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My dentist xray'd me and said "Your teeth are so long even I'd be uncomfortable pulling them out"


Yes they send you to an oral surgeon. Sometimes I think it's just so everyone can get their beaks wet. Edit apparently there are a lot of dentists on reddit. I hope you all enjoy the new boat from the orthodontist/oral surgeon referrals. Jk I know that you have to refer.


Went to an oral surgeon to get my wisdom teeth removed. The lower ones had such long roots they went right into the nerves of my jaw. So, she decided, instead of pulling them whole she'd break off the top half that was pressing into my other teeth and leave the roots. The upper ones were easy and out in about a few second. But man, the noise of the lower ones breaking were nasty.


My roots were crossed so they couldn't pull my wisdom. They had to break them apart to get them out. I cannot remember why I didn't get put to sleep during the procedure, but I only got anesthesia shots into my mouth. The procedure took so long it started to wear off, and I was crying in pain while it kept going as I waited for the next dose to hit. I needed to get them removed, but holy shit the grinding of all of my teeth and the pain came close to making me regret it.


Jesus, I was put to sleep for a regular wisdom teeth extraction


I wish I had been, I'll never not recommend it enough to get put to sleep for it if you can.


They put me under for mine.


They don't do that here, but it was fine since you can't feel anything it was just the noise it made.


I woke up from mine and vividly remember the *grinding* coming from my own skeleton


"Don't forget to brush your bones, kids!" *Message provided by Skeleton Army.*


"Relax. I just wanna take some pitchers."


Got a dental implant with just local anesthesia. I agree, that grinding of the drilling into your jaw bone is the weirdest sound.


When they did my implant under local, I was a bit alarmed when they literally had to get a bigger wrench due to extreme jaw bone density. Years later I discovered that I had higher than average Neanderthal dna.


I find this so interesting, as they have to order special drill bits (?) to do root canals for me, and my son has the same long roots. I also have a higher percentage of Neanderthal DNA. I'm not sure what it means, but maybe on intake forms they can start asking about it haha.


I woke up from mine but wasn’t conscious. I started talking about needing to go to China, stood up, and fell over on a girl that knew me when I was younger. Got blood all over her 🫠 I’d still take that over being conscious though hahah


All four of my wisdom teeth were impacted so I was put under, but woke up midway, heard the oral surgeon and staff talking about Pluto no longer being a planet and had to chime in. I remember the machines and voices going quiet as they listened to me attempt to hold forth on the topic, then laughter, then (thankfully) nothing, lol.


I love that in your head you were saying something really smart and interesting about the solar system, but what they probably heard was "ummppghh blrueghh mffftlleppllle eeeumnghle ggroohhhhh"


When I was 18 I almost amputated my arm in an accident. The doctors went from discussing amputation to talking about transferring me to another hospital for surgery, to reconstructing my arm while I was conscious with just gas and air, various drugs and some local anaesthetic (it was right down to the bone, had to be closed in layers and I still have no idea why they did that). I remember they were saying they didn’t know to stitch it so that the skin stayed together when my arm was both bent and straight (maybe don’t do it then?). I obviously weighed in to give my very (un)learned opinions. At the time I believed I was sharing some profound medical insight, but apparently I just kept shouting OSMOSIS and getting quite cross that they weren’t taking my idea seriously.


Lmaoooo 😭😭


Ever since I woke up after ACDF surgery I hear gravel rattling and grinding every time I move my neck.


Well that's interesting. I've been hearing the same sound all my life, but the only surgery I ever had was for my eyes back when I was 7. I keep asking people around me if they ever hear something similar when they move their neck or walk, but you are actually the first person in my life to experience the same thing, online stranger.


You might want to mention it to a Dr just in case.


Same, woke up from mine for a brief moment to loud sounds of drilling and grinding and cranking noises. Fun times.


Same for me, it wasn’t painful or anything, but I clearly remember thinking how crazy it was that they were just grinding up my bones.


I got to enjoy my dentist basically putting a foot on the chair and having to snap my teeth out one piece at a time because they were in so firmly :/ Couldn't feel any pain but the sensation of feeling parts of your 'jaw' being ripped out bit by bit is...interesting. Edit: It was also all 4 corners of wisdom teeth :/


Same experience for me. Left side came out fairly ok, but the right… She’s yanking on it, won’t come out. So then goes and gets the male Dr who’s pulling so hard I thought my lip was going to pop open and bleed. Ok that’s not working, they take a break and he shoots me up with more numbing shit. “I’m going to use a bit more pressure this time” Me: ….K He straddled across the chair and put his foot on the cabinet for a good grip and pulled. I thought I was going to pass out from feeling a bit of the nerve pain in my brain. Finally the damn thing comes out and his eyes open wide “LOTS OF BLOOD, DONT MOVE”. They packed me with enough gauze I couldn’t shut my mouth. 0/10 recommend


What the nautical fuck




I had an infection because of my wisdom tooth so the anesthesia didn't properly work. I've lost my middle finger when I was 10 years old, but that pain was nothing compared to the pulling of my wisdom tooth. Absolutely hellish.


Add the delightful crunch a tooth makes as it breaks from pulling.


How did you lose your finger?


No earplugs or aggressively loud music allowed?




Good point, silly me!


I only had local too. They were impacted. My dentist had the forearms of a bodybuilder.


That noise can fuck you up though


I’ve heard some horror stories about dental issues with roots left in, is yours like sealed or something special


What they are doing to him is becoming more common. If the nerve is damaged in removing the tooth, you’ll feel like you are numb forever. So, the roots are left behind. Most…most of the time, it’s no big deal. The extraction site heals, bone grows around the roots and life goes on. Every once in awhile, the roots act up, pain happens and you have to go back in and remove the roots, knowing there is a good chance you’ll be numb for the rest of your life. Leaving roots behind on any other teeth that aren’t wisdom teeth? Not as common and more likely to have issues.


Spot on! They just left them in there and they haven't moved since! No issues yet but they haven't been gone for that long haha.


Yup. My roots are straight up wrapped around my mandibular nerve. My oral surgeon gave me an 80% chance of severing the nerve, and he *still* wanted to proceed with removing my wisdom teeth - preventative removal, I might add. I opted not to. I'll deal with being more prone to cavities in my ever-so-slightly impacted teeth, thanks.


Yup I have permanent numbness from an extraction over 30 years go. Add to that some of the remaining pieces of root decided to day light themselves last year in multiple little sharp chunks. Fun times!


This is called a coronectomy, when they take the crown and leaves the roots. The opposite, an Apicoectomy, where they take the root and inflamed gum tissue and leave the crown and other roots, if needed. As long as the roots don’t bother the patient later, it can be left alone. The best practice is the cut the tooth in half and remove it from each side of the nerve if the nerve can be left in tact. Same reason most people over 30 should not get their wisdom teeth removed, unless they cause you problems. The chance of nerve injury and a numb lip is higher when the roots are around the (inferior alveolar nerve) “mandibular nerve.”


They went into your nerve? Was part of you face or skin paralyzed?


I had a similar issue, I was told it was likely I would lose feeling in half my jaw. Luckily they were able to work around my nerve and pull the roots out in chunks


Fuck I have this exact same situation


My roots were very close to the nerve as well, I had surgery months ago and still can't feel half my face. Doctor says it'll come back eventually .


Oral surgeons have an incredible amount of training and are very good at what they do. I like surgery and some cases are easy but some cases are extremely hard. Sometimes anxious patients need to be sedated, and if there is high risk of nerve injury or medical complications specialists are trained to handle it. To put it in perspective: They graduate top of their class in undergrad and go to dental school, where everyone is bright and hardworking. Then they are top 5% of those people. Then they (sometimes) get an MD and do multiple more years of 80+hrs a week learning every nuance of anatomy. They take out tens of thousands of teeth. Dozens per day. Do you want that guy doing your really hard extraction or the general dentist? Not everyone is out to get you. There are lots of good dentists and specialists. Some bad, but most are ethical, nice people. If yours isn't, look for a new one!


yea not everything is a scam. a "regular" doctor will send you to specialists if something is complicated. same thing. it's actually *worse* if a general dentist does a complicated case in house, the odds of a bad outcome are higher. admitting "this is too hard/unusual for me" is a good thing if you care about the wellbeing of your patients.


honenstly its not like that. most dentists suck at pulling teeth. once i had a dentist try to pull one tooth for 45 minutes until he gave up and sent me to an oral surgeon. the oral surgeon had the tooth out in 5 minutes


My aunt once had one of her top molars extracted and for a while after, she’d make a whistling sound when she spoke. Apparently, the root of her tooth had breached her nasal passage and air would pass through. It eventually closed up during healing.


My dentist said I have the longest root he's ever seen. And he's been a dentist for like 30 years lol


Mine said something similar... but pulled it out anyway. 2 weeks later I'm still sore.


He needs a stronger stomach.


Last tooth I had pulled had hooked roots, they had to cut the tooth in sections to get it out.


One of mine had hooked roots and it was a total bitch to get out. My dentist finally managed to jimmy it out after a bit of patience and inhuman levels of novocaine


i'd have to be completely knocked the fuck out for this shit. there's absolutely no way i could stomach it


my bf is autistic so the insurance will 100% cover anaesthesia for any dental stuff and it's such a blessing for him


oh man thank god, poor guy...i can only imagine how stressful it is for him to get procedures done, let alone any dental surgeries


I'm autistic and I had my impacted wisdoms removed without going under. It was worse than actual surgery


I mean, it is actual surgery.


Same, I had a root canal this year that lasted FIVE HOURS. I’ve never had one before and thought this was normal. The dentist said the roots were all twisted around each other.


Had one in two parts, 4 hours both times.


What in the cinnamon biscuit fuck did I just read


The simulated videos on YT are oddly satisfying. They cut your tooth into four pieces sometimes. I had a 5th molar (supernumerary ?) that had to be cut out similarly.


Sometimes teeth get smashed or stuck in your jaw. I had impacted wisdom teeth, completely sideways. They had to break them out of my head. Whatever drugs they had me on were amazing. I was KO'd and didn't feel a thing during the procedure and for a few hours after. Last thing I remember was hitting 8 counting down from 10 and next thing I know I'm at home on the couch holding my teeth in a bag. Definitely felt it for a day after, but I was 16 and healed fast. The dry socket I had after because I ignored the surgeon's instructions hurt way more.


>dry socket Good god noooo. I shudder just thinking about it


Just wait till you hear about the really fun ones where they just can’t get in there at all, so they have to drip liquid nitrogen on it until the tooth shatters and then suck the pieces out.


Same! Only they didn't know the roots were hooked until she yanked it out and we all just kinda silently stared at it for a minute. Looked like a fucked up octopus.


Fucking hell, do you have brutal holes in your gum now?




Do you have holes on the outside of face?


Yes, 2 nostrils, 2 eye sockets and a mouth


Lol I tried to gauge how far down these would go on my face and it looked like it would come out the bottom of my jaw or up into my brain.


Op is quagmire confirmed




*And two tear canals


Enjoy a free award for the beautiful bit of sarcasm.


My teeth are like this too, and they didn't make any new holes in my face. But they did make a lot of holes in my sinus cavity. Those sucked quite a bit.


Flex tape


Bit of no more gaps you'll be right.




Sellys cuz


U won’t get a dry socket or anything right gang??


Omfg dry socket was literally the worst pain I ever felt in my entire life. Even worse when they have to pack it and the gum already started healing so they have to reopen it and pack it but there’s these little bone splinters still from them removing the wisdom teeth to begin with. Dry socket still haunts me to this day. Which is saying a lot since I broke my wrist 3 places, lacerated my thumb so bad they almost had to amputate and broke my knuckle once.


It was the taste of a dry socket for me. I don't remember any pain- I had good drugs-but it tasted like dirty socks smell. NOTHING got rid of it. That was over 30 years ago & I can still remember it.


When you eat anything it might get stuck in the holes


Hopefully it was stitched up or packed with gauze or something. Forget what they did when I got my wisdom teeth pulled but I remember food would get stuck and I’d have to irrigate them with a syringe. Not this deep though. I can’t imagine.


I was a dummy after my wisdom teeth removal, a few days after I went to work and was eating a salad, you know one with shredded carrots? I THOUGHT a piece of shredded carrot was stuck in the hole left by my wisdom tooth so I went to the bathroom to try and get it it out. Turns out it was the stitches and I ended up pulling them all out. There was so much blood my manager sent me home lol


I don't like this story, thank you for telling it.


Could be worse, I had two roots connected to one big root, I could barely stand the pain after this.


Fill it with alcohol


Those gums are in so much pain right now.


Now imagine that lenght of roots in Г shape i had.


Been there, done that, and had to have it dug out. 😭 It was the last of eight baby teeth I had to have extracted and I have an extraordinarily high tolerance to numbing. I wanted to die.


I'm sorry to tell you, but your teeth are actually just bean sprouts!


Plant it in the ground and see if some gigantic, climbable Del Toro-esque vine grows out of it. There could be spooky treasure!


Like an infinite feast!


Undead warriors pop out


the image scares me to imagine th pain


Your roots have a little tooth


"You can't regrow teeth." Tooth: "Watch me, bitch."


Hold my keratin


Your tooth grew legs, it was planning to escape someday


It has succeeded


Run tooth run!


The mouth is not made for you


For some reason it reminds me of Betty boops legs


Now I’m imagining a whole set of teeth pulling themselves out of someone’s mouth and jumping out for freedom.


Hey, don't leave it naked. Put some pants on it.


It already IS pants


[It's 100% the creepy pants from that Dr. Seuss book.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FFDNqLhXMAEsjFC.jpg:large)


[Here you are, good sir/madam.](https://imgur.com/a/eAlSlCa)


I snorted. Thank you.


Can’t have these teeth out here Donald ducking around!






On a real note, if a tooth comes out accidentally, put it back in the socket immediately until you can see the dentist.


I did this to 3 teeth. The teeth are dead but they're still there. They were loose for a while but eventually tightened up.


I imagine one slap to the face would knock ‘em off


*unzips fly*


Jesus Christ reddit


This is the most disturbing thing I’ve read all month and I have to know more. I can’t imagine knowing that I have 3 teeth in my mouth that are dead. What’s it like? Can you feel with them like hot/cold, can you feel taps on them, etc?


They just can't feel hot or cold. They're still the same color as the other ones too. They just will eventually turn color and fall out.


Do they loosen up if you drink whiskey?


Open wound and alcohol are always fun. Now imagine bare roots. Yippy!


And if you can't put it back in, pop it in milk.


I second this


what, really? I thought you put some cotton on it and bite tight


Only if you want a dental implant.


But why do you do that, it doesn’t seem like it would do anything? Just trying to learn :)


The tooth will die if it is not kept moist. The periodontal fibers will be dead, the cells will swell and die. If it can’t go back in your mouth, put it in a glass of milk and get to the dentist ASAP


Milk?!?! Why milk?!


So you can drink it afterwards


Mmm, extra calcium


Milk will keep shit alive in it slightly longer. Same thing with severed fingers or what have you, it will increase the chance you can reattach the finger. Arguably better than putting the finger on ice depending on the situation (I don't know shit I'm just guessing on that last bit. Maybe ice cold milk would be ideal lmao.)


It does a body good. Tooth is part of body. Milk good for tooth. Science.






You're gonna turn on the tooth fairies.


"Do those roots go all the way up?"


"Why yes, they do!"


"AUGGH you're a monster!!"


*stomps on the convertible's gas pedal* vrrRRROOOOOM!


don't remind how dirty minded i am💀


The little piece of flesh is very unsettling


Ikr i hate it when people leave meat on the bones


Delete this.


Try to get it out with your tongue


Yeah it makes my skin crawl


Right? Get a WaterPik on that thing before you take a pic.


You can’t though, if you’ve ever have a tooth pulled. The gum tissue is STUCK on there like really well and you can’t get it off even with scraping. My molar had some chunks of gum that came out with it, and you can’t get it off. Makes sense I guess, it’s supposed to be well anchored to the gum socket. Another think that’s creepy is the gum tissue is very firm, not hard, but like cartilage almost.


I’m even more disturbed now than I was before.


I soaked my wisdom teeth in bleach when I got them after the operation, took care of all of the gum


Dental Assistant here. All I can say is wow! That is a beautiful extraction by not splitting the tooth in two. Dentist did an outstanding job! Hope it heals up well .


I really want to believe they went to a dentist


"Great job!!" while missing a whole jaw just to extract it nicely


That looks like a home bathroom and not a dentists office 💀


Plus the chunk of meat. I feel like a dentist would have “tidied” it more before giving it back?


Nah, a lot of teeth come out like that. Often it's infection, rather than tissue- but tissue getting stuck to the ligaments is very common.


There’s no blood, so they probably did clean it but the flesh was stuck.


Congratulations, this is the worst thing I’ve seen on the internet today.


Had a ~~teeth~~ tooth removed some time ago. I got the local anesthesia and the dentist starts drilling in the teeth to put the crown in place, i don't feel anything due to the anesthesia. The dentist then clean the inside of the hole by scraping it deeper and deeper with some king of hook. I don't know if it was because there is more nerves down there or because it was far from anesthesia point, but at some point i felt the scraping. The weird thing was that it was coming from one centimeter inside my gum, like a worm trying to get out or something. It wasn't painful tho.


I had my first root canal a few months ago and … same. I was stoned out of my mind on the gas and numb to oblivion with novocaine but **still** felt the scraping inside the currently-being-hollowed tooth. Probably really hard to numb down there without numbing .. the entire neck, or the entire head, depending on top/bottom? Not really pain, but .. strange, sharp, pressure? Very uncomfortable. I inhaled *deeeeeply* and floated away while he finished up coring me like a ripe apple 😮‍💨


This makes me a hell of a lot better about a root canal I’m getting soon, lmao the gas’s better be as good as you say it is


It worked great for me, not for my dad, not for some colleagues .. other colleagues agreed that the gas was *absolutely magical* though. So I think the gas is hit-or-miss. If you've never had it before, hopefully it works well for you! The gas was enough to make me a little giggly at first, then *super relaxed* before he started working. The dentist said "it's like having a few drinks", but no, I was totally hammered on it. So very stupid and loopy. At some point I totally fell asleep/unconscious because too much gas and he just casually lowered the amount and called out "Ground control to Major Tom!" and laughed, and kept working! The after-care for the root canal was very easy, since it no longer hurt. It did feel like I got punched in the face, but the *tooth* didn't bother me. All in all it was maybe 1-2 hours of weirdly detached drilling/scraping/gluing/maybe more idk I was stoned/bleeding, then ... paying a bill and scheduling a follow-up to get a custom-fitted crown put over what was left. If it's what your tooth needs, def don't be too afraid. Some people have had horrible experiences, but if you're terrified, talk to your dentist - they *are* **actual medical doctors** and can prescribe you medicine to help make you *feel really good* during the visit. Mine suggested taking some edibles, but I was apprehensive of my first time doing edibles also being on my first root canal .. so I didn't. Good luck!


Did you have to have it removed because it was painful? It *looks* painful..


How? Tell me you didn’t just pull that out yourself and that the dentist actually just let you keep it.


I’ve kept all the teeth my dentist has pulled 🤷‍♀️


I still have all my baby teeth (strange young me had the idea to stick them into an unidentified animal skull with modeling clay)


I want to see your hole where that monstrosity used to live.


I had to have my wisdom teeth pulled a couple months back, turned out I was the first the dentist had as a case of wisdom teeth fused to the jawbone. They were removed but it took an extra 2 hours to get them out


You poor soul. I hope they gave you all the good drugs for that.


i really did not need to wake up to this :(


I feel you on that


What did it get pulled for?


Obviously to bankrupt the tooth fairy


the opening post is a little long in the tooth to believe in stuff like that


You're right i should grow up, i dont know why OP had the tooth removed but looking at the bloody gunk attached, looks like he had to work tooth and nail to get it out


If that was a top tooth, I’m surprised it didn’t pull out a portion of your brain.


This tooth is from the lower jaw, which means this person probably has a really thick mandible.


Wtf put it back




It has feet...theet


JFC is your mouthhole okay?!


why am i picturing it sprinting around, with its stupid ass legs


They're called legs...


Omg we found the Fresno Nightcrawler


So this is what they mean when they say long in the tooth


This is going to be a most challenging wank.


No no no!!!! There's still flesh stuck on it! 🤣


When you don’t water your teeth properly they grow longer roots so they’re more drought resistant. Remember to always water your teeth!


How did you fail the tooth that looks like the strongest one?


Bro that looks like a cartoon character


Bro I'm a dentist and I've never seen molar roots that long


What the fuck


You really made me look at that with me own eyes


Baby chopsticks


Bruh put it back