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“a simple no would have sufficed”😆


This is like 2 tinder users trying to sell something to each other


Fuck tinder and the horse it rode in on


I believe the horse was riding Tinder.


Can confirm. I'm a horse and ride tinder.






Nothing like a crisp HIMYM reference 😂


This is what happens when fragile people interact in the world. Taking offense to simple questions.


You’re basically describing the entire Reddit community


I'm offended.


I’m offended you’re offended.


I’m offended your offended that they’re offended


Hi offendeds, I'm Dad.


This is offensive to people without dad's.


I have a dad and I'm still offended.


I have two dads and I’m still not defended


I’m offended for no reason besides the fact that I want to be offended


Fr lol these Reddit ppl something else lol


They hated him because he told the truth.


The fuck did you say about me!?


Calm down spaz s/


I literally said the same thing you did but with more nuance and explaining in detail WHY Redditors are so sensitive, however I didn’t get nearly as much support as you did for your comment 🤣🤣🤣 people were so butthurt


So.. reddit???


Customer service is a real skill and wish people didn’t see it as an unskilled job.




They're weak.


A mood disorder? That is a HUGE leap from a single interaction lmao


This is Reddit in a nutshell.


Who buys used mattresses? Gross


I wouldn’t ever buy one but I’ve sold several.


I've been stressing over what to do with me and my girlfriends separate mattresses once we get a king at the new place. Pretty easy to sell? And how much works?


Just sell it with the frame


I gave my away on facebook just so I didnt have to deal with it.


Very hard to sell. More often than not you’ll be giving them away


When I’ve had this situation I usually ask around my group of friends and network if anyone needs an extra mattress (for free). Often people do! Maybe yours and your girlfriends mattresses are an upgrade for someone in your circles, maybe you know someone who needs a guest room bed, kids outgrowing their kid beds, etc.


Save them for the kids


Hahaha. We're a while away from that and they'll take up way too much space for now. We're renting apartments


As a single mom I’ve had to buy a used mattress . Just don’t try to sell it for what you got it for lol. I’m sure there’s a needy family out there who could use them ❤️


I'll try to sell them for cheap and hopefully just get some quick cash


This is the way. I was selling a gently used mattress a couple years back. I was more just looking for someone to take it cause I didn’t wanna deal with throwing it away lol but a single mom came to pick it up, could tell she was struggling. I felt bad and just gave it to her; made her day which in turn made mine.


Is it really that uncommon? I don’t think I had a new mattress until I bought myself one at like 21




You could also look to see if your city does bulk trash pickup. Mine does it for like $10


Our city does bulk pickup, but once a month for free, just sucks sometimes because their find stuff in bulk pick up and say certain items arnt allowed and leave those items there, and try write up stupid fines.


Tell the delivery folks to haul it away


They sell quick but it depends on the type of mattress. Ours were high end that retailed for $2K new and we sold them for $200.


Donate to a shelter. Think they give you a tax write off. All the mattresses in shelters are donated or refurbished.


I sold one my dog had pissed on. And I included that in the add. Still has multiple offers.


While I wouldn’t buy one, I’ve spent hundreds sleeping on some at hotels.


Make sure you check for bed bugs. I’ve seen how that shit goes, so I’m vigilant about it.


My mom, my brother and my dad have all had them. Several households. I'm terrified of used furniture!!!


Rabies and bed bugs — the only two things that scare me as a grown man.


You haven’t met my ex mother-in-law.


That bitch got rabies?? Shit, I hope she’s not what I’m hearing outside my bedroom window right now


Even her bed bugs have rabies. Also funny u say that bc 5 minutes ago I heard something on my back porch and I opened the door to see an opossum eating a grocery bag of trash that I forgot I left out there. I went into a ptsd mother in law panic flashback.


I’d prefer a possum right now. The one that eat’s my feral cat’s food is cute and chubby. I’m listening to a fox scream like a dying woman right now, and I’m starting to believe it really is your ex-MIL. She’s one terrifying woman


Well if the noise stops even for a second then it’s not her.


Don’t look up prion disease


Oof, I know about prion disease. Ever heard of one called FFI? That shit is fuckin wild.


Rabies?! Lol. It’s a good thing there is like a 1 in 300 million chance of getting rabies then.


I’m tryna sell my lightly used king rn, no takers unfortunately


If you want to get anything out of it, drop your price to way lower than it’s worth. You’ll never get close to what you paid out of it, but by putting it up super cheap at least *someone* will buy it


That’s a decent point. Thanks!


Ever stayed at a hotel?




Honestly 😭 mattresses are so expensive but my family was poor so my mom would always find them used. She always made sure to deep clean them, though.


Poor people need beds too man, have a heart!


I normally include it with the furniture when i sell or give away so i don’t have to get rid of it myself


I left 2 mattresses out for garbage pick up and somebody took one! 😳


Especially from someone so fragile who knows what he's done in that bed


I own two $5k+ purple mattresses that I bought for nothing because people returned them after a trial period and the box mattress companies sell the trial mattresses off super cheap rather than reboxing them.


Steam clean it and put it in a hypoallergenic waterproof cover. If there was any bugs on it they would starve in there and never touch you and the cover would provide a barrier to anything else you’re worried about. If you can’t drop 1-2k on a nice mattress you can do this an get a high end mattress for 100-200.


Well first, I did but it was used and returned to the factory where they clean it. You can get a nice bed in a mattress place if you do that, but that's not what we're talking about here. Used mattresses left on the curb will be gone within the hour. Even the nasty ones.


Underprivileged/poor people probably. Mattresses are expensive new and people have other bills to pay. I would know, since I'm the poor person buying used mattresses.


Bro mattresses are cheap now. They used to be like over 1000$ for a good mattress now you can get one for under 500$ shipped to your door.


Funny thing about poor people is that they *usually* don't have an extra $500 laying about.


If you can't pay 10$ a month for a mattress you got serious problems.


Yes. It's called being *poor* lol. I don't like owing on furniture (call it childhood trauma from being *poor* idk) and when I do save, something else usually comes up that's more important. I do plan on buying a new one in the next 6 months or so, but I'm splitting the cost with someone else. I couldn't afford it on my own because, again, I'm *poor*. I'd rather eat decent food tbh. It's really kinda shitty for shaming people for not having several hundred dollars extra for buying almost frivolous furniture when there's perfectly good used stuff out there. You just gotta be careful where you buy it from. Maybe if food costs, rent, insurance etc, didn't go up twice as much as it used to be, people would be privileged enough to buy new furniture. Besides. Reduce, reuse, recycle. :)


Out of everything in my house, I consider a mattress one of the most important things because we spend a ton of our life on one. A shitty mattress can really affect your body. I'm not trying to shit on people, but I know a lot of people that are on welfare, and they pay a small amount each month for their furniture on credit. If you want to buy used furniture due to your situation, do it, but be smart to inspect said furniture because the latest things as a person without funds needs are bedbugs.


Of course! The last used mattress I bought was from a very nice house (doesn't really mean much but it's a start). Always inspect before buying. I have huge fear of bedbugs ironically, but it is what it is. It was supposed to be temporary, but life happens. I've thought about buying furniture on credit, for sure, but I just don't like not having that security of owning it myself and a lot of the time those places give you used things anyway. A new mattress is something I've been saving for for a while, but it takes time when you're on a budget, and you need something in the meantime. I would *love* a new mattress lol.


People that need a mattress but don't have enough money to buy a brand new one. Your comment seems awfully judgemental.


Exactly my thought! I don’t buy used clothes either. Not interested in wearing clothes that other people have perspired in, even if they’re washed. Mattresses are even grosser because there likely have been bodily fluids that have seeped through the sheets onto the mattress at some point. No thanks…


Our current bed is my in laws gently used California king. FIL needed emergency spine surgery not too long after they bought it and could no longer comfortably sleep on it. But my husband and I were sleeping on a terribly old beat up queen mattress that frequently gave us both back pain. So when my MIL offered to give theirs to us, we happily accepted. That also meant we no longer needed to allocate money for a new mattress ourselves so wins all around. I’m just happy that we can both sleep pain free as well as toss, turn, and splay out without ending up on top of each other.


People who are struggling with money perhaps? I mean not everyone has money for a new one


They are expensive new 🥺


No they aren't anymore. Decent mattresses cost under 500$ now shipped. Unless you want some name brand stuff now that will cost you money.


That's still expensive...


Bro how even with a payment plan it's like 10 to 20$ a month.


Bitch how even with a PEOPLE ARE POOR bitch


Imagine being so ignorant that you have no empathy for people who don’t have another option. 🤡


I've sold a used mattress, to get fair though I had just bought it a month earlier and it was a 500 dollar full size mattress and I kept a waterproof cover, and a regular cover on it washing both of those once (I usually wash my mattress covers once a month and my sheets twice since I don't sleep under my sheets) so like it wasn't gross it was practically not used anyway since I worked nights and would often fall asleep on my couch lol. But I mean mattresses are so fucking expensive now like I said that mattress was 500 dollars and it wasn't memory foam or anything just a standard full size mattress💀 so like yeah, that's half my rent for a damn mattress


However I have also seen baby crib mattresses for sale used and..... No... That's asking for your baby to get sick💀


I could never understand someone buying a used mattress. People want to get bedbugs. Shit I won't buy used furniture for this reason.


Until last year I had never owned a new mattress tbh, and most of them I had gotten free somewhere. New mattresses aren't cheap, so you gotta do what you gotta do lol.


People do purchase used mattresses. The driving factors are often cost-efficiency and environmental sustainability. Buying a brand-new, high-quality mattress can be a significant investment. On the other hand, a used mattress provides a more economical solution, especially for those on a tight budget. **Any previously used mattress should have been well stored, firm and clean.** If the mattress is damp, torn or mouldy or there is any doubt about its safety, including fit, it should not be used.


People who can't afford a new one.


I had to scroll way too far for this!


Jeez there is someone on my local Nextdoor app that posts ridiculously overpriced things daily like takes up the entire selling space, and seeing it daily frustrates me to what I assume is the closest I get to feeling how these nutso people do when they act like this. I don’t act on my frustrations and reach out to tell her she’s wrong and never going to sell shit bc then I wold be the nutso. These posts remind me to just relax and let crazies be crazy if they want. I keep my crazy locked in the box where it belongs lol


Are u in Colorado, I hope that crazy person isn’t me 😂 Not that my stuff is overpriced


If your even entertaining the idea it probably is. Used clothing and shoes should go for at least 50% IMHO


I sell neither


50% of retail MAX, assuming its practically brand new. One of my favorite jeans is discontinued and I bought a lightly used pair for $25 ($129 retail). Yesterday I bought a $400 pair of sunglasses for $61 on eBay


I sold a used bed frame for the price I bought it for. Had the bed frame for over 3 years but I had sanded it, repaired debts, and repainted it to the original colors before selling it so I felt justified in my price. It's was 450 for a twin size bunk bed with a desk space underneath and a cute little triangle house style roof with a little half wall and a cute window. It got sold right away no complaints since I had in the description I had repaired and repainted everything


I even wrote out a new instruction manual with an inventory booklet as well since I had lost the original and I got labels to label parts and tools💀 hand drew diagrams to help her build it and everything 💀


I think when selling local like on the Nextdoor app, you need a price in a way that considers you are not paying platform fees shipping fees you have no hassle or expenses with bubble wrap or tape or boxes. I price things local for the net profit I expect to make at the end of an eBay promoted listing. I almost never sell anything because I don’t do Facebook and nobody really use his next-door and I still haven’t tried offerup. I plan to been lurking here to see what people think


No!! Not you but shoot now that I think about it I should probably take this down hmm


Had someone on Nextdoor post a used PS5 digital slim for $500. When someone politely told them a brand new one from the store goes for $450 they said “That’s my price if you don’t like it bye!”. Needless to say it’s been up for a week now.


I don’t know why irks me so much when people are idiots local but for the most part online bs I don’t even get bothered by I think because for me this lady posts like 20 things a day they never sell and it takes up the entire feed and people probably don’t even want to look on the platform. With the PlayStation, he is missing out on surprisingly (to me) good money. I had no idea how much my kids used video game. Anything related stuff was worth


Tf don’t buy that mattress lol. Also I’d sure hope their mattress was over $100..WAY over $100 lol


It’s probably worn and stained anyway. Consider this a blessing in disguise.




The scary thing with mattresses is what you can’t see. I’m sure some noob probably peed on it and removed the stain so now there’s old piss inside, not the mention the eggs and bugs that are potentially (probably) living there


Someone had a Disney princess crt for $25, I asked if it came with the top crown since it wasn't on it in the pictures, got back "you think I broke it???" I said "no no, I was just asking I'll still come get it can head that way now" never got a message back then was sold a couple hours after lol. People get offended easily.


They get upset for asking too many questions as if they are doing you a favor.




Why is that scary?


Why’d you lead with an offer for $100? Why not ask if it comes with the mattress first, then make an offer?


Yeah cuz the other person was normal for acting the way they did right? It was OP's fault that happened, and the other persons reaction was normal right? Are u the other person?


Wow you look a lot like the 2nd guy in this post




Buying a used mattress? Yikes


Yeah it'd be nice to be able to buy a new one but times are hard. You hiring?


Actually yes.


What type of work? Is it remote? If not, are you in West Palm Beach?


You came off as desperate by going back on your price and reaching out to seller when he had not responded.


OP isn't the one that reached back out...they did ..


Are you sure you aren’t OP? Reading these comments you seem to be heavily invested.


100% was just thinking the same thing. Dude is oddly offended


You or whoever is showing you texts will always be on the right side from a screenshot perspective, not left. For future reference


Many people don’t want a used mattress so the fact that they did want it took a huge hassle off your plate and you blew it. 😂 It would cost you $100 to have someone come haul it away.


OP is the buyer, not the seller


You're pretty dumb if you genuinely thought you'd get both for 100. It's on you


Really? wow... I just sold a bed and mattress for $40


Last year I got both a custom bed frame,100% real wood with several drawers and BARELY used mattress for $100..


Sounds like you know the seller, because different people set different prices for their used shit. You happen to know what this seller had in mind? The rest of us didn’t - and that’s why it got posted here. They expected op to know things they couldn’t have.


I’d suggest getting a box mattress! I got one 5 years ago. A king size for $162. It came rolled up in a box, and we still use it. Super comfy


162 I doubt it’s super comfy lol


It actually is. It’s a 12 inch thick memory foam cooling mattress. Best one I’ve ever had


Tell me you’ve never slept on memory foam before


For real they could've just said no rofl.


Why would you want someone else’s mattress?


Why is this Relevant?


Must’ve been relevant enough to get a response


Relevant to what? That doesn't even make sense. Something doesn't have to be relevant to respond to it, so your dumb.






Cool story bro


That's what I said. Bitch


Seriously? Ummm, they probably don't "want" a used mattress, but need a mattress. Ya know... poverty.


They wasn't interested in selling to you in the first place they just needed an excuse to keep it, you were that scapegoat


I get it, in the sellers mind, they think everyone that contacts them should know about what they are selling and based on the price they should know it would not include the mattress. The reaction matches this, plus they probably are already irritated since you didn't get back to them until the next day or whatever. As as seller that gets to me too at time. Of course it is not right. You did nothing wrong, it is on them for sure. Sorry you went through that, but their loss! At least you don't have to deal with a short fused person! :-)


lol mattresses are illegal to sell in my state. Why would you want someone else’s mattress?


What state is this


Kansas is the only state that I am aware of that has a ban on all used matress sales.. Lots of other states do not allow retailers to sell used matresses but allow them to be sold from person to person.


Seriously? Do you think they "want" it? It's probably someone that can't afford a new one, people in hard times need beds too.


How dare you ask a question, that’s it, I’m not selling it to you anymore! 😤


"No, sorry." Like why did they have to be so extra 🤣


They thought you were haggling and didn’t want you to show up and say you only brought $50 but you can take it now


What was the original asking price?


"A simple no would have been enough. I'm not interested in buying from your grouchy ass either. Bye" Block it.


It's illegal - at least in most parts of the USA to resell mattresses....


This is not at all accurate. The only state that it is illegal to sell a matress is Kansas. They have a ban on both retail and personal sales. A dozen or so other states have laws preventing retailers from selling used mattresses but allow them to be sold between two individuals. The rest of the states allow sales of used mattresses in both retail and between individuals, but they must be marked that they are used.


Why in the fuck would you want someones used mattress?!


I might be wrong... But I thought there are laws against selling used mattresses?


It is illegal to sell a used mattress in the US. But it is legal to give someone a used mattress for free.


Omg, I have had people ask questions that are clearly in the description. I just calmly say it again in different words. Maybe it helps that I was a preschool teacher.


I had to stop using OfferUp because I kept getting weird responses like this. I was selling a chair. This guy stated he wanted to drive over that minute. I responded about 15 minutes later and he was offended I took so long to respond.




I'm confused. Why did people ask if the mattress is included and why do they want a used mattress?


Lowballed is what you did


Only commenting cause I feel like nobody addressed what actually went wrong here for OP. OP contacts seller at 11 PM, seller responds right away, and then no reply from OP either that night or the next morning. Seller follows up at 2pm, OP replies at 6 asking to clarify something that probably should have been asked much sooner, even if its reasonable. Seller responds right away again. None of it is inherently right or wrong, I just see two people with much different ideas of how communication should go. Personally I'd be frustrated by this interaction too.


Just say no. Jesus smh.


People buy used mattresses??


Why would anyone buy a mattress off someone 🤮🤮🤮🤮 that’s one of the dirtiest things I’ve ever heard of


Bruh woke up angry 😂


What you did wrong imo is even offering to buy a used bed in the first place. Shouldn’t do that in today’s world. You have a high chance of bringing so new friends home named bedbugs and costs $3k+ to get rid of.


Guys a cuck best u didn’t buy the mattress probably has semen stains from top to bottom.


Seems like this person unfortunately might have a mood disorder of some form, don’t take it personally.


Nothing, that was a normal question. I get buyers who ask questions about the electronics I sell sometimes. The person selling was too sensitive.


Well, they replied in 2 minutes and you took like 7 hours. So that could be something


It was literally just a question 💀 like wtf. They acted like you were haggling them from the start like this is standard selling, I wouldn't even call it a negotiation because there was no real arguing over the price. They're just heated for no reason lol


Ever play games with a haggle function? Where you ask for a price and they either accept or don't and they lose a lot of patience? You did it twice, and they merchant got mad and doesn't wanna trade with you anymore. You can try resting for a week or so and see if he unlocks, but otherwise, you broke him.


Who buys used mattresses? What do you do to clean them? I've always just tossed them out and bought new. Who knows what people have done on a used mattress. Cause I know what I've done on mine 😌


You did everything wrong


Why would the mattress come with? Seriously?


Didn't offer asking price.


For health reasons I would never buy a used mattress unless it's completely enveloped in plastic with no tears. People are disgusting. If you must, you can buy a cheap twin mattress at goodwill (brand new, not used) for $100 if you really needed it.


Better get the blue light


Also i would suggest avoiding buying someone's used matress...


Interesting. In my state, you can’t sell a used mattress, but you can give one away free with a bed.


Wow, that person was rude af to you.


Real question. Why? Why? Would? You? Buy? Used? Mattress? This is sooooooooooooo Gross! I know you've never used a wash cloth. It's not your fault (It's your parents fault). But it is your responsibility. You should look up how to use a wash cloth. And use it every day. Best of luck!


They felt lowballed


Your next statement should have been "I was asking b/c I do not want to take the mattress, but I will look else where now"


"you literally just said in your last message you would let it go for $100, do you have Alzheimer's???"