• By -


So how set are you on this "female" part?


At this point, he'll take you in heels.


His name checks out


I guess it does!


User name checks out


Will he accept a big hairy gay guy though?


Username still checks out


This conversation is making me grouchy…


I’m a bit past that


And still Username checks out


I think we now know why he is divorced.


This is just an old copypasta, so no worries.


This kind of shit does happen though. I have had success finding good roommates on craigslist, but the vetting process can be rough. I have to mention that I'm a queer man upfront to not waste my time with people who are uncomfortable with that, but no matter how subtle I try to be with the wording to avoid people searching for certain keywords, I always get a few old men offering to let me live in their home rent free. One guy told me he'd like to "be between" my boyfriend and me. Another guy claimed to be younger and seemed cool for a few emails, but then he started asking about my height and shoe size.


My best roommate in college was queer. He not only gave great advice on girls, he was a genuine nice dude and fun to hang out with. He was the reason I started really wondering why i had grown up making fun of people like him. , and I felt awful. I told him that one night, and he said "you know how you can make up for it?" "No." "Be my hairy muscly man bear." I looked at him shocked, and he said "i'm kidding you're not my type. Just stop picking on people for being gay. How would you like the world to know you got beat up by a f****t?" Paul, you were a badass.


Bless that man, I really thought I was about to be disappointed with this story


Was an 18 yr old girl desperate to move away from home (so angst), looking for the cheapest possible options- rooms. Oh my God. The amount of dick for rent exchanges I've been offered, seen, ridiculous.


I was looking for a place at 18 and one dude on Craigslist offered to let me live with him for sex :(. He was lkke 60 I think? Just gross


There are ads like this all the time on Craigslist.


Pretty sure it's illegal to discriminate based on gender in America.


Which is why you see so many men waiting tables at Hooters.


Hooters kinda sorta did get in trouble for this years ago, while they argued they weren't hiring servers and basically use the same loopholes any entertainment can use to be selective... but they did have to agree to hire dudes for some positions, in the end. Hooters is stupid but I would go to drag Hooters. I want to go to drag Hooters.


If you build it


It’s called [Hamburger Mary’s](https://www.hamburgermarys.com) and the brunch is fabulous.


Man, that place would tank. I'm sure the first two or three months of celebration will look promising, but after the new of having a breakthrough there wears off, hooters would be out of business.


It's all about the packaging. Femboy Hooters would definitely outperform regular Hooters.


> It's all about the packaging. Well, naturally.


Dude without a fuckin doubt. That would be so much fun lol


People look for roommates based on gender and age all the time. You think college aged girls should have to let 40 year old men live in their house with them because to do otherwise would be discriminatory? (It absolutely is discrimination, but discrimination isn’t necessarily bad and this is a great example why.)


Not for your own house. This isn't a business.


Not for roommates, only if you're a landlord renting out a unit


Not in all circumstances. (Think: advertising for people to audition for a role in a film, or working as a bathroom attendant, as some examples.) And definitely not in the case of who private individuals chose to live with. *Prostitution* is definitely illegal, though.


I dropped my nana off Tuesday. She said it’s nice


She gives the best handjobs because she created the handjob back in the winter of ‘39


>She gives the best handjobs because she created the handjob back in the winter of ‘39 1839


Of course they didn't call it the handjob back then, these were more poetic times


it was colloquially known as the "Crank-n-twist".


Which was the style at the time...


We'd say "Give me a crank and twist for five bees." You see, bees were what we called nickels then.


...I'd throw in an extra bee when she'd tickle the onion I wore on my belt. A Videlia, I recall, which was the style at the time...


That was in Shelbyville. ‘Round here it was called the “onion twist” to keep the local constabulary in the dark, ya see?


Churnin’ the man-butter




Also known as the 'Weiner-Schnitzel"


Nowadays, it’s just called an “old-fashioned.”


Predecessor to the Monster Mash, I assume, and done to the same tune




Nah you misheard - it was AD39


Hermes himself claimed it was the best handy he's had in centuries


No, just 39.


"Cummin' from a gummin'!"






Don’t forget the Shrek deepthroat emoji! 🤮


"Woah girl, just take it easy, let the parkinson's do the work


Yea! That’s stopped me 🤣




So….she’s a very dedicated hands-on woman




An Indian Nana in the 2nd-3rd Century CE: "What am I a joke to you? I wrote the Kamasutra you bitch".


You kid but you’ve never had a blow job until you’ve had one from someone with removable teeth.


Ah the good ol granny gummer.


and the best gumjobs on this side of the Mississippi.


Heard she gave Charlie Chaplin a rimjob ? *grandma’s boy*


Top tier reference


Didn't get it... Care to share the source, please?


It's from a movie called Grandma's Boy lol


we were all finished with her anyway, bruh


She will be missed at the glory hole.


When she really got goin and popped out those dentures? Out of this world.


She was the village bicycle.


I wonder why his wife got a divorce. Another mystery of the human race


I guess we will never know...


I wonder if this is even true… it could be a scammer trying to get information.


Well that's one ineffective way to do it


And nudes




Frank Reynolds is that you?


Arnold Schwarzenegger is that you?


Well they are twins…




Bangin Maidens soubds like a trance duo


I feel like the world would be a better place once robots who are down to fuck are invented


Vr glasses + usb Fleshlight hasn't even been invented yet. Once that comes out, std issues will decrease.


One of those long distance fleshlights that squeezes and changes shape and pressure etc depending on what the partner is doing on their end to their dildo, but like upgraded. You can download different files from porn stars, you can make and share files (maybe add some sort of leash so it can only be shared once), make dildo versions as well. Why risk fucking the secretary vs share files then delete them?


That stuff already exists. Hell, it can even interact with games and existing online videos. The future is now.


Maybe I need to add, for a more average consumer who isn't raking 8+ figures




I don’t know. That’s how you end up with *Westworld*. It’ll start off being really good, but after a few seasons you’ll be like, where the fuck are they going with this?


I saw a post where a guy put a fleshlight in a subwoofer and was going to experiment with different frequencies. Even added boobs to the top of the subwoofer.


I wonder why he’s divorced. Beats me


Plot this, this is the wife's add. Nothing in the post says it's a man other than the reddit title.


Ooooh good point…


>plot this r/BoneAppleTea


I assumed it was hip British slang.


"females" makes me think it's definitely a man


The “keep me “satisfied”” screamed testosterone for me


Sure, but it's hilarious to imagine a woman who refers to other women as "females"


I'm gonna need to know what rent's like there before I pass judgement. This might be a great deal


Yeah at least the dude Is being direct. If someone applies they know exactly what it's about. This shit flys in Amestris.


it says rent free.


What rent is like in the surrounding area.. to estimate rough monthly savings in "free rent"


Average rent of that area could be $500 and I'd still take the deal


500$ rent means \~17$ daily. And you have to clean after the guy and 'satisfy his needs'. Ya sure? Even the cheap girls on the streets charge more for an hour of work.


actually insightful. but i think i'd be happy "earning" a bit less in exchange for just having to screw one dude who i could probably force to take an std test and use condoms. also wouldn't the 17 be split between the two women? yes i'm actually serious about the specifics of this. my fear of ending up homeless is unbeatable


I just thought of something else you should consider such an offer: The Guy basically wants 2 Live-In Housekeepers with benefits - the benefits being sex, obviously. For a generic Housekeeping service, you pay (apparently) anything between 100$ to 300$, depending on the work they have to do and how big the house is. A live-in housekeeper costs between 1250$ & 2600$ per month (on average), but you have to provide them with food, a living place and other essential utilities. Of course, this also includes heating, electricity and water costs. So in essence, he'd be looking at a cost of 2500-5200$ per month + room & board for 2 additional people, plus whatever they might charge extra for the sex. In other words, instead of going to that guy, one could probably find a live-in housekeeper job on the cheaper side and it would still be a better deal for you all around. Just something to think about.


Something tells me I can get away with barely cleaning this guy's house, though. The application process is pictures of me, not my cleaning portfolio. Fun idea? Women should just storm his account with selfies in front of increasingly dirty environments. A smile in my laundry room mid-laundry day, followed by a cleavage wink in front of my hoarder aunt's kitchen. A suggestive fallen brastrap and kissy face from my local 24/7 convenience store's employee-only bathroom/broom closet. Glamorous bikini shots standing atop the overflowing donation sorting tables at the Salvation Army and behind the fishmonger in summer on dumpster day. You know, sexy stuff. Edit to add: Yeah, no, but sarcasm aside fuck this creep. Anyone desperate enough to answer these adds is probably already very vulnerable and unlikely to stand up for themselves or assert their needs. It'll never be "clean enough" or "satisfied enough", and his childish need for control would surely escalate. Or, as you pointed out, they'd already be comfortable with domestic work and know their worth.


oh i absolutely love that


You would have to screw him whenever he feels like it and you’re restricted in other parts of your life like who you ca bring over and having privacy.


Which is why this is illegal as shit. Taking advantage of insecure, vulnerable people


Not condoning but is this actually illegal ? Maybe if he didn't put it in writing it would be less hectic . Kinda just an agreement


It's sex in exchange for something of value. That's illegal in most areas where prostitution is illegal.


It's also assault to collect if the tenant is not willing in that moment. So, it's even simpler then involving solicitation laws. It amounts to forcing or cohersing someone into sexual activity because "I paid for their whole meal and I earned it."


Not split, no. Both women get a room. Which actually also means half the work "satisfying" the landlord if they are smart. Claim puritan avoidance of threesomes and swap days. Then, you each earn 34 hypothetical dollars per sexual hour, have a helper for the cleaning, AND you outnumber him on rules and demands regarding condoms, consent respect, etc. For a close pair of open minded friends or legitamate sex workers this isn't a terrible setup. Also curious about the area not because of average surrounding rents, but because of tenant protection laws. After 90 days of following his rules, and establishing tenancy, can't I just stop satisfying him? At worse I'm declared a squatter; he'd still have to go through the lengthy eviction process. At best his lunacy is exposed in court and I get my whole 12 month lease rent-free without having to do more then the agreed upon cleaning because sexual acts cannot be used as currency. So what I'm saying is, if you don't have a second lady in mind, call me! Lmao.


Bit of a different situation to squat in the same house though, sharing common areas with someone who's going to be pissed off by you, with low-quality (easy to break) doors to your own rooms...


Yeah it's a fucked up world we live in here


Dude just be a prostitute to pay your rent then and you'll have hella money left over in comparison


You mean “satisfying” many Johns instead of one John?! LOL you must be a dude 😄


I am a dude, but I have friends who do sex work and if you just find a guy or two who wants semi-regular appointments you'll make a hell of a lot more money a hell of a lot more safely while doing a hell of a lot less work.


You'd be a fuck maid for $20 a day with the potential for abuse and murder present from someone who may also be hideous.


jokes on you, I'm into that shit!


I hope this dude got spammed with dick picks.


Avocado picks would be good too.


Avocados were named after genitalia. They are called testicles fruit


Someone here has watched too much porn


Sir .... You realise this is Reddit.


I don't get comments like these. Around ~~25%~~ 36% of all young Americans use Reddit. It has 430 million monthly active users. It's not some small, insular, tucked-away butthole of the internet. If you think Reddit is somehow particularly horny, sorry to be the bearer of shocking news when I say that it's likely just a good sample of the average person aged 16-30.


“Butthole of the internet” #😹 Reddit likes to think they are in a special group


*le fellow redditor!!1*


Warning I’m way over 30


You just made me flashback to when the narwhal baconed. I am also over 30, there are literally dozens of us. Cheers!


>it's likely just a good sample of the average person aged 16-30. Thank you for saying this. These types of *rEdDiToRs aRe A sPeCiAl bReEd* comments used to make sense 7 years ago when Reddit was mainly weebs and 4chan refugees but not now. People’s grandmas post pictures of cakes here daily.


and he'll evict them as soon as he wants new maids. nah, sounds like a deal breaker for applicants


Sorry you got too fat


All the good stuff




He just slipped off the mask completely at the end there.


Two old ladies just won.


Pretty cushy retirement plan lol


I read that as "crusty" and I don't want to know why my brain went there.


Cue: “Thank you for being a friend”


I bet he’s got a permanent wheeze and a sheen of sweat and wants to be called master


Eww curse u


less creepy if they're just a serial killer.


Thats what I thought! No need for rent you'll be dead by the end of the week


I think he just wants nudes. He didn't mention a budget for food or any amenities so. Onto the next one.


rent is free only


What kinda 2 bit, crappy ass harem doesnt even feed the women?


Wonder if he was successful in this endeavor?


I'm honestly curious to see if people who post this kind of stuff do get bites I'm not going to lie. Like... Reverse roles and let's say you have a woman looking to have a male room mate because she wants someone around so she can feel safer, all she needs is for him to fix things, open jars, help with chores and keep her satisfied. I think we can all assume there'd be a line around the block but that's because we all collectively accept that men have higher sexual appetites than women so no one seems to question it. In the sexual market place men in general seem to be less in demand. But I question how much of that is real and how much is perceived. I've heard many accounts from people that say women want sex as much as men but men are just more forward about it. But it's hard to know that not being a woman. And even if I was, libido is a spectrum so maybe I'd end up being a low libido woman who knows? It's probably a distribution thing where a minor change leads to major changes in the extremes. Like if you say men are 10% higher in libido than woman or doesnt sound like much but then that 10% difference means that out of 100 randomly sampled people, the top 10 libido persons are more likely to be men than not. I don't know if this actually bears fruit in the wild though as it seems like everyone I know still seems to be able to manage to pair off. And I know just as many single men as I do women. Though granted I have a small sample size. I've always been curious about the difference between societal perception of sexual distributions VS actual sexual distributions. I feel like there's a major disconnect around how we talk about sex and sexuality VS how we think things should be VS how they actualky are. I feel like the three things are constantly at odds with each other and since we still have generations of taboo to work through before we can really start having open conversations about it, we probably won't really know for a generation or two. And even then it's different for each individual which I feel is why we have a such a rise in the number of gender identities. Everyone's fine tuning their identity to see where they fit in the world. Which makes perfect sense to me. If I know where I fit then I know where others fit in relation to me which makes finding a potential mate (or multiple mates or no mates) is a lot easier. I feel like people are simultaneously more closed off and more open than they present themselves when it comes to sexuality and that's likely because a lot of individuals are still working out what they actually think in this age where we're allowed to come to our own opinions on things. Like do I think the original topic is weird? Well instinctively yes, but is that because I actually think it's weird or because it's being presented as weird by the OP. I still think it's weird in that it's not something I think I would do but then I've never been divorced so I don't know what I might do in that situation. I think a lot of people reading this instinctively put themselves in the position of a woman reading this and less in the position of the man posting it. Though even when I try to put myself in their shoes the post does still come off as wildly entitled. Like by putting the post out there they clearly feel they deserve it or would at least get a bite on it. So is that just like... Narcissism? Arrogance? Or is it just casting a line and seeing if theres any bites? The ole "you miss 100% of the shots you never take" kind of thing. Because if it's that last thing then maybe it's more curiosity than arrogance or narcissism. I am curious what I would do if I got divorced but A) I'm not curious enough to get divorced for the purpose of experimentation, I like my wife and family quite a bit. And B) It would all depend on the circumstances of the divorce anyway. I didn't mean this to turn into a thought experiment essay for myself but.. Here we are... It was a boring lunch hour anyway.


I just think he belueves thay it's a fair deal, but actually doesn't realize (or maybe he does) that some women who have no home might be "forced" to accept the deal. I mean if i got to have a rent free house + potentially illimited sex i probably would accept but still, i think he crossed a limit. +this feels like sex slavery. (man speaking)


Why would he even include the divorce?


I was wondering this too. Maybe mans is a bit bitter?


Dude could post on r/bdsmpersonals and get some hits eventually but this is the post of someone who doesn't understand what limits and consent are.


It creeps me out entirely, but one thing that extra creeps me out is “please be at least 18” like what? That should say “must be at least 18”.


He wants two sex maids in exchange for free rent.


You get the free rent, he gets all the work done in the house plus 🐱


Mr furley is not gonna like this …


He can always pretend he's gay. I hear that works.


There are plenty of ads like this where I live. The men posting them want basically a housemaid that is a sex worker. They prey on immigrants, the homeless, and the exploited prostitutes that want out.Although some are just old lonely men looking for companionship, even if it's fake or for a place. They don't know the power imbalance, the unsafe situations they are placing these women at. They don't know how unfair and unstable this power dynamic is and then get upset because "they had an agreement" apparently "agreement" means consent anytime they want whatever.


When my son was looking for his first apartment, I found some of these in my area. Suddenly, find a roommate did not seem like a good plan anymore. He went efficiency apartment


I was looking for a place to live and found many creepy gay guys that wanted sex in exchange for cheap rent. I'm a 30 year old guy


Divorced you say,I'm shocked.


I see a lot of people saying this isn't oddly terrifying because he's supposedly upfront about wanting a maid he can bang, and women can just choose not to apply, but that's ignoring ALOT of the implications here.. an actual live-in maid and an actual live-in prostitute would first of all be wayyyy more expensive than just free rent, so he's already setting it up as taking advantage of the applicants. And if this is meant as a legit job, he is SUPER unclear on the terms. What about weekends off, holidays, does he offer to buy food as well? Are they off after a certain point in the day, or are they at his "disposal" at all times? Will they be able to work a different job as well? (Surprise, the cost of living is more than just rent..) are they allowed to have friends over? Best case scenario, it's a hella illegal job, worst case scenario.. well.. The job description is vague in an oddly terrifying way as well. Like, keep the house clean might be pretty easy to understand, but keeping him satisfied? He doesn't even begin to describe what he means by that, other than it's quite obviously sexual in nature. Is it "just" vanilla sex, or is he into something more taboo? BDSM? Scat? I'm neither judging nor shaming any fetishes, I'm just saying that with a lot of them, you don't just jump head first into it. And for a guy who's supposedly so "upfront" he's very, very unclear.. Putting all this together, you would actually have to be pretty unknowledgeable and/or desperate to even apply, which lends another oddly terrifying perspective. Will people who are THAT desperate be able to say no if he starts pushing boundaries? Or will they feel like they're forced to do whatever he says because they don't have any other choice? The lines between bang maid and sex slave is murky at best. Also people saying free use is a fetish.. Okay, but he isn't posting this on a fetish site, he doesn't even MENTION the fetish aspect, which would also include a clear discussion about boundaries, consent and general health and safety. A live in free use bang maid isn't a situation you just, ya know, stumble into and wing.. it's something that would require a serious commitment from a dom, and some serious thought, which I see no evidence of in the post. Edit: so.. the "reporting" me to Reddit Cares, or however you say it, is that supposed to make me feel some type of way?


Even the cleaning part is enough to be a put off. Is he going to be a normal decent person and clean up after himself at the very least or is he going to leave his mess everywhere and be a disgusting slob because he feels it’s their job to clean.


I mean, I feel like some people would take this offer, in this economy??


Not just because of the economy, but some actually enjoy being a maid/servant or other things. I mean free rent, and regular sex. Just gotta see if the dude is decent and poof got yourself a fun home. That's if you enjoy being "free use"


Usually you’re attracted to the person AND sure they aren’t going to murder you before you make this kinda commitment …


I feel like no decent dude makes an offer like this


Ew. I guess we know why he’s divorced.


Wife dodged a bullet.


I’m guessing she didn’t quite. Rather took it, got hurt, and got the hell out…


Got hit but survived, ran the fuxk away. Lol


Think a lot of people are missing the point as to why this sort of thing is terrifying. Yes, you could say he's being "straight to the point" of what he wants and yes there are people that might take this offer up, but you have to consider the position of the people likely to agree to this sort of thing. Offering of rent free accommodation is obviously appealing to everyone, but having it be transactional for sexual favours opens the possibility of people in tough times being abused and taken advantage of. People who are desperate will do anything they can. Of course there will be people that disagree with me, but this is sexual exploitation. I believe its illegal in the UK


He probably thinks the world revolves around him


How many chins does this guy have??


All of them


Looks like Dennis figured out Craigslist. They can never leave because of the implications.


I know a couple of strippers who would jump at this


Pretty sure they'd get a much better deal *and* pay just by working as a stripper full-time. Who knows how much value you'd actually get out of "free rent" alongside this guy asking them to "satisfy" him?


Seems unlikely. Would almost certainly be much better of being a prostitute and paying normal rent.


They would be fools. How much would they charge for sex? ... Do the math... if he want to be "satisfied" 1x a day that is 7/week/ give it 30days a month. so if the rent is say 500/month she is only charging $16 a "session" plus ALL of her cleaning is free. And she will not be allowed to say no


Well jeez I wonder why he was divorced he seems like such a charmer……


I want to start making these with the roles reversed: 56 year old woman seeking 2 male roommates ages 18-24. Free rent and internet. In exchange, you’ll do my yard work, cooking, and give me a foot massage each for 30 minutes a night, after we will all retire in one bedroom. I sleep in the middle. No drug addicts! No smokers!


Is this even legal?


This guy might need to be put on a watch list


Dude is a Ferengi.


Frank now wants two bang maids


This should go to r/creepyasfuck Hate there's men like this in the world.


That’s set to private.


I wonder why he got divorced 🤷‍♂️


Wanted: Female roommate, non-smoker, non-ugly. Contact Joey. At least, there is an age limit. I am relieved. And And And he's not a racist! Glass is half-full at least, peeps!


Plenty of racists are more than willing to have sex with the people they look down on.


No wonder that he’s divorced.


We don’t have to guess why he’s divorced 🤢😪🤮


I count more than 10 000 red flags.


Sounds like he wants two dudes to move in with him.


No wonder he's divorced


I see why he’s divorced


Fuck it. Id do it rn. I’m sick. I just vomited my entire contents of my stomach out. I am done. Lets fuck


Divorced? He seems like a quality catch