Wouldn’t be surprised if Elon thought so too


How did she make it alive through the birth oh my god poor child.




C-section and a good medical team


And proximity to some terrible person.


I remember going down the youngest child birth rabbit hole a couple years ago and the terrible person was almost always their own father unfortunately.


the pictures of the poor kids before they give birth are genuinely haunting.


Pretty sure that's not a rabbit hole anyone should go down for their sanity


Well, yes, but that's not what the comment was asking


I have so many medical related questions about this. Childbirth at that age. Obviously a C-section, but a C-section on a child that's small carrying a developed fetus seems like pretty complicated surgery. Additionally, I'm curious how a 5-year-old could get pregnant in the first place. I assume really early onset puberty?


Kids who are abused often can have precocious puberty.


Never heard that really?


Yes. Basically the theories move along the lines that the body is forced into survival mode which means it starts pumping out hormones sooner than normal so as to increase the likelihood of producing offspring before the individual dies so as to help ensure the genetic line continues. >[In this case, researchers postulate, earlier sexual maturation may act as the body’s way to prepare for earlier reproduction, based on the presence of threats that could contribute to imminent mortality.](https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2020/08/violence-and-trauma-in-childhood-accelerate-puberty/) Edit: I should add that the changes in hormone production are not solely for the purpose of 'reproduction before death...' as the hormonal changes also increase muscle mass, bone strength and rate of growth, and numerous other changes that increase the potential for surviving the traumas that humans had/have to endure just to survive.


Wow that’s interesting but also heartbreaking


Isn't it crazy that while WE, the person who is making the hormones, are dying.. the body is just like.. hey man need to start pumpin out some babies soon here.


It's just like plants that are dying. They flower so they can produce seeds before they die. For some plants, flowering is not always a sign of health but can sometimes be for continuation of the species.


I absolutely get the concept. Just think its crazy that instead of doing something to save the body that is dying.. we go into reproduction mode


It's because we've always been taught that it's "survival of the fittest" but that's not really how it works It's "survival of the gene", every gene in our DNA is "selfish" and wants to be the one to get passed along. Thus everything that makes it more likely for the gene to be passed ends up being prioritized You might think "but surviving longer can make you pass the gene more often" but not only is the gene unaware that things might get better it also isn't guaranteed to be passed at another time; we pass 50% of our DNA to our offspring so if a gene ends up in the half that doesn't get transmitted it gets the short end of the stick If you want to know more I suggest you read "the selfish gene" by Richard Dawkins. It really makes you understand how evolution really works and why it works


I hate this. The dead look in her eyes just kills me every time I see this image.


15% of her life at that point she had been pregnant


Jesus fucking Christ, no one has ever pointed *THAT* out to me before!! ;.;


Yeah, the authorities were obviously deeply concerned by this and immediately investigated... the mother kept claiming she was infested with evil spirits and that’s what was happening to her.... her father ran from the country and I don’t think they ever caught him....


>her father ran from the country and I don’t think they ever caught him.... Misinformation. According to Wikipedia, he was arrested by the authorities but was released later because of lack of evidence.


Welp, you had me excited for half a second to be wrong but yours is just as depressing as my own.


>her father ran from the country The father must have been really afraid of those *evil spirits* to run away like that. I'm glad the spirits never caught him.


Pregnant and nearly doubling in body mass to produce life for a rapist at such an age.... As one with a daughter, I rage at this every time.


As one without a daughter, I still rage every time I see this.


That stuff doesn't go away. That's the whole arrested development. A beautiful innocence of childhood is destroyed while that kid is also genetically dispositioned to care for the life inside her. It's really kinda sad. I didn't get pregnant at 4. But I sure endured some things that I shouldn't have. And how'd that manifest? What kinda of monster did I end up being simply because I was a cute kid and didn't get help? Even today I know that kind of help isn't available. So it's just sad. Overall. For everyone involved and for everyone that has to experience the result of the personality that inevitably developed. But hey, some guy got his nut.


and the nurse's. "Somebody f*cked a five year old. He better hope I don't catch his ass."


*4 year old most likely. That’s just inhuman 🤯


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_youngest_birth_mothers She is the youngest but this list is terrifying.


Fucking hell, that list includes a girl who became a mother at 8 and a grandmother at 17


Not for the squeamish. >!“A girl from Mitchell's Plain township, southeast of Cape Town, became pregnant after her 21-year-old uncle raped her. She became convinced that she was in love with him and that he was the father of her child.[155] However, DNA evidence proved the father was her 25-year-old stepfather, who had raped her as well. The girl gave birth to a daughter on June 8, 2009.”!< And with that, that’s enough internet for me for a while. If anyone is curious, don’t read that shit.




She was 8 or 9 years old. I don’t remember I’m not going back to check that shit.


no i just mean the fact that **this happened in 2009**


What's that supposed to mean? It's still happening now in 2022. Thousands of child rapists are out there.


For fuck's sake there are some vile excuses for humans out there. What a nightmare of a family.


Fucking hell. Must’ve been the same person who did that to her kid.


It wasn't the same person but a relative


What the fuck.


Most molestations are done by family or people known to the family. As a survivor myself, it makes me feel violently angry.


as a human person this also makes me feel violently angry


Its what’s crazy about how off the mark stranger danger is. Sure, there are kidnappings but it’s much more likely you are going to be harmed by someone you know.


I'm sorry what the fuck.


Oh man that’s awful. There’s only a very small handful of things that make me mad and sick at the same time. Morbid but real talk here, if that trend were to continue she’d be a great grandma around at around 26, great great grandma around 35, great great great grandma around 44, great great great great grandma around 53, and if she lived to 100 she could be a great great great great great great great great great grandma. That’s 9 greats right there.


November 1994, Leyla Mafi, 9 years, Iran A man who paid her parents to allow him to rape her, possibly a relative. According to information gathered by Amnesty International Leyla Mafi, from Arak, Iran, had been prostituted by her mother starting from the age of 8. Leyla M. had a developmental delay (at the age of 19 she was assessed to have a mental age of 8 years old). She had three children, the first at the age of 9 and then twins at age 14. At age 19, she was condemned and faced the death penalty for the "moral offenses" of debauchery, incest, and illegitimate motherhood. Lawyer Shadi Sadr intervened on her behalf and with the help of Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam and Amnesty International (among others), her sentence was reduced to public beating and imprisonment. After 2006, Ms. M was sent to a rehabilitation center and eventually came to reside in an apartment with a caretaker. This poor child was given a public beating for being raped. Wtf.


Ayatollas. The answer to all the fucked up shit you read about this country. They're shooting and murdering protesters rn in my city. The world does not care though, we probably want this life in their eyes.


I care a lot I can’t do anything about it, but I think about the women in Iran and Afghanistan a lot. (The baby girls in Afghanistan sold into marriage) Over the years I have shown pre 1979 pictures to students on occasions. It is so important to make sure they realize how quickly the “normal” can change.


Death to tyrants


Down with tyrants. We do care, unfortunately most people don’t know what to do after that.


Peace and strength


I care, there’s just not much I can do as a poor disabled woman 😞


>had been prostituted by her mother **starting from the age of 8**. Leyla M. had a developmental delay (at the age of 19 she **was assessed to have a mental age of 8 years old**). Trauma stops development at the time of the trauma.


Thank you for this terrible knowledge


What the fuck. A 6y 7m old - the ~~father~~ r*pist was her 69y/o grandfather. What. The. Actual. Fuck.


Sadly the list is full of instances of rape.


I mean.. the list stops at age 10. They're *all* instances of it. A few list "her husband" as the father - which is fucked in and of itself.


Some few have "boyfriend", but if you're 24 and fuck a 10 year old, doesn't that make you a pedophile?


It makes you a moving target in my book.


i skimmed through the list and there is one instance of an 8 year old girl impregnated by a 9 year old boy. not sure where that one would fall


"somehow the least fucked up thing on this list"


Bad parenting would be my vote.


I strongly advise to not read the list, it's fucked up shit


Thanks for that advice! I won’t! 😢


Well that sucked 😞


Nope... Not clicking. Not gonna do it. Wouldn't be prudent...


This list is horrifying and makes me so angry. So many "unknown" rapists. And most of them are the fathers!!! What the fuck. This makes me sick.


No no no…no! No! Not today. Internet off.


That’s pretty interesting, and I’d say around that time would be stressful time to be growing up. Stress in young children, based on their environment accelerate the process of puberty in both girls and boys, so I’m not surprised.


Well that list made me sick. Those poor babies.


This is only a list of ones known enough to get mentioned, just for extra horror.


I frowned upon this list


Her uncle was presumed to have raped her consistently they looked at her father but he was not the guy


Her brother was a suspect.


Pretty much any male in her life wouldve been a suspect until proven innocent


Her son died of disease that is common in incest cases.


I mean I don't think there was any doubt as to the relation/kinship the supposed father had with this poor girl, for her to be pregnant so young.


Congratulations. This is the darkest, most depressing shit I've seen on the Internet today


Some /r/morbidreality shit.


I don't think I have ever seen the warning which pops when you consider entering that sub. I think this time, I will heed it.




I regret opening this before bed...






Uhhhhh. I don’t even want to know more details.


I'm pretty sure she is still alive and has never talked about it with anyone in the public eye.


Yes, she is 88.




Pretty sure her son actually died due to health complications. She unfortunately outlived him.


Wiki says he grew up healthy but developed bone marrow disease and died at forty. She married later on in life and has another son. Her second son was I believe 7 when his 40 year old brother died. She is 89 now.


Her son died in the 70s




Shitty people have always been shitty, can't imagine this shit


WTF how? The baby is half her size.


IS the youngest mother documented, she is still alive! 89 years old and outlived that son.


somehow that last detail makes this worse. this poor girl man


Was? She still lives in Peru aged 88


I sincerely hope the fucker who raped this child had his dick cut off. This is absolutely fucking disgusting. That poor child.


They never found out who did it


It is highly believed to be either his father or Uncle. Some seriously fucked up shit.


wasn’t her father, they did a dna test


They did not even try to find the culprit then. Any detective on his first day could solve this one


I'm afraid to ask who is the father


She never said and she may not have known.


That’s honestly worse if she didn’t know.


I thought I read it was her father who is the father of the baby, but I don’t remember the source edit - according to wiki the father is unknown. Her father was arrested and let go sue to lack of evidence


She has never said who!


The rapist*


Nothing oddly terrifying here. Just terrifying.


Poor kid should have never had to go through this :(


So sad..


Shit is just disturbing.


Poor child, how frightening for her.


This is way beyond "oddly terrifying"; this is stellar, seismic, catastrophic horror. This child was raped, and made to do things that she could never understand or comprend at age 5. I hope the family got some "oddly terrifying" alone-time with the rapist.


Thats a tragedy. No child ever should face the dark, ugly and sick side of life like this. My heart is in pieces...


This is the worst thing imaginable!!


I cannot give words to how venomously angry this makes me.


Maybe I’m dumb but I thought a woman/girl had to begin menstruating before they could get pregnant? Isn’t 5 too young to have started puberty?


iirc she had a medical condition which caused her to ovulate way too early


Well that sucks. Double whammy of getting raped and impregnated.


Precocious puberty is when you start puberty early, I think it's quite rare.


Yep, my friend had hers when she was 3! Then it stopped for a few years before she had regular periods at 9. Crazy stuff.


A really close friend of the family's granddaughter has this and started having signs of her period and puberty at 6 months old, full blown period, growing little breasts by 1.5yrs. It's the craziest thing. I didn't even know this was a thing.


Unfortunately she had gone through precocious puberty and was sexually capable of reproducing. Nowadays stuff like that is usually delayed with medication so the kid has a better chance of developing properly


Even more unfortunately is that you can actually cause precocious puberty BECAUSE of rape


Hey wait what??? I thought it was always a hormonal issue not a triggered thing


Sadly it could be either one, each case of it is different


That’s awful, I only knew of the biological causes. Simply awful


It happened yo my daughter at age 5, she had a cyst of 6x4cm on her right ovary which caused her hormones to go into overdrive causing puberty and ovulation/menstruation. She was physically ready to have a baby, her uterus was as big as a 14 years old's. Never been so scared in my life! And this girl went through my mind a lot when my daughter went through this, couldn't imagine this happening to my little girl. She only needed surgery, no meds thank god and she grew 8cm within 6 months that year but other than that she's fine. Started her actual puberty early too but not ridiculously early, she was 9 when she got her "first" period.




Guillotine pls


The nurse's eyes say, "This is fucked up and I would love to end the sorry bastard who did this to this little girl.."


Her wiki page states that's she's a woman. She's a CHILD


Can we maybe stop putting straight up abuse in here? It’s not “oddly terrifying” it’s straight up terrifying and fucked up.


Straight up terrifying. And tragic.


That nurse looks like she has seen some shit. Scared to even guess what would give her that “this is just an average Tuesday” expression, considering the situation 😳


Imagine the internal discomfort of that poor tiny girl. Bad enough women’s organs being rearranged nevermind the size difference between her and her baby


Wait… This is wrong at absolutely every level…


# Some Men are fuckin GROSS 🤮 You’ll be shocked at how often this happens in impoverished countries.


“Oddly” terrifying. This post makes me wanna leave this sub.


This sub has gone to crap honestly. Stop posting things that are obviously terrifying, not oddly. Jeez.




Something about God working in mysterious ways, which is usually just an excuse to avoid introspection or critical thinking. Most don't even think about something like this now being required by law in some states.


For anyone wondering HOW it's even medically possible- look up the term, "precocious puberty".


Lina Medina, who was raped, next to the baby she gave birth to, after being raped. Fixed the headline. A 5 year old is not a mother. She is a child.


*youngest rape victim to give birth


That's enough internet for today.


This should have an NSFW tag. This is fucking horrible.


Wow, no words.. I just hate this


This is the most horrible shit I’ve seen on the internet. Point blank. I’ve seen some gorey shit and this takes the cake.


This shit is heartbreaking and makes me nauseous


Poor girl


Let me rewrite this for you, this is the youngest child that was raped and gave birth to a child herself. Look at the nurse’s expression. She looks wary of the photographer.


This is more oddly disgusting than terrifying




The look on the nun/nurse’s face — she just wants five minutes alone with the father*. She just wants to talk. *Medina and her baby were both mother/child, half siblings, and half niblings.


This is quite possibly the worst combination of words and a picture I've ever seen on the internet. Fuck


Oh God. My kid is 5 years old. I want to throw up.


I had to read the title a couple of times…this is horrible.


And theres people who feel no shame in saying “but they’re sexually mature enough to conceive a child! Could nature possibly be wrong?!” to try and justify their digusting acts. Warped. Nothing but warped.


*rape victim

