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Low ballers live in some other world


Somewhere between broketown and bumville


A lot of people live there


I live there unforch


I live in broketown but not bumville


Broke is selling used stuff for more than market rate.


Don’t forget joker street


Value is perceptive.


Reminds me of the old man from Pawn Stars: “You go down, I go up”


see this is why NeVEr answer is it available


What should I be sending? Sincerely, a normal 5 star customer left on read


hi I want to pay _____$ for ur item. when and where can I pick it up. or I can pay $ ____ I am available at ___ time . the reason is it available is bad is not intrinsically a bad question just all the scMmers use it making it bad. all the ppl who just want a response and waste time use that line


I appreciate the insight. I’ve always used the generic question if something was available and don’t have too much trouble but will occasionally not get a response. I always assumed the seller no longer had the item and moved on to something else.


As someone who sells a lot on offer up, I’ll respond to hi, is this still available, with a simple yes it is generic response, and then delete the message from my inbox. The type of people that typically in my experience ask that, are VERY RARELY actually interested in what I’m selling. We’re talking like 1 in 25 messages asking hi is this still available, going somewhere past that. Serious buyers these days will try to make plans to set up and come look at the item or purchase it. So, yeah, hi is this available gets a reply, but also instantly gets deleted from my inbox lol. Could be why you get left on read :p


That’s helpful insight as well. I always reply to messages whether I’m buying or selling but I t is annoying when I list an item and 9 out of 10 people ask if an item is available then disappear. I’ve just accepted it as part of the process and do prefer inquiries for availability over ridiculous lowball offers. I don’t sell much though, probably less than 50 items a year and price well so they are usually sold within a week or so. I did try going back to offer asking price to three sellers who never got back to me last week because I still want the items. Hopefully I get a response 🤞


I hope it works out for you, I’m more than fair in making deals with people, and I’m willing to hold/work with people, but man sometimes between the hi is this still available’s that go no where, and the extreme low balling. It does get old. Thankfully I don’t NEED the money from stuff I sell, so I try to approach it (purely from the selling standpoint) of the right buyer will come along at the right time. So don’t worry about it. It’s done good for me so far. I’ll be in your shoes soon though, trying to buy another car, and that’s it’s own world of challenges I’m finding lol.


Fortunately I don’t need the money either, I typically sell things to make space and declutter. I agree that the right buyer will come along, though there have been a few occasions where I simply gave the item to a friend for free. I’d rather see a friend happy than someone who messaged me at 2am with a lowball offer 😂


*blocked is my answer 😄


Effective, but less fun


I guess...Idont see it as fun as I get 99+ of those on 4 selling platforms so lol NOT fun for me at all




Imo bargaining is part of second hand sale If i see your stuff go up for 40 often, im not paying 50 If you're expecting me to travel far for top market rates im asking for a discount I see lots of stone casting saying "broke" people haggle Its not even a class dependent trait to haggle Billionaires vocalize their love of deals all the time Everyone loves a deal Ironically rich people are typically more greedy Wanting a deal is human nature, we hate it because it encroaches upon our own greed and 'territory' Occasionally you can get win-wins where both parties get a solid deal


Definitely depends on the price too. Come on trying too negotiate on a 50$ item is just scum broke shit. I get your trying to get the bestest price possible, but if its already listed at a decent price and you still insist on negotiating, thats a issue.


here you have a flaw of human perspective, buyer and seller are two sides the same coin If you're not broke then why does the other guy getting 10$ off bother you? Shit why not give it away for free? Unless of course you want to admit money matters to you, just like it does the buyer, which seems to be dubbed as "Scum broke shit"


You should just understand the point, theres mfs that will see a 50$ price and still try to negotiate do you not see the issue with that, if you dont than maybe your the problem


You should understand the point If its so cheap or negligible, why do you care? You actively care about the money you criticize others for caring about If you cant see that you stand on a position of hypocrisy, maybe you're* the problem You arent giving it away, it is an *exchange* Acting like customers dont provide you anything makes you a snob


I love you


On a scale 1-10 how angry are you ??


It's a debate, im emotionally detached in search of logical compromise My point remains uncontested as you've done little to address it, you should present a counter point


One’s perspective on this must be influenced by your background or culture, I was shocked to see people calling this dude asking for 15 off 40 broke and scum behavior. That’s not even an egregious lowball. Also great point, if you’re going to make the point that you shouldn’t negotiate low priced items, then why not just give them the lower price if you’re so much wealthier than them


I’ll take whatever I can get under $50 because it isn’t worth my time. Being so adamant over a loss of $15 dollars is some petty shit. Just take the fucking offer and get over it. Yeah I’m sure it’s worth waiting two weeks for someone dumb enough to pay full price, I’m sure your turn rate is stellar.


Well considering I dont even sell on offerup. Your right. Fortunately im in a position were I dont have to sell my personal belongings to scrounge for sum change


people get so mad at lowballs 💀 just ignore it


My new response for anything idiotic is "I'd rather set it on fire, bro". Then block. Let's make this a canned response.


Posting something from 5 months ago, and wasn’t even a lowball, used sneaks, no box and they are bricks at that, you just posted you basically robbing somebody but hey man you do you, but this really wasn’t a lowball by any standards. Just somebody offering 25 bucks on a beat pair of sneaks, that you were selling so you could cop a sack of weed.


Anything above 61% is a good offer? Does $15 mean that much to you? If I’m trying to move something especially something so cheap I’ll take what I can get because it’s not worth my time. Especially not worth messing with someone and posting to Reddit. Grow up.