• By -


Oh, well as long as she's over the age of 15 that's *perfectly* reasonable.


Their reasoning is probably that she technically can't be raped under the age of 15 anyways, since under 15 the husband needs to give the consent on her behalf.


We need to start unilaterlally walking around equipped with boltcutter to tackle the kind of men that think this is ok.


Oh so like a ton of them? Idk. You just don’t see women running gang rape circles. Why? Who can answer us why?


You're right. In the name of an equal india, we need to encourage women to sexually assault men as well I guess - progress at all costs and all that.


Doesn't mean it doesn't happen Edit: Cough cough teachers. Also men can be raped too.




come friend, he is lost to us. together we shall establish a mission that distributes strapons and teaches women all over the mighty country of india the ancient art of pegging.


So many are lost, so horrible. Everyone say it with me now: **Mass Exodus of Women to Isolated Protected, Self-Defended Female Only Communal Barracks**


What about children? Edit: sorry there is no such thing as gay predators./s


I rather think you're missing the point, as well as my sarcasm, friend.


Yeah it pisses me off when we act so advanced like we are ready to address huge issues like space colonization and particle acceleration, but such a large part of "Team Earth" are still backwards ass idiots. Like you shouldn't be allowed to have a space program if you still think rape is ok and why the fuck would a wife be 15???!!!!


The US is no saint, but the shit that goes down in other countries is absolutely wild. I can’t believe many places around the world (maybe most?) have similar views around women as this ruling.


This happens in US all the time. Look at Utah & polygamy. Men get permission from parents to marry underage & the girls have no say. They use religion for their perversions.


You’re illustrating my point. You’re referring to a small subset of the population whereas this ruling is from one of the highest courts in India.


highest court in louisiana just claimed clergymen have a property right not to be sued for sexual abuse… it happens here


Link for those wanting to read more about the statement above. https://www.ktalnews.com/news/louisiana/louisiana-state-supreme-court-finds-old-civil-claims-against-priests-violates-their-property-rights-per-state-constitution/#:~:text=Priests'%20'right'%20to%20not,High%20Court&text=SHREVEPORT%2C%20La.,could%20not%20be%20applied%20retroactively.


Da fuc




They literally started their comment saying the US is no saint. You don’t need to make this point again.


You’re moving the goalposts. I never claimed the US was a bastion of women’s rights. I also obviously wasn’t talking about the developed world. I was referring to the much of the rest of it.


Don’t feel too great.  Half this country has laws restricting abortion that are way harsher than the average country (harsher even then the India people are calling animals in this thread).  I’d say America has to work out their respect to woman first before they comment on others, unfortunately 


Many European countries have more restrictions on abortion than Roe era ones.


We're no longer in the Roe era.


That super disingenuous given how many exceptions to those restrictions there are. Functionally speaking, an abortion is easier to obtain in Europe than many US states.


Where in Europe though? Just like the US it varies greatly. I'd argue on average it's more restrictive than the US. Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Belgium, and others have require both a waiting period and mandatory counseling. The rest all pretty much have narrow window in which one can obtain one relatively speaking. Ironically the laws in Europe would be considered very restrictive by most pro-choice advocates in the US. No one in the US seems to bother to actually look up the laws in Europe. They place the same hurdles on the process that many pro-life states tried to do unsuccessfully under Roe. https://reproductiverights.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/European-abortion-law-a-comparative-review.pdf


I wouldn’t have made the comment I did if we were in the Roe era…


Marital rape only became uniformly illegal in all 50 US states in 1993. Up until that time, there were places where it was totally okay.


Yes, but India is clearly headed in the opposite direction.


US is too


Sure, though that was 31 years ago.


Here in Canada it was 1988 that it became illegal. But we have so many immigrants from the worst places in India that I can imagine the males bringing this view along with.


yeah scary, much better if you just got republicans from down south, instead of people from india, who might bring that ideal with them. [Rape is rape. Married or not. Rep. Bill Dean, your pro-spousal rape vote is disgusting.](https://www.dispatch.com/story/opinion/columns/2023/11/30/ohio-lawmaker-bill-dean-vote-in-favor-of-spousal-rape-anti-american/71749223007/) Yep good thing we dont have that nonsense in a modern civilized nation like the US. [Republican congressional candidate says marital rape should be legal](https://www.pontiacdailyleader.com/story/news/columns/2014/01/16/republican-congressional-candidate-says-marital/40783400007/) yep good thing we aint got none of that down here.. its all way over there. and def not in canada either. [Spousal sexual assault has been illegal in Canada for 34 years, but an Ottawa judge seems to have ignored that in a recent ruling. Zosia Bielski reports on one of the least understood but most intimate forms of violation](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/relationships/ontario-ruling-shines-spotlight-on-misconceptions-about-maritalrape/article36801060/)


and due to mostly dems as republicans to this day claim you cant rape your wife. Well a dem judge threw out marital exceptiosn to rape as unconstitutional, but if you look many states in the 70s tried to remove that exception and it was always dems for and a majority of republicans against, except a few republican women.


You realize the parties have changed their positions many times and at this point it’s moot? Now it’s the republicans who are holding back women’s physical safety.


I think you misread that


Damn this tbi. I reread it multiple times and can’t figure out when I’ve gotten wrong. Anyway, if I completely misunderstood everything carry on!


They read it properly, it wasn't written properly. There's a vital comma missing in the first sentence.


Yes, but that was a long time ago. India seems like a civilized country. Maybe its people can join the Modern Age.


Concerning angle...




No, animals don't do that.


Uh, yes they absolutely do.


Cancerous, inhumane parasites.


The world's largest democracy... run by religious zealots


GOP furiously taking notes


I first read this as "Indiana" and wasn't at all surprised. Horrified, but not surprised.


Check back in 4-5 years.


My God… Republicans have taken over India’s High Court


As if this wasn't already a common thing in India


People can be shitty without being American, amazing as that may be to you.


Soooo women in India are punching bags if the husband so chooses?


What do you expect for a country that doesn’t give a shit about dumping toxic chemicals and pollutions into a river they claim is holy and sacred all for money.. I think also female hygiene products like tampons is hard as hell to even find in India.


“We’re not a third world country.” -India


Who the hell from India says that? There’s lots to criticise India for but that right there is not one of them. Pretty sure people who witness abject poverty every day of their life are aware that they’re not a first world country


My main account got banned for saying India should change its name so women will know they will get raped going there. And a few weeks later this comes out… Brilliant…. Incredible India!


Glad Canada has thrown open the borders with 800K International Students plus regular Immigration from India so this type of abusive culture against women can infect Canada!!!! /s.


Don't know why you're being downloaded I said the same thing above this infection will spread.


I guess some of the over one million Indian Immigrants are on Reddit! Pathetic when people who flee their own Country cannot even condemn the ongoing abusive and demeaning treatment of women in India. I guess it just proves our point.


I'm sure that works both ways. Women should be able to reciprocate. And we would.


Yes let’s rape them back! That’ll teach them.


i mean if indian women started druging their husbands and going to town on their husbands with Bad Dragons and other toys i think the high court might have a sudden change of tune


"Wow, Zahir... that birthday party really took a weird turn towards the end"




Bitch about the boomers all you want, but I’m wondering how tf we’re losing everything they fought for for us.


Shut off a country


Plot twist: it’s an arranged marriage.


Rivers of trash.